GOS :: Volume #2

#172: Go well!( Third!)

Because Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation exploding of blue Monster Core is broken, Eighth Level light mark one by one dissipates. 八极邪灵阵因为蓝色妖晶的爆碎,八层光纹一一消散。 Eight levels of evil spirit another seven corner/horn Monster Core, because exploding of that blue Monster Core is broken, energy fluctuations of surplus seven Monster Core, suddenly weak, these seven Monster Core rays of light, quietly dim. 八级邪灵阵另外七角的妖晶,因为那蓝色妖晶的爆碎,剩余七块妖晶能量波动,骤然弱了下来,这七块妖晶光芒,也悄悄地黯淡了下去。 Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation was broken, Shi Yan does not hesitate, puts out a hand to grasp to Soul Gathering Bead. „ 八极邪灵阵被破,石岩再不犹豫,伸手抓向聚魂珠。“ First Wait a moment! ” 等一下!” Hurried communication of Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring. Shi Yan one startled, must grasp to that hand of Soul Gathering Bead. The midway stopped. 玄冰寒焰血纹戒内急忙传讯石岩一惊,就要抓向聚魂珠的那一只手。中途停了下来。 Suddenly, in Soul Gathering Abyss countless evil spirit ghosts, actually in abundance the escape from deep water comes, to change into black light, pours into Soul Gathering Bead fast. 突然,聚魂潭内数不尽的厉鬼幽魂,却纷纷从潭水中飞逸而来,化为一道道黑光,快速注入聚魂珠 „ When occupies soul return, soul attack that Soul Gathering Bead forms, is smallest and weakest! Can begin! “占灵魂归位时,聚魂珠形成的灵魂攻击,最为弱小!可以动手了! Remembers that resists a wave of soul to attack with the false soul! ” 记得用假魂抵挡一波灵魂冲击!” Profound Ice Cold Flame hurried instruction, „ 玄冰寒焰急忙吩咐,“ Once bear in mind! held Soul Gathering Bead, immediately spits on the saliva Soul Gathering Bead! Must remember! You grasp Soul Gathering Bead, will then spit the saliva, the Soul Gathering Bead once more soul will not attack you! ” 切记!一旦抓住了聚魂珠,马上将唾液吐到聚魂珠上!一定要记得!你一拿住聚魂珠,然后吐上唾液,聚魂珠就不会再次灵魂攻击你!” ! Here, do I spit? Here gold/metal is the water! ” 靠!在这里,我怎么吐?这里金是水啊!” I will form the First Level solid ice barrier. Grasps in you in Soul Gathering Bead that instant, immediately you and fluent room partition! ” 我会形成一层坚冰屏障。在你抓在聚魂珠的那一霎,立即将你和水流隔断!” Good! ” 好!” After the Profound Ice Cold Flame short exchange, Shi Yan extends to 50% that hand, seizes like lightning to Soul Gathering Bead, grasps Soul Gathering Bead in the control. 玄冰寒焰短暂交流之后,石岩伸到一半的那一只手,闪电般攫向聚魂珠,一把将聚魂珠抓在手心。 Instant. Countless soul impacts, as if trillion sharp swords, fiercely shoot from Soul Gathering Bead. Crazy fires into the Shi Yan soul! 霎那间。数不尽的灵魂冲击,仿佛亿万利剑,猛地从聚魂珠中射出来。疯狂的冲向石岩的灵魂! Soul Gathering Bead in Shi Yan stressed in that moment, the soul attack of as if found proclaimed the drain port, shot crazily, along the arm of Shi Yan, the crazy bang, the speed of light rushed the Shi Yan mind. 聚魂珠石岩抓在的那一刻,其中的灵魂攻击似乎找到了宣泄口,纷纷狂射出来,沿着石岩的手臂,一路狂轰,光速般涌向石岩的脑海。 Among the lightning flint, the Shi Yan mind is spatial, in the mind does not save a thought that entered the empty boundary. 电光火石间,石岩心神空明,脑海中不存一丝念头,进入了空空荡荡之境。 False soul that in his mind forms actually, suddenly actively exceptionally. Emits the extremely violent hatred to fluctuate! 倒是他脑海中形成的假魂,突然活跃异常。散溢出极其猛烈的仇恨波动! The strength of trillion soul wells up from Soul Gathering Bead, after rushing the Shi Yan mind, immediately looked for the goal, shot completely in the Shi Yan false soul center. 聚魂珠涌出来的亿万灵魂之力,涌向石岩脑海之后,立即找准了目标,全部射在石岩的假魂中央。 In the Shi Yan mind the stabbing pain is fiercely incomparable, in the false soul layer on layer soul imprint in illusion, was married the soul bead the soul impulse to be stave, the Shi Yan real soul actually also shall be grateful as a personal favor, thought one died likely were innumerable. 石岩脑海中猛地刺痛无比,假魂中重重幻象中的灵魂烙印,被娶魂珠的灵魂冲击力破碎,石岩真魂竟然也感同身受,觉得自己像是死了无数次。 In the Shi Yan mind has short delay, in shatter of soul imprint along with the false soul, he was experiencing the soul death likely unceasingly, in a short time advocated the soul not to have the sober consciousness. 石岩脑海中有短暂的呆滞,随着假魂中灵魂烙印的破碎,他像是在不断地经历灵魂死亡,短时间内主魂都没有产生清醒的意识。 Spits the saliva! ” 吐唾液!” In this time, Blood Vein Ring abundant Profound Ice Cold Flame, suddenly has transmitted an ice cold meaning. Shi Yan wakes up suddenly, when immediately the discovery does not know gets up, the current of water in his Soul Gathering Abyss, had cut off. 就在此时,血纹戒丰的玄冰寒焰,突然传来了一股冰寒之意。石岩霍然醒来,立即发现不知何时起,他身旁聚魂潭内的水流,都已经被割断了。 Is inferior to think that Shi Yan has spat on Soul Gathering Bead of saliva in hand immediately. The marvelous precinct matter occurred! 不及多想,石岩立即吐了一口唾液在手中的聚魂珠上。奇妙无比的事情发生了! That saliva falls to Soul Gathering Bead on, has formed the First Level pure white thin film, bound Soul Gathering Bead one-fifth. 那唾液一落到聚魂珠上,就形成了一层洁白的薄膜,将聚魂珠裹住了1。 Continues to spit! But do not block Soul Gathering Bead! ” 继续吐!但不要封死聚魂珠!” Profound Ice Cold Flame urged again. 玄冰寒焰再次催促。 Shi Yan does not dare to hesitate. Also has spat two saliva toward that Soul Gathering Bead, that two saliva fall to Soul Gathering Bead on, forms the pure white thin film once more, bound Soul Gathering Bead 3/5. Has thought that Shi Yan has not thought safely, prepares to spit saliva again. „ 石岩不敢迟疑。又朝着那聚魂珠吐了两口唾液,那两口唾液落到聚魂珠上,再次形成洁白的薄膜,将聚魂珠裹住了3。想了一下,石岩还觉得不保险,又准备再吐一口唾液来。“ enough! Thin film that the saliva forms, once binds completely Soul Gathering Bead, the ability of Soul Gathering Bead absorption soul can by the temporary seal! ” 够了!唾液形成的薄膜,一旦将聚魂珠全部裹住,聚魂珠吸收灵魂的能力就会被暂时封印!” Profound Ice Cold Flame sees Shi Yan to move, hurried reminder. 玄冰寒焰一见石岩又要行动,急忙提醒。 Shi Yan one dull, looks at grips in control Soul Gathering Bead. 石岩一呆,怔怔地看着攥在手心的聚魂珠 Sees only to be bound 3/5 Soul Gathering Bead by the pure white thin film. That not yet by the part that the thin film binds , to continue to spread the absorption soul energy. 只见被洁白薄膜裹住3的聚魂珠。那尚未被薄膜裹住的部分,继续传出吸收灵魂的能量 In Soul Gathering Abyss, evil spirit ghosts. Drilled together, then together falls into Soul Gathering Bead together. 聚魂潭内,一道道厉鬼幽魂。一起钻了过来,一道接着一道落入聚魂珠 Jet black such as Soul Gathering Abyss of black ink, slowly became clean, vanished Soul Gathering Bead along with these souls, here deep water started the gradual restoration to be normal. 漆黑如墨的聚魂潭,慢慢变得干净了许多,随着那些魂魄消失进聚魂珠,这里的潭水开始逐渐的恢复正常。 Top of the head, the soul mirror that is formed by several thousand souls, starts to have the crack, has the sign of collapse faintly. 头顶,那由数万魂魄形成的魂镜,开始出现龟裂,隐隐有崩溃的迹象。 The quick here soul, will be taken back by Soul Gathering Bead, the soul mirror will soon vanish. ” 很快这里的魂魄,就会被聚魂珠收回,魂镜即将消失。” Profound Ice Cold Flame vast complacent, „ 玄冰寒焰洋洋得意,“ How only then I know seal Soul Gathering Bead, person who if not understand. Drops the blood in Soul Gathering Bead above, immediately by the Soul Gathering Bead several thousand souls gnawing does not remain the sediment. 只有我知道怎么封印聚魂珠,要是不懂得的人。滴血在聚魂珠的上面,会立即被聚魂珠的数万灵魂给啃噬的连渣滓都不剩。 This Soul Gathering Bead is different from the general rare treasure, cannot drop the blood to recognize the Lord, can only use the saliva seal, each time use time, the tongue opens saliva of seal then! ” 聚魂珠和一般的秘宝不一样,根本不能滴血认主,只能用唾液封印,每次使用的时候,舌开一点封印的唾液即可!” Soul Gathering Bead was attained by Shi Yan, soul one by one in Soul Gathering Abyss was absorbed by Soul Gathering Bead, all marched into regularly. Profound Ice Cold Flame appears very excited. 聚魂珠石岩拿到,聚魂潭内的魂魄一一聚魂珠吸收,一切步入了正规。玄冰寒焰显得很兴奋。 Shi Yan also relaxed, will construct Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation surplus seven Monster Core to receive while convenient, then floats slowly to the deep pool surface. Rosy Clouds Island space. In the thick demon cloud, that ice cold evil soul, has encountered with Mo Duanhun several times, has not been disillusioned the Mo Duanhun soul, actually suddenly received Gu Lie communication. 石岩也松了一口气,顺便将构建八极邪灵阵的剩余七块妖晶收了起来,然后才慢慢浮向潭面。云霞岛天上。浓稠的魔云之中,那一股冰寒邪恶的灵魂,和莫断魂才交锋了几次,尚未将莫断魂的灵魂破灭,却突然收到了古烈传讯 tuo startled, abandons Mo Duanhun, clashes hurriedly toward Shi Yan that Soul Gathering Abyss is. 摩奇陀惊慌之下,弃下莫断魂,急忙朝着聚魂潭所在的石岩冲来。 Gu Lie exits news communication, does not dare to stay for a long time in the mountain valley, hides with Gu Jiange, is squatting in the covert corner, for fear that Profound Ice Cold Flame suddenly launches an attack. 古烈将消息传讯出去,也不敢在山谷久留,和古剑歌一起躲藏起来,在隐蔽的角落蹲着,生怕那玄冰寒焰突然发难。 Gu Lie and Gu Jiange, know that the fearfulness of Heavenly Flame, particularly seizing a body appropriate fleshly body Heavenly Flame, is one living thing in world most terrifying! 古烈古剑歌,都知道天火的可怕,尤其是夺舍了合适肉身天火,更是世间最为恐怖的一种生物! Gu Lie or Gu Jiange, after discovering Shi Yan can use Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, natural thinks that Profound Ice Cold Flame has completed seizing a body through Shi Yan, cannot imagine Profound Ice Cold Flame unexpectedly by the Shi Yan Blood Vein Ring seal, consciousness is imprisoned, the ice cold strength that it can release is limited. 不论是古烈还是古剑歌,在发现石岩可以动用玄冰寒焰寒气之后,都理所当然的认为玄冰寒焰通过石岩完成了夺舍,怎么也想象不到玄冰寒焰竟被石岩血纹戒封印,意识被禁锢,它能够释放的冰寒之力有限。 If Profound Ice Cold Flame had not been imprisoned by Blood Vein Ring, its ice cold strength releases completely, this big Rosy Clouds Island by rapid frozen, Profound Ice Cold Flame can only the mountain valley seal, power weaken now obviously were too many. 玄冰寒焰若是没有被血纹戒禁锢,它的冰寒之力全部释放出来,这偌大一个云霞岛都会被迅速冰封,如今玄冰寒焰只能将山谷封印,显然力量变弱了太多。 But Gu Lie and Gu Jiange, actually cannot think of this First Level, they dread Profound Ice Cold Flame extremely, especially after discovering Shi Yan dares to enter Soul Gathering Abyss, they affirmed that Shi Yan died, in the Shi Yan body, the present is Profound Ice Cold Flame is controlling all. Soul Gathering Abyss surreptitious fearful, these two have profound understanding, trivial Disaster Level does Warrior, how dare enter Soul Gathering Abyss to play tricks? 古烈古剑歌,却想不到这一层,他们极为忌惮玄冰寒焰,尤其在发现石岩竟敢进入聚魂潭之后,他们更加肯定石岩已经死了,在石岩的躯壳之中,如今乃是玄冰寒焰在掌控一切。聚魂潭的诡秘可怕,这两人深有体会,区区一个百劫之境武者,岂敢进入聚魂潭捣鬼? Gu Lie and Gu Jiange have hidden, waits to be bewitched to advocate the obtuse soul to come back to rescue, worries secretly. 古烈古剑歌躲了起来,等候着魔主摩奇钝的灵魂回来救援,暗暗着急。 On Rosy Clouds Island, the Mo Duanhun face whiten, flies high float in the space, lets loose the Divine Sense induction. 云霞岛上,莫断魂脸色苍白,凌空悬浮在天上,放开神识感应。 Profound Ice Cold Flame frozen that mountain valley, demon has advocated the obtuse soul the direction, spits in that the valley, Mo Duanhun Divine Sense launches, naturally also immediately has locked that mountain valley, when should to ice the cold air/Qi to him from the mountain valley inner sense extremely time, he has remembered Xia Xinyan immediately once to the words that he spoke. 玄冰寒焰冰封了那山谷,魔主摩奇钝灵魂所去的方向,也在那吐,谷,莫断魂神识展开,自然也立即锁定了那山谷,待到他从山谷内感应到极度冰寒之气的时候,他马上想起了夏心妍曾经对他说的话。 He knows immediately, in the mountain valley should have Shi Yan in! 他立即知道,山谷之中应该会有石岩在! Shi Yan had drawn in glacier deep place by Profound Ice Cold Flame, ice cold air/Qi in that mountain valley, so fearful, obviously belongs to Profound Ice Cold Flame, before coming, he from the Yang Qingdi mouth news, derived Shi Yan not dead, will also appear on Rosy Clouds Island, a several comparison, Mo Duanhun guessed immediately Shi Yan feared was in the mountain valley. 石岩玄冰寒焰拖入了冰川深处,那山谷内的冰寒之气,如此的可怕,显然乃是属于玄冰寒焰,过来之前,他从扬青帝的口讯中,又得自石岩并未死亡,还会在云霞岛上出现,几番一比较,莫断魂立即猜测出石岩怕是就在山谷中。 Mo Duanhun complexion cloudy clear uncertain, stands proudly in void, is considering rapidly. 莫断魂脸色阴晴不定,傲然立在虚空,急速思量着。 The boy has boundless prospects, can be Yang Family future Liang! In any event, must bring back to Immortal Island Shi Yan safely! ” 那小子前途无量,会是杨家未来的栋粱!不论如何,必须要将石岩安全带回不死岛!” The Yang Qingdi mouth news, appears in the heart of Mo Duanhun suddenly, his Ling Li was hesitating void, the body changed into azure light, shot at that mountain valley quickly. 扬青帝的口讯,突然在莫断魂的心中浮现,他凌立在虚空迟疑了一下,身体化为了一道青光,倏地射向那山谷。 Gu Family Gu Family Warrior of three mines, these days, already slaughter by Shura Blood Guard and Xia Xinyan and He Qingman. At this time, Shura Blood Guard and Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion have also been soaring in the midair, searches for Gu Lie and Gu Jiange trail on Rosy Clouds Island everywhere. 古家的三座矿场的古家武者,在这段时间内,已被修罗血卫夏心妍何青曼屠戮一空。此时,修罗血卫风雷飞狮也一直在半空飞翔着,在云霞岛上到处搜寻古烈古剑歌的踪迹。 Well! ” 咦!” Xia Xinyan calls out in alarm one, „ 夏心妍惊呼一声,“ The demon Lord Mo Jishe and Senior Mo, went to that mountain valley! ” 魔主摩奇蛇莫大人,都去了那个山谷!” He Qingman lowers the head slightly, looked at one toward not far away mountain valley, is very strange. What's the matter? The demon Lord obtusely so fiercely, why did the midway go to the mountain valley? Senior Mo, does not seize the chance to leave Rosy Clouds Island at this time, how also to follow?” 何青曼微微低头,朝着不远处的山谷望了一眼,也是非常奇怪,.“怎么回事?魔主摩奇钝如此厉害,为何中途去了山谷?莫大人也是的,此时不趁机离开云霞岛,怎么还跟了上去?” Senior Mo does not display the supernatural power, breaks the seal Rosy Clouds Island demon flame, we cannot go out of Rosy Clouds Island. ” 莫大人不施展神力,将封印云霞岛的魔焰破去,我们也走不出云霞岛。” Xia Xinyan has hesitated, said: „ 夏心妍沉吟了一下,道:“ We approach, has a look at that side is any situation. ” 我们靠近一点,看看那边到底是什么情况。” Good! ” 好!” The He Qingman beautiful leg moves, Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion is understanding, immediately flies toward that mountain valley. „ 何青曼美腿动了动,风雷飞狮会意,马上朝着那山谷飞去。“ Quite cold! ” 好冷!” Flew for several minutes, He Qingman has hit to tremble, shrank pure white neck, shouted tenderly: „ 才飞了几分钟,何青曼不由打了个寒颤,缩了缩洁白的脖颈,娇呼道:“ What's the matter? Why does that mountain valley ice coldly? Well! Elder Sister Xinyan you? ” 怎么回事?为什么那山谷那么冰寒?咦!心妍姐你?” The Xia Xinyan tender body trembles lightly, when does not know gets up, her eye socket was unexpectedly moist, in the beautiful pupil flood the tears, the expression was sobbing: „ 夏心妍娇躯轻颤,不知何时起,她眼眶竟然湿润了,美眸中泛着泪光,语气哽咽道:“ Is he! Is he! He in the following mountain valley! ” 是他!是他!他在下面的山谷中!” Who? ” 谁呀?” He Qingman first is a black eyebrows wrinkle, at once suddenly responded, startled called out: „ 何青曼先是黛眉一皱,旋即突然反应了过来,惊叫道:“ You said that is Shi Yan that fellow? ” 你是说,是石岩那家伙?” Definitely is he! ” 肯定是他!” Xia Xinyan heavily nodded, resembles to cry to resemble to say with a smile: „ 夏心妍重重点头,似哭似笑道:“ This fellow initially was pulled into the ice hole by Profound Ice Cold Flame, Cold Qi of that mountain valley came from the playing chess ice cold flame obviously, Profound Ice Cold Flame , since, him definitely also in mountain valley. ” 这家伙当初就是被玄冰寒焰扯入冰窟的,那山谷的寒气明显来自于弈冰寒焰,玄冰寒焰既然在,他肯定也在山谷内。” Profound Ice Cold Flame in the words, can he also go on living? ” 玄冰寒焰在的话,他还能活下去?” He Qingman thinks somewhat unthinkably, has thought that look no wonder that: „ 何青曼觉得有些匪夷所思,想了一下,才眼神古怪道:“ By the soul by Profound Ice Cold Flame seizing a body, fleshly body, had still been poured does not calculate that but actually died, you said the Lord of Yang Family said is living, is this situation? ” 被灵魂被玄冰寒焰夺舍了,肉身还在,倒也倒也不算是死了,你说杨家之主说的活着,是不是这种情况?” The Xia Xinyan beautiful body trembles fiercely, at once is staring He Qingman bitterly, gets angry: „ 夏心妍美躯猛地一颤,旋即恨恨地瞪着何青曼,怒道:“ Qingman, do not play this joke with me! A point does not have the meaning! ” 青曼,不要和我开这种玩笑!一点都没意思!” He Qingman one startled, knows that Xia Xinyan lost one's temper truly, shuts up hurriedly, does not dare to say anything. However, in her heart sighed in a soft voice, in the mountain valley Cold Qi was so heavy, obviously Profound Ice Cold Flame also, Profound Ice Cold Flame , since, only then trivial Disaster cultivation base did Shi Yan, how can one escape? 何青曼一惊,知道夏心妍真正动怒了,急忙闭嘴,再也不敢多说什么。然而,她心中却是轻声一叹,山谷内寒气那么重,显然玄冰寒焰还在,玄冰寒焰既然在,只有区区百劫修为石岩,安能逃过一劫? The fellow is living, feared that is also the living corpse? 那家伙就算是活着,怕也已经是活死人了吧?
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