GOS :: Volume #2

#168: cultivation false soul!

Expert of boundary of Third Sky cultivation soul technique, although is only most basic. Makes Shi Yan be wild with joy as before. 三重天之境的强者曾经修炼过的魂技,虽然只是最基本的。却依旧让石岩欣喜若狂。 Profound Ice Cold Flame to use Shi Yan obtains Soul Gathering Bead, it may be said that has used energy the thoughts. 玄冰寒焰为了利用石岩得到聚魂珠,可谓是费劲了心思。 It not only related Soul Swallowing Beast and Soul Gathering Bead origin and use, clarity of explanation, but also has seized a soul technique from its memory, but to let Shi Yan can resist a Soul Gathering Bead wave of soul to attack. 它不但将有关吞魂兽聚魂珠的来历和用途,解释的清清楚楚,还从它的记忆中攫取了一种魂技,只是为了让石岩能够抵挡住聚魂珠的一波灵魂攻击。 A Shi Yan face joyfully, hides in the branches and leaves of old tree cover, indulges the mind in Blood Vein Ring, earnestly listens attentively to the introduction of Profound Ice Cold Flame. 石岩一脸欣然,躲藏在古树茂密的枝叶中,将心神沉溺在血纹戒内,认真地倾听玄冰寒焰的介绍。 On the way of your humanity Warrior cultivation. Will receive the hatred heart, to read and read the influence that obsession and resentment read corruptly absurdly, these were generally called the heart demon, can make you accidentally discharge Bedevilment, cultivation base all discarded. However, there is big Divine Ability and big will Expert, not only does not fear the heart demon, but can also the attentive demon handle something. ” 你们人类武者修炼途中。会受到仇恨心、贪念、妄念、执念、怨念的影响,这些统称为心魔,可以让你们走火入魔,一身的修为全部废掉。不过,也有大神通、大毅力的强者,不但不惧心魔,还能够用心魔做一些事情。” Heart demon? ” 心魔?” Shi Yan surprised, you must tell my soul technique, is related with the heart demon?” 石岩惊讶了一下,“你要告诉我的魂技,和心魔有关么?” „!, Read and reads, obsession and resentment using your hatred heart corruptly to read these heart demons absurdly, gathered one group of heart demon mood with the special method, then left behind together the mark your soul in the heart demon, can the short time form the demon soul. The demon soul is your false soul, meets the soul attack of Soul Gathering Bead time, you only need to let out the demon soul, Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soul, will destroy your false soul, your real soul actually slightly not affected.” “正是!利用你的仇恨心、贪念、妄念、执念、怨念这些心魔,用特殊的方法聚集成一团心魔情绪,然后将你的灵魂留下一道印记在心魔中,可以短时间形成魔魂。魔魂算是你的一个假魂,遇到聚魂珠的灵魂攻击的时候,你只需要将魔魂放出去,聚魂珠的灵魂之力,会毁去你的假魂,你的真魂却丝毫不受影响。” Demon soul? False soul?” “魔魂?只是假魂?” Snort!” “哼!” Profound Ice Cold Flame some are impatient, „ 玄冰寒焰有些不耐烦,“ Fellow cultivation demon soul, naturally not only so! He can become the true demon soul using heart devil cultivator. True demon soul, is the second soul. Same has the Divine Ability supernatural power, even there is second Sea of Consciousness, once found the appropriate body, the demon soul even can form second him! The demon soul is condensed by the heart demon, has life imprint of main soul, has the memory and knowledge of main soul, the demon soul wants weak in Zhuhun. Will be controlled by the main soul, but once demon soul strong main soul, even can control the main soul, making God Realm Expert turn into the Bloodthirsty crazy demon! ” 那家伙修炼的魔魂,当然不仅仅如此!他可以利用心魔修成真正的魔魂。真正的魔魂,乃是第二灵魂.一样拥有神通法力,甚至有第二个识海,一旦找到合适的身体,魔魂甚至可以形成第二个他!魔魂由心魔凝聚而成,有着主魂的生命烙印,拥有主魂的记忆和知识,魔魂只要弱于主魂。就会被主魂控制,可一旦魔魂强过主魂,甚至可以控制主魂,让一个神境强者变成嗜血的狂魔!” According to you that had the demon soul to be many a life? ” 按照你这么说,有了魔魂岂不是多了一条命?” This! cultivation has become the demon soul, at crucial moment, the main soul can sacrifice the demon soul to escape. So long as lives, but can also continue the meeting again demon soul, the wondrous use is infinite, main soul and demon soul, so long as lives, can rebirth another, complement one another. Very fierce. ” 正是这样!修炼成了魔魂,在关键的时候,主魂可以牺牲魔魂逃生。只要活下来,还可以继续重聚魔魂,妙用无穷,主魂和魔魂,只要活一个,都可以重生另外一个,相辅相成。非常厉害。” Hehe. cultivation Fang Qi of this demon soul, is really fierce. ” 嘿嘿。这魔魂的修炼方泣,果然厉害。” Snort! I will not tell you cultivation method of demon soul, I teach you to form, is only the false soul, can only sacrifice. Without any supernatural power. If lets your understood demon soul the cultivation method, in the future you definitely will cope with me, you want do not think. ” 哼!我是不会告诉你魔魂的修炼方法的,我教你形成的,也只是假魂,只能牺牲。没有任何的法力。要是让你知道了魔魂的修炼方法,将来你肯定会对付我,你想都不要想。” The Shi Yan hollow laugh two, know that the short time wants to obtain the demon soul boat cultivation method from Profound Ice Cold Flame there, feared that is not quite practical, he does not demand , to continue communication: „ 石岩干笑了两声,知道短时间想要从玄冰寒焰那里获得魔魂舟修炼方法,怕是不太实际,他也不强求,继续传讯:“ You the method of precise false soul, consider the poor. ” 那你把凝炼假魂的方法,告菲吧。” Is this, you will hate the heart, to read and read, obsession and resentment to read corruptly to gather absurdly, all sorts of Negative Emotions in your body, condense a soul group in the mind. The soul rolls become, your soul injects in the false soul fiercely, then leaves rapidly. This can leave behind your soul imprint in the false soul, making the soul group have your soul seal, forms the false soul. ” 是这样的,你将仇恨心、贪念、妄念、执念、怨念聚集起来,还有你身体内的种种负面情绪,在脑海中凝聚成一个魂团。魂团一成,你灵魂猛地注入假魂中,然后迅速离开。这样可以在假魂中留下你的灵魂烙印,让魂团拥有你的魂印,形成假魂。” Is this simple every time? ” 这每简单?” Naturally not only so. Midway time, I will control part of power, combs the soul group for you. Then you can inject the soul, I do not help your, you will be retained by the false soul directly, the heart demon will lead all your, making you crazy demon of bloodthirsty, does not have the independent consciousness. ” 当然不仅仅如此。中途的时候,我会控制一部分力量,为你将魂团梳理一下。然后你才可以将灵魂注入,我不帮你一下,你会直接被假魂留住,心魔会主导你的一切,让你成为嗜杀的狂魔,没有自主的意识。” Midway time, do you help me? Helps? ” 中途的时候,你帮我?怎么帮?” Shi Yan coldly snorted, „ 石岩冷哼一声,“ You give up any idea of Blood Vein Ring come out! ” 你休想从血纹戒内出来!” This ghost ring restraint I, my soul could not be coming out, but my consciousness can reveal some...... Henry, my soul, if can leave this ghost ring, I already left! ” 这鬼戒指一直束缚着我,我的灵魂根本出不来,但我的意识可以流露出一些……亨,我的灵魂要是能够离开这个鬼戒指,我早就离开了!” Good, we try now. ” 那好,我们现在就试试吧。” Shi Yan as the Blood Vein Ring master, can control some Blood Vein Ring faintly. 石岩身为血纹戒的主人,隐隐可以控制一些血纹戒 However, he already set firm resolve. In any event, he Blood Vein Ring the bunch will not wrestle Profound Ice Cold Flame power to relieve, this Profound Ice Cold Flame is extremely evil formidable, frequently is thinking occupies his soul, seizing a body his body. 不过,他早就下定了决心。不论如何,他都不会将血纹戒中束搏玄冰寒焰力量解除,这玄冰寒焰太过邪恶强大,时刻想着占据他的灵魂,夺舍他的身体。 Compares Soul Gathering Bead, he dreads Profound Ice Cold Flame! 相比较聚魂珠,他更加忌惮玄冰寒焰 Therefore from beginning to end, he has been stressing that the lane will not put Blood Vein Ring. „ 所以从始至终,他都在一直强调,不会弄放一点血纹戒。“ Few idle talk! A bit faster carries on, the soul mirror that Soul Gathering Bead forms, momentarily possibly makes the soul of demon person. The soul of that demon person comes out, we must rush to Soul Gathering Abyss, you must before the demon person looks for you obtain Soul Gathering Bead, can recruit him with Soul Gathering Bead, otherwise you have dead end 少废话!快点进行吧,那聚魂珠形成的魂镜,随时可能将魔人的灵魂弄过来。那魔人的灵魂一出来,我们就必须马上赶到聚魂潭,你要在魔人找上你之前得到聚魂珠,才可以用聚魂珠吸收了他,否则你只有死路一条” To a Profound Ice Cold Flame such saying, Shi Yan does not dare to hesitate, deeply inspired, takes back from Blood Vein Ring the mind slowly. 玄冰寒焰这么一说,石岩也不敢迟疑,深深吸了一口气,将心神缓缓从血纹戒内收回。 Has sized up around, Shi Yan thought that this place some are inappropriate, here in the mountain valley entrance that Soul Gathering Bead is, will guarantee does not permit to have the Gu Family person to communicate, what if will come will be the Gu Family master, happen to will let loose to search for Divine Sense, can perhaps discover his trail. Has thought that in order to the insurance. Shi Yan also gets down from above diving posture, is far away from the mountain valley rapidly. After several slightly and sometimes, Shi Yan arrives by the mold, he chisels a soil cave in the mold, wormed one's way into to begin to condense the false soul. 打量了一下四周,石岩觉得此地有些不妥当,这里在聚魂珠所在的山谷入口,保不准会有古家人来往,如果来的是古家的高手,正好将神识放开来搜寻,说不定能够发现他的踪迹。想了一下,保险起见。石岩还从上面飞身下来,迅速远离山谷。几个小、时后,石岩来到土山旁边,他在土山中凿开一个土洞,钻了进去着手凝聚假魂。 Displays to gather Martial Skills, all sorts of Negative Energy well up, when acupoint has not purified power these affect his mind sufficiently Negative Emotions, as if also hides in acupoint. Mental Energy that Shi Yan emits, gathers part of Negative Emotions from acupoint desirably. Enters the mind slowly leisurely. The hatred heart, read and reads, obsession and resentment corruptly to read all sorts of thoughts absurdly, reappeared in the Shi Yan heart repeatedly. Under the detailed illustration of Profound Ice Cold Flame, once in his mind gushes out these thoughts, immediately and Negative Emotions congeals, gathers in the mind gradually. 施展出聚走武技,种种负面力量涌出来,在穴道没有净化力量的时候那些足以影响他心灵的负面情绪,似乎还藏在穴道内。石岩放出的精神力,刻意从身上的穴道内聚集一部分负面情绪。缓缓逸入脑海。仇恨心、贪念、妄念、执念、怨念种种念头,在石岩心中反复浮现。在玄冰寒焰的详细解说下,一旦他脑海中涌出这些念头,就立即和负面情绪凝结,渐渐在脑海中汇聚。 For a long time after for a long time, in the Shi Yan mind, left a dusky cyclone, in the cyclone is flooding all sorts of Negative Emotions and heart demon, these mood precise become an air mass, continuously is affecting Shi Yan, making Shi Yan clench jaws, the heart lives Bloodthirsty to slaughter the thought. When this and Shi Yan acupoint purifies these power situations to be somewhat similar, but weak some actually thoroughly have not actually destroyed the Shi Yan will, making Shi Yan fall into to does not know whose region one were. 许久许久之后,在石岩的脑海中,多出了一个灰蒙蒙的气旋,气旋中充斥着种种负面情绪和心魔,这些情绪凝炼成一个气团,不断地影响着石岩,让石岩咬牙切齿,心生嗜血杀戮之念头。这和石岩穴道净化那些力量时的情形有些相似,不过却还是弱了一些倒是并未彻底将石岩的心志摧毁,令石岩陷入到不知自己是谁的境地。 Good, I help you change. ” 好了,我帮你改变一下。” The consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame, the escape from Blood Vein Ring leaves one wisp, is quietly falls to the Shi Yan mind. Shi Yan is critical situation, was not worried cyclone that in the mind forms, but will be is afraid Profound Ice Cold Flame to cause trouble suddenly. He induces discretely is inducing that consciousness of Profound Ice Cold Flame, discovery this consciousness is not formidable, resembles the hand not to blend the memory and wisdom, is the same with his Mental Energy, is only pure spiritual energy, this spiritual energy, has not supplemented any aggressiveness. 玄冰寒焰的意识,从血纹戒内飞逸出一缕,悄无声息地落向石岩的脑海。石岩如临大敌,并不是担心脑海中形成的气旋,而是害怕玄冰寒焰会突然作祟。他谨慎的感应着感应着玄冰寒焰的那一股意识,却发现这意识并不强大,其中似手没有参杂记忆和智慧,和他的精神力一样,只是单纯的一股精神能量,这一股精神能量,还没有附带任何的侵略性。 Shi Yan does not dare to relax, is guarding secretly, has completed, once Profound Ice Cold Flame that spiritual energy has the disadvantageous action not to hesitate impediments at all costs to him immediately. He worried that Profound Ice Cold Flame will use any method. 石岩不敢放松,暗暗提防着,做好了一旦玄冰寒焰的那一股精神能量对他有不利的举动立即不惜一切代价的阻挡。他担心玄冰寒焰会施展什么手脚。 Fortunately, Profound Ice Cold Flame this spirit energy, is really as if well-meant, this ice cold aura has poured into that dusky air mass center completely. Obtains Profound Ice Cold Flame this ice cold soul energy injects in the Shi Yan mind all sorts of heart demons of air mass as if by the even dispersion, Negative Emotions that he gathers, under the Profound Ice Cold Flame ice cold air/Qi, became gentle. „ 还好,玄冰寒焰这一股精神能量,似乎真的没有恶意,这一股冰寒气息全部注入了那灰蒙蒙的气团中央。得到玄冰寒焰这一股冰寒灵魂能量的注入石岩脑海中气团的种种心魔似乎被均匀的分散开来,就连他聚集起来的负面情绪,都在玄冰寒焰的冰寒之气下,变得平和了下来。“ Has been OK, drills into your soul then immediately withdraws! ” 可以了,将你的灵魂钻入里面然后立即退出!” Profound Ice Cold Flame spreads the signal. 玄冰寒焰传出讯号。 Does not dare to hesitate, Shi Yan Mental Energy is centralized, condenses the mind, accumulation soul aura, forms one bunch of light to prick in that false soul slowly fiercely. 不敢迟疑,石岩精神力集中,将心神凝聚起来,缓缓聚集灵魂气息,形成一束光猛地刺入那假魂之中。 Among the flashes, Shi Yan enters layer upon layer in illusion, when parents senseless of dying young life, exploration bordering on hopeless situation suffocates one by one to emerge the heart. 一霎那间,石岩进入层层幻象之中,父母的早逝生活的无趣,探险时的濒临绝境时的窒息一一涌入心头。 The demons of all sorts of fiendish features are strange , the recollections in illusion, throws, tries to pull into nine quiet Hades him who makes threatening gestures completely...... Also there are beautiful moving peerless beautiful woman, the clothing exposition, the luster of the skin lies, shows the exquisitely dainty and ravishingly beautiful posture... All kinds of illusion, appear in false soul, the instance that the Shi Yan soul light beam, passes through, saw countless rogue and enticement unexpectedly. 种种青面獠牙的魔怪,也在幻象中浮想,全部张牙舞爪的扑上来,试图将他扯入九幽黄泉……又有美艳动人的绝世美女,着装暴露,玉体横陈,摆出千娇百媚的姿势…各种各样的幻象,在假魂中浮现过来,石岩的灵魂光束,从中穿过的瞬间,竟然看到了数不尽的凶恶和诱惑。 Finally, all sorts of bad risks and enticement, vanish quickly do not see, when Shi Yan discovered one pass through these all sorts of enticement, is startled fiercely. In that false soul, actually appears own soul miniatures! 终于,种种凶险和诱惑,很快消失不见,当石岩发现自己穿过那些种种诱惑的时候,猛地一惊。那假魂之中,竟然浮现出一个个自己的灵魂缩影! These miniatures in various illusion, facial expression fierce ominous severe must destroy all wild bloodthirsty, all sorts of their soul miniatures in illusion, does not have one normally! 那些缩影处在各种幻象之中,神情狰狞凶厉一副要毁灭一切的狂暴嗜杀,幻象中的种种自己的灵魂缩影,没有一个正常的! That is the miniature that your soul imprint keeps, your soul imprint, activated the false soul, making the false soul have your some consciousness. Relax, this false soul any supernatural power, could not have affected you, you only need, when moves Soul Gathering Bead, keeps off the false soul in the front, can resist the soul attack of Soul Gathering Bead, then held Soul Gathering Bead. ” 那是你灵魂烙印留下来的缩影,你的灵魂烙印,激活了假魂,让假魂拥有了你的部分意识。放心,这假魂没有任何的法力,影响不了你,你只需要在碰触聚魂珠的时候,把假魂挡在前方,就可以抵挡住聚魂珠的灵魂攻击,进而抓住聚魂珠了。” False soul...” “假魂…” Shi Yan is astonished however, „ why, why I thought that I also in the middle of that illusion, why, why I felt that I as if hasn't walked? I in that illusion. 石岩讶然,“为什么,为什么我觉得我还在那幻象当中,为什么,为什么我感觉自己似乎并未走出来?那幻象之中的我。 Probably really I, this, how is this matter? ” 好像真的我,这,这是怎么一回事?” You keep soul imprint in inside, although the false soul does not have the supernatural power, actually is also your heart demon miniature, with your real soul intercommunication. You have that feeling to be very normal, when you have formed the demon soul, your experience must marvelous, but I will never tell you real method of cultivation demon soul!” “你在里面留下来灵魂烙印,假魂虽然没有法力,却也是你的心魔缩影,和你的真魂互通。你有那种感觉很正常,等你真的形成了魔魂,你的体会还要更加的奇妙,不过我永远不会告诉你修炼魔魂的真正方法!” Demon soul! Demon soul! 魔魂!魔魂! Shi Yan takes back from Blood Vein Ring the mind, the eye has glistened suddenly, muttered whispers: I will wrap sooner or later from your mouth! Snort!” 石岩将心神从血纹戒内收回,眼睛骤然闪亮了起来,喃喃低语:“我早晚会从你口中套出来!哼!” The mind leaves Blood Vein Ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame cannot hear his thinking aloud, actually as before glittering. 心神离开血纹戒,玄冰寒焰听不到他的自言自语,却依旧闪烁着。 Three days later. 天后 observation sky Shi Yan, suddenly the discovery space has been presenting shadows, that shadow to become Pai, flies slowly toward the Gu Family biggest mine. 一直观察着天空的石岩,突然发现天上出现一个个黑影,那黑影成排,缓缓朝着古家最大的矿场飞去。 Shi Yan gains ground looks, immediately sees these shadows, he had ridden Cyan Blood Bat. 石岩抬头一望,立即看出那些黑影,正是他曾经乘坐过的青血魔蝠 The complexion changes, Shi Yan has judged, discovered that goes to the Gu Family mine from his direction, at least requires quite a while the time. 脸色微变,石岩判断了一下,发现从他的方向前往古家的矿场,至少需要半天时间。 But rushes mountain valley that Soul Gathering Bead is, only takes two hours! 而赶往聚魂珠所在的山谷,只需要两个小时! Has hesitated, Shi Yan immediately some decision, immediately flushes away toward the mountain valley that Soul Gathering Bead is. He knows that the accident will arrive immediately! 沉吟了一下,石岩马上有了决定,立即朝着聚魂珠所在的山谷冲去。他知道,变故马上就会到来!
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