GOS :: Volume #2

#189: Quenches the body

Shi Yan does not know. Extreme Refining 石岩并不知道。“极炼 Special place. 的特别之处。 In Blood Vein Ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame passes on the incoming signal to read unceasingly, Extreme Refining 血纹戒中,玄冰寒焰不断地传来讯念,将“极炼 The technique of detailed cultivation, one by one transmits to him. 的详细修炼之术,一一传递给他。 According to narration of Profound Ice Cold Flame, Shi Yan inspiring came from ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame burning hot strength, will be full the flame strength in body, one continuously inhales in the body veins. 按照玄冰寒焰的讲述,石岩引动来自于万年地心火的炎热之力,将充盈在身体中的炎力,一缕缕吸入身体筋脉中。 Several side door veins, poured into by the flame strength, veins was burnt down, that pain, the non- average person can endure. 几条偏门筋脉,被炎力注入,筋脉似被焚烧,那种痛楚,非一般人可以忍受。 If not for in Monroe Island, his body had been quenchinged one time by Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy in the past, becomes tenacious exceptionally, under the Earthcore Flame flame strength, he feared that is fired the ashes. 若不是当年在门罗岛的时候,他身体被玄冰寒焰寒力淬炼过一次,变得坚韧异常,在地心火的炎力之下,他怕是会真的被烧成灰烬。 Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, only emits in his all the limbs and bones and five main internal organs (entrails), when Earthcore Flame burning hot Fiery Flame, when his body is mobile, hides cold energy in flesh and blood, reduced the burning hots of some flame strength slightly. 玄冰寒焰寒力,只散溢在他四肢百骸、五脏六腑,当地心火的炙热火炎,在他身体流动的时候,潜藏在血肉中的寒力,也稍稍降低了一些炎力的炙热。 Also because of so, the Shi Yan body, although is bearing the enormous pain, but fleshly body, the veins, had not been melted by the flame strength, this point, Profound Ice Cold Flame early expected, it dares to make Shi Yan cultivate this with Earthcore Flame Extreme Refining 也是因为如此,石岩身体虽然承受着极大的痛苦,可肉身,筋脉,并未被炎力熔掉,这一点,玄冰寒焰早预料到了,它敢用地心火来让石岩修这“极炼 , Also is because knows that the body of Shi Yan is at variance with the average man, knows that contains in the Shi Yan flesh and blood is coming from its cold energy, these cold energy usually in cannot see unable to feel, does not show one's self, but when the Shi Yan body receives burning hot flame strength burning down, will actually help Shi Yan counter-balance some burning hots quietly. ,也是因为知道石岩的身体异于常人,知道在石岩血肉中蕴藏着来自于它的寒力,那些寒力平日里看不见摸不着,不显山露水,但当石岩身体受到炙热炎力焚烧的时候,却会帮石岩悄悄抵消一些炙热。 Profound Ice Cold Flame knows these cold energy, maintains the Shi Yan veins and flesh and blood is melted by Earthcore Flame burning down sufficiently, function that but actually to pain not many reduction of Shi Yan body. 玄冰寒焰知道那些寒力,足以保持石岩的筋脉、血肉不被地心火焚烧融化,但却对石岩身体的痛楚没有多少降低的作用。 He needs to withstand fleshly body burning down pain, will not change, even that faint trace ice is cold, will make the Shi Yan state of mind more sober, letting him to realize that Fiery Flame burns the pain of body, the person in the solid ice, Shi Yan emits continuously the small flame from the body, looks, his body in flaming combustion, his body also likely is the iron generally red astonishment, the when moisture content of body, the sudden outflow, original build grand Shi Yan, becomes with displaying Rampage Martial Skills is the same, the muscle withered contraction, became emaciated gradually. 他需要承受肉身焚烧的痛苦,不会发生变化,甚至那丝丝冰寒,会让石岩神志更加清醒,让他更能察觉到火炎焚体的痛苦,人在坚冰中,石岩从身体内部冒出缕缕小火苗,一眼望去,他身体似在熊熊燃烧,他身体也像是烙铁一般红的惊人,身体的水分,急剧流失,本来体型雄伟的石岩,变得和施展暴走武技时一样,肌肉干瘪收缩,逐渐消瘦了下去。 In the body Fiery Flame burning down, Shi Yan was roaring unceasingly, eyes was red, the facial expression was fierce. 身体内火炎焚烧,石岩不断地咆哮着,双眸赤红,神情狰狞无比。 Profound Ice Cold Flame has not disturbed quietly is feeling the change of Shi Yan body, is feeling under Fiery Flame burning down, resistance function that Shi Yan fleshly body naturally has. 玄冰寒焰没有打搅只是悄悄感受着石岩身体的变化,感受着在火炎焚烧之下,石岩肉身自然产生的抵御作用。 The Shi Yan body, early turned into Dark brown immediately to start in instant that his Petrification Martial Spirit of strength of permeating within the body Fiery Flame. 石岩身体,早变成了暗褐色火炎之力渗入体内的霎那他石化武魂立即发动了。 What a pity, under turbulent Fiery Flame, internal Fiery Flame flaming, burning down in body, the flesh of his Dark brown under burning down of Fiery Flame, was covered by red Fiery Flame. 可惜,在汹涌的火炎之下,内部的火炎熊熊,身体内的焚烧,他那暗褐色的肌肤在火炎的焚烧下,被通红的火炎覆盖了。 Profound Ice Cold Flame is paying attention to the change of Shi Yan body quietly, it discovered that the body burns down, the strength of Fiery Flame is getting more and more heavy, Petrification Martial Spirit of Shi Yan within the body was also getting more and more active seems urged to send the potential, helped Shi Yan resist the injury of fleshly body on own initiative, reduced the destruction of Fiery Flame burning down, simultaneously Immortal Martial Spirit of Shi Yan body, as if was also awakened also started to be ready to make trouble, Profound Ice Cold Flame felt relieved gradually. 玄冰寒焰悄悄注意着石岩身体的变化,它发现身体内部焚烧,火炎之力越来越重,石岩体内的石化武魂也越来越活跃似乎被催发了潜力,主动来帮助石岩抵御肉身的伤害,将火炎焚烧的破坏降低,同时石岩身体的不死武魂,似乎也被唤醒了也开始蠢蠢欲动,玄冰寒焰渐渐放下心来。 This Extreme Refining 这“极炼 The technique, it gives Shi Yan quite to be also harebrained, this thinks Shi Yan unable to withstand, should quick give up. 之术,它交给石岩也颇为冒失,本以为石岩承受不住,应该很快就会放弃。 Which knows that Shi Yan is really abnormal, nerve tenacious exceeds the average man by far, in Extreme Refining 哪知道石岩果然变态,神经的坚韧远远胜过常人,在“极炼 Under the technique, can actually maintain sober, according to its instruction, slowly the inspiring flame strength, really in quenching fleshly body, two Martial Spirit the display functions of gradually, making Profound Ice Cold Flame know, so long as Shi Yan can withstand burning down of Fiery Flame, that two Martial Spirit potential will be urged to send, while helping him will resist Earthcore Flame, will obtain the growth of ability. 之术下,竟然能够一直保持着清醒,按照它的吩咐,慢慢引动炎力,真的已在淬炼肉身,两种武魂的渐渐发挥作用,让玄冰寒焰知道,只要石岩能够承受住火炎的焚烧,那两种武魂的潜力就会被催发,会在帮助他抵挡地心火的同时,获得能力的增长。 fleshly body was quenched, the Martial Spirit evolution, this dual advantage, lets the Shi Yan strength sufficiently , to promote a big truncation. 肉身被淬炼,武魂进化,这双重的好处,足以让石岩的实力,提升一大截。 Since reached the agreement with Shi Yan, Profound Ice Cold Flame understood Shi Yan is the person who keeps the commitment, the it and Shi Yan relations, become friendly. 自从和石岩达成了协议,玄冰寒焰知道了石岩是遵守承诺的人,它和石岩间的关系,就变得友好起来。 Now, it in the Blood Vein Ring seal by Shi Yan hand, in Blood Vein Ring, its power was hard to display thoroughly, in has not been separated from Blood Vein Ring, it does not hope that Shi Yan has the matter. 如今,它被石岩手中的血纹戒封印,在血纹戒内,它的力量难以彻底发挥出来,在没有从血纹戒内脱离出来,它不希望石岩有事。 If Shi Yan has had an accident, it again is also possibly hard to go out from Blood Vein Ring, even if were Blood Vein Ring had the new master, it cannot guarantee that master can like Shi Yan, the meeting is willing to let off it. 万一石岩出事了,它可能再也难以从血纹戒走出,就算是血纹戒有了新的主人,它也不敢保证那个主人能像石岩一样,会愿意放过它。 Therefore, by knowledge that it masters, maximum degree the strength of promotion Shi Yan, reduces the possibility that Shi Yan has an accident, to it, is the best choice at present. 因此,以它掌握的知识,最大程度的提升石岩的实力,减免石岩出事的可能性,对它来说,是目前最好的选择。 It also such did. 它也这么做了。 After a long time, Shi Yan thought that feared has a century to be so long. 不知道过了多久,石岩觉得,怕是有一个世纪那么漫长。 outside world no longer has the Earthcore Flame flame strength to seep, the flame strength in body, in quenching the fleshly body process, was consumed completely, gradually reduces, until vanishes finally completely. 外界不再有地心火的炎力渗透,身体内的炎力,在淬炼肉身的过程中,被消耗殆尽,逐渐减少,直到最终全部消失。 After suffers inhuman, this rare tranquility, makes Shi Yan give birth unexpectedly just likes separates the feeling of world. 历经非人折磨,这难得的宁静,也让石岩竟生出恍如隔世的感觉。 How?” “怎么了?” The mind sinks to Blood Vein Ring, Shi Yan inquires Profound Ice Cold Flame. 心神沉入血纹戒,石岩询问玄冰寒焰 Temporarily rests, you continue with the soul communication of Earthcore Flame, at this time, your cultivation time interval, must each time the mental consciousness and Earthcore Flame connection. Earthcore Flame before life form forms thoroughly, you need in its soul, to leave your forever trace, making it forever remember you.” “暂时歇一下,你继续和地心火的灵魂沟通,在这个时候,你每次修炼的间隔时间,都要将精神意识和地心火连接。地心火在生命形态彻底成形之前,你需要在它灵魂中,留下你永远的痕迹,让它永远记得你。” Good “好” . Rubbish, had finished with the Profound Ice Cold Flame exchange, Shi Yan congeals the mental consciousness immediately, slowly approaches Fire Crystal Jade that ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame is. 没有废话,和玄冰寒焰交流结束了,石岩立即将精神意识凝结,慢慢靠近那万年地心火所在的火晶玉 The mental consciousness moves that Fire Crystal Jade, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame in that Fire Crystal Jade, fluctuates suddenly a smiling face. 精神意识一碰触那火晶玉,那火晶玉之中的万年地心火,突然变幻成一张笑脸。 The Earthcore Flame dying thing, in Fire Crystal Jade, it has not been changing, changes all sorts of marvelous shapes, this time, it turned into the smiling face, seems joyful. 地心火不是死物,在火晶玉中,它一直在不停的变化着,变化成种种奇妙的形态,这一次,它变成了笑脸,似乎非常欣喜。 Mental consciousness of Shi Yan, realized that has come from the sentiment of its pleasant surprise. 石岩的精神意识,也察觉到了来自于它的惊喜之情。 Why does not know, this time Earthcore Flame, has lingered at to him, binds his mental consciousness, played the period of time, Earthcore Flame has not wanted to make Shi Yan leave as before. 不知道为何,这一次的地心火,对他更加的依恋了,将他的精神意识裹住,玩耍了好一阵子,地心火依旧不想让石岩离开。 Shi Yan is helpless, the mental consciousness can only remain, accompanies it to play jokes upon, becomes until the Shi Yan mental consciousness is utterly exhausted, Earthcore Flame as if were also tired, this lets off him, making Shi Yan seize the chance to leave, this time was too tired,” 石岩无奈,精神意识只能留下来,陪着它戏耍,直到石岩精神意识变得疲惫不堪的时候,地心火自己也似乎累了,这才放过他,让石岩趁机离开了,“这次太累了,” Has to think that this time it did like to you? Relies on you more and more, has regarded the close person you? Has this feeling?” “有没有觉得,这次它对你更加的喜爱了?越来越依赖你,将你当成了至亲的人?有没有这种感觉?” In Blood Vein Ring, has transmitted the consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame, indeed this noses felt,” 血纹戒内,传来了玄冰寒焰的意识,“的确有这鼻感觉,” This was right.” “这就对了。” Profound Ice Cold Flame as if knows that will have this result, your body, had been quenchinged a while by Earthcore Flame, in your body, had Fiery Flame aura, in your Mental Energy, is supplementing the burning hot strength. But these power, come from it exactly, its natural likes this aura, will think that you are the same with it, even regards you similar treats, naturally more and more will regard the family member you.” 玄冰寒焰似乎知道会有这种结果,“你的身体,被地心火淬炼了一会儿,在你身体内,已有了火炎气息,就连你的精神力之中,也附带着炎热之力。而这些力量,恰恰来自于它,它理所当然的喜欢这股气息,会觉得你和它一样,甚至将你当成同类对待,自然会越来越将你当成亲人。” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 I make you use Fiery Flame to quenching the body, to harvest Earthcore Flame thoroughly. Only then in your body, has been full its aura, it will regard you similar, regards most own person, cannot leave you again.” “我让你用火炎淬炼身体,也是为了彻底收获地心火。只有在你的身体内,也充盈了它的气息,它才会将你当成同类,当成最亲的人,再也离不开你。” Profound Ice Cold Flame said slowly: Therefore, your below must be more attentive, you cultivate, Extreme Refining, not only can let your fleshly body powerful, might evolve your Martial Spirit, can make you obtain Earthcore Flame, these many advantage will collect in the same place, you will have no reason not to be attentive.” 玄冰寒焰缓缓道:“所以,你下面要更加用心,你修,极炼,不但可以让你肉身更加强悍,也有可能会进化你的武魂,更能让你得到地心火,这么多的好处汇在一起,你没有理由不用心一点。” Un, I know how to do.” “嗯,我知道怎么做。” Is very good, below I continue to help you put in the strength of many Fiery Flame, this time, the intensity increases once more!” “很好,下面我继续帮你放入更多的火炎之力,这一次,强度再次加大!” The Shi Yan complexion changes, actually facial expression firm and resolute nodded, comes,” 石岩脸色微变,却神情坚毅的点了点头,“来吧,” The next quarter, billowing flame strength, from emerges suddenly in all directions, this flame strength, roasts extremely fierce fiercely, in a flash, then binds his body. 下一刻,滚滚炎力,突然从四面八方涌入,这一次的炎力,极为的凶猛炙烈,一瞬间,便将他的身体裹住。 The thick flame strength, as if has become other First Level armor, is attached to the surface of his body, separates his body and solid ice, starts!” 浓浓炎力,仿佛成了另外一层铠甲,附在他身体的表面,将他的身体和坚冰分开来,“开始吧!” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. 玄冰寒焰传讯 Shi Yan closes one's eyes quickly, inspires body surface the strength of Fiery Flame, enters in the middle in within the body that several special meridians. 石岩倏地闭眼,引动身体表面的火炎之力,进入体内那几条特殊的经脉当中。 In the rock magma deep pool, does not have Sun and Moon Stars, does not have the concept of time. 岩浆潭中,没有日月星辰,没有时间的概念。 In deep pool bottom, Shi Yan crazy cultivation., Extreme Refining, carries on is devastating, each time rest time, must put the mental consciousness, in Earthcore Flame exchange with Fire Crystal Jade. 在潭底,石岩疯狂的修炼着。,极炼、,,进行着自我摧残,每次休息的时候,又要将精神意识放出来,和火晶玉中的地心火交流。 Day and night. 没日没夜。 Extreme Refining 极炼 Quenchings fleshly body, the exchange of mental consciousness and Earthcore Flame, quite loses Mental Energy, Shi Yan is body refining, refining up the god, does not have moment relaxation, presses out to do own energy completely, brutal treats itself. 淬炼肉身,精神意识和地心火的交流,又颇为损耗精神力,石岩又是炼体,又是炼神,没有一刻的放松,将自己的精力全部榨干,残酷的对待自己。 Some day. 某一天。 He in carrying on Extreme Refining 他又在进行“极炼 meditation. 苦修 This time, when he enters the body the strong Fiery Flame bow, is bearing the great suffering, moved Fiery Flame , in the meridians flows, Mental Energy sinks to within the body, has discovered the marvelous landscape suddenly. 这一次,当他将浓烈火炎弓入身体,承受着巨大痛苦,了动火炎在经脉中流动的时候,精神力沉入体内,霍然发现了奇妙的景观。 Mental Energy explores in the flesh and blood, suddenly, he discovered that the flesh and blood was enlarged infinitely, he even can see each cell, each flesh and blood textile fiber...... Also does not know that Mental Energy strengthened, is fleshly body in Extreme Refining 精神力在血肉内探索,突然,他发现血肉被无限放大,他甚至可以看见每一个细胞,每一个血肉纤维……也不知道精神力增强了,还是肉身在“极炼 Had the change. He indeed clear seeing body slightest thing, the flesh and blood, was enlarged together infinitely, Shi Yan can see the fleshly body cell, the flesh and blood textile fiber, with a little bit milky white water drop! 中发生了变化。他的确清晰的看到身体最细微的东西,一块血肉,被无限放大,石岩能看见肉身细胞,血肉纤维,和一滴滴乳白色的水珠! milky white water drop! 乳白色的水珠! They compared with various cells of fleshly body also want slightly, actually to send out unusual aura, Shi Yan Mental Energy are sinking to a milky white water drop, Strange Energy that the careful feeling, in mystical Martial Spirit releases! 它们比肉身的各种细胞还要小一点,却散发着不同寻常的气息,石岩精神力沉入一个乳白色的水珠之中,细细感受,神秘武魂中释放出来的奇异力量 Each time, acupoint after absorbing enough many essence, after the purification, will flow- from acupoint these strange power. 每一次,穴道在吸收了足够多的精气之后,经过净化,都会从穴道内流出那些奇异的力量 This power, can urge round of Martial Spirit, strengthens Martial Spirit, vigorous Essence Qi! 这种力量,能够催发武魂,增强武魂,浑厚精元 That a little bit seems like compared with the cell also small milky white water drop, these mysterious power that emits from acupoint! They have become the shape of milky white water drop, spreads in the cell and textile fiber, everywhere. 那一滴滴看似比细胞还小的乳白色水珠,正是那些从穴道内散溢出来的神奇力量!它们成了乳白色水珠的形态,散布在细胞、纤维之中,无处不在。 What is that?” “那是什么?” In Blood Vein Ring, transmits the consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame suddenly, in that milky white water drop, is containing mysterious power, these power as if... As if there is barnyard grass profit to your body greatly, you can try to smelt thoroughly them, emits in your flesh and blood cell and textile fiber, decides however has the advantage to you very much!” 血纹戒内,骤然传来玄冰寒焰的意识,“那乳白色的水珠中,蕴藏着神奇的力量,那些力量似乎…似乎对你的身体大有稗益,你可以试着将它们彻底熔炼开来,散溢在你血肉细胞、纤维中,定然对你很有好处!”
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