GOS :: Volume #2

#176: Misunderstanding

Ruthless man! ” 无情无义的男人!” He Qingman is cold. Henry one, in the bright eyes full is cold intent, she is staring Shi Yan bitterly, „ 何青曼冷。亨一声,明眸中满是冷意,她恨恨地瞪着石岩,“ Elder Sister Xinyan for you turn into this, getting up of your unexpectedly also happy? Do you, have a conscience? ” 心妍姐为了你才变成这样,你竟然还高兴的起来?你这人,到底有没有一点良心?” This woman looks at Shi Yan, from the face of Shi Yan, she just had seen a happy expression. 这女人一直看着石岩,从石岩的脸上,她刚刚看到了一点喜色。 She naturally does not know after Shi Yan and Profound Ice Cold Flame communicate, had found has treated the Xia Xinyan method, He Qingman when only Shi Yan rejoiced secretly that the heart has filled up the anger immediately, immediately spoke to accuse Shi Yan to be heartless and cruel. 她自然不知道石岩玄冰寒焰沟通过后,已找到了医治夏心妍的法子,何青曼只当石岩暗暗庆幸,芳心马上填满了愤怒,立即出言指责石岩狼心狗肺。 In the mountain valley, nearby these Shura Blood Guard are also perplexed, sees Shi Yan to look the happy expression, in the heart also thinks very strange. Said including Mo Duanhun Xia Xinyan is very difficult to treat, this equivalent to was the soul heavy losses of Xia Xinyan the conclusion, at this time, on the Shi Yan face revealed that the happy expression came, was too doubtable his motive. 山谷中,旁边的那些修罗血卫也不明所以,看到石岩面露喜色,心中也觉得很奇怪。连莫断魂都说了夏心妍很难医治,这相当于夏心妍的灵魂重创下了定论了,在这个时候,石岩脸上显露出喜色来,实在太让人怀疑他的动机了。 Has Mo Duanhun, knit the brows deeply looked at Blood Vein Ring one eyes on Shi Yan, showed expression looking pensive. 只有莫断魂,皱眉深深看了石岩手上的血纹戒一眼,露出若有所思的表情。 Shi Yan heard scolding of He Qingman, actually turns a deaf ear, sinks to Blood Vein Ring the mind as before , to continue with the Profound Ice Cold Flame communication. „ 石岩听到了何青曼的呵斥,却充耳不闻,依旧将心神沉入血纹戒,继续和玄冰寒焰沟通。“ How Soul Gathering Bead needs to quenching, can form purely the strength of busy soul inside soul? ” 聚魂珠需要如何淬炼,才可以将里面的魂魄形成纯粹无暇的灵魂之力?” Very simple. ” 很简单。” Profound Ice Cold Flame and other Shi Yan this issues, „ 玄冰寒焰就在等石岩这个问题,“ So long as places in special Fiery Flame to burn down Soul Gathering Bead, Fiery Flame the cleanness that soul impurities in Soul Gathering Bead will burn, but can also remain, was the strength of soul clear arrived at to absorb only. ” 只要将聚魂珠放在特殊的火炎之中焚烧,火炎会将聚魂珠内的魂魄杂质烧的干干净净,还能留下来的,就是澄净到可以吸收的灵魂之力了。” Special Fiery Flame? ” 特殊的火炎?” Shi Yan has gawked, „ 石岩愣了一下,“ You are also one of the Heavenly Flame, your Fiery Flame. Was OK? ” 你也是天火之一,你的火炎.是不是就可以了?” Not! ” 不不不!” Profound Ice Cold Flame responded immediately, „ 玄冰寒焰马上回应了,“ Must use the burning hot the high temperature, can burn cleanly soul impurities in Soul Gathering Bead. ” 必须用炙热的高温,才可以将聚魂珠内的灵魂杂质烧干净。” Although Profound Ice Cold Flame is also one of the Heavenly Flame, but it is quite special, most Heavenly Flame carry is burning down all high temperatures, but Fiery Flame of this fellow actually ices coldly biting cold, instead can frozen all. The attribute is clearly opposite. 玄冰寒焰虽然也是天火之一,可它却极为特殊,大多数天火都携带着焚烧一切的高温,可这家伙的火炎却冰寒彻骨,反而可以冰封一切.属性截然相反。 Soul Gathering Bead needs high-temperature burning down really words, Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold Fiery Flame, but also really not being able to stand in line use. 聚魂珠真需要高温焚烧的话,玄冰寒焰的冰寒火炎,还真的排不上用场。 None who does not becomes, needs other Heavenly Flame, can burn down Soul Gathering Bead soul impurities?” “莫不成,需要别的天火,才可以焚烧掉聚魂珠的魂魄杂质吧?” The Shi Yan heart sinks, 石岩心一沉, Heavenly Flame is in world most marvelous Fiery Flame, if really needs Heavenly Flame, where I to do seek?” 天火乃是世间最为奇妙的火炎,真要是需要天火,我到什么地方去寻找?” Not necessarily wants Heavenly Flame.” “也不一定非要天火。” Profound Ice Cold Flame silent a while, 玄冰寒焰沉默了一会儿, Earthcore Flame of heart of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) volcano, should be also OK. So long as you found ten thousand years of volcano, enters the heart of volcano, puts in which Soul Gathering Bead, I look that knows was good.” “万丈火山之心的地心火,应该也可以了。只要你找到万年的火山,进入火山之心,将聚魂珠放入其中,我看一看,就知道行不行了。” Enters ten thousand years of volcano the heart of volcano? ” 进入万年火山的火山之心?” The Shi Yan complexion changes, „ 石岩脸色微变,“ Midway time, perhaps I will be burnt down the ashes. ” 中途的时候,我恐怕就会被焚烧成灰烬了。” Earthcore Flame of heart of ten thousand years of volcano, the burning hot is incomparable, let alone again Warrior of boundary of tribulation, even if Earth Realm and master of boundary of putting up, enters ten thousand years of volcano rashly the hot mountain core, feared that cannot resist. 万年火山之心的地心火,炙热无比,别说再劫之境的武者了,就算是地位、涅架之境的高手,冒然进入万年火山的火山心,怕也抵挡不住。 The proposition of Profound Ice Cold Flame, making Shi Yan be a lot. 玄冰寒焰的提议,让石岩一肚子郁闷。 Hello! Spoke with you!” “喂!和你讲话呢!” He Qingman is supporting full attractive milk-white bosom, stands before the Shi Yan body, in the sexy look braves the cold air/Qi, stares is staring Shi Yan, said bitterly: „ 何青曼挺着饱满诱人的酥胸,站在石岩身前,桃花眼中冒着冷气,直勾勾地瞪着石岩,恨恨道:“ Your mute? 你哑巴了? Was in the wrong? ” 还是理亏了?” Just and Profound Ice Cold Flame discussion Shi Yan, under He Qingman drinks tenderly, suddenly awakes to turn around, bewildered is looking at her, said: „ 正和玄冰寒焰商议的石岩,在何青曼的一声娇喝之下,突然醒转过来,一脸茫然的望着她,道:“ What did you say? ” 你说什么?” His attention all places on Profound Ice Cold Flame, from the start has not paid attention He Qingman, naturally does not know that He Qingman said anything. 他注意力全放在玄冰寒焰上,压根没有留意何青曼,自然不知道何青曼说了些什么。 Regarding He Qingman, Shi Yan is also some favorable impressions, after all Xia Xinyan when the tender body from airborne drops, was this woman catches Xia Xinyan with Demonic Beast. 对于何青曼,石岩还算是有些好感,毕竟夏心妍在娇躯从空中跌落的时候,是这个女人用妖兽夏心妍接住了。 Otherwise, from that high airborne crash, under the soul heavy losses, Xia Xinyan feared the whole body skeleton that must be fallen breaks broken. 要不然,从那么高的空中坠落,在灵魂重创下,夏心妍怕是要被摔的全身骨骼碎断。 If really such, Xia Xinyan were the future soul restored, perhaps the body must discard half. 真要是那样,夏心妍就算是将来灵魂恢复了,身体恐怕也要废掉一半了。 Therefore, regarding this He Qingman, Shi Yan feels grateful, knows that her worry , because is worried about Xia Xinyan, therefore Shi Yan had not minded that the He Qingman manner is bad. 因此,对于这何青曼,石岩心存感激,也知道她的着急,都是因为担心夏心妍,所以石岩没有介意何青曼的态度不善。 Elder Sister Xinyan turned into this, have you satisfied?” 心妍姐变成了这样,你满意了是吧?” He Qingman clenches the teeth, „ 何青曼咬着银牙,“ Has not seen has looked like you so ruthless man! In Jialuo Sea Area, Elder Sister Xinyan, but the lovable girl of day, does not know that many youth talents have only one in mind to Elder Sister Xinyan, is handsomer than you, the person who you are fiercer, what are many are! But Elder Sister Xinyan for you, with Gu Family and Dongfang Family battle, has been knowing in the three years after you come the rosy cloud elder brother, is braves the life danger to come to seek you! Also because of you, she fell until now condition! But you, actually secret pleased! Really heartless and cruel! Shameless! ” 没见过像你这般无情无义的男人!在伽罗海域,心妍姐可是天之娇女,不知道多少青年才俊对心妍姐情有独钟,比你英俊、比你厉害的人,多的是!可心妍姐为了你,这三年一直在和古家东方家交战,知道你来云霞哥后,更是冒着性命危险前来寻你!也是因为你,她才落到如今的境况!而你,却暗暗快意!真是狼心狗肺!无耻至极!” He Qingman gets more mad, saw that Shi Yan is not pleasing to the eyes, is cold the face to obloquy. Shi Yan her these was scolded crazily, making somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, in the heart thought that this woman some problems, anything is not clear dares to define, thought oneself infallible. Therefore, Shi Yan is once more silent, choice continues not to respond her. 何青曼越想越气,怎么看石岩都不顺眼,冷着脸大骂。石岩被她这一番狂骂,给弄的有些哭笑不得,心中觉得这女人有些毛病,什么都不清楚就敢下定义,也太自以为是了。因此,石岩再次沉默,选择继续不搭理她。 How can enter ten thousand years of volcano the heart of volcano? ” 怎么才能进入万年火山的火山之心?” Shi Yan communication. „Did you forget me?” 石岩传讯。“你忘记我了么?” Profound Ice Cold Flame responded proudly: „ 玄冰寒焰傲然回应:“ Has my cold energy guard, what volcano can't enter? Trivial Earth Flame. How can contend with my power? Has me to protect you, what are you afraid? ” 有我的寒力护身,什么样的火山不能进入?区区地火。怎能和我的力量抗衡?有我护着你,你害怕什么?” Shi Yan has awakened immediately. Because of the Xia Xinyan injury, his mind is somewhat chaotic, had forgotten unexpectedly Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, has terrifying how. 石岩马上醒悟了过来。因为夏心妍的伤势,他心神有些乱,竟然忘记了玄冰寒焰寒气,有多么的恐怖 Past Monroe Island, was the volcano gathering place, including this place, under Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, can change the turn into ice island, among the world, what volcano was it has not dared to penetrate? 当年的门罗岛,可是火山聚集之地,连这种地方,在玄冰寒焰寒气之下,都可以变成冰岛,天下间,还有什么样的火山是它不敢深入的? I understood. ” 我明白了。” Shi Yan mind Dading, on the face also had a happy expression. Shameless! Really shameless!” 石岩心神大定,脸上又有了点喜色。“无耻至极!真是无耻至极!” He Qingman teeth clench ka-beng straight sound, „ 何青曼银牙咬的嘎嘣直响,“ Has not seen your this person, owes Elder Sister Xinyan also to praise you, I really opened mind today! The Elder Sister Xinyan such intelligent person, does not know how to have a liking for your this person! I am unworthy for her really! ” 真没见过你这种人,亏心妍姐还一直夸你,我今天真是开了眼界了!心妍姐这么聪慧的人,不知道怎会看上你这种人!我真替她不值!” He Qingman scolded for quite a while, saw Shi Yan to smile unexpectedly once more, was the seven orifices of air/Qi belches smoke seriously. If not for Mo Duanhun in side, perhaps she must unable to bear begin to teach i Shi Yan. 何青曼骂了半天,见石岩竟然再次笑了,当真是气的七孔冒烟。若不是莫断魂就在旁边,说不定她都要忍不住动手教i石岩了。 „, Your thought aloud that is very interesting?” “呃,你一人自言自语,很有趣么?” The Shi Yan mind takes back from Blood Vein Ring, shot a look at He Qingman one lightly, neither cold nor hot say|way. 石岩心神从血纹戒内收回,淡淡瞥了何青曼一眼,不冷不热道。 Who traded is, after was treated unjustly, was scolded was so long, in the heart somewhat will not definitely be feeling well, Shi Yan was no exception. 换了是谁,被人冤枉之后,又被骂了这么久,心中肯定都会有些不爽,石岩也不例外。 what Qingyan has not clarified condition completely, subjective heartless Han who he regards the fickle widowed righteousness. 何青晏完全没弄清楚状况,主观的将他当成薄情寡义的负心汉。 Clenching jaws scolded him several minutes, sees him not to open the mouth, but also has kept fighting, making Shi Yan think that this woman feared has the problem. 咬牙切齿的骂了他几分钟,见他不开口,还一直骂个不停,让石岩觉得这女人怕是有毛病。 „! You!” “!你!” He Qingman is pointing at Shi Yan, breath shortness, the milk-white bosom very peak, outlined the charming office line, a climate could not speak unexpectedly. 何青曼指着石岩,呼吸急促,酥胸挺耸着,勾勒出迷人的办线,一时气的竟说不出话来。 Shi Yan squint looks at she, knows that this woman stature is hot, the look decides however definitely is also uncommon, but at this time his thoughts non- in this regard, is disinclined to respond her, looked at He Qingman one, then leaves goes excessively. Inquired Mo Duanhun: „Does nearby have ten thousand years of volcano?” 石岩斜眼看着她,知道这女人身材火辣,相貌定然也肯定不凡,不过此时他心思不在这方面,也懒得搭理她,看了何青曼一眼,便别过头去。询问身旁的莫断魂:“附近有没有万年火山?” This nearby does not have.” “这附近没有。” Mo Duanhun stunned, has hesitated. Jialuo Sea Area has actually, the biggest ten thousand years of volcano in Flame Cloud Island of Tianxie Fairyland control, this aspect what Young Lady is clearest, the Flame Cloud Island nowadays island Lord He Luo. Her father.” 莫断魂愕然,沉吟了一下。“伽罗海域倒是有,最大的万年火山在天邪洞天掌控的火云岛,这方面何小姐最清楚,火云岛现今的岛主何洛。正是她的父亲。” Shi Yan is startled, expression horse Ancient Times has blamed, turned head and looks to He Qingman. He Qingman is still angry, clenches teeth, is staring at Shi Yan maliciously, „, regardless of you want to do, I will not help you! The heartless Han of your this fickle widowed righteousness, my looks at is tired of!” 石岩一怔,表情马上古怪了起来,回头又望向了何青曼何青曼还在生着气,咬着牙,狠狠地盯着石岩,“不论你想干什么,我都不会帮助你!你这种薄情寡义的负心汉,我看着就烦!” The words, the He Qingman hot wonderful graceful physique, moves leisurely, in a flash, sat on Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion. Repairs the straight beautiful leg to move, He Qingman drinks one tenderly, we walk.” 话罢,何青曼火辣妙曼的身姿,款款而动,一晃间,就在风雷飞狮身上坐了下来。修直的美腿动了动,何青曼娇喝一声,“我们走。” Wait a moment.” 等一下。” A Shi Yan brow wrinkle. Suddenly keeps off before the Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion body, looks up is sitting well in Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion He Qingman high, said: „. You can walk, but Xinyan must stay behind to me consumes 石岩眉头一皱。突然挡在风雷飞狮身前,抬头望着高高端坐在风雷飞狮身上的何青曼,道:“。你可以走,但心妍必须给我留下耗” You why?” “你凭什么?” He Qingman look one cold, „ 何青曼眼神一寒,“ Elder Sister Xinyan and I come together, now the soul was seriously injured, I must, return to Xia Family her at the maximum speed. Xia Family knows that Elder Sister Xinyan received such heavy wound, definitely spare no effort will seek for the means to rescue Elder Sister Xinyan! Not like you, not only anything does not do, but also Xing Yang Le Huo! ” 心妍姐和我一道来的,现在灵魂受了重伤,我要以最快的速度,将她送回夏家夏家知道心妍姐受了这么重的伤,肯定会不遗余力的找寻办法救心妍姐!绝不会像你这样,不但什么都不做,还幸央乐祸!” Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion has stood, He Qingman sits in the place above, occupies a commanding position looks at Shi Yan, taunted. 风雷飞狮已站了起来,何青曼坐在上方,居高临下看着石岩,冷嘲热讽。 Six levels of Demonic Beast Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, the anger of keen detection again hostess, garnet eye pupil of copper bell size, cut-throat is staring at Shi Yan, raises head angry roar. 六级妖兽风雷飞狮,敏锐的察觉再女主人的怒气,铜铃大小的暗红色眼瞳,凶狠的盯着石岩,仰头一声怒啸 Six levels of Demonic Beast endure to compare Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin, after this Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion angry roar. Two wind edges form suddenly, shoots unexpectedly toward Shi Yan. 六级妖兽堪比涅巢之境的武者,这风雷飞狮一声怒啸之后。两道风刃骤然成形,竟朝着石岩射来。 Stupid beast!, ” He Qingman drinks one tenderly. The look changes. 笨兽!,”何青曼娇喝一声。眼神微变。 Mo Duanhun coldly snorted, the ghosts and demons brave before the Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion body, the big hand grasps, actually holds the wind blade edge, knits the brows looks at He Qingman, cold voice said: „ 莫断魂冷哼一声,鬼魅般在风雷飞狮身前冒出来,大手一抓,竟然将风刃抓住,皱眉看着何青曼,冷声道:“ Wants me to help you teach your Demonic Beast? ” 要我帮你管教管教你的妖兽么?” Misunderstanding. ” 误会。” He Qingman had a scare. Stamps the feet hurriedly, steps on the head of Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, criticizes this Demonic Beast to act recklessly. 何青曼吓了一跳。急忙跺脚,踩在风雷飞狮的头上,暗骂这妖兽不知死活。 After Mo Duanhun comes, Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion was honest, lies to bend down hurriedly, does not dare to lift. Does not dare to look at Mo Duanhun, for fear that Mo Duanhun under cruel methods. 莫断魂现身之后,风雷飞狮已经老实下来了,急忙重新趴伏下来,头都不敢抬。不敢去看莫断魂,生怕莫断魂会对它下狠手。 Six levels of Demonic Beast, had some were intelligent. „ 六级的妖兽,已有了些智慧了。“ Xinyan stays behind to me. ” 心妍给我留下。” Shi Yan calm face, before the Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion body, indifferent looks at He Qingman. 石岩沉着脸,在风雷飞狮身前,冷眼看着何青曼 Even if you are the Yang Family person, does not have the right to incite me! ” 就算你是杨家人,也没有权利指使我!” He Qingman clenches teeth, „ 何青曼咬着牙,“ Elder Sister Xinyan and I come together, must walk together! I Elder Sister Xinyan, will not give you this ruthless fellow! ” 心妍姐和我一道来的,就要一道走!我绝不会把心妍姐,交给你这种无情无义的家伙!” I can save her! ” 我能救她!” Shi Yan sinking sound track. 石岩沉声道。 Can you save her? ” 你能救她?” He Qingman has gawked, at once disdains saying: „ 何青曼愣了一下,旋即不屑道:“ Does not have the means including Senior Mo, what means do you have to save her? The strength is not much, the tone is actually extremely arrogant. ” 莫大人都没有办法,你有什么办法救她?实力不怎么样,口气倒是狂妄。” Young Master Yan, you prepare Flame Cloud Island? ” 岩少爷,你是准备去火云岛吧?” Mo Duanhun looks this way endlessly, finally cannot bear say: „ 莫断魂看这样下去没完没了,终忍不住道:“ If goes to Flame Cloud Island, does not use Xia girl actually, what Young Lady should also to return to Flame Cloud Island, happen to can. ” 如果是去火云岛,倒是不用动夏丫头,何小姐应该也要回火云岛,正好可以一路。” A Mo Duanhun such saying, Shi Yan has hesitated, nodded, said: „ 莫断魂这么一说,石岩沉吟了一下,也点了点头,道:“ I am go to Flame Cloud Island, Senior Mo, you? ” 我是去火云岛,莫大人,你呢?” Before not chapter of Immortal Island, I continuously with you. 在没回不死岛之前,我会一直跟着你。 Mo Duanhun replied. 莫断魂回答。 Good. ” 那好。” Shi Yan nods, at once goes toward only one first six levels of Cyan Blood Bat lines on own initiative, „ 石岩点头,旋即主动朝着唯一的一头六级青血魔蝠行去,“ You send me to Flame Cloud Island. ” 那你送我去火云岛吧。” Good. ” 好。”
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