GOS :: Volume #2

#188: Extreme Refining

Shi Yan approaches Fire Crystal Jade gradually, slowly float in the Fire Crystal Jade place above. 石岩逐渐靠近火晶玉,慢慢漂浮在火晶玉的上方。 Burning hot the strength of Fiery Flame, emits from Fire Crystal Jade, the person in the solid ice, the Shi Yan body has is placed the feeling in the flame burning down. 炙热的火炎之力,从火晶玉中散溢出来,人在坚冰中,石岩身体都有被放在火焰中焚烧的感觉。 Ice piece that Profound Ice Cold Flame comes out precise, even cannot resist burning hot of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame. The thick flame strength, seeped directly. 玄冰寒焰凝炼出来的冰块,甚至都抵挡不住万年地心火的炎热。浓浓炎力,直接渗透了进来。 Shi Yan takes out Soul Gathering Bead cautiously. 石岩小心翼翼取出聚魂珠 In the Fire Crystal Jade above ten meters places, he stands firm the mind. The centralized spirit, attaches power on Soul Gathering Bead, suddenly drops, Soul Gathering Bead sinks immediately, chi chi chi!” 火晶玉上方十米处,他稳住心神。集中精神,将力量附加在聚魂珠上,突然放手,聚魂珠立即下沉,“嗤嗤嗤!” The Soul Gathering Bead surface is covering shining white thin film, burns down suddenly, is only an instant, that thin film vanishes thoroughly does not see, at the same time, a huge soul suction strength, transmits from Soul Gathering Bead fiercely. 聚魂珠表面覆盖着的莹白薄膜,突然焚烧起来,只是一霎,那薄膜彻底消失不见,与此同时,一股庞大的灵魂吸吮力,也猛地从聚魂珠传来。 The Shi Yan soul trembles, immediately has one type the hole misconception, holds the breath hurriedly with rapt attention, does not dare to emit wisp of Mental Energy. 石岩灵魂一颤,顿时生出一种出窍的错觉,急忙凝神屏息,不敢放出一缕精神力 Lost shining white thin film Soul Gathering Bead, souls are dancing in the air in the bead, dense and numerous, pesters in like tens of thousands of black silk together, and is wriggling slowly, making the head skin tingle with numbness. 失去了莹白薄膜的聚魂珠,其中一道道灵魂在珠子内飞舞着,密密麻麻,像成千上万的黑丝纠缠在一起,并在缓缓蠕动,让人头皮发麻。 Works as!” “当!” Soul Gathering Bead falls on Fire Crystal Jade, quickly. 聚魂珠落在火晶玉上,倏地。 Faint trace naked eye obvious dirt black smog. Curls to raise from Soul Gathering Bead fiercely, spread in the rock magma deep pool, the gradual dissipation, that came from the Soul Gathering Bead formidable soul suction strength, vanishes without the shade suddenly, Soul Gathering Bead falls on Fire Crystal Jade, resembles is lived by Fire Crystal Jade dry, the Fire Crystal Jade flame scatters, continuously the Fiery Flame winding on Soul Gathering Bead, starts to burn down Soul Gathering Bead. 一丝丝肉眼可见的污黑烟雾。猛地从聚魂珠中袅袅升起,扩散在岩浆潭,逐渐的消散,那一股来自于聚魂珠的强大灵魂吸吮力,骤然消失无影,聚魂珠落在火晶玉上,似被火晶玉枯住,火晶玉火光四溅,缕缕火炎缠绕在聚魂珠上,开始焚烧聚魂珠 Ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, in Fire Crystal Jade active exceptionally, fluctuates all sorts of shapes, releases the astonishing quantity of heat. 万年地心火,在火晶玉内活跃异常,变幻成种种形态,释放出惊人的热量。 Earthcore Flame as if also knows that has any thing to fall to Fire Crystal Jade on, its natural disposition is hot tempered, immediately has stimulated to movement the strength of Fiery Flame. Tries to burn down the ashes Soul Gathering Bead. 地心火似乎也知道有什么事物落到火晶玉上,它本性暴躁,立即催动了火炎之力。试图将聚魂珠焚烧成灰烬。 Dirt black translucent Soul Gathering Bead, under Fiery Flame burning down of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame, in which soul sediment was quenched fast, changes into continuously jet black smog, a appearance, was given to submerge by the rock magma, integrates the rock magma rapidly, the billowing heat wave raids, Shi Yan slightly somewhat is also uncomfortable, the body really had the perspiration mark. 污黑透亮的聚魂珠,在万年地心火火炎焚烧下,其中的灵魂渣滓被快速淬炼掉,化为一缕缕漆黑的烟雾,一出现,就被岩浆给淹没,迅速融入岩浆,滚滚热浪袭来,石岩也略有些难受,身上竟然有了汗迹。 Is maintaining above float Fire Crystal Jade, needs to consume Essence Qi, Shi Yan stopped a while, discovered that Soul Gathering Bead had been covered by Fiery Flame thoroughly. Also sought information the opinion of Profound Ice Cold Flame, waits to receive Profound Ice Cold Flame all well responses, he truly felt relieved. 保持着悬浮火晶玉之上,需要耗费精元,石岩停了一会儿,发现聚魂珠已彻底被火炎覆盖。又征询了一下玄冰寒焰的意见,等收到玄冰寒焰一切无恙的回应,他才真正放下心来。 Shi Yan moves from Fire Crystal Jade quietly different, how scarlet-red stony soil on 30 meters away falls not far away. Soul Gathering Bead was covered by ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame Fiery Flame, in which sediment was built up by one by one, vanishes in the rock magma, Shi Yan relaxed, looks at that dirt black Soul Gathering Bead, becomes more and more clear translucent, in the heart has a difficult word the rejoicing emotion. 石岩悄悄从火晶玉上方挪异,在30米之外的赤红石地上落怎不远处。聚魂珠被万年地心火火炎覆盖,其中的渣滓被一一炼化出来,消失在岩浆内,石岩松了一口气,看着那污黑的聚魂珠,变得越来越晶莹透亮,心中生出一股难言的庆幸情感。 Soul Gathering Bead will not have changed, ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, its refining up sufficiently, forms the chaste non- flaw the strength of soul, the related Soul Gathering Bead matter, you greatly may feel relieved now. 聚魂珠不会有变了,万年地心火火炎之力,足以将其炼化,形成纯洁无瑕的灵魂之力,有关聚魂珠的事情,你现在大可放心了。 Now. Should be you are young, heart the time. ” 现在。该是你要小、心的时候了。” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. 玄冰寒焰传讯 Shi Yan stares, slightly some doubts said: What do I want to be careful?” 石岩一愣,略有些疑惑道:“我要小心什么?” „Did you say?” “你说呢?” Next quarter. 下一刻。 Burning hot the strength of Fiery Flame. Rapidly seeps, the person in solid ice, Shi Yan whole body is suddenly red! 炙热的火炎之力。快速渗透进来,人在坚冰中,石岩突然浑身赤红! The strength of Fiery Flame, penetrated solid ice, permeates directly! 火炎之力,穿透了坚冰,直接渗入其中! Was sealed Shi Yan in solid ice, immediately realized oneself by strength of surrounding Fiery Flame, the body seemed placed in Fiery Flame to smelt. 被密封在坚冰中的石岩,立即察觉到自己被火炎之力包围,身体仿佛被放在火炎中熔炼。 Each cell, seemed lit! 每一个细胞,似乎都被点燃! The indescribable pain, the tide spreads generally the whole body, Shi Yan such as is burnt down by Fiery Flame, immediately whooshes. 难以言喻的痛楚,潮水一般蔓延全身,石岩如被火炎焚烧,立即嘶吼起来。 Then just started!” “这才刚刚开始!” The Profound Ice Cold Flame news read. Suddenly becomes some cold blood, I promised you, will help you, enabling you to quenching the body with the aid of ten thousand years of Earthcore Flame. Now, I began!”, Was too sudden!” 玄冰寒焰的讯念。骤然变得有些冷血,“我答应了你,会帮助你,让你可以借助万年地心火来淬炼身体。现在,我已经动手了!”,“太突然了吧!” Shi Yan screamed one, the whole body streaming with sweat in solid ice, the sweat that welled up from his body, under Profound Ice Cold Flame power, iced up fast, covered in his body surface. 石岩尖叫一声,在坚冰内浑身汗如雨下,从他身体内涌出来的汗水,在玄冰寒焰力量之下,快速结冰,又覆盖在他身体表面。 However, these freeze. Actually as if not prevent the strength of Fiery Flame, Shi Yan induces less than a coolness, the body as before is blazing hot. 然而,那些冰冻。却似乎并不阻挡火炎之力,石岩感应不到一丝的凉爽,身体依旧炙热难耐。 Started!” “开始了!” Profound Ice Cold Flame somewhat takes pleasure in others'misfortunes, you did not say that you can withstand the average man unendurable pain? Hehe, therefore I have not regarded the average man to regard you from the beginning, I do not have to make you adapt little, but allows you to enter the hopeless situation all of a sudden!” 玄冰寒焰似有些幸灾乐祸,“你不是说,你可以承受常人难以忍受的痛楚么?嘿嘿,所以我一开始就没有把你当成常人来看待,我没有一点点让你适应,而是一下子就让你进入绝境!” Shi Yan hates darkly. Has no alternative, the mind shouts wildly: Such being the case, can you quenching the fleshly body method, tell me?” 石岩暗恨。却无可奈何,心神狂叫:“既然如此,那你可以将淬炼肉身的方法,告诉我了吧?” This type the method of quenching the body, came from Warrior of boundary of God Passage Third Sky, named. Extreme Refining. It will let push to limits you! You are sure to remember, maintains soul is sober, never by the faint in the past! Once your stupor, will unable to wake up again!” “这一种淬炼身体的方法,来自于一名通神三重天之境的武者,名为。极炼,。它会让将你推向一个又一个极限!你切记一点,保持灵魂清醒,永远不要被昏厥了过去!一旦你昏迷了,将再也醒不来!” You must a little discretion!” “你要有点分寸啊!” Relax, I have the discretion. However, if you do not make every effort to succeed, has fainted under the pain, I could not save you!” “放心,我有分寸的。不过,如果你自己不争气,在痛楚之下昏过去了,我也救不了你!” Extreme Refining on Extreme Refining, how told me to do!” 极炼极炼吧,告诉我该如何做!” You are listening earnestly, the method of Extreme Refining this quenching body, with quenching the God Weapon sharp weapon principle is the same. Using burning hot Fiery Flame, the first impurities elimination outside the body in body. At once, directing the strength of Fiery Flame to enter the veins, I will tell you to walk that several various main meridians first, through the meridians of body, spreads the whole body the strength of Fiery Flame, the mind sinks to within the body, melts with the strength of Fiery Flame in the same place, burns down bone lou, veins, flesh and blood and organ repeatedly, even each high-grade fertilizer!” “你认真听着,极炼这种淬炼身体的方法,和淬炼神兵利器原理一样。利用炙热的火炎,先将身体内的杂质清除体外。旋即,引火炎之力入筋脉,我会告诉你先走那几各主要的经络,通过身体的经络,将火炎之力散布全身,心神沉入体内,和火炎之力融在一起,一遍遍地焚烧骨髅、筋脉、血肉、器官,甚至每一个细肥!” Shi Yan with amazement, your body is at variance with the average man, does not have too many impurities, does not know how you achieve. Now, so long as the strength of Fiery Flame, introduces that several special veins, according to my method, step by step does then. Was sure to remember, in any event, must maintain in one's right senses, not stupor!” 石岩骇然,“你身体异于常人,没有太多的杂质,不知道你如何做到的。现在,只要将火炎之力,引入那几条特殊的筋脉,按照我的方法,一步步的去做即可。切记,不论如何,都要保持神志清醒,绝不会昏迷过去!” „Is my body at variance with the average man?” “我身体异于常人?” Un, initially you when Monroe Island cultivation, your body has had the strange absorbing power, gives to attract cold energy that I sent out unexpectedly, I discovered immediately your body, as if had been quenchinged, without any impurities, will therefore take advantage of opportunity I many Cold Qi pours into your body, to let your body, adapted to my power, then good seizing a body you.” “嗯,当初你在门罗岛修炼的时候,你身体产生了奇异的吸收力,竟然将我散发出去的寒力都给吸了进去,我立即发现你的身体,似乎已被淬炼过了,没有任何的杂质,所以才会顺势将我更多的寒气注入你身体,就是为了让你的身体,适应我的力量,然后好夺舍你。” Shi Yan has gawked a while, the miraculous glow one presently, has remembered the reason suddenly. 石岩愣了一会儿,灵光一现,突然想起了原因。 Blood Pond! 血池 How his soul initially in this, the world arrives, then the discovery in a cave, Blood Pond in hole, is containing extremely evil power, in breaking in Blood Pond that he is duty-bound not to turn back, the body absorbs unexpectedly the bloody water in Blood Pond, after waiting to wake up, body outside has formed the blood cocoon. 他灵魂初在这咋,世界降临,便发现处在一个山洞中,洞内的血池,蕴藏着极为邪恶的力量,他义无反顾的冲入血池中,身体竟将血池内的血水吸收一空,等醒来之后,身体外面结成了血茧。 Later, he has the feeling of being reborn, in the body had first wisp of Essence Qi. 之后,他就有种脱胎换骨的感觉,身体内拥有了第一缕的精元 Blood Pond bloody water, not only made him have mystical Martial Spirit, has quenchinged his body. Made the sediment in his body be arranged beyond the exsomatize, became flowing of more suitable Essence Qi. 血池的血水,不但让他拥有了神秘武魂,也将他身体淬炼了一遍.令他身体内的渣滓被排离体外,变得更加适合精元的流动。 He can have today's all, is inseparable with that mystical Martial Spirit, but formation of mystical Martial Spirit. 他能有今天的一切,和那神秘武魂密不可分,而神秘武魂的形成。 Because of Blood Pond! 正是因为血池 Also can be in a daze? Snort, it seems like replenishment in the strength of your Fiery Flame, space of promotion,” “还能发愣?哼,看来加注在你身上的火炎之力,还有提升的空间啊,” Profound Ice Cold Flame transmits the unreasonable ice cold consciousness once more, at once it has let loose the invasion of strength of Fiery Flame once more, many burning hot flame strength, seeped immediately! 玄冰寒焰再次传来不近人情的冰寒意识,旋即它再次放开了火炎之力的入侵,更多的炙热炎力,马上渗透了进来! The body of Shi Yan, is red like the iron immediately, was roasted likely ripe generally. 石岩的身体,立即赤红如烙铁,像是被烤熟了一般。 This heat, came from in body! 这种热,来自于身体内部! He cannot bear roar immediately, shouts oneself hoarse, the facial expression is fierce. 他立即忍不住咆哮出来,声嘶力竭,神情狰狞。 So pain. Endures compared with cultivation Rampage Second Sky, integrates the blood pain when Negative Energy! 如此痛楚。堪比修炼暴走二重天,将负面力量融入鲜血时的痛苦! This pain, is not the nerve of average person can withstand, has changed others, this, feared that then meets the stupor. 这种痛苦,已不是一般人的神经可以承受的了,换了别人,这一下,怕是便会昏迷过去。 But Shi Yan, but clenches teeth to fight miserably, eyes is red, as before the look is firm and resolute. 石岩,只是咬牙惨斗,双眸赤红,却依旧眼神坚毅。 You have not boasted, under the strength of this burning hot, average person spirit break, will go crazy, more people, then the stupor, then forever will lose the further opportunity immediately. “你还真没吹牛,在这种炙热之力下,一般人会精神崩溃,甚至会发疯,更多的人,则会马上昏迷,然后永远失去再进一步的机会。 But you, are indeed pretty good, seriously was the different races. By your present cultivation base and Realm, withstands this power, but can also be able to support, really is quite suitable to cultivate Extreme Refining candidate! ” 而你,的确不赖,当真是异类了。以你如今的修为境界,承受这种力量,还可以撑得住,果然是极为适合修‘极炼’的人选!” Shi Yan whooshes, not having the leisure to reply. 石岩嘶吼,没有余暇答话。 I grasp refining up the fleshly body skill, and more than one type. However, this Extreme Refining is most weird, is most dangerous. Before, I wanted to try, have a look at you living whether can withstand, if you could not withstand, I to the method of your other cultivation, but looks like does not need. “我掌握的炼肉身的技巧,并不止一种。不过,这种极炼是最邪门的,也是最危险的。之前,我只是想要试试,看看你是否能够承受的住,你要是承受不住,我会给你另外的修炼之法,但看来不需要了。 Congratulates you, the technique of this Extreme Refining, so long as can support, will be the effect will be most obvious, the technique of speed quickest body refining, so long as you can not maintain the stupor, my having confidence will make you build the solid foundation fast! ” 恭喜你,这极炼之术,只要能撑得住,将是效果最明显,速度最快的炼体之术,只要你能保持不昏迷,我有把握让你快速打下坚实的基础!” Shi Yan can feel Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, is actually not able to respond. 石岩可以感受到玄冰寒焰传讯,却无法回应。 Because, Profound Ice Cold Flame has relieved once more to impediment of burning hot flame strength, put the strength of many Fiery Flame to enter, Shi Yan Ferocious Beast called out, the roar has been full of the pain of Immortal humanity, in the nostril, eye, ear and mouth, had the flame to expand and contract unexpectedly erratically, the hot snake was common. 因为,玄冰寒焰再次解除了一些对炙热炎力的阻挡,放了更多的火炎之力进入,石岩凶兽般嚎叫起来,吼声充满了不死人类的痛楚,鼻孔、眼睛、耳朵、嘴中,竟有火苗伸缩不定,火蛇一般。 Shi Yan from body interior combustion, whole body seemed to be scarlet-red, within the body even can see that continuously small flame is walking randomly. 石岩仿佛从身体内部燃烧了起来,浑身赤红,体内甚至可以看出一缕缕小火苗在游走。 Has been OK, below is listening earnestly, which several meridians I told you...” “可以了,下面认真听着,我告诉你哪几条经络…” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, will be at the same time related Extreme Refining 玄冰寒焰传讯,一边将有关“极炼 The technique of cultivation, expounded to Shi Yan in detail that at the same time pays attention to the Shi Yan mind to fluctuate quietly, Shi Yan fleshly body sparks flying in all directions, facial expression ominous severe fierce, but soul actually actively exceptionally. 修炼之术,详细向石岩阐明,一边悄悄注意着石岩的心神变幻,石岩肉身火花四溅,神情凶厉狰狞,可灵魂却活跃异常。 The Profound Ice Cold Flame secret heart is startled. 玄冰寒焰暗暗心惊。 Although it never cultivation Extreme Refining 它虽然从未修炼过“极炼 , Actually from that person of memory, knows this Extreme Refining ,却从那人的记忆中,知道这“极炼 Technique extreme terrifying. 之术极为的恐怖 Because, this Extreme Refining 因为,这“极炼 The technique, is not human Warrior the technique of body refining! 之术,原本就不是人类武者炼体之术! Invention Extreme Refining 发明“极炼 The person of technique, radically is evil crafty Refiner Master, this Extreme Refining 之术的人,根本就是一个邪诡的炼器师,这“极炼 The technique, is he quenchinged the method of God Weapon sharp weapon, refines weapon the technique of one Refiner with Fiery Flame! 之术,原本是他淬炼神兵利器的方法,是用火炎炼制兵器的一种炼器之术! Extreme Refining 极炼 After the invention, until now, only then that Refiner Master, once was used to quenching the body, it cultivates Extreme Refining 发明之后,至今,也只有那一名炼器师,曾用来淬炼身体,它修“极炼 , Also is uses Fiery Flame Martial Spirit of his within the body to quenching fleshly body, one not with Earth Flame! ,也是利用他体内的火炎武魂来淬炼肉身,一不是用地火 Earth Flame, wants to be too more than Human Flame fierce! 地火,比人火要凶猛太多! Although Profound Ice Cold Flame reduced Earth Flame the strength of Fiery Flame. But Earth Flame after is Earth Flame! 玄冰寒焰虽然消减了地火火炎之力。可地火毕竟是地火 Naha said that violent attribute, is very hard-to-control including Profound Ice Cold Flame, it is said the technique of Extreme Refining, had not counted on that Shi Yan can cultivation get down, it other is Shi Yan has chosen the technique of other body refining actually, but Shi Yan supported unexpectedly! 那霸道暴烈的属性,连玄冰寒焰都很难以控制,它说出极炼之术,也没有指望石岩真的能修炼下去,它其实已另外为石岩选了别的炼体之术了,可石岩竟然撑住了! Is beyond control it not to be surprised. 由不得它不惊讶。 ...... …… PS: PS: Just this brutal in May, finally must finish, the feelings of some prostrations, the spirit was the powder has put up likely, thank you, you made me rush first three, I have satisfied. Does not know that should say any good, I pledged that I will be earnest to write this book, presents the splendid plot reports back you to everybody, thanks once more! 刚这残酷的五月,总算是要结束了,有种虚脱的感觉,精神像是散架了,谢谢你们,你们让我冲到了前三,我已经满足。不知道该说什么好,我承诺,我会认真去写好本书,奉给大家精彩的剧情来回报你们,再次谢谢!
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