GOS :: Volume #2

#180: Makes a bet?

Flame Cloud Island, He Family. 火云岛,何家 In a grand main hall, has chocked up the dazzling fruit delicacies, the mellow good wine, an end of pot then pot comes up. 一座雄伟的大殿中,摆满了琳琅满目的水果佳肴,芳醇的美酒,一壶接着一壶的端上来。 In the palace the atmosphere is warm, He Luo is all smile, proposes a toast toward Mo Duanhun unceasingly. 殿内气氛热烈,何洛满脸堆笑,不断地朝着莫断魂敬酒。 On Flame Cloud Island these other heads of Warrior influence, is excited, every time proposes a toast toward Mo Duanhun, on own initiative sets out, respectful. 火云岛上那些别的武者势力的首脑,也都是神情兴奋,每一次朝着莫断魂敬酒,都是主动起身,恭敬之极。 Mo Duanhun sits in the palace president position, a face indifferently, motionless, some people propose a toast , the slight bow, tosses down. 莫断魂坐在殿内主席位,一脸漠然,一动不动,有人敬酒的时候,也只是微微点头,一饮而尽。 Shi Yan sits side Mo Duanhun, on face is holding the light smiling face, is looking at carefully the people in palace secretly. 石岩坐在莫断魂身旁,脸上噙着淡淡的笑容,暗暗端详着殿内的众人。 These in the Flame Cloud Island Earth Realm prominent figure, facing Mo Duanhun time, is docile, the smiling face flattered. 这些在火云岛地位显赫的人物,面对莫断魂的时候,一个个非常温顺,笑容谄媚。 Appearance that once Mo Duanhun to their slight bow, their then feeling extremely flattered, looks like in Shi Yan is very laughable o Mo Duanhun is the Yang Family person, is three big Shura kings' heads, in the Jialuo Sea Area most honored character, he can come He Family, with these people sits together drinks wine, it may be said that gives fully the He Family face, was making these come the person of He Family discussion important matter, profited at someone's expense together. 一旦莫断魂对他们微微点头,他们便一副受宠若惊的模样,在石岩看来很是可笑o莫断魂乃是杨家的人,又是三大修罗王之首,在伽罗海域可是最为尊贵的人物,他能来何家,和这些人坐在一起饮酒,可谓是给足了何家面子,连带着让这些来何家商议要事的人,也跟着一起沾光。 These people on Flame Cloud Island, are Earth Realm are possibly prominent. But compared with Mo Duanhun, has the hard-to-pass distance. 这些人在火云岛上,可能算是地位显赫。但和莫断魂相比,却又有着难以逾越的距离。 They mount the qualifications of Immortal Island not to have. 他们连登上不死岛的资格都没有。 In the past, they had also heard being well-known of Mo Duanhun, has never seen, today catches the opportunity, naturally cannot let off, the hope of recent well-being eloquence can win over with the relations of Mo Duanhun extremely, hopes that can make a good impression in the heart of Mo Duanhun. 以往,他们也只是听说过莫断魂的闻名,从未见过,今日逮到机会,自然不会放过,极近好口才的希望能够拉拢和莫断魂的关系,希望能在莫断魂的心中留下点好印象。 Although Flame Cloud Island is the Tianxie Fairyland influence category, but Jialuo Sea Area is actually calculation that Yang Family said that they must move in Jialuo Sea Area, if not careful, stirred up Yang Family not happy that because something does, if Mo Duanhun can speak a few words for them, even possibly saved the influence that they grasped. 火云岛虽然算是天邪洞天的势力范畴,但伽罗海域却是杨家说的算,他们总要在伽罗海域活动,如果因为某事做的不小心,惹得杨家高兴了,要是莫断魂能够为他们说上一句话,甚至可能挽救他们掌握的势力。 Therefore, when treats Mo Duanhun, they do one's best, is hopes that can obtain an approval. 因此,在对待莫断魂的时候,他们可谓是尽心尽力,就是希望能够得到点认可。 Naturally, because a small detail before Mo Duanhun, they, although not the clear Shi Yan true status, is actually very discrete, when flatters Mo Duanhun, has not forgotten Shi Yan. Proposes a toast to Shi Yan repeatedly. 当然,因为莫断魂之前的一个小细节,他们虽然并不清楚石岩的真正身份,却还是非常谨慎,在讨好莫断魂的时候,也没有忘记石岩。频频向石岩敬酒。 Shi Yan newcomer does not resist, once some people propose a toast, then tosses down, does not have a rack. 石岩来者不拒,一旦有人敬酒,便一饮而尽,没有一点架子。 Because Flame Cloud Island the heat degree is extremely high, here produces to be better the tropical fruit also to have the unique merit, sweet delicious. 火云岛因为热度极高,这里出产好一些热带水果也有独特之处,甘甜可口。 Shi Yan naturally cannot be polite, tastes these fruit First Rank, is glad actually with ease comfortable. 石岩自然不会客气,将这些水果一一品尝,倒是乐得轻松自在。 The banquet to the midway, He Luo has issued an order, the beautiful female who then many attires expose, wears the hazy crisp fine gauze, grasps the musical instrument leisurely line. 酒席到了中途,何洛一声令下,便有许多衣着暴露的美艳女子,着朦脆轻纱,手持乐器款款行来。 These female bright eyes hold to flatter intent, reveals the snow arm snake waist. The open area in palace curls to wave the physique, ejects the coquettish look to Mo Duanhun and Shi Yan repeatedly, lets Monarch to pick the pepper flattering appearance o Mo Duanhun not good this, looks stunned, narrows the eyes to focus and not care. 这些女子明眸含着媚意,露出雪臂蛇腰。在殿内的空地袅袅舞动身姿,频频向莫断魂石岩抛出媚眼,一副任君采椒的讨好模样o莫断魂不好这一口,神情木然,眯着眼并不在意。 Shi Yan is the facial expression is also faint, has not revealed the natural disposition excessively, drinks wine, while with a smile in looks at palace physique lithe gorgeous female. 石岩也是神情淡漠,也没有过分显露本性,一边饮酒,一边含笑看着殿内身姿轻盈的艳丽女子。 Seven females, all are young pretty, physique ****. Dances in the air, the young wave ripples, is quite attractive. 七名女子,皆是年轻貌美,身姿****。飞舞间,乳波荡漾,颇为诱人。 Most make things difficult, these females as if know their mission, knows that everybody present is the status honored character. 为难得的,这些女子似乎知道自己的使命,也知道在座的各位都是身份尊贵的人物。 Before they will wave often the body arrives at Mo Duanhun and Shi Yan body, on most wonderful the region, shows, exhibits appearance o He Luo that avoids mentioning lets Monarch to make chewing motions greatly quickly to be smiling, secret observation, so long as Mo Duanhun and Shi Yan they, show an interest, his a while will then arrange. Let these females night on own initiative look for Shi Yan and Mo Duanhun, on place of more wonderful being overwhelmed with emotion them, presents to Shi Yan they tastes carefully. 他们会每每舞动身子来到莫断魂石岩身前,将自己身上最为美妙的地带,隐讳的展现出来,摆出一副任君大快朵颐的模样o何洛一脸笑意,暗暗观察着,只要莫断魂石岩两人,表现出一丝的兴趣,他一会儿便会安排下去。让这些女子夜里主动找上石岩莫断魂,将她们身上更加美妙的销魂之地,奉给石岩两人细细品尝。 Mo Duanhun always not good female sexual attractiveness, this point Jialuo Sea Area Warrior mostly clear o He Luo secret observation a while, discovered that Mo Duanhun as if really does not have the interest to the beautiful woman, he knows fairly well, then cancelled has made these females look for the thought that Mo Duanhun sought pleasure. 莫断魂向来不好女色,这一点伽罗海域武者大多清楚o何洛暗暗观察了一会儿,也发现莫断魂似乎真的对美女没有兴趣,他心中有数,便打消了让这些女子去找莫断魂寻欢的念头。 The He Luo many attention, have placed the body of Shi Yan. 何洛更多的注意力,放在了石岩的身上。 Although Shi Yan cannot reveal the natural disposition. However is facing the beautiful thing, he will pour not false evasion anything, eye of dew appreciation look, broadly and level the physique of looks at these beautiful females. 石岩虽然没有可以显露本性。不过面对着美好的事物,他倒也不会虚伪的回避什么,目露欣赏的眼神,坦荡地看着这些美艳女子的身姿。 In He Luo heart one happy, have several gradually, the preparation a while banquet ended, making these seven females go to the Shi Yan room together, to the Shi Yan choice. 何洛心中一喜,渐渐有数,准备一会儿宴席结束,让这七名女子一起去石岩房间,任凭石岩挑选。 long time, these seven females do not diverge quietly, just before leaving before, these seven females also secretly throw the coquettish look to Shi Yan, the eye contain the feeling of love. 多时,这七名女子悄然散去,临走之前,这七名女子还偷偷向石岩抛媚眼,目含春情。 He He, these seven girls, are seven artificial flowers with gold-foil on our Flame Cloud Island, is virgin's body, the vision is extremely high. Usually here came the honored guest, they wave one then easely to leave. Today I think these seven girls, has the cordiality to the little brother actually greatly, looks repeatedly to the little brother, the little brother is the charm is seriously uncommon o “呵呵,这七个丫头,是我们火云岛上的七朵金花,至今还都是处子之身,眼光极高。平日里我这里来了贵客,她们舞动一曲便会悠然离开。今日我看这七个丫头,对小兄弟倒是大有情意,频频望向小兄弟,小兄弟当真是魅力不凡啊o” After that seven females leave, He Luo laughs, said at will. 在那七名女子离开之后,何洛哈哈一笑,随意道。 The Shi Yan corners of the mouth have a smile, shakes the head gently. 石岩嘴角含笑,轻轻摇头。 He knows certainly the meaning of He Luo, understands that reason that these seven females absolutely are the rare treasure that in the He Luo hand treasures, He Luo have made these seven females maintain maiden's bodies, naturally wants, when is most essential applies, usually in does not give up with. That had not found the genuine honored character to flatter. 他当然知道何洛的意思,也明白这七个女子绝对是何洛手中珍惜的异宝,何洛之所以一直让这七个女子保持处女之身,自然是要在最为关键的时候派上用场,平日里不舍得拿出来。那是没有找到真正尊贵的人物来讨好。 He Luo said that obviously under wants the initial capital, so long as he nods, He Luo feared that will arrange immediately, perhaps a while these seven females will directly appear in his room. 何洛这么说,显然是想要下血本了,只要他点点头,何洛怕是立即会安排下去,一会儿这七名女子说不定会直接在他房间出现。 Shi Yan knew fairly well o to trade the past, by his disposition, the pretense, will perhaps not be glad to enjoy. But now Xia Xinyan also in the boundary of stupor, is because saves him to cause, this makes in the Shi Yan heart hang a giant stone, not having the mood to seek and enjoy nature in the spring, this with shaking the head to refuse He Luo good intention o He Luo somewhat to be slightly surprised, he thinks that at the Shi Yan age, in the face of the beauty, should not have too many resistivity o these seven females to be he is selective, each appearance is charming, and physique sex appeal, but also is the maidens, He Luo to these seven females are confident, continually he facing these seven females the time, can the heart movement, have the thought of holding. 石岩心中有数o换了以往,以他的心性,说不定不会假模假样,会乐得享用一番。但如今夏心妍还在昏迷之境,又是因为救他才导致的,这让石岩心中一直悬着一块巨石,没有心情寻花问柳,这才用摇头来拒绝何洛的好意o何洛略略有些惊讶,他认为以石岩的年纪,在美色面前,应该没有太多抵抗力o这七名女子可是他精挑细选出来的,每一个都容貌迷人,并且身姿性感,还都是处女,何洛对这七名女子非常有信心,连他面对这七名女子的时候,都会心动,生出占有的念头。 His secret observation Shi Yan a while, from the Shi Yan expression and look, he thought that Shi Yan will definitely not reject the proposition of this enticing/charming and gentle, after Shi Yan shakes the head, he is very surprised. 他暗暗观察石岩一会儿,从石岩的表情和眼神,他觉得石岩肯定不会拒绝这个旖旎的提议,所以在石岩摇头之后,他很是惊讶。 Father, this fellow to serve own purpose, anything outstandingly beautiful can sacrifice. Let alone seven small artificial flowers with gold-foil?” “爹,这家伙为了达到自己的目的,什么绝色都可以牺牲的。何况七朵小金花了?” In this time, the He Qingman delightful sound, suddenly from bringing up the rear transmits. 就在此时,何青曼的悦耳声音,突然从殿后传来。 The sound falls. He Qingman then leisurely comes, colorful lid audience o He Qingman purple red Bo Qun, the skirt is embroidering various bright flowers, beautiful hair silk throws over on the shoulder, the tall and slender sexy look class hopes charmingly, slips off her after veil, powder cheek gold/metal Chen, the fragrant lip is attractive, flesh such as cake snow, such as jade fat general flood strange gloss. Beautiful fascinating'winsome wonderful graceful physique, enchanting attractive. 声音才落下。何青曼便款款而来,艳盖全场o何青曼一身紫红色薄裙,裙角绣着各种鲜艳的花朵,一头秀发丝绸般披在肩上,细长的桃花眼流盼妩媚,褪下面纱后的她,粉腮金嗔,芳唇诱人,肌肤如酥似雪,如玉脂一般泛着奇异的光泽。婀娜妙曼的身姿,妖娆诱人。 In the palace, numerous Warrior all are the eye one bright, the facial expression somewhat is enchanted by. 殿内,众多武者皆是眼睛一亮,神情都有些迷醉。 Suddenly, originally noisy main hall, unexpectedly strange peaceful. 一时间,本来嘈杂的大殿,竟诡异的安静了下来。 Mo Duanhun, looked up He Qingman one, surprised o Shi Yan has swept He Qingman one for her moving grace and bearing, the eye quickly has also shone, although did not like this woman, but he acclaimed as before secretly. 就连莫断魂,都抬头望了何青曼一眼,为她的动人风情惊讶了一下o石岩扫了何青曼一眼,眼睛也倏地亮了起来,虽然并不喜欢这女人,可他却依旧暗暗赞叹。 He Qingman unexpectedly is outstandingly beautiful of Xia Xinyan with Level. 何青曼竟是和夏心妍等级的绝色。 Xia Xinyan is noble, He Qingman is enchanting, although grace and bearing is inconsistent, is actually the fresh causing the downfall of the nation beautiful women, the cheek or the stature, impeccable o Old what, your family girl, was really longer was juicier, does not know which boy really in the future will meet advantage/cheap.” 夏心妍高贵典雅,何青曼妖娆妩媚,虽然风情不一致,却都是生的倾国倾城,不论是脸蛋还是身材,都无可挑剔o“老何啊,你家这丫头,真是越长越水灵了,真不知将来会便宜哪家的小子。” Was called the red painted-face man of ebony, could not bear say that Qingman may really be our Jialuo Sea Area glistening pearl, yeah, my family that boy intelligence was what a pity unsatisfactory, had not been picked by Tianxie Fairyland, this whole life feared that was hopeless o 一个叫乌木的红脸汉子,忍不住赞道,“青曼可真是我们伽罗海域的一颗闪亮明珠,哎,可惜我家那小子资质不佳,没有被天邪洞天相中,这辈子怕是都没戏o” Ebony, on your family's boy, dares the lazy frog to eat the day goosemeat? Hehe, Qingman this girl, must be the Tianxie Fairyland important personage in the future, in Jialuo Sea Area, even if Xia Family and Yang Family boy has the idea, Tianxie Fairyland feared that will not consent, we let us not think o “乌木,就你家的小子,也敢懒蛤蟆吃天鹅肉啊?嘿嘿,青曼这丫头,将来必是天邪洞天的重要人物,在伽罗海域,就算是夏家杨家的小子有想法,天邪洞天怕也不会应允,我们就别想了o” Yes, Qingman, but Tianxie Fairyland great treasure, only then looks like the Xie Kui this kind of day fox heavenly dwelling youth master, may be under the permission of Tianxie Fairyland, has to pursue Qingman fully. “是呀,青曼可是天邪洞天至宝,也只有像邪魁这类的天狐洞天的青年高手,才有可能得到天邪洞天的许可,有追求青曼的全力。 Old what, your this fellow was really the luck is good, had a good daughter! ” 老何啊,你这家伙真是运气好,生了个好女儿啊!” The people in palace, acclaimed with a smile, envy the He Luo luck to be good, had a daughter, not only gorgeous unparalleled, but also had the wind and water double Martial Spirit, was regarded the seed to treat by Tianxie Fairyland. Made He Family all of a sudden become the Flame Cloud Island master. The future influence definitely also will laugh along with He Qingman when production costs rise , prices rise too o He Luo, quite joyfully. Said: Your several diligently, perhaps in the future can also live a good type diligently, Ha Ha.” 殿内的众人,一个个笑着赞叹,羡慕何洛运气好,生了个女儿,不但艳丽无双,还拥有风、水双武魂,被天邪洞天当成种子来对待。令何家一下子成了火云岛的主人。将来的势力肯定也会随着何青曼水涨船高o何洛哈哈大笑,也颇为欣然。道:“你们几个努力努力,说不定将来也能生个好种出来,哈哈。” He Luo has deliberately avoided He Qingman to those words that Shi Yan accuses, he does not know that who Shi Yan is, actually knows that Mo Duanhun regards as important Shi Yan extremely, depending on this point, he will then not offend the Shi Yan o Shi Yan knitting the brows head, turns a deaf ear to regarding the He Qingman words, but shot a look at enchanting moving He Qingman lightly, neither cold nor hot. 何洛刻意回避了何青曼石岩指责的那句话,他不知道石岩是谁,却知道莫断魂极为看重石岩,凭此一点,他便不会得罪石岩o石岩皱了皱眉头,对于何青曼的话充耳不闻,只是淡淡瞥了一眼妖娆动人的何青曼,不冷不热。 Can chat the proper business.” “可以谈谈正事了。” The Mo Duanhun body sits the straight, light say|way slightly. 莫断魂身子略略坐直,淡淡道。 In his eyes, He Luo these people are not considered as that any character, even is not considered as that the Tianxie Fairyland person, this while, he also deals with, has not said anything on the banquet. 在他眼中,何洛这些人都不算是什么人物,甚至不算是天邪洞天的人,这一会儿,他也只是应付,没有在酒席上多说什么。 Because He Qingman the intelligence is extraordinary, is the Tianxie Fairyland most precious seed master, the future future will be also limitless, therefore Mo Duanhun slightly will care, after He Qingman will appear, he will mention this line of proper business. 何青曼因为资质非凡,又是天邪洞天最为宝贵的种子高手,将来的前途也不可限量,所以莫断魂才会稍稍在意一点,在何青曼出现之后,他才提起这一行的正事。 Well.” “好好。” He Luo has stood with a smile, shot a look at numerous Warrior one in palace, including saying with a smile: Today not early, several brothers. Once for a while should go back to rest?” 何洛笑着站了起来,瞥了殿内的众多武者一眼,含笑道:“今日也不早了,几位老弟。时不时该回去歇歇了?” These people are tactful actually, hear word has stood, the surface contains the smiling face, said goodbye to Mo Duanhun and Shi Yan. 这些人倒是识趣,闻言纷纷站了起来,面含笑容,向莫断魂石岩告别。 They want to remain to listen actually, what a pity Mo Duanhun has not said that they then do not dare to decline to leave, is only a while, cleanness that these people then vanish. 他们倒是想留下来听听,可惜莫断魂没有开口多说,他们便不敢赖着不走,只是一会儿,这些人便消失的干干净净。 Quick, the remnant thick soup food and wine in main hall, then by the maidservant sweep trace of He Family, the Ran Za personnel in palace also vanished does not see. 很快,大殿内的残羹酒菜,便被何家的丫鬟收拾干净,殿内的冉杂人员也都消失不见。 Only remaining He Luo and He Qingman father and daughter, sit well before Mo Duanhun and Shi Yan body. 只剩下何洛何青曼父女,在莫断魂石岩身前坐定。 Why you must come Flame Cloud Island, why can look for ten thousand years of volcano?” “你为什么要来火云岛,为什么要找万年火山?” The He Qingman bright eyes glisten, are staring at the Shi Yan tender sound track. 何青曼明眸闪亮,盯着石岩娇声道。 I must rescue Xinyan.” “我要救心妍。” Shi Yan knitting the brows head, sinking sound track. 石岩皱了皱眉头,沉声道。 „Can ten thousand years of volcano rescue Elder Sister Xinyan?” “万年火山可以救心妍姐?” A He Qingman face does not believe that shook the head, disdains saying: I have never listened, the consciousness soul and ten thousand years of volcano has any relations o 何青曼一脸不信,摇了摇头,不屑道:“我从来不曾听过,苏醒灵魂和万年火山有什么关系o” You have not listened to matter are many.” “你没听过的事情多了。” Shi Yan is neither cold nor hot, said lightly: I said can rescue, that can rescue! Can make a bet?” 石岩不冷不热,淡淡道:“我说能救,那就能救!要不要打个赌?” Makes a bet? Bets?” “打赌?怎么赌?” He Qingman came the interest, bright eyes to glisten suddenly. 何青曼忽然来了兴趣,明眸闪亮。 ....... …….
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