GOS :: Volume #2

#165: Soul Swallowing Beast

From since Monroe Island appears, Profound Ice Cold Flame has not asked for any spoken language on one. 从在门罗岛出现起,玄冰寒焰就一首没有讨任何言语。 It takes possession on Shi Yan, usurps the Shi Yan consciousness time, does not have a spoken language, only then purest wresting away thought. 它附身到石岩身上,强占石岩意识的时候,也没有过一句言语,只有最单纯的霸占念头。 When Shi Yan also Profound Ice Cold Flame, only then the simple consciousness thought that does not have directly with the ability of consciousness exchange, now in Blood Vein Ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame spreads its intention with the consciousness suddenly, makes Shi Yan have a scare seriously. 石岩还当玄冰寒焰只有简单的意识念头,却没有直接用意识交流的能力,如今在血纹戒内,玄冰寒焰突然用意识传出它的心念,当真让石岩吓了一跳。 To this time, Shi Yan knows that Profound Ice Cold Flame and has with the ability of consciousness exchange, before it did not have the performance in this aspect, can only explain before an issue it, disdained radically. 到了这时候,石岩才知道玄冰寒焰并不是没有用意识交流的能力,以前它没有这方面的表现,只能说明一个问题它以前根本不屑为之。 In Profound Ice Cold Flame, the Shi Yan small and weak pity, thought that can occupy the Shi Yan soul quickly, therefore it disdains to exchange anything with Shi Yan from the start. 玄冰寒焰的来看,石岩弱小的可怜,觉得很快可以将石岩的灵魂占据,所以它压根不屑和石岩交流什么。 This Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring, discovered that the Shi Yan mind enters, immediately the driving spreading consciousness thought that expresses the strong pleasantly surprised mood, obviously by any thing attracting. 这次玄冰寒焰血纹戒内,一发现石岩的心神进入,马上主动的传出意识念头,表现出强烈惊喜的情绪,显然是被什么东西给吸引了。 Under a tree of old tree, Shi Yan is calm, the mind actually sinks to Blood Vein Ring, eye gods and ghosts light glittering. 一棵古树的树下,石岩一脸平静,心神却沉入血纹戒内,眼神异光闪烁 Marries the soul bead! Here has Soul Gathering Bead!”, In Blood Vein Ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame continues to express own pleasant surprise, in Blood Vein Ring, it gathers one group of small flame, is dragging gently, Soul Gathering Bead! I need Soul Gathering Bead!”, Shi Yan frowns, holds the breath with rapt attention, with Profound Ice Cold Flame communication in mind and Blood Vein Ring. “娶魂珠!这里有聚魂珠!”,血纹戒内,玄冰寒焰继续表达自己的惊喜,在血纹戒内,它聚集成一团小小的火苗,轻轻摇曳着,“聚魂珠!我需要聚魂珠!”,石岩皱着眉头,屏息凝神,用心神和血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰沟通。 „Do you also want Soul Gathering Bead? When you were capable of coming out from the ring to say again!”, Boy! Do you dare to speak with me like this? Believes I to come out, cracks as a result of freezing your soul thoroughly?”, „Can you come out? Also, in the three years haven't you such done? Did you succeed? ”, You had this strange ring I already your seizing a body! I told you, you should better put me to exit as early as possible, otherwise I will certainly not let off you! ” “你还想要聚魂珠?等你有能力从戒指内出来再说吧!”,“小子!你敢这样和我讲话?信不信等我出来,将你灵魂彻底冻裂?”,“你能出来么?再说了,这三年来”你不是一直这么做了?你成功了么?”,“要不是你有这一枚诡异的戒指”我早就将你夺舍了!我告诉你,你最好趁早放我出去,不然我一定不会放过你!” Profound Ice Cold Flame as if arrogantly was used tohas looked from the start down upon Shi Yan, threatened in the ring, did not know own situation likely. 玄冰寒焰仿佛自大惯了”压根就看不起石岩,一只在戒指内威胁,像是不知道自己的处境。 Being disinclined manages you.”, The Shi Yan whole face disdains, comes back from the blood mark boat adduction mind slowly. “懒得理你。”,石岩满脸不屑,将心神缓缓从血纹舟内收回来。 Blood Vein Ring is glistening continuously, that Profound Ice Cold Flame as if there is words to say, is struggling in Blood Vein Ring unceasingly, seeps ” to attract the attention of Shi Yan all sorts of ice cold air/Qi. 血纹戒继续不断地闪亮着,那玄冰寒焰似乎有话要讲,不断地在血纹戒内挣扎着,将种种冰寒之气渗透出来”想要吸引石岩的注意。 Shi Yan does not respond him , to continue to go toward the Rosy Clouds Island south line. 石岩不搭理他,继续朝着云霞岛的南方行去。 All the way, Shi Yan had discovered many buried alive common people, Dead body of these common people pile up in each secret place, is over a hundred over a hundred was killed by the screen. 一路上,石岩发现了更多被坑杀的平民百姓,那些百姓的尸体堆积在各个隐秘的地方,都是成百成百的被屏杀。 Shi Yan gloomy the face, is abhorring Gu Family. 石岩阴沉着脸,对于古家真的深恶痛绝。 This Gu Family procedure, goes beyondmethod to be crueler than some evil Church, was disappeared including the basic human nature. 古家的做法,比一些邪恶教派有过之而无不及”手段残忍血腥,连基本的人性都被泯灭了。 In the Rosy Clouds Island south, that intense soul suction strength, has maintained a while, vanished quickly. 云霞岛的南方,那一股强烈的灵魂吸吮力,维持了一会儿,很快消失了。 Shi Yan is inducingdiscovery secretly before that soul suction strength vanishes, nearby Rosy Clouds Island more soul escapes had not come out. 石岩暗暗感应着”发现在那一股灵魂吸吮力消失之前,云霞岛附近已经没有更多的灵魂飞逸出来。 One in other words, in that same place, azure decides some people of understood nearby souls to be absorbed cleanly, this closed some type of evil thing. 一也就是说,在那一块,青定是有人知道了附近的灵魂全被吸收干净,这才将某种邪物关闭了。 Soul Gathering Bead? 聚魂珠 Shi Yan deeply frowns, he has never listened to this name ”, but Profound Ice Cold Flame said such thing time, was excited, as if knew the Soul Gathering Bead origin and use. 石岩深深地皱着眉头,他从来不曾听过这个名字”但玄冰寒焰说出这样东西的时候,情绪非常激动,似乎知道聚魂珠的来历和用途。 Shi Yan has a mind to want from Profound Ice Cold Flame thereto learn that the Soul Gathering Bead use, actually wants to attack it first ”, so as to avoid Profound Ice Cold Flame cannot distinguish clearly the situation , to continue that arrogantly, dares to speak to threaten Blood Vein Ring on oneself hand unexpectedly, glittering, the glittering frequency is continuously getting more and more frequent. 石岩有心想要从玄冰寒焰那里”获知聚魂珠的用途,却又想先打击一下它”免得玄冰寒焰分不清处境,继续那么的自大,竟然还敢出言威胁自己手上的血纹戒,继续不断地闪烁,闪烁的频率还越来越频繁。 Shi Yan sneers, knows that Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring feared could not hold. 石岩冷笑,知道血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰怕是憋不住了。 Continues not to manage it, Shi Yan leads the way as before. 继续没有管它,石岩依旧前行。 In Blood Vein Ring, Profound Ice Cold Flame has tried hard for a long time, discovered that Shi Yan simply once more has not sunk to the mind, it as if also despaired gradually, no longer continues to waste the time. 血纹戒内,玄冰寒焰努力了许久,发现石岩根本没有将心神再次沉入,渐渐地,它似乎也绝望了,不再继续浪费时间。 Shi Yan has been gazing at the change of Blood Vein Ring, discovered after Blood Vein Ring glittering vanishes, corners of the mouth were many a smiling face. 石岩一直注视着血纹戒的变化,发现血纹戒闪烁消失后,嘴角不由多了一丝笑容。 After three hours, the Shi Yan diving posture climbs up an old tree, hides in the leaf of cover, this again sinks to Blood Vein Ring the mind. 三个小时后,石岩飞身攀上一棵古树,藏身在茂密的树叶中,这才重新将心神沉入血纹戒 Now can we exchange well?” Shi Yan inquired. “现在我们可以好好交流了吗?”石岩询问。 Ok! Ok!”, Profound Ice Cold Flame had the response immediately. “可以!可以!”,玄冰寒焰立即有了回应。 Good, said that Soul Gathering Bead origin, I must know that Soul Gathering Bead is anything, is useful......” “那好,说说聚魂珠的来历吧,我要知道聚魂珠到底是什么,有什么用……” Soul Gathering Bead is Soul Swallowing Beast Monster Core, Soul Swallowing Beast is among heaven and earth most ancient mystical one Demonic Beast, this Demonic Beast by swallowing the souls of various living thing to live, the soul that swallows are more, a Soul Swallowing Beast quicker evolution, will become formidable. Monster Core named Soul Gathering Bead that seven levels and eight levels and nine levels of Soul Swallowing Beast, form, can absorb the soul, the soul that will absorb transforms clear soul power only, very precious......” 聚魂珠吞魂兽妖晶,吞魂兽天地之间最为古老神秘的一种妖兽,这种妖兽靠吞食各种生物的灵魂为生,吞食的灵魂越多,吞魂兽就会更快的进化,变得更加的强大。七级、八级、九级的吞魂兽,形成的妖晶名为聚魂珠,可以吸收灵魂,将吸收的灵魂转化成澄净的灵魂力量,非常的宝贵……” Soul is power in Soul Gathering Bead, useful to you?”, Useful! To any has the biology of soul, is useful! If can obtain here Soul Gathering Bead, my soul and life form can evolve, can make the life form tend to be perfect. You are also same, if you can obtain Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soul, your life form can also obtain the optimization, even can direct production Sea of Consciousness!”, In the Shi Yan heart jumps. 聚魂珠中的灵魂力量,对你有用?”,“有用!对任何有灵魂的生物,都非常有用!如果能够得到这里的聚魂珠,我的灵魂和生命形态可以进化,可以让生命形态趋于完美。你也一样,你要是能够得到聚魂珠的灵魂之力,你的生命形态也可以获得优化,甚至可以直接形成识海!”,石岩心中一跳。 Sea of Consciousness is Warrior of boundary of Nirvana Origin, after entering the boundary of Nirvana gathers in the god Sea of Consciousness ocean that becomes with Divine Sense, the wondrous use is infinite. 识海涅巢之境的武者,在进入涅磐之境以后用神识聚集而成的神识海洋,妙用无穷。 Only if Warrior Realm achieves the boundary of Nirvana, otherwise is hard to form Sea of Consciousness radically, now this Profound Ice Cold Flame actually said that so long as obtains the Soul Gathering Bead strength of soul, can improve the life form, direct production Sea of Consciousness. 除非武者境界达到涅磐之境,否则根本难以形成识海,如今这玄冰寒焰竟然说,只要得到聚魂珠之中的灵魂之力,就可以改善生命形态,直接形成识海 Must really be so, that Soul Gathering Bead, simply want to be preciously rarer more and precious than Divine level medicinal pills. 要真是如此,那聚魂珠,简直要比神级丹药都要宝贵珍稀了。 Forms Sea of Consciousness? How possible?”, Shi Yan does not dare to believe that continues sets of the Profound Ice Cold Flame words. “形成识海?怎么可能?”,石岩不敢置信,继续套玄冰寒焰的话。 Soul Swallowing Beast is in the world most mystical l of Demonic Beast, it is a miracle between heaven and earth, reason that I know Soul Swallowing Beast and Soul Gathering Bead, is because once many Expert wanted to recruit me, when they want to occupy my consciousness, I also obtained many memories and knowledge from their mind. This Soul Swallowing Beast origin, is several thousand years ago, I come from a God Realm Expert memory, to the present, possibly many Warrior also knew the Soul Swallowing Beast origin and Soul Gathering Bead precious ......... 吞魂兽是世上最为神秘妖兽之l,它本身就是天地间的一个奇迹,我之所以知道吞魂兽聚魂珠,也是因为曾经有很多强者想要将我吸收,在他们想要占据我的意识的时候,我也从他们脑海中得到了很多的记忆和知识。这吞魂兽的来历,也是数万年前,我从一个神境强者的记忆中得来的,到了现在,可能已经有多少武者还知道吞魂兽的来历和聚魂珠的宝贵了………” Can form Sea of Consciousness really?” “真的能形成识海?” Naturally, the road of cultivation, divides the fleshly body and soul. “当然,修炼之路,分肉体和灵魂。 Your Warrior has the body inborn, cultivation from the beginning starts from the body completely, then transits to cultivation and evolution of soul slowly, but our kind of life, because does not have fleshly body, is the cultivation soul first, then finds the opportunity to obtain fleshly body gradually. ”, Profound Ice Cold Flame continued to explain: „A cultivation way, continually improves the flaw of fleshly body and soul, made fleshly body and soul evolves unceasingly. In heaven and earth, there are many rare object, can let the evolution improvement speed of fleshly body and soul, goes a step further. Soul Gathering Bead, is strengthens life form one mysterious treasure, the Soul Gathering Bead strength of clear only soul, can improve your soul, making you form Sea of Consciousness quickly, has compared with the strength of same level Warrior fierce many soul!”, Profound Ice Cold Flame in the long years, obtained many God Realm Expert memories and knowledge, it as if knows from A to Z regarding human Warrior cultivation, these words said clears off Chu respectively, simple easy to understand, Shi Yan listened, regarding the Warrior cultivation deep meaning, had the new understanding. 你们武者天生有身体,一开始的修炼全部从身体开始,然后才慢慢过渡到灵魂的修炼和进化,而我们这一类生命,因为没有肉身,则是先修炼灵魂,然后逐步找机会得到肉身。”,顿了一下,玄冰寒焰继续解释:“修炼一途,就是不断地去完善肉身和灵魂的缺陷,令肉身和灵魂不断进化。在天地之间,有很多奇物,是可以让肉身和灵魂的进化完善速度,更进一步的。聚魂珠,就是增强生命形态的一种神奇的宝物,聚魂珠内的澄净灵魂之力,可以完善你的灵魂,让你很快形成识海,拥有比同级武者厉害的多的灵魂之力!”,玄冰寒焰在漫长的岁月中,得到了许多神境强者的记忆和知识,它对于人类武者修炼似乎了如指掌,这一番话说的各理清楚,简单易懂,石岩只是听了一遍,对于武者修炼奥义,就有了新的认识。 „Does Soul Gathering Bead such have again?” 聚魂珠这么有再啊?” Naturally, Soul Gathering Bead the strength of soul is mysterious, in addition, after Soul Gathering Bead sinks to the water, but can also form the soul mirror, the formidable soul of other contact surface, can arrive through the soul mirror direct soul. When is very early, as if the evil sects, using the soul mirror that Soul Gathering Bead forms, can summon the formidable soul of other contact surface to battle. The formidable soul of other contact surface, is receiving the restraint of heaven and earth natural law, once enters our world rashly, meets Origin Energy to damage severely, even if entered our world forcefully, very difficult to display completely power, but, if they draw support the soul mirror that Soul Gathering Bead forms, came by the mystique summon, does not need to receive the restraint of heaven and earth natural law, not only Origin Energy will not damage severely, but can also the strength of soul, the display of maximum degree......”, soul mirror? Summoned the different contact surface formidable soul?” “当然,聚魂珠的灵魂之力非常神奇,除此之外,聚魂珠沉入水中之后,还可以形成魂镜,别的界面的强大灵魂,可以通过魂镜直接灵魂降临。在很早的时候,似乎有一个邪恶的宗派,利用聚魂珠形成的魂镜,可以召唤别的界面的强大灵魂来作战。别的界面的强大灵魂,受着天地规则的约束,一旦冒然进入我们的世界,会元气大伤,就算是强行进入了我们的世界,也很难将力量全部发挥出来,不过,如果他们借助于聚魂珠形成的魂镜,被秘法召唤而来,就不必受天地规则的约束,不但不会元气大伤,还可以将灵魂之力,最大程度的发挥出来……”,“魂镜?召唤异界面强大灵魂?” Shi Yan muttered whispers, eye suddenly one bright, suddenly remembered ice cold evil aura that once induced, on that aura and Devil Emperor Bo Xun was very similar, was really Fourth Devil Area came the person? 石岩喃喃低语,眼睛骤然一亮,突然想起了曾经感应到的冰寒邪恶气息,那一股气息魔帝波旬身上的很相似,难道真是第四魔域的来人? If is really Fourth Devil Area comes the person, how to appear in Rosy Clouds Island? 如果真是第四魔域的来人,怎么会出现在云霞岛 The Gu Family person, puts to death the aborigine on island everywhere, making these souls gather in Soul Gathering Bead, none who does not became, really can summon the Fourth Devil Area demon person? 古家的人,到处诛杀岛上的原居民,令那些灵魂纷纷聚集在聚魂珠中,莫不成,真是要将第四魔域的魔人召唤而来? Why can summon the demon person? 为什么要召唤魔人? Must cope with Yang Family! 要对付杨家 A series of thoughts, passed over gently and swiftly in the mind fast, confusing in Shi Yan heart, by little sweeping clean. 一连串的念头,在脑海中快速掠过,石岩心中的迷惑,被一点点的扫清。 , The Shi Yan eye is gradually bright, has cleared off the clue. 渐渐地,石岩眼睛明亮起来,理清了头绪。 He knows that Gu Family must cope with Yang Family Shura Blood Guard. 他知道,古家是要对付杨家修罗血卫了。 Hatred of Yang Family and Fourth Devil Area, well-known, existence of soul mirror, can make the Fourth Devil Area master soul arrive, if the God Realm demon person soul arrives, relies on is being higher than the first-level superiority, soul power that the God Realm demon person forms, can strangle to death the Third Sky of Sky Realm Expert soul. 杨家第四魔域的仇恨,众人皆知,魂镜的存在,可以让第四魔域的高手灵魂降临,如果有一个神境的魔人灵魂降临,凭借着高出一级的优势,神境魔人形成的灵魂力量,可以将天位三重天之境强者灵魂绞杀。 Slaughtering of soul power, is more fearful than the injury of fleshly body, once the soul were extinguished, means that Warrior falls from the sky thoroughly, the opportunity of again not having come back to life. 灵魂力量的杀戮,比肉身的伤害更加可怕,一旦灵魂被灭,也意味着武者彻底陨灭,再也没有复生的机会。 In the Shi Yan heart with amazement, through with the Profound Ice Cold Flame words, through these days careful observation, he realized one grasped the Gu Family heaven shaking plot. 石岩心中骇然,通过和玄冰寒焰的一番话,通过这一段时间的细心观察,他意识到自己掌握到了古家惊天阴谋。 The Yang Family three big Shura kings, all are Sky Realm, these, regardless of comes is, destiny that so long as with the Fourth Devil Area God Realm demon person soul to, under the Level disparity, the difficult running away soul to fall from the sky. 杨家的三大修罗王,全是天位之境,这一趟不论来的是谁,只要和第四魔域神境的魔人灵魂对上,在等级的差距之下,都难逃灵魂陨灭的命运。 The Shi Yan facial expression fluctuated erratically, silent for a long time, once more to Profound Ice Cold Flame communication in Blood Vein Ring: „Do you have the method to obtain Soul Gathering Bead?”, Has! I have the method!”, Profound Ice Cold Flame responded immediately, the mood be tired to excitedly. 石岩神情变幻不定,沉默了许久,再次向血纹戒内的玄冰寒焰传讯:“你有方法得到聚魂珠?”,“有!我有方法!”,玄冰寒焰立即回应,情绪烦为激动。 ...... ……
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