GOS :: Volume #2

#164: Extorting evidence

The 2nd date early morning, the boat has mounted Rosy Clouds Island finally. 第二日清晨,小船终于登上了云霞岛 One to Rosy Clouds Island, Shi Yan immediately and Linda distinction, all alone departs. 一到云霞岛,石岩立即和琳达分别,孤身一人离去。 Linda stands in the deck, the absent-minded looks at Shi Yan increasingly estranged back, is speechless for a very long time. 琳达站在甲板上,失神地看着石岩渐行渐远的背影,久久无语。 Jie Te emits a yellow signal flare, with Nano and the others stood, is waiting for Gu Family aids the person. 杰特放出一个黄色讯号弹,和纳诺等人站在一起,等候着古家的接应来人。 Elder Sister Linda is really also careful to that fellow, that person does not know any origin, does not know that will make anything in Rosy Clouds Island, yeah, Elder Sister Linda is very pitiful, is the fellow obviously the law-abiding person, starting today, Elder Sister Linda feared that did not have the opportunity to say goodbye him. ” 琳达姐对那家伙还真是上心啊,那人不知道什么来历,也不知道将会在云霞岛做些什么,哎,琳达姐挺可怜的,那家伙明显是不是安分的人,从今天起,琳达姐怕是没有机会再见他了。” Yes, has not thought that the Elder Sister Linda such strong woman, cannot tie to wrestle him. If I can obtain the Elder Sister Linda heart, I can be Elder Sister Linda handle anything, will not leave Elder Sister Linda! ” 是呀,没想到琳达姐这么强势的女人,都不能束搏住他。要是我能够得到琳达姐的芳心,我可以为琳达姐做任何事情,绝不会离开琳达姐!” This is also good, to us. Elder Sister Linda wants also, we will feel better in the god day. ” 这样也好,对我们来说。琳达姐只要还在,我们在神教的日子就会好过些。” Un, this case also right. 嗯,这例也对。 Jie Te and the others lowered the sound, is waiting for Gu Family aids the person, while low voice discussion. 杰特等人压低声音,一边等候着古家的接应来人,一边小声讨论。 Linda stands in the deck. beautiful hair dances in the air, graceful, has a moving heart and soul graceful bearing. 琳达站在甲板上。秀发飞舞,风姿绰约,自有一番动人心魄的风韵。 Carmon clenches teeth in the corner, is taking a look at her secretly, in the heart is very pleased, whispered bitterly: „ 卡蒙在角落咬着牙,暗暗打量着她,心中很是快意,恨恨嘀咕道:“ This inexpensive zhuo person gets what one deserves! What has given others, what finally fell? Others ate cleanly, wiped the mouth to leave directly, inexpensive zhuo person this was invites trouble! ” 这贱丵人活该!什么都给了人家,最后又落到了什么?人家吃干净了,直接抹抹嘴走人了,贱丵人这是自找苦吃!” Indeed gets what one deserves! ” 的确活该!” Huo Jie is also face hatred, low base and low: „ 霍杰也是一脸恨意,低低道:“ Carmon, the boy of unknown origin, must arrive at Rosy Clouds Island with us, what action can Gu Family? We must explained the situation and Gu Family of this boy that perhaps Gu Family knows who he is, will get rid to cope with him. ” 卡蒙,那小子来历不明,非要跟我们到云霞岛,会不会对古家有什么举动?我们要不要将这小子的情况和古家说明,说不定古家知道他是谁,会出手对付他。” Carmon frowns, has hesitated, shakes the head slowly. „ 卡蒙皱着眉头,沉吟了一下,缓缓摇头。“ Temporarily do not say, we knowing his name, other know nothing, the news were too few, does not have the means to determine that his status, waits, so long as caught the handle to me, I not only need cope with that boy, will also cope with Linda!. ” 暂时不要讲,我们除了知道他的名字之外,其它一无所知,消息太少了,没办法确定他的身份,等一等,只要给我抓到了把柄,我不但要对付那小子,还会对付琳达!。” Huo Jie nods. 霍杰点头。 Shi Yan all alone, south slowly line toward Rosy Clouds Island. 石岩孤身一人,朝着云霞岛南方慢慢行去。 Rosy Clouds Island has half Tianyun City size, although this islands screen in Gu Family, but in the island most Warrior and common people, are not the Gu Family people, Gu Family has seized Rosy Clouds Island, but possesses of the Rosy Clouds Island three mines, them thinks that the valuable region is divided into Gu Family restricted area, does not permit Warrior and common people on island enters. 云霞岛有半个天陨城大小,这一座岛屿虽然屏于古家,可岛上绝大多数的武者和平民,并不是古家的人,古家占领了云霞岛,只是把云霞岛的三座矿场占为己有,把他们认为有价值的区域划分为古家禁区,不允许岛上的武者和平民进入。 The Warrior influence that lives on the island, after a few years. Needs to turn in some commodities and Crystal Coin to Shi Family, received exchange in the right of Rosy Clouds Island long-time housing. But the common people on island, then needs to the Warrior influence payment tax revenues on these islands, layer upon layer the record to truncate, Level is stern. 在岛上生活的武者势力,每隔几年。都需要向石家上缴一部分物资和晶币,换取在云霞岛长久居住的权利。而岛上的平民,则是需要向那些岛上的武者势力缴纳税收,层层录削下去,等级森严。 The Rosy Clouds Island south, is the Gu Family base, that forest cover, the lake proliferates, beautiful scenery, lost to view desolate. 云霞岛的南方,是古家的根据地,那一块森林茂密,湖泊遍布,风景秀丽,杳无人烟。 Shi Yan must go to that same place, on the one hand has a look to have the opportunity to catch Gu Jiange to complete the order form, will have understood in Monroe Island Liang Zi, on the one hand also wants to wait for Yang Family in that together comes the person, from the Linda mouth, Shi Yan knew Yang Family goes to Rosy Clouds Island can be Shura Blood Guard. But Shura Blood Guard is riding Cyan Blood Bat, so long as saw that Cyan Blood Bat passed over gently and swiftly from the space, had determined Yang Family Shura Blood Guard arrived, Shi Yan then can reveal own status that goes to Jialuo Sea Area Immortal Island with Yang Family Shura Blood Guard, Yang Family as Endless Sea 15 big influence extremely tyrannical one, in the clan has the rich Warrior resources, since there is a First Level status available, Shi Yan is not certainly willing to waste, goes to Immortal Island, saved has drawn support promotes the First Level thoughts Yang Family power again. 石岩要去那一块,一方面看看有没有机会逮到古剑歌落单,将在门罗岛的粱子了解了,一方面也是想在那一块等候杨家的来人,从琳达口中,石岩得知杨家前往云霞岛的会是修罗血卫。而修罗血卫都乘坐着青血魔蝠,只要看到青血魔蝠从天上掠过,确定了杨家修罗血卫到来了,石岩便可以将自己的身份显露,和杨家修罗血卫一起前往伽罗海域不死岛,杨家身为无尽海15大势力极为强横的一股,族内有着丰富的武者资源,既然有一层身份可用,石岩当然不愿意浪费,去不死岛,是存了借助于杨家力量再提升一层的心思。 In addition, he also wants to say goodbye Xia Xinyan, must therefore pass Shura Blood Guard to go to Jialuo Sea Area. 除此之外,他还想要再见夏心妍,所以必须要通过修罗血卫伽罗海域 The line, Shi Yan passes through several villages, discovery that several villages actually do not have one person. 一路行来,石岩经过几个村庄,却发现那几个村庄竟然没有一人。 Several village piece of deathly silence, in many houses the bedding is clean, even in some houses is also placing the meal, then the master actually suddenly completely disappeared, as if, the common people in these villages, in disappeared suddenly completely. 几个村庄一片死寂,许多屋舍内被褥干干净净,甚至有些屋舍内还摆放着饭菜,然后主人却突然全部消失了,仿佛,那些村庄的平民,在突然间全部消失了。 In the Shi Yan heart has doubts, does not know that exactly had anything. Frowns , to continue Venerable toward the Rosy Clouds Island south line this lofty one goes, night, Shi Yan arrives at a cover in the wooded mountain, under the chilly moonlight, paces to lead the way, suddenly, ice cold evil aura, appears in Rosy Clouds Island fiercely again, that aura flashes before swiftly, from Rosy Clouds Island each direction, the escape leaves strange energy that many naked eyes cannot see suddenly, gathers toward some south region completely. 石岩心中疑惑,不知道到底发生了什么。皱着眉头,继续孤尊往云霞岛的南方行去,夜里,石岩来到一个茂密的山林中,在清冷的月光下,踱步前行,忽然,一股冰寒邪恶的气息,猛地再次在云霞岛出现,那一股气息倏一闪现,从云霞岛的各个方向,突然飞逸出许多肉眼看不见的诡异能量,全部朝着南方某个区域汇聚。 The Shi Yan soul trembles slightly, the clear feeling an attraction, gathers from some south region. 石岩灵魂微微一颤,清晰的感觉到一股吸引力,从南方某个区域汇聚。 aura that in the creek of jungle, was attracted are more, the escape comes out one after another, vanishes in the south fast. 身旁密林的一条小河中,被吸引出来的气息更多,一个接着一个飞逸出来,快速消失在南方。 Shi Yan has felt carefully, the complexion suddenly changes, flies hurriedly in the direction of that creek. 石岩细细感受了一下,脸色骤然一变,急忙朝着那小河的方向飞去。 Five black vigor attires, wear Warrior of bamboo hat, at this time with Bu Tuanfeng the common people of mouth is wrenching apart neck, once these common people died dead, they without hesitation thrusts in Dead body the river, in the river, Dead body of faintly visible edema, these Dead body are dense and numerous, really also has the old person women and children, but has swept one. Shi Yan then discovered that these Dead body fear under in Bai not to have o 五道一身黑色劲装,头戴斗笠的武者,此时正将一个个用布团封着嘴的平民百姓扭断脖颈,一旦这些平民断气身亡,他们就会毫不犹豫的将尸体推入河中,河中,隐隐可见一具具浮肿的尸体,那些尸体密密麻麻,竟然还有老人妇孺,只是扫了一眼。石岩便发现那些尸体怕是不下于百具o“ passes! passes! ” 噗通!噗通!” In the silent wooded mountain, spreads the sound that Dead body falls in the water unceasingly, five Nascent and Human Level Warrior, is slaughtering the common people unceasingly, enters the creek the Dead body vertebra. 寂静的山林中,不断地传出尸体落水的声音,五个先天人位之境武者,不断地屠杀着平民,将尸体椎入小河。 Shi Yan rushes, the final several common people had been wrenched apart the neck, throws into the creek. 石岩赶到的时候,最后几个平民已被扭断了脖子,扔进小河。 The soul that naked eyes are difficult to see, drifts in the air from the river water, has not dissipated immediately in heaven and earth, seems receiving the hauling of some power, fast toward the Rosy Clouds Island southern escape in the past. 一个个肉眼难见的灵魂,从河水之中浮荡出来,并未立即消散在天地间,似乎受着某种力量的牵引,快速朝着云霞岛的南方飞逸过去。 The Rosy Clouds Island south, transmits one regarding the soul intense suction strength, under the influence of that power, here common people, once died. The soul will not dissipate immediately, will carry off by that power. 云霞岛的南方,传来一股对于灵魂强烈的吸吮力,在那一股力量的影响之下,这里的平民一旦死亡。灵魂不会马上消散,都会被那一股力量带走。 Do you do? ” 你们干什么?” A Shi Yan face severely, appears in the riverside cloudy fiercely, gloomy say|way: „ 石岩一脸阴厉,猛地在河边出现,阴森森道:“ Who are you? Executes the weaponless strength common people, has the pleasant sensation very much? ” 你们是什么人?格杀手无寸铁之力平民百姓,很有快感么?” Shi Yan aware are not good person, but he at least has the bottom line of personhood, murder, only kills this person of killing, will not start to the weaponless women and children. 石岩自觉自己不是什么好人,可他至少有做人的底线,杀人,也只杀该杀之人,绝不会对手无寸铁的妇孺下手。 But these people, simply do not have a human nature, it may be said that will be heartless, actually will not have a power old person and child is ruthless. 而这些人,却根本没有一点人性,可谓是丧尽天良之极,竟然将没有一丝力量的老人和小孩赶尽杀绝。 So the procedure, cannot call the person. 如此做法,已经称不上人了。 The boys, our matters, you complete don't care about. ” 小子,我们的事情,你做好不要管。” And Third Sky of Human Level Warrior, sound ice cold say|way: „ 其中一个人位三重天之境武者,声音冰寒道:“ Do you come from the boat that Warrior influence? Beforehand hadn't received the message? 你来自舟上那个武者势力?事前没有收到消息么? What news? ” 什么消息?” Shi Yan coldly snorted. 石岩冷哼 It seems like that you were not the Warrior influence on island. ” 看来,你不是岛上的武者势力了。” That person has hesitated, suddenly said: „ 那人沉吟了一下,突然道:“ Urged your one, now immediately leaves Rosy Clouds Island, had recedes far, how otherwise dead does not know. ” 劝你一句,现在立即离开云霞岛,有多远走多远,不然怎么死的都不知道。” Shi Yan sneers, „ 石岩冷笑,“ It seems like does not kill makes remnant several, you will be dishonest. ” 看来不弄死弄残几个,你们是不会老实了。” The words, Shi Yan flushed suddenly. 话罢,石岩骤然冲了出去。 After three minutes, o five Warrior died four, only remains Warrior that formerly spoke, tore off the bamboo hat by Shi Yan, a foot steps in the ground. 三分钟后o五个武者死了四个,只剩那先前讲话的武者,被石岩扯掉斗笠,一脚踩在地上。 This Third Sky of Human Level Warrior, face up falls to the ground, somewhat panic-stricken is staring Shi Yan, said: „ 这一名人位三重天之境武者,仰面倒地,有些惊恐的瞪着石岩,道:“ Who are you? You do know what you offend is who? With us for enemy. You will only ask for trouble! ” 你到底是谁?你知不知道你得罪的是谁?和我们为敌。你只会自讨苦吃!” Then, who are you? Why can kill these common people? ” 说吧,你们是谁?为什么要杀这些平民?” Shi Yan knits the brows to ask. 石岩皱眉问。 You will regret! Your certain umbrella regret! ” 你会后悔的!你一定伞后悔!” Ground that person clenches teeth to threaten. 地上那人咬牙威胁。 Good! ” 牛!” Shi Yan picks up a dagger conveniently, a blade cuts off this person of left hand palm, the eye does not have the expression:., I asked anything, you answered anything, rubbish with me., Ground that person sends out the sad and shrill pitiful yell, the forehead cold sweat braves, whole body twitches. 石岩随手捡起一把匕首,一刀将此人左手手掌斩断,目无表情道:.,我问什么,你答什么,不要和我废话。,,地上那人发出凄厉的惨叫,额头冷汗直冒,浑身抽搐。 Ka! ” 咔!” Shi Yan frowns, is a blade cuts off his right hand palm, said lightly: „ 石岩皱着眉头,又是一刀将他右手手掌斩断,淡淡道:“ The pitiful yell is also the idle talk. ” 惨叫也算是废话。” You dare to move me! You dare to move me! I am the Gu Family person! You will regret! You can die is very miserable! ” 你敢动我!你敢动我!我是古家人!你会后悔的!你会死的很惨!” Ground Warrior fiercely shouted o 地上的武者厉叫o“ Ka! ” 咔!” Shi Yan is a blade cuts, cuts off his sole , to continue to ask: „ 石岩又是一刀斩下来,将他脚掌也斩断一只,继续问:“ Why kills these common people? ” 为什么杀这些平民?” I do not know! I do not know! I receive the order, must in the specific time, kill 300 common people! Other my anything does not know!, Ground that person screamed that the whole face feared, ” 我不知道!我不知道啊!我只是收到命令,要在特定的时刻,杀死300平民!其它我什么都不知道!,,地上那人尖叫起来,满脸恐惧,” Same receives the order with me, many people, we have not known the reason, does not know really! „” 和我一样收到命令的,还有很多人,我们都不知道原因,真的不知道啊!“” That. „ 哦,那就算了。“ Shi Yan nodded, a blade has delimited his neck, cuts the head him, at once stands, scores in ground five Dead body one by one the river. 石岩点了点头,一刀划过他脖颈,将他斩头,旋即站起来,将地上的五具尸体一一踢进河里。 Discards the dagger, washed on arm to stain the bloodstain, the Shi Yan calm face, continued to go to o toward the Rosy Clouds Island south line all the way, Shi Yan was unusual from the surrounding soul, discovered that had Dead body to pile up in the river, the cave of seal, buried in the gulf...... These Dead body all are the common people, feared that is tens of thousands of people. Such easily was slaughtered by Gu Family Warrior. 扔掉匕首,洗了洗手臂上沾上血迹,石岩沉着脸,继续朝着云霞岛的南方行去o一路上,石岩从周围的灵魂异常,发现很多具尸体堆积在河中,密封的山洞,埋在深坑内……这些尸体全是平民百姓,怕是成千上万人。就这么被古家武者轻易屠杀。 On the road Shi Yan has killed three waves of Gu Family Warrior, has absorbed their essence, has not pressed for an answer anything from their mouth. 路上石岩又杀了三波古家武者,吸收了他们身上的精气,却并未从他们口中逼问出什么来。 Has been ordered the murder Gu Family Warrior, as if not understand really why must kill people, is only the performance order, unclear profound meaning. 得到命令杀人的古家武者,似乎真的不明白为何要杀人,只是执行命令,不明深意。 At dawn the o southern soul attracted the customer interest, suddenly became very strong! 天亮时o南方的灵魂吸扯力,突然变得非常强劲! Shi Yan in a piece of old tree, the obvious detection the unusuality on island, his soul, under that fearful suction strength, somewhat has also been ready to make trouble, as to be separated from own fleshly body. 石岩在一片古树中,也明显的察觉到了岛上的异常,就连他的灵魂,在那一股可怕的吸吮力之下,都有些蠢蠢欲动,似乎想要脱离自己的肉身 Blood Vein Ring on hand, flicks suddenly, the light bulb that must shatter likely, Red Light glistens o Shi Yan stunned, lowers the head Blood Vein Ring on looks at, realizes Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blood Vein Ring faintly, as if had the sound, the response is very intense. 手上的血纹戒,也突然一闪一闪的,像是就要坏掉的灯泡,红光闪亮o石岩愕然,低头看着手上的血纹戒,隐隐察觉到血纹戒之中的玄冰寒焰,似乎有了动静,反应很强烈。 The knitting the brows head, Shi Yan sinks to Blood Vein Ring mind quietly, wants to have a look at change. 皱了皱眉头,石岩悄悄将心神沉入血纹戒,想要看看其中的变化。 Soul Gathering Bead! Soul Gathering Bead! In the island has Soul Gathering Bead! „ 聚魂珠聚魂珠!岛上有聚魂珠!“ In Blood Vein Ring, spread Profound Ice Cold Flame for the first time consciousness o pleasantly surprised...... 血纹戒中,首次传出了玄冰寒焰的惊喜意识o……
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