GOS :: Volume #2

#174: Alarms Devil Emperor( before down!!!)

In Soul Gathering Abyss. 聚魂潭中。 Shi Yan looks up the deep pool surface, continuously in being careful is guarding, for fear that at this time, that Gu Lie suddenly will launch to cope with him. 石岩抬头望着潭面,一直在小心谨慎的提防着,生怕在这时候,那古烈会突然下水对付他。 The people in deep water, he are not clear regarding the outside world situation, does not know that in this short time, the demon Lord to arrive at the mountain valley with Mo Duanhun obtusely. 人在潭水中,他对于外界的形势并不清楚,不知道就在这短短时间,魔主摩奇钝和莫断魂已全部降临山谷。 Because the massive life souls were absorbed by Soul Gathering Bead, Soul Gathering Abyss deep water, was cleaner. 因为大量的生灵魂魄被聚魂珠吸收,聚魂潭潭水,已干净了许多。 The Shi Yan person in deep water, can feel the mountain valley to spread violent reacted, as if in the mountain valley the earth is shivering, this makes him not dare to relax, is gazing at the place above carefully. 石岩人在潭水中,可以感受到山谷传出了猛烈的震动,似乎山谷中大地都在颤抖,这让他更加不敢放松,更加小心地注视着上方。 Suddenly, in the deep water surface, flashes before familiar together Li silhouette. 突然,在潭水的表面,闪现出一道熟悉的得丽身影 Xia Xinyan! 夏心妍 Although looks from deep water, that silhouette is not clear, but Shi Yan from that perfect curve, who recognized as before came the person is. 虽然从潭水中望去,那身影并不清晰,可石岩从那完美的曲线,依旧一眼认出了来人是谁。 That pretty silhouette, passed over gently and swiftly from the deep pool surface, actually suddenly sinks, was caught by Demonic Beast fast. 那俏丽的身影,从潭面上掠过,却突然下沉,快速被一头妖兽接住。 The side that all these have is quick, when he realized Xia Xinyan is injured, Xia Xinyan vanished from the deep pool surface, by Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion carrying off. 这一切发生的极快,等他意识到夏心妍受伤的时候,夏心妍已从潭面上消失,被风雷飞狮给带走了。 A cavity is angry, raises from heart suddenly! 一腔愤怒,骤然从心底升起! Cannot keep in view to hide wickedly, Shi Yan puts together completely all, to the speed, flush away toward the deep pool surface most quickly rapidly. 恶也顾不到躲藏,石岩拼尽一切,以最快地速度,迅速朝着潭面冲去。 „Do you do? Fellow definitely also in!” Profound Ice Cold Flame had the response immediately. “你干什么?那家伙肯定还在的!”玄冰寒焰立即有了反应。 A Shi Yan chapter of news, the facial expression is not fierce, negative air/Qi winds around, evil and crazy, bloodthirsty and envy and hate aura, emerges in the hearts fiercely. 石岩没有回讯,神情狰狞,身上的负面之气缭绕,一股邪恶、疯狂、嗜杀、忌恨的气息,猛地涌入心间。 Suddenly, Shi Yan involves Rampage Second Sky, body power superimposes two times! 瞬息间,石岩介入暴走二重天,身体力量叠加两倍! Do not exit!” Profound Ice Cold Flame anxious dissuading. “别出去!”玄冰寒焰焦急的劝阻。 Shi Yan turns a deaf ear. 石岩充耳不闻。 Crash-bang!” “哗啦!” The Soul Gathering Abyss deep pool surface raises the wave, the Shi Yan body, leaps the deep pool surface suddenly, a face ominous severe stands firm in the shore. 聚魂潭潭面掀起波浪,石岩的身躯,骤然跃出潭面,一脸凶厉的在岸边站定。 Gu Lie that prepares to launch, a face with amazement, after seeing Shi Yan crops up, he hides is quicker than Shi Yan, flushes away in the Gu Jiange direction rapidly. 才准备下水的古烈,一脸骇然,见到石岩冒头之后,他躲的比石岩还快,迅速往古剑歌的方向冲去。 Gu Lie has thought Shi Yan already by Profound Ice Cold Flame seizing a body, he knew that is not the Heavenly Flame match, sees Shi Yan to come out, he fends immediately, does not dare to meet the tough head-on with toughness with Shi Yan. 古烈一直认为石岩已被玄冰寒焰夺舍,他自知绝不是天火的对手,一见石岩出来,他马上闪避,不敢和石岩硬碰硬。 Comes out from Soul Gathering Abyss, the Shi Yan look is mean, immediately looks to the surroundings. 聚魂潭一出来,石岩眼神阴狠,立即看向周围。 The mountain valley space, thick demon Yun Jiang one group of azure light bind, all sorts of strength of soul impact. Surges in all directions. 山谷的天上,浓稠的魔云将一团青光裹住,种种灵魂冲击之力.四处激荡。 Gu Lie silhouette like the electricity, fires into nearby hill fast a cave, mountain cave entrance, faintly visible Gu Jiange silhouette. 古烈身影如电,快速冲向旁边的小山的一个山洞,山洞口,隐隐可见古剑歌身影 The distant place, Demonic Beast carries on the back Xia Xinyan to depart fast, the Demonic Beast body also stature hot woman, being busy of being panic-stricken feeds the Xia Xinyan anything pill. 远处,一头妖兽驮着夏心妍快速离去,妖兽的身上还有一个身材火辣的女人,惊慌失措的忙着喂夏心妍什么药丸。 Xinyan!” Shi Yan stands in Tanbian, face upwards to call out. 心妍!”石岩站在潭边,仰天暴喝。 Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion He Qingman, was drunk to have a scare by Shi Yan one severely, lowers the head to look to, is seeing face fierce Shi Yan, the look hissing roars sorrowfully. 风雷飞狮身上的何青曼,被石岩的一声厉喝吓了一大跳,不由低头望向下方,正见到一脸狰狞的石岩,眼神悲痛地嘶声怒吼。 She was advocated the Mo Jilei soul to hit hard by the demon.” He Qingman clenches the teeth, shouted tenderly: Is because she must show off ability to save you!” “她被魔主摩奇镭灵魂重击了。”何青曼咬着银牙,娇呼道:“都是因为她要逞能救你!” Is obtuse! 摩奇钝! Shi Yan looks up the day, the mind inquires Profound Ice Cold Flame, how to gather his soul?” 石岩抬头望天,心神询问玄冰寒焰,“怎么收取他的灵魂?” That part that Soul Gathering Bead had not been bound, to the soul of that fellow, forms the connection with your Mental Energy, achieves the relation him and Soul Gathering Bead. So long as you emit Mental Energy, will approach the soul of that fellow, Soul Gathering Bead will form the direct connection with his soul, will attract pulls his soul!” “将聚魂珠没被裹住的那一部分,对向那家伙的灵魂,用你的精神力形成连接,将他和聚魂珠达成联系。你只要放出一点精神力,靠近那家伙的灵魂,聚魂珠就会和他的灵魂形成直接的关联,会率先吸扯他的灵魂!” understood!” 知道了!” A Shi Yan face is mean, immediately emits wisp of Mental Energy, this Mental Energy has formed the light beam, broke in on that day in the billowing demon cloud directly. 石岩一脸阴狠,立即放出一缕精神力,这一股精神力形成了光束,直接冲入那天上滚滚魔云之中。 Bead surface that quickly, Soul Gathering Bead that had not been bound. Explodes projects everywhere to be black light. 倏地,聚魂珠那未被裹住的珠子表面.爆射出漫天黑光。 Soul rays shoot from Soul Gathering Bead, be continuous becomes strange black light beam, the direct radiation in that demon Lord in the obtuse soul. 一道道灵魂光线从聚魂珠中射出来,绵延成一条诡异的黑色光束,直接照射在那魔主摩奇钝的灵魂上。 In the black light beam, countless souls appear, fast congealment in light beam. 黑色光束之中,数不尽的魂魄显现出来,在光束之中快速凝结。 Souls pester mutually precise, lets in that black light beam is containing the soul power more and more fining, making the suction strength that in that black light beam has stronger and stronger, strong enough to Lord to be obtuse including the God Realm demon, the soul cannot resist! 一个个魂魄相互纠缠凝炼,让那黑色光束之中蕴藏着的灵魂力量越来越精炼,让那黑色光束之中产生的吸吮力越来越强,强到连神境的魔主摩奇钝,灵魂都抵御不住! In the billowing demon cloud, the demon Lord the soul that locks to be shone by that black light beam, cannot move unexpectedly! 滚滚魔云之中,魔主摩奇锁的灵魂被那黑色光束照射住,竟然动弹不得! That latent evils drag, emerges in the black light beam that Soul Gathering Bead forms unexpectedly little, was pulled little to Soul Gathering Bead. 那魔影摇曳间,竟一点点涌入聚魂珠形成的黑色光束内,被一点点拉扯向聚魂珠 You dare to get rid to me!” A huge thought that spreads in the entire mountain valley, consciousness that Warrior in any valley, can the clear feeling this thought transmit! “你敢对我出手!”一股庞大的念头,在整个山谷内传开,任何谷内的武者,都可以清晰的感受到这一股念头所传递出来的意识! one by one this is the demon Lord the obtuse thought! 一一这是魔主摩奇钝的念头! However, the soul lived by restraint, this thought can only reveal the regard, has not actually supplemented the soul striking power. 然而,灵魂被束缚住,这一股念头只能显露心意,却没有附带灵魂攻击力。 I, no matter you are!” The Shi Yan facial expression is fierce, sneers saying: Since came, do not want to go back!” “我不管你是谁!”石岩神情狰狞,冷笑道:“既然来了,就别想回去了!” I will kill you! Will make you be in deep sorrow!” The demon Lord the obtuse thought that in the mountain valley is not reverberating, the latent evils that but his soul forms, little were actually inhaled the black light beam that Soul Gathering Bead shone. “我会杀了你!会让你痛不欲生!”魔主摩奇钝的念头,在山谷中不斯地回荡着,可他的灵魂形成的魔影,却一点点被吸入了聚魂珠照射出来的黑色光束。 Soul Gathering Bead is only effective to the soul, obtuse this time arrives by the soul, Shi Yan in 100 years, is very difficult this opportunity to suppress him. 聚魂珠只对灵魂有效,摩奇钝这次要不是以灵魂降临,石岩再过100年,都很难有这种机会压制他。 Expert of boundary of God Passage is obtuse, in Fourth Devil Area is one of the four big demon hosts, is strongest characters under two Great Devil Emperor! 1 通神之境的强者摩奇钝,在第四魔域乃四大魔主之一,是俩大魔帝之下的最强人物!1 This character, in Fourth Devil Area, is in Endless Sea, is the ominous famous town worlds, 1 person fears. 这种人物,不论是在第四魔域,还是在无尽海,都是凶名镇世,1人恐惧。 General Warrior, so long as hears this given name, can the mind tremble with fear, does not dare to give birth with the thought that it resists. 一般的武者,只要听到这个名号,都会心神惊颤,根本不敢生出与之对抗的念头。 In the past Yang Qingdi was leading the Yang Family master, after entering Fourth Devil Area, after all sorts of bad risks, by luck has put to death an demon Lord, by another three demon main severe wounds, almost could not afterward have been returned Endless Sea. 当年扬青帝带着杨家高手,进入了第四魔域之后,历经种种凶险,才侥幸诛杀了一个魔主,事后还被另外三个魔主重伤,差点回不了无尽海 Is obtuse, was initially one of the severely wounded Yang Qingdi demon hosts! 摩奇钝,正是当初重伤扬青帝的魔主之一! Now, only then Disaster Level Shi Yan, uses Soul Gathering Bead this type in view of the rare treasure of soul, unexpectedly does not dread and locks to, a potential must extinguish the stance of killing the obtuse soul, let have Warrior in valley to shock seriously. 如今,只有百劫之境石岩,利用聚魂珠这种针对灵魂的异宝,竟然毫不畏惧的和摩奇锁对上,一副势要将摩奇钝的灵魂灭杀的架势,当真让存在谷内的武者震惊到了。 Myriad Manifestations Diagram central Mo Duanhun, on the face of ancient well without ripples, reveals surprisedly, does not dare to believe looks at below Shi Yan. 森罗万象图中央的莫断魂,古井无波的脸上,显露出惊奇,不敢置信地看着下方的石岩 Shura Blood Guard that catches up with, induced obtuse huge Divine Sense thought that also heard: Shi Yan must leave behind the obtuse boastful talk. 赶来的修罗血卫,也感应到了摩奇钝的庞大神识念头,也都听到:石岩要留下摩奇钝的狂言。 These Shura Blood Guard, is a face delay, how many people rubbed the eyes, thought wasn't own fragrance dazzled? 这些修罗血卫,更是一脸地呆滞,还有几人揉了揉眼,觉得自己芳不是看花眼了? Gu Lie and Gu Jiange they, shrink in the cave mouth, face whiten , was directly scared. 古烈古剑歌两人,缩在石洞口,脸色苍白,也是直接傻眼了。 Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion what Qingyan, in the sexy look strange light glittering, the extraordinary splendor flow of tears, under amazed not j looks at, does not know how this is a matter. 风雷飞狮身上的何青晏,桃花眼中奇光闪烁,异彩涟涟,惊诧莫j的看着下方,不知道这到底是怎么一回事。 She has not listened to Soul Gathering Bead, naturally does not know Soul Gathering Bead in Shi Yan hand, can restrain who the soul arrives at to be obtuse. 她没听过聚魂珠,自然也并不知道石岩手中的聚魂珠,可以克制灵魂降临的摩奇钝。 looks at Shi Yan surrounds the obtuse soul with the black light beam, and Mo Jilei soul, little receives the black geode in his hand, He Qingman has to plant not the real feeling. 看着石岩用黑色光束困住摩奇钝的灵魂,并将摩奇镭的灵魂,一点点的收入他手中的黑色晶球,何青曼有种不真实的感觉...... Shi Yan regarding outside world all, looks but not see, is only face yin cold looks at that black light beam, looks at is pulled little to the Soul Gathering Bead obtuse soul. 石岩对于外界的一切,视而不见,只是一脸阴寒地看着那黑色光束,看着被一点点扯向聚魂珠的摩奇钝的灵魂。 Good! Good!” Profound Ice Cold Flame is excited, „the soul of boundary of God Passage! The soul of this fellow, can be as good as several thousand common people souls! After obtaining the soul of this fellow, the strength of clear soul in Soul Gathering Bead can quenching, enough our two enjoyed only!” “太好了!太好了!”玄冰寒焰兴奋莫名,“通神之境的灵魂啊!这家伙的一个灵魂,抵得上数万的平民魂魄!得到这家伙的灵魂之后,聚魂珠中可以淬炼出来的澄净灵魂之力,足够我们两个享用了!” Shi Yan did not say a word, the attention was centralized, Mental Energy was towing that black light beam together. 石岩一言不发,注意力集中,一道精神力牵引着那黑色光束。 Grasps Soul Gathering Bead, he thought indistinctly one and that black light beam had the relation, through his black light beam, he can induce black light beam the soul in Mo Jilei, actually to have the wan that type of soul perhaps air/Qi of how, such as vast sea, such as high mountain ridge, but feels, makes 1 be inspired, gives birth does not dare to resist with it dejected, but. 手持聚魂珠,他隐约觉得自己和那黑色光束有了联系,通过他黑色光束,他可以感应出黑色光束之中的摩奇镭的灵魂,究竟有多么的恐惋那种灵魂之气,如浩瀚海洋,如崇山峻岭,只是感觉一下,都让1心生敬畏,生出不敢与之对抗的颓然无奈来。 If not for the Shi Yan will, under aura of that Mo Jilei huge soul, he will be tenaciously direct the spirit break, feared that will make the matter that escapes independently. 若不是石岩心志坚韧之极,在那摩奇镭庞大的灵魂之气息下,他会直接精神崩溃,怕是会做出放手逃跑的事情来。 Shock of mind, is sometimes more fearful than the power disparity! 心灵的震撼,有时候比力量的差距更加可怕! Suddenly, the obtuse soul in black light beam, spreads the thought that a wave as if prostrates oneself to come strange aura suddenly, suddenly fills the air in the mountain valley, the obtuse soul seemed praising is singing anything, seemed praying the hope to the gods, implored the gracious gift of gods. 突然,黑色光束之中的摩奇钝的灵魂,骤然传出一波仿佛膜拜的意念来一股奇异的气息,忽然弥漫在山谷中,那摩奇钝的灵魂似乎在颂唱着什么,似乎在对着神明祷告祈求,祈求神明的恩赐。 In the mountain valley, billowing Devil Qi gathers at hundred times of speeds, in the gloomy sky, tore one date eye obvious opening. 山谷中,滚滚魔气以百倍速度汇聚,灰暗的天空中,撕裂出一个日眼可见的裂口。 The river water that Devil Qi such as raises certainly, wells up crazily from that opening! 魔气如绝提的江水,疯狂地从那裂口之中涌出来! A bones of the dead great hand, extends fiercely from opening, the five fingers of bones of the dead great hand, like the jade, have thick Devil Qi pure white, braves unceasingly from the finger and palm. 一只白骨巨手,猛地从其中的裂口之内伸出来,白骨巨手的五指,洁白如玉,却有浓稠的魔气,不断地从手指、手掌内冒出来。 Shortly, entire Rosy Clouds Island was covered thoroughly by Devil Qi. 顷刻间,整个云霞岛彻底被魔气罩住。 That bones of the dead great hand five fingers are curving, each finger, such as mountain peak general size, extends from endless nothingness, grasps to by the obtuse soul that the black light beam covers. 那白骨巨手五指弯曲,每一根指头,都如山峰一般大小,从无尽虚无中伸出来,抓向被黑色光束罩住的摩奇钝的灵魂。 . Shi Yan! Drops! ” Mo Duanhun of space, calls out suddenly. ..石岩!放手!”天上的莫断魂,突然暴喝。 Drops!” Profound Ice Cold Flame also hurried communication. “放手!”玄冰寒焰也急忙传讯 Shi Yan with amazement. 石岩骇然。 Cannot think that he cuts off that wisp of Mental Energy immediately, a hand revealed Soul Gathering Bead that the black that blocks. 不敢多想,他立即将那一缕精神力斩断,一只手将聚魂珠那显露出来的黑色挡住。 The continual between black light beam and Soul Gathering Bead, breaks immediately! 黑色光束和聚魂珠间的连续,立即断裂! That bones of the dead great hand grasps conveniently, from Soul Gathering Bead braves the black light beam that the glass to come generally shatter. 那白骨巨手随手一抓,从聚魂珠中冒出来的黑色光束,玻璃一般破碎开来。 The bones of the dead great hand has not accepted as a memento, grabs the Mo Jishe soul, in the retracting space crack. 白骨巨手并未留念,抓着摩奇蛇的灵魂,缩回空间裂缝内。 . The boys, I remembered your soul imprint. ” Destroys the Heaven Destroyer place thought that spread from that space crack comes gradually, colorful rays of light, stirs up zhuo to shoot in that space crack, sky over Rosy Clouds Island billowing Devil Qi, among crazy emerging feast crack. ..小子,我记住你的灵魂烙印了。”一个毁天灭地的念头,从那空间裂缝之中渐渐扩散开来,五颜六色的光芒,在那空间裂缝之中激丵射,云霞岛上空的滚滚魔气,疯狂的涌入宴间裂缝。 An instant, all Devil Qi vanish in that postures in the slit, blocked has made the rosy cloud island to truncate Devil Qi not to remain, the red cloud rosy cloud, started to come out in the space recollections gradually, multi-colored sunlight ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), tall and pleasing to the eye. 只是一霎,所有的魔气都消失在那姿间缝隙之内,封锁了弄霞岛削魔气一点不剩,火烧云般的云霞,开始逐渐在天上浮想出来,霞光万丈,美轮美奂。 In the evening. 已是傍晚。 The Shi Yan forehead cold sweat braves, a hand stubbornly is also covering that not by the Zhu surface of summoning soul bead the white thin film binds, until this time, he does not dare to let go. 石岩额头冷汗直冒,一只手还死死捂着那没有被白色薄膜裹住的召魂珠的珠面,直到这个时候,他都不敢松手。 Devil Emperor wave each! Bones of the dead Body Clone! 魔帝波每!白骨法身 Clenches teeth, Shi Yan gloomy the face is looking up the day, the look is still firm. 咬着牙,石岩阴沉着脸抬头望天,眼神依然坚定。 . ... Finally six days! Does utmost!!! 最后六天!竭尽全力!!! Six points get out of bed, in the morning went to gas station to buy two packets of smoke, in the morning drank one bowl of gruel to start the symbol! 六点起床,清晨去加油站买了两包烟,早上喝了一碗稀饭开始码字! In the morning has written two chapters, smokes most probably Bao Yan, drinks one coffee, on a midway only child restroom! 上午写了两章,抽大半包烟,喝一杯咖啡,中途只上子一趟厕所! At noon, the wife sees me to be busy, does not dare to enter the study room that my smog winds around, has not disturbed me, has cooked one package of instant noodles to me. 中午,老婆见我忙,也不敢进我烟雾缭绕的书房,没有打搅我,给我煮了一包方便面...... The wife had the pregnancy, should take care of the lunch by me, because is busy the symbol today, I have not attended. 老婆有了身孕,本来应该由我来张罗中饭的,因为今天忙着码字,我没顾上...... After having eaten labor package of instant noodles , to continue the symbol. 吃了工包方便面后,继续码字。 In the afternoon one packet of smoke finished quickly, opened one packet of smoke, has drunk two coffee, on two restrooms. 下午一包烟很快结束,又开了一包烟,喝了两杯咖啡,上了两趟厕所。 Continuously to the present! 一直到现在! Completes before down!! 共完成五更!! Suffering of exhausted and cigarette of body, I was not many said that present I, two dim-sighted, the belly called for several hours, was hungry, was really hungry. 身体的疲惫和香烟的折磨,我就不多说了,现在的我,两眼昏花,肚子已经叫了几个小时了,饿了,真的饿了。 Today to the present, has only had one bowl of gruel, one package of instant noodles, have actually smoked one -and-a-half packets of smoke, has drunk three coffee. 今天到现在,只吃了一碗稀饭,一包泡面,却抽了一包半烟,喝了三杯咖啡。 Take drugs urging is sending energy, only for this moon/month of monthly ticket list of!! 吸毒般的催发着精力,只为这月的月票榜!! Asked the monthly ticket!! Shouting oneself hoarse shouts one! I spelled really!!! 求月票!!声嘶力竭的呼喊一声!我是真的拼了!!! The brothers and sisters who likes this book, requesting earnestly you to inspect, had a look also to have the monthly ticket not to have. 喜欢本书的兄弟姐妹们,恳请你们检查一下,看看还有月票没。 In this final six days, I, do not want to lose!! 在这最后六天,我,不想输!! Requested that you cast the monthly ticket to this book. 一请求你们将月票投给本书。
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