GOS :: Volume #2

#170: Demon Lord Mo Jita( first!)

Rosy Clouds Island changes constantly, bunches of thick demon clouds are covering the sky, covers up the light of Sun unexpectedly completely. 云霞岛风云变幻,一簇簇浓稠的魔云笼罩着天空,竟将太阳之光全部遮掩。 An ice cold evil fearful soul. As if the hand of vault of heaven is common, extends from nothingness, seems grips entire Rosy Clouds Island in the control. 一股冰寒邪恶的可怕灵魂。仿佛苍穹之手一般,从虚无中伸出来,好似将整个云霞岛攥在手心。 Warrior on all Rosy Clouds Island, so long as has formed spiritual inductive force, can realize that terrifying soul profoundly such as mountain pressure. 所有云霞岛上的武者,只要形成了精神感应力,都能够深刻的体会到那恐怖灵魂的如山压力。 Mo Duanhun shoots up to the sky, changes into one group of azure light, the malignant influences precise become together the tornado, the rising typhoon heaven, resembles to tear the vault of heaven, reappears ringing the clear sky. 莫断魂冲天而起,化为一团青光,煞气凝炼成一道龙卷风,扶摇上天,似要撕裂苍穹,重现朗朗晴空。 Gu Family mine, on Shura Blood Guard Cyan Blood Bat, has been slaughtering to keep the Gu Family person in mine wantonly. 古家的矿场处,一个个修罗血卫上了青血魔蝠,正大肆屠杀留在矿场内的古家人。 Xia Xinyan and He Qingman two females, in bright eyes somewhat are astonished, simultaneously raises head to look at the day, from the space thick demon in the clouds, induces the evil soul that has blotted out the sky. 夏心妍何青曼两女,明眸中都有些惊异,同时仰头看天,都从天上浓稠的魔云中,感应到了那铺天盖地的邪恶灵魂。 Devil Emperor Bo Xun subordinates another demon Lord to be obtuse! ” 魔帝波旬麾下另一位魔主摩奇钝!” Xia Xinyan eyes glittering, draws support the Reincarnation Martial Spirit mysterious insight, her keen is containing in heaven shaking hostility from Devil Qi, determines who comes the person is. 夏心妍双眸闪烁,借助于轮回武魂的神奇洞察力,她敏锐的从魔气中蕴藏着的惊天戾气中,确定的来人是谁。 Mo Jilei! ” 摩奇镭!” He Qingman drinks tenderly, said panic-strickenly: „ 何青曼娇喝,惊骇道:“ Mo Jishe is only demon Lord, how dare he tears the space wall barrier, arrives at our contact surfaces directly? Demon main power, the rumbling broken-down wall bonds forcefully is also very reluctant, arrives later to be hard to display true power, will damage afterward also severely, did he none who does not become insane? ” 摩奇蛇只是魔主,他岂敢撕裂空间壁障,直接降临我们的界面?魔主的力量,强行轰破壁障也很勉强,降临之后难以发挥出真正的力量,事后还会大伤,他莫不成疯了?” Who knows how he thinks. ” 谁知道他怎么想的。” Xia Xinyan shook the head, „ 夏心妍摇了摇头,“ Qingman, these feared that was more unfortunate than fortunate, you carefully, a while, once were not wonderful, we rode Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion to leave immediately. Mo Jishe has God Realm cultivation base, even if the charm damages greatly, wanted to attend to us conveniently is also easy. ” 青曼,这一趟怕是凶多吉少了,你小心一点,一会儿一旦不妙,我们立即乘坐风雷飞狮离开。摩奇蛇有着神境修为,就算是魔力大损,想要顺手料理了我们也是轻而易举。” He Qingman nods immediately, „ 何青曼立即点头,“ Un, Gu Family was really insane, dares to collude with the demon person unexpectedly. ” 嗯,古家真是疯了,竟然敢勾结魔人。” Gu Family was indeed insane, Yang Family most hates the Endless Sea influence, has the communication with the Devil Territory person. 古家的确疯了,杨家最恨无尽海的势力,和魔域的人有来往。 After this, Gu Family will welcome the retaliation of Yang Family most savage yeah, hoping Senior Mo can avoid this tribulation, by obtusely not staying behind. ” 这一趟过后,古家将会迎来杨家最为凶残的报复哎,希望莫大人能够躲过这一劫,不要被摩奇钝给留下了。” Xia Xinyan heaves a deep sigh. „ 夏心妍摇头叹息。“ We prepare to evacuate. ” 我们准备撤离吧。” The He Qingman black eyebrows deep lock, urged that Xia Xinyan said: „ 何青曼黛眉深锁,催促夏心妍道:“ On first Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, is about to leave Rosy Clouds Island at any time. Gu Family dares such to do, under fears meets the cruel methods, perhaps will be ruthless to the person, we prepare to as early as possible wonderfully. ” 先上风雷飞狮,随时准备离开云霞岛古家敢这么做,怕是会下狠手,说不定会对来人赶尽杀绝,我们趁早准备为妙。” Un. ” 嗯。” Xia Xinyan also knew the situation danger, nodded then got up Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion. 夏心妍也知道形势危险,点了点头便上了风雷飞狮 Two female on Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, He Qingman element pats Demonic Beast neck, this Demonic Beast then fluttered to fly, is separated from this war circle fast to fly toward Rosy Clouds Island beside. 两女一上风雷飞狮,何青曼素手一拍妖兽脖颈,这妖兽便振翅而飞,脱离了这一块的战圈快速往云霞岛之外飞去。 hōng hōng hōng! hōng hōng hōng! ” 轰轰轰轰轰轰!” In the middle of the Rosy Clouds Island space thick demon cloud, spreads the violent rumbled sound, as if ten thousand drums aplanatic, sound world-shaking. The thick demon clouds that the fast surging accumulation gives to lock in Rosy Clouds Island each corner. 云霞岛的天上浓稠的魔云当中,传出猛烈之极的轰鸣声响,仿佛万鼓齐明,声响惊天动地。浓稠的魔云,快速的涌动聚集将云霞岛每一个角落都给锁住。 Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion flies to ascend the sky, will be separated from Rosy Clouds Island, actually fiercely meets the barrier that the First Level naked eye cannot see, cannot clash. The Xia Xinyan complexion changes, startled called out: „ 风雷飞狮飞上天,正要脱离云霞岛,却猛地遇到一层肉眼看不见的屏障,再也不能冲出去。夏心妍脸色一变,惊叫道:“ The demon flame sealed the island! ” 魔焰封岛了!” Bunch demon Yun true evolved, as if black Fiery Flame, pressed to form the giant large bowl that has backed off from the space slowly, locked in Rosy Clouds Island thoroughly. 一团团魔云真的演化成了一朵朵,仿佛黑色火炎,从天上缓缓压来形成了一个倒扣下来的巨大海碗,将云霞岛彻底锁住。 Such comes the person outside Rosy Clouds Island. Is hard the island, the person on island, is hard to leave the islands. Rosy Clouds Island. Was sealed directly! 这么一来云霞岛之外的人。难以进岛,岛上的人,也难以离开岛屿。云霞岛。直接被密封住了! Is right now miserable. ” 这下子惨了。” He Qingman forced smile, „ 何青曼苦笑,“ Has not thought that this time will really have the demon Lord to arrive, God Realm demon Lord, with big supernatural power to seal|confer Dao, only if Third Sky of Sky Realm Expert, otherwise cannot break. Although Senior Mo in Third Sky of Sky Realm, was actually given to tie down by Mo Jilei, our must stay behind. ” 怎么也没有想到,这次竟然会有魔主降临,神境的魔主,用大法力封岛,除非天位三重天之境强者,否则根本破不开。莫大人虽然在天位三重天之境,却被摩奇镭给缠住,我们这趟真的要被留下了。” Since cannot leave. Is helping Shura Blood Guard, kills the Gu Family person cleanly. ” 既然走不掉。就帮着修罗血卫,将古家的人杀个干净吧。” Xia Xinyan knitting the brows head of „ 夏心妍皱了皱眉头“ How regardless of the following result, cannot make Gu Family feel better! ” 不论后面的结果如何,总不能让古家太好过!” Good! ” 好!” In the He Qingman sexy look passed over gently and swiftly suddenly ices the cold cold light together, cultivates the straight beautiful leg, has kicked under Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion gently, these six levels of Demonic Beast then fiercely descend from the space, kills to that Gu Family mine. 何青曼桃花眼中骤然掠过一道冰寒的冷光,修直的美腿,轻轻踢了下风雷飞狮,这六级的妖兽便猛地从天上降落下来,又杀向那古家的矿场。 Shi Yan Essence Qi rolling flows in two legs, his as if together lightning, fast shuttles back and forth in the forests. 石岩一身精元在两腿滚滚流动,他仿佛一道电光,飞快地在林间穿梭。 The clarity that the mutation on Rosy Clouds Island, he looks, demon person to seal|confer Dao, does not permit anybody to leave now, if at this time sooner did not succeed in obtaining Soul Gathering Bead, was not only the Yang Family person cannot live departure, he feared finally was also difficult to run away the Gu Family violent treachery. 云霞岛上的异变,他看的清清楚楚,如今魔人封岛,不准任何人离开,这时候要是不早些将聚魂珠到手,不但是杨家人不能活着离开,他最终怕是也难逃古家的毒手。 Only then obtains Soul Gathering Bead as early as possible, can restrain the demon person, has the change situation ability! 只有趁早取得聚魂珠,才可以克制魔人,拥有改变局势的能力! After a half hour. 半个小时后。 A breaking in mountain valley of Shi Yan perspiration mark, rubbish, no matter restriction in mountain valley, attacks toward the valley. „ 石岩一身汗迹的冲入山谷,也不废话,不管山谷内的禁制,直朝着谷内冲击进去。“ Eradicates restriction! ” 破除禁制!” The mind sinks to Blood Vein Ring, Shi Yan is Profound Ice Cold Flame spreads the signal. „ 心神沉入血纹戒,石岩玄冰寒焰传出讯号。“ ! ” 噼啦!” In the mountain valley, the corona of ellipses, drop from the clouds in lightning, the corona is the silver is completely bright, is carrying the incomparable strength. The overhead comes toward the Shi Yan bang. Meanwhile, a wave like watermark ash-gray ripple, ripples quietly with... That ripple revolves to swing, as if affected the change of Shi Yan Essence Qi, enables him the short time to control unexpectedly precise Essence Qi. 山谷中,一道道椭圆形的光环,在电光中从天而降,光环全部都是银光闪闪,携带着无匹的劲道。当头朝着石岩轰来。同时,一波如水纹般的灰色波纹,也悄悄荡漾开和…那波纹来回旋荡着,似乎影响了石岩精元的变化,竟然让他不能短时间把精元凝炼掌控起来。 Shi Yan gets sucked into the numerous bad risks instantaneously, two restriction that in mountain valley just exposed, then lets his incomparable discomfort, the body potential of first flushing directly detaining. „ 石岩瞬间深陷重重凶险,山谷内才刚刚展露的两种禁制,便让他无比的难受,前冲的身势被直接给拦阻下来。“ Came! ” 来了!” Profound Ice Cold Flame spread the response. Ices cold Cold Qi extremely, wells up suddenly from Blood Vein Ring, Cold Qi covers, the air transmits. „ 玄冰寒焰传出了回应。极度冰寒的寒气,骤然从血纹戒内涌出来,寒气覆盖开来,空气传来。“ Inciting Sound. ”的声响。 The earth, old tree and stone mountain valley. Instantaneously by ignorant First Level white frost ice. Cold Qi overflows, the space seemed frozen, the surrounding landscape fluctuates unceasingly, hoodwinked in First Level of mountain valley surrounding makes Shi Yan unable to see scene veil, was frozen to lift. 山谷内的大地、古树、石块。瞬间被蒙了一层白茫茫的冰霜寒气四溢开来,空间似乎都被冰冻了,周围的景观不断地变幻,本来蒙在山谷外围的一层石岩看不见其中场景的面纱,也被冰冻掀开来了。 A milky white light cover, blocks from the mountain valley, existence that the milky white light covers, mountain valley towering stone pillar finally, banner placed in front. Soul Gathering Abyss, covers up completely. Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, light covers that directly gives the freeze, the light covers under the seepage of Cold Qi, forms the solid ice, and started to have the crack. 一圈乳白色的光罩,将山谷遮住,乳白色光罩的存在,将山谷终于的参天石柱,招魂幡。聚魂潭,全部遮掩。玄冰寒焰寒气,直接将那光罩都给冻结,光罩在寒气的渗透下,结成坚冰,并且开始有了裂纹。 By that milky white light cover, Shi Yan saw the mountain valley midpoint scene, saw strange towering stone pillar, saw the banner placeds in front of standing erect, Soul Gathering Abyss. 透过那乳白色光罩,石岩一眼看出了山谷正中央的场景,看到了其中的诡异参天石柱子,看到了一面面竖立的招魂幡,聚魂潭 In addition, once in Gu Jiange that Monroe Island has met! 除此之外,还有曾在门罗岛见过面的古剑歌 Gu Jiange by Soul Gathering Abyss, a face surprised, eyes different light glittering, the line of sight has thrown by far. Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi continues to seep. The surrounding freezing speed speeds up gradually, the short time, this mountain valley has become the world of ice and snow, in this heaven shaking under bitter cold freezes, mountain valley by frozen. All sorts of restriction under Profound Ice Cold Flame power, were frozen completely. 古剑歌聚魂潭旁边,一脸地惊讶,双眸异光闪烁,视线远远投了过来。玄冰寒焰寒气继续渗透。周围的冰冻速度逐渐加快,短短时间,这个山谷已成了冰天雪地,在这一股惊天的酷寒冰冻下,山谷被冰封。种种禁制玄冰寒焰力量之下,全部被冻住。 Profound Ice Cold Flame as one of the Heavenly Flame, when heaven and earth inaugurates has formed. In the long boat years, it had only been subdued by Third Sky of True God Realm Nie Yue, once was in a rage entire Monroe Island frozen, if it has been separated from Blood Vein Ring, it even can the demon person head confrontation with space, but may also not drop the wind. A frozen mountain valley, to it, seriously is easy. 玄冰寒焰身为天火之一,在天地初开的时候已形成。漫长舟岁月中,它只被真神三重天之境的聂阅一人收服过,曾经一怒之下将整个门罗岛冰封,如果它脱离了血纹戒,它甚至可以和天上的魔人正面交锋,还有可能不落下风。只是冰封一个山谷,对它来说,当真是轻而易举。 Pa! 啪! Covers in mountain valley the light cover of milky white. Under the Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold air/Qi, explodes to break to pieces finally, changed into everywhere shaved ice. 笼罩在山谷的乳白色的光罩。在玄冰寒焰的冰寒之气下,终于爆碎开来,化为了漫天的冰屑。 Shi Yan! ” 石岩!” In the mountain valley, has broadcast the Gu Jiange sound finally, this time Gu Jiange, look glittering is uncertain, on face actually as before Guangxi temperate happy expression. „ 山谷中,终于传来了古剑歌的声音,此时的古剑歌,眼神闪烁不定,脸上却依旧桂着温和的笑意。“ Stone the brother, previous Monroe Island does not know really you are the Yang Family person, that time many offend, is my mistake. I apologized to you., ” 石兄,上一次门罗岛真不知道你是杨家人,那次多有得罪,都是我的错。我向你赔罪。,” Gu Jiange is smiling, bows toward a Shi Yan ritual. At once feigns said with amazement: „ 古剑歌一脸微笑,躬身朝着石岩一礼。旋即佯装惊讶道:“ Why Stone will the brother come Rosy Clouds Island? Why will come here? ” 只是,为什么石兄会来云霞岛?为什么会到这里呢?” Shi Yan frowns slightly, is disinclined to respond Gu Jiange, silent did not say, flushed away toward Gu Jiange Soul Gathering Abyss. 石岩微微皱着眉头,懒得搭理古剑歌,沉默不言,一路朝着古剑歌身旁的聚魂潭冲去。 At this time, Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, froze the mountain valley, the short time makes in the mountain valley all restriction expire, this is Shi Yan captures the Soul Gathering Bead best time, he will not waste time. „ 此时,玄冰寒焰寒气,冰冻了山谷,短时间让山谷内所有禁制失效,这是石岩夺取聚魂珠最佳的时间,他绝不会浪费一点时间。“ Shi Yan, you are! ” 石岩,你这是!” The Gu Jiange whole face is panic-stricken, drinks to call loudly. 古剑歌满脸惊恐,大声喝叫起来。 Xiu! 咻! Dragon-slaying Sword flies quickly from the Gu Jiange scruff, the Demonic Beast sharp cricket changes from immediately, becomes a hundred meters fire dragon, throws to nip fiercely to Shi Yan. 斩龙剑倏地从古剑歌后颈飞出来,妖兽尖蝼立即化形,成一条百米长的火龙,猛地扑咬向石岩 Meanwhile, Gu Jiange that on the face frightened expression has not vanished, holds Dragon-slaying Sword, sweeps conveniently, several meters rainbow light draws suddenly, must cut two sections of appearances Shi Yan. 与此同时,脸上惊恐之色还未消失的古剑歌,一把抓住斩龙剑,随手一扫,一条十几米长的虹光骤然拉出来,一副要将石岩斩成两截的模样。 Gu Jiange has Sword Spirit Martial Spirit, can with the Divine sword communication. He shows the sword technique, such as good cloud running water, neat. 古剑歌身怀剑灵武魂,可以和神剑沟通。他施展出剑技来,如行云流水,干净利落。 On the face had temperate smiling face, Gu Jiange shook the head gently, „ 脸上重新有了温和笑容,古剑歌轻轻摇头,“ Stone does the brother such worry to do really? ” 石兄这么着急作甚?” Hot wax and several meters rainbow light, when his these words exit / to speak, raids together. 火蜡和十几米的虹光,在他这一句话出口时,一起袭来。 A Shi Yan face indifferently, does not evade does not let, even has not looked at Gu Jiange one , to continue to fire into Soul Gathering Abyss. 石岩一脸漠然,不避不让,甚至没有多看古剑歌一眼,继续冲向聚魂潭 Ice cold air/Qi, wells up fast from Blood Vein Ring, Shi Yan in the motions, the body forms depth ten meters freezing , the body as if has become a glacieret. 冰寒之气,快速从血纹戒内涌出来,石岩在行动间,身体结成厚十米的冰冻,身体仿佛成了一座小冰川。 The worry of hot sister's son Demonic Beast, the advantage of rainbow light cuts, ten meters that actually being hard bang broken Shi Yan body surface covers freeze. 火甥妖兽的撕咬,虹光的利斩,却难以轰破石岩身体表面覆盖的十米冰冻。 passes! ” 噗通!” Iceberg general Shi Yan, has not gone to manage Gu Jiange, breaks in Soul Gathering Abyss. The Gu Jiange peak however changes color. He did not fear that Shi Yan and he pesters, feared that Shi Yan enters Soul Gathering Abyss to disturb! 冰山一般的石岩,没有去管古剑歌,一头冲入聚魂潭古剑歌耸然变色。他不怕石岩和他纠缠,就怕石岩进入聚魂潭捣乱! The soul mirror in Soul Gathering Abyss, connects two key positions, coffin that if by Shi Yan destroying, the soul arrived at once is restrained, not only could not kill Mo Duanhun, afterward perhaps must ask their fathers and sons to be troublesome. 聚魂潭内的魂镜,是连接两界的枢纽,要是被石岩给破坏了,灵魂降临的摩奇棺一旦受制,不但杀不了莫断魂,事后说不定还要找他们父子麻烦。 In that moment that Shi Yan presents, in the Gu Jiange heart has raised the difficult situation, immediately has given the father of going out with mystique communication. So long as he delays Shi Yan a while, waits for Gu Lie to return, Shi Yan has any method, must die without doubt. 石岩出现的那一刻,古剑歌心中已掀起惊涛骇浪,立即用秘法传讯给了外出的父亲。只要他拖延住石岩一会儿,等古烈返回,石岩就算是有什么手段,也必死无疑。 Gu Jiange calculates, thinks well Shi Yan this appearance, definitely will immediately seek his enmity, first gets rid to cope with him. What a pity Shi Yan has not pestered with him for one second, the goal is clear, for Soul Gathering Abyss! 古剑歌算的好好的,认为石岩这次出现,肯定会马上寻他的仇,先出手对付他。可惜石岩并未和他多纠缠一秒,目的非常明确,就是为了聚魂潭而来! The Shi Yan procedure, stems from Gu Jiange to be unexpected completely. 石岩的做法,完全出乎古剑歌意料之外。 When he wants to guard against time, discovered that Shi Yan broke in Soul Gathering Abyss, to this time, the smiling face on the Gu Jiange face camouflaging was nothing left, fearfulness of complexion gloomy, anxious running around in circles outside Soul Gathering Abyss, actually does not dare to study Shi Yan to enter Soul Gathering Abyss generally. 等他想要防备的时候,发现石岩已冲入聚魂潭,到了这时候,古剑歌脸上伪装的笑容荡然无存,脸色阴沉的可怕,在聚魂潭外边急的团团转,却不敢学石岩一般进入聚魂潭 Jiange, what's the matter? ” 剑歌,怎么回事?” lightning flashes through together, the Gu Lie calm face in mountain valley appears, I have not rushed to Xia Family and Tianxie Fairyland that two to be young ** the position, why communication do I return suddenly?” 一道电光闪过,山谷内的古烈沉着脸出现,“我还没赶到夏家天邪洞天那两个小**的位置,为什么突然传讯我返回?” „. Shi Yan entered Soul Gathering Abyss!” “。石岩进入了聚魂潭!” Gu Jiange urgently said. Shi Yan?” 古剑歌急道。“石岩?” Gu Lie stares, suddenly responded that startled say|way: „ That time by the boy who Profound Ice Cold Flame does carry off? Hasn't he died unexpectedly? 古烈一愣,突然反应过来,惊道:“那次被玄冰寒焰带走的小子?他竟然没死? Not only has not died, as if can also use Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy.” “不但没死,似乎还可以动用玄冰寒焰寒力了。” He definitely by Profound Ice Cold Flame seizing a body!”, Gu Lie terrified color deterioration, „ “他肯定被玄冰寒焰夺舍了!”,古烈悚然变色,“ I communication is obtuse immediately, making him cope with Profound Ice Cold Flame first! ” 我立即传讯摩奇钝,让他先来对付玄冰寒焰!” Just first offered one chapter, today meets four! The brothers who the small counter plea likes this book, can the monthly ticket support! Asked everybody to help! 刚先奉上一章,今天会四更!小逆恳求喜欢本书的兄弟们,能够月票支援!求大家帮忙!
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