GOS :: Volume #2

#186: Approval

Shi Yan impeaches however excited. 石岩抨然心动。 Profound Ice Cold Flame is no doubt precious, these God Realm Warrior memories that but it grasps, with understanding to martial arts, to Shi Yan, rare and precious! 玄冰寒焰固然珍贵,可它掌握的那些神境武者的记忆,和对武道的认识,对石岩来说,更加的珍稀! If Profound Ice Cold Flame is willing these God Realm Warrior memories, with the martial arts cognition, to say really in detail to him that his harvest, is similar to Xia Family Reincarnation Martial Spirit? 若是玄冰寒焰真的愿意将那些神境武者的记忆,和对武道认知,详细向他道来,他的收获,和夏家轮回武魂岂不是相似? Reason that Xia Family Reincarnation Martial Spirit is tyrannical , because can obtain the previous life memory and understanding to the martial arts, this can make them little detour on cultivation of martial arts, making them reduce even completely avoids bottleneck! 夏家轮回武魂之所以强横,就是因为可以得到前世的记忆和对武道的认识,这可以让他们在武道的修炼上少走弯路,让他们减少甚至完全避免瓶颈 This is the extremely fearful talent! 这是极其可怕的天赋! If can through Profound Ice Cold Flame, obtain God Realm Expert regarding realizing from experience of martial arts. Shi Yan in a martial arts cultivation way, same will take much less tortuous paths, wants to obtain Profound Ice Cold Flame, must obtain nine types to Yang Zhire the heaven and earth rare treasure, but also needs his Realm to enter into a higher level. 要是能够通过玄冰寒焰,得到神境强者对于武道的体悟。石岩在武道修炼一途,一样会少走很多弯路,想要得到玄冰寒焰,必须要得到九种至阳至热的天地异宝,还需要他本人境界迈入更高的层次。 To Shi Yan, these conditions will never be, does not know when can achieve, however, once achieves the transaction with Profound Ice Cold Flame, he can obtain the advantage from Profound Ice Cold Flame there immediately, but can also have the opportunity to harvest transformation becomes Heavenly Flame Earthcore Flame! 石岩来说,这些条件还遥遥无期,不知道何年何月才可以达成,然而,一旦和玄冰寒焰达成交易,他立即就可以从玄冰寒焰那里得到好处,还能有机会收获蜕变天火地心火 The rooms on either side weighed, Shi Yan thought this transaction. Does not owe. 两厢衡量了一下,石岩觉得这一笔交易。不亏。 I promise you! ” 我答应你!” Silent for a long time, Shi Yan to Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring, spread approval message finally 沉默许久,石岩终于向血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰,传出了赞同的讯息 Good! ” 好!” Profound Ice Cold Flame is more excited than him, immediately responded, „ 玄冰寒焰比他还要兴奋,立即回应了,“ You will not suffer a loss! Believes me! Had my knowledge, you on cultivation of martial arts, be quicker than others! Has me to help you, you regarding the understanding of martial arts, even are possibly more than God Realm Expert to be profound the present! ” 你不会吃亏的!相信我!有了我的知识,你在武道的修炼上,要比别人快许多!有我帮助你,你对于武道的认识,甚至可能比现在很多神境强者都要深刻!” Now this does? I meant how can gather Earthcore Flame 现在该怎么做?我是说,怎样才能收取地心火 Earthcore Flame now becomes the Heavenly Flame stage at transformation, this time Earthcore Flame consciousness was pure, looks like the newborn baby. At this time, so long as you transmitted the friendly temperate thought to it unceasingly, exchanged with it unceasingly, it deeply will remember you, regarded the close person you! ” 地心火现在处在蜕变天火的阶段,这时候的地心火意识非常单纯,就像是初生的婴儿。这时候,只要你不断地向它传达友好温和的念头,不断地和它交流,它会深深地记得你,将你当成至亲的人!” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Your luck is very good. ” 你运气很好。” Profound Ice Cold Flame continues saying: „ 玄冰寒焰继续道:“ When its life form has formed, you want to gather it, only then occupies a way forcefully, this need your power, can suppress it thoroughly! Make it to you frightened, never dares to revolt against you, like this you can obtain its all, enslaves it, making it your one power, the control of having one's wish it. ” 等它的生命形态真的成形了,你想要收取它,只有强行占据一途,这需要你的力量,能彻底压制住它!让它对你恐惧,永远不敢反抗你,这样你可以得到它的一切,奴役它,让它成为你的一种力量,随心所欲的掌控它。” Method of this collection. Very overbearing, like this it had been subdued by you, once you will some day be seriously injured, power cannot control it, it backlash, wants completely all means to be separated from you immediately, even finds the opportunity to kill you, this method advantages are accompanied by disadvantages, but your present power is impracticable. Do not think. ” 这种收取的方法。非常的霸道,这样它就算是被你收服了,一旦你某天受了重伤,力量不能控制它了,它会立即反噬,想尽一切办法脱离你,甚至找机会杀你,这种方法有利有弊,而你如今的力量难以实现。就别想了。” Before its life form has not formed effectively, you use my method to transmit the well-meaning news to read to it unceasingly, regards oneself most own friend to regard it, before its life form effectively forms, you can in its soul, leave behind your deep mark. When its life form has formed, you in the mark that in its soul keeps, will never vanish, it will also regard most own family member you, you later can gain its power through the communication, making it help you oppose the enemy . Moreover, when you received the heavy losses, it has power to be separated from you, such will not do, instead will help you wholeheartedly. ” 在它生命形态没有真正形成之前,你用我的方法不断地向它传递善意的讯念,将它当成自己最亲的朋友看待,在它生命形态真正形成之前,你可以在它的灵魂中,留下你深深的印记。等它生命形态成形了,你在它灵魂中留下来的印记,也永远不会消失,它也会将你当成最亲的亲人,你以后可以通过沟通获取它的力量,让它帮你对敌,而且,在你受了重创的时候,它就算是有力量脱离你,也不会这么做,反而会全心全意的帮助你。” Naturally, this gain also has the malpractice, because you are the same level relations, you are hard at crucial moment, through sacrificing it, came to go on living by oneself, when it met the natural enemy, it will not listen to your words, may hide, does not dare to battle, in other words, you control that was hard to have one's wish truly it, making it die for you. ” 当然,这种获取也有弊端,因为你们是同等的关系,你难以在关键的时候,通过牺牲它,来让自己活下去,在它遇到天敌的时候,它也不会听你的话,可能会躲起来,不敢交战,也就是说,你难以真正随心所欲的掌控它,让它为你而死。” I just emitted the Mental Energy exploration, as soon as it realizes that immediately counter-attacks, I cannot approach it. ” 我刚刚放出精神力探索,它一察觉到,马上反击,我根本靠近不了它啊。” That is because just in your Mental Energy, has supplemented my aura, my attribute and it opposes just in time, fearing of its instinct loathes me. You next time with Mental Energy approaches its time, do not attach my aura, but sends out purely the friendly thought that nearness slowly, do not frighten it, it will accept you gradually. ” 那是因为刚刚在你的精神力中,附带了我的气息,我的属性和它正巧对立,它本能的惧怕厌恶我。你下次用精神力靠近它的时候,不要附加我的气息,只是散发出纯粹友善的念头,慢慢的靠近,不要惊吓到它,渐渐地,它会接受你。” Like this...... ” 这样啊……” Shi Yan has gawked, immediately said: „ 石岩愣了一下,立即道:“ I try, ” 我试一试,” Un, remembers, too quick approaches it. This time it, was careful, has strong protection heart. You must take your time, cannot act with undue haste, first makes him be familiar with you, making it put aside the vigilance to you, spreads the temperate friendly thought unceasingly, spends some time, waits for it to think that you do not want to injure it, it will relieve to you abstains such as... ” 嗯,记得,不要太快的靠近它。这时候的它,非常小心谨慎,有很强的防备心。你必须慢慢来,不能操之过急,先让他熟悉你,让它对你放下戒心,不断地传出温和友善的念头,多花费一些时间,等它觉得你真的不想伤害它,它就会对你解除戒如…” Shi Yan is secret. 石岩暗暗惊讶。 Profound Ice Cold Flame harvests the Earthcore Flame method, actually and tames the fierce cub to be similar. Needs step by step comes. Carries on slowly, lets its little acceptance, the gradual adaptation, waited for it to be used to all your, will put down all alert hearts, finally will be intimate with you on own initiative, regarded the friend who you were worth being together. 玄冰寒焰收获地心火的方法,其实和驯服凶猛的幼兽差不多。需要一步步的来。缓慢进行,让它一点点的接受,逐渐的适应,等它习惯了你的一切,才会放下所有的戒备心,最终会主动亲近你,将你当成最值得相处的朋友。 With a Profound Ice Cold Flame exchange, Shi Yan benefits greatly on own initiative, this fellow does not know that survived many years, obtained the life experiences of many God Realm Expert, some different races among heaven and earth. Has the profound understanding, Shi Yan holds the breath with rapt attention, tries to come the Mental Energy dissipation, approaches toward that region quietly, this time, in his Mental Energy, has not supplemented any Profound Ice Cold Flame aura, in his mind, is the friendly temperate thought that in the heart does not save an evil thought. 玄冰寒焰一番交流,石岩自觉受益匪浅,这家伙不知道存活了多少岁月,得到了多少神境强者的人生经历,对于天地间一些异类。有着深刻的认识,石岩屏息凝神,又试着将精神力散逸开来,悄悄朝着那一块区域靠近,这一次,他精神力之中,没有附带任何玄冰寒焰气息,在他脑海之中,全是友善温和的念头,心中不存一丝邪念。 Gradually, Shi Yan Mental Energy, approaches the place of that together burning hot violent Fiery Flame...... Strong incomparable Fiery Flame, as if one group of dazzling Sun, unceasingly release astonishing Fiery Flame energy, in these Fiery Flame energy, has the extremely weak consciousness. 渐渐地,石岩精神力,又靠近那一块炙热暴烈的火炎之地……浓烈无比的火炎,仿佛一团炫目的太阳,不断释放出惊人的火炎能量,在那些火炎能量之中,有着极为微弱的意识。 Shi Yan cautiously, according to the view of Profound Ice Cold Flame, will be supplementing well-meaning Mental Energy, cuns (2.5cm) approaches toward the place of that Fiery Flame. 石岩小心翼翼,按照玄冰寒焰的说法,将附带着善意的精神力,一寸寸的朝着那火炎之地靠近。 In his instant of strength of contact Mental Energy and that Fiery Flame, the simple consciousness in Fiery Flame, has alerted immediately, as if prepares to launch the attack to the mental consciousness of Shi Yan at any time. 在他精神力和那火炎之力接触的那一霎,火炎之中的简单意识,立即戒备了起来,似乎随时准备对石岩的精神意识展开攻击。 In Shi Yan heart one tight, was more discrete, does not dare to act with undue haste, Shi Yan Mental Energy is maintaining and beginning that Fiery Flame the condition of contacting, has not penetrated one rashly. Transmits unceasingly the charitable disposition in mind, the simple consciousness in office of Fiery Flame, as if somewhat confuses, has not attacked immediately, that weak consciousness, grow stronger little, as if turned has formed the silk thread that a naked eye was difficult to see, blocked from Shi Yan Mental Energy feels the friendly thought that Shi Yan passed on slowly. 石岩心中一紧,越加的谨慎了,不敢操之过急,石岩精神力保持着和那火炎初接触的状态,没有冒然深入一丝。只是不断地将脑海之中的善念传递出去,火炎之办中的简单意识,似乎有些迷惑,没有立即攻击,那微弱的意识,一点点地变强了些,似乎变成了形成一圈肉眼难见的丝线,将石岩精神力遮住慢慢感受石岩传出来的友好念头。 The consciousness of Earthcore Flame, the alert of instinct, is more careful than Shi Yan, that consciousness aperture covers the mental consciousness of Shi Yan, although has not attacked immediately. Has actually prepared momentarily attack, Shi Yan is somewhat anxious, the mental consciousness that for fear that Earthcore Flame suddenly hot tempered attack, that continuously emits, does not dare to act rashly to continue to transmit the friendly consciousness. 地心火的意识,本能的戒备,比石岩还要小心,那意识光圈罩住石岩的精神意识,虽没有立即攻击。却做好了随时攻击的准备,石岩有些紧张,生怕那地心火突然暴躁的攻击,那一缕缕放出的精神意识,不敢妄动只是继续传递出友好的意识。 First comes back, after a period of time, then attempts. Leaves some spaces of ponder to it, this your Mental Energy will enter next time it will not be anxious. This time it, the consciousness was incomplete, gives the ability that it pondered, was helpful to its life form quicker formation, 先回来,过一段时间,再尝试。给它留些思考的空间,这样的话你精神力下次进入的时候它就不会那么紧张了。这时候的它,意识还不完整,给它自己思考的能力,也有助于它的生命形态更快的形成, Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, Shi Yan takes back that continuously Mental Energy according to the news slowly, his clear feeling consciousness of Earthcore Flame, when his Mental Energy takes back, as if in hesitant, hesitates must attack. 玄冰寒焰传讯,石岩依讯慢慢将那一缕缕精神力收回,他清晰的感受到地心火的意识在他精神力收回的时候,似乎在犹豫,犹豫着要不要攻击。 In the Shi Yan heart is quite anxious, slowed down to take back the Mental Energy process, seemed entraining line cuns (2.5cm) round trip, he understands that this Earthcore Flame the strength of Fiery Flame, burnt down his Mental Energy sufficiently completely clean even can through the connection of Mental Energy and his soul, overtook to kill his soul directly! 石岩心中极为紧张,又放缓了收回精神力的过程,仿佛拽着一根线一寸寸的往回拉,他明白,这地心火火炎之力,足以将他的精神力全部焚烧干净甚至可以通过精神力和他灵魂的连接,直接追上来袭杀他的灵魂! If Earthcore Flame such made his soul to fear that is really will cause heavy losses immediately, even might be burnt down directly! 若是地心火真的这么做了他灵魂怕是马上会被重创,甚至有可能被直接焚烧掉! This extreme danger! 这极为的危险! Shi Yan concentrates on, does not dare to relax slightly, does not dare the undue tension, the cow feared that gathers the Mental Energy speed to be too quick, making that Earthcore Flame misunderstand him, but launches the attack, looks like with the thread threading a needle hole, in which crucial moment must act bashful is quite accurate, carelessly. May lose is inexpensive he, if were defeated, the price of paying, may be his life. 石岩全神贯注,不敢丝毫放松,也不敢过分紧张,牛怕收取精神力的速度过快,让那地心火误会他,而发动攻击,就像是拿着细线穿针孔,其中的火候要拿捏的极为精准,一个不慎。就有可能失贱他若失败了,付出的代价,可能会是他的生命。 The time passes quietly. 时间悄然流逝。 Shi Yan thought that feared was a century had been so long, that wisp of Mental Energy that he let out, little pulled out from Earthcore Flame Fiery Flame. 石岩觉得怕是过了一个世纪那么长,他放出去的那一缕精神力,才一点点地从地心火火炎之中抽离出来。 In this process, the consciousness of Earthcore Flame has not relaxed throughout, pulls out completely Mental Energy until him, the consciousness of Earthcore Flame stopped to his tracking down. 在这个过程中,地心火的意识始终不曾放松,直到他将精神力全部抽出来,地心火的意识才停止了对他的追寻。 Shouted! ” 呼!” In strange soft ice piece of Profound Ice Cold Flame construction, Shi Yan long shouted the one breath, Mental Energy, again and again said exhaustedly: „ 玄冰寒焰构建的奇异软性冰块中,石岩长长呼了一口气,精神力疲惫之极,连连道:“ Really thrilling, this ratio and high my Level Warrior to fight, but must consume the thoughts, ” 真是惊险,这比与高我一个等级武者交手,还要耗费心思,” Good, first achieved the anticipated effect. Next time your Mental Energy will enter once more, it will not be anxious, you will take back Mental Energy next time time, so long as also defers to this rhythm to come now, definitely will not have the matter. ” 不错,第一步算是达成了预期的效果了。下次你的精神力再次进入的时候,它就不会那么紧张了,你下次收回精神力的时候,只要也按照如今这个节奏来,肯定不会有事。” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication, „ 玄冰寒焰传讯,“ Un. ” 嗯。” The following some time, Shi Yan according to the instruction of Profound Ice Cold Flame, separates some time, then emits full Han the friendly and temperate mental consciousness, slowly approaches Earthcore Flame to be at the Fiery Flame light group that the second time time, really first time is more relaxed, Earthcore Flame after inducing comes to Shi Yan Mental Energy once more, although is also quite discrete, actually as if really relaxed. 接下来的一段时间,石岩按照玄冰寒焰的指导,隔上一些时间,便放出满含友善、温和的精神意识,慢慢的靠近地心火所在的火炎光团,第二次的时候,果然比第一次要轻松一些,地心火在感应到石岩精神力再次过来之后,虽然也颇为谨慎,却似乎真的放松了一些。 When Shi Yan Mental Energy withdrawing, Earthcore Flame does not have such has been tracking down, is making frequently the plan that prepares to begin. 石岩精神力抽回的时候,地心火也没有那么的一直追寻着,做着时刻准备动手的打算。 The third time time, Earthcore Flame relaxed. 第三次的时候,地心火更加放松了。 When Shi Yan these time approaches Earthcore Flame the mental consciousness, Earthcore Flame has put down the alert thoroughly, actually does not have a point the consciousness that wants to counter-attack. 石岩这一次将精神意识靠近地心火的时候,地心火彻底放下了戒备,竟然没有一点想要反击的意识。 Shi Yan inwardly pleasantly surprised , to continue in this way, once in a while, to transmit own friendly thought to Earthcore Flame, After a long time, Shi Yan does not know one have made many times like this, one time, when Shi Yan takes back from Earthcore Flame that Fiery Flame light group Mental Energy, Shi Yan first time induces, Earthcore Flame as if some do not abandon! 石岩暗暗惊喜,继续依照这种方法,每隔一段时间,就向地心火传递自己的友善念头,不知道过了多久,石岩也不知道自己这样做了多少次了,某一次,在石岩精神力地心火火炎光团收回的时候,石岩第一次感应到,地心火似乎有些不舍! Does not abandon! 就是不舍! This feeling so clear, clearly sees a child to Shi Yan probably, after the friend departs, the emotion of revealing difficult shed. 这感觉如此的清晰,清晰到石岩好像是看到一个孩童,在朋友离去之后,露出难舍的情感。 Very good! It started to approve you, so long as maintains, how long could not want, we can approach it, ” 很好!它已经开始认可你了,只要保持下去,要不了多久,我们就可以靠近它了,” PS: This month last day, the friend of monthly ticket, do not waste, throws to me. PS:本月最后一天了,还有月票的朋友,不要浪费了,投给我吧。
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