GOS :: Volume #2

#182: Looks at the mood

That night. 当夜。 He Luo and He Qingman father and daughter, after Shi Yan and Mo Duanhun they leave, but also sits in the palace. 何洛何青曼父女,在石岩莫断魂两人离开之后,还在殿内坐着。 Qingman, what origin is the boy? Why Senior Mo will regard as important him *......” 青曼,那小子到底是什么来历?为什么莫大人会那么看重他*……” He is the Yang Family orphan. Before has lived in a remote region, after Yang Qingdi went out, as if with big Divine Ability calculates that he, this made people go to that side to meet Endless Sea *......” He Qingman to think him, said: This person of ruthless, Elder Sister Xinyan because of him, kept off the demon to advocate obtuse soul attack, he was not only not sad, coming out that also smiled unexpectedly, fickle widowed righteousness!”, How will Xia girl recognize him?”, „The spreading letter paper of that region, said that has the Gate of Heaven remnant chart to appear, Elder Sister Xinyan is ordered to the nosing related Gate of Heaven matter, knew him by chance. Why does not know, Elder Sister Xinyan as if to his caring quite, coming out that I look, Elder Sister Xinyan to some of his as if cordialities ......... *......” “他是杨家的遗孤。以前一直生活在一个偏僻的区域,扬青帝出关后,似乎用大神通算到了他,这才让人去那边将他接回无尽海*……”何青曼想了一下,又道:“这人无情无义,心妍姐因为他,挡了魔主摩奇钝的灵魂攻击,他不但不伤悲,竟然还笑的出来,薄情寡义之极!”,“夏丫头怎会认得他?”,“那个区域的传出信笺,说有天门残图出现,心妍姐受命过去查探有关天门的事情,恰巧认识了他。不知道为何,心妍姐似乎对他颇为的在意,我看的出来,心妍姐对他似乎有些情意………*……” He Qingman the related Shi Yan news that she knows, was He Luo said in detail. 何青曼将她所知的有关石岩的消息,为何洛详细说了一遍。 This boy should in 21 years old, Second Sky of Disaster Level cultivation base, pour now is not weak.”, He Luo has hesitated a while, knits the brows: In Yang Family, like this kind, should have many boys to achieve, why does Yang Qingdi care about him?” “这小子如今应该在21岁,百劫二重天之境修为,倒也不弱。”,何洛沉吟了一会儿,皱眉道:“不过在杨家,像他这一类的,应该有不少小子能达到,扬青帝为何那么在意他?” I listened to Elder Sister Xinyan saying that his 17 years old started the cultivation martial arts, before 17 years old, Essence Qi did not have. In other words, he in short four years, has achieved Second Sky of Disaster Level, I do not believe that thought Elder Sister Xinyan possibly exaggerated.” “我听心妍姐说,他17岁才开始修炼武道,在17岁之前,身上一点精元都没有。也就是说,他在短短四年时间,就达到了百劫二重天之境,我都不太相信,觉得心妍姐可能夸大其词了。” What?” The He Luo complexion changes, possible? In our Endless Sea, nobody can enter into so high Realm in such short time! Thishow is this possible? ”, I do not believe.”, Should not real.”, He Luo silent a while, shakes the head saying: Nobody can such quick cultivating to so profound Realm, which influence our Endless Sea not have to achieve that remote small place, is more impossible. ”, „, I am also think that Elder Sister Xinyan was possibly deceived by him.”, He Qingman nodded. “什么?”何洛脸色一变,“怎么可能?在我们无尽海,也没有谁能够在这么短的时间”迈入如此高的境界的!这”这怎么可能?”,“我也不信。”,“应该不是真的。”,何洛沉默了一会儿,摇头道:“没人可以这么快的修到如此高深的境界的,我们无尽海都没有哪个势力可以做得到”那种偏僻的小地方,就更加不可能了。”,“嗯,我也是认为心妍姐可能被他骗了。”,何青曼点了点头 Qingman, this bet, but, too should not......, He Luo sigh really really. 青曼,这次打赌,还真的,真的不太应该……”,何洛叹息一声。 What has should not?”, A He Qingman black eyebrows vertical stroke, sweet and delicate voice snort|hum said: He must give us Monster Core do not want white! I do not believe him to solve the difficult problem that three big influences cannot solve continually really! ”, I know that he cannot achieve *......” He Luo nodded, natural thinks that Shi Yan surely does not have the means that is only, we such in vain took he seven seven levels of Monster Core , is quite inappropriate, Senior Mo also does looks at, afterward will think that our father and daughter do blackmail him intentionally?”, „!”, The He Qingman elegant face contains ones anger, this color embryo! He dares to have that thought to me, gets what one deserves he to have bad luck!”, I am feared that Yang Family understood this matter, will feel discontented.” He Luo sighed, our He Family can have is not easy today, you also knew Yang Family in the Jialuo Sea Area influence, if made Yang Family uncomfortable, the father later worked must cautiously, if were caught the handle by Yang Family, our He Family must be unable to recover may not *......” “有什么不应该的?”,何青曼黛眉一竖,娇声哼道:“他自己非要给我们妖晶”不要白不要!我就不信他能够真的解决连三大势力都解决不掉的难题!”,“我知道他做不到*……”何洛点了点头,也理所当然的认为石岩肯定没有办法,“只是,我们这么白白拿了他七块七级的妖晶,也不太不太妥当啊,莫大人看着呢,事后会不会觉得我们父女故意讹他?”,“哼!”,何青曼俏脸含怒,“这个色胚!他胆敢对我动那种念头,活该他倒霉!”,“我是怕杨家知道了此事,会心怀不满啊。”何洛叹息一声,“我们何家能有今天不容易,你也知道杨家伽罗海域的影响力,若是让杨家不舒服了,爹爹以后做事都要小心翼翼,要是被杨家抓到了把柄,我们何家非要一蹶不振不可*……” Father you wants to be many, although Yang Family is domineering, will not be mindless.”, He Qingman comforts saying: Said again our He Family now is the Tianxie Fairyland person, Yang Family does not give the He Family face, must to the Tianxie Fairyland face, not act unreasonably. ”, Hope so.”, He Luo somewhat was worried that hesitated ” saying: Afterward we take that three wind and water attribute Monster Core, other four, although is equally precious, is actually not we only needs. Little with four, in the future is Yang Family understood, should not lose one's temper really *......” “爹你想多了,杨家虽然跋扈,却不会那么不讲理。”,何青曼宽慰道:“再说了”我们何家现在算是天邪洞天的人,杨家就算是不给何家面子,也要给天邪洞天面子,不会乱来的。”,“希望如此。”,何洛还是有些担心,沉吟了一下”道:“事后我们就拿那三块风、水属性妖晶吧,剩余的四块,虽然一样珍贵,却不是我们仅需的。少拿四块,将来就算是杨家知道了,应该也不会真的动怒*……” That must think that he then displayed.”, He Qingman raises head, is furious: „His person was too hateful, dares to propose that unexpectedly so impolite proposition, I do not teach him well, he also when really we quite bullied. Snort, my this also leaves the one breath to Elder Sister Xinyan, making this heartless and cruel fellow know the woman not affably *......” “那就要看他接下来的表现了。”,何青曼仰着头,气哼哼道:“他这人太可恶了,竟然敢提出如此无礼的提议,我不好好教训教训他,他还真当我们好欺负了。哼,我这也是给心妍姐出一口气,让这个狼心狗肺的家伙知道女人不好惹*……” He Luo shakes the head the forced smile, your this girl also is really, this gambling must meet, fortunately only then our four people know, otherwise this matter biography, was very disadvantageous to your prestige.” 何洛摇头苦笑,“你这丫头也真是的,这种赌都要接,还好只有我们四人知道,不然此事传了出去,对你的声誉很不利。” Father did not say that I will not say, Senior Mo is not that person, the boy lost, naturally will not say such disgraced matter that anything is not good to be worried.”, He Qingman does not care, nobody knows, will not have any rumor, the father felt relieved that walked *......” “爹爹不说,我更不会说,莫大人也不是那种人,那小子输定了,自然也不会将这么丢人的事情说出去,没什么好担心的。”,何青曼并不在意,“没人知道,也就不会有什么传言了,爹爹放心就走了*……” A He Qingman saying, He Luo has thought that also has felt relieved slightly, nodded, „ this but actually is also, nobody knows this matter, will not affect you. Un, hopes that boy. The wind strictly, when do not get drunk talking nonsense, otherwise is really not of pleasant to hear. 何青曼这么一说,何洛想了一下,也略略放心了,点了点头,“这倒也是,没人知道此事,也不会影响到你。嗯,希望那小子也。风严一点,不要什么时候喝醉了胡说八道,不然还真是不好听。 ”, He dares!” He Qingman clenches teeth, cold voice said: If lets i got it, I will make him attractive!” ”,“他敢!”何青曼咬着牙,冷声道:“要是让我知道了,我会让他好看!” He Family backyard, a side building of spaciousness *. 何家后院,一间宽敝的厢房*中。 Mo Duanhun frowns, has opened the mouth unexpectedly rarely on own initiative, past Xia Family had one person, was the same with the Xia girl symptom, was Reincarnation Martial Spirit had problems, the memory was confused. That person of intelligence is extraordinary, Xia Family for him, looked for Tianxie Fairyland and we, sought solution, three big influences thought of a way together, try to awaken that person, finally was actually defeated, instead made that person raise at risk of life......” 莫断魂皱着眉头,竟然难得主动开口了,“当年夏家有一人,和夏丫头症状一样,也是轮回武魂出了问题,记忆错乱。那人资质非凡,夏家为了他,找上了天邪洞天和我们,寻求解决的办法,三大势力一起想了个法子,试图唤醒那人,却最终失败了,反而让那人提拼死了……” Mo Duanhun gains ground, is gazing at Shi Yan, three big influences could not solve this difficult problem, Young Master Yan, why were you confident?” 莫断魂抬头,注视着石岩,“三大势力都解决不了这个难题,岩少爷,你为何那么有信心?” „Don't you believe me to solve?”, Shi Yan gives a calm smile. “你也不信我可以解决?”,石岩淡然一笑。 Mo Duanhun frowns, „ is not does not believe. Does not know that does not know can have any means that can solve this matter. 莫断魂皱着眉头,“不是不信。是不知,不知能有什么办法,可以解决此事。 He He, I know that you do not believe *......” Shi Yan to smile, does not care, you could rest assured that I dare to make the gambling stake with seven seven levels of Monster Core, naturally some assurances. Matter that has not grasped, I will not comply refreshedly, relax, loses will not be I.” “呵呵,我知道你不信*……”石岩笑了笑,也不在意,“不过你放心,我胆敢拿七块七级的妖晶来做赌注,自然还是有些把握的。没有把握的事情,我不会那么爽快答应下来,放心吧,输的不会是我。” „The He Family girl, relates extremely good with the Xia Family girl, even if were you have won, you must make what girl remove completely, looked for one minute to you?” Mo Duanhun look strangely. 何家的丫头,和夏家的丫头关系极好,就算是你赢了,你真的要让何丫头脱光了,给你看一分钟?”莫断魂眼神怪异之极。 Looks at the mood.”, Shi Yan he he the chuckle, will perhaps look, will perhaps not look that” when the time comes again said *...... ” “看心情吧。”,石岩呵呵轻笑,“说不定会看,也说不定不会看”到时候再说吧*……” Mo Duanhun gawkedto shake the head. 莫断魂愣了一下”摇了摇头。 After a while, Mo Duanhun suddenly has as if remembered any matter, said: Young Master Yan you want the next ten thousand years of volcano really *...... ” 过了一会儿,莫断魂仿佛突然想起了什么事情,又道:“岩少爷”你真要下万年火山*……” Un *......” “嗯*……” In ten thousand years of volcano center of earth, Fiery Flame is too strong, I, is hard to accompany you to get down. You must get down, but must be careful.”, I know *......” “万年火山地心之中,火炎太强,就连我,也难以陪同你下去。你真的要下去,可要小心谨慎。”,“我知道*……” Earthcore Flame of ten thousand years of volcano, is Earth Flame one, is among heaven and earth to Yang Zhire one of the nine rare treasures. If you can notice that Earthcore Flame has the opportunity to be best to collect. However the Earthcore Flame unusual burning hot, needs the special vessel to put, the material that vessel needs is not scarce, refines not to be difficult, our Yang Family also several, but on me does not have, tomorrow can ask that He Familylooks at He Family to have that type of vessel *...... ” “万年火山的地心火,乃是地火的一种,正是天地间至阳至热的九种异宝之一。你如果能够看到地心火”有机会的话最好收集起来。不过地心火非常炙热,需要有特殊的容器盛放,那容器需要的材料不算稀少,炼制起来也不困难,我们杨家也有几个,但我身上没有,明日可以问问何家”看何家有没有那种容器*……” Shi Yan eye one bright, said pleasantly surprised: Earthcore Flame! Puts the Earthcore Flame vessel, if the refinement is not difficult, He Family stayed these many years in Flame Cloud Island, can collect has Earthcore Flame?” 石岩眼睛一亮,惊喜道:“地心火!盛放地心火的容器如果炼制不困难,何家火云岛呆了这么多年,会不会收集的有地心火?” Impossible *......” Mo Duanhun to shake the head, puts the Earthcore Flame vessel not extremely to be precious may Earthcore Flame actually precious incomparable, even if has that vessel, wants to obtain Earthcore Flame actually to under enter the heart of ten thousand years of volcano, under I do not dare to enter the heart of ten thousand years of volcano, He Family is more impossible to have ability that. ”, This *......” “不可能*……”莫断魂摇了摇头,“盛放地心火的容器并不太过珍贵”可地心火却珍贵无比,就算是有那容器,想要得到地心火却必须下入万年火山之心,连我都不敢下入万年火山之心,何家更不可能有那么能力。”,“这样啊*……” Young Master Yan has Profound Ice Cold Flame, has the opportunity to enter the heart of volcano to be possible actually others not to have this ability to enter. ” Mo Duanhun nodded, tomorrow I ask He Luo, if he does not have my communication Yang Family, making the person deliver the this kind of vessel to come ” to spend some times *...... ” 岩少爷身怀玄冰寒焰,倒是有机会进入火山之心”可别人却没有这种能力进入。”莫断魂点了点头,“明日我问问何洛,他若是没有”我传讯杨家,让人送个这类的容器过来”不过要多费些功夫*……” Un *......” “嗯*……” The 2nd date, very early in the morning. 第二日,一早。 He Luo visits Mo Duanhun personally, Mo Duanhun is very direct, after the nod, immediately asked: Your He Family, may have Jing Bottle *......” 何洛亲自来拜访莫断魂,莫断魂很直接,点头之后,马上问道:“你们何家,可有净瓶*……” Jing Bottle, one type fuses eight yin cold ore minerals, jar that the refinement becomes, can be used to deposit Earthcore Flame. 净瓶,一种融合八种阴寒金属矿石,炼制而成的瓶子,可以用来存放地心火 Jing Bottle is extremely not precious, but the average person will not refine, because Jing Bottle refined , can only deposit Earthcore Flame, in addition, did not have anything to affect. 净瓶不算太过珍贵,但一般人不会炼制,因为净瓶炼制好了,也只能存放地心火,除此之外,并没什么作用。 Also only then wants to collect Earthcore Flame Expert, ahead of time will refine, general Refiner Master, will not refine Jing Bottle. 也只有想要收集地心火强者,才会提前炼制,一般的炼器师,不会去炼制净瓶 Jing Bottle?”, He Luo stares, puts Earthcore Flame Jing Bottle?” 净瓶?”,何洛一愣,“盛放地心火净瓶么?” Mo Duanhun nods. 莫断魂点头。 I ask that my good-for-nothing youngest son, the boy does not repair the correct path, likes fiddling with the this kind of small gadget, for sometime I heard that he wants to refine Jing Bottle, hopes some day to be able the good luck to collecting Earthcore Flame, does not know that did has not done.”, He Luo has hesitated, said: Senior Mo waits a bit, I make the person call him to come immediately.” “我去问问我那不成器的小儿子,那小子不修正道,喜欢捣鼓这类的小玩意,有一段时间我听说他想炼制净瓶,希望有朝一日能够好运到收集到地心火,也不知道做了没做。”,何洛迟疑了一下,道:“莫大人稍等,我马上就让人唤他过来。” Un *......” “嗯*……” Comes the person!”, He Luo light shout. “来人!”,何洛轻喝一声。 A facial features withered old man, a while has braved, decides in the He Luo body advance party, respectful sound track: Subordinate in *......” 一个面容枯槁的老者,一会儿就冒了出来,在何洛身前站定,恭声道:“属下在*……” Calls He Lai that boy, if he has Jing Bottle, making his direct belt come.” He Luo told. “把何赖那小子唤来,他要是有净瓶,让他直接带过来。”何洛吩咐。 Compliant.”, After the quarter. “遵命。”,一刻钟后。 Facial expression sluggish He Qingman, the bright eyes are bright, with a 18 years old young fatty, left. 神情懒散的何青曼,明眸熠熠,和一个十八九岁的小胖子,一起行了过来。 Bathes what Zeman under early morning sunlight, face glowing with health, the physique beautiful fascinating'winsome, cultivates the straight beautiful leg grace and bearing ten thousand types on the move, making people dazzling and intoxicating. 沐浴在清晨日光下的何责曼,容光焕发,身姿婀娜,修直的美腿行进间风情万种,让人目眩神迷。 Shi Yan has swept her one eyes, in the heart dark to praise, has saying that this woman is extremely indeed beautiful, that enchanting charming grace and bearing, can make any man palpitate with excitement seriously. 石岩扫了她一眼,心中暗赞,不得不说这女人的确极美,那妖娆妩媚的风情,当真可以让任何男人怦然心动。 He Qingman behind that young fatty, somewhat is vaguely similar to the He Luo look, the build is what a pity fat, the look slightly is dreadful, but also somewhat is stationed in the back, with He Qingman stands, somewhat is really horrible to look. 何青曼身后的那小胖子,和何洛相貌依稀有些相似,可惜体型偏胖,眼神略显猥琐,还有些驻背,与何青曼站在一起,实在有些惨不忍睹。 Mo Duanhun has also gawked staring, looks at that He Lai, asked He Luo strangely, „was this your youngest son?”, cough cough.” He Luo is somewhat awkward, said with a smile embarrasedly dry: „ This is I and my wife's maidservant lives, the intelligence was indeed bad, the natural disposition was stubbornly disobedient, wanted into Refiner Master wholeheartedly, all day fiddled with some at sixes and sevens gadget. 莫断魂也是愣了愣,看着何赖,奇怪地问何洛,“这是你小儿子?”,“咳咳。”何洛有些尴尬,讪讪干笑道:“这是我和我妻子的丫鬟所生,资质的确差了点,生性顽劣,一心想要成为炼器师,整日捣鼓些乱七八糟的玩意。 Because the body * in does not have flame Martial Spirit, therefore does not have true Refiner Master to be willing to receive him for the disciple, this boy draws support from Fiery Flame here volcano to make some small gadget frequently, although is difficult to ascend the place of refinement, but sometimes also really can make something to come out. ”, Father, what do you ask me to make?”, After He Lai came, said grinningly: Elder sister makes me prepare to absorb wind and water Monster Core accessory material, I am busy, does not have anything free time.”, Shuts up!”, He Qingman stared this boy one eyes. 但因为身体*内没火焰武魂,所以没有真正的炼器师愿意收他为徒,这小子经常借助这里火山内的火炎弄些小玩意,虽然难登大雅之堂,但有时候也真能弄些东西出来。”,“爹爹,你找我做什么?”,何赖来了之后,笑嘻嘻道:“姐姐让我准备吸收风、水妖晶的辅助材料,我正忙着呢,可没什么闲工夫。”,“闭嘴!”,何青曼瞪了这小子一眼。 He Luo is also somewhat awkward, hollow laugh. 何洛也是有些尴尬,干笑不已。 The Shi Yan facial expression is invariable, in the heart is coldly snorted one. 石岩神情不变,心中则是冷哼一声。 Evidently, He Luo and He Qingman this to the father and daughter, had recognized that he must lose without doubt, has started to prepare to absorb the wind and water Monster Core accessory material unexpectedly, has not been serious him seriously. 看样子,何洛何青曼这对父女,已经认定他必输无疑了,竟然已经开始着手准备吸收风、水妖晶的辅助材料了,当真是没有把他当一回事啊。
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