GOS :: Volume #2

#181: I bet with you!

Bets? 怎么赌? He Luo and Mo Duanhun they, look to Shi Yan, does not know that what he does want to bet? 何洛莫断魂两人,都望向石岩,不知道他想要赌什么? Shi Yan stares slightly, the facial expression stagnates. 石岩微微一愣,神情一滞。 He spoke thoughtlessly, from the start did not have to bet anything, but the words said that he discovered that He Qingman was very as if interested, closely examined immediately, this made him somewhat be caught off guard actually. 他只是随口说说而已,压根没有真想赌什么,不过话一说出口,他发现何青曼似乎很有兴趣,马上追问了下去,这倒是让他有些措手不及了。 The smiling face of He Luo corners of the mouth, has stagnated suddenly, the bursting out laughing said: „ 何洛嘴角的笑容,突然凝滞了,哑然道:“ Qingman, your this bad habit, came up. ” 青曼,你这臭毛病,又上来了。” Shi Yan does not know that He Qingman this enchanting beautiful woman, the nature happy makes a bet with the person, from infancy to maturity, because of many minor matters, she will be entangling and person makes a bet, He Luo to her odd, is headache quite, does not know why this girl likes making a bet with the person. 石岩并不知道,何青曼这妖娆美女,性喜与人打赌,从小到大,因为很多小事,她都会缠着和人打赌,何洛对她的怪癖,也是颇为的头疼,不知道这丫头为何那么喜欢与人打赌。 Shi Yan spoke thoughtlessly to make a bet, He Luo knows under immediately own this girl will definitely closely examine, gambling that can be unforgiving. 石岩随口一句打赌,何洛马上知道自家这丫头下面肯定会追问,会不依不饶的赌下去。 He knows He Qingman not only likes making a bet with person, the gambler's character was not quite good, has won happily, will lose will become angry out of shame, heard that Shi Yan must make a bet with her, in the He Luo heart smiled bitterly constantly, knows that was bad. 他知道何青曼不但喜欢与人打赌,赌品还不太好,赢了开开心心,输了会恼羞成怒,一听说石岩要和她打赌,何洛心中苦笑不迭,知道要糟了。 Father, you leave alone! ” 爹,你别管!” He Qingman stared his one eyes, raises head said proudly: „ 何青曼瞪了他一眼,仰头傲然道:“ From infancy to maturity, I and person make a bet, but also little has lost. ” 从小到大,我与人打赌,还很少输过呢。” Yes, you will definitely not lose, everyone knows you, once lost, definitely will become angry out of shame, afterward will look for various methods to ask for the face countenance, who dares to win you? 是呀,你肯定不会输,谁都知道你一旦输了,肯定会恼羞成怒,事后会找各种手段讨回颜面,谁敢赢你? He Luo the face, the complexion was painstakingly stranger o 何洛苦着脸,脸色越加怪异了o“ Said quickly that what bets? ” 快说,赌什么?” He Qingman was excited, both cheeks are ruddy, sexy look glittering strange rays of light, brilliant looks at Shi Yan, is being indulges this field of endeavor seriously likely senior gambler o Shi Yan stunned, look strangely looks at she 何青曼兴奋了,两腮红扑扑的,桃花眼闪烁着奇异的光芒,灼灼看着石岩,当真像是沉溺此道的资深赌徒o石岩愕然,眼神古怪地看着她“ How do you want to bet? ” 你想怎么赌?” Bets good! ” 怎么赌都行!” He Qingman light snort|hum, said proudly: „ 何青曼轻哼一声,傲然道:“ I definitely will not lose in any case! ” 反正我肯定不会输的!” ! 靠! The Shi Yan brow selects. Also was aroused the temper by her, he focuses slantingly, has sized up He Qingman a while, the look is quite bad. 石岩眉头一挑。也被她激起了性子,他斜着眼,上上下下打量了何青曼一会儿,眼神颇为不善。 Brat! What do you look at?” “臭小子!你看什么?” Does He Qingman bright eyes belt ghost, believe me digging the child your shifty eyes?” 何青曼明眸带煞,“信不信我将你的贼眼给挖子?” He Qingman has First Sky of Earth Level cultivation base in Tianxie Fairyland young first generation. Is master of ranking among the best, entire Jialuo Sea Area , some people such young enter into so Realm, Tianxie Fairyland on her, does not know spirit medicine and rare treasure that invested many treasuring, make her so tyrannical. 何青曼有着地位一重天之境修为天邪洞天年轻一代中。乃是数一数二的高手,整个伽罗海域,也鲜少有人这么年轻迈入如此境界,天邪洞天在她身上,不知道投入了多少珍惜的灵药和异宝,才让她如此强横。 Long-lived what? 寿什么? Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus slightly, in the heart had the idea, the smiling face also gradually strange got up provocative say|way naturally is look at you o this, if you lost, removed completely looked for one minute to me! Dares?” 石岩微微眯着眼,心中有了想法,笑容也渐渐诡异了起来挑衅道“自然是看你了o这样吧,如果你输了,脱光了给我看一分钟!敢不敢?” Bastard! What did you say?” “混蛋!你说什么?” He Qingman has stood from the seat suddenly, is red in the face to ablaze with anger saying: Had to plant you to say again!” 何青曼霍然从座位上站了起来,面红耳赤怒气冲冲道:“有种你再说一遍!” He Luo dull complexion also gloomy, light snort|hum, little brother, is in front of my, sexually harasses my daughter to be not quite appropriate?” 何洛一呆脸色也阴沉了下来,轻哼一声,“小兄弟,当着我的面,调戏我女儿不太合适吧?” Cracks a joke.” “开个玩笑而已。” Shi Yan laughs, shook the head, that does not have anything likes to gamble, to be honest, I do not miss any not interesting gambling stake, my lazy makes a bet with you.” 石岩哈哈一笑,摇了摇头,“那就没什么好赌的了,老实说,我也不差什么没有有趣的赌资,我懒的跟你打赌。” You!” “你!” He Qingman clenches teeth, stares Shi Yan milk-white bosom fluctuating to be uncertain with raw hate, the look is dodging the cold brightness. 何青曼咬着牙,凶狠地瞪着石岩酥胸起伏不定,眼神闪着寒光。 He Luo light snort|hum urged: Qingman, ok, I thought that he also cracks a joke, does not have o of any evil intention 何洛轻哼一声劝道:“青曼,算了吧,我看他也只是开个玩笑,没什么恶意的o” What do you have?” “你有什么?” He Qingman is nipping the lower lip, makes an effort to inspire, sneers saying: „ 何青曼咬着下唇,用力吸了一口气,冷笑道:“ To look at my body! Do you have enough chip? I am not do not dare to bet, so long as you have enough chip, this Miss did not mind that gambls with you! ” 想看我的身子!你有足够的筹码么?我不是不敢赌,只要你有足够的筹码,本姑娘不介意和你豪赌一场!” Do you come really? ” 你来真的?” A Shi Yan face is astonished however, forced smile said: „ 石岩一脸讶然,苦笑道:“ I just was really saying plays, really do not bet? ” 我刚刚真的只是说着玩的,你不会真的要赌吧?” Qingman! ” 青曼!” He Luo sinks to drink o He Qingman to be special in the Tianxie Fairyland status, in the future must be able to be the Tianxie Fairyland honored character. 何洛沉喝o何青曼天邪洞天身份特殊,将来必会是天邪洞天的尊贵人物。 He Luo fully realized that his family|home girl makes many youth talent souls entangle the dream to pull in Jialuo Sea Area, the food is not fragrant. 何洛深知他家这丫头在伽罗海域让多少青年才俊魂萦梦牵,茶饭不香。 He can deliver to the Shi Yan room seven artificial flowers with gold-foil without hesitation, whatever Shi Yan tosses about, but he to this treasure daughter, actually really loves dearly extremely, does not think that He Qingman has slight damage o in any aspect, if this time made a bet He Qingman to lose, by Mo Duanhun in Yang Family Earth Realm, if really investigated that he has not dared to deny, if He Qingman looked at really up by Shi Yan, this prestige effect on the He Qingman was enormous, even possibly enabled He Qingman to find the good ownership, perhaps that side Tianxie Fairyland will blame. 他可以毫不犹豫地将七朵金花送到石岩房间,任凭石岩折腾,可他对这个宝贝女儿,却是真的心疼万分,不想何青曼在任何方面有丝毫的损伤o如果这次打赌何青曼输了,以莫断魂杨家地位,真要是追究下来,他还真不敢抵赖,若是何青曼真的被石岩看光了,这对何青曼的声誉影响极大,甚至可能让何青曼不能找到好的归属,说不定天邪洞天那边都会怪罪下来。 He cannot take on! Also does not want to bet any goods with daughter's prestige! 他担当不起!也不想拿女儿的声誉来赌什么物品! Father! You leave alone! ” 爹!你别管!” He Qingman acts willfully, raises head, is cold the face, „ 何青曼一意孤行,仰着头,寒着脸,“ I do not believe that he can regain consciousness Elder Sister Xinyan! Elder Sister Xinyan was advocated to create the soul by the demon heavily, Reincarnation Martial Spirit has resisted one wave, the soul is confused, now the memory of first several mixes up completely, fell into the dreariness of deepest level. I do not know that has any method to make Elder Sister Xinyan regain consciousness... ” 我就是不相信他能够将心妍姐苏醒!心妍姐被魔主摩奇钝重创了灵魂,轮回武魂抵挡了一波,却灵魂错乱,如今前几世的记忆全部混在一起,陷入了最深层次的沉寂。我都不知道有什么方法可以让心妍姐苏醒…” He Qingman at the matter of Rosy Clouds Island that mountain valley, simply will explain, one of the He Luo hear startled one for the first time, facial expression panic-strickenly. 何青曼将在云霞岛那山谷的事情,简单的解释了一番,何洛听的一惊一乍,神情惊骇之极。 The demon Lord the obtuse soul to arrive, Devil Emperor Bo Xun shows bones of the dead Body Clone... The scene that in the mountain valley has, making He Luo dull such as the wooden chicken, he cannot imagine, the Xia Xinyan injury unexpectedly is the soul heavy losses, moreover demon that gets rid of Lord to be obtuse! 魔主摩奇钝灵魂降临,魔帝波旬展现白骨法身…山谷内发生的场景,让何洛呆如木鸡,他怎么也想象不到,夏心妍的伤势竟是灵魂重创,而且出手的还是魔主摩奇钝! Before Xia Xinyan carried on the back by He Qingman Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion is entering the backyard, when He Luo also Xia Xinyan is only the body was injured, extremely has not cared actually. He also knows Xia Xinyan Reincarnation Martial Spirit, once uses, borrowed previous life the strength of Reincarnation, afterward meets the body to be damaged, may remain unconscious. 之前夏心妍何青曼风雷飞狮驮着进入后院,何洛还当夏心妍只是身体受了伤,倒是并未太过放在心上。他也知道夏心妍轮回武魂一旦使用,借用了前世轮回之力,事后会身体受创,可能会昏迷不醒。 He has thought Xia Xinyan was this condition o now to a He Qingman such saying, he realized that the duplicate Xinyan injury, imagined compared with him wants serious many! 他一直以为夏心妍是这种状况的o如今给何青曼这么一说,他才意识到复心妍的伤势,比他想象中要严重的多! He Luo as the Flame Cloud Island island Lord, cultivation base of boundary of Nirvana Origin, heard regarding the injury of soul, before Xia Family, had the master to be seriously injured this kind of soul, with the memory mix of previous life, then has not then awaked to turn around, has become the living corpse general condition. 何洛身为火云岛的岛主,涅巢之境的修为,对于灵魂的伤势也有所闻,夏家以前也曾经有高手受过这一类的灵魂重伤,和前世的记忆混合,然后再也没有醒转过来,成了活死人一般的状态。 He Luo knows, even if Xia Family. In this aspect perhaps also helpless. 何洛知道,就算是夏家。在这方面恐怕也无能为力。 Xia Family a master the condition is initially same as Xia Xinyan now, Xia Family to let that person regains consciousness, it may be said that was the fee completely power of entire family, even looked for Tianxie Fairyland and Yang Family seeks solution. 夏家当初一名高手和夏心妍如今状态一样,夏家为了让那人苏醒,可谓是费尽了整个家族的力量,甚至找上天邪洞天杨家来寻求解决的办法。 Three big influences discussed this matter together, as if looked for a method, finally has also attempted, may not only has not made that person regain consciousness, but also lets that person of soul disintegration, ahead of time died. 三大势力一起商议了此事,似乎寻找了一种方法,最后还尝试了,可不但没让那人苏醒,还让那人灵魂崩碎,提前死去了。 Since then, the this kind of situation, was then regarded the non-solution difficult problem, this is also Mo Duanhun after knowing the Xia Xinyan condition, reason of heaving a deep sigh. 从那时起,这类的情况,便被当成了无解的难题,这也是莫断魂在知道夏心妍的状况之后,摇头叹息的原因了。 Three big influence joint efforts, cannot solve this difficult problem, this boy why? 三大势力合力,都不能解决这种难题,这小子凭什么? He Luo has been startled being startled, looks at again to Shi Yan time, thought that Shi Yan spoke thoughtlessly, decided however does not have the ability to make Xia Xinyan revive, slightly felt relieved at heart. 何洛怔了怔,再看向石岩的时候,也觉得石岩只是随口说说,定然没能力让夏心妍苏醒过来,心里也略略放心了。 He Qingman sees his father not to open the mouth. Naturally knows that her father realized Shi Yan will definitely not win, snort|hum, He Qingman disdain looks at Shi Yan, „ 何青曼一见他父亲不开口了。自然知道她父亲意识到石岩肯定不会赢了,哼了哼,何青曼不屑地看着石岩,“ Can you know this Miss sale price? To look at the body of this Miss, do you have enough chip? ” 你可知本姑娘的身价?想看本姑娘的身子,你有足够的筹码么?” Qingman! ” 青曼!” He Luo coughs lightly, knits the brows: „ 何洛轻咳一声,皱眉道:“ The little brother spoke thoughtlessly. You also left take seriously. ” 小兄弟只是随口说说。你也别太当真了。” Mo Duanhun thinks highly of Shi Yan, He Luo also feared He Qingman compels was anxious, Mo Duanhun does not meet happy. 莫断魂那么器重石岩,何洛也怕何青曼逼的急了,莫断魂会不高兴 Moreover, although knows that Shi Yan definitely will lose, He Luo is not willing to bet this matter with daughter's body. 另外,虽然知道石岩肯定会输,何洛还是不愿意拿女儿的身子来赌此事。 After all, this matter biography, is not of pleasant to hear, same will affect daughter's reputation. 毕竟,此事传了出去,也不好听,一样会影响女儿的声誉。 Sees He Qingman to be aggressive, originally Shi Yan that prepares to give up in light of this, a brow wrinkle, actually her violent moved the anger. 何青曼咄咄逼人,本来准备就此放弃的石岩,眉头一皱,倒是被她激的动了怒气。 Inspired, Shi Yan did not say a word, turned on the back backpack silently, was different seven colors, radiant Monster Core that actually the complete crystal light overflowed took, seven Monster Core, came from seven levels of Demonic Beast o seven seven levels of Monster Core! 吸了一口气,石岩一言不发,默默将背后的背囊打开,将七块颜色不同,却全部晶光四溢的璀璨妖晶取了出来,七块妖晶,全部来自于七级妖兽o七块七级的妖晶 Seven Monster Core one, in main hall the toxin is really gathers to live the splendor, the shining crystal light is radiant, shining main hall such as dream such as imaginary. 七块妖晶一出,大殿内毒真是蓬萃生辉,灿灿晶光璀璨炫目,照耀的大殿如梦如幻。 Mo Duanhun eye one bright, looks to the Shi Yan vision, is somewhat astonished. 莫断魂眼睛一亮,看向石岩的目光,有些惊异。 Monster Core! ” 妖晶!” He Luo calls out in alarm, „ 何洛惊叫起来,“ Several levels of Monster Core? ” 几级的妖晶?” Seven levels, completely are seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core! ” 七级,全部都是七级妖兽妖晶!” Shi Yan sinks to shout to clear the way. 石岩沉喝道。 He Qingman has also tarried, the beautiful pupil different light dodges to pass, looks at these seven seven levels of Monster Core. 何青曼也呆住了,美眸异光一闪而逝,愣愣地看着这七块七级妖晶 Seven levels of Demonic Beast, endure compared with Sky Realm Expert, Monster Core is the source of Demonic Beast power, the wondrous use is also infinite, not only can be used to take the medicinal pills main medicine, but can also quenching various types of God Weapon sharp weapons, Warrior of some cultivation mystiques, if obtains same attribute Monster Core, meets the strength to rise sharply. 七级的妖兽,堪比天位之境强者,妖晶又是妖兽身上的力量之源泉,妙用无穷,不但可以用来作为丹药的主药,还可以淬炼各种神兵利器,一些修炼秘法的武者,如果得到同属性的妖晶,更会实力大涨。 Even if in Endless Sea, Monster Core is also the extremely precious thing! Seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core, scarcer precious! 即便是在无尽海,妖晶也是极为宝贵之物!七级妖兽妖晶,更加稀少珍贵! Let alone, is all of a sudden seven? 更何况,还是一下子七块? Seven seven levels of Monster Core, including two wind attribute, together water attribute. ” 七块七级的妖晶,其中有两块风属性,一块水属性。” Mo Duanhun stared at seven Monster Core to look at a while, came such a few words o He Luo and He Qingman father and daughter, the body fiercely to tremble suddenly, the whole face does not dare to believe. 莫断魂盯着七块妖晶看了一会儿,冷不防来了这么一句话o何洛何青曼父女,身躯猛地一颤,满脸都是不敢置信。 He Luo Martial Spirit, is wind attribute, but He Qingman, is the wind and water two species, these seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core, if falls to their hands, there are the possibility their Martial Spirit large scale promotion! Even possibly makes Martial Spirit evolve one step! 何洛身上的武魂,正是风属性,而何青曼,则是风、水两种属性,这七级妖兽妖晶,若是落到他们的手上,有可能将他们的武魂大幅度提升!甚至可能让武魂进化一步! He Luo thought that own breath, somewhat was rapid, the look also more and more roasts fiercely. 何洛觉得自己的呼吸,都有些急促了,眼神也越来越炙烈。 Seven seven levels of Monster Core, I am used to make the chip completely. ” 七块七级的妖晶,我全部用来做筹码。” The Shi Yan facial expression is indifferent, deeply looks at physique enchanting He Qingman, light shout: „ 石岩神情淡然,深深地看着身姿妖娆的何青曼,轻喝:“ Enough? ” 够不够?” The He Qingman elegant face bright red, the expiration is rapid. Bright eyes glittering leaves the astonishing gloss, Bei Chi is nipping the lower lip gently, stares looks at Shi Yan. 何青曼俏脸嫣红,呼气急促。明眸闪烁出惊人的光泽,贝齿轻轻咬着下唇,直勾勾地看着石岩 He Luo has added the lip, wants to urge He Qingman do not comply, but looks at that two wind attribute seven levels of Monster Core, could not say the words that advised against to come o that two wind attribute seven levels of Monster Core, was too suitable he, his line of sight cannot move out of the way o from that two Monster Core 何洛添了添嘴唇,想劝何青曼不要答应,可看着那两块风属性的七级妖晶,却怎么也说不出劝阻的话语来o那两块风属性的七级妖晶,太适合他了,他视线都不能从那两块妖晶上挪开来o“ I bet with you! ” 我跟你赌!” After He Qingman consecutively several deep breath. Suddenly clenches teeth to drink tenderly, on the charming moving tender and delicate cheek, is color resolutely. 何青曼连续几个深呼吸之后。突然咬牙娇喝,妩媚动人的娇嫩脸蛋上,全是毅然之色。
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