GOS :: Volume #2

#166: Saying it and meaning it

The sea that south Yuanluo Sea Area, deep Shan day, Wei falls , the sea day boils the color. 垣罗海域南方,湛苫的天,蔚落的海,海天一煮色。 Under bunches of pure white cloud clusters, dozens Cyan Blood Bat are carrying on the back Shura Blood Guard, speeds along in the Rosy Clouds Island direction slowly. 一簇簇素白的云团下,数十头青血魔蝠驮着修罗血卫,缓缓朝着云霞岛的方向飞驰。 The body of Cyan Blood Bat, Shura Blood Guard facial expressions are solemn, air/Qi of evil spiritas if returns from the bloody battlefield. 青血魔蝠的身上,一名名修罗血卫神情冷峻,一身的凶煞之气”似乎才从血腥战场返回。 In the front of team, on first six levels of Cyan Blood Bat, Mo Duanhun narrows the eyes to focus slightly, as if has fallen asleep generally. 在队伍的前方,一头六级的青血魔蝠身上,莫断魂微微眯着眼,仿佛睡着了一般。 Has a pure white flying lion in this Cyan Blood Bat side, the flying lion lives the wide long wings, in the wings lightning glittering, speeds along has the color of wind and thunder faintly. 在这一头青血魔蝠的身旁”有一头洁白的飞狮,飞狮生有宽长的双翼,双翼中电光闪烁,飞驰间隐隐有风雷之色。 Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, six levels of Demonic Beast, like the wind, the wings live thunder and lightning rapidly, is fierce Demonic Beast that Jialuo Sea Area Tianxie Fairyland tames. 风雷飞狮,六级妖兽,迅如风,双翼生雷电,乃伽罗海域天邪洞天驯养的厉害妖兽 On this Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion, is sitting well two females, is all bringing the veil, the bright eyes like the neck snow white flesh that gemreveals, has the porcelain general gloss under the sunlight. 在这一头风雷飞狮身上,端坐着两名女子,皆是带着面纱,明眸如宝石”显露的脖颈雪白肌肤,在日光下有着瓷器一般的光泽。 Elder Sister Xinyan, why can you with?”, He Qingman stretched oneself, said lazy: On Rosy Clouds Island what does not have, only then one pile of broken stones, you rare, what don't we come to here to waste the time to make?” 心妍姐,你为什么非要跟过来呢?”,何青曼伸了个懒腰,慵懒道:“云霞岛上什么都没有,只有一堆破石头,你又不稀罕,我们来这里浪费时间做什么?” I have not made you curl the lip with......” Xia Xinyan, said lightly: You do not treat in Tianxie Fairyland well must rush about with me, I have not asked youam being you bring upon oneself...... ” “我可没让你跟来……”夏心妍撇嘴,淡淡道:“你不好好在天邪洞天待着”非要跟我东奔西跑,我可没求着你”都是你自找的……” The He Qingman sexy look is narrowing the eyes slightly, ripples intoxicant grace and bearing, these three years, you early do not return to Xia Family, must gather with the Yang Family ginseng, has been coping with Gu Family and Dongfang Family, why? I am very curious, I listened to others saying that you for a man......” 何青曼桃花眼微微眯着,荡漾出醉人的风情,“这三年来,你不早早回夏家,非要跟着杨家参合,一直在对付古家东方家,为什么?我很好奇呀,我听人家说,你是为了一个男人……” Whom a duplicate Xinyan black eyebrows wrinkle„did you listen to say?”, This you did not need to manage......” He Qingman beautiful pupil belt to smilebeautiful hair in the sea breeze fly upwards, the ketone body sent concave-convex, actually only wore tight-fitting leather clothingbig piece snow white revealed that hotElder Sister Xinyan, had this matter?”, You did not say that I also know is...... Xia Xinyan coldly snorted that who said, is your Senior Brother Xie Kui? He prepares taking advantage of your.” Wraps my words...... ” 心妍黛眉一皱”“你听谁说的?”,“这你就不用管了……”何青曼美眸带笑”在海风中一头秀发飞扬,酮体凹凸有致,却只穿着紧身的皮衣”身上大片的雪白显露出来,火辣之极”“心妍姐,到底有没有这事呀?”,“你不说我也知道是谁说的……”夏心妍冷哼一声,“是不是你师兄邪魁?他是准备借你的。”来套我的话吧……” Elder Sister Xinyan is really intelligent......” He Qingman to narrow the eyes to focus, did not deny that ” said with a smile tenderly: My Senior Brother is passionately devoted to you, these years throughout are pursuing you, have not actually seen you to have anything to respond. This you to seek for false Gate of Heaven go to sea, after coming back, no longer responds him, my Senior Brother is perplexed experiences for a long time to inquire that ” heard youknew in that remote place Yang Family abandons many years of boy, it is said that boy also died...... ”, who said that he died......” duplicate Xinyan coldly snorted, layer on layer said: Was he dies! I will not accept Xie Kui!”, Elder Sister Xinyan, what you also really and does that fellow have?”, He Qingman calls out in alarm one, this time revealed really came me curiously is just probed, although my Senior Brother has said that but I actually do not believe that Elder Sister Xinyan will have a liking for a First Sky of Disaster Level fellow, it is said that fellow has lived in that remote place, the time that Elder Sister Xinyan and he knew is so short, how can...... ” 心妍姐真聪明……”何青曼眯着眼,也不否认”娇笑道:“我师兄对你一往情深,这些年来可是始终在追求你,却没见你有什么反应。这一趟你为了寻找一个伪天门出海,回来后更是不再搭理他,我师兄不明所以”久经打听”才听说你在那个偏僻之地”认识了一个杨家遗弃多年的小子,据说那小子还死了……”,“谁说他死了……”复心妍冷哼一声,重重道:“就算是他死了!我也不会接受邪魁!”,“心妍姐,你还真的和那家伙有什么啊?”,何青曼惊呼一声,这次真显露出好奇来”“我刚刚都是试探的,虽然我师兄一直说,可我却不相信心妍姐会看上一个百劫一重天之境的家伙,据说那家伙一直生活在那偏僻之地,心妍姐和他认识的时间那么短暂,怎么会……” In the He Qingman eye was completely surprisedsits straight the body, appeared extremely pays attention to this matter. 何青曼眼中满是惊奇”坐直了身子,显得非常关注此事。 The shadow, appears together suddenly in the Xia Xinyan heart lake...... 一道影子,骤然在夏心妍心湖中浮现出来…… Xia Xinyan black eyebrows under the gaze of He Qingman is winding around the light sadness, limpid moving pupilsomewhat dimly is also out of sorts recollection bottle opener anything that ” acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner unexpectedly. 何青曼的注视下”夏心妍黛眉缭绕着淡淡的忧伤,清澈动人的眸子”也有些朦胧失神起来”竟旁若无人的回忆起子什么。 He Qingman gazed at duplicate Xinyan ” to make duplicate Xinyan to that quietly worry about the present man to fill curiously, does not know that fellow used any method, made Xia Family the lovable girl of day so unforgettable unexpectedly. 何青曼悄悄注视着复心妍”对那个能让复心妍一直记挂到现在的男人充满了好奇,不知道那家伙到底用什么手段,竟然让复家的天之娇女如此难忘。 Her Senior Brother Xie Kui, is outstanding in the Tianxie Fairyland intelligence, not only the look is handsome, cultivation base is immeasurably deep, will be Tianxie Fairyland will most have the potential seed master in the future. 师兄邪魁,在天邪洞天资质出众,不但相貌英俊,一身修为更是深不可测,乃是天邪洞天未来最有潜力的种子高手。 He Qingman understood to the charm regarding his Senior Brother that knows in Tianxie Fairyland, many junior sisters are infatuated with monster Kui. 何青曼对于他师兄到魅力非常了解,知道在天邪洞天,有多少师妹迷恋妖魁。 Such an outstanding man, cannot move Xia Xinyan, did that call Shi Yan fellow have what skills and abilities? Died was so long, unexpectedly also made Xia Xinyan reluctant to part! 这么一个出众的男子,都不能打动夏心妍,那叫石岩的家伙何德何能?都死了这么久,居然还让夏心妍恋恋不舍! Yeah, what a pity he died. Otherwise I want to see him, looked he has well any...... ” half soundHe Qingman regrettable sighshook the head, whispers:, I do not believe really he is more outstanding than my Senior Brother, my Senior Brother, entered Second Sky of Earth Level now, fellow again how diligently, is not my Senior Brother match......” “哎,可惜他已经死了。要不然”我真的想见见他,看他有什么好的……”半响”何青曼不无遗憾的叹息一声”摇了摇头,嘀咕道:,“我真不相信他比我师兄更加优秀,我师兄,如今已经进入地位二重天之境,那家伙再怎么努力,也不是我师兄对手……” Duplicate Xinyan knitting the brows head, said lightly: His Realm indeed is inferior to Xie Kui.”, That is natural, my Senior Brother in Jialuo Sea Area, may go out of the cultivation madman. 27 years old, Earth Realm Second Sky, is so young, so Realm, in our Jialuo Sea Area, may unable to discover several people to come......” in the He Qingman eye to have a smile, slanting looks at duplicate Xinyan, Elder Sister Xinyan, the fellow cannot compare my Senior Brother......” 心妍皱了皱眉头,淡淡道:“他境界的确不如邪魁。”,“那是当然,我师兄伽罗海域,可走出了名的修炼狂人。27岁,地位二重天,如此年轻,如此境界,在我们伽罗海域,可真找不出几人来……”何青曼眼中含笑,斜看着心妍,“心妍姐,那家伙怎么也比不上我师兄吧……” He is 17 years old cultivation, has used for one year, promote entered Disaster First Sky, body at least three Martial Spirit......” Xia Xinyan looked that has not looked at He Qingman, coldly said: If by talent and cultivation speed, let alone Jialuo Sea Area, entire Endless Sea youth talent, nobody compares favorably with he......” “他17岁修炼,用了一年时间,晋入百劫一重天,身上至少有三种武魂……”夏心妍看也没看何青曼,冷冷道:“若论天赋和修炼速度,别说伽罗海域了,整个无尽海的青年才俊,也没有一个人比得上他……” He Qingman with amazement. 何青曼骇然。 Half sound, she quietly looked at not far away Mo Duanhun one, the secret vomiting tongue, whispered in a soft voice: Really is abnormal! That fellow, otherwise Yang Family did not have such a crazy fellow fortunately, feared that is will be securer, does not know that will make any shocking matter to come.” 半响,她才悄悄看了不远处的莫断魂一眼,暗暗呕舌,轻声嘀咕:“果然是变态!还好那家伙不在了,要不然杨家有了这么一个疯狂的家伙,怕是会更加有恃无恐,不知道会做出什么骇人听闻的事情来呢。” He does not have duplicate Xinyan cold Heng one, said lightly: „ Yang Family after my mouth knows is related he news, the Lord of Yang Family has consumed the blood of three drops of Immortal, calculated that with big Divine Ability he is also living, moreover live well! And points out three years later present, he should appear on Rosy Clouds Island, at this time, he should on the island......” “他没复心妍冷亨一声,淡淡道:“杨家从我口中知道有关他的消息之后,杨家之主耗费了三滴不死之血,用大神通推算出他还活着,而且还活的好好的!并且指出三年之后的现在,他应该已经出现在云霞岛上了,此时,他应该就在岛上……” With the blood of three drops of Immortal, but wants to know that he is living? Yang Qingdi also really cares about him!”, He Qingman calls out in alarm one, at once nodded, „is also, cultivation more than one year, step into First Sky of Disaster Level directly, under this crazy fellow no wonder Yang Family meets the initial capital...... ” “用三滴不死之血,只是想要知道他是不是活着?扬青帝还真的在乎他啊!”,何青曼惊呼一声,旋即才点了点头,“也是,修炼一年多,直接踏入百劫一重天之境,这种疯狂的家伙”难怪杨家会下血本……” The Xia Xinyan black eyebrows micro wrinkle, sighed, „the tour of this Rosy Clouds Island, the Lord of Yang Family said is dangerous, said that in the island feared will have the accident. Qingman I must come ”, but you actually should notnow I explain with me situationyou leave at this time also with enough time...... ” 夏心妍黛眉微皱,叹息一声,“不过这一趟云霞岛之行,杨家之主说非常危险,说岛上怕是会有变故。青曼”我是必须要来”但你却不应跟着我”现在我说明了情况”你此时离开还来得及……” Not!”, He Qingman shakes the head again and again, said with a smile tenderly: You know I like the danger, since you said that fellow on the island, I must certainly experience. Said that many to you, I to him was more and more curious, what wants to have a look at him to have really to attract your place, Elder Sister Xinyan, had you been occupied advantage/cheap by him? Otherwise, will you be protecting him? ”, Duplicate Xinyan neck suddenly flood redmaliciously white He Qingman, scolds saying: Smelly girl, you dares to talk nonsense again, believes me to throw you?” “不不不!”,何青曼连连摇头,娇笑道:“你知道我喜欢危险的”既然你说那家伙在岛上,我肯定要见识见识的。给你说了那么多,我对他是越来越好奇了,真想看看他到底有什么吸引你的地方,心妍姐,你是不是被他占过便宜了?要不然,你怎么会那么护着他?”,复心妍脖颈突然泛红”狠狠地白了何青曼一眼,呵斥道:“臭丫头,你敢再胡说八道,信不信我把你扔下去?” Feeds!”, He Qingman shouts with a smile, you must know that this Lightning Wind Winged Flying Lion is my Mounts, did you also go too far? I know that” I feared speaks of your sore spot, is right? Elder Sister Xinyan, you had been occupied advantage/cheap by that hateful fellow unexpectedly! Snort, I have not bumped Elder Sister Xinyan, if really sees this him, I decide however must ask him to do accounts...... ” “喂喂喂!”,何青曼笑着嚷嚷起来,“你要知道,这风雷飞狮可是我的坐骑,你也太过分了吧?我知道”我怕是说到你痛处了,对不对?心妍姐呀,你竟被那可恶的家伙占过便宜了!哼,我都没碰过心妍姐,真要是见这他,我定然要找他算账……” Being disinclined manages you......” Xia Xinyan to shake the head reluctantly, as if knows that this girl is hard to deal with. “懒得理你……”夏心妍无奈地摇了摇头,似乎知道这丫头难缠。 Seven days arrive at Rosy Clouds Island......” in this timefront Mo Duanhun, suddenly turned headto say wooden: These has the unknown bad risk, although I made preparation to be possible unable to guarantee absolutely safe. You should better realize that this time will have superior of life, from now on should discrete. Xia girl, you should still remember that Old Xiao's bitter experience ” should not be attacked not to feel in the midway...... ” “还有七天到达云霞岛……”就在此时”前方的莫断魂,突然回过头来”木然道:“这一趟有很多未知凶险,虽然我做了准备”可还是不敢保证万无一失。你们俩最好意识到这次会有性命之优,从现在起就应该谨慎一点。夏丫头,你应该还记得老萧的遭遇”不要在中途被人袭击了都没感觉到……” Mo Duanhun such remarks, the Xia Xinyan look changesimmediately said: understood......” 莫断魂此话一出,夏心妍眼神一变”马上道:“知道了……” He Qingman spits Ding Xiang little tongue, made faces toward that Mo Duanhun, cracks into a chucklenot to be afraidhas not actually continued to entangle Xia Xinyan to be wordy. 何青曼吐了吐丁香小舌,朝着那莫断魂扮了个鬼脸,嘻嘻一笑”不害怕”却也没有继续缠着夏心妍罗嗦。 In her heart, has the thick curiosity and doubts, does not know that what person Shi Yan isactually really can make duplicate Xinyan never forget. 只是在她心中,却有着浓浓的好奇和疑惑,不知道石岩到底是什么样的人”竟然真的能够让复心妍念念不忘。 Rosy Clouds Island. 云霞岛 On an old tree, Shi Yan was still bargaining back and forth with Profound Ice Cold Flame. 一棵古树上,石岩还在和玄冰寒焰讨价还价。 If really obtains Soul Gathering Bead, I 70% Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soul, divide 30% to give you......” Shi Yan consciousness communication: I have fleshly body, encounters the danger I most to have possibility soul destroyed/terror-stricken. You hide in the ring will not receive many bad risks, moreover your life form is special, almost Mo will not extinguish, the danger that I encounter is big, many that naturally must divide. ”, Boy! You were too greedy!” Profound Ice Cold Flame yelled in Blood Vein Ring that your fleshly body is useful? Without my method and power, you approached the Soul Gathering Bead soul to flutter any matter not to do! It is not I tells you, your Soul Gathering Bead is any thing does not know! ”, Few idle talk, I want 70%!” “真要是得到聚魂珠,我得七成聚魂珠的灵魂之力,分三成给你……”石岩意识传讯:“我有肉身在,遇到危险我最有可能魂飞魄散。你躲在戒指内”根本不会受到多少凶险,另外你生命形态特殊,几乎不会陌灭,我遇到的危险大,自然要分的多。”,“小子!你太贪婪了!”玄冰寒焰血纹戒内哇哇大叫,“你肉身在有什么用?没有我的方法和力量,你一靠近聚魂珠就会灵魂飘荡”什么事情都做不了!不是我告诉你,你连聚魂珠是什么东西都不知道!”,“少废话,我要七成!” I should obtain 70%!”, Profound Ice Cold Flame air/Qi releases cold energy in Blood Vein Ring unceasingly, you most can only obtain 30%! Otherwise, my anything is not dry, when the time comes waits for death you......” “我才应该得到七成!”,玄冰寒焰气的在血纹戒内不断地释放寒力,“你最多只能得到三成!要不然,我什么都不干,到时候等死你……” I can turn head...... Shi Yan to sneer now, in any case I to that Soul Gathering Bead interest am not specially big, when I enter into the boundary of Nirvana Origin, can form Sea of Consciousness, not anxiously for a while.”, You little deceive me! Ha Ha!”, Profound Ice Cold Flame smiles strangely, the mind of calling will not lie, I know that your * the solid thought that you will not give up Soul Gathering Bead really! I know that you want!”, The Shi Yan forced smilehas not expected the Profound Ice Cold Flame consciousness to be so strangecan understand thoroughly his intention unexpectedly. “那我现在就可以回头了……”石岩冷笑,“反正我对那聚魂珠兴趣也不是特别大,等我迈入涅巢之境,还是可以形成识海的,也不急在一时。”,“你少骗我!哈哈!”,玄冰寒焰怪笑,“称的心神不会说谎,我知道你的真*实念头,你是不会放弃聚魂珠的!我知道你非常想要!”,石岩苦笑”没料到玄冰寒焰意识那么诡异”竟然真的可以洞彻他的意图。 Silent a while, Shi Yan said again: Ok, I let one step, with 60%, surplus 40% gives you......” 沉默了一会儿,石岩再次道:“算了,我让一步,拿六成,剩余四成给你……” Your Realm is so low, cannot withstand the strength of Soul Gathering Bead 60% soul......” Profound Ice Cold Flame to ridicule: You will be defeated and dispersed by the soul of strength of impact soul directly, the boy, you are too greedy, will only harm you......” “你境界这么低,根本承受不了聚魂珠六成的灵魂之力……”玄冰寒焰嘲笑:“你会直接被灵魂之力冲击的灵魂溃散的,小子,你太贪婪,只会害了你自己……” This......” Shi Yan was suddenly happy, how many I can absorb, how many gives me? What kind of? I cannot absorb, is you completely......” “这样吧……”石岩忽然乐了,“我能够吸收多少,就给我多少?怎样?我吸收不掉的,全部属于你……” Good!”, Profound Ice Cold Flame agreed immediately, I also think that you want Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soul, shares calls the duplicate Xinyan woman to that I know that you have the shadow of that woman. Realm of woman may compared with your tall Duo, the strength of soul she can withstand also want many many!” But if only you, good! You can absorb many, absorbs many, remaining gave me to be good...... ” “好!”,玄冰寒焰立即同意了下来,“我还以为你想要将聚魂珠的灵魂之力,分享给那个叫复心妍的女人呢,我知道你心里有那个女人的影子。那女人的境界可比你高多了,她可以承受的灵魂之力也要多的多!”但如果只是你的话,那好!你能吸收多少,就吸收多少,剩下的给我就行了……” Said it and meant it!” “一言为定!” Said it and meant it......” “一言为定……” PS PS
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