GOS :: Volume #2

#177: Has not come white!( Adjuration monthly ticket ~~)

In the mountain valley, deep water in Soul Gathering Abyss, was clear enough to see bottom, the life soul in deep water, fully entered Soul Gathering Bead. 山谷内,聚魂潭中的潭水,已清澈见底,潭水中的生灵魂魄,全部进入了聚魂珠 He Qingman as if looks at Shi Yan not to be extremely pleasing to the eyes, after obtaining agreeing of Mo Duanhun, she actuates Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, bringing Xia Xinyan to fly the sky, first one step flies toward Rosy Clouds Island outside. 何青曼似乎瞧石岩极其不顺眼,得到莫断魂的首肯之后,她驱动风雷飞狮,带着夏心妍已飞上天空,先一步往云霞岛外飞去。 Shi Yan in the mountain valley, sits on the body of Cyan Blood Bat, waited for a while. 石岩在山谷中,坐在青血魔蝠的身上,等了一会儿。 In he discovers in Soul Gathering Abyss, did not have the life soul together again, has spat several saliva toward Soul Gathering Bead. 在他发现聚魂潭内,再也没有一道生灵魂魄了,又朝着聚魂珠吐了几口唾沫。 The saliva falls to Soul Gathering Bead on, immediately turned into the pure white thin film, wrapped thoroughly Soul Gathering Bead. 唾液一落到聚魂珠上,立即变成了洁白的薄膜,将聚魂珠彻底包裹住了。 Soul Gathering Bead blocked from by the thin film completely, will not reveal absorption soul affects marvelously. 聚魂珠被薄膜全部遮住,也就不会显露出吸收灵魂的奇妙作用来。 Mo Duanhun in one side, continuously looks at Shi Yan movement, Soul Gathering Bead in looks at Shi Yan hand, the soul one by one income in Soul Gathering Abyss deep water, looks at Shi Yan spits the saliva toward Soul Gathering Bead on, the facial expression is somewhat strange. 莫断魂就在一旁,一直看着石岩的动作,看着石岩手中的聚魂珠,将聚魂潭潭水中的魂魄一一收入,又看着石岩朝着聚魂珠上吐唾液,神情有些奇怪。 However, Mo Duanhun from beginning to end, has not actually asked one. 不过,莫断魂从始至终,却并未开口询问一句。 Was good, we can.” All are ready, Shi Yan receives cautiously Soul Gathering Bead, smiled to Mo Duanhun. “好了,我们可以出发了。”一切就绪,石岩聚魂珠小心翼翼收好,才对莫断魂笑了笑。 Mo Duanhun nods. 莫断魂点头。 The Divine Sense fluctuation spreads together, Cyan Blood Bat under his body, flutters to soar immediately, flies in the Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion direction. 一道神念波动传出,他身下的青血魔蝠,立即振翅高飞,朝着风雷飞狮的方向飞去。 Six levels of Cyan Blood Bat, flying speed is extremely fast, but Mo Duanhun does not worry, but also makes Cyan Blood Bat slow down desirably, enabling behind Level low these Cyan Blood Bat also to follow. 六级的青血魔蝠,飞行速度极快,但莫断魂并不着急,还刻意让青血魔蝠放缓,让身后等级较低的那些青血魔蝠也可以跟上。 Front, He Qingman is riding Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, has not sped along is too quick, as if intends to wait for Mo Duanhun. 前方,何青曼乘坐着的风雷飞狮,也没有飞驰的太快,似乎有意等候莫断魂 Although He Qingman unhappy Shi Yan, actually knows that here Yuanluo Sea Areaknows after all here is not the Tianxie Fairyland sphere of influencerefers to erratically will bump into Three God Church, Gu Family and Dongfang Family master. 何青曼虽然不喜石岩,却知道这里毕竟还是垣罗海域”知道这里不是天邪洞天的势力范围”指不定会碰上三神教古家东方家的高手。 Before entering Jialuo Sea Area, she does not dare to leave Mo Duanhun to be too far. 在进入伽罗海域之前,她也不敢离莫断魂太远。 Rosy Clouds Island is not small, Shi Yanarrived at this mountain valley enough flower after coming ashore several days of time. 云霞岛并不小,石岩从上岸之后”来到这山谷足足huā了几天时间。 However, after sitting Cyan Blood Bat, flew from the sky of mountain valley to Rosy Clouds Island, actually quick did not know many times, has used for about a half hour, Cyan Blood Bat flew from Rosy Clouds Island. 然而,坐上了青血魔蝠以后,从山谷的上空飞向云霞岛之外,却快了不知道多少倍,用了半个小时左右,青血魔蝠就从云霞岛飞了出去。 Leaves Rosy Clouds Island, Shi Yan is wanting to speaklowers the head looks, impressively has actually discovered a familiar boat. 离开云霞岛,石岩正欲讲话”低头一望,却赫然发现了一艘熟悉的小船。 Occupying a commanding position looks, he by the rear grocery pile of boat, is standing faintly visible together slightly fuzzy pretty silhouette, that silhouette beautiful hair dances in the air, the physique is wonderful. 居高临下的望来,他隐隐可见在小船的后方的杂货堆旁边,站着一道略显模糊的俏丽身影,那身影秀发飞舞,身姿妙曼。 In the Shi Yan heart sighed, facial expression slightly was low-spiritedshook the head gently. 石岩心中一叹,神情略显黯然”轻轻摇了摇头。 In the sea, the boat is going slowly. 海中,小船缓缓行驶着。 In the deck, Jie Te, Nano and the others raise head, points at the space has been flying Cyan Blood Bat, cries out strangely again and again. 甲板上,杰特、纳诺等人一个个仰着头,指着天上飞过的青血魔蝠,怪叫连连。 Looks quickly! Cyan Blood Bat! Yang Family Cyan Blood Bat!” “快看!青血魔蝠杨家青血魔蝠!” Shura Blood Guard! On Cyan Blood Bat of that forefront definitely is Shura king Mo Duanhun! ” 修罗血卫啊!那最前面的一头青血魔蝠身上”肯定是修罗莫断魂啊!” Well, how to have two silhouette? Is Cyan Blood Bat that Mo Duanhun rides six levels? That Cyan Blood Bat takes the lead, should be Shura king Mo Duanhun, but who is another person?” “咦,怎么会有两道身影莫断魂乘坐的青血魔蝠可是六级的?那头青血魔蝠领头,应该就是修罗莫断魂的了,可另外一人是谁?” Who knows that separated was so far, does not see clearly.” “谁知道呢,隔了这么远,看不清楚啊。” Definitely is the Yang Family most honored character! Otherwise does not have the qualifications to ride six levels of Cyan Blood Bat. Cyan Blood Bat left from Rosy Clouds Island, how did not know the discussion of Yang Family and Gu Family. ” “肯定是杨家最为尊贵的人物!要不然”是没有资格乘坐六级的青血魔蝠的。青血魔蝠云霞岛离开了,不知道杨家古家的商谈怎么样了。” Can be what kind of? Does Gu Family also dare to do inadequately to with Yang Family?” “能怎么样?古家还敢和杨家做对不成?” Perhaps, we leaves from Rosy Clouds Island did not notice that Rosy Clouds Island was covered dark? Perhaps on Rosy Clouds Island, what also occurred really beautifully therefore? ” “也说不定呀,我们从云霞岛离开的时候”不是看到云霞岛被黑暗笼罩么?说不定在云霞岛上,还真的发生了什么娈故呢?” Letting him do what he pleases has not related with us in any case, we are responsible for giving the thing. ” “管他呢”反正和我们没有关系,我们只是负责将东西送过来罢了。” „......” “……” Jie Te, Nano and the others, gain ground looks at, whoops. 杰特、纳诺等人,抬头看着,议论纷纷。 On ship an corner/horn, Carmon and Huo Jie gloomy face, is looks up the day, looks is taking the lead on the Cyan Blood Bat fuzzy person's shadow. 船上一角,卡蒙霍杰阴沉着脸,也是抬头看天,望着领头青血魔蝠身上的模糊人影。 Linda stands in the region that Shi Yan sits well frequently is in a daze, has not actually looked up the day, does not know that thinks any thoughts. 琳达站在石岩常常端坐的区域发呆,却并未抬头看天,不知道想些什么心思。 Well! That person! That person!” The Jie Te eye is very good, after staring Cyan Blood Bat of front line was looking for a long time, suddenly the body shakes, as if has discovered anything. “咦!那人!那人!”杰特眼睛很好,盯着最前方的青血魔蝠看了许久之后,突然身躯一震,似乎发现了什么。 Jie Te, what did you call?” Nano asked at will. 杰特,你叫什么?”纳诺随意问道。 Anything, nothing.” Jie Te shook the head, suspected own eye flower, examined carefully again, actually discovered that Cyan Blood Bat was increasingly estranged, cannot see clearly the above person's shadow again. “没什么,没什么。”杰特摇了摇头,也怀疑自己眼huā了,再细看的时候,却发现青血魔蝠已渐行渐远,再也看不清上面的人影。 In the deck hesitant, Jie Te arrived at Linda that quietly. 在甲板上犹豫了一下,杰特悄悄来到琳达那一块。 Saw with own eyes that Linda is in a daze there, in the Jie Te heart sighed in a soft voice, persuaded: Elder Sister Linda, he will not come back, before we walk, didn't wait for two days? He has not come, later will not come back, Elder Sister Linda, you have forgotten him.” 眼见琳达在那里发呆,杰特心中轻声一叹,过来劝说道:“琳达姐,他不会回来了,我们走之前,不是等了两天么?他没来,以后就都不会回来了,琳达姐,你还是忘了他吧。” The Linda confused eye pupil, sobered gradually, shot a look at Jie Te one, she said lightly: What do you make?” 琳达迷茫的眼眸,渐渐清醒了过来,瞥了杰特一眼,她淡淡道:“你来做什么?” I......” Jie Te start to speak but hesitate. “我……”杰特欲言又止。 Has the fart to put!” Linda knits the brows does not bear to say. “有屁就放!”琳达皱眉不耐道。 Just Yang Family Cyan Blood Bat had flown from our top of the head, Elder Sister Linda did you pay attention?” “刚刚杨家青血魔蝠从我们头顶飞过,琳达姐你注意了没有?” Shook the head, Linda said: Has not paid attention, how?” 摇了摇头,琳达道:“没注意,怎么了?” On forefront Cyan Blood Bat, there are two people.” Jie Te also said. “最前面的一头青血魔蝠身上,有两个人。”杰特又道。 Two people were good on two people, what relations has with us?” Elder Sister Linda black eyebrows micro pressed, did not say patiently: Jie Te, what words had you to say one time that afraid to say a word, what did you make?” “两个人就两个人好了,和我们有什么关系?”琳达姐黛眉微蹙,不耐烦道:“杰特,有什么话你能不能一次性说完,吞吞吐吐的,你弄什么?” Lead Cyan Blood Bat, is Level is highest, rides should * be most honored character this. The Yang Family leader, it is said is two big Shura kings' Mo Duanhun of head, on that six levels of Cyan Blood Bat people, should be Mo Duanhun, but another person......”, the words come here, Jie Te lived. “领头的青血魔蝠,都是等级最高的,乘坐的应该*是最为尊贵的人物这。次杨家的领头者,据说是二大修罗王之首的莫断魂,那六级青血魔蝠身上的一人,应该就是莫断魂,但另外一个人……”,话到这里,杰特又顿住了。 Linda was hot, shouted to clear the way coldly: „Do you have not to end? What actually wants to say?” 琳达火了,冷喝道:“你有完没完?到底想说什么?” Elder Sister Linda, do you know my eye, yes?” Jie Te forced smile. 琳达姐,你知道我眼睛还可以,是吧?”杰特苦笑。 Un, your shifty eyes are very bright *......” Linda nods, is as before cold the face, how?”, I do not know that has to look at the flower eye *......” Jie Te whole face forced smile, I thought that with Shura king Mo Duanhun sits together another person, should, should be Shi Yan!”, The Linda tender body trembleseyes not to dare to believe completely. “嗯,你贼眼是挺亮的*……”琳达点头,依旧冷着脸,“怎么啦?”,“我也不知道有没有看huā眼*……”杰特满脸苦笑,“我觉得和修罗莫断魂坐在一起的另外一人,应该,应该是石岩!”,琳达娇躯一颤”双眸满是不敢置信。 Can with Mo Duanhun sit together, is not the common character, I, I possibly real flower eye. Shi Yan Disaster Level how, regardless to look that he should not have the qualifications and Mo Duanhun sits together. Elder Sister Linda, you when I talked nonsense, I also looked was not quite clear. ”, Saw with own eyes that the Linda tender body trembles, the facial expression drastic change, Jie Te had a scare, hurried explanation. “能和莫断魂坐在一起的,绝不是一般的人物,我,我可能真的huā眼了。石岩百劫之境”不论怎么去看,他都应该没资格和莫断魂坐在一起。琳达姐,你就当我胡说八道好了,我也看的不太清楚。”,眼见琳达娇躯一颤,神情剧变,杰特吓了一跳,急忙解释。 Linda has tarriedeye pupil to be atheistic, confused looks at the space to change into the sunspot Cyan Blood Bat, the facial expression is complex. 琳达已呆住了”眼眸无神,迷茫的望着天上化为黑点的青血魔蝠,神情复杂无比。 , Can be he really really? 真的,真的会是他么? „Is Uncle Xiao also living?” Well organized that on Cyan Blood Bat, Shi Yan sits, came one suddenly. 萧叔还活着么?”青血魔蝠身上,石岩坐的四平八稳,冷不防来了一句。 Mo Duanhun also is really the different races, did not say a word all the way, has not asked about related to his anything, had not asked how he ran away from Profound Ice Cold Flame seizing a body, had not asked that he through any method, can Lord the obtuse soul to give unexpectedly to trig the demon. 莫断魂还真是异类,一路上一言不发,并未询问有关他的任何事情,既没有问他如何从玄冰寒焰夺舍中逃出来,也没有问他到底是通过什么方法,竟然能将魔主摩奇钝的灵魂都给制住的。 Shi Yan has prepared many rumors, the plan dealt with the interrogation of Mo Duanhunactually to discover that prepared in vain. 石岩准备了许多谎言,本打算应付莫断魂的盘问”却发现白白准备了。 This fellow also has the curiosity obviously, actually actually bears has not asked one, lets rumor that Shi Yan prepares, does not have being able to stand in line use. 这家伙明明也有好奇心,却硬是忍住没问一句,让石岩准备的谎言,都没排得上用场。 Mo Duanhun is the same with Xiao Hanyi, is the Yang Family Shura kings, but he and Xiao Hanyi individuality clearly is opposite. 莫断魂萧寒衣一样,都是杨家修罗王,但他和萧寒衣的个性却截然相反。 Xiao Hanyi is extremely arrogant ” is also the cultivation madman, so long as there is a leisure, he impolite and Shi Yan will crack a jokewill also tease relations between Shi Yan and Xia Xinyan. 萧寒衣狂妄跋扈”也是修炼狂人,但只要有闲暇,他还是会没大没小的和石岩开玩笑”还会调侃石岩夏心妍之间的关系。 Mo Duanhun is different. 莫断魂却不同。 This fellow simply is the blockhead same place, after Shi Yan Cyan Blood Bata few words have not said unexpectedly. 这家伙简直就是木头一块,从石岩上了青血魔蝠之后”竟一句话没讲过。 He did not speak on own initiative, but Shi Yan actually also wants to know some related Yang Family and related Xiao Hanyi matter, since Yang Qingdi can speculate that his survival, should also be able to speculate Xiao Hanyi came, Shi Yan had the favorable impression regarding Xiao Hanyi greatly, does not think really he had the matter, this had this one to ask. 他不主动讲话,可石岩却还想知道一些有关杨家、有关萧寒衣的事情,扬青帝既然可以推测出他的存活,应该也可以推测出萧寒衣来,石岩对于萧寒衣大有好感,也真不想他有事,这才有此一问。 Living.” Mo Duanhun neat reply. “活着。”莫断魂干净利落的回答。 *......” the Shi Yan forced smile, in Immortal Island, is in Devil Territory *......” “呃*……”石岩苦笑,“在不死岛,还是在魔域*……” In Fourth Devil Area, was imprisoned temporarily, Family Head went to Fourth Devil Area, to rescue him.”, Mo Duanhun turned head to look at Shi Yan one, finally spoke pill words. “在第四魔域,被暂时禁锢住了,家主已去了第四魔域,就是为了解救他。”,莫断魂扭头看了石岩一眼,终于多说了丹句话。 This Devil Emperor Bo Xun bones of the dead Body Clone reappears, why receives quickly? How to have started to us?” “这次魔帝波旬白骨法身重现,为什么那么快收回去?怎么没对我们下手?” „The bones of the dead Body Clone straddling of zones gets rid, power cannot display completely, once begins, greatly will damage afterward.”, Mo Duanhun has explained one, said: „, He knows that on me has Sen Luo all phenomena on earth to use “白骨法身跨界出手,力量不能全部发挥,而且一旦动手,事后还会大损。”,莫断魂解答了一句,顿了一下,又道:“还有,他知道我身上带着森罗万象用” Originally is this *......” Shi Yan nodded, demon Lord with the special method, the soul arrives at this place obtusely directly, he comes by the power summon that several thousand souls form, was summoned from here by the Gu Lie fathers and sons, not by the influence of contact surface natural law... *......” “原来是这样*……”石岩点了点头,“魔主摩奇钝是用特殊的方法,灵魂直接降临此地,他是被数千魂魄形成的力量召唤而来,被古烈父子从这边召唤,不受界面规则的影响…*……” Shi Yan has not said Soul Gathering Bead, puts the blame on all in tens of thousands of common people souls that Gu Lie they slaughter, indicates the arrival that sells faintly, will not damage the soul, afterward will return to Fourth Devil Area not to have too many damages. 石岩没说聚魂珠,将一切归咎在古烈两人屠杀的成千上万的平民魂魄,隐隐指明摩奇销的到来,不会损伤灵魂,事后返回了第四魔域也不会有太多的损伤。 Related to you and Profound Ice Cold Flame, the matter in mountain valley, waited to return to Immortal Island, waited to see Family Head, you can specifically describe.” Mo Duanhun nodded, narrows the eyes to focus, I am not good to closely examine anything, but, if you initiative and I said that I can also listen.” “有关你和玄冰寒焰,还有在山谷内的事情,等回到了不死岛,等见到了家主,你可以详细说明。”莫断魂点了点头,眯着眼,“我不好追问什么,不过,如果你主动和我讲,我也可以听听。” You , to listen, I can say, if you do not have the interest to listen, I do not have the interest to say.”, Shi Yan Hehe smiles, thought that Mo Duanhun this old fogy is very interesting, wants to know obviously that actually on own initiative does not closely examine, does not know that follows the custom, is the temperament odd. “你要想听,我可以说一些,你要是没兴趣听,我也没兴趣讲。”,石岩嘿嘿一笑,觉得莫断魂这老家伙还挺有趣,明明想知道,却又不主动追问,不知道是遵循规矩,还是脾气怪癖。 Mo Duanhun has pulled the corners of the mouth, facial expression is strange, half sound, lightly said: You said.”, Profound Ice Cold Flame in my body *, he does not have seizing a body I, I could not cope with him, our present peaceful coexistence *......” Shi Yan is cracking into a smile, light say|way. 莫断魂扯了扯嘴角,神情怪异,半响,才淡淡道:“你讲吧。”,“玄冰寒焰在我身体*内,他没夺舍我,我也对付不了他,我们现在和平共处着*……”石岩咧嘴一笑,淡淡道。 Mo Duanhun eye one bright, stared at Shi Yan deeply to look some little time, slowly nodded, „was really this *......” 莫断魂眼睛一亮,盯着石岩深深地看了好一会儿,才缓缓点头,“果然是这样*……” It is said wants to fuse Profound Ice Cold Flame, needs nine types to Yang Zhire the day material treasure, Yang Family may have this kind of day material treasure?”, Shi Yan said with a smile. “据说想要融合玄冰寒焰,需要九种至阳至热的天材地宝,杨家可有这一类的天材地宝?”,石岩微笑道。 Snort, but only then three types *......” the Mo Duanhun eye is getting more and more bright, „, although is insufficient temporarily, but after you have seen Family Head, he should meet to want completely all means that gathers remaining for you. So long as you had the ability taming Profound Ice Cold Flame, all materials that lacks, Yang Family will find the way to take for you!” “哼,可只有三种*……”莫断魂眼睛越来越亮,“虽然暂时不够,但你见过家主之后,他应该会想尽一切办法,为你聚集剩下的。只要你真有能力将玄冰寒焰给驯服了,所缺的一切材料,杨家都会为你想办法弄到手!” He He, coming Endless Sea of my untold hardships, has not come actually really white.”, “呵呵,我千辛万苦的前来无尽海,倒是还真没白来。”,
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