GOS :: Volume #2

#163: I can wait for you! Has waited!

Is cloudy. In the sea level blew flap flap the fresh breeze suddenly, day gloomy sank, 乌云密布。海面上突然刮起了猎猎劲风,天阴沉沉地, As if will have the pouring rainstorm to arrive. 仿佛会有倾盆暴雨降临。 The tranquil sea level, the height fluctuates quickly, raises layer upon layer the ocean waves. 平静的海面,倏地高低起伏,掀起层层海浪。 In ocean waves, not a big ships difficult vanguard. In the deck, Linda beautiful hair dances in the breeze, the elegant face with deep veneration, is calling unceasingly, making Jie Te and the others be careful, making Warrior on ship hit the full spirit, cannot capsize. 海浪中,一艘不大的船只艰难的前行。甲板上,琳达秀发飘舞,俏脸肃然,不断地吆喝着,让杰特等人小心谨慎,让船上的武者都打足精神,千万不能翻了船。 The sea breeze is swifter and fiercer fierce, wreaked havoc in sea level, has raised high more violent rough sea waves. 海风越加凌厉凶猛,在海面上肆虐,掀起了更高更猛烈的巨浪。 Does the boat sway, appears very dangerous, Linda slightly somewhat is also anxious, holds the breath with rapt attention, is guarding cautiously, does not dare one to relax. 小船摇摇晃晃,显得非常危险,琳达也略有些紧张,屏息凝神,小心翼翼地提防着,不敢有一丝放松。 Shi Yan frowns, stands in the stern, the same expression is dignified. Towering that this storm comes, did not have any omen beforehand, the previous quarter returns from the grave to flatter brightly, the next quarter island cloud is then densely covered, the scene is somewhat strange. The calm face, Shi Yan remembers initially and Xiao Hanyi was riding Cyan Blood Bat the time suddenly, was suddenly the violent storm, the dark cloud capping, from dark cloud layer upon layer, has emitted at once then a bones of the dead great hand of Devil Emperor Bo Xun, that bones of the dead great hand seized Shura king Xiao Hanyi directly, does not know that which region him led Fourth Devil Area. Remembers Xiao Hanyi, Shi Yan somewhat is also sad, lives a nose aggrieved feeling. Now the storm is also extremely towering, appears in suddenly at present, making the Shi Yan heart live the doubts, the recollections in close succession. 石岩皱着眉头,站在船尾,一样表情凝重。这风暴来的突兀,事前没有任何的预兆,前一刻还阳光明媚,下一刻便岛云密布,场景有些诡异。沉着脸,石岩霍然想起当初和萧寒衣乘坐着青血魔蝠的时候,也是突然间狂风暴雨,乌云压顶,旋即便从层层的乌云当中,冒出了魔帝波旬的一具白骨巨手,那白骨巨手直接将修罗萧寒衣从中抓走,不知道将他带到了第四魔域的哪一个区域。一想起萧寒衣,石岩心情也有些沉重,生鼻一股憋屈的感觉。如今风暴也是极为突兀,突然间就出现在眼前,让石岩心生疑惑,浮想联翩。 At this time, this boat was quite close to Rosy Clouds Island, one day distances, the ships can arrive at Rosy Clouds Island again. 此时,这一艘小船离云霞岛已极为接近了,再有一日的路程,船只就可以到达云霞岛 In this crucial time, this sea level had the accident suddenly, makes Shi Yan not dare to relax seriously. In heart were many guess. 在这个关键的时刻,这一块海面突然起了变故,当真让石岩不敢放松。心中多了许多猜测。 Stands in the stern, Shi Yan the Mental Energy look, toward covers in all directions. In the sea level, without any unusuality, the Mental Energy place visited, is normal. The Shi Yan Immortal heart , to continue to cover toward the distant place Mental Energy, hugs is overdrawing the Mental Energy toughness, spreads in the Rosy Clouds Island direction, more and more far After a long time, when he felt the spirit is exhausted, he from the Rosy Clouds Island direction, realized faintly ice cold evil aura, that aura is not as if centralized, dissipation in heaven and earth, but also in gradual disappearing husband... Shi Yan is astonished however, indulges Mental Energy in the Rosy Clouds Island direction, the careful feeling has. 站在船尾,石岩精神力眼神,朝着四面八方覆盖。海面上,没有任何的异常,精神力所过之处,一切都是正常。石岩不死心,继续将精神力朝着远处覆盖,抱着透支精神力的韧性,一路往云霞岛的方向蔓延,越来越远不知道过了多久,就在他感觉精神疲惫的时候,他隐隐从云霞岛的方向,察觉到一股冰寒邪恶的气息,那一股气息似乎并不集中,散逸在天地之间,还在逐渐的消夫…石岩讶然,将精神力沉溺在云霞岛的方向,细细感具。 This ice cold evil aura, very even dispersion in Rosy Clouds Island, the group winds around likely all at once in the Rosy Clouds Island sky, aura that ice cold evil air/Qi, faint and initially Devil Emperor Bo Xun bones of the dead Body Clone released, has selects similarly, but was weaker. None who does not becomes, has the dish Devil Territory demon person, appeared in Rosy Clouds Island? 这一股冰寒邪恶的气息,非常均匀的散布在云霞岛,像是一股气团缭绕在云霞岛的上空,那冰寒邪恶之气,隐隐和当初魔帝波旬白骨法身释放出来的气息,有那么点相似,但却弱了一些。莫不成,有第皿魔域的魔人,出现在了云霞岛吧? In heart one cold, the Shi Yan complexion suddenly changed. 心中一凛,石岩脸色忽然变了。 He has the premonition, had a premonition that on that Rosy Clouds Island, certainly what happened, he guessed secretly on Rosy Clouds Island, feared that was the somewhat strange place. 他有预感,预感在那云霞岛上,一定发生了什么事情,他暗暗猜测在云霞岛上,怕是有些诡异之处。 When he prepares continues to feel with rapt attention, that winds around on Rosy Clouds Island ice cold evil aura, actually with the wind dissipated. 当他准备继续凝神去感受时,那缭绕在云霞岛上的冰寒邪恶之气息,却随风消散了。 At this time. His Mental Energy also consumes too many, an weakness feeling raids, he has to take back Mental Energy, knits the brows to rack one's brains. 这时。他精神力也消耗太多,一股乏力感袭来,他不得不将精神力收回,皱眉苦思。 The violent storm that soon ferments to come out, dissipates unexpectedly gradually, dark cloud that the space covers, fluttered slowly far, quickly, all unexpectedly returned to normal. 快要酝酿出来的狂风暴雨,竟然随之渐渐消散,天上笼罩的乌云,也慢慢飘远了,很快地,一切竟然又恢复了正常。 The evening multi-colored sunlight, reappears the horizon, Shi Yan looks up everywhere multi-colored sunlight, the complexion even more solemnly and respectfully. 傍晚的霞光,重现天际,石岩抬头望了望漫天霞光,脸色愈加的肃穆。 At this moment, is Gu Lie and Gu Jiange fathers and sons, in time that Soul Gathering Abyss and demon person talked. 这一刻,正是古烈古剑歌父子,在聚魂潭和魔人交谈的时刻。 What's the matter? Did the storm vanish? Really strange. ” 怎么回事?暴风雨又消失了?真是奇怪啊。” Yes, this situation was very rare, fermented like this, finally unexpectedly let it go.” “是呀,这种情况还真的很少见了,都酝酿成这样了,最后居然不了了之。” Un, some do not suit, generally, the dark cloud gathers this situation, definitely will have the torrential downpour pouring to get down sincerely. Really has felt strange, this time actually does not have the heavy rain to raid, how does not know a matter.” “嗯,有些不对劲啊,一般情况下,乌云聚集成这种地步,肯定会有倾盆大雨浇谨下来。真是奇怪了,这次竟然没有大雨袭来,不知道怎么一回事。” Jie Te, Nano and the others, frown to whoop, appears very surprised, regarding the so unusual natural phenomenon, expressed admiration. 杰特、纳诺等人,皱着眉头议论纷纷,显得非常惊讶,对于如此异常的自然现象,啧啧称奇。 Linda relaxed quietly, has flung beautiful hair, shouted to clear the way tenderly: Can relax is vigilant.”, „ 琳达悄悄松了一口气,甩了甩秀发,娇喝道:“可以放松警惕了。”,“ understood, Elder Sister Linda. ” 知道了,琳达姐。” Jie Te smiled, languid by in the deck, is narrowing the eye, looks to the Rosy Clouds Island direction, raises the sound track: „ 杰特笑了笑,懒洋洋的靠在甲板上,眯着眼睛,看向云霞岛的方向,扬声道:“ This traveling schedule must end quickly, when gives the Gu Family person the thing on ship, can we also the return trip, Elder Sister Linda, you also go back with us? ” 这一趟行程很快就要结束了,等将船上的东西交给古家人,我们也可以返程了,琳达姐,你还和我们一起回去么?” Many crew on ship, listened to a Jie Te such saying, slightly gawked, suddenly has remembered then as if anything, looked to Linda and Shi Yan they. 船上的许多船员,听杰特这么一说,都是微微一愣,然后似乎突然想起了什么,纷纷看向了琳达石岩两人。 In distant place corner, Carmon and Huo Jie gloomy face, look hatred, looked to Linda. 远处角落内,卡蒙霍杰阴沉着脸,眼神怨毒,也望向了琳达 Linda beautiful pupil glittering, in heart silent sigh, looked at back to her Shi Yan quietly, the corners of the mouth was overflowing a wisp of light bitterness and astringency, „ 琳达美眸闪烁了一下,心中无声叹息,悄悄看了看背对着她的石岩,嘴角溢出一缕淡淡的苦涩,“ Naturally goes back with you. I was the god person, duty have completed, naturally must return to the god to report on accomplishments, can my family|home there, where I toward run? ” 当然和你们一起回去。我是神教的人,任务完成了,自然是要回神教交差,我的家在那里,我能往什么地方跑?” This...” “这样啊…” Jie Te looks at Shi Yan, said secretly: „ 杰特偷偷看着石岩,笑着说:“ That is good, but also thinks that later cannot meet with Elder Sister Linda! He He, is comfortable with Elder Sister Linda, with others, arrives at the danger the time we are regarded the cannon fodder to sacrifice, these chieftains do not have the Elder Sister Linda such good intention. ” 那就好,还以为以后会见不着琳达姐呢!呵呵,还是跟着琳达姐舒服,跟着别人,一到危险的时候我们就会被当成炮灰牺牲掉,那些头目可没琳达姐这么好心。” Yes, we later must with Elder Sister Linda. ” 是呀是呀,我们以后还是要跟着琳达姐的。” Other crew on ship. Also is calling the approval in abundance, after Linda will go back, these people quietly relaxed, rejoiced secretly. 船上的别的船员。也纷纷吆喝着赞同,得自琳达还是会回去以后,这些人都悄悄松了一口气,暗暗庆幸。 In Three God Church surrounding disciple, many chieftains, when duty, once meets the bad risk, will make the following person make the shield, often cannot the life and death of worry subordinate. 三神教的外围弟子中,很多头目在出任务的时候,一旦遇到凶险,都会让下面的人去做挡箭牌,往往不会顾忌属下的生死。 Jie Te, Nano and the others, there are many friends, because of mistakenly person, when the duty, was regarded the cannon fodder forever to sacrifice. 杰特、纳诺等人,也有很多朋友,因为跟错了人,在出任务的时候,被当成了炮灰永远牺牲。 Jie Te also mixed long time in Three God Church, knows that these group leaders are any goods, if this Linda does not go back, without the leader, they will be assigned to other group leader, later their safety was difficult to guarantee, these friends who perhaps with dying were the same, was regarded the cannon fodder to sacrifice. 杰特三神教也混了很长时间,知道那些小头目都是什么货色,如果这趟琳达不回去,没有头领,他们就会被分配给别的小头目,以后他们的安危就难保证了,说不定会和死去的那些朋友一样,被人当成炮灰牺牲。 Jie Te is gazing at Shi Yan quietly, while looks secretly to Linda. From the face of Linda, he saw is sad and helpless, saw with own eyes the Linda interest is not high, Jie Te does not dare to say anything, signaled with the eyes to Nano and the others, hints everybody do not continue to probe, so as to avoid Linda is uncomfortable. Linda stands before Jie Te and other people, the spirit indeed is not quite as if good, the facial expression is somewhat desolate. After a while, Linda inspired gently, leaves from here, moved toward the stern Shi Yan side leisurely, is standing with Shi Yan shoulder to shoulder, looks together to under the multi-colored sunlight flood the bright red color sea level, they carry very long to the multi-colored sunlight, are being very long, the shadow that silhouette drags melted in one. 杰特一边悄悄注视着石岩,一边偷偷看向琳达。从琳达的脸上,他看到了忧愁和无奈,眼见琳达兴致不高,杰特也不敢多说什么,对纳诺等人使了个眼色,示意大家都不要继续试探下去,免得琳达难受。琳达站在杰特等人身前,精神似乎的确不太好,神情有些落寞。过了一会儿,琳达轻轻吸了一口气,从这边离开,款款走向了船尾石岩的身旁,和石岩并肩站着,一起看向在霞光之下泛着艳红之色的海面,两人背对着霞光,身影拖的很长很长,影子融在了一起。 Linda lowers the head, had discovered she and Shi Yan silhouette overlaps in together, in the heart sighed, if the secret passage she and Shi Yan can look like these two shadows not to be generally separated, that this let the will of the people pleased matter, what a pity...... Shi Yan frowns, in the heart still in considering Rosy Clouds Island that ice cold evil air/Qi, is suspecting on Rosy Clouds Island, decided however has any accident, in the mind has been full of the doubts, does not know that the tour of this Rosy Clouds Island, should continue. 琳达低着头,发现了她和石岩身影重叠在一块儿,心中一叹,暗道如果她和石岩真的能够像这两个影子一般不分开,那该是多么让人心悦的事情,可惜……石岩皱着眉头,心中还在思量着云霞岛那冰寒邪恶之气,怀疑在云霞岛上,定然发生了什么变故,脑海中充满了疑惑,不知道这一趟云霞岛之行,该不该继续下去。 That ice cold evil air/Qi. Although is scattered. But if must gather, feared that is very huge terrifying. Regardless of that aura came from the what kind biology, Shi Yan can definitely not be present he can cope, enters Rosy Clouds Island rashly, once bumps into that living thing, he feared that does not have any strength to hit back. 那一股冰寒邪恶之气。虽然非常分散。可若是真要聚集起来,怕是会非常庞大恐怖。不论那一股气息来自于何种生物,石岩都可以肯定绝不是现在的他可以对付的,冒然进入云霞岛,一旦碰到那生物,他怕是没有任何还手之力。 Is thinking, Shi Yan then started hesitant. 这么想着,石岩便开始犹豫了。 Shi Yan...... ” 石岩……” Un? ” 嗯?” In mind chaotic thought that slowly takes back, Shi Yan deeply inspired, restores the Pure Brightness to be calm, shot a look at eye Linda. 脑海中纷乱的念头,慢慢收回,石岩深吸了一口气,恢复了清明镇定,瞥了眼身旁的琳达 Under the multi-colored sunlight, the Linda cheek is ruddy, but also flood the light multi-colored sunlight, the tender and beautiful desire is dropping. In a pair of bright eye pupil, is holding the light feelings, disobedient however excited. „ 霞光下,琳达脸蛋红润,还泛着淡淡的霞光,娇艳欲滴。一双明亮的眼眸中,噙着淡淡的情愫,让人忤然心动。“ Linda, you were getting more and more charming. ” 琳达,你越来越迷人了。” Shi Yan deeply looks at Linda, heartfelt say|way. These days, after his moistening, Linda truly is face glowing with health, lives the woman in love, the body and mind will be joyful, naturally will become will be more attractive. 石岩深深地看着琳达,由衷道。这段时间,经过他的滋润,琳达确实是容光焕发,生活在情爱之中的女人,身心都会愉悦,会自然而然的变得更有魅力。 Shi Yan, quickly to Rosy Clouds Island. ” 石岩,快到云霞岛到了.” Linda sighed spookily, the reminder said. The Shi Yan facial expression is startled, the brow wrinkled suddenly, half sound, but said: „ 琳达幽幽一叹,提醒道。石岩神情一怔,眉头忽然皱了起来,半响,才无奈道:“ The auspicious day is always short, must... ” 好日子总是短暂,必…” Shi Yan, you can with me together, who regardless of you are, so long as you are willing with me in the same place, I, I to be willing with you...... ” 石岩,你可以和我一起的,不论你是谁,只要你愿意和我在一起,我都,我都愿意跟你……” Linda starts to speak but hesitates. „ 琳达欲言又止。“ I must go to Jialuo Sea Area. ” 我要去伽罗海域。” Shi Yan shook the head, „ 石岩摇了摇头,“ Linda, I have my pursue, you have your family, if you want, you can follow me, this Yuanluo Sea Area I will also come, but is actually copes with Dongfang Family and Gu Family, you with me...... ” 琳达,我有我的追求,你也有你的家族,如果你愿意,你可以跟我走,这垣罗海域我还会来,但却是对付东方家古家,你跟着我……” He knew that he cannot endure lonely, can the law-abiding person, he to the retaliation of Gu Family and Dongfang Family, carry on sooner or later, some day his Shi Yan given name, will resound through Endless Sea. The Linda family in Yuanluo Sea Area, attaches in Three God Church, Linda, if goes to Jialuo Sea Area with him, so long as were known by Three God Church, feared that will vent anger the Linda family, the Linda family members difficultly runs away the Three God Church anger. This is not Linda is willing to see. 他自知他不是耐得住寂寞,能够安安分分的人,他对古家东方家的报复,早晚会进行,有朝一日他石岩的名号,将会响彻无尽海琳达的家族在垣罗海域,依附于三神教,琳达要是跟着他去伽罗海域,只要被三神教知晓了,怕是会迁怒琳达的家族,琳达的家人都难逃三神教的怒火。一这绝不是琳达愿意看到的。 Before he does not have enough strength changes all, Linda with him, without any advantage, he does not dare lightly to promise the word. Linda was suddenly silent. 在他没有足够的实力改变一切之前,琳达跟着他,没有任何好处,他也不敢轻许诺言。琳达忽然沉默了。 For a long time, Linda lowers the head lowly, said spookily: „ 许久,琳达低垂着头,幽幽道:“ Shi Yan, my family in Yuanluo Sea Area Snow Dragon Island, you if later comes Yuanluo Sea Area, if passed by Snow Dragon Island, remembers that Qiao Ruijia comes to see me. ” 石岩,我家在垣罗海域雪龙岛,你以后要是来垣罗海域,要是路过雪龙岛的话,记得来乔瑞家来看我。” In the Shi Yan heart sighed, gently nod, „ 石岩心中一叹,轻轻点头,“ You could rest assured that I will certainly look for you, when I was some day formidable enough, I will go to the Blood Dragon island. To that day, I will not have feared Three God Church, I can shelter you and your family member, making you be exempt from the injury. ” 你放心,我一定会找你,等有一天我足够强大了,我会去血龙岛。到了那一天,我不会怕三神教,我可以庇护你和你的家人,让你们免受伤害。” The Linda eye socket was quietly moist, she clenches teeth, dives however wants to sob, looks at Shi Yan that the tearful eyes dance, said firmly: „ 琳达眼眶悄悄湿润了,她咬着牙,潜然欲泣,泪眼婆娑的看着石岩,坚定道:“ Shi Yan, you must remember your today's commitment! I can wait for you! Has waited! ” 石岩,你一定要记得你今日的承诺!我会等你!会一直等!”
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