GOS :: Volume #2

#167: Scheme demon person

South Rosy Clouds Island, in a covert mountain valley, various towering trees Yinyin, cover heaven and earth. 云霞岛南部,一个隐蔽的山谷中,各种参天树木茵茵,遮天盖地。 In the mountain valley, winds around the dusky mist, the mist is not condensing loose. 山谷中,缭绕着灰蒙蒙的雾气,雾气凝聚不散。 In the mist, the mountain valley is flooding deathly silence, not having Demonic Beast to appear and disappear, does not see the Warrior signs. 在雾气中,山谷充斥着死寂,没有妖兽出没,也不见武者踪迹。 The thick mist, blocks from the sky of mountain valley, the shining sunlight, cannot penetrate these mist unexpectedly, arrives at the mountain valley. 浓稠的雾气,将山谷的天空遮住,灿灿日光,竟不能穿透那些雾气,降临到山谷。 Shi Yan arrives at the mountain valley the entrance, thinks the air to be moist, knows that in the mountain valley should have the water source to exist. 石岩来到山谷的入口处,觉得空气潮湿,知道山谷中应该有着水源存在。 Relies on that ice cold evil aura, Shi Yan is looking, when to arriving here, actually discovery that ice cold evil air/Qi, without a trace of disappearance. 依循着那一股冰寒邪恶之气息,石岩一路找过来,待到走到这里,却发现那冰寒邪恶之气,消失的无影无踪。 More is far from this mountain valley, he instead more can induce to unusual of here, however, arrived here truly, actually what could not discover, did this make Shi Yan have one type has found fault the feeling? 越是离这山谷远,他反而越是能够感应到此处的不同寻常,然而,真正来到这里了,却什么都发现不了,这让石岩生出一种是不是找错了的感觉? Hides on a mountain valley entrance old tree, Shi Yan looks into the mountain valley in the tree phyllome, discovered that the mountain valley was keeping off by the mist, anything does not see clearly, does not know that in the mountain valley has anything. 躲藏在山谷入口的一棵古树上,石岩在树叶丛中眺望山谷,发现山谷被雾气挡着,什么都看不清楚,不知道山谷内到底有着什么。 Sharply has not been entering the mountain valley, Shi Yan hides on the old tree, waits silently. 没有急着进入山谷,石岩藏身在古树上,默默等候。 After three day, from the thick mist of mountain valley, spread the intense soul suction strength suddenly! 三日后,从山谷的浓稠雾气中,突然传出了强烈的灵魂吸吮力! The soul that Rosy Clouds Island, naked eyes are in all directions difficult to see is receiving the attraction of mountain valley, gathers, changes into dusky black light, has flown into some of mountain valley, does not see in a flash. 云霞岛四面八方,一道道肉眼难见的灵魂受着山谷的吸引,纷纷聚集过来,化为一道道灰蒙蒙的乌光,飞进了山谷的某种,转瞬不见。 The Shi Yan complexion changes, looks out into the distance with rapt attention, discovered that in the mountain valley mist deep place, has countless black light in glittering. 石岩脸色一变,凝神远眺,发现在山谷的雾气深处,有着数不尽的乌光闪烁 If together black light is together the shade of soul, various life souls that in that mountain valley has, fears is tens of thousands, also does not know that had many people put to death by Gu Family. 如果一道乌光便是一道灵魂之影,那山谷中存在的各种生灵灵魂,怕是成千上万,也不知道有多少人被古家诛杀了。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That ice cold evil aura, spreads quietly from the mountain valley, as if the smog scatters general, fills the air in the entire Rosy Clouds Island sky, seems gathering anything, is changing anything...... Is standing outside the mountain valley, this Shi Yan clear induction to this ice cold evil air/Qi, came from the Fourth Devil Area demon person absolutely! 那一股冰寒邪恶的气息,又悄悄从山谷内蔓延开来,仿佛烟雾飘散一般,弥漫在整个云霞岛的天空,似乎在聚集着什么,改变着什么……就在山谷外站着,这一次石岩清晰的感应到这一股冰寒邪恶之气,绝对是来自于第四魔域的魔人! At this moment, Shi Yan has affirmed own guess finally! 这一刻,石岩终于肯定了自己的猜测! Blood Vein Ring on hand, shines, in which Profound Ice Cold Flame, as if there is words to say. 手上的血纹戒,忽闪忽闪的,其中的玄冰寒焰,似乎有话要讲。 Shi Yan looked at Blood Vein Ring one, the mind sinks to how?” 石岩看了血纹戒一眼,将心神沉入其中“怎么啦?” In mountain valley! Is eight levels of Soul Swallowing Beast poly soul! Soul Gathering Bead in the water, in the water full is the soul, can affirm that Soul Gathering Bead sank under water, will form the soul mirror to connect two!” Profound Ice Cold Flame feeling pleased scream. “就在山谷中!是八级吞魂兽的聚魂株!聚魂珠在水中,水中满是灵魂,可以肯定聚魂珠沉入了水底,会形成魂镜来连通两界!”玄冰寒焰喜滋滋的尖叫。 Eight levels of Soul Swallowing Beast Soul Gathering Bead?” The Shi Yan heart lives to be astonished however, inside is containing the strength of soul, to be richer? Naturally. “八级吞魂兽聚魂珠?”石岩心生讶然,里面蕴藏着的灵魂之力,岂不是更加浓郁?当然。 Profound Ice Cold Flame appeared very excited you do not explore the mountain valley with Mental Energy, some people supposed layer on layer restriction in the mountain valley, in the mountain valley also had the person who you were fiercer than are alerting, so long as your Mental Energy revealed an corner/horn, possibly will immediately be discovered „,” that ice cold evil soul, should come from Fourth Devil Area, did he arrive? „” Fourth Devil Area? Profound Ice Cold Flame somewhat seems to be strange, in my memory, this Devil Territory master are least, in four big Devil Territory, the first Devil Territory demon person is strongest, the second, third next best, the Fourth Devil Area demon person most out of it, I know that first Devil Territory very long time ago by seal, nobody can enter, second, third Devil Territory, got up by the seal? Profound Ice Cold Flame, when heaven and earth inaugurates, had the simple consciousness, in the long years, it once was tried to absorb by many Expert, these Expert without exception are the Grace Mainland peak characters, the memories and knowledge in these person of mind, are common.” 玄冰寒焰显得很兴奋”你不要用精神力去探索山谷了,有人在山谷中设下了重重禁制,山谷中还有比你厉害的人戒备着,只要你精神力露出一角,可能立即就会被发现“,”那一个冰寒邪恶的灵魂,应该来自于第四魔域,难道他已经到来了?“”第四魔域?“玄冰寒焰似乎有些奇怪”,在我的记忆中,这个魔域高手最少,四大魔域中,第一魔域的魔人最强,第二、第三次之,第四魔域的魔人最逊,我知道第一魔域很早就被封印了,没人可以进入,难道第二、第三魔域,也都被封印起来了?“玄冰寒焰天地初开的时候,已经拥有了简单的意识,在漫长的岁月中,它曾经被许多强者试图吸收,那些强者无一例外都是神恩大陆巅峰人物,这些人脑海之中的记忆和知识,非常寻常。” Profound Ice Cold Flame from the memories of these people, understood many present Warrior is hard hidden secret that knows, is mastering many ancient knowledge, it regarding the understanding of major Devil Territory, even possibly surpasses the character who Yang Family has advocated Yang Qingdi this rank. 玄冰寒焰从那些人的记忆中,知道了许多如今的武者难以知晓的秘辛,掌握着许多古老的知识,它对于各大魔域的了解,甚至可能超过了杨家之主扬青帝这种级别的人物。 „Do you know the related four big Devil Territory matter?” Shi Yan stunned. “你知道有关四大魔域的事情?”石岩愕然 I know that I obtained the much knowledge and remember, has four big Devil Territory. “我知道啊,我得到了很多知识和记忆,其中就有四大魔域的。 In four big Devil Territory, Fourth Devil Area is a weakest side, I from the memories of several fellows, saw that they had gone to second, third Devil Territory, plunders the demon boundary treasure rare object capital, encounters, the gloom that with the fierce demon person hits, gives tearing...... ” Profound Ice Cold Flame the Devil Territory demon peak sea of clouds in this regard, has not evaded Shi Yan, said at will the words that make the Shi Yan mind panic-stricken. 四大魔域中,第四魔域还是最弱的一方,我从好几个家伙的记忆中,都见到他们曾经去过第二、第三魔域,从中掠夺魔境珍奇物资,和厉害的魔人交锋,打的天昏地暗,将魔域魔峰云海都给撕裂……”玄冰寒焰在这方面,并没有避讳石岩,随意道来的一番话,却让石岩心神惊骇。 From the narration of Profound Ice Cold Flame, Shi Yan is not difficult to discover that these try to occupy the Profound Ice Cold Flame fellow, is having the energy of exceedingly high penetrating place. 玄冰寒焰的叙述中,石岩不难发现那些试图占据玄冰寒焰的家伙,一个个都拥有着通天彻地之能。 Has one person, even can not draw support Gate of Heaven, in two comes and goes! The Divine Ability supernatural power is boundless, able to move unhindered two do not have the rival! 有一人,甚至可以不借助于天门,在两界来去自如!神通法力无边,纵横两界都几无敌手! These many fierce characters, haven't some people truly recruited you?” Shi Yan was astonished however you saying that the fellow who called Nie Qu, able to move unhindered several did not have the rival, can't this character, give to absorb you?” I, I had integrated soul by him, Profound Ice Cold Flame the dispirited „, he was too immediately fierce, I could not revolt, I integrated Sea of Consciousness by him, has become in his Sea of Consciousness, three in strength of soul, in his Sea of Consciousness, another two formidable life consciousness, was given to enslave by him, this fellow was too fearful, I did not revolt......,” Why can you run away? „” He from Third Sky of True God Realm, breakthrough God King Realm time, was besieged with other Level Expert by several. The soul when breakthrough cannot divert attention while him, was being destroyed his fleshly body by several same level Expert, I with another two fellows, ran away from his soul Sea of Consciousness secretly. He lost the strength of our three soul, fleshly body is also extinguished, should be destroyed True God Third Sky thoroughly!” Shi Yan with amazement „, the fellow also is really fearful, in soul Sea of Consciousness, besides you, integrated other two life bodies unexpectedly? That two fellows, are the same with you, is Heavenly Flame?” „It is not Heavenly Flame, actually is also in world most mysterious two lives, is different from your humanity, has the soul inborn, does not have the body. Snort, heaven this limits us intentionally, if we have fleshly body inborn, your humanity at all possibly is not our matches!” Shi Yan is filled with surprisedly, when he discovers and Profound Ice Cold Flame conversation, can obtain the unthinkable ancient knowledge. “这么多厉害的人物,就不曾有人真正吸收你?”石岩讶然“你说得那个叫聂阒的家伙,纵横几界都无敌手,这种人物,难道没能将你给吸收了?”“我,我曾经被他融入过灵魂”,玄冰寒焰立即萎靡了“,他太厉害了,我根本反抗不了,我被他融入了识海,成了他识海中,三种灵魂之力中的一股,在他识海中,还有另外两股强大的生命意识,也被他给奴役了,这个家伙太可怕了,我根本反抗不了……,”为什么你能够逃出来?“”他从真神三重天之境,突破神王之境的时候,被数名同等级别的强者围攻。趁着他在突破时灵魂不能分心,又正被几名同级强者将他肉身摧毁,我和另外两个家伙,偷偷从他灵魂识海内逃了出来。他失去了我们三股灵魂之力,肉身也被灭了,应该被彻底毁去了“真神三重天!”石岩骇然“,那家伙还真是可怕,灵魂识海之中,除了你之外,竟然还融入了别的两股生命体?那两个家伙,和你一样,也是天火么?”“不是天火,却也是世间最为神奇的两种生命,和你们人类不一样,天生只有灵魂,却没有身体。哼,老天这是故意限制我们,如果我们天生就有肉身,你们人类根本不可能是我们的对手!”石岩满心惊讶,他发现和玄冰寒焰交谈时,能够得到许多匪夷所思的古老知识。 Some experiences of Profound Ice Cold Flame, simply are the book of ancient historical Expert, it regarding the understanding of Expert and cultivation, absolutely compared with the thoroughness that present Endless Sea many God Realm Expert must understand. 玄冰寒焰的一些经历,简直就是一本古老的历史强者之书,它对于强者修炼的认识,绝对比如今无尽海很多神境强者要理解的透彻。 Do not be worried that now the soul that overflows from the mountain valley was too scattered, is only extending of consciousness, without the accumulation, the true soul does not arrive.” Profound Ice Cold Flame thinks the Shi Yan fear, comforts saying: Here slaughters the person everywhere, but to use the soul forms to mix the bridge, making that person of consciousness attach in the soul, when the consciousness splits up thousands of stocks to come, when the time comes congealed is, the soul can all arrive.” How do you want to obtain Soul Gathering Bead?” Shi Yan asked. “你别担心,现在从山谷内溢出来的灵魂太分散了,只是意识的延伸,没有聚集,就不是真正灵魂降临。”玄冰寒焰以为石岩害怕,宽慰道:“这里到处屠杀人,只是为了用灵魂形成混桥,让那人的意识依附在灵魂上,等到意识分化千万股全部过来,到时候凝为一股,灵魂就可以全部降临了。”“你想要怎么得到聚魂珠?”石岩问。 „After and other fellows come, Profound Ice Cold Flame explained: Soul Gathering Bead has the ability of suction soul inborn, normally, once your I approach Soul Gathering Bead, our souls by the power influence of Soul Gathering Bead, I can also support immediately, you will be attracted the soul by Soul Gathering Bead immediately. However, after Soul Gathering Bead forms soul mirror, Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soul, will be used to support the soul mirror, at this time will not have the soul suction strength, so long as at this time you flew into that water, I will use my power, all frozen, when the time comes you can attain Soul Gathering Bead, „, if the soul of that demon person near Soul Gathering Bead, I will immediately also be killed by the demon person? Also, if the soul mirror has relieved, the Soul Gathering Bead soul suction strength produces, what to do can I?” That flag person soul arrived here, certainly must handle any matter, not continuously by Soul Gathering Bead. When that demon person left, we enter Soul Gathering Bead hides in the water again, so long as you obtained Soul Gathering Bead, I will tell you to control the Soul Gathering Bead method immediately, when the time comes was the soul mirror vanished, you did not need to worry that what Soul Gathering Bead will cause to threaten to you, „, if the soul of demon person did return?” Ha Ha, he brings about own destruction! Without fleshly body, the demon person but who the soul arrives, his soul cannot block the Soul Gathering Bead soul suction strength. The Soul Gathering Bead most major function, absorbs the soul, has the fleshly body soul because of the foundation also, will receive Soul Gathering Bead influence small many times. But once the soul leaves the body, has bumped into Soul Gathering Bead, even if God Realm Expert, feared that is difficult to run away Soul Gathering Bead attracting throat. If that demon person discovered that you can control Soul Gathering Bead, after he sees you, running away is definitely quicker than you, Ha Ha!” The Shi Yan corners of the mouth overflow a wisp of smile suddenly „, said that so long as I grasped Soul Gathering Bead, had has coped with that demon person soul power?” Naturally, how when the time comes I will tell you to control Soul Gathering Bead, once we attain Soul Gathering Bead, immediately finds that demon person to start. Dares from Devil Territory with the demon person who the soul arrives, certainly very formidable, his soul was absorbed Soul Gathering Bead, are more than strength of soul the souls of several thousand common people form, cannot waste, oh! You just wait, wait for the soul of that demon person to arrive, leaves after the mountain valley, we enter the mountain valley. “等那家伙过来以后”,玄冰寒焰解释:“聚魂珠天生有着吸吮灵魂的能力,正常情况下,一旦你我靠近聚魂珠,我们的灵魂会立即被聚魂珠力量影响,我还可以支撑住,你会立即被聚魂珠吸掉灵魂。不过,在聚魂珠形成魂镜以后,聚魂珠的灵魂之力,会用来支撑魂镜,这时候就不会产生灵魂吸吮力,这时候只要你飞入那水中,我会用我的力量,将一切冰封,到时候你就可以将聚魂珠拿到”,“如果那魔人的灵魂也在聚魂珠附近,我岂不是会被魔人立即袭杀?还有,要是魂镜解除了,聚魂珠的灵魂吸吮力重新产生,我又要怎么办?”“那麾人灵魂降临这里,肯定要做什么事情,不会一直在聚魂珠旁边。等那魔人离开了,我们再进入聚魂珠藏在的水中,只要你得到了聚魂珠,我会立即告诉你掌控聚魂珠的方法,到时候就算是魂镜消失了,你也不用担心聚魂珠会对你造成什么威胁了”,“如果魔人的灵魂返回呢?”“哈哈,那他自寻死路!没有肉身,只是灵魂降临的魔人,他的灵魂根本挡不住聚魂珠的灵魂吸吮力。聚魂珠最大的作用,就是吸收灵魂,拥有肉身的灵魂因为根基还在,受到聚魂珠的影响会小很多倍。可一旦灵魂离开身体,碰到了聚魂珠,就算是神境强者,怕是都难逃聚魂珠的吸咙。那魔人要是发现你能够掌控聚魂珠,他见到你之后,逃的肯定比你还快,哈哈!”石岩嘴角突然溢出一缕微笑“,这么说,只要我掌握了聚魂珠,就拥有了对付那魔人灵魂的力量了?”“当然,到时候我会告诉你怎么掌控聚魂珠,我们一旦拿到聚魂珠,立即去找那魔人下手。敢从魔域用灵魂降临的魔人,一定非常的强大,他的灵魂被吸收进聚魂珠,比数万平民的灵魂形成的灵魂之力都要多,不能浪费了”,嗯嗯!那你就等着吧,等那魔人的灵魂降临,从山谷离开之后,我们就进入山谷。 restriction in mountain valley, is not for me useful, when the time comes I will release my power, freezes all restriction, you can push directly into well „,”! „” I think, um, even if Soul Gathering Bead must maintain the soul mirror, but once you move it, it will also form the soul attack to cope with you. So long as you block one time to weaken many soul impacts, can attain Soul Gathering Bead. However, your Realm was too probably low, possibly links its soul impact unable to resist, ok, I that Nie Qu one soul defense soul according to teaching you, although your present Realm is very low, but grasped the soul technique of that fellow, you should also be able to keep off a wave of Soul Gathering Bead soul to attack Quiet Whisper Soul Technique brightly......” the Shi Yan eye suddenly one. 山谷内的禁制,对我来说没有什么用,到时候我会释放我的力量,将所有禁制冰冻,你可以长驱直入“,”好!“”我想一想,嗯,就算聚魂珠要维持魂镜,可一旦你碰触到它,它也会形成灵魂攻击对付你。你只要挡住一次减弱许多的灵魂冲击,就可以拿到聚魂珠。不过,你的境界好像太低了,可能连它的一次灵魂冲击都抵挡不住,算了,我把那个聂阒的一种灵魂防御魂按教给你,虽然你现在境界很低,但掌握了那家伙的这个魂技,你应该也可以挡一波聚魂珠的灵魂攻击了“聂阒的魂技……”石岩眼睛骤然一亮。 Snort! Your other happy is too early, I only teach you to be most basic, so as to avoid you will cope with me in the future!” “哼!你别高兴的太早,我只教给你最基本的,免得你将来对付我!” Basic also good, Hehe. “基本的也行,嘿嘿”。
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