GOS :: Volume #2

#185: The heart of volcano

This Demonic Beast is not big, fiery red, such as the molten iron construction, the flame strength is fiery 这一头妖兽并不大,一身火红,如铁水浇筑而成,炎力火热 . The Shi Yan talent and Profound Ice Cold Flame ditch passes, immediately discovered emitted Demonic Beast suddenly, when he saw that Demonic Beast, this Demonic Beast arrived at him two meters, the Demonic Beast head scarlet red acute angle, the flame four has shot at present, punctured to him. 石岩才和玄冰寒焰沟通过,立即发现冷不防冒出一头妖兽了,等他看到那妖兽时,这妖兽已到了他眼前两米,妖兽头上一根赤红色尖角,火光四射,直向他刺来。 Shi Yan slightly startled, is inferior to think, in the hand Dragon-slaying Sword raises, a sword detachment. 石岩略惊,不及多想,手中斩龙剑一扬,一剑劈去。 This sword, accurate chopping in the Demonic Beast forehead, sparks flying in all directions. 这一剑,精准的砍在妖兽额头,火花四溅。 Under hits hard, Demonic Beast body divided retreat 56 meters, in the rock magma cannot treadon the flat land, Shi Yan also toward retreat that the impulse clashes several rice. 重击之下,妖兽身子被劈的后退56米,岩浆内不能脚踏平地,石岩也被冲击力冲的往后退了数米。 Flame corner/horn beast, four levels of Demonic Beast, gobbles up in the rock magma the flint to live, the alone corner/horn is hard, refines the good material of fire attribute weapon. This Dragon-slaying Sword, refinement time, has used the alone corner/horn of flame corner/horn beast, the attack of flame corner/horn beast, by the alone corner/horn, is very mainly easy to cope.” “炎角兽,四级妖兽,一吞吃岩浆内火石为生,独角坚硬,是炼制火属性兵器的上佳材料。这斩龙剑,炼制的时候,就用了炎角兽的独角,炎角兽的攻击,也主要靠独角,很容易对付。” Profound Ice Cold Flame spreads the news to read in Blood Vein Ring. 玄冰寒焰血纹戒内传出讯念。 Shi Yan receives Profound Ice Cold Flame message, is raising Dragon-slaying Sword indifferent looks at that flame corner/horn beast, suddenly Mental Energy is precise, continuously deep cold aura and Mental Energy collect for together the shock-wave, the soul of perpendicular incidence flame corner/horn beast, four levels result in the flame corner/horn beast, soul not any defensive power, under one bunch of soul impacts of Shi Yan, received the heavy losses immediately, ran away distressedly. 石岩收到玄冰寒焰讯息,提着斩龙剑冷眼看着那炎角兽,突然精神力凝炼,缕缕深寒气息精神力汇为一道冲击波,直射炎角兽的灵魂,四级得炎角兽,灵魂没有任何的防御力,在石岩的一束灵魂冲击之下,立即受了重创,狼狈之极的逃了开。 In Shi Yan Mental Energy, attaches the Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold air/Qi, in this rock magma deep pool, in view of the soul of fire attribute life, has the obvious restraint strength. 石岩精神力之中,附有玄冰寒焰的冰寒之气,在这岩浆潭中,针对火属性生命的灵魂,有着明显的克制力。 The flame corner/horn beast was attacked by his soul, the soul has damaged severely, does not dare to approach, the rock magma deep pool is downward, is broad, the flame corner/horn beast runs away. In an instant then disappearing trail, four levels of flame corner/horn beasts, although the alone corner/horn is the good refinement material, but Shi Yan has not paid attention, by Yang Family in Jialuo Sea Area aloof Earth Realm, the cultivation material that on Immortal Island stores up has everything expected to find, what are more than flame corner/horn beast alone corner/horn precious fire attribute material, Shi Yan naturally is disinclined to pursue that flame corner/horn beast, leaves ten thousand years of volcano center of earth, but also far. exceed, the temperature of rock magma is downward higher, if below really has the special life to exist, is definitely fiercer than the flame corner/horn beast. In center of earth, if besides Earthcore Flame, other life, we must leave immediately, has the thing by Earthcore Flame to survive, is definitely fearful, anything, is not you can deal with.” 炎角兽被他灵魂冲击了一下,灵魂大伤,再也不敢靠近过来,岩浆潭越是往下,越是宽阔,炎角兽一逃。转眼便不见了踪迹,四级的炎角兽虽然独角算是不错的炼制材料,可石岩并未放在眼里,以杨家伽罗海域的超然地位,不死岛上囤积的修炼材料应有尽有,比炎角兽独角珍贵的火属性材料多的是,石岩自然懒得去追那炎角兽,“离万年火山地心,还远的很呢。越往下,岩浆的温度越高,下面真要是有特殊生命存在,肯定比炎角兽要厉害。地心之中,如果除了地心火之外,还有别的生命,我们都要立即离开,真有东西可以在地心火旁边生存,肯定非常可怕,不论是什么,都不是你可以应付的了的。” I could not deal with, you?” “我应付不了,你呢?” You, if can put from the ring me, I can give frozen these ten thousand years of volcanos. Regardless of the center of earth has anything, I will not be afraid. But if you were killed, I by this ghost ring seal, was fallen on these ten thousand years of volcanos centers of earth, possibly needed several thousand years unable to be delivered from oppression,” “你要是能够将我从戒指内放出来,我可以将这万年火山都给冰封了。地心不论有什么,我都不会害怕。但你要是被杀了,我被这鬼戒指封印了,落在这万年火山的地心,可能又要数千年不能重见天日了,” Shi Yan had not answered that frowns to continue toward the rock magma deep pool to sink, has the reminder of Profound Ice Cold Flame, Shi Yan has been careful, lets loose Mental Energy, his has Profound Ice Cold Flame Mental Energy, emits centered on him, is containing thick warning meaning. 石岩没有回话,皱着眉头继续往岩浆潭沉入,有了玄冰寒焰的提醒,石岩越加小心了,将精神力放开来,他那带有玄冰寒焰精神力,以他为中心散溢开来,其中蕴藏着浓浓的警告意味。 Sinks to the rock magma deep pool, Shi Yan relies on the Mental Energy boat to extend, but also realized really several not weak lives consciousness. 一路沉向岩浆潭,石岩凭借着精神力舟延伸,还真的察觉到几个不弱的生命意识来。 These life consciousness were fire attribute, Shi Yan Mental Energy peeps at the past, discovered that these life consciousness likely were one group of flame sticks, in he attached under ice cold air/Qi Mental Energy, these life consciousness do not dare to approach him, by far avoided. 那些生命意识都是火属性,石岩精神力窥视过去,发现那些生命意识都像是一团火焰棍在他附有冰寒之气的精神力之下,那些生命意识并不敢靠近他,都远远避开来了。 And several lives consciousness, Shi Yan, feared that endures compared with the Warrior soul intensity of boundary of Nirvana. 其中几股生命意识,在石岩来看,怕是堪比涅磐之境的武者灵魂强度。 Your boy is also intelligent, knows that uses my Cold Qi to warn these fellows.” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication from Blood Vein Ring: Comes from my Cold Qi, is supplementing my aura, I am these life inborn difficult adversaries! Life in the following fellow, is more intelligent than that flame corner/horn beast, they felt that the natural enemy comes, rapidness that naturally runs.” “你小子还算是聪明,知道利用我的寒气来警告那些家伙。”玄冰寒焰又从血纹戒传讯:“来自于我的寒气,附带着我的气息,我就是那些生命天生的克星!生活在下面的家伙,比那炎角兽聪明多了,它们感觉到天敌过来,自然跑的快。” Shi Yan has not responded him , to continue to let loose Mental Energy. spread exits carefully, pays attention the life consciousness of any possibly suddenly braving, through the utilization of this while Mental Energy, he in the pure soul strength of regarding Soul Gathering Bead, has cared, Mental Energy in certain special places, has the unique function. 石岩没有搭理他,继续将精神力放开来。小心谨慎地扩散出去,留意任何可能突然冒出来的生命意识,通过这一会儿精神力的运用,他对于聚魂珠中的纯净灵魂之力,越加的在意了,精神力在某些特殊的地方,有着独特的作用。 For example this time. 譬如这次。 If no supplementary to have Profound Ice Cold Flame Mental Energy, he feared that must spend the biological confrontation that many times and these encircle, needs to block their wave of attack first, can make them understand that existence of Profound Ice Cold Flame, making them give way before difficulties. 要是没有附带有玄冰寒焰精神力在,他怕是要费很多功夫和那些围上来的生物交锋,需要先挡住它们的一波攻击,才能够让它们明白玄冰寒焰的存在,令它们知难而退。 Some formidable living thing, can come out in rock magma deep pool interior suddenly, perhaps if really bombardment not awfully to him, his wave of attack cannot resist, if his had been killed directly, does not have the means that making these fellows realize Profound Ice Cold Flame existed, if can use the Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, evolves to quenching the soul, has formed Sea of Consciousness in the mind, had Divine Sense, his strength will step a social stratum! 一些强大的生物,可以在岩浆潭内突然出来,真要是不要命的轰击向他,说不定他连一波攻击都抵挡不住,若是他被直接袭杀了,也就没有办法,让那些家伙意识到玄冰寒焰的存在了,如果能够用聚魂珠内的灵魂之力,来进化淬炼灵魂,在脑海中形成了识海,拥有了神识,他的实力将会足足迈上一个阶层! Using surpassing same level Sea of Consciousness and Divine Sense, he is battling, will become to attach most importance will butcher, plays with same level Warrior with applauses. 利用超出同级的识海神识,他在交战之中,将会成为主宰,玩弄同级武者与鼓掌之间。 To come, the Shi Yan eye was also bright. 这么想来,石岩眼睛又明亮了一些。 Profound Ice Cold Flame as if really does not blow own horn, it seems here fire attribute life difficult adversary, is supplementing its aura Shi Yan Mental Energy, after extending, the Fiery Flame life that various Shi Yan can feel, yields and withdraws, shunts on own initiative, does not dare to approach him. 玄冰寒焰似乎真的不是自吹自擂,它似乎就是这里火属性生命的克星,附带着它的气息石岩精神力,延伸出去之后,各种石岩能感受到的火炎生命,纷纷退避三舍,主动躲开来,根本不敢靠近他。 How long has not known child. 不知道过子多久。 Suddenly, Profound Ice Cold Flame transmits the consciousness once more: Has been careful, soon arrived at the volcano center of earth! First stops, we induce, having a look below to have the life, if there is a life to exist, your I leave immediately, give up this motion.” 突然,玄冰寒焰再次传来意识:“小心了,快要到火山地心了!先停下来,我们都感应一下,看看下面有没有生命,要是有生命存在,你我立即离开,放弃这一次的行动。” Un.” “嗯。” Shi Yan is controlling the body, forms two small water vortices with Essence Qi in the under foot, making the body maintain is freezing. 石岩操控着身体,用精元在脚下形成两个小小的水漩,令身体保持在原地不动。 Mental Energy lets loose, extends slowly toward the rock magma deep pool under...... 50 meters, 100 meters, 200 meters... Without any discovery, Mental Energy has not moved any possibly to contain existence of life, below rock magma is getting more and more thick the thick burning hot, the dispersion is even, is extremely heavy without the strength of some region Fiery Flame. 精神力放开来,缓缓朝着岩浆潭下面延伸出去……50米,100米,200米…没有任何发现,精神力没有碰触到任何可能蕴藏着生命的存在,下方的岩浆只是越来越浓稠炙热,散布均匀,没有某一个区域火炎之力极重的。 The region that the flame life is , the flame strength definitely compares other region to be heavy, since could not feel where has this region, means that under does not have the Fiery Flame life, Mental Energy to continue downward to explore. 火焰生命所在的区域,炎力肯定比别的区域重,既然感觉不到什么地方有此地带,也意味着底下真的没有火炎生命,精神力继续往下探索。 Suddenly, strength of the violent incomparable Fiery Flame, ripples fiercely from an corner/horn! 突然,一股暴烈无比的火炎之力,猛地从一角荡漾开来! Shi Yan Mental Energy moves the strength of that Fiery Flame, soul is fired, the body trembles suddenly, almost cannot help screaming in ice rock. 石岩精神力碰触到那火炎之力,灵魂似被灼烧,身体骤然一颤,在冰岩之中差点忍不住要尖叫起来。 Letting out Mental Energy, has only taken back part, that moves Mental Energy of strength of that violent Fiery Flame. By Fiery Flame direct burning down! 放出去的精神力,只收回了一部分,那碰触到那暴烈火炎之力的精神力。被火炎直接焚烧! Including Fiery Flame that Mental Energy can burn down! 精神力都可以焚烧的火炎 The Shi Yan complexion great change, takes the bull by the horns, immediately stimulates to movement Essence Qi, floats toward the place above. 石岩脸色巨变,当机立断,立即催动一身的精元,直朝着上方浮去。 He could feel, in the strength of that Fiery Flame, has extremely weak life consciousness, the instinct is sick of nearness of any life. 他感觉得到,那火炎之力之中,有着极为微弱的生命意识,本能的厌烦任何生命的靠近。 The life consciousness of strength of that Fiery Flame, small and weak incomparable, small Shi Yan has been discrete. Even could not feel! 火炎之力的生命意识,弱小无比,小的石岩要不是一直非常谨慎.甚至都感觉不到! But the burning hot of strength of that Fiery Flame, can burn down including Mental Energy unexpectedly, this too terrifying a point, he sincerely has really recorded Profound Ice Cold Flame that words, so long as realized that under possibly has the life to exist. Regardless of the what kind life, immediately evacuates! 可那火炎之力的炙热,竟连精神力都可以焚烧,这实在太恐怖了一点,他谨记玄冰寒焰的那一番话,只要察觉到下面可能有生命存在。不论何种生命,立即撤离! Shi Yan has such done, Wait a moment! Wait a moment!” The consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame, transmits in Blood Vein Ring fast, Wait a moment! The following life, should, should be Earthcore Flame!” 石岩已经这么做了,“等一下等一下!”玄冰寒焰的意识,在血纹戒内快速传来,“等一下!下面的生命,应该,应该是地心火!” Earthcore Flame?” Shi Yan is astonished however. „The difference of Earth Flame and Heavenly Flame, is one has the life consciousness, does not have, will be only the source of pure flame, how Earthcore Flame to have the life consciousness?” 地心火?”石岩讶然。“地火天火的区别,就是一个拥有生命意识,一个没有,只是纯粹的火焰之源,地心火怎会拥有生命意识?” It has evolved to Heavenly Flame!” Profound Ice Cold Flame replied immediately, Earthcore Flame existed for several thousand years later, will breed the life consciousness slowly, following Earthcore Flame, should become the Heavenly Flame time in transformation. Its life consciousness initially becomes, knows nothing about anything, only then instinct.” “它已经向天火进化了!”玄冰寒焰立即回答了,“地心火存在了数万年之后,是会慢慢孕育出生命意识的,下面的地心火,应该就在蜕变天火的时刻。它生命意识初成,对什么都一无所知,只有本能。” „Can Earthcore Flame evolve Heavenly Flame?” 地心火要进化成天火了?” Shi Yan remembers suddenly in Dark Forest, from one line of Warrior, the Earthcore Flame fluid that searches. 石岩突然想起在幽暗森林的时候,从一行武者身上,搜寻到的地心火液。 Initially Mu Yu Die had said that the Earthcore Flame fluid is ten thousand years of volcano Earthcore Flame, before transformation became Heavenly Flame, one precious thing that formed, the Earthcore Flame fluid situated in liquid and solid state, was mysterious, can amplification Fiery Flame class Martial Spirit, remember that experience, Shi Yan realized immediately Earthcore Flame in these ten thousand years of volcano centers of earth, should also in the transformation time, make great strides forward toward Heavenly Flame from Earth Flame. 当初穆语蝶曾经说过,地心火液便是万年火山的地心火,在蜕变天火之前,形成的一种珍奇之物,地心火液介于液态和固态之间,非常神奇,能增幅火炎类的武魂,一想起那一段经历,石岩立即意识到这万年火山地心之中的地心火,应该也正在蜕变的时刻,正从地火朝着天火迈进。 Un, its transformation becomes Heavenly Flame, at this time relative security,” Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. “嗯,它正蜕变天火,这时候相对安全,”玄冰寒焰传讯 You said how to do?” “你说怎么做吧?” Do not emit the Mental Energy exploration, directly under enters, Earthcore Flame transformation Heavenly Flame, needs a process, possibly needs one year, or ten years. At this time, Earthcore Flame realized simply, if some people poured their soul imprint at this time sincerely in Earthcore Flame, Ok, can subdue it...... “不要放出精神力探索,直接进入底下,地心火蜕变天火,也需要一个过程,可能要一年,或者十来年的时间。在这个时候,地心火意识最简单,如果这时候有人将自己的灵魂烙印谨注在地心火之中,可以,可以收服它…… The consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame, has not hoped to some non- sentiments finally, it as if somewhat hesitates, has not continued. 玄冰寒焰的意识,到了最后有些不情不愿,它似乎有些犹豫,没有继续下去。 What? Harvests Earthcore Flame?” Shi Yan actually listened clearly, a face was pleasantly surprised, hurried communication Profound Ice Cold Flame, you said that I should do? Ha! Has not thought that my luck is so good.” “什么?收获地心火?”石岩却听清楚了,一脸惊喜,急忙传讯玄冰寒焰,“你说说我应该怎么做?哈!没想到我运气这么好。” You must promise me first, if I can help you suffice to harvest this Earthcore Flame, you do not permit to hit my thought again. When you arrive at the boundary of Nirvana Origin, you must put me to come out, cannot continue to imprison me. “你要先答应我,如果我能帮你够收获这个地心火,你不准再打我的念头。等你到达涅巢之境,你必须放我出来,不能继续禁锢我。 If you obtain this Earthcore Flame, cultivation base Realm has also entered into the boundary of Nirvana Origin, when the time comes I how you, you were put me to come out, you obtained this Earthcore Flame, I also took you not to have the means. ” 你如果得到这个地心火,修为境界也迈入了涅巢之境,到时候我也奈何不了你了,你就是放我出来了,你得到了这个地心火,我也拿你没办法。” Shi Yan had not replied immediately that Profound Ice Cold Flame was Heavenly Flame, Earthcore Flame had the life consciousness, was Heavenly Flame. 石岩没有立即回答,玄冰寒焰天火,地心火拥有了生命意识,也是天火了。 However, Heavenly Flame also has the division of height, like Earthcore Flame this Elementary transformation Heavenly Flame, the wisdom or power, are inferior to Profound Ice Cold Flame this type when heaven and earth inaugurates Fiery Flame that forms is mysterious. 然而,天火也有高低之分,像地心火这种后天蜕变天火,不论是智慧还是力量,都不如玄冰寒焰这种在天地初开时就形成的火炎神奇。 Reason that Shi Yan these must refine Jing Bottle, receives Earthcore Flame, will then occupy Profound Ice Cold Flame to prepare for the future, related Profound Ice Cold Flame this kind of Heavenly Flame rumor, Shi Yan early deeply in heart. Knows if can receive this kind of Heavenly Flame, to his has the inestimable advantage in the future. 石岩这一趟之所以要炼制净瓶,收地心火,便是为将来占据玄冰寒焰做准备,有关玄冰寒焰这类天火的传言,石岩早深深记在心中。知道如果能够收起这类的天火,对他的未来将会有着不可估量的好处。 Now Profound Ice Cold Flame is willing to help him gather this soon transformation becomes Heavenly Flame Earthcore Flame, proposed that must leave the Blood Vein Ring condition, this makes Shi Yan somewhat be in a dilemma actually, is very for a while indecisive, naturally, he can feign to comply with Profound Ice Cold Flame, waited to receive the s fire, in the future will renege on a promise again. 现在玄冰寒焰愿意帮助他收取这快要蜕变天火地心火,却提出要离开血纹戒的条件,这倒是让石岩有些两难,一时很犹豫不决,当然,他可以佯装答应玄冰寒焰,等收了地s火,将来再反悔。 One may he not be that person. 一可他不是那种人。 Originally you unexpectedly are the person of heavy commitment.” Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring, spread the pleasantly surprised news to read, my happy you did not have to comply very much immediately, if you complied immediately, I definitely know that you are perfunctory me, you did not speak, weighed gains and losses, explained that you took seriously the promise, does not want to deceive me.” “原来你竟然是重承诺的人。”玄冰寒焰血纹戒内,传出了惊喜的讯念,“我很高兴你没有立即答应下来,你要是立即答应下来,我肯定知道你是敷衍我,你不讲话,衡量得失,才说明你重视诺言,不是想欺骗我。” Shi Yan continues silent, you if just promised me immediately, deceived me, I will definitely kill you, because, you in the future if really obtained Earthcore Flame, sought for the sufficient resources, when you cultivated higher Realm, you can occupy me. Had been occupied by you with it, I rather kill you, here waits for other chance.” 石岩继续沉默,“你刚刚要是立即答应我,欺骗我,我肯定会害死你,因为,你将来真要是得到了地心火,找寻到足够的资源,等你修到更高的境界,你真的可以占据我。与其被你占了,我宁愿害死你,在这里等候另外的机缘。” Shi Yan is silent. 石岩还在沉默。 Since you at the consideration success and failure, it seems like I also really can make one to trade with you, because you attach great importance to pledging that I dare to trade with you.” Understanding of Profound Ice Cold Flame after these to Shi Yan, as if finally set firm resolve, this, before you achieve the boundary of Nirvana Origin, I will use my various knowledge , helping you quicker breakthrough. In my soul, has several God Realm Expert memories and to martial arts the cognition, these do not have a point to use to me. But to you, these invisible things, possibly obtains me more precious than you!” “既然你真的在考虑得失,看来我也真的可以和你做一笔交易了,因为你重视承诺,我才敢和你真的交易。”玄冰寒焰经过这一番对石岩的认识,似乎终于下定了决心,“这样吧,在你达到涅巢之境之前,我会用我的各种知识,帮助你更快的突破。我灵魂中,有着几个神境强者的记忆和对武道的认知,这些对我没一点用。但对你来说,这些无形的东西,可能比你得到我还要珍贵!”
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