GOS :: Volume #2

#184: Next sea of fire

Craterlet. He Luo and He Lai they entered fire to stop, He Luo was protecting that He Lai, once for a while scolded 1-2 under. He Lai as if started to quenching Jing Bottle with single-hearted devotion, has not spread the sound, in which He Luo did not have the sound gradually, resembles to fear that has disturbed He Lai. 小火山口。何洛何赖两人进了火止,何洛护着那何赖,时不时在底下呵斥一两句。何赖似乎已开始专心淬炼净瓶,没有传出声音,渐渐地,其中的何洛也没了声响,似怕打搅了何赖 Near the crater, Shi Yan, Mo Duanhun and He Qingman three people also stopped the conversation. After the half day. 火山口边上,石岩莫断魂何青曼三人也停止了交谈。半日后。 Face sweat He Lai, in high spirits is taking verdant Jing Bottle, braves from the crater, offers valuable advice lifts Jing Bottle to shout to clear the way: „ 一脸汗水的何赖,兴冲冲的拿着青翠的净瓶,从火山口冒出来,献宝似的举着净瓶喝道:“ Succeeded! ” 成功了!” The sacrifice has built up again Jing Bottle, imitates verdantly, if emerald, glittering and translucent carving, the appearance was obviously good to be too many. 重新祭炼过的净瓶,青翠仿若翡翠,晶莹剔透,卖相明显好了太多。 Shi Yan smiled, the nod said: „ 石岩笑了笑,点头道:“ Jing Bottle brings, that stone turned over to you. ” 净瓶拿来,那块石头归你了。” Good. ” 好。” He Lai walks to go forward grinningly, gives Shi Yan Jing Bottle, He Luo that vast complacent to cropping up said: „ 何赖笑嘻嘻地走上前,将净瓶递给石岩,洋洋得意地对冒头上来的何洛道:“ Sees? I can also quenching Jing Bottle, the lots that I refined before reason that have not succeeded, is not my technology is bad , because does not have enough burning hot environment. 看到吧?我也是可以淬炼净瓶的,我以前炼制的很多东西之所以没有成功,不是我技术差,是因为没足够炙热的环境。 Hehe, so long as gives my sufficient condition, I am not worse than others, actually I may very much become Refiner Master. ” 嘿嘿,只要给我充足的条件,我可不比别人差,其实我是很有可能成为炼器师的。” The body does not have Fiery Flame Martial Spirit, this whole life you also to give up any idea of into true Refiner Master abundantly. ” 身丰没有火炎武魂,这辈子你也休想成为真正的炼器师。” He Luo coldly snorted, „ 何洛冷哼一声,“ Later gives me law-abidingly, is short abandons the surface consumption thoughts in Refiner, has promoted Realm cultivation base, is better than anything. ” 以后还是给我安分一点,少在炼器弃面耗费心思,将境界修为提升了上来,比什么都好。” He Lai the face is nodding painstakingly. 何赖苦着脸点头。 We go to ten thousand years of volcano. ” 我们去万年火山吧。” Jing Bottle succeeds in obtaining, the Shi Yan goal is achieved, no longer the waste time, looked to Mo Duanhun. 净瓶到手,石岩目的达到,不再浪费时间,看向了莫断魂 Un. ” 嗯。” Mo Duanhun calls Cyan Blood Bat, they come up together, goes far away along with Cyan Blood Bat. The He Luo whole family, as if entered ten thousand years of volcano to be also interested to Shi Yan, should at this time not their anything matter, but they got up distant place Shura Blood Guard Cyan Blood Bat, on ten thousand years of volcano toward Flame Cloud Island flew. 莫断魂唤来青血魔蝠,两人一起上去,随着青血魔蝠远去。何洛一家子,似乎对石岩进入万年火山也非常有兴趣,这时候本来应该没他们什么事情了,不过他们还是上了远处修罗血卫青血魔蝠,也往火云岛上的万年火山飞去。 After one hour. 一个小时后。 majestic grand several thousand a volcano of clamping, appears in the Shi Yan eye suddenly. 一座巍峨壮阔的数千夹的火山,霍然在石岩眼中出现。 This volcano is extremely high, inserts the clouds straightly, continuously the burning hot flame, the crater from that clouds flashes before, looks, as if the sky was burnt makes. 这火山极高,笔直插入云霄,缕缕炎热的火光,从那云霄中的火山口闪现出来,一眼望去,仿佛天空都被烧弄了。 Has not achieved the crater, the billowing heat wave the store front came, to imitate, if places in the giant furnace, burns breathes heavily simply gets up. 尚未达到火山口,滚滚热浪已铺面而来,让人仿若身处在巨大的熔炉中,烧的简直喘不过起来。 He Qingman, hangs by far in Shi Yan and Mo Duanhun behind, is waiting and seeing this on first five levels of Cyan Blood Bat. 何青曼一家,远远吊在石岩莫断魂身后,在一头五级的青血魔蝠身上观望着这一块。 Shi Yan body next six levels of Cyan Blood Bat, hot tempered restless. More approaches that crater, speed is slow. 石岩身下六级的青血魔蝠,暴躁不安。越是靠近那火山口,速度越是缓慢。 Each ten thousand years of volcano, is containing the burning hot incomparable high temperature, has to melt gold/metal Tie the rock magma, periphery the scalding hot heat wave can let be infertile, the person the beast does not dare to approach easily. This Cyan Blood Bat, although has reached six levels, but the body actually leaning yin cold, like in the gloomy ice cold cavern life, the scalding hot high temperature of ten thousand years of volcano, most makes it not adapt. Mo Duanhun knows that Cyan Blood Bat under body, does not want to approach that crater, but he actually knit the brows to pat its neck. 每一座万年的火山,都蕴藏着炙热无比的高温,有着可以融化金铁的岩浆,灼热的热浪会让周围寸草不生,人兽都不敢轻易靠近。这一头青血魔蝠,虽然达到了六级,可身体却偏阴寒,喜欢在阴暗冰寒的洞穴生活,万年火山的灼热高温,最让它不适应。莫断魂知道身下的青血魔蝠,不想靠近那火山口,但他却皱眉拍了拍它的脖颈 To a Mo Duanhun racket, this Cyan Blood Bat was so honest immediately, dreads slowly approaches that crater. That Cyan Blood Bat that the He Family person rides, before already did not stop, three people of one face is astonished, distant looks at Shi Yan. 莫断魂这么一拍,这一头青血魔蝠马上老实了下来,畏惧的慢慢靠近那火山口。何家人乘坐的那一头青血魔蝠,早就停止不前了,三人都一脸惊异,远远看着石岩 Qingman, does the boy really have Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base? ” 青曼,那小子真的只有百劫二重天之境修为?” He Luo is looking at Shi Yan, some doubts said: „ 何洛愣愣地望着石岩,有些疑惑道:“ You grow up in Flame Cloud Island. Should know this volcano the crater temperature high, let alone was Disaster Level Warrior, even if were Earth Level, in the crater of ten thousand years of volcano, was withstanding the burning hot air wave, feared that could not resist. But doesn't that boy, what as if have exceptionally? I looked that Mo Duanhun hasn't lent a hand to help him? ” 你在火云岛长大。应该知道这一座火山的火山口温度有多高,别说是百劫之境武者了,就算是地位之境,在万年火山的火山口,承受着炙热的气浪,怕也抵御不住啊。可那小子,似乎没有什么异常啊?我看莫断魂也没有出手帮助他啊?” If cannot resist including the heat wave of crater, his how dare under volcano? ” He Qingman black eyebrows micro pressed, light say|way. 要是连火山口的热浪都抵御不住,他岂敢下火山?”何青曼黛眉微蹙,淡淡道。 Next volcano? ” 下火山?” He Lai screamed all of a sudden that on fat face full was panic-stricken, „ 何赖一下子尖叫起来,胖脸上满是惊骇,“ Isn't Mo Duanhun? ” 不是莫断魂么?” He Luo is also the complexion changes, strange looks at He Qingman, „ 何洛也是脸色一变,怪异的看着何青曼,“ How can be under him the volcano? ” 怎么会是他下火山?” He Luo and He Lai, think that must enter the heart of volcano, should be Shura king Mo Duanhun, now listened to what Fengman a such saying, was feared thoroughly. 何洛何赖,都认为要进入火山之心的,应该是修罗莫断魂,如今听何丰曼这么一说,彻底被惊住了。 Mo Duanhun has Third Sky of Sky Realm cultivation base, so Realm, enters the past that ten thousand years of volcano said actually, but Shi Yan why? 莫断魂有着天位三重天之境修为,如此境界,进入万年火山倒是说的过去,可石岩凭什么? How He Luo and He Lai think, cannot find out a reason why. „ 何洛何赖怎么想,也想不出个所以然来。“ He once was almost given seizing a body by Profound Ice Cold Flame, although does not know that he now and Profound Ice Cold Flame anything relates, but he dares the next ten thousand years of volcano, is definitely related with Profound Ice Cold Flame. Without Profound Ice Cold Flame, by his cultivation base, falls into the heart of volcano, will immediately be burnt down the ashes! ” 他曾经被玄冰寒焰差点给夺舍了,虽然不知道他现在和玄冰寒焰什么关系,但他敢下万年火山,肯定和玄冰寒焰有关。没有玄冰寒焰,以他的修为,一落入火山之心,立即会被焚烧成灰烬!” He Qingman light say|way. 何青曼淡淡道。 Profound Ice Cold Flame? Heavenly Flame? ” 玄冰寒焰天火?” He Lai screamed again and again that on the fat face full is excited, „ 何赖连连尖叫,胖脸上满是兴奋,“ I started to worship him, was too fierce! Too was really fierce! ” 我开始崇拜他了,太厉害了!真是太厉害了!” Can't Profound Ice Cold Flame unexpectedly seizing a body he? ” 玄冰寒焰竟然没能夺舍他?” He Luo also stayed, whole face doubts. 何洛也呆了,满脸疑惑。 Earthcore Flame in the middle of Fire Crystal Jade, you , to gather Earthcore Flame, must break Fire Crystal Jade, this Dragon-slaying Sword you are taking, is used for shatter Fire Crystal Jade to be just appropriate. ” 地心火处在火晶玉当中,你若想要收取地心火,必须破掉火晶玉,这斩龙剑你拿着,用来破碎火晶玉正合适。” Mo Duanhun Dragon-slaying Sword of Gu Jiange within the body, lives to sit by his body to pull out to hardly, has given Shi Yan, explained: „ 莫断魂古剑歌体内的斩龙剑,硬生坐以他身体内抽离出来,交给了石岩,解释道:“ The Dragon-slaying Sword palace Fan Mingjian spirit is interlinked with the Gu Jiange soul, Gu Jiange spirit undying soul, the hot sister's son is hard to tame. I temporarily seal up the hot sister's son soul, is good does not use the hot cocoon because of shatter Fire Crystal Jade, but must draw support the sharpness of Dragon-slaying Sword, with its fire attribute. ” 斩龙剑殿樊明剑灵和古剑歌灵魂相通,古剑歌魂不灭,火甥难以驯服。我只是将火甥灵魂暂时封住,好在破碎火晶玉也用不到火蛹,只是要借助于斩龙剑的锋利,和它的火属性。” Un. ” 嗯。” Shi Yan nodded, has grabbed Dragon-slaying Sword. He emitted Mental Energy to explore together, indeed the discovery sword spirit was sealed up by power, cannot move. The ordinary weapon, in the rock magma deep pool of ten thousand years of volcano, cannot withstand the burning hot the high temperature, may be burnt down the molten iron juice, but Dragon-slaying Sword actually smelts with various fire attribute gold/metal irons and ores, does not fear ten thousand years of volcano the rock magma high temperature, most suits is used for shatter Fire Crystal Jade. „ 石岩点了点头,一把抓着了斩龙剑。他放出一道精神力探索了一下,的确发现其中的剑灵被一股力量封住,动弹不得。普通的兵器,在万年火山的岩浆潭,根本承受不住炙热的高温,可能会被焚烧成铁水汁液,但斩龙剑却是用各种火属性的金铁、矿石熔炼而成,不惧万年火山的岩浆高温,最适合用来破碎火晶玉。“ Once Fire Crystal Jade bursts, Earthcore Flame will dissipate quickly in the rock magma, Earth Flame power will disperse temporarily completely, after waiting for in the center of earth to form new Fire Crystal Jade, Earthcore Flame once more will gather in through Fire Crystal Jade. New Fire Crystal Jade must form, at least hundred years, therefore you , to obtain Earthcore Flame, must in fire Crystal Stone shatter that moment, in Earthcore Flame has not dissipated before the rock magma, gathered it with Jing Bottle. ” 火晶玉一旦破裂,地心火会很快消散在岩浆内,地火力量会暂时全部分散开来,等地心内重新形成一块新的火晶玉之后,地心火才会再次通过火晶玉在里面重新聚集起来。新的一块火晶玉要成形,至少百年时间,所以你要想得到地心火,必须在火晶石破碎的那一刻,在地心火没有消散在岩浆之前,用净瓶将它收取了。” Mo Duanhun also said. „ 莫断魂又道。“ Un. ” 嗯。” Shi Yan nodded, said lightly: „ 石岩点了点头,淡淡道:“ Relax, I know how should do. ” 放心吧,我知道应该怎么做。” Be careful. ” Mo Duanhun frowns, „ 小心。”莫断魂皱着眉头,“ Earthcore Flame. Other anything. 不论是地心火。还是别的什么。 Is only your goal, not necessarily must realize immediately. But the life only then one, this is the key, remembers reluctantly. ” 都只是你的一个目的,不一定非要立即实现。但性命只有一条,这才是关键,记得不要勉强。” Knows that I got down. ” 知道,我下去了。” Shi Yan smiled. 石岩笑了笑。 The mind sinks to Blood Vein Ring, Shi Yan finally summons Profound Ice Cold Flame, „ 心神沉入血纹戒,石岩终于传唤玄冰寒焰,“ I have achieved ten thousand years of volcano the crater, you protect me to get down. ” 我已达到万年火山的火山口,你护我下去。” Good! ” 好!” One continuously ices cold biting cold cold air/Qi, reveals suddenly from Blood Vein Ring, pours into the Shi Yan body quietly. 一缕缕冰寒彻骨的冷气,骤然从血纹戒内流露出来,悄然注入石岩身体。 The body of Shi Yan, freezes at the naked eye obvious speed fast, for several seconds, his whole body constipation leaves the clear solid ice. 石岩的身体,以肉眼可见的速度快速冰冻,短短几秒钟,他浑身便结出晶莹的坚冰。 Shi Yan looked like an ice sculpture, the body clear, in the ice piece had pure white rays of light to flow. „ 石岩像成了一具冰雕,身体晶莹,冰块中有洁白的光芒在流动。“ I. ” 我去了。” The Shi Yan body non-stop flies the crater, crashes fiercely. „ 石岩身子直飞火山口,猛地坠落下去。“ passes! ” 噗通!” In the crater, transmits the sound that a heavy item crashes into suddenly, three rock magma splutter, Cyan Blood Bat that frightens was screaming evades to make hurriedly. 火山口中,突然传来一声重物坠入的声响,三道道岩浆溅射出来,吓的青血魔蝠尖叫着急忙避弄来。 Mo Duanhun frowns, stares at that crater to look at a while, at once stimulates to movement Cyan Blood Bat to leave. 莫断魂皱着眉头,盯着那火山口望了一会儿,旋即催动青血魔蝠离开。 Ten thousand years of volcano likely is a cone-shape funnel, the crater is an acute angle, once enters, will discover that is getting more and more broad. 万年火山像是一个锥形的漏斗,火山口是尖角,一旦进入,会发现里面越来越宽阔。 The billowing rock magma in volcano braves the fire bubble, the strong heat wave evaporates, the burning hot smog does not wind around loose. 火山中的滚滚岩浆冒着火泡,浓烈的热浪蒸发出去,炎热的烟雾缭绕不散。 Shi Yan that in the rock magma deep pool, whole body ices up, fast submersion. 岩浆潭中,浑身结冰的石岩,快速下沉。 Had been covered Shi Yan of whole body by the Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi precise solid ice, in this rock magma deep pool, discovered one are in the burning hot Fiery Flame sea, the surroundings flame four shoot, in the opacitas rock magma has the blister formation unceasingly, fast floating to deep pool surface. 玄冰寒焰寒气凝炼的坚冰覆盖了全身的石岩,在这岩浆潭中,发现自己处在炙热的火炎海洋中,周围火光四射,浑浊的岩浆中不断地有水泡形成,快速的浮向潭面。 This is a deep deep pool that is formed by the rock magma, the strength of Fiery Flame is strong, is downward, the temperature of rock magma is higher. 这是由岩浆形成的一个深潭,火炎之力浓烈,越是往下,岩浆的温度越高。 Generally Disaster Level Warrior, if falls into this rock magma deep pool carelessly, could not take three seconds, flesh and blood bone lou will be melted. 一般百劫之境武者,若是不慎落入这个岩浆潭,要不了三秒,血肉骨髅都会被融化。 Earth Level Warrior, does not have the support of special guard Martial Skills and rare treasure, falls into the deep pool surface of rock magma deep pool, most supports little while. Also will be melted finally. 地位之境武者,没有特殊的护身武技和秘宝的支撑,落入岩浆潭的潭面,也最多支持个一时三刻。最终还会被融化掉。 Nirvana Origin and Sky Realm Warrior. Could the superficial activity in rock magma deep pool, but once the base in thorough rock magma deep pool, submersion kilometer. Cannot resist strong dozens times of Fiery Flame liquids absolutely the burning bodies. However, Shi Yan is relying on the protecting body of Heavenly Flame Profound Ice Cold Flame, actually falls toward the deep pool bottom of rock magma deep pool, safe and sound. 涅巢天位之境武者。或许可以在岩浆潭的表面活动,可一旦深入岩浆潭的底部,下沉个千米。绝对也抵挡不住浓烈数十倍的火炎液体的焚体。然而,石岩凭借着天火玄冰寒焰的护体,却一路朝着岩浆潭的潭底滑落,安然无恙。 Careful, in rock magma deep pool, will perhaps have the life of special shape, may have flame Demonic Beast to depend upon Earthcore Flame cultivation, pays attention, be not sneak attacked to be caught off guard suddenly. ” 小心一点,在岩浆潭之中,说不定会有特殊形态的生命,也有可能会有火焰妖兽依靠地心火修炼,留神一下,别被突然偷袭个措手不及。” In Blood Vein Ring, has transmitted the urging of Profound Ice Cold Flame. 血纹戒内,传来了玄冰寒焰的叮嘱。 The life of special shape? Flame Demonic Beast? ” 特殊形态的生命?火焰妖兽?” The Shi Yan complexion changes, the brow deeply wrinkled, „ 石岩脸色微变,眉头深深地皱了起来,“ In this bad environment. Also can have the life to survive? ” 在这种恶劣的环境下。还能有生命存活下来?” In world mysterious mysterious thing many are uncountable, the life miracle is omnipresent, anything has the possibility. Under any extreme bad environment, may have the special life to exist, in the life of extreme environment life, is fierce. ” 世间神奇玄妙的事物多不可数,生命的奇迹无所不在,什么都有可能。任何极端恶劣的环境之下,都有可能有特殊的生命存在,越是在极端环境生活的生命,越是厉害。” Profound Ice Cold Flame message transmits, „, in rock magma deep pool interior, even if has any life and Demonic Beast, also does not need extremely to be afraid, the life life here, decides however is fire attribute, my power can restrain. You want carefully, should not be killed all of a sudden suddenly, can draw support from my power counter-attack.” 玄冰寒焰讯息传来,“,不过在岩浆潭内,就算是真有什么生命和妖兽,也不用太过害怕,生活在这里的生命,定然是火属性,我的力量可以克制。你只要小心,不要被一下子突然杀死了,就可以借助我的力量反击。” Un, I will be careful. ” 嗯,我会小心一点的。” wave! ” 波!” Shi Yan a few words fall, the huge Fiery Flame air bubble of his side explodes suddenly. 石岩一句话才落下,他身旁的一个巨大的火炎气泡突然爆裂。 At once, a body scarlet-red like iron, appearance such as Demonic Beast of cat, then suddenly threw toward him... 旋即,一个身体赤红如烙铁,模样如猫的妖兽,便突然朝他扑了上来…
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