GOS :: Volume #2

#187: Presenting of Profound Ice Cold Flame

In rock magma deep pool. 岩浆潭中。 Shi Yan approaches Earthcore Flame Mental Energy repeatedly, continuously is spreading own good intentions. 石岩反复将精神力靠近地心火,不断地散布着自己的善意。 , He also regarded the friend to treat Earthcore Flame gradually, Profound Ice Cold Flame used own understanding, taught in detail Shi Yan each step, its method indeed was effective, Shi Yan with its method, obtained the approval of Earthcore Flame gradually, making Earthcore Flame completely relieve the protection to him. 渐渐地,他自己也将地心火当成了朋友来对待,玄冰寒焰利用自己的认识,详细教导石岩每一个步骤,它的方法的确管用,石岩用它的方法,渐渐得到了地心火的认可,让地心火对他彻底解除了防备。 Some day. 某一天。 The mental consciousness of Shi Yan, enters the Fiery Flame light group that Earthcore Flame is, he induced liking of Earthcore Flame immediately. 石岩的精神意识,一进入地心火所在的火炎光团,他马上感应到了地心火的欢喜。 The weak consciousness of Earthcore Flame, as if a mischievous child, binds the mental consciousness of Shi Yan, pulls his wisp of spirit consciousness, tumbles to revolve in Fiery Flame, Earthcore Flame has regarded the friend Shi Yan, life that has not formed effectively, is pure, after the Shi Yan unceasing surface reveals own good intentions, Earthcore Flame starts to rely on him slowly, as soon as his mental consciousness enters, then reveals the in high spirit emotion, pulls the mental consciousness of Shi Yan to play, whenever Shi Yan Mental Energy must return, that Earthcore Flame will be reluctant to part. 地心火的微弱意识,仿佛一个顽皮的孩子,将石岩的精神意识裹住,扯着他那一缕精神意识,在火炎之中翻滚旋转,地心火真的将石岩当成了朋友,尚未真正形成的生命,非常单纯,在石岩不断地表露出自己的善意之后,地心火慢慢开始依赖他,一等他的精神意识进入,便流露出兴高采烈的情感,扯着石岩的精神意识玩耍,每当石岩精神力要返回的时候,那地心火都会恋恋不舍。 Several times, it is even binding the mental consciousness of Shi Yan, does not make Shi Yan leave. 有几次,它甚至裹着石岩的精神意识,不让石岩离开。 This lets Shi Yan is very joyful, in the heart even really spills over the sentiment of affection, thought that this Earthcore Flame is similar own child, that lingers at oneself, that pure simple, in his innermost feelings, he will no longer gather Earthcore Flame to regard the goal, passes these days being together. His sincerity liked this kid. 这让石岩很是欣喜,心中甚至真的泛出喜爱之情,觉得这地心火仿佛自己的孩子,那么的依恋自己,那么的单纯简单,在他内心,他已不再将收取地心火当成目的,通过这一段时间的相处。他真心喜欢上了这个小家伙。 Several times, he and Profound Ice Cold Flame talked, but also inquired repeatedly that inquired his procedure can injure Earthcore Flame, Profound Ice Cold Flame also realized the Shi Yan subtle change, knows Shi Yan after being together of these days and Earthcore Flame, gave birth to Earthcore Flame has protected the sentiment of love. 有几次,他和玄冰寒焰交谈的时候,还反复询问,询问他的做法会不会伤害到地心火,玄冰寒焰也察觉到石岩微妙的变化,知道石岩经过这一段时间和地心火的相处,对地心火生出了护爱之情。 Profound Ice Cold Flame explicitly indicated that so long as is not that wresting away forcefully, his procedure to Earthcore Flame is not only harmless, instead will speed up the fast formation of Earthcore Flame life, to a Earthcore Flame only advantageous not point harm. 玄冰寒焰明确表示,只要不是那种强行的霸占,他的做法对地心火不但无害,反而会加快地心火生命的快速形成,对地心火只会有利没一点的害处。 Some guarantee of Profound Ice Cold Flame, Shi Yan truly had also felt relieved that with being together of Earthcore Flame, regarded the pleasure he to discover under contact of his energetic consciousness, the Earthcore Flame emotion was really as if getting more and more rich. Becoming looks like a person more and more, has the joy, has does not abandon, has lightly sad...... Shi Yan thought that the Earthcore Flame life, as if really slowly is changing. 有了玄冰寒焰的保证,石岩也真正放下心来,把和地心火的相处,当成了乐趣他发现在他精神意识的接触下,地心火的情感似乎真的越来越丰富了。变得越来越像一个人,有欣喜,有不舍,有淡淡的伤悲……石岩觉得地心火的生命,似乎真的在慢慢发生变化。 Also is one day. 又是一天。 In his mental consciousness, attempts leaves from the Earthcore Flame Fiery Flame light group, Earthcore Flame actually with the strength of Fiery Flame closely binds the mental consciousness of Shi Yan not to make Shi Yan leave. 在他的精神意识,试图从地心火火炎光团离开的时候,地心火却用火炎之力紧紧裹住石岩的精神意识不让石岩离开。 It looks like a kid, is entangling the parents, do not leave the arms of parents, Shi Yan is helpless, can only postpone departure of mental consciousness temporarily, whatever this kid pulls his mental consciousness to tumble in that Fiery Flame light group, plays there, after it tired, relaxed to Shi Yan restraint, at this time Shi Yan can seize the chance to work loose. 就像是一个小家伙,缠着父母,不要离开父母的怀抱,石岩无奈,只能暂时放缓了精神意识的离开,任由这小家伙扯着他的精神意识在那火炎光团之中翻滚,在那里玩耍,直到它累了之后,才放松了对石岩束缚,这时候石岩才能趁机挣脱出来。 Can get down. ” 可以下去了。” Profound Ice Cold Flame once more communication, „ 玄冰寒焰再次传讯,“ I believe that now you are main body approach it, it will not attack to you. It to your dependence, has surpassed now to my dreading is on you have some my aura, it will also regard the family member to treat you. ” 我相信现在你就算是本体靠近它,它也不会对你攻击了。它对你的依恋,如今已超过对我的忌惮就算是你身上有着一些我的气息,它也会将你当成亲人对待。” Waited such for a long time finally to wait painstakingly at this moment, Shi Yan instead somewhat hesitated we to borrow its power to quenching Soul Gathering Bead, won't affect it?” 苦等了这么久终于等来这一刻,石岩反而有些犹豫了“我们借用它的力量淬炼聚魂珠,不会影响它吧?” Cannot. ” 不会。” The response of Profound Ice Cold Flame, is having a strange emotion, „ 玄冰寒焰的回应,带着点奇异的情感,“ You really really regarded the family member to regard it, start everywhere to consider for it. This is very good, your sincerity treats it, it can feel, like our lives, is very sensitive, can from your soul, induce to you directly is the sincerity or the hypocrisy, you can such to it, it be able to realize that our motions, to the present, have succeeded actually, ” 你果然真的将它当成了亲人来看待,开始处处为它考虑了。这很好,你真心待它,它可以感受的到,像我们这种生命,是非常敏感的,可以直接从你的灵魂中,感应到你是真心还是假意,你能这么对它,它可以察觉到,我们这次的行动,到现在,其实已成功了,” Shi Yan stunned, „ 石岩愕然,“ Was this successful? ” 这就算是成功了?” So long as it does not resist you, regards the family member you, the following matter, all will success when conditions are ripe. ” 只要它不抗拒你,将你当成亲人,接下来的事情,一切都会水到渠成。” Profound Ice Cold Flame responded, „ 玄冰寒焰回应,“ However, if you want to let it with you, but also needs to handle something again, you must use the strength of its Fiery Flame. First quenchings own body, lets in your body, has the strength of Fiery Flame it likes, does not need too many, so long as has its aura, on foot enough. ” 不过,你要想让它跟你,还需要再做一些事情,你要利用它的火炎之力。先将自己的身体淬炼一遍,让你的身体中,有着它喜欢的火炎之力,不需要太多,只要带有它的气息,就足够了。” Does? ” 怎么做?” Directs the strength of Fiery Flame, quenchings body, this also greatly has the barnyard grass profit to you. I have said that I will make a return gift with my knowledge you, I will tell you one type the method of quenching the body, this can eliminate impurities of your body, builds your body formidable, ” 火炎之力,淬炼身体,这对你也大有稗益。我说过,我会用我的知识回赠你,我会告诉你一种淬炼身体的方法,这可以清除你身体的杂质,将你身体打造的更加的强大,” Actually, beforehand Warrior unusual severe wound fleshly body cultivation, the tempering of fleshly body, regards to make and condense Essence Qi important, beforehand Warrior fleshly body is tyrannical, does not borrow Essence Qi, light depends on the fleshly body, can turn mountain Daohai! The great strength of fleshly body, can body the display of power maximum degree, your present Warrior, as if too not take seriously disciplining of fleshly body, only takes seriously Essence Qi and soul, this actually has very big malpractice......” “其实,以前的武者非常重伤肉身修炼,将肉身的磨炼,视做和凝聚精元一眼重要,以前的武者肉身强横无比,不借用精元,光靠肉体,就可以翻山倒海!肉身的强大,可以将身体的力量最大程度的发挥出来,你们现在的武者,似乎已不太重视肉身的磨练,只重视精元和灵魂,这其实是有很大的弊端的……” Profound Ice Cold Flame tells, fleshly body, Essence Qi and soul these three types of Warrior bases, explained in detail. 玄冰寒焰娓娓道来,将肉身精元、灵魂这三样武者的根本,详细的讲解了一番。 According to Profound Ice Cold Flame that beforehand Warrior, same attaches great importance to fleshly body, Essence Qi and soul, some Martial Spirit special Warrior, regarding attaching great importance to of fleshly body, even has surpassed to cultivation of Essence Qi and soul. 按照玄冰寒焰所说,以前的武者,对肉身精元、灵魂都一样重视,有一些武魂特殊的武者,对于肉身的重视,甚至超过了对精元、灵魂的修炼 This Warrior, will discipline with various methods fleshly body, has extreme terrifying power by fleshly body purely. 这种武者,会用各种方法来磨练肉身,纯靠肉身就拥有极为恐怖力量 They use to quenching the method of God Weapon sharp weapon, is repeatedly tempered fleshly body, making fleshly body contain greatest power. Even has all sorts of Divine Ability. 他们用淬炼神兵利器的方法,将肉身千锤百炼,让肉身蕴藏着莫大的力量。甚至有着种种神通 fleshly body formidable Warrior, vigor compared with same level Warrior strong many, regarding the use of Essence Qi and soul, compared with Warrior fierce many of Level, battle, fleshly body formidable Warrior, various aspects have the superiority, to not emphatically body cultivation Warrior, almost steady victory. 肉身强大的武者,精气神比同级武者强的多,对于精元、灵魂的利用,也要比同等级武者厉害的多,交战起来,肉身强大的武者,各方面都有优势,对上不着重身体修炼武者,几乎稳胜。 Profound Ice Cold Flame one introduced that making Shi Yan approve, Petrification and Immortal in two Martial Spirit his body, are related with fleshly body. 玄冰寒焰的一番介绍,让石岩非常赞同,他身体中的石化不死两种武魂,都和肉身有关。 If he quenchings fleshly body, fleshly body builds to quenching to attach great importance , the harvest by far will have hit ordinary Warrior. 他若是淬炼肉身,将肉身的打造淬炼重视起来,收获也将会远远打过普通的武者 Quenchings the method of body, he little has actually heard, many Martial Skills, mostly to the utilization of Essence Qi, really unusually specifically aims at fleshly body to carry on cultivation Martial Skills, Shi Family Finger Spear, reluctantly is one type Martial Skills that quenchings fleshly body, but Finger Spear only aims at two ten fingers, the limitation was too big, can only the cultivation ten fingers, unable to cover the whole body, this Martial Skills cannot be regarded the method of true quenching body. 只是,淬炼身体的方法,他却很少听说过,许多武技,也大多只是对精元的运用,甚少有专门针对肉身进行修炼武技,石家指枪诀,勉强算是一种淬炼肉身武技,但指枪诀只针对两手十指,局限性太大了,只能修炼十指,不能覆盖全身,这种武技算不得真正的淬炼身体的方法。 But Profound Ice Cold Flame actually survived did not know many years, had several God Realm Expert knowledge, it grasped is quenching the fleshly body method, this was this time Shi Yan most needs exactly! 玄冰寒焰却存活了不知道多少年,拥有几个神境强者的知识,它掌握着淬炼肉身的方法,这恰恰是此时的石岩最为需要的! Before Shi Yan has not accepted the Profound Ice Cold Flame condition, Profound Ice Cold Flame so will not be simple, will quenching the fleshly body method to teach him, even if because the situation has such done, definitely has retained. 石岩不曾答应玄冰寒焰的条件前,玄冰寒焰绝不会这么干脆的,将淬炼肉身的方法教给他,就算是因为形势这么做了,也肯定有所保留。 But now, Profound Ice Cold Flame not only the fleshly body cultivation importance, explained for him with relations between fleshly body, Essence Qi and soul in detail, but also mentioned on own initiative, is willing to teach his cultivation fleshly body method. 可现在,玄冰寒焰不但将肉身修炼的重要性,和肉身精元、灵魂之间的关系详细为他道明,还主动提起,愿意教导他修炼肉身的方法。 Shi Yan thought more and more that he accepts the Profound Ice Cold Flame condition the procedure, was really makes mouth first to get down right.” 石岩越来越觉得,他答应玄冰寒焰条件的做法,果然是做对了口“先下去吧。” After a Profound Ice Cold Flame explanation, urged that Shi Yan enters the base in rock magma deep pool, right now you can feel relieved, that Earthcore Flame will not attack you. A while to Earthcore Flame housing Fire Crystal Jade, you, so long as takes Soul Gathering Bead, places on that Fire Crystal Jade, the burning hot strength that in Fire Crystal Jade sends out, will quenching Soul Gathering Bead, does not need you to handle anything.” 玄冰寒焰一番讲解之后,催促石岩进入岩浆潭的底部,“这下子你可以放心了,那地心火绝不会攻击你。一会儿到了地心火居住的火晶玉,你只要将聚魂珠取出来,放在那火晶玉上,火晶玉之中散发出来的炎热之力,就会将聚魂珠淬炼,不需要你做任何事情。” Un, i got it.” “嗯,我知道了。” Shi Yan indicated to understand that finally no longer continued to stop over in this, stimulated to movement power of body, sank toward under. 石岩表示明白,终于不再继续逗留在这一块,催动身体的力量,又朝着下方沉入。 A while stable one group of dazzling rainbow light, heave in sight suddenly, on the rock magma deep pool scarlet-red stony soil, grinding pan size clear Fire Crystal Jade, releases to shine with together hotly, such as summer high noon Sun, Red Light overflows, the flame strength is strong. 一会儿厩一团炫目的虹光,骤然映入眼帘,在岩浆潭赤红的石地上,一块磨盘大小的晶莹火晶玉,释放着光和热,如夏日正午的太阳,红光四溢,炎力浓烈。 Grinding pan size Fire Crystal Jade is glittering and translucent carving, tall and pleasing to the eye, the stream ray overflowing color is surrounding. 磨盘大小火晶玉晶莹剔透,美轮美奂,流光溢彩环绕着。 And, one group of fist size scarlet-red Fiery Flame, drags the fresh posture, is swaying in that Fire Crystal Jade center, ripples light of the extremely violent burning hot. 其中,一团拳头大小的赤红火炎,摇曳生姿,在那火晶玉中心晃荡着,荡漾出一圈圈极度暴烈的炙热之光来。 Scarlet red Fiery Flame, only then fist size, is fluctuating unceasingly, a while becomes the flowers, a while becomes the scarlet-red fruit, a while adult surface shape, all sorts of strange and unusual, never has a moment stereotypia. 赤红色的火炎,只有拳头大小,不断地变幻着,一会儿成花朵,一会儿成赤红果实,一会儿成人面形态,千奇百怪,从来没有一刻定型的。 This Fiery Flame obviously not dying thing, it as if in fluctuating, the vitality is vigorous, such as an ever changing small Sun, releases through Fire Crystal Jade the terrifying light and heat, is far from that Fire Crystal Jade extremely, is in Shi Yan by Profound Ice Cold Flame precise solid ice, thought that the heat wave is billowing. 火炎明显不是死物,它似乎一直都在变幻着,生命力勃勃,如一颗千变万化的小太阳,将恐怖的光和热通过火晶玉释放出来,离那火晶玉还极远,身在由玄冰寒焰凝炼的坚冰之中的石岩,都觉得热浪滚滚。 This burning hot, as if can penetrate covers the solid ice of whole body, can seep the soul directly, making Shi Yan whole body not adapt. 这种炙热,似乎能够穿透覆盖全身的坚冰,能够直接渗透灵魂,让石岩浑身都不适应。 „Is that Earthcore Flame?” “那就是地心火?” Shi Yan eyes is staring, secret surprised. 石岩双眸凝视着,暗暗惊奇。 Un, it is Earthcore Flame,” “嗯,它就是地心火,” Profound Ice Cold Flame responded, „ too should not be worried that I covered the solid ice of your whole body, although cannot counter-balance the seepage completely the flame strength, but can also counter-balance most. 玄冰寒焰回应,“你不要太担心,我覆盖你全身的坚冰,虽然不能全部抵消渗透的炎力,但也可以抵消大半。 This starts, after a while Soul Gathering Bead puts on Fire Crystal Jade, I gradually will reduce to that Fiery Flame penetrability, you will feel many flame strength to pour into, you need these flame strength, to attract the whole body veins, skeleton, flesh and blood and cell little, looks like quenchings the God Weapon sharp weapon to be ordinary, is repeatedly tempered the body with the Fiery Flame strength. ” 这才是开始,一会儿将聚魂珠放入火晶玉上之后,我会逐渐降低对那火炎的渗透力,你将会感受到更多的炎力注入进来,你需要将那些炎力,一点点吸了全身筋脉、骨骼、血肉、细胞,就像是淬炼神兵利器一般,用火炎力将身体千锤百炼。” fleshly body cultivation, compared with cultivation of Essence Qi and soul, wants difficult many! In this period follows the severe pain, many people could not withstand, why this perhaps is also present Warrior, gradually reason that gave up fleshly body quenching.” 肉身修炼,比精元、灵魂的修炼,要艰辛的多!其间会伴随着剧痛,很多人都承受不住,这恐怕也是为什么现在的武者,渐渐放弃肉身淬炼的缘故了。” Relax, the tolerance of my nerve, be stronger than the average person. The pain that others cannot withstand, for me, is not the issue.” “放心,我神经的忍耐力,要比一般人强许多。别人承受不住的痛楚,对我来说,不是问题。” When the Shi Yan self-confident say|way, he has not arrived at this world, is the limit madman, from various oppressive challenge limits, regarding painful tolerance far supernormal person. 石岩自信满满道,他尚未降临这个世界时,便是极限狂人,自虐般的挑战各种极限,对于痛苦的忍耐力远超常人。 After arriving here, on the cultivation way of martial arts, he incisiveness of own superior display! 来到这里之后,在武道的修炼一途上,他将自己的优势发挥的淋漓尽致! Finger Spear cultivation, cultivating of Rampage Martial Skills is small... Each same Martial Skills, must dare first to oneself brutal! 指枪诀修炼,暴走武技的修小…每一样武技,都要先敢对自己残酷! Has this foundation, he is fearless. 有此基础,他无所畏惧。 Hope so, if is really this. Our speeds will be faster. But you, you will obtain a bigger advantage, perhaps, after this time quenching, Martial Spirit of your within the body, can evolve!” “希望如此,如果真是这样。我们的速度会快很多。而你,你将会得到更大的好处,说不定,经过这次的淬炼,你体内的武魂,也可以随之进化!”
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