GOS :: Volume #2

#169: Racing against time

Cyan Blood Bat is carrying on the back Shura Blood Guard, in the place above slow soaring of Rosy Clouds Island, on first that first six levels of Cyan Blood Bat, the Mo Duanhun facial expression with deep veneration, the look opens and closes none remaining glittering. 青血魔蝠驮着修罗血卫,在云霞岛的上方缓慢飞翔,最先的那一头六级的青血魔蝠身上,莫断魂神情肃然,眼神开阖间精光闪烁 This is his second time comes Rosy Clouds Island. 这是他第二次前来云霞岛 The previous time, he brings Shura Blood Guard to sweep away Rosy Clouds Island, was ruthless all Gu Family masters. 上一次,他带着修罗血卫云霞岛横扫,将所有古家的高手赶尽杀绝了。 According to the truth, by Gu Family power and courage and wisdom, should not dare to be up to mischief, but Mo Duanhun actually extremely discrete, arrives at Rosy Clouds Island, he then secretly guards, even has emitted Divine Sense, is winding around in the Rosy Clouds Island place above, time observation any unusuality. 按照道理来讲,以古家力量和胆识,应该不敢搞什么鬼,可莫断魂却极为的谨慎,一到达云霞岛,他便暗暗提防起来,甚至放出了神识,在云霞岛的上方缭绕着,时刻观察任何的异常。 When comes Rosy Clouds Island, Mo Duanhun receives the Yang Qingdi biography to ridicule, told him these to fear that was somewhat disadvantageous. 前来云霞岛时,莫断魂收到扬青帝的传讥,告诉他这一趟怕是有些不利。 Yang Qingdi is busy with dealing with the Fourth Devil Area demon person, is the household head, naturally cannot come Rosy Clouds Island and Gu Lie this role easily discusses anything, because he will figure out Shi Yan to appear in Rosy Clouds Island, he did not feel relieved ”, therefore before letting Mo Duanhun will go to Rosy Clouds Island, well preparesby Gu Family not to be given cloudy. 扬青帝忙于应付第四魔域的魔人,又是一家之主,自然不会轻易来云霞岛古烈这种角色谈论什么,但因为他算出石岩会在云霞岛出现,他不放心”所以让莫断魂云霞岛之前,好好准备一下”别被古家给阴了。 Mo Duanhun regarding Yang Qingdi Divine Ability, believes in firmly, therefore, before coming, he has prepared some methods, to prepare emergency requirement. 莫断魂对于扬青帝的一身神通,深信不疑,因此,在前来之前,他准备了一些手段,以备不时之需。 Some that warning of Yang Qingdi, Mo Duanhun naturally cautiously, has fortified at every step, including the Cyan Blood Bat speed, desirably slowed down. 有了扬青帝的那一番警告,莫断魂自然是小心翼翼,步步为营,连青血魔蝠的速度,都刻意放缓了。 On Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, duplicate Xinyan and He Qingman are covered with the veil, is silent does not say. 风雷飞狮上,复心妍何青曼蒙着面纱,也是沉默不言。 The bright eyes of these two women, actually bright glitteringin secret discrete, is paying attention to below Rosy Clouds Island condition quietly. 这两个女人的明眸,却亮光闪烁”都在暗暗谨慎,悄悄注意着下方云霞岛的状况。 Especially duplicate Xinyan, in the beautiful pupil is also holding the light sadness, she knows that Shi Yan on Rosy Clouds Island very much wants to see immediately Shi Yan actually does not know how should seek, somewhat has mixed feelings. 尤其是复心妍,美眸中还噙着淡淡的忧愁,她知道石岩就在云霞岛上很想立即就见到石岩却又不知道该如何寻找,心情有些复杂。 He Qingman looks calm actually, look shed smiles a while to have a look below, a while to visit duplicate Xinyan, the curiosity in heart is getting more and more heavy. 何青曼倒是神情自若,眼神舍笑一会儿看看下面,一会儿望望复心妍,心中的好奇心越来越重。 From the performance of duplicate Xinyan, she to that fellow who called Shi Yan, really unusual on, heart. 从复心妍的表现来看,她对那个叫石岩的家伙,真的非常的上,心。 All the way, from the Xia Xinyan mouth, He Qingman heard how many related Shi Yan facts she wants to have a look at Shi Yan is a person, why can make Jialuo Sea Area the lovable girl of day so reluctant to part. 一路上,从夏心妍的口中,何青曼听说了许多有关石岩的事迹她很想看看石岩到底是怎么一个人,为何能够让伽罗海域的天之娇女这么恋恋不舍。 Is careful, we fell......” Mo Duanhun to drink one lowly, was controlling Cyan Blood Bat, slowly toward the following stone house landing. “都小心一点,我们下落了……”莫断魂低喝一声,控制着青血魔蝠,慢慢朝着下面的石楼降落。 Below stone gardenmany Gu Family people scattered in all directions nervousare Cyan Blood Bat have set aside the temporary lodging on own initiative. 下方的石头庭院中”许多古家人神情紧张”四散开来主动为青血魔蝠腾出了落脚之地。 Cyan Blood Bat then falls, Mo Duanhun frowns Cyan Blood Bat, narrows the eyes to focus to size up all aroundwas saying lightly: Who is a chancellor?”, Consecration of Gu Family, Earth Level cultivation base has stood respectfully, cups one hand in the other across the chest saying: Senior Mo waits a bit moment my Family Head person temporarily not here, at this time other mine the document that prepares to sign, we communication exited, how long my Family Head person cannot want to arrive. ”, Mo Duanhun coldly snorted, said lightly: What thing is Gu Lie? Also dares to put on airs before me......” 青血魔蝠一头接着一头落下,莫断魂皱着眉头下了青血魔蝠,眯着眼打量着四周”淡淡道:“谁是主事的?”,一名古家的供奉,地位之境修为恭敬地站了出来,拱手道:“莫大人稍等片刻”我家主人暂时不在这里,此时正在别的矿场准备签订的文件,我们已经传讯出去,要不了多久我家主人应该就会到来了。”,莫断魂冷哼一声,淡淡道:“古烈算什么东西?也敢在我面前摆架子……” Senior Mo appeases anger! Senior Mo appeases anger!”, This person of grovelling, the full cold sweat trembles tremblingly, Wei said. 莫大人息怒!莫大人息怒!”,这人点头哈腰,满头冷汗颤颤巍,巍道。 Mo Duanhun as three big Shura kings' heads, in Endless Sea is went out of cut-throat callous in nearby sea area goes on an expedition, Mo Duanhun every time is Yang Family greatly kills the four directions, ruins master one by one of other sea area. 莫断魂身为三大修罗王之首,在无尽海乃走出了名的凶狠冷酷在附近的海域征战中,莫断魂每一次都为杨家大杀四方,将别的海域的高手一一葬送。 In three big Shura kingsMo Duanhun few speech, are most unreasonabledo not get rid , then by, once begins, will not leave behind the living witness. 三大修罗王中”莫断魂很少讲话,却最为不近人情”不出手则以,一旦动手,绝不会留下活口。 A half hour.”, Mo Duanhun frowns, a half hour of Gu Lie, you are buried along with the dead previous time to conquer by killing Rosy Clouds Island with him together, I did not mind that comes again one time. ”, Such remarks, here Gu Family person complexion was completely white, only thinks that the back sends coollysome cultivation base low Warrior, the leg and foot trembles, as if stood continually fights not steady oneself these wordsto change others, the Gu Family person will perhaps not care, what may speak was Mo Duanhun, this let Gu Family person mind entirely to crack. “半小时。”,莫断魂皱着眉头,“半小时古烈不到,你们都跟着他一起陪葬吧”上一次已经血洗过云霞岛,我不介意再来一次。”,此话一出,这里的古家人脸色全部白了,只觉背脊发凉”一些修为较低的武者,腿脚打颤,似乎连站都战不稳己这一句话”换了别人来讲,古家人或许不会放在心上,可说话的是莫断魂,这就让古家人心神俱裂了。 Mo Duanhun will not always crack a joke, not only does what has said that and there is the strength to conquer by killing Rosy Clouds Island, this character said how dare they didn't fear? 莫断魂向来不会开玩笑,不但言出必行,并且有实力将云霞岛血洗,这种人物放出话来,他们岂敢不怕? Senior Mo, my this continues to inform the master!”, That person has wiped cold sweat on face, bends over, fires into stone house fast, being thrown into confusion emits one to believe the hawk to exit. 莫大人,我这就继续通知主人!”,那人抹了一把脸上的冷汗,弯着腰低着头,快速冲向一个石楼,手忙脚乱的放出一只信鹰出去。 Mo Duanhun did not say a word, as if a pine tree straight stationslightly narrowed the eyes to focus here, as if maintained mental tranquility in eyes closed. 莫断魂一言不发,仿佛一棵松树般笔直的站在这里”微微眯着眼,似乎在闭目养神。 Without a few words, does not have release desirably the pressure to come, but the Gu Family person actually the facial expression to be alarmed and afraid, only the sleep carried on the back seems pressed a great mountain, could not straighten up including the waist. 没有一句话,也没有刻意的释放出压力来,可古家人却一个个神情惊惧,只觉背上似乎被压了一座巨山,连腰都挺不直了。 Soul Gathering Abyss. 聚魂潭 Banner placeds in front move with the wind, souls adsorbingto reveal the fierce ghost surface by the banner placed in front in the banner placed in front. 一面面招魂幡随风而动,一只只灵魂被招魂幡给吸附住”在招魂幡上露出狰狞的鬼面。 In mountain valley * Yang, but also stands erect many stone pillarthese stone pillar to be colorful, portrays various demon strange designs, and there is a very intense energy fluctuation to spread. 山谷中*央,还竖立着许多石柱子”这些石柱五颜六色,刻画着各种魔怪的图案,并且有非常强烈的能量波动传出。 The place above of mountain valley, in dusky mist, obscure ray glittering, these obscure rays have formed layer upon layer the thin film, gives to cover the mountain valley above space, prevents the exploration of Divine Sense. 山谷的上方,灰蒙蒙的雾气中,也有一道道暗光闪烁,那些暗光形成了层层薄膜,将山谷上方的空间给笼罩,阻止神识的探索。 Soul Gathering Abyss, the wave tumbles, the souls of countless life, are fluctuating in the deep pool surface. 聚魂潭,波浪翻滚,数不尽的生灵之魂,在潭面上浮动着。 In Soul Gathering Abyss, as if there is number * the soul, dense and numerous, floods in Soul Gathering Abyss each corner. 聚魂潭中,似乎有着数*灵魂,密密麻麻的,充斥在聚魂潭的每一个角落。 The souls of these evil spirit appearances, all sorts of strange and unusualactually aura same gloominess, deathly silence, is filling to the loathing and envy and hate in world, sways from side to side looking to make the head skin tingle with numbness crazily ”. 这些厉鬼模样的灵魂,千奇百怪”却气息一样的阴森,死寂,充满着对世间的厌恶和忌恨,非常疯狂地扭动着”望之让人头皮发麻。 By Soul Gathering Abyss, has Gu Lie and Gu Jiange they, in addition, does not have a Gu Family master again. 聚魂潭旁边,只有古烈古剑歌两人,除此之外,再也没有一名古家的高手。 Gu Lie frownslooks at Soul Gathering Abyss that is careful, solemndoes not dare to have one to relax. 古烈皱着眉头”小心谨慎的看着聚魂潭,神情肃穆”不敢有一丝放松。 Gu Jiange is also very anxious, walks back and forth by Soul Gathering Abyss unceasingly, inspects here restriction to exist, inspects these stone pillar is all appropriate. 古剑歌也是非常紧张,不断地在聚魂潭旁边走来走去,检查这里的禁制是不是存在,检查那些石柱是不是一切妥当。 Believes the hawk, across layer upon layer gloomy, suddenly flew. 一只信鹰,穿过层层灰暗,忽然飞了过来。 Gu Jiange grasps conveniently, catches that letter hawk in the control, took the above letter paper to look at one, the sinking sound track three father, Mo Duanhun said that if a half hour of you cannot rush, he will conquer by killing Rosy Clouds Island once more.” 古剑歌随手一抓,将那信鹰抓在手心,取过上方的信笺看了一眼,沉声道三“爹,莫断魂放话了,半小时时间你要是不能赶到,他会再次血洗云霞岛。” The Gu Lie complexion sinks, snort|hum, said: Does not need to manage him.”, That side person what to do?” Gu Jiange has thought that did sacrifice completely?” 古烈脸色一沉,哼了一声,道:“不用管他。”,“那边的人怎么办?”古剑歌想了一下,“全部牺牲了?” Looks at the situation.” The Gu Lie facial expression is desolate, morning that demon person comes out, even if they are lucky, otherwise they poured the instant. That side does not have any master in any case, this time matter only then your I know, but we also once disappeared after a period of time, afterward above traces, if they said inadvertently, we feared that is also dangerous,...... Died, is good!”, Understood......” Gu Jiange nodded. “看情况吧。”古烈神情冷淡,“魔人出来的早,就算他们幸运,不然就算他们倒霎了。那边反正也没什么高手,这次的事情只有你我知道,但我们也曾经消失过一段时间,事后上面追查起来,他们要是说漏了嘴,我们怕是也危险,……死了,也好!”,“明白了……”古剑歌点了点头 Inspected? Doesn't have the issue?”, Gu Lie asked. “都检查好了吧?都没问题?”,古烈问道。 Does not have the issue, all are normal, can begin......” “没问题,一切都正常,可以动手了……” Good! I begin to summon immediately, making the demon person soul arrive. You, pay attention side to me carefully, before the demon person soul has not arrived, do not make here aura reveal if, otherwise made Mo Duanhun learn ahead of time, he killed immediately, here restriction could not block him...... ” “好!我立即动手召唤,让魔人灵魂降临过来。你小心一点,给我留意旁边,在魔人灵魂没有到来之前,不要让这边的气息泄露出去”不然若是让莫断魂提前获知了,他立即杀来,这里的禁制挡不住他……” Father felt relieved that I know how to do......” “爹爹放心,我知道怎么做……” Un.”, Shi Yan looks solemn, flies, at the maximum speed has the Soul Gathering Bead mountain valley to hurry to toward that. “嗯。”,石岩神情肃穆,一路飞冲着,以最快的速度朝着那有聚魂珠的山谷赶去。 Mo Duanhun came, Gu Family has the movement, will start immediately. 莫断魂来了,古家真有动作,会立即下手。 From now on, that mountain valley possibly has the demon person to appear anytime! 从现在起,那山谷随时可能有魔人出现! The goal of demon person can be Mo Duanhun, so long as comes out, he definitely reckless killing to Mo Duanhun. 魔人的目标会是莫断魂,只要一出来,他肯定会不顾一切的杀向莫断魂 Leaves the Soul Gathering Abyss free time while being bewitched person, Shi Yan can enter the mountain valley, destroys mountain valley numerous restriction using Profound Ice Cold Flame power, then breaks in Soul Gathering Abyss to take Soul Gathering Bead. 趁着魔人离开聚魂潭的空暇,石岩可以进入山谷,利用玄冰寒焰力量将山谷的重重禁制破坏,进而冲入聚魂潭去取聚魂珠 At this time, can Mo Duanhun block the attack of demon person, Shi Yan cannot affirm, but he is to tell Mo Duanhun at this time, came being inferior. 在这时候,莫断魂能不能挡住魔人的攻击,石岩不敢肯定,不过此时他就算是想要去告诉莫断魂,也来之不及了。 Now, he also can only arrive at the bottom, to the speed obtain Soul Gathering Bead most quickly. 如今,他也只能一路走到底,以最快地速度得到聚魂珠 Once Soul Gathering Bead succeeds in obtaining, he had has coped with the method of demon person. 一旦聚魂珠到手,他就拥有了对付魔人的手段。 By that time ”, so long as Mo Duanhun , will again not have the matter. 到那时候”只要莫断魂还在,就不会再有事。 All sorts of thoughts, had already calculated in the mind, Shi Yan carefully has also measured the advantages, has set this policy. 种种念头,早就在脑海之中演算过,石岩也是仔细权衡了利弊,才定下了这个方针。 Blood Vein Ring is rays of light glittering, in which Profound Ice Cold Flame as if is also also popular * exerts, Soul Gathering Bead is enormous to its attraction, is shortly hopeful to obtain Soul Gathering Bead, Profound Ice Cold Flame was also excited. 血纹戒也是光芒闪烁,其中的玄冰寒焰似乎也非常兴*奋,聚魂珠对它的吸引力极大,眼看有望得到聚魂珠,玄冰寒焰也激动了。 A energy fluctuation of ten minutes of Nepali world-shaking, wells up suddenly from the direction of that mountain valley! 十分钟之尼一股惊天动地能量波动,骤然从那山谷的方向涌出来! The cloud cluster that thick such as ink Devil Qias if can never disperse, has proliferated the entire Rosy Clouds Island day character! 浓稠如墨汁的魔气”仿佛永远散不开的云团,遍布了整个云霞岛的天字! In thick Devil Qi, wild soul energy, fast condensation! 在浓浓的魔气之中,一股狂暴的灵魂能量,快速凝聚! , In the place above of that mountain valley, presented one formidable to the soul fluctuation that letting Shi Yan is inspired quickly! 很快地,在那山谷的上方,就出现了一个强大到让石岩心生敬畏的灵魂波动! That soul one appears above the mountain valley, all Devil Qi gather at the mountain valley completely, the flash, the mountain valley turned into the dark night from the daytime. 那灵魂一在山谷上方显现出来,所有的魔气全部聚集在山谷,一霎那,山谷从白昼变成了黑夜。 Shi Yan that dashes about wildly, suddenly discovered own line of sight is blocked, including hundred meters things looked that is unclear. 就连一路狂奔的石岩,也突然发现自己视线受阻,连身旁百米的事物都看之不清。 Simultaneouslyanother formidable soul fluctuation, transmits from the Shi Family mine quickly, a distant place azure point appears suddenly in the space, stars that such as raises slowly. 同时”另外一股强大的灵魂波动,倏地从石家的矿场传来,远处一个青点突然在天上浮现出来,如冉冉升起的星辰。 That luminous spot extremely bright, endures to compare sun and moon! 那光点极为的明亮,堪比日月 Although Shi Yan line of sight by layer upon layer the Devil Qi hindrance, but that luminous spot was too bright, clarity that bright Shi Yan also looks. 石岩视线虽然被层层魔气阻碍,可那光点太亮了,亮的石岩也看的清清楚楚。 Three big Shura kings' heads, Mo Duanhun! 三大修罗王之首,莫断魂 In the Shi Yan heart startled shoutclear feeling from the body of that green luminous spotspreads air/Qi of evil spirit, that green luminous spot as if knows that has run into the powerful enemy, actually does not dread, instead first crops up, as if wants the frontage and that demon person fights. 石岩心中惊喝”清晰的感受到从那青色光点的身上”传出一股凶煞之气,那青色光点似乎知道遇到了强敌,却并不畏惧,反而第一时间冒出头来,似乎要正面和那魔人一战。 Distant looks at that green luminous spot, Shi Yan cannot help but has some confidence, thought that by Mo Duanhun power, as if should be able to resist the soul impact of demon person. 远远看着那青色光点,石岩不由得生出一些信心,觉得以莫断魂力量,似乎应该可以抵挡住魔人的灵魂冲击。 Is thinking, Shi Yan does not dareto continue to clash towards the mountain valley hesitant earnestly. 这么想着,石岩也不敢犹豫”继续埋头冲向山谷。 The soul of demon person, flew from the mountain valley at this time, forms the thick Devil Qi cloud cluster, ” toward the green luminous spot of Mo Duanhun incarnation emerges under billowing Devil Qi. 魔人的灵魂,此时已从山谷中飞了出去,形成浓厚的魔气云团,在滚滚魔气之下”朝着莫断魂化身的青色光点涌入。 At this timeShi Yan receives the Soul Gathering Bead best opportunity! 此时”正是石岩收起聚魂珠的最佳时机! ...
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