GOS :: Volume #2

#171: Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation( second! Asked the monthly ticket!!)

Gathering In deep pool. In pitch-black deep water, evil spirits are floating, deep pool bottom ghost numerous, the ghost as if sea-monster, proliferates each corner in the deep pool. 潭中。乌黑的潭水中,一只只厉鬼浮游着,潭底鬼影重重,幽魂仿佛游鱼,遍布在潭中每一个角落。 Gloomy deathly silence aura, floods in Soul Gathering Abyss, Shi Yan falls into deep water, immediately from heart's core flood gang of cold Sengan. 阴森死寂气息,充斥在聚魂潭,石岩一落入潭水中,立即从心灵深处泛起一股冷森感。 The countless evil spirits, emerge all round! 数不尽的厉鬼,团团涌入上来! These evil spirits are all sorts of strange and unusual, make threatening gestures, facial expression is fierce, grasps, to nip toward his hands and feet and head. Reveals the dense fang, tries to gnaw cleanly the Shi Yan body. Comes from the Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold strength, forms Cold Qi, the Cold Qi place visited, swarthy deep water freezes rapidly. 这些厉鬼千奇百怪,张牙舞爪,神情狰狞,朝着他的手脚、头颅抓来、咬来。露出森森獠牙,试图将石岩身体啃噬干净。来自于玄冰寒焰的冰寒之力,形成一波波寒气,寒气所过之处,黝黑的潭水迅速结冻。 The Profound Ice Cold Flame depth cold air/Qi, is extremely formidable, the ice cold air/Qi place visited, the soul integrates the deep water evil spirit, together was frozen along with deep water, locked by the solid ice, is hard to approach Shi Yan truly. 玄冰寒焰的深寒之气,极其强大,冰寒之气所过之处,就连魂魄融入潭水的厉鬼,都随潭水一起被冻起来,被坚冰锁住,难以真正靠近石岩 don't care about these ghosts, get down deep pool bottom! ” 不要管这些幽魂,下潭底!” glittering of Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring is uncertain, spreads the signal unceasingly. The Shi Yan facial expression rouses, by Cold Qi has changed body. Definitely can adapt to Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, that covers in freezing of his body surface, is not unexpectedly stiff. 玄冰寒焰血纹戒闪烁不定,不断传出讯号。石岩神情振奋,被寒气改变过的身体。完全可以适应玄冰寒焰寒气,那覆盖在他身体表面的冰冻,竟然一点都不僵硬。 In his induction, these solid ice look like some soft armor, occupies Wei not to affect the activity of his body. 在他的感应中,那些坚冰就像是某种软甲,居巍不影响他身体的活动。 Felt suffocated, the Shi Yan look is bright, sinks to the deep pool bottom. Evil spirits flushed, in abundance has not actually approached him, was frozen by Cold Qi of Profound Ice Cold Flame release, Soul Gathering Abyss countless evil spirits, under Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi freezes, cannot effectively pose the threat to Shi Yan. 憋了一口气,石岩眼神明亮,一路沉入潭底。一道道厉鬼冲了过来,却纷纷尚未靠近他,就被玄冰寒焰释放的寒气冰冻,聚魂潭数不尽的厉鬼,在玄冰寒焰寒气冰冻之下,没有一个能够对石岩真正形成威胁。 Shi Yan with total concentration, has not cared about the evil spirit that side only clashes, but vision brilliant is looking at the deep pool bottom. 石岩聚精会神,没有在意身旁一只只冲来的厉鬼,只是目光灼灼的望着潭底。 What a pity. Because Soul Gathering Abyss is flooding countless evil spirits, in addition deep water pitch-black, although Shi Yan has gotten down the puddle, but the vision greatly was actually affected, looks at the scene in Qingtan very much difficultly truly, only under can along with the submersion of body, pay attention the change. 可惜。聚魂潭因为充斥着数不尽的厉鬼,加上潭水乌黑,石岩虽然下了水潭,可视力却大受影响,很难真正看清潭中的场景,只能随着身体的下沉,留意底下的变化。 Left downward! ” 左边往下!” The Profound Ice Cold Flame hurried direction, falls into Soul Gathering Abyss, Profound Ice Cold Flame was excited excited to accumulate it immediately was not only helping Shi Yan cope with the everywhere evil spirit, but also helped Shi Yan indicate the Soul Gathering Bead position, to obtain Soul Gathering Bead, it did utmost. 玄冰寒焰急忙指挥,一落入聚魂潭,玄冰寒焰马上兴奋激动了起积它不但在帮助石岩对付无处不在的厉鬼,还帮助石岩指明聚魂珠的方位,为了得到聚魂珠,它可谓是竭尽全力了。 The Profound Ice Cold Flame life form is special, in Soul Gathering Abyss Ran, it dares to release all around the strength of survey soul, Shi Yan actually does not dare. The line of sight is blocked, does not dare to emit Mental Energy to induce, Shi Yan equivalent to two blind, naturally cannot show off ability, obeyed the direction of Profound Ice Cold Flame completely, so long as Profound Ice Cold Flame explained the position. He defers to the Profound Ice Cold Flame words to do immediately, toward Profound Ice Cold Flame direction direction vanguard. 玄冰寒焰生命形态特殊,在聚魂潭冉,它敢释放出灵魂之力探测四周,石岩却不敢。视线受阻,又不敢放出精神力感应,石岩相当于两眼瞎,自然不会逞能,全部听从了玄冰寒焰的指挥,只要玄冰寒焰一道明方位。他马上按照玄冰寒焰的话去做,朝着玄冰寒焰指向的方向前行。 Continues to proceed! ” 继续往前一点!” Downward! ” 往下!” Attention! Drew near! ” 注意!快到了!” ...... ” ……” Blood Vein Ring glittering, in which Profound Ice Cold Flame is unceasingly excited, spreads soul news to read. 血纹戒不断地闪烁着,其中的玄冰寒焰兴奋莫名,传出一道道灵魂讯念。 Under the direction of Profound Ice Cold Flame, Shi Yan sinks toward Soul Gathering Abyss, the midway unceasingly is also fluctuating the position. 玄冰寒焰的指挥下,石岩一路往聚魂潭下沉,中途还不断地变幻着方位。 After several minutes. Dirt black deep water, suddenly presents one group of dawn light. 几分钟后。污黑的潭水,突然出现一团蒙蒙亮光。 The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, a face panic-stricken looked that transmits the bright to that the position. 石岩神情一震,一脸惊骇的看向那传来亮光的方位。 That is ancient formation of octagon! 那是一个八角形的古阵法 In the ancient formation eight angles, is putting eight colorful Monster Core separately, eight Monster Core each have the uncommon energy fluctuation, these eight Monster Core are releasing rays of light. Forms Eighth Level different color light marks, covers ancient formation of that octagon. The ancient formation center of octagon, is putting together fist size jet black Monster Core, on this Monster Core is reappearing point black light, carefully looks like, will discover each black light on that Monster Core, enlarges is a malicious ghost. 在古阵法的八个角,分别放着八块五颜六色的妖晶,八块妖晶每一块都有着不凡的能量波动,这八块妖晶释放着光芒。形成八层不同色彩的光纹,将那八角形的古阵法罩住。八角形的古阵法中心,放着一块拳头大小的漆黑妖晶,这一块妖晶上浮现着点点乌光,仔细看来,会发现那妖晶上的每一点乌光,放大起来都是一只恶鬼。 Octagon the eight angles of ancient formation, are depositing eight Monster Core, existences of eight Monster Core, as if to protect among that together jet black Monster Core. 八角形的古阵法的八个角,存放着八块妖晶,八块妖晶的存在,似乎只是为了保护中间那一块漆黑的妖晶 This ancient formation has used Monster Core in eight corner/horn obviously, has formed the Eighth Level wall clearance, defends central Soul Gathering Bead. Octagon ancient formation center, that Soul Gathering Bead unceasingly glittering black light, clears away the soul fluctuation of mystical. 这古阵法显然是利用了八个角上的妖晶,形成了八层壁隙,将中心的聚魂珠守住。八角形古阵法中央,那聚魂珠不断地闪烁着黑光,涤荡出神秘的灵魂波动。 The Soul Gathering Bead bead surface, stain each glittering one time, the escape will leave an evil spirit, the evil spirit penetrates the ancient formation barrier, flies into Soul Gathering Abyss. 聚魂珠的珠子表面,一个个乌点每闪烁一次,从中就会飞逸出一只厉鬼,厉鬼穿透古阵法的屏障,飞入聚魂潭 The countless evil spirits, gather in the Soul Gathering Abyss surface, has formed a strange mirror warning in the deep water surface. Shi Yan looks up to the deep pool surface, the discovery from this angle, can see the deep water surface to reveal that impressively unexpectedly swarthy black hole, from that black hole, braves transgression billowing Devil Qi, Devil Qi exits from the Soul Gathering Abyss escape, collects in the space, as if has become the one power origin of space demon person. 数不尽的厉鬼,在聚魂潭的表面汇聚,在潭水的表面形成了一面奇异的镜鉴。石岩抬头望向潭面,赫然发现从这个角度,竟然可以看见潭水表面显露出一个黝黑的黑洞,从那黑洞当中,冒逸出滚滚魔气,魔气聚魂潭飞逸出去,汇集在天上,似乎成了天上魔人的一种力量来源。 From Soul Gathering Abyss time, Shi Yan looks at Soul Gathering Abyss time, has not seen actually exceptionally. 聚魂潭外面的时候,石岩聚魂潭的时候,倒是没有看出异常。 Now has gotten down Soul Gathering Abyss, looks from the deep pool bottom to the deep pool surface, he actually discovered that the Soul Gathering Abyss deep pool surface, has really formed the strange soul mirror! 如今下了聚魂潭,从潭底望向潭面,他却发现聚魂潭的潭面,果然形成了诡异的魂镜! The soul mirror became has connected two bridges, will come from Fourth Devil Area Devil Qi puts, turned into the demon to advocate obtuse one power, making the demon Lord obtusely to cope with Mo Duanhun. 魂镜成了连通两界的桥梁,将来自于第四魔域魔气放出来,变成魔主摩奇钝的一种力量,让魔主摩奇钝可以对付莫断魂 Reason that Soul Gathering Abyss can form the soul mirror. Naturally is the function of deep pool bottom Soul Gathering Bead, is the souls of several thousand evil spirit Soul Gathering Bead releases, creates soul mirror that has communicated two to gather. Once Soul Gathering Bead were broken, the several thousand souls in deep water, will emerge Soul Gathering Bead immediately. When the time comes, soul mirror naturally can vanish, two passage were sealed up, the demon Lord the obtuse soul, gave up any idea of that returns to Devil Territory using the soul mirror! Comes from Devil Territory Devil Qi, is hard to pour into Rosy Clouds Island with the aid of in Hunjing! 聚魂潭之所以能够形成魂镜。自然是潭底聚魂珠的作用,是聚魂珠释放出来的数万厉鬼之魂魄,造成了沟通两聚的魂镜。一旦聚魂珠被破掉,潭水中的数万灵魂,会立即重新涌入聚魂珠。到时候,魂镜自然会消失,两界通道被封闭,魔主摩奇钝的灵魂,休想利用魂镜返回魔域!来自于魔域魔气,也难以借助于魂镜注入云霞岛 All keys, in Soul Gathering Bead! 一切的关键,都在聚魂珠 In approaching Soul Gathering Bead several seconds, a series of thoughts passed over gently and swiftly in his mind, the Shi Yan facial expression is discrete, looks at that to shelter Soul Gathering Bead star anise Ancient Formation, soul communication Profound Ice Cold Flame: „ 在靠近聚魂珠的几秒钟,一连串念头在他脑海中掠过,石岩神情谨慎,望着那庇护聚魂珠的八角古阵,灵魂传讯玄冰寒焰:“ Has the defense barrier! How to eradicate the Eighth Level light mark? ” 有防御屏障!如何破除八层光纹?” Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation! ” 八极邪灵阵!” Profound Ice Cold Flame Jiang drinks one. Really is that cults! Before that cults, can form the soul mirror using Soul Gathering Bead, summoned Outer Territory Devil to come to battle. This Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation, is one evil mystique that cults are in sole possession, will have eight levels of Monster Core of Demonic Beast soul to take eight eyes, forms Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation to protect Soul Gathering Bead, eight light marks that Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation forms, has eight eight levels of Demonic Beast defensive powers, is extremely difficult to defeat!” 玄冰寒焰蒋喝一声,。“果然是那个邪教!以前那个邪教,就可以利用聚魂珠形成魂镜,召唤域外妖魔前来作战。这八极邪灵阵,就是那个邪教独有的一种邪恶秘法,将拥有妖兽魂魄的八级妖晶作为八个阵眼,形成八极邪灵阵来保护聚魂珠,八极邪灵阵形成的八种光纹,有着八个八级妖兽的防御力,极难击破!” Eight eight levels of Demonic Beast do Monster Core, protect Soul Gathering Bead as the foundation of eye?! ” 八个八级的妖兽妖晶,作为阵眼的根基来保护聚魂珠?靠!” Shi Yan obloquied, „ 石岩大骂,“ How can this break? ” 这要如何去破掉?” This Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation, is untrue. Eight Monster Core that here uses, come from eight seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core, in seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core, will not have the monster soul to exist, the might will not be big. This Soul Gathering Bead, is only eight levels of Soul Swallowing Beast Monster Core, if with the Monster Core protections of eight eight levels of Demonic Beast, will suppress completely Soul Gathering Bead energy, moreover eight levels of Demonic Beast. Only in that cults most prosperous time, gathers, is used to protect nine levels of Soul Swallowing Beast Soul Gathering Bead. ” 这个八极邪灵阵,不是真正的。这里用的八块妖晶,来自于八个七级妖兽妖晶,七级妖兽妖晶之中,并不会有妖魂存在,威力不会太大。这个聚魂珠,只是八级吞魂兽妖晶,要是用八个八级妖兽妖晶守护,会将聚魂珠能量全部压制住,而且八级的妖兽。只在那个邪教最为鼎盛的时期,才聚集到,是用来守护一个九级吞魂兽聚魂珠。” Nine levels of Soul Swallowing Beast can Soul Gathering Bead, withstand the Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation suppressed strength that eight eight levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core form? ” 九级吞魂兽聚魂珠,可以承受八个八级妖兽妖晶形成的八极邪灵阵的压制力?” Naturally! That cults in the peak time, once used nine levels of Soul Swallowing Beast Soul Gathering Bead, forms the soul mirror, the Devil summon of foreign land True God Realm. And can also control the summon with the mystique Devil some time, this is extremely terrifying the technique of summon, in the past that cults were extinguished, with nine levels of Soul Swallowing Beast Soul Gathering Bead summons Devil of True God Realm, killed did not know many Expert, suddenly has broken away from the control of that cults, then returned to the foreign land, otherwise, that cults feared that was could not be destroyed completely. ” 当然!那个邪教在巅峰时期,曾经用九级吞魂兽聚魂珠,形成魂镜,将异域真神之境妖魔召唤而来。并且还可以用秘法控制住召唤的妖魔一段时间,这是一种极为恐怖的召唤之术,当年那邪教被灭的时候,用九级吞魂兽聚魂珠召唤的真神境妖魔,杀了不知道多少强者,才突然脱离了那邪教的控制,进而重返异域,要不然,那邪教怕是还不能被灭掉。” Now what to do? ” 现在怎么办?” Shi Yan arrived by that Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation, actually does not dare to act rashly, inquired Profound Ice Cold Flame with the mind unceasingly. 石岩已来到了那八极邪灵阵旁边,却不敢轻举妄动,不断地用心神询问玄冰寒焰 With strongest power, bang to together Monster Core! Light mark that above Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation forms, is layer upon layer connected, breaks through First Level also to have First Level, is hard to eradicate. But Eight Extremes Evil Spirit Formation cannot lack together Monster Core, Monster Core bursts together, surplus Monster Core can not play the role, formation stands broken! ” 用最强的力量,轰向一块妖晶八极邪灵阵上方形成的光纹,层层相连,冲破一层还有一层,难以破除。但八极邪灵阵不能缺少一块妖晶,一块妖晶破裂,剩余的妖晶都会起不到作用,阵法立破!” Seven levels of Demonic Beast Monster Core! To break is not easy 七级妖兽妖晶!呃,想要破掉也不容易啊” Demonic Beast Monster Core, is on Demonic Beast the firmest thing, the monster noses of seven levels of Demonic Beast, are firmer than the Spirit level God Weapon sharp weapon, is not only then trivial Disaster Level Shi Yan can break. „ 妖兽妖晶,乃是妖兽身上最为坚固的东西,七级妖兽的妖鼻,比灵级神兵利器还要坚固,绝不是只有区区百劫之境石岩可以破碎的。“ These Monster Core existed for several thousand years, in which monster strength has consumed were many. Un, that blue Monster Core, inside monster strength lost 7/10, some of my replenishment power on you, you strike fully, can perhaps break that Monster Core, if really cannot break, we leave immediately, can only give up Soul Gathering Bead. ” 这些妖晶已存在了数千年,其中的妖力都消耗了很多了。嗯,那一块蓝色的妖晶,里面的妖力损失了7,我加注一些力量在你身上,你全力一击,说不定可以破掉那妖晶,真要是破不掉,我们立即离开,只能放弃聚魂珠了。” Profound Ice Cold Flame fast response. 玄冰寒焰快速回应。 Tries. ” 试一试吧。” Shi Yan deeply inspired, eyes like electricity, is staring at that blue lozenge Monster Core. 石岩深吸了一口气,双眸如电,盯着那一块蓝色的棱形妖晶 Stimulates to movement Negative Energy of whole body, Shi Yan Negative Energy starts rolling to flow, Negative Energy floods in his body each corner, making Shi Yan think suddenly power rises suddenly one time. 催动起全身的负面力量,石岩身上负面力量开始滚滚流动,负面力量充斥在他身体每一个角落,让石岩突觉力量暴涨一倍。 Single layer Rampage! 一重暴走 At the same time, from Profound Ice Cold Flame, overflows the ice cold strength, this ice cold strength collects in the Shi Yan hands and feet, is ready. 同一时间,从玄冰寒焰之中,流溢出冰寒之力,这冰寒之力汇集在石岩手脚中,蓄势待发。 The blood seethes with excitement, Negative Energy in acupoint, emerges the blood suddenly. 鲜血沸腾起来,穴道内的负面力量,骤然涌入鲜血。 The blood has the ice cold air/Qi, rolling is actually flowing, rushes incomparable power, spreads quickly the whole body! 鲜血带有冰寒之气,却滚滚流动着,一股澎湃无比的力量,倏地蔓延全身! In the original power foundation, Shi Yan whole body power, as if rose suddenly one time! 在原有的力量基础上,石岩全身力量,似乎又暴涨了一倍! Twofold Rampage! 两重暴走 Ok! This power! This power must be possible to break that Monster Core! ”, Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring, suddenly excited: „ 可以!这股力量!这股力量应当可破那妖晶!”,血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰,突然兴奋了起来:“ You can erupt so strong office quantity unexpectedly! Superimposes two times whole body power instantaneously! enough! Should enough! ” 你竟然可以爆发出如此强的办量!瞬间将全身力量叠加两倍!够了!应该够了!” A Shi Yan face is calm, stimulates to movement whole body power Seal of Life, Seal of Death, Seal of Life and Seal of Death overlapped, have made Seal of Life and Death! 石岩一脸冷静,催动全身力量一手生印,一手死印,生印死印重叠,打出了生死印 Ice cold air/Qi, along with making of Seal of Life and Death, spews out from his control, fires into that together lozenge blue color Monster Core together crazily. 一股股冰寒之气,随着生死印的打出,也从他手心喷涌而出,一起狂冲向那一块棱形蓝色妖晶 Pa! 啪! Blue Monster Core of that lozenge, explodes to break to pieces together directly, by the Seal of Life and Death bombardment has become a chip, stirs up around the zhuo direction of fire. 那一块棱形的蓝色妖晶,直接爆碎开来,被生死印轰击的成了点点晶片,激丵射向四面。 Covers in the Soul Gathering Bead surface Eighth Level light mark, vanishes without the trace quickly. 笼罩在聚魂珠表面的八层光纹,倏地消失无踪。 Shi Yan facial expression one happy, immediately puts out a hand to grasp to Soul Gathering Bead. 石岩神情一喜,立即伸手抓向聚魂珠
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