GOS :: Volume #2

#178: Strong?

Shi Yan, Mo Duanhun is the out-and-out odd person, uncommunicative, does not ask him to talk on own initiative, his few apertures. 石岩来看,莫断魂是不折不扣的怪人,沉默寡言,不主动找他交谈,他很少开口。 Only if all the way, Shi Yan inquired that Mo Duanhun will not speak a few words, probably does not have the curiosity to anything. 一路上,除非石岩询问,莫断魂绝不会多说一句话,好像对什么都没有好奇心。 Shi Yan wants to Jialuo Sea Area to be many some understanding, no matter also Mo Duanhun is repugnant, the issue that so long as he wants to know, will inquire immediately. 石岩有心要对伽罗海域多些了解,也不管莫断魂反感不反感,只要他想知道的问题,都会马上询问。 Mo Duanhun did not speak on own initiative, but Shi Yan questioned, he was one by one answers. 莫断魂不主动讲话,但石岩问话了,他却都是一一作答。 From the Mo Duanhun mouth, Shi Yan obtained many message actually. 莫断魂的口中,石岩倒是得到了不少讯息 In Jialuo Sea Area, there are three big influences, besides Yang Family, Xia Family and Tianxie Fairyland. 伽罗海域中,共有三大势力,除了杨家之外,还有夏家天邪洞天 And, the Tianxie Fairyland strength as if slightly exceeds Xia Family to plan. 其中,天邪洞天的实力似乎略略胜过夏家一筹。 The Endless Sea abundant Warrior influence, is unusual, each some mystical unusual places, Tianxie Fairyland naturally is no exception. 无尽海丰的武者势力,都非同寻常,各个都有些神秘奇特之处,天邪洞天自然不会例外。 According to Mo Duanhun that Tianxie Fairyland in Endless Sea, is a very mysterious place. 按照莫断魂所说,天邪洞天无尽海,是一个非常神奇的地方。 The legend in several thousand years ago, a couple astrays Tianxie Fairyland, had discovered in inside many strange Martial Skills and rare treasures, knows that Tianxie Fairyland is mystical Immortal's Cave of Ancient Times time, has occupied Tianxie Fairyland. 传说在数千年前,一对夫妇误入天邪洞天,在里面发现了许多奇异的武技和异宝,知道天邪洞天乃是上古时期的神秘洞府,就将天邪洞天占了下来。 In Tianxie Fairyland, there are various mysteries, the Spiritual Qi extreme full, is one of the Jialuo Sea Area Spiritual Qi richest treasure troves. 天邪洞天内,有各种神奇,其中灵气极为的充盈,是伽罗海域灵气最为浓郁的宝地之一。 Tianxie Fairyland is most mysterious, is one Fertility Soul Chamber, Fertility Soul Chamber, is the Tianxie Fairyland basis. 天邪洞天最为神奇的,乃是其中的一间“育魂室”,育魂室,也是天邪洞天的根本。 Related Fertility Soul Chamber, the special details, Mo Duanhun does not talk clearly, but he told Shi Yan, Fertility Soul Chamber the biggest use, breeds Martial Spirit! 有关“育魂室”,的具体情况,莫断魂也说不清楚,但他却告诉石岩,“育魂室”最大的用途,就是孕育武魂 In general, a couple the child, if a side body * the embodiment has including Martial Spirit them has the opportunity to have Martial Spirit. If this couple, body * in has Martial Spirit, the child who that has the Martial Spirit probability to be bigger, even may have Martial Spirit of both parents. 一般来说,一对夫妇如果一方体*内蕴含武魂那么他们所生下来的孩子就有机会拥有武魂。如果这一对夫妇,身体*内都有武魂,那生下来的孩子拥有武魂的机率更大,甚至有可能持有父母双方的武魂 For example Shi Yan, the body * in includes Yang Family Immortal Martial Spirit and Shi Family Martial Spirit, this is the god half favorite, is quite rare. 譬如石岩,身体*内含有杨家不死武魂石家武魂,这就是神半宠儿,颇为罕见。 However, has the Martial Spirit couple, the children who has not necessarily can have Martial Spirit, double Martial Spirit is the matter of minimum probability. 然而,大多数拥有武魂的夫妇,生下来的孩子都不一定可以拥有武魂,双武魂更加是极小概率的事。 This law, naturally is also suitable in Endless Sea. 这个定律,在无尽海自然也适用。 Reason that Fertility Soul Chamber marvelous, is the child who because it can enhance the birth, has the Martial Spirit probability! One team of couple one of them have Martial Spirit, in Fertility Soul Chamber, in unifies to become pregnant, the child who has have the probability of several fold to have Martial Spirit compared with the normal condition. 育魂室”之所以奇妙,就是因为它可以提高出生的孩子,拥有武魂的机率!一队夫妇其中一人拥有武魂,在“育魂室”,内结合受孕,生下来的孩子要比正常情况下有数倍的机率拥有武魂 This is extremely mysterious, has almost violated heaven and earth natural law. Each pair has the Martial Spirit parents, hopes the child who one have, can inherit their Martial Spirit, hopes that own child can become Expert that the top dog becomes is a focus of public attention. 这极其神奇,几乎违反了天地规则。每一对拥有武魂的父母,都希望自己生下来的孩子,能够继承他们的武魂,希望自己的孩子能够成为人上人成为万众瞩目的强者 Therefore, many Endless Sea couples, to have own Martial Spirit by own child, will have no fear of great distances to catch up from other sea area, hopes can in Tianxie Fairyland Fertility Soul Chamber, in becomes pregnant, will seek Martial Spirit for own future child. 因此,有很多无尽海的夫妇,为了让自己的孩子拥有自己的武魂,都会不远万里从别的海域赶来,希望能够在天邪洞天的“育魂室”,内受孕,为自己未来的孩子谋取武魂 Tianxie Fairyland will not be certainly good to speak. 天邪洞天当然不会那么好说话。 The couple who comes Endless Sea to become pregnant wants to enter Yu Hun *......” first to join Tianxie Fairyland, becomes the Tianxie Fairyland person. 前来无尽海受孕的夫妇想要进入“育魂*……”首先必须加入天邪洞天,成为天邪洞天的人。 This is the most basic strip tenon. 一这是最基本的条榫。 Only the person on one's own side can enter Fertility Soul Chamber, the qualifications of becoming pregnant, the millenniums this custom never has changed. 只有自己人才能有进入“育魂室”,受孕的资格,千年来这条规矩从未变过。 In addition, all sorts of other condition limits. 除此之外,还有种种别的条件限制。 In general, Warrior of other Endless Sea influence, Tianxie Fairyland will not accept, even if they want to join Tianxie Fairyland, Tianxie Fairyland will not receive. 一般来说,无尽海别的势力的武者,天邪洞天是不会接受的,即便他们想要加入天邪洞天,天邪洞天也不会收。 To join Tianxie Fairyland, needs the life experience to be pure, must be investigated by Tianxie Fairyland carefully, must by the Tianxie Fairyland master, the thorough soul be combed all memories, after guaranteeing not to have the issue, will consider to admit. 想要加入天邪洞天,需要身世清白,要被天邪洞天仔细审察,要被天邪洞天的高手,深入灵魂将所有记忆梳理一遍,确保没有问题以后,才会考虑接纳。 Even if the life experience pure person, but also needs to undergo Tianxie Fairyland inspection of once more, must know parental Martial Spirit Level and intensity, only then these valuable Martial Spirit, will be favorable for the Tianxie Fairyland future, will be allowed to pass. 就算是身世清白的人,还需要经过天邪洞天的再次考核,要知道父母身上的武魂等级和强度,只有那些有价值的武魂,对天邪洞天的将来有利的,才会被放行。 It can be said that reason that Tianxie Fairyland becomes one of the Endless Sea 15 big influences, with Yu Hun *......” existence is inseparable. 可以说,天邪洞天之所以成为无尽海15大势力之一,和“育魂*……”的存在密不可分。 Yu Hun *......” Tianxie Fairyland net less than that many masters, will not have had that many available masters, therefore in Fertility Soul Chamber, in the use, Tianxie Fairyland is extremely careful. 没有“育魂*……”天邪洞天网罗不到那么多的高手,不会有那么多可用的高手,所以在“育魂室”,的使用上,天邪洞天可谓是慎之又慎。 He Qingman, *...... becomes pregnant in Yu Hun, has the winds and water two Martial Spirit. 何青曼,就是在“育魂*……”受孕的,身怀风、水两种武魂 He Family, in Jialuo Sea Area is also a known family, the He Qingman parents, a person has wind Martial Spirit, a person has water Martial Spirit, in order to can become a person of few person by own child, the He Qingman parents looked for Tianxie Fairyland. 何家,本来在伽罗海域也算是一个小有名气的家族,何青曼的父母,一人身怀风武魂,一人身怀水武魂,为了能让自己的孩子能够成为人少人,何青曼的父母找上了天邪洞天 Tianxie Fairyland, after He Qingman parental He Luo and Xu Man investigate in detail, He Luo and Xu Manbian become the Tianxie Fairyland people, obtained in Fertility Soul Chamber, qualifications of becoming pregnant. 天邪洞天,对何青曼的父母何洛、徐曼详细审察之后,何洛徐曼便成为天邪洞天的人,得到了在“育魂室”,受孕的资格。 After He Qingman birth, lucky inherited parents' two Martial Spirit, immediately by the Tianxie Fairyland access treasure trove, was regarded material of the Liang to cultivate it, becomes the Tianxie Fairyland new first generation most outstanding young eminent. 何青曼出生之后,幸运的继承了父母的两种武魂,立即被天邪洞天接入宝地,将其当成栋粱之材进行栽培,成为天邪洞天一代最为出众的年轻翘楚。 Tianxie Fairyland is not a family, not having Martial Spirit to inherit, actually dependence Fertility Soul Chamber, existence, becomes one of the Jialuo Sea Area three big influences. 天邪洞天不是一个家族,没有武魂传承,却依靠“育魂室”,的存在,成为伽罗海域三大势力之一。 Xia Family is different. 夏家则不同。 Martial Spirit that Xia Xinyan Reincarnation Martial Spirit, Xia Family inherits, so long as has the descendant of Xia Family bloodlines, has to have the Reincarnation Martial Spirit possibility. 夏心妍身上的轮回武魂,正是夏家传承下来的武魂,只要是拥有夏家血脉的儿孙,就有拥有轮回武魂的可能。 However, Xia Family Reincarnation Martial Spirit, there is the division of strong and weak. 不过,夏家轮回武魂,也有强弱之分。 Many Xia Family people, although same has Reincarnation Martial Spirit, is actually only waste Martial Spirit. If previous life is not martial arts Expert, even if that has Reincarnation Martial Spirit, cannot obtain any useful message from previous life. 很多夏家的人,虽然一样身怀轮回武魂,却很多只是废武魂。如果前世不是武道强者,那么即便是拥有轮回武魂,也不能从前世得到什么有用的讯息 Some Xia Family people, previous life is only the flower artisan, profound scholar and scholar, Reincarnation Martial Spirit that then they have, almost does not have any help to their cultivation. 一些夏家的人,前世只是huā匠、大儒、学者,那么他们拥有的轮回武魂,对他们的修炼几乎没有任何帮助。 This kind of person, in Xia Family unvalued. 这一类人,在夏家并不受重视。 Also some people, previous life indeed is Warrior, but previous life Realm is not high, only then Disaster and Earth Level cultivation base, after obtaining Reincarnation Martial Spirit, at most , can only obtain Disaster and Warrior of Earth Level stage to realize from experience, in the future can only depend on itself. 也有一些人,前世的确是武者,不过前世境界并不高,只有百劫地位之境修为,得到轮回武魂后,至多,也只能得到百劫地位之境阶段的武者体悟,往后就只能靠自己了。 This person, slightly has Earth Realm in Xia Family, but extremely will not attach great importance. 这种人,在夏家算是小有地位,但也不会太过重视。 Has round Xia Family descendant with Martial Spirit, only then previous life is Warrior, and Realm is extremely high, can be called Liang truly. 拥有轮同武魂夏家儿孙,只有前世武者,并且境界极高的,才能真正称得上栋粱。 Reincarnation Martial Spirit, can let them, when cultivation meets bottleneck, through the understanding and realizing from experience of previous life to the martial arts, rapid breakthrough bottleneck, enters into new Realm fast. previous life Warrior Realm is higher, their cultivation speed will be faster, does not have bottleneck martial arts cultivation, this occupy too many advantage/cheap compared with the average person. 轮回武魂,可以让他们在修炼遇到瓶颈的时候,通过前世对武道的认识和体悟,迅速突破瓶颈,快速迈入新的境界前世武者境界越高,他们修炼的速度将会越快,没有瓶颈的武道修炼,这要比一般人占据了太多便宜 Reincarnation Martial Spirit, reason that has carrying together of strong and weak, an essential standard. 轮回武魂,之所以有强弱之舁,还有一个关键的标准。 Most Xia Family descendants, after obtaining Reincarnation Martial Spirit extremely, can only obtain realizing from experience and cognition of previous life to martial arts, actually cannot gain previous life the strength of Reincarnation. But little are extremely also few several people, not only can obtain the previous life martial arts to realize from experience, but can also at crucial moments, borrow previous life the strength of Reincarnation. 极大多数的夏家儿孙,得到轮回武魂之后,只能得到前世对武道的体悟和认知,却不能获取前世轮回之力。但也少极少几人,不但能够得到前世的武道体悟,还可以在危急时刻,借用前世轮回之力。 If previous life Realm is extremely high, the strength of Reincarnation can borrow, will be fearful. 如果前世境界极高,能够能够借用的轮回之力,也会非常可怕。 Xia Xinyan, is this advantageous darling. 夏心妍,便是这种得天独厚的宠儿。 Borrows the strength of Reincarnation, her short time can achieve Sky Realm, this means Xia Xinyan previous life, strongest Warrior Realm, should in True God Realm! Only then previous life has True God Realm Realm cultivation base, to this, after having Reincarnation Martial Spirit, can after borrowing the strength of Reincarnation, the short time achieved Sky Realm. 借用轮回之力,她短时间可以达到天位之境,这意味着夏心妍前世,最强的武者境界,应该在真神之境!只有前世拥有真神之境境界修为,到了这一世,拥有轮回武魂之后,才能在借用到轮回之力以后,短时间达到天位之境 This fears the well extremely. 这极为恐井。 previous life is True God Realm Warrior, means that Xia Xinyan in cultivation before True God Realm, can through realizing from experience of previous life to martial arts, avoid bottleneck when cultivation. 前世真神之境武者,意味着夏心妍修炼真神之境以前,都可以通过前世对武道的体悟,在修炼时避免瓶颈 This means that Xia Xinyan is accurate True God Realm Warrior! 这意味着,夏心妍将是准真神境武者 If given time, is relying on this Reincarnation Martial Spirit, after some time accumulation and cultivation, without bottleneck, so long as Xia Xinyan Immortal, can enter into True God Realm sooner or later. 假以时日,凭借着这轮回武魂,经过一段时间的积累和修炼,在没有瓶颈的情况下,只要夏心妍不死,早晚可以迈入真神之境 Only this point, Xia Family has no reason not the initial capital under the Xia Xinyan body. 仅此一点,夏家就没有理由不在夏心妍身上下血本。 Thinks to look, if in the future Xia Family has True God Realm Warrior, in the future in Endless Sea, Xia Family can reach the what kind altitude? 想想看,未来夏家若是拥有真神之境武者,将来在无尽海,夏家可以达到何种高度? Also because of so, in Xia Family, Xia Xinyan Earth Realm is aloof. 也是因为如此,在夏家,夏心妍地位超然。 This Xia Xinyan soul received the heavy losses, Xia Family, if knows with Shi Yan is related, feared that will become angry out of shame, even there is a possibility, because this matter comes Yang Family to send a punitive expedition. 这一趟夏心妍灵魂受了重创,夏家若是知晓和石岩有关,怕是会恼羞成怒,甚至有可能因为此事来杨家兴师问罪。 Mo Duanhun when spoke of Xia Xinyan Martial Spirit to be mysterious, indicated Xia Family to fear that secretly will be angry, lets Shi Yan carefully, has waited till Jialuo Sea Area, saw the Xia Family person, must understand the discretion, do not speak carelessly, affects two families many years of friendly relations. 莫断魂在说到夏心妍武魂神奇的时候,也暗暗指明夏家怕是会大怒,让石岩小心一点,等到了伽罗海域,见到了夏家人,要懂得分寸,不要胡乱讲话,影响两家多年的友好关系。 This all the way, passes Mo Duanhun, Shi Yan understood many related Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family matter. 这一路上,通过莫断魂,石岩知道了许多有关天邪洞天夏家的事。 Tianxie Fairyland has Fertility Soul Chamber, the Tianxie Fairyland itself Ancient Times treasure trove, is hiding many mysterious Martial Skills, through Fertility Soul Chamber, Tianxie Fairyland has scraped together many masters, has different Martial Spirit Warrior numerously, the influence criss-crossed proliferates Jialuo Sea Area generally, even has the unusual influence in other sea area. 天邪洞天拥有“育魂室”,天邪洞天本身还是上古的宝地,藏着许多神奇的武技,通过“育魂室”,天邪洞天网罗了许多高手,拥有众多持有不同武魂武者,势力如网一般遍布伽罗海域,甚至在别的海域都有不同寻常的影响力。 Xia Family Reincarnation Martial Spirit mystical not measured that can obtain the previous life martial arts to realize from experience, fast breakthrough bottleneck in cultivation, even there are to look like Xia Xinyan this kind of going against heaven's will character, previous life directly in True God Realm, and can also borrow previous life the strength of Reincarnation, the short time achieves Sky Realm. 夏家轮回武魂神秘莫测,可以得到前世的武道体悟,在修炼中快速突破瓶颈,甚至有像夏心妍这一类的逆天人物,前世直接在真神之境,并且还可以借用前世轮回之力,短时间达到天位之境 Tianxie Fairyland, is Xia Family, after the introduction of Mo Duanhun, makes Shi Yan shock inexplicably. 不论是天邪洞天,还是夏家,经过莫断魂的介绍,都让石岩震撼莫名。 Compares Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family, four respected families who abandons pledge, really wanted not to know many times weakly, resources that had, differed were too many. 相比较天邪洞天夏家,弃盟的四大家族,果然要弱了不知道多少倍,掌握的资源,也相差了太多。 However, Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family, already so formidable fearful, the influence is abundant. 然而,天邪洞天夏家,已经如此强大可怕,势力雄厚无比。 May in Jialuo Sea Area, as before be actually willing to occupy under Yang Family, Venerable Yang Family is the Jialuo Sea Area actual master. 可在伽罗海域,却依旧甘愿屈居在杨家之下,尊杨家伽罗海域真正的主人。 That Yang Family, strong? 杨家,到底有多强? According to Shi Yan knows, Yang Family in Jialuo Sea Area, has pressed Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family several hundred years! 石岩所知,杨家伽罗海域,已压了天邪洞天夏家数百年! For several hundred years, Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family, never dare to challenge Yang Family in Jialuo Sea Area Earth Realm, Yang Family has followed only the lead. 数百年来,天邪洞天夏家,从来不敢挑战杨家伽罗海域地位,一直唯杨家马首是瞻。 What power Yang Family through, lets such formidable Tianxie Fairyland and Xia Family, is willing to bow the head to profess allegiance unexpectedly? 杨家到底通过什么力量,让这么强大的天邪洞天夏家,竟然都甘愿俯首称臣? Shi Yan has doubts, has raised to Mo Duanhun. 石岩非常疑惑,也向莫断魂提了出来。 However, on this issue, Mo Duanhun has not actually explained that only said that has waited till Immortal Island, he understands slowly. 然而,在这个问题上,莫断魂却并未解答,只说等到了不死岛,他会慢慢明白。 Shi Yan is filled with curiously, to Jialuo Sea Area one line, has filled with the anticipation. 石岩满心好奇,对伽罗海域一行,充满了期待。 ......, ( to be continued ) ……,(未完待续)
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