GOS :: Volume #2

#175: That person deep sleep

In the mountain valley, is silent. 山谷中,寂静无声。 Warrior in all valleys, are looking up the day, the space slit that looks at that heals gradually, looks at receives that bones of the dead great hand that goes in quietly slowly. 所有谷内的武者,都在抬头望天,看着那逐渐愈合的空间缝隙,看着缓缓收悄进去的那一只白骨巨手。 Devil Emperor Bo Xun! One of four Devil Territory two big Paragon! 魔帝波旬!四魔域两大至尊之一! Because the demon Lord * to be stranded, he displays heaven shaking Divine Ability unexpectedly, rips the kuang crack to be void, is gripping the obtuse soul, pulls into Devil Territory. 因魔主摩奇*被困,他竟然施展惊天神通,撕卝裂虚空,将摩奇钝的灵魂攥着,重新扯入魔域 Without that bones of the dead great hand of Lang Xun, under Soul Gathering Bead power, the Mo Jilei soul is difficult to run away a tribulation, even if the God Realm soul of armor, bumps into the Soul Gathering Bead this kind of natural enemy, same cannot get rid to come from restraint of soul, will become in Soul Gathering Bead of myriad soul. 没有波旬的那一只白骨巨手,在聚魂珠力量下,摩奇镭的灵魂难逃一劫,即便是摩奇铠的神境灵魂,碰到聚魂珠这类的天敌,也一样摆脱不了来自于灵魂的束缚,会成为聚魂珠内万千魂魄的一股。 The appearance of Lang Xun bones of the dead great hand, deeply kuang has shocked all mountain valleys Warrior, in that destroys the Heaven Destroyer place under aura, Mo Duanhun has one feeling that does not have kuang to be incapable. 波旬白骨巨手的出现,深深地卝震撼了所有山谷的武者,在那股毁天灭地的气息下,就连莫断魂都生出一股无卝能无力的感觉。 Bones of the dead great hand of good Lang Xun, but for * the soul rescues, otherwise if really in Warrior to valley begins fully, under the valley the people can depend Myriad Manifestations Diagram to run away life force except for Mo Duanhun to meet, perhaps other 1000 people, must die in battle. 还好波旬的白骨巨手,只是为了将摩奇*的灵魂救走,不然真要是全力对谷内的武者动手,谷内众人除了莫断魂可以仗着森罗万象图有逃生机会之下,其余1000人等,恐怕都要阵亡。 Shi Yan face upwards looks at all over the sky multi-colored sunlight, complexion gloomy. 石岩仰天看着满天的霞光,脸色阴沉 This is his second time saw that this Devil Territory Paragon gets rid, previous time in coming Endless Sea on the way , a bones of the dead law kuang body revealed suddenly that grasps into Fourth Devil Area Xiao Hanyi directly, the bones of the dead law kuang body of this Lang Xun gets rid once more, rescues armor. 这是他第二次见到这魔域至尊出手,上次在前来无尽海的途中,一具白骨法卝身突然显露,直接将萧寒衣抓入第四魔域,这次波旬的白骨法卝身再次出手,又将摩奇铠救下来。 Lang Xun revealed heaven shaking power that kuang comes out, making Shi Yan startled kuang startle inexplicably, pressure kuang in that mind compels, to the person one type as if with the feeling that the gods resist, lets the thought that the person cannot be popular resisting simply. 波旬所显露卝出来的惊天力量,让石岩惊卝骇莫名,那股心灵上的压卝迫,给人一种仿佛和神明对抗的感受,简直让人兴不起一丝抵挡的念头。 If not his will, under the Lang Xun that terrifying pressure, feared tenaciously is meets the knee to become tender, knees down directly. 若非他心志坚韧之极,在波旬恐怖的压力之下,怕是会膝盖发软,直接跪倒在地。 The Mo Duanhun calm face, the slit in looks at that mountain valley vanishes thoroughly. 莫断魂沉着脸,看着那山谷内的缝隙彻底消失。 On Rosy Clouds Island, he cannot feel one to come from Devil Territory Devil Qi again, then, he flies to fall from the space, appears in the Shi Yan side instantaneously. 云霞岛上,他再也感受不到一丝来自于魔域魔气,然后,他才从天上飞落下来,瞬间在石岩的身旁出现。 Young Master Yan.” After Mo Duanhun comes, slightly bends the waist, I present the life of Family Head, comes Rosy Clouds Island to take you to go to Immortal Island especially.” 岩少爷。”莫断魂过来之后,略一弯腰,“我奉家主之命,特来云霞岛接你去不死岛。” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, you know that I am also living?” 石岩皱了皱眉头,“你们知道我还活着?” Family Head consumes the blood of three drops of Immortal, figures out you not by Profound Ice Cold Flame seizing a body, knows you can these days Rosy Clouds Island, after we accept the Gu Family conciliatory condition, reason that the place choice in Rosy Clouds Island , because knows that Young Master Yan you can come.” Mo Duanhun nods. 家主耗费三滴不死之血,算出你并未被玄冰寒焰夺舍,知道你会在这段时间来云霞岛,我们答应了古家的和解条件后,之所以将地点选择在云霞岛,就是因为知道岩少爷你会过来。”莫断魂点头。 Originally is this.” In the Shi Yan heart is astonished however, is Yang Family Lord the Yang Qingdi method to be amazed, consumes the blood of three drops of Immortal, can speculate that own life and death, this power, endured compared with the gods. “原来是这样。”石岩心中讶然,为杨家之主扬青帝的手段惊诧,耗费三滴不死之血,可以推测出自己的生死,这种力量,已经堪比神明了。 After legend Yang Qingdi since going out, steps into God Realm at one fell swoop, cultivation base had the earth-shaking change, it seems like that the rumor is really true. 传说扬青帝自从出关之后,一举踏入神境,一身修为有了天翻地覆的改变,看来传言果然属实。 „Do we process the Gu Lie fathers and sons first?” Shi Yan is wanting to speak, suddenly looks at side Gu Lie in cave, suddenly sinking sound track. “我们是不是先处理掉古烈父子?”石岩正欲讲话,忽然望到旁边山洞内的古烈,突然沉声道。 Mo Duanhun eye wooden, selects him to nod, seeks information the Shi Yan opinion: How these two does Young Master Yan plan to process?” 莫断魂目无表情,点丫点头,征询石岩意见:“这两人岩少爷打算如何处理?” Gu Lie and Gu Jiange father and son, after * was trigged by Shi Yan Soul Gathering Bead, the complexion has been ugly. 古烈古剑歌这父子俩,在摩奇*被石岩聚魂珠制住以后,脸色就一直非常难看。 To the present, the father and son complexion is pale like the paper, hears the dialog of Shi Yan and Mo Duanhun, two fathers and sons neglect one, in the eye full is desperate. 到了现在,这父子俩脸色更是苍白如纸,听到石岩莫断魂的对话,两父子忽视一眼,眼中满是绝望。 Illicit intercourse demon person, how should this process?” Shi Yan has hesitated, sneers saying: These two benefit kuang to teach the mystique with evil kuang, slaughter kuang kill tens of thousands of common people, with the life soul, has constructed the bridge of coming for the demon person, puts the demon to advocate armor to enter, this behavior, when kills does not work as to kill?” “私通魔人,这应该如何处理?”石岩沉吟了一下,冷笑道:“这两人利卝用邪卝教秘法,屠卝杀成千上万的平民,用生灵魂魄,为魔人构建了前来的桥梁,放魔主摩奇铠进入,这种行为,当杀不当杀?” When kills.” Mo Duanhun nodded, Gu Lie I have killed first, Gu Jiange is remaining temporarily, when the time comes we send a punitive expedition to Gu Family with Gu Jiange. Remembers with the Gu Jiange soul that reappears all in mountain valley, is beyond control Gu Family not to acknowledge.” “当杀。”莫断魂点了点头,“古烈我先杀了,古剑歌暂时留着,到时候我们拿古剑歌古家兴师问罪。用古剑歌的灵魂记忆,将山谷内的一切重现,由不得古家不承认。” Un, your looks at office.” Shi Yan smiles cold. “嗯,你看着办吧。”石岩冷然一笑。 Mo Duanhun no longer lay Mo Duanhun before Shi Yan body, silhouette blurs gradually, vanished under his gaze unexpectedly little. 莫断魂不再多谎在石岩身前的莫断魂,身影逐渐模糊,竟在他的注视下一点点消失。 Meanwhile, a sad and shrill pitiful yell, transmits from nearby mountain valley suddenly. 与此同时,一声凄厉的惨叫,突然从旁边的山谷传来。 The pitiful yell kuang sound resounds, Gu Jiange drinks severely also one after another spreads: Father!” 惨叫卝声才响起,古剑歌的厉喝也相继传出:“爹!” Shi Yan is astonished however, at this time front Mo Duanhun silhouette, thoroughly vanishes. 石岩讶然,此时面前的莫断魂身影,才彻底消失。 Looks toward that cave, he discovered impressively Gu Lie did not have living, the seven orifices class kuang blood perished, Mo Duanhun silhouette, says in that mountain valley baseless presently, the big hand stretches out, suddenly presses to approach the head of Gu Jiange. 朝着那山洞一望,他赫然发现古烈已没了生息,七孔流卝血而亡,莫断魂身影,凭空在那山谷口出现,大手伸出,突然按向古剑歌的脑袋。 Faint trace green light, drills from the Mo Duanhun control, enters in the brain of Gu Jiange fast leisurely. 一丝丝绿光,从莫断魂的手心钻出来,快速逸入古剑歌的脑中。 Grief and indignation fiercely shouted Gu Jiange, the look was confused immediately, stopped fiercely shouted, stands there silly. 悲愤厉叫古剑歌,眼神立即迷茫了起来,停止了厉叫,傻傻站在那儿。 Mo Duanhun is raising Gu Jiange, flies high to fly Shi Yan this, throws Gu Jiange to Shura Blood Guard conveniently, told: Is leading him.” 莫断魂一手提着古剑歌,凌空飞到石岩这一块,随手将古剑歌扔给一名修罗血卫,吩咐道:“带着他。” How Shi Yan has not seen clearly Mo Duanhun to begin, Gu Lie had been put to death instantaneously, Gu Jiange was also only fiercely shouted one, at once is trigged by Mo Duanhun, was imprisoned kuang to ban including the soul, unconscious. 石岩都没看清莫断魂是怎么动手的,古烈已被瞬间诛杀,古剑歌也只是厉叫了一声,旋即被莫断魂制住,连灵魂都被囚卝禁,神志不清。 Tianxie Fairyland six levels of Demonic Beast Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, descend suddenly from the space, stopped in Shi Yan and Mo Duanhun side. 天邪洞天的六级妖兽风雷飞狮,突然从天上降落下来,在石岩莫断魂旁边停了下来。 Duke beautiful elder sister soul received heavy losses.,... what Qingyan gets down from Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, anxious say|way! To the present pingpong two, the beautiful elder sister is also at the stupor blindly the condition, doesn't this know what to do?” 公妍姐灵魂受了重创。,…何青晏从风雷飞狮身上下来,焦急道!“盲到现在乒两,妍姐还处于昏迷的状态,这如何是好?” Shi Yan goes forward one step, immediately moves toward that Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion. 石岩上前一步,立即走向那风雷飞狮 Howling!” “嚎!” Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion roared, Zhang Kuangkai the big mouth, was looking angrily at Shi Yan, did not permit Shi Yan to approach. 风雷飞狮咆哮,张卝开血盆大口,怒视着石岩,不准石岩靠近。 Honest.” He Qingman tender kuang shouted, cultivated the straight beautiful kuang leg to kick one's legs, trampled on a Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion wing. “老实点。”何青曼娇卝呼,修直的美卝腿踢蹬出去,踹在风雷飞狮一只翅膀上。 Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion was law-abiding immediately, indignant is staring Shi Yan, actually does not dare to continue to act rashly, as if fears He Qingman. 风雷飞狮马上安分了下来,愤愤不平的瞪着石岩,却不敢继续妄动,似乎非常惧怕何青曼 Shi Yan arrives at side Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, immediately saw Xia Xinyan that three years have not seen, that person as before beautiful appearance unparalleled, are only the cheek slightly are pale, the lip has the light bloodstain, the long eyelash covers the beautiful pupil, but also in stupor condition. 石岩来到风雷飞狮身旁,马上看到三年没见的夏心妍,伊人依旧美貌无双,只是脸蛋略显苍白,嘴唇有着淡淡的血痕,长长的睫毛将美眸覆盖,还在昏迷的状态。 Elder Sister Xinyan knows that you kuang Yang in deep water, that Gu Lie want to launch to look for you, therefore she displays Reincarnation Martial Spirit immediately, tries to prevent that Gu Lie. In the midway, the demon Lord armor to get rid suddenly, releases the soul impulse, caused heavy losses to her spirit regret all of a sudden...” 心妍姐知道你在潭水中卝央,那古烈想要下水找你,所以她立即施展起轮回武魂,试图阻止那古烈。在中途的时候,魔主摩奇铠突然出手,释放出灵魂冲击力,一下子重创了她的灵悔…” In the He Qingman eye full is worried bothersomely that sighed: Soul is injured, wants difficult many compared with the restoration of body kuang body. That demon Lord armor in God Realm, his soul attack is quite fearful, Elder Sister Xinyan, fears is, feared that was very difficult to wake.” 何青曼眼中满是烦愁,叹息道:“灵魂受伤,比身卝体的恢复要困难的多。那魔主摩奇铠又在神境,他的灵魂攻击极为可怕,心妍姐,怕是,怕是很难醒过来了。” He Qingman and Xia Xinyan relate extremely good, otherwise, her clearly know Rosy Clouds Island will not have the danger, but must come with Xia Xinyan. 何青曼夏心妍关系极好,要不然,她也不会明知道云霞岛有危险,还非要和夏心妍一起前来了。 After Xia Xinyan received the heavy losses, she various therapy medicinal pills to take, feeding of being thrown into confusion to Xia Xinyan, but Xia Xinyan still remains unconscious, the soul is very weak. 夏心妍受了重创后,她已将身上的各种疗伤丹药取出来,手忙脚乱的喂给了夏心妍,可夏心妍依然昏迷不醒,灵魂还是非常虚弱。 He Qingman tests the soul and Xia Xinyan communication, actually discovered that the Soul Consciousness dispersion of Xia Xinyan, has not concentrated, cannot receive from reads in her news. 何青曼试着用灵魂和夏心妍沟通,却发现夏心妍灵魂意识分散,并未集中,根本不能收到来自于她的讯念。 Sees with own eyes so, He Qingman was really more startled, somewhat felt helpless. 眼见如此,何青曼真是越加惊慌了,有些不知所措了。 Shi Yan nosed carefully, the complexion was ugly he to get up gradually, Xia Xinyan Soul Consciousness dispersed, places his world, this was a vegetable, feared that forever did not wake. 石岩仔细查探了一番,脸色逐渐难看丫起来,夏心妍灵魂意识分散,放在他那个世界,这就是植物人,怕是永远都醒不过来。 Senior Mo, you come to see.” The Shi Yan calm face, deeply is looking at Mo Duanhun suddenly. I do not think that she has matter.” 莫大人,你来看看。”石岩沉着脸,突然深深望着莫断魂。“我不想她有事。” Mo Duanhun nods gently, moves toward Xia Xinyan slowly, stretches out a thumb head, falls to the back of the head of Xia Xinyan. 莫断魂轻轻点头,缓缓走向夏心妍,伸出一拇指头,落到夏心妍的后脑勺。 Hunchback wisp of strange soul fluctuation, transmits from the Mo Duanhun finger, enters the Xia Xinyan mind quietly leisurely. 一偻缕奇异的灵魂波动,从莫断魂手指上传来,悄悄逸入夏心妍的脑海。 Mo Duanhun facial expression gradually dignified. 莫断魂神情渐渐凝重了起来。 Shi Yan heart one tight, the complexion changes. 石岩心一紧,脸色微变。 From the Mo Duanhun table, the Xia Xinyan soul injury, feared quietly is somewhat thorny. 莫断魂的表悄来看,夏心妍的灵魂伤势,怕是有些棘手。 Really. 果然。 long time, Mo Duanhun does not receive the hand, said with deep veneration: Wound side is heavy, consciousness has been hard to meet again, withstood * the soul strikes, let alone Earth Realm Warrior, even if Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin, perhaps immediately the soul will also be defeated and dispersed. Reason that Xia girl the soul has not been defeated and dispersed, but also is related with her Reincarnation Martial Spirit, Reincarnation Martial Spirit, she early died.” 多时,莫断魂收手,肃然道:“伤的极重,意识已难以重聚,承受了摩奇*灵魂的一击,别说地位武者了,就算是涅巢之境的武者,恐怕也会立即灵魂溃散。夏丫头之所以并未灵魂溃散,还和她的轮回武魂有关,要不是轮回武魂,她早死了。” Senior Mo, what situation?” He Qingman drinks anxiously tenderly. 莫大人,到底什么情况?”何青曼焦急娇喝。 Xia girl Reincarnation Martial Spirit, essential time gathers the kuang collection to get up, helping Xia girl keep off hardly * the soul attack her previous life soul. Her previous life soul memory and consciousness, gather the kuang collection with this life memory consciousness, was actually scattered by obtuse soul impact kuang, at this time in her mind, not only has this life memory, previous life memory and consciousness, but, but also incessantly first! The memories of that many disorder, flood in her mind scattered in disorder, collapsed her soul directly, this situation, only if she combs clearly, otherwise is very difficult to wake.” 夏丫头轮回武魂,关键的时候将她前世的灵魂聚卝集起来,帮助夏丫头硬挡了摩奇*的灵魂攻击。她前世的灵魂记忆和意识,和她今生的记忆意识聚卝集,却被摩奇钝的灵魂冲击卝打散,此时在她脑海中,不但有今生的记忆,还有前世的记忆和意识,而且,还不止一世!那么多紊乱的记忆,散乱充斥在她脑海,直接将她灵魂崩溃了,这种情况,除非她本人梳理清楚,否则很难醒过来。” The Shi Yan complexion changes, what can we make?” 石岩脸色微变,“我们能做些什么?” Anything could not do.” Mo Duanhun has hesitated, helpless shaking the head, „the heavy losses of soul, cannot restore by medicinal pills, only then she combs these disorder unceasingly the memories and consciousness, may wake up. This process, probably takes one year, may take hundred years, even entire life.” “什么都做不了。”莫断魂沉吟了一下,无奈的摇头,“灵魂的重创,不是靠丹药可以恢复的,只有她自己不断地梳理那些紊乱的记忆和意识,才有可能重新醒来。这个过程,可能需要一年,也有可能需要百年,甚至一生一世。” „!” He Qingman tender kuang shouted, startled sound track: This, Elder Sister Xinyan forever could not wake up, this, can this not know what to do?” “啊!”何青曼娇卝呼,惊声道:“这样的话,心妍姐岂不是永远都醒不来了,这,这可如何是好啊?” What couldn't help her really?” Shi Yan snort|hum tooth. “真的什么都帮不了她么?”石岩哼着牙。 I do not know that has any method to help her.” Mo Duanhun sighed. “我不知道有什么方法可以帮助她。”莫断魂叹道。 In the He Qingman eye somewhat despairs, at once looks bitterly to Shi Yan, said: Is you! It is not because saves you, Elder Sister Xinyan will not have the matter!” 何青曼眼中有些绝望,旋即恨恨地看向石岩,道:“都是你!不是因为救你,心妍姐不会有事!” Shi Yan is bewildered. 石岩一脸茫然。 In this time, Blood Vein Ring rays of light glittering. 就在此时,血纹戒光芒闪烁 Falls into deeply rebukes oneself Shi Yan, impatient sinks to Blood Vein Ring the mind, what do you yell?” 陷入深深自责中的石岩,不耐烦的将心神沉入血纹戒,“你叫喊什么?” Isn't the soul is damaged?” The consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame, disdaining quite, you are really stupid! Soul Gathering Bead in your hand, once quenchings kuang to be good, the strength of inside clear only soul, is Spirit Medicine elixir of best treatment soul. So long as that woman has not died, soul received the big wound. The Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, can restore her such as beginning.” “不就是灵魂受创吗?”玄冰寒焰的意识,颇为的不屑,“你真蠢!你手中的聚魂珠,一旦淬炼卝好,里面的澄净灵魂之力,正是最好的医治灵魂的灵丹妙药。只要那女人没死,灵魂就算是受了再大的伤。聚魂珠内的灵魂之力,都可以将她恢复如初。” Shi Yan body kuang shakes, the eye is quickly bright, on the face also had the happy expression. 石岩身卝子一震,眼睛倏地明亮起来,脸上又重新有了喜色。
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