GOS :: Volume #2

#173: Sacred level rare treasure( fourth!!)

Grasps Soul Gathering Bead, Shi Yan surfaces the boat slowly toward the deep pool surface. 手持聚魂珠,石岩缓缓朝着潭面上浮去。 Souls in deep water, in this process, unceasingly change into black light, injects Soul Gathering Bead in abundance. 一道道潭水中的魂魄,在这个过程中,不断地化为乌光,纷纷射入聚魂珠 Was bound 3/5 Soul Gathering Bead by the Shi Yan saliva, revealed part merely outside, has had the huge soul suction strength as before, the soul one by one income in Soul Gathering Abyss. 石岩唾液裹住了3的聚魂珠,仅仅显露在外的一部分,依旧产生了巨大的灵魂吸吮力,将聚魂潭内的魂魄一一收入。 Shi Yan appeared in the deep pool surface finally, has inhaled fresh air, prepared to crawl the Shangtan surface, Profound Ice Cold Flame once more communication: Shrinks!” 石岩终于在潭面露头,吸了一口清新的空气,才准备爬上潭面,玄冰寒焰再次传讯:“缩下去!” Shi Yan one startled, is perplexed, actually immediately obeyed the warning of Profound Ice Cold Flame, after having inhaled several air, immediately re-enters in deep water. 石岩一惊,不明所以,却马上听从了玄冰寒焰的警告,吸了几口空气之后,马上重回潭水中。 He is the limit madman, in the water felt suffocated this is most often plays, how the one breath uses to suppress a longer time, this aspect he is an expert. 他原先就是极限狂人,水中憋气这是最常玩的,一口气怎样用才能憋更长的时间,这方面他非常在行。 In that world, he does not have the cultivation martial arts, inspires launching, can suppress for 78 minutes. 在那个世界,他没有修炼武道,吸一口气下水,就可以憋上78分钟。 Now, his body greatly unusual person, the functions in various aspects were too more than former powerful, inspire suppress the first half hour in the water, is the easy matter. 如今,他身体大异常人,各方面的机能都比以前强悍了太多,吸一口气在水中憋上半小时,乃是轻而易举的事情。 Inspired, in Shi Yan heavy Huitan, to Profound Ice Cold Flame communication: What's wrong?” 吸了一口气,石岩重回潭中,向玄冰寒焰传讯:“怎么啦?” In mountain valley is hiding a fierce fellow, cultivation base of fellow according to words that Level of your humanity calculates should in the boundary of Nirvana Origin. My power was imprisoned by the ring, cannot massacre that person, only if you make me come out from the ring, otherwise you could not cope with him. ” Profound Ice Cold Flame explained. “山谷中潜藏着一个厉害的家伙,那家伙的修为按照你们人类的等级来算的话”应该在涅巢之境。我的力量被戒指禁锢,不能将那人杀掉,除非你让我从戒指内出来,不然你根本对付不了他。”玄冰寒焰解释。 Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin?” Shi Yan secret heart startled, has hesitated, immediately consciousness the arrival person to fear that is Gu Jiange father Gu Lie. 涅巢之境的武者?”石岩暗暗心惊,沉吟了一下,马上意识到来人怕是古剑歌的父亲古烈 Comes Rosy Clouds Island time, he from the Linda mouth, some understood related Gu Family situationsheard Gu Lie and Gu Jiange fathers and sons keep Rosy Clouds Islandare prepare and Yang Family peace talks ”, but Gu Lie by chance in the boundary of Nirvana Origin. 前来云霞岛的时候,他从琳达的口中,知道了一些有关古家的情况”听说了古烈古剑歌父子留在云霞岛”是准备和杨家和谈”而古烈恰巧在涅巢之境。 This mountain valley, before only then a Gu Jiange person ” the present emits to put up Warrior, was Gu Lie comes most likely. 这个山谷,之前只有古剑歌一人”现在冒出一个涅架武者,十有八九是古烈来了。 Profound Ice Cold Flame power, the majority by seal in the ring, was hard to show complete power. 玄冰寒焰力量,大部分被封印在戒指内,难以展现出全部的力量 Although Soul Gathering Bead is fierce, actually only aims at the soul to be effective, Gu Lie fleshly body, Soul Gathering Bead is small to his influencecannot trig him, once he crops up from Soul Gathering Abyss, Gu Lie must get rid to kill him seriously, he indeed is incapable of dealing. 聚魂珠虽然厉害,却只针对灵魂有效,古烈肉身还在,聚魂珠对他的影响非常小”根本制不住他,一旦他从聚魂潭冒头,古烈当真要出手杀他,他的确无力应对。 He does not know that Gu Lie also feared compared with him! 一他并不知道古烈比他还怕! He left crops up again, you in Soul Gathering Abyss, he definitely do not dare to come to cope with you. Un, temporarily slows down to receive soul the speed, maintained Soul Gathering Abyss deep water should not be too limpid, careful, once some people entered Soul Gathering Abyss, we immediately downward sank.” Profound Ice Cold Flame reminder. “等他离开再冒头,你在聚魂潭内,他肯定不敢进来对付你。嗯,暂时放缓收起魂魄的速度,保持聚魂潭潭水不要太清澈了,小心一点,一旦有人进入聚魂潭,我们就马上往下沉。”玄冰寒焰提醒。 nodded of Shi Yan in the water, said: Good!” 石岩在水中点了点头,道:“好!” Spreads the news to readShi Yan to sink to several points toward deep water in quietly, face upwards to float, is looking at the deep pool surface sound. 传出讯念”石岩悄悄往潭水中又沉入几分,仰天浮着,望着潭面的动静。 Many souls were taken away by Soul Gathering Bead, the soul mirror in deep pool surface, vanished without the trace. 许多魂魄被聚魂珠收走,潭面上的魂镜,已消失无踪。 Without the soul mirror, connects two passage naturally not to existnot to come from Devil Territory Devil Qi again wells up. 没有了魂镜,连通两界的通道自然不存在了”再也没有来自于魔域魔气涌出来。 Shi Yan is somewhat nervous, the secret looks at deep pool surface, the attention is centralizedprepares the strain at any time. 石岩心情有些紧张,暗暗看着潭面,注意力集中”随时准备应变。 Hiding place in mountain valley. 山谷中的隐蔽处。 Gu Lie and Gu Jiange they, secretly squatsthey more discrete than Shi Yan, saw from the high place obviously Shi Yan cropped up, they actually do not dare to move, but is waiting for the demon to advocate the obtuse soul to come. 古烈古剑歌两人,也都暗暗蹲着”他们比石岩还谨慎,明明从高处看到了石岩冒头了,两人却不敢行动,而是在等候魔主摩奇钝的灵魂过来。 Grazing of soul, wants to be quicker than fleshly body, Gu Lie spreads the signal soon , thick demon Yun Bian gathers at the place above of mountain valley. 灵魂的飞掠,比肉身要快许多,古烈才将讯号传出不多久,浓稠的魔云便在山谷的上方聚集。 The demon cloud tuck dive, fast precise becomes huge latent evils, under the latent evils at the demon cloud deep place, an evil thought that do cover azure toward Gu Lie suddenly soul mirror? Gu Lie! You must dare to be cloudy I! My luck you!” 魔云翻腾,快速凝炼成一个巨大的魔影,魔影处在魔云深处,一股邪恶的念头,骤然朝着古烈覆盖下青“魂镜呢?古烈!你要敢阴我!我侥不了你!” Appeases anger!” The Gu Lie whole face is alarmed and afraid, hurried communication: „ I want to help you, this has killed that many common people, gathers the newborn soul to connect two for you. But the midway had accident, Heavenly Flame seizing a body a person, has gotten down Soul Gathering Abyss, as if destroyed Soul Gathering Bead ......... “息怒息怒!”古烈满脸惊惧,急忙传讯:“我真的是想帮你,这才杀了那么多的平民,聚集新生的灵魂为你连通两界。只是,只是中途起了变故,有一种天火夺舍了一人,下了聚魂潭,似乎去破坏聚魂珠了……… The Gu Lie mind trembles with fear, explained situation fast, urgently said: I cooperate with you really wholeheartedly, I do not know that the situation will evolve this?” 古烈心神惊颤,快速将情况解释了一遍,急道:“我真的一心与你们合作,我也不知道事态会演变成这样?” Heavenly Flame?” The demon transmits the consciousness that sells in the clouds, „do you have a look, having a look at that thing to obtain Soul Gathering Bead? So long as it has not attained Soul Gathering Bead, I have the method to cope with it, but if it knows how to utilize Soul Gathering Bead, I do not dare to touch with it hardly!” 天火?”魔云中传来摩奇销的意识,“你下去看看,看看那东西得到聚魂珠没有?只要它没有拿到聚魂珠,我还有手段对付它,可如果它知道怎么运用聚魂珠,我也不敢和它硬碰!” „Do I get down?” The Gu Lie forced smile, Profound Ice Cold Flame is fierce, once I fall into deep water, will freeze to death immediately!” “我下去?”古烈苦笑,“玄冰寒焰非常厉害,我一旦落入潭水中,会被立即冻死啊!” You do not get down, I destroy completely your soul immediately!” Sells consciousness ominously severe, few idle talk! Immediately rolls into Soul Gathering Abyss to me! Has wasted my time, I destroy completely your fathers and sons completely!” “你不下去,我立即将你灵魂灭掉!”摩奇销意识凶厉,“少废话!立即给我滚入聚魂潭!浪费了我的时间,我将你们父子全部灭掉!” Gu Lie face whitenlooked at Gu Jiange, clenched teeth, said: Good! I go!” 古烈脸色苍白”看了一眼身旁的古剑歌,咬了咬牙,道:“好!我去!” Xiu! 咻! In this time, together azure light suddenly void has been delimiting. 就在此时,一道青光骤然在虚空划过。 Facial expression indifferent Mo Duanhun, appeared above the mountain valley fiercely. 神情冷漠的莫断魂,猛地出现在了山谷上方。 He frowns, Divine Sense covers, immediately induced Gu Lie and Gu Jiange position, a coldly snorted sound track: Gu Lie, your big courage! Dares to collude with the demon person unexpectedly! You may know that what Yang Family most does hate?” 他皱着眉头,神识覆盖开来,立即感应到了古烈古剑歌的位置,冷哼一声道:“古烈,你好大的胆子!竟然敢勾结魔人!你可知道杨家最恨什么?” Gu Lie that prepares to move, a face with amazement, looks at establishes to be overwhelmed, the look that crops up in the space is alarmed and afraid. 才准备行动的古烈,一脸骇然,看着在天上冒头的奠断魂,眼神惊惧。 Gu Jiange lowers the head, does not say a word, the facial expression is quite unattractive, at this time, what to do also did not know should. 古剑歌低着头,一言不发,神情也是极为不好看,在这个时候,也不知道到底该怎么办了。 The demon Lord to sell, is three big Shura kings' Mo Duanhun of head, so long as wants to kill their fathers and sons, they run away cannot escape. 不论是魔主摩奇销,还是三大修罗王之首的莫断魂,只要想杀他们父子,他们连逃都逃不掉。 At this time, he does not dare to act rashly, for fear that annoyed the demon to advocate the unhappiness that sold, had been put to death the soul instantaneously. 这时候,他根本不敢轻举妄动,生怕惹来魔主摩奇销的不快,被瞬间诛杀了灵魂。 Gu Lie also secretly complained of hardship, in this important pass, he naturally does not dare to reply the Mo Duanhun words, but advocated to sell with the soul communication demon, what to do?” 古烈也是暗暗叫苦,在这个关口,他自然不敢回答莫断魂的话,只是用灵魂传讯魔主摩奇销,“怎么办?” Little wordy! You give under me deep water, has a look at the deep pool bottom the sound. Here you do not need to manage, have me here, Mo Duanhun anything could not do!” The demon advocated to sell did not respond patiently, at once demon Yun tumbles once more, that latent evils were twisting unceasingly, as if at the same time the black backdrop, fiercely establishing to be overwhelmed to cover. “少罗嗦!你给我下潭水,看看潭底的动静。这边你不用管,有我在这里,莫断魂什么都做不了!”魔主摩奇销不耐烦地回应了一下,旋即魔云再次翻滚,那魔影不断地扭曲着,仿佛一面黑色天幕,猛地将奠断魂罩住。 Sells Yan Ran is only soul arrives, has God Realm cultivation base, his soul precise Devil Qi, can form all sorts of marvelous attacks. 摩奇销晏然只是灵魂降临,却有着神境修为,他灵魂凝炼魔气,可以形成种种奇妙攻击。 This demon cloud disturbs, covers that Mo Duanhun, all sorts of hostility start together, a wave destroys the soul impulse of all lives, as if extinguishes the world demon seal, maliciously according to approaching the Mo Duanhun soul. 这一番魔云翻搅,把那莫断魂罩住,种种戾气一起发动,一波毁灭一切生灵的灵魂冲击力,仿佛灭世的魔印,狠狠地按向莫断魂的灵魂。 In the mountain valley, in the air hears the exploding well sound, all sorts of hostility start, just likes the essence. 山谷中,空气内传来噼里啪啦的爆井声,种种戾气发动,犹如实质。 By the mountain valley that Profound Ice Cold Flame freezes, solid ice is exploded broken, chaotic Shiheng in abundance flies, various chaotic 78 rays of light stir up in all directions * shoots. 玄冰寒焰冰冻的山谷,坚冰纷纷爆碎,乱石横飞,各种乱78槽的光芒四处激*射。 The demon Lord a wave of soul that sells to attack, the mountain valley of Profound Ice Cold Flame seal, gives the smashing that pounds unexpectedly, gives to explode to break to pieces solid ice. 魔主摩奇销的一波灵魂冲击,竟然将玄冰寒焰封印的山谷,都给捣的粉碎开来,将一块块坚冰都给爆碎开。 Establishes to be overwhelmed as one group of bright goal luminous spots, air/Qi of evil spirit erupts from the light group, from that light group, the people of various faintly visible trees, flowers and plants, Demonic Beast and faces comes , the marvelous sights of various national and various regions...... 奠断魂身为一团烁目的光点,一股凶煞之气从光团之中爆发出来,从那光团之中,隐隐可见树木、花草、各种妖兽、各种面孔的人来、各种国家、各种地域的奇观…… Sen Luo all phenomena on earth with!” 森罗万象同!” Drinks tenderly, suddenly resounds above the mountain valley, a He Qingman face was surprised, called out: This is Yang Family Sacred level rare treasure Myriad Manifestations Diagram! But Myriad Manifestations Diagram Yang Family fiercest defense great treasure, little leaves Immortal Island, this Senior Mo actually brought Myriad Manifestations Diagram, under soul attack that no wonder in sells, does not drop the wind!” 一声娇喝,突然在山谷之上响起,何青曼一脸惊奇,叫道:“这是杨家圣级秘宝森罗万象图啊!森罗万象图可是杨家最为厉害的防御至宝,很少离开不死岛,这一趟莫大人竟然将森罗万象图带了出来,难怪在摩奇销的灵魂攻击之下,迟迟不落下风!” Xia Xinyan is also the beautiful pupil one bright, Myriad Manifestations Diagram contains in world hundred condition, the life, branches and leaves, Demonic Beast, country and marvelous sight that in the world has have almost everything expected to find, Yang Family to refine Myriad Manifestations Diagram, does not know that has consumed many energy. This Myriad Manifestations Diagram not only contains in world all phenomena on earth, can resist any attack in world all phenomena on earth, including soul attack!” 夏心妍也是美眸一亮,“森罗万象图包含世间百态,世上存在的生命、枝叶、妖兽、国家、奇观几乎应有尽有,杨家为了炼制森罗万象图,不知道耗费了多少精力。这森罗万象图不但包含世间万象,也可以用世间万象抵挡任何的攻击,包括灵魂攻击!” „The Sacred level rare treasure is really fierce!” He Qingman appears is popular very much * exerts, this Myriad Manifestations Diagram I have listened, but also has never seen, today really opened mind!” 圣级秘宝果然厉害!”何青曼显得很兴*奋,“这森罗万象图我只是听过,还从来不曾见过,今天真是开了眼界了!” Void, Mo Duanhun in Myriad Manifestations Diagram, has become a luminous spot in Myriad Manifestations Diagram, around the luminous spot, all sorts of marvelous sights are fluctuating unceasingly, the projection is born hundred condition. 虚空中,莫断魂处在森罗万象图之中,成了森罗万象图中的一个光点,光点周围,种种奇景不断地变幻着,投影出世间的百态。 The demon Lord the soul impact that sells, after emerging Myriad Manifestations Diagram, needs to penetrate layer upon layer the picture unceasingly, every time penetrates the First Level Myriad Manifestations Diagram picture, on a soul impact weak point that sells. 魔主摩奇销的灵魂冲击,涌入森罗万象图之后,需要不断地穿透层层景象,每穿透一层森罗万象图的景象,摩奇销的灵魂冲击就会弱上一分。 Mo Duanhun knew that his soul Realm and sold has differed the entire rank, does not dare with money soul confrontation, but resisted the soul impact that sold using Myriad Manifestations Diagram, without any strength to hit back. 莫断魂自知他的灵魂境界和摩奇销相差了整整一个级别,不敢和摩奇钱灵魂交锋,只是利用森罗万象图来抵挡摩奇销的灵魂冲击,没有任何的还手之力。 But at this time, that Gu Lie under the instruction of Mo Jita, trend Soul Gathering Abyss that actually a face dreaded. 而这个时候,那古烈摩奇铊的吩咐之下,却一脸忌惮的走向聚魂潭 Shi Yan possibly in deep pool bottom!” Mo Duanhun in Myriad Manifestations Diagram, sinks to shout to clear the way suddenly: Do not make Gu Lie enter deep water!” 石岩可能在潭底!”森罗万象图之内的莫断魂,突然沉喝道:“不要让古烈进入潭水!” Because six levels of Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion are quicker than 45 levels of Cyan Blood Bat, at this time, Shura Blood Guard had not rushed to the mountain valley, now in the place above of mountain valley, only then Xia Xinyan and He Qingman two females fly to hear Mo Duanhun loudly shout, He Qingman has gawked, curled the lip, said in a low voice: Gu Lie in the boundary of Nirvana Origin, I am not his match. Also, that demon has advocated to sell also, at this time coped with Gu Lie, feared that will encounter killing of Mo Jita, cannot act rashly.” 由于六级的风雷飞狮比45级的青血魔蝠快,这时候,修罗血卫尚未赶到山谷,如今在山谷的上方,只有夏心妍何青曼两女飞听到莫断魂喝声,何青曼愣了一下,撇了撇嘴,低声道:“古烈涅巢之境,我可不是他的对手。再说了,那魔主摩奇销还在,这时候去对付古烈,怕是会遭到摩奇铊的袭杀,不能妄动。” I go!” “我去!” Xia Xinyan heard that Shi Yan may very much in the deep pool bottom, wants not to think that deeply inspired, immediately revolves Reincarnation Martial Spirit, immediately flew from the body of Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, the short time enters into Sky Realm, flushes away toward that Soul Gathering Abyss nearby Gu Lie. 夏心妍一听说石岩很有可能在潭底,想也不想,深深吸了一口气,立即运转起轮回武魂,马上从风雷飞狮的身上飞了起来,短时间迈入天位之境,朝着那聚魂潭旁边的古烈冲去。 Gu Lie sees Xia Xinyan to drop from the clouds, complexion changes, resembles there is waiting for anything. 古烈一见夏心妍从天而降,脸色一变,愣在那儿似在等候着什么。 The soul impact, raids together suddenly from the demon cloud, Xia Xinyan person in void, suddenly the mouthful blood, drops. 一道灵魂冲击,突然从魔云之中袭来,夏心妍人在虚空,突然满嘴鲜血,一头跌落下来。 Seeping beautiful elder sister! ” He Qingman calls out in alarm, pats Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, these six levels of Demonic Beast the rapid flight exits immediately, in the Xia Xinyan tender body flings before the space falls, Xia Xinyan has met. 沁妍姐!”何青曼惊叫,一拍风雷飞狮,这六级妖兽马上疾飞出去,在夏心妍的娇躯从天上甩落之前,将夏心妍接了下来。 He Qingman tears off the Xia Xinyan veil, discovered impressively her elegant face pale like paper, beautiful pupil rays of light is dim, the corners of the mouth blood cannot stop overflows. 何青曼一把扯下夏心妍的面纱,赫然发现她俏脸苍白如纸,美眸光芒黯淡,嘴角鲜血止不住的流溢出来。 Elder Sister Xinyan! Elder Sister Xinyan! ” He Qingman is anxious extremely, pulls out a pill from the bosom, squeezes in the mouth that Xia Xinyan bleeds rashly, urged that Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion leaves Soul Gathering Abyss fast. 心妍姐心妍姐!”何青曼焦急万分,从怀中掏出一把药丸,不由分说塞入夏心妍流血的口中,催促风雷飞狮快速离开聚魂潭
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