GOS :: Volume #2

#191: Leaving the mountain

The rock magma deep pool bottom, a Shi Yan face is shocking. 岩浆潭底,石岩一脸震惊。 A Profound Ice Cold Flame news read, has pushed to an astonishing altitude Blood Vein Ring, let his first time realize the Blood Vein Ring extraordinary thing. 玄冰寒焰的一番讯念,将血纹戒推向了一个惊人的高度,也让他第一次意识到血纹戒并非凡物。 As Heavenly Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame has the astonishing Spiritual Awareness insight, it in Blood Vein Ring, including it could not realize that Ring Spirit in Blood Vein Ring, obviously this Blood Vein Ring was strange. 身为天火,玄冰寒焰有着惊人的灵觉洞察力,它又在血纹戒中,连它都察觉不出血纹戒内的戒灵,可见这血纹戒有多么诡异了。 Induced to nearness of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, the Blood Vein Ring seal Profound Ice Cold Flame power aura, with the strength of Fiery Flame tople days absorbed, Fire Crystal Jade that precise year Earthcore Flame most liked by the tens of thousands, upholstery good all. And opened the space, was the arrival of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame has been ready, if said that in the middle of Blood Vein Ring did not have Ring Spirit, Shi Yan do not believe that this ring, unusual, normal Imaginary Space Ring, can only preserve the goods, cannot preserve has the life soul. But your this ring, is completely different, as if cannot preserve the goods, can actually hold looks like my this kind of life, including me could not feel that existence of Ring Spirit, this Ring Spirit decides however the no small matter.”, Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. 感应到万年地心火的靠近,血纹戒封印了玄冰寒焰力量气息,用这些日子吸收的火炎之力,凝炼成万年地心火最喜欢的火晶玉,铺垫好了一切。并重新开辟了空间,为万年地心火的到来做好了准备,若说血纹戒当中没有戒灵,连石岩自己都不相信了,“这戒指,非同寻常,正常的幻空戒,都只能储藏物品,绝不能储藏拥有生命的灵魂。可你这戒指,却全然不同,似乎并不能储藏物品,却可以容纳像我这一类的生命,连我都感觉不到戒灵的存在,这戒灵定然非同小可。”,玄冰寒焰传讯 The Shi Yan clear feeling, from Blood Vein Ring, has not revealed Profound Ice Cold Flame aura and power again comes, the Blood Vein Ring as if really thorough seal Profound Ice Cold Flame, making Profound Ice Cold Flame unable to seep its power, besides can with the Shi Yan soul exchange, Profound Ice Cold Flame unable to handle other matter as before, at the same time, person's Shi Yan in solid ice, thought the Fiery Flame suddenly strength of all around, became gradual was rich. 石岩清晰的感受到,从血纹戒内,再也没有流露出玄冰寒焰气息力量来,血纹戒似乎真的彻底封印了玄冰寒焰,令玄冰寒焰再也不能将它的力量渗透出来,除了依旧能够和石岩灵魂交流以外,玄冰寒焰已做不了别的事情,与此同时,人在坚冰中的石岩,忽然觉得周遭的火炎之力,变得逐渐的浓郁起来。 „. I cannot continue toward covering the solid ice of your body pour into cold energy, that solid ice most supports for 1-2 days, will thoroughly dissolve. You must summon Earthcore Flame immediately before the solid ice melts, making that Earthcore Flame drill into Blood Vein Ring on own initiative, otherwise you must leave immediately, although your present body had the strength of some Fiery Flame, may be hard in the rock magma deep pool bottom survival,” “。我不能继续往覆盖你身体的坚冰注入寒力,那坚冰最多支撑一两天,就会彻底溶解开来。你必须立即重新呼唤地心火在坚冰融化之前,让那地心火主动钻入血纹戒,不然你也要马上离开,你现在身体虽然有了些火炎之力,可还是难以在岩浆潭底生存,” Profound Ice Cold Flame slightly is urgent, hurried the newest situation will explain to Shi Yan. 玄冰寒焰略显急迫,急忙将最新的情况向石岩道明。 Shi Yan with amazement, the person in rock magma deep pool, the surroundings is the strong rock magma he can treat completely , because Profound Ice Cold Flame to cover the solid ice of his body unceasingly pours into cold energy, this makes him safe and sound, that First Level solid ice barrier, once melts. His body completely will expose. 石岩骇然,人在岩浆潭,周围全部都是浓烈之极的岩浆他能一直待着,是因为玄冰寒焰不断地为覆盖他身体的坚冰注入寒力,这才让他安然无恙,那一层坚冰屏障,一旦融化。他的身体将会彻底暴露出来。 Shi Yan does not want dead. 石岩可不想死。 After obtaining the Profound Ice Cold Flame news read, does not dare to hesitate, he put immediately again the mental consciousness. Slowly approaches Fire Crystal Jade that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame is. 得到玄冰寒焰的讯念后,不敢迟疑,他立即重新将精神意识放出来。慢慢接近那万年地心火所在的火晶玉 The mental consciousness moves Fire Crystal Jade, in which ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame once more enlivens immediately is only, this Shi Yan wish lets its consciousness leaves Fire Crystal Jade the time, these ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame actually do not come out, it was frightened obviously by just Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame does not come out his body surface solid ice actually in little melt, many burning hot strength, the seepage, Shi Yan somewhat was quietly anxious, it is not obedient. Other method time 精神意识一碰触到火晶玉,其中的万年地心火马上又再次活跃起来只是,这次石岩想要让它的意识离开火晶玉的时候,这万年地心火却死活不出来,它明显被刚刚玄冰寒焰气息吓到了,万年地心火不出来他身体表面的坚冰却在一点点的消融,更多的炎热之力,悄悄渗透,石岩有些急了,“它不听话。还有别的方法期” Did not have. Except that you make it not leave any means from Fire Crystal Jade on own initiative. Or, do we leave from here first? Waited for you to clarify the secret of ring next time, came to here to harvest Earthcore Flame again? You a bit faster decided that if were too late, you are possibly hard to live to float from here.” “没了。除了你让它主动从火晶玉离开没有任何办法。要不,我们先从这里离开吧?等下次你弄清楚了戒指的秘密,再来这里收获地心火?你快点决定,要是太迟了,你可能难以活着从这里浮上去。” Profound Ice Cold Flame is also at wit's end to console Shi Yan to leave earlier. 玄冰寒焰也无计可施劝慰石岩早点离开。 A Shi Yan face worried bothersomely that the consideration of extremely fast, is not having what clue, Blood Vein Ring has Ring Spirit Ring Spirit, although has not revealed that actually as if knows his idea, since Ring Spirit opened a space in the ring, and precise Fire Crystal Jade came out, obviously also wants ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame to enter. 石岩一脸烦愁,极速的思量着,却也没有什么头绪,血纹戒戒灵戒灵虽然没有显露出来,却似乎知道他的想法既然戒灵在戒指内开辟了一处空间,并且凝炼了火晶玉出来,显然也是想要万年地心火进入的。 Such being the case, that can Blood Vein Ring have means? 既然如此,那血纹戒会不会有办法? Shi Yan does not know that actually prepares to refuse to abandon hope. 石岩不知道,却准备死马当活马医。 Hesitant. He sheds from the hand Blood Vein Ring, suddenly throws toward that Fire Crystal Jade, in the meantime, Shi Yan the attention is centralized immediately, and ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame communicates with the mental consciousness, making ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame enter Blood Vein Ring. 犹豫了一下。他将血纹戒从手上褪下来,忽然朝着那火晶玉抛去,同时,石岩立即注意力集中,用精神意识和万年地心火沟通,让万年地心火进入血纹戒 Flying of Blood Vein Ring in the rock magma deep pool shoots at Fire Crystal Jade, the midway. Blood Vein Ring changes into a flame suddenly, the surface is winding around by Fiery Flame, strange burning hot aura, overflows from that Blood Vein Ring...... Shi Yan stunned, at once two one bright. 血纹戒在岩浆潭中飞射向火晶玉,中途。血纹戒骤然化为一道火光,表面被火炎缭绕着,一股奇异的炎热气息,从那血纹戒中四溢出来……石岩愕然,旋即两眼一亮。 Blood Vein Ring as if really knows his idea! 血纹戒似乎真的知道他的想法! The strength of Blood Vein Ring initiative precise Fiery Flame. Releases burning hot aura to come, these that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame likes, once ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, from Blood Vein Ring could not realize that Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, actually induces the burning hot strength that made it like, was persuaded by his mental consciousness again, decides however may the vacillation, enters Blood Vein Ring on own initiative, miraculous passed over gently and swiftly in the brain together. 血纹戒主动凝炼火炎之力。释放出炎热的气息来,这些正是那万年地心火喜欢的,一旦万年地心火,从血纹戒内察觉不到玄冰寒焰气息,却感应到了令它喜爱的炎热之力,再被他的精神意识劝说,定然有可能动摇,主动进入血纹戒,一道灵光在脑中掠过。 The Shi Yan centralized spirit, with the consciousness communication of that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, persuaded it to enter Blood Vein Ring unceasingly on own initiative, was spreading own sincerity and friendliness, Blood Vein Ring falls above Fire Crystal Jade. 石岩集中精神,和那万年地心火的意识沟通,不断地劝说它主动进入血纹戒,散布着自己的真诚和友善,血纹戒落在了火晶玉之上。 „!” “蓬!” Bunches of flame, brave together from Fire Crystal Jade and Blood Vein Ring, in these flame, has ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame aura, extremely burning hot. 一簇簇火苗,从火晶玉血纹戒上一起冒出来,那些火苗之中,有着万年地心火气息,极其炙热。 In Fire Crystal Jade, that group of fist size ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, but also in fluctuating all sorts of shapes, as if has not come out from Fire Crystal Jade, but emits part of power, inquires about Blood Vein Ring, wants to have a look in Blood Vein Ring to have anything, can enter. 火晶玉之中,那一团拳头大小的万年地心火,还在变幻出种种形态,似乎并未从火晶玉内出来,只是放出一部分力量,来探寻血纹戒,想要看看血纹戒内到底有什么,是不是可以进入。 Shi Yan realized ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame cautiously. 石岩察觉到了万年地心火的小心翼翼。 Has not urged it with the mental consciousness, the Shi Yan silently black ink is waiting, is waiting for the decision of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame. 没有用精神意识催它,石岩只是默默墨等候着,等候着万年地心火的决定。 Ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, has drilled into Blood Vein Ring quietly, is nosing secretly Blood Vein Ring, wants to have a look at this small ring, is the place of its satisfied taking shelter, covers the solid ice of body, becomes is hard to take burning hot. 万年地心火火炎之力,悄悄钻入了血纹戒,暗暗查探着血纹戒,想看看这枚小小的戒指,是不是它满意的容身之地,覆盖身体的坚冰,变得越加的炎热难耐。 The Shi Yan forehead had perspiration mark, in the heart somewhat is slightly anxious. 石岩额头已有了汗迹,心中略有些紧张。 The time passes in without interest quietly, each one second, the solid ice will have melted a point, the time drags is too long, he is very difficult to live to walk from the rock magma deep pool. 时间在悄声无息中流逝,每过一秒,坚冰就会融化一分,时间拖的太长,他很难活着从岩浆潭走出去。 Does not know how long waited, when the Shi Yan whole body emits the hot perspiration, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame had the motion finally. 不知道等候了多久,在石岩全身冒出热汗之时,万年地心火终于有了行动。 Earthcore Flame in Fire Crystal Jade, curls to raise, gradually braves from Fire Crystal Jade, in line with the trust Shi Yan, that Earthcore Flame bound Blood Vein Ring suddenly, that group of fist size ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, under the gaze of Shi Yan, little changed is small, Shi Yan could see that continuously flame gradually the escape entered in Blood Vein Ring, drilled toward Blood Vein Ring in that small Fire Crystal Jade. 火晶玉内的地心火,袅袅升起,逐渐从火晶玉内冒出来,本着对石岩的信任,那地心火骤然裹住了血纹戒,那一团拳头大小的万年地心火,在石岩的注视之下,一点点的变小,石岩看得到,一缕缕火苗逐渐飞逸进血纹戒内,往血纹戒内的那一块小小的火晶玉钻去。 The Shi Yan whole face is pleasantly surprised, flickers is staring at that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame that does not move. 石岩满脸惊喜,一瞬不移的盯着那万年地心火 , Fist size Earthcore Flame, vanishes in Blood Vein Ring quickly thoroughly, after Earthcore Flame vanishes, Blood Vein Ring is bright a scarlet red halo, flicks. 很快地,拳头大小地心火,彻底消失在血纹戒之内,地心火消失之后,血纹戒焕出一圈赤红色的光晕,一闪一闪的。 Blood Vein Ring moved suddenly. 血纹戒忽然动了。 Rainbow light ripples, Blood Vein Ring flies on own initiative from that Fire Crystal Jade, is floating in rock magma deep pool interior, slowly toward Shi Yan. 一圈虹光荡漾开来,血纹戒主动从那火晶玉上飞出来,在岩浆潭内漂浮着,慢慢朝着石岩而来。 Shi Yan not hesitant. Puts out a hand to grasp, grips Blood Vein Ring, wraps on the finger, the mind sinks to Blood Vein Ring. 石岩没有犹豫。伸手抓去,一把将血纹戒握住,重新套在手指上,心神沉入血纹戒 In Blood Vein Ring, strange vortex binds Profound Ice Cold Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame aura and power complete seal. 血纹戒内,一个奇异的漩涡玄冰寒焰裹住,将玄冰寒焰气息力量全部封印。 In another region, in bunches of flame precise Fiery Flame spaces, not big Fire Crystal Jade calmly stays in inside. In Fire Crystal Jade, one group of Fiery Flame are active exceptionally, is fluctuating unceasingly all sorts of shapes, Profound Ice Cold Flame, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, completely is in Blood Vein Ring, the branch two different porous surfaces, distinguish right from wrong, each other power does not flush unexpectedly, does not affect mutually. 在另外一个区域,一簇簇火苗凝炼的火炎空间中,一块不大的火晶玉静静地呆在里面。火晶玉之中,一团火炎活跃异常,不断地变幻着种种形态,玄冰寒焰,万年地心火,全部处在血纹戒之中,分处两个不同的微小空间,泾渭分明,彼此的力量竟然并不相冲,互不影响。 The Shi Yan mind sinks, immediately realized the life fluctuation of Profound Ice Cold Flame, with the joyful consciousness of that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, two Fiery Flame, co-exists in Blood Vein Ring, is sending out own life aura respectively, but they each other, as if cannot feel the opposite party, is really mysterious! 石岩心神沉入,立即察觉到玄冰寒焰的生命波动,和那万年地心火的欣喜意识,两种火炎,在血纹戒内共生,各自散发着自己的生命气息,而它们彼此,似乎并不能感觉到对方,果然神奇! Profound Ice Cold Flame and ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, an attribute is extremely cold, an attribute is extremely hot, two Fiery Flame are at the same places, once power mutual interference, each other to managing restraint, Profound Ice Cold Flame is better, its power formidable are too after all many, but this successive life form also not thoroughly evolution complete ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, if by Profound Ice Cold Flame power suppressing, to its evolution extremely disadvantageously. 玄冰寒焰和万年地心火,一属性极寒,一属性极热,两种火炎处在一起,力量一旦相互干扰,彼此都会被对办克制,玄冰寒焰还好一些,它毕竟力量强大太多,可这连生命形态还未彻底进化完全的万年地心火,若是被玄冰寒焰力量给压制住了,对它的进化将会极为的不利。 Blood Vein Ring opens two spaces, and ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame separates Profound Ice Cold Flame, although in Blood Vein Ring, both's power was actually limited in the small range, both sides power is not only mutual non-interference, the life consciousness was divided, each other cannot feel existence of opposite party. 血纹戒开辟两个空间,将玄冰寒焰和万年地心火分离开来,虽然同在血纹戒之内,两者的力量却都被局限在小范围,双方力量不但互不干涉,就连生命意识都被分割,彼此感觉不到对方的存在。 „Did it come in?”, Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, „, has come,” “它进来了吧?”,玄冰寒焰传讯,“嗯,已经进来了,” What do you also stare are making? A bit faster hasn't left here?” “那你还愣着做什么?还不快点离开这里?” Un, I started to surface the boat. ” 嗯,我开始上浮了。” Crash-bang! ” 哗啦!” Shi Yan crops up from the deep pool surface of rock magma deep pool, whole body is red, the body is only winding around the First Level light white smog. 石岩从岩浆潭的潭面冒出头来,浑身赤红,身上只缭绕着一层淡淡的白色烟雾。 In that white smog, has the ice cold cold air/Qi, the cold air/Qi emits, the burning hot counter-balances of these rock magma, making Shi Yan be insufficient fleshly body to be burnt, arrives at the deep pool surface of rock magma deep pool, Shi Yan has felt at ease, here rock magma the strength of Fiery Flame, was actually small and weak, to Shi Yan thought small and weakly was Profound Ice Cold Flame power completely is consumed, living that his fleshly body can withstand, naturally, Shi Yan has not wasted the time, has not waited for that white fog thorough dissipation to attempt, climbed up from nearby scarlet-red dike. 那白色烟雾中,有着冰寒的冷气,冷气散溢开来,将那些岩浆的炎热抵消,让石岩不至于肉身被焚,来到岩浆潭的潭面,石岩已经安心了下来,这里岩浆的火炎之力,其实已非常弱小了,弱小到石岩觉得就算是玄冰寒焰力量全部被消耗掉,他的肉身都可以承受的住,当然,石岩并未浪费时间,没有等那白雾彻底消散来尝试,就从旁边的赤红岩壁上攀爬起来。 Dragon-slaying Sword has played the role at this time. 斩龙剑此时发挥了作用。 A sword punctures, the scarlet-red dike was chiselled an opening, Shi Yan wields a sword unceasingly. Body Petrification, moves these scarlet-red rocks with the flesh and blood, the discovery palm faintly fresh pain, had not actually been given the burn by that iron common scarlet-red rock. 一剑刺下去,赤红的岩壁就被凿开一个口子,石岩不断地挥剑。将身体石化,用血肉碰触那些赤红的岩石,却发现手掌只是隐隐生痛,并未被那烙铁一般的赤红岩石给灼伤。 His body, after quenching of strength of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame Fiery Flame, adapted to the high temperature. After Petrification enters the Third-Step section, on the fleshly body defensive power also First Level building, making him completely not fear this high temperature, draws support Dragon-slaying Sword quickly, Shi Yan climbs up the crater gradually, a round full moon, hangs in the curtain of night of everywhere stars. 他的身体,经过万年地心火火炎之力的淬炼,已适应了高温。石化进入第三阶段之后,肉身的防御力也更上一层楼,让他全然不惧这一块的高温,很快地,借助于斩龙剑,石岩逐渐攀上火山口,一轮圆月,在漫天繁星的夜幕中高悬。 Under the bright moonlight, Shi Yan braves scarlet-red from the crater, the speaker shouted loudly: „ 皎洁的月光下,石岩一身赤红地从火山口冒出来,扬声高呼道:“ Can Senior Mo, here? ” 莫大人,可在这里?” hū hū shouted! ” 呼呼呼!” Sound of Cyan Blood Bat from out of the blue soaring. Suddenly passed on. 青血魔蝠破空飞翔的声音。突然传了出来。 long time, First Sky of Earth Level Shura Blood Guard, is not riding first four levels of Cyan Blood Bat. 多时,一名地位一重天之境修罗血卫,骑着一头四级的青血魔蝠而来。 Young Master Yan, more than half a year Jialuo Sea Area had the big accident, Senior Mo one step returned to Immortal Island first, he made me remain to wait for you, ” 岩少爷,这大半年伽罗海域发生了大变故,莫大人已先一步返回不死岛,他让我留下来等候你,” That Shura Blood Guard bows saying that big accident? 修罗血卫躬身道,大变故? Shi Yan stunned, frowns this Cyan Blood Bat, the whole face doubts,... 石岩愕然,皱着眉头上了这一头青血魔蝠,满脸疑惑,…
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