GOS :: Volume #2

#160: Deterrent

„Is Carmon doing?” 卡蒙在干什么?” „Does this also need to ask? Definitely wants to know that Elder Sister Linda and Shi Yan that boy discussed anything, mentioned is also strange, since that boy and Elder Sister Linda have seen the pirate together, Elder Sister Linda somewhat was special to that boy, once for a while asked that boy to discuss the matter, they definitely had any secret!” “这还需要问吗?肯定想知道琳达姐石岩那小子谈论什么,说来也是奇怪啊,自从那小子和琳达姐一起去见过海匪之后,琳达姐就对那小子有些特别,时不时找那小子谈事情,两人肯定有什么秘密!” Definitely has the secret! Elder Sister Linda definitely wants to make that boy handle any matter, otherwise such will frequently not cry out he.”. “绝对有秘密!琳达姐肯定想让那小子做什么事情,不然不会这么频繁的叫唤他。”。 Does not know that Carmon does have to hear anything, I thought that he has stood long time.” “也不知道卡蒙有没有听到什么,我看他都站了很长时间了。” Lets him do what he pleases, the Carmon thoughts, who doesn't know?” “管他呢,卡蒙的心思,谁不知道?” „......” “……” Warrior of deck, crowds together, whoops. 甲板的武者,凑在一起,议论纷纷。 Huo Jie , etc. favored Carmon, believes Linda Jie Te and the others, quietly is gazing at Carmon, wants to obtain some news from the Carmon mouth. 不论是霍杰等倾向卡蒙的,还是信服琳达杰特等人,都悄悄注视着卡蒙,都想从卡蒙的口中得到一些消息。 Group was whispering low voice, while was sizing up Carmon secretly, poured also comfortably. 一行人一边小声嘀咕着,一边暗暗打量着卡蒙,倒也自在。 Suddenly, under the gaze of people, the Carmon face becomes the incomparable ugliness, seemed worn the man of green hat, cloudy severe violent anger of face, the facial features distortion, eyes murderous aura is steaming. „ Well! 突然,在众人的注视之下,卡蒙的脸庞变得无比的难看,仿佛被戴了绿帽子的男人,一脸的阴厉暴怒,面容扭曲,双眸杀气腾腾。“咦! Huo Jie, Jie Te and the others, simultaneously call out in alarm one, feels strange looks to Carmon. 霍杰杰特等人,同时惊呼一声,都奇怪的看向卡蒙 People!” “狗男女!” Carmon looks fierce, the facial expression is fierce, calls out one suddenly, within the body power condenses in the left hand, one group of shining none remaining. Explodes suddenly. 卡蒙龇牙咧嘴,神情狰狞,骤然暴喝一声,体内力量凝聚在左手,一团灿灿精光。骤然爆炸开来。 Bang!” “轰隆隆!” The wooden door of stairway, weighs is also split up, the sawdust flutters about. Carmon strikes that unexpectedly pulls taut wooden door crushing that the people had doubts, such violent strikes, Carmon also by strength impact will draw in the future back, the personal appearance is not steady. 楼梯口的木门,衡也四分五裂,木屑纷飞。卡蒙竟然一击将那扯住了众人疑惑的木门击碎,这么猛烈的一击,卡蒙自己也被劲道冲击的往后一退,身形不稳。 Carmon!” 卡蒙!” Jie Te screamed that *** insane?” 杰特尖叫起来,“***的疯了么?” Huo Jie and the others are also terrified color deteriorations, does not know that the Carmon why violent anger, is calling out in alarm in abundance, catches up fast toward here, tries to prevent the Carmon punishing intent unseemly behavior. After Carmon strikes, the imposing manner stagnates, after standing firm the body potential, must rush to the cabin. 霍杰等人也是悚然变色,不知道卡蒙因何暴怒,纷纷惊叫着,快速朝着这边赶来,试图阻止卡蒙的惩意妄为。卡蒙一击之后,气势为之一滞,稳住身势之后,就要冲下船舱。 At this time, Huo Jie, Jie Te and the others responded, leapt several meters, rushed to this, pulled to stop Carmon. go away!” 这时候,霍杰杰特等人都反应了过来,一跃几米,都赶到这一块,纷纷拉扯阻拦卡蒙。“都滚开!” Carmon was roaring, worked loose pulling of child Huo Jie and Jie Te, broke in the cabin. 卡蒙咆哮着,挣脱子霍杰杰特的拉扯,一头冲入船舱。 This boat is not big, the cargo places in the deck, in cabin, besides food and fresh water of stack, only then a small log house, that log house, is Linda one person. The wooden door of stairway, prevents Carmon, Jie Te and the others to use umbrella and fresh water in cabin sets up, in addition, small log house also leaf of wooden door, because on ship, only then Linda one person is a female, that log house turns over to Linda to trade the clothes rest use. 这一艘小船并不大,货物放在甲板上,船舱内,除了堆积的食物和淡水之外,只有一间小木房,那一间木房,属于琳达一人。楼梯口的木门,是防止卡蒙杰特等人动用船舱内的伞物和淡水设立的,除此之外,小木房还有一扇木门,因为船上只有琳达一人是女性,那木房正是归琳达换衣服休息使用的。 The Carmon violent strikes, is broken the wooden door bang of stairway, immediately breaks in the cabin. 卡蒙的暴击,将楼梯口的木门轰碎,马上冲入船舱。 At this time, Huo Jie, Jie Te and the others also fast clash, tries the cabin to stop Carmon together. 此时,霍杰杰特等人也快速冲来,一起试图去船舱阻拦卡蒙 Carmon seemed to be crazy, the Third Sky of Human Level crazy fierce strength erupts. Attacks Huo Jie one side, clenching jaws small wooden door in firing into cabin. Roared: People!” 卡蒙似乎疯狂了,人位三重天之境的狂猛劲道爆发出来。将霍杰冲击到一旁,咬牙切齿的冲向船舱内的小木门。咆哮道:“狗男女!” Carmon is roaring, takes a foot this wooden door smashing. 卡蒙怒吼着,就要一脚将这木门粉碎。 squeak.” 吱呀。” In this time, the wooden door on own initiative opens. Shi Yan is untidy, frowns to stop up in entrance, does not make others see the scene in room. 就在此时,木门主动打开。石岩衣衫不整,皱着眉头堵在门口,不让别人看到房内的场景。 The wooden door is not broad, Shi Yan the build is quite grand now, such toward a wooden door station, almost completely blocked the door. In the cabin, slightly was dim, people looking around looks, actually discovered that anything cannot see. You said that who is people?” 木门并不宽阔,石岩如今体型颇为雄伟,这么往木门一站,几乎将房门全部堵住了。船舱内,本来就略显昏暗,众人一个个探头探脑的去望,却发现什么都看不见。“你说谁是狗男女?” The Shi Yan calm face, is not staring at Carmon patiently, catches up with the goshawk to wave generally. Is all right get lost the distant point, do not disturb us to make the proper business.,” 石岩沉着脸,不耐烦地盯着卡蒙,赶苍鹰一般挥手,。“没事滚远点,不要打搅我们做正事。,” He just with Linda in the enthusiasm, soon is climbing up Wei peak, Linda could not bear the low voice mewl, this Carmon struck to break the first wooden door suddenly, frightens Linda hurriedly to shove open Shi Yan, they were thrown into confusion putting on clothes garment. 他刚刚和琳达正在兴头上,快要攀上巍峰了,琳达都忍不住小声低泣了,这卡蒙突然一击将第一道木门破开,吓到琳达急忙将石岩推开来,两人手忙脚乱的去穿衣衫。 After Carmon strikes, body has stagnated slightly, had been pulled a while by Jie Te, Huo Jie and the others, Carmon attacks, perhaps will catch. 要不是卡蒙一击之后,身子略略凝滞了一下,又被杰特霍杰等人拉扯了一会儿,卡蒙一路冲击过来,说不定会逮个正着。 Is good because of the Shi Yan movement fast, before slipped off the half pants, rapidly after the pants put on, stopping up courageously in the wooden entrance, the vision of all people completely has tunnelled. 好在石岩动作迅捷,之前只是褪下半截裤子,迅速将裤子穿好后,当机立断的堵在了木门口,将所有人的视线全部挡住了。 Boy, I want you dead!” “小子,我要你死!” The Carmon facial features distortion, in eyes accumulated is burying the dreadful anger. 卡蒙面容扭曲,双眸中蕴葬着滔天的怒火。 In his two ten fingers, has projected the fine glow of helix suddenly, that fine glow is revolving. Bright bright, is ordinary like Arrow, in-line to the chest of Shi Yan. 他两手十指之中,骤然射出了螺旋形的精芒,那精芒回旋着。晶亮晶亮的,像箭矢一般,直插向石岩的胸口。 Spiral vigor!” “螺旋劲!” Jie Te screamed that called out in alarm said: Carmon, were you insane? You want the Shi Yan life really!” 杰特尖叫起来,惊呼道:“卡蒙,你疯了了?你真想要石岩的性命啊!” The spiral vigor is Carmon most adept Martial Skills, does not display easily, once utilizes, explained that he moved really has killed the heart. 螺旋劲是卡蒙最拿手的武技,轻易不施展,一旦运用起来,就说明他真的动了杀心了。 The spiral vigor is Mystery level Martial Skills, can congeal the thread shape strength Essence Qi, as if drill bit same drill to others' body, extremely swift and fierce verve. 螺旋劲是一种玄级武技,可以将精元凝结成螺纹形状的劲道,仿佛钻头一样钻向别人的身体,极为的凌厉刚猛。 Jie Te, Huo Jie and the others, had seen Carmon with the spiral vigor, chisels ten blood holes a same level Warrior body, making that same level Warrior be mad at the scene certainly. Sees Carmon one to put in an appearance, immediately the most adept spiral vigor will cause, the people are all startled, the secret passage right now Shi Yan feared that must be finished. 杰特霍杰等人,曾经见过卡蒙用螺旋劲,将一名同级的武者身体凿开十个血洞,让那一名同级的武者当场气绝。一见卡蒙一个照面,立即将最为拿手的螺旋劲使出来,众人皆惊,暗道这下子石岩怕是要完蛋了。 Dodge!” “快闪啊!” With Nano who Carmon does not gather, cannot bear call: Do not pull taut the gate, dodge! The spiral vigor you cannot block!” 卡蒙不合的纳诺,忍不住呼叫起来:“别扯住门了,快闪啊!螺旋劲你挡不住的!” Shi Yan frowns, stops up the wooden door to be motionless, look looks at Carmon, the corners of the mouth bring back a curve of ridicule coldly. 石岩皱着眉头,堵着木门一动不动,眼神冷冽地看着卡蒙,嘴角勾起一个嘲弄的弧度。 chi chi chi!,” 嗤嗤嗤!,” Spiral vigor, drilled into the chest of Shi Yan, the Shi Yan clothing have broken ten finger size hole holes immediately, that spiral vigor awl seemed to be common, becomes spiral-shaped, drilled unceasingly toward the Shi Yan body. 一道道螺旋劲,钻入石岩的胸膛,石岩的衣衫立即破开了十个手指大小的洞孔,那螺旋劲仿佛锥子一般,成螺旋状,不断地往石岩皮肉内钻去。 What a pity, Petrification later Shi Yan, body actually hard like iron stone. Spiral vigor, transmit the strange sound in his chest, but the Shi Yan skin has not actually opened the meat crack. 可惜,石化之后的石岩,身体却硬如铁石。一道道螺旋劲,在他胸口传来奇异的声响,但石岩却并未皮开肉裂。 Peng! 嘭! Shi Yan leaves the foot, if the potential is extremely heavy, the thunderclap falls to the chest of Carmon generally. 石岩出脚,势若万钧,炸雷一般落到卡蒙的胸口。 The Carmon shell seems to be common, is flown, gave to hit Huo Jie that a Shi Yan foot tramples, falls to fly five meters, rolled with Huo Jie in a cabin corner/horn, full mouth blood. 卡蒙仿佛炮弹一般,被石岩一脚踹的飞了起来,将霍杰都给撞到,跌飞了五米,和霍杰滚在船舱一角,满口鲜血。 The noisy cabin, falls needle to hear suddenly. Jie Te, Nano and the others, open mouth greatly, surprised looks at Shi Yan, in the eye full is stunned. Carmon was also trampled to hoodwink by a foot, does not give a thought to blood directing current of corners of the mouth, dull looks at Shi Yan. 嘈嘈杂杂的船舱,突然落针可闻。杰特、纳诺等人,一个个大张着嘴,一脸惊讶的看着石岩,眼中满是错愕。卡蒙也被一脚踹蒙了,不顾嘴角的鲜血直流,呆呆的看着石岩 Since Shi Yan arrives on this ship, has been law-abiding, little and person speech communication, has not had the conflict with anybody. 自从石岩来到这一艘船上起,就一直非常安分,很少和人讲话沟通,也没有和任何人发生过冲突。 Even, when Carmon and the others sought he troubles, enduring patiently that he also completely manages. Has never revolted. 甚至,在卡蒙等人找寻他麻烦的时候,他也都是尽办的忍耐。从来不曾反抗过。 Carmon and Huo Jie, are that Jie Te and Nano, regarded the soft persimmon to regard Shi Yan, does not think that Shi Yan was how profound Warrior. Now, was regarded the soft egg by them Shi Yan, actually under the Carmon thread vigor safe and sound, and a foot tramples Carmon departed five meters. 不论是卡蒙霍杰,还是那杰特、纳诺,都将石岩当成了软柿子看待,不认为石岩是多么高深的武者。如今,被他们当成软蛋的石岩,却在卡蒙的螺纹劲之下安然无恙,并且一脚将卡蒙踹的飞出了五米。 The so strange scene, deeply has shocked them. 如此诡异的场景,深深地震撼了他们。 I have killed you!” “我杀了你!” Under is in the glare of the public eye, Carmon of shamed being a mass of cuts and bruises, crazy roaring, flushed again, such as insane Demonic Beast. 众目睽睽之下,被羞辱的体无完肤的卡蒙,一声疯狂的咆哮,再一次冲了上来,如一头疯了的妖兽 A Shi Yan brow wrinkle, the whole face is impatient, when that Carmon must approach him, suddenly gets rid like lightning, accurate incomparable covered Carmon neck, the single arm flew high to twist Carmon. 石岩眉头一皱,满脸不耐烦,在那卡蒙就要靠近他的时候,突然闪电般出手,精准无比的扣住了卡蒙脖颈,单臂将卡蒙凌空拧了起来。 The Carmon fists and feet makes an effort unceasingly, shells on the body of Shi Yan, but the Shi Yan facial expression is faint, looks but not see, as if this Carmon wanton bombing scratches an itch in the boot to him, a point cannot play the role to be ordinary. 卡蒙拳脚不断地使力,轰击在石岩的身上,可石岩却神情淡漠,视而不见,仿佛这卡蒙的狂轰滥炸只是对他隔靴搔痒,一点都起不到作用一般。 A hand covers Carmon neck, flies high to twist him, strength gradual enlargement on Shi Yan. 一只手扣住卡蒙脖颈,将他凌空拧起,石岩手上的力道逐渐的增大。 Carmon has struggled a while, red that the complexion suppresses, the scant of breath, swaying of hands and feet was gradually getting more and more weak. 卡蒙挣扎了一会儿,脸色憋的通红,渐渐呼吸困难,手脚的摇晃越来越无力了。 The Shi Yan look is cold, coldly gazes at Carmon, the strength on hand gradually is increasing. 石岩眼神冷冽,冷冷地注视着卡蒙,手上的力气逐渐增大。 Drops! Do you want to kill him?” “放手!你想杀了他么?” Huo Jie discolored, flushed hurriedly. Bang!” 霍杰勃然变色,急忙冲了过来。“轰!” Shi Yan is like lightning a foot, as if Tieshan enters the chest of Huo Jie poisonously, the Huo Jie body, throws to fly fiercely, the skeleton of chest hears the clear break sound. Get lost in a cabin corner/horn, the Huo Jie whole face blood, whole face frightened looks at Shi Yan, does not dare to act rashly. No matter Shi Yan Carmon soon died, frowns to size up other Warrior in cabin, sneers saying: Who also wants to save him?” 石岩又是闪电般一脚,仿佛铁山毒入霍杰的胸口,霍杰的身躯,又猛地抛飞起来,胸口的骨骼传来清脆的断裂声。滚在船舱一角,霍杰满脸鲜血,满脸恐惧地看着石岩,再也不敢妄动。石岩不管卡蒙快要断气,皱着眉头打量着船舱内的其余武者,冷笑道:“谁还想救他么?” The Huo Jie fate is placed in the front, the people keeps silent. 霍杰的下场摆在面前,众人噤若寒蝉。 Daily delivers food to his Jie Te, is the heart lives to fear intent, mouth that opens, has closed, the expression is awkward. Shi Yan, do not kill him.” 天天来送食物给他的杰特,也是心生惧意,张开的口,又合上了,表情尴尬无比。“石岩,别杀他。” In the behind small log cabin, spread the Linda sound, has put him, gives me a face.” 身后的小木屋内,传出了琳达的声音,“放了他吧,给我个面子。” A Shi Yan brow wrinkle, hesitant, throws to fly Carmon. 石岩眉头一皱,犹豫了一下,才一把将卡蒙抛飞出去。 The Carmon body becomes the parabola, accurate falling to the body of Huo Jie, the pitiful yell that Huo Jie presses again and again, looking fierce is very the pain. Shi Yan blocks the gate as before, turned head to look at behind, saw Linda to be well-dressed, then shows a faint smile, walked from the wooden entrance. The Linda clothing is neat, walked from the small log cabin leisurely. 卡蒙身体成抛物线,准确的落到霍杰的身上,将霍杰压的惨叫连连,龇牙咧嘴的很是痛苦。石岩依旧堵住门,扭头望了一眼身后,见琳达已穿戴整齐,便微微一笑,从木门口走了出来。琳达衣衫整齐,款款从小木屋走了出来。 Warrior in cabin, looks at that small log cabin only that bed with rapt attention, discovers on that bed bedding entire simultaneously, as if no anything not to be inappropriate. Ruddiness on Linda face, in light feeling of love with look, made the person be full of the infinite daydream. The crew in cabin, looks at Linda, gradually understood anything... If Shi Yan and Linda really pure, Shi Yan has not been stopping up the gate, appearance that Carmon so hysteria, the Linda whole face colorful light, a feeling of love will not ripple. 船舱内的武者,纷纷凝神去望那小木屋唯一的那张床,发现那床上被褥整整齐齐,似乎没什么不妥当的。只是,琳达脸上的红润,和眼神中淡淡的春情,却让人充满了无限遐想。船舱内的船员,一个个怔怔地看着琳达,渐渐明白了什么…如果石岩琳达真的清清白白,石岩不会一直堵着门,那卡蒙也不会如此歇斯底里,琳达也不会满脸艳光,一副春情荡漾的模样。 A situation the book has revealed very much. The symbol has stroked slightly disorderly beautiful hair, Linda feigns calmly, black eyebrows micro pressed, asked indifferently: „Do you do?” 一形势已很册显了。符了捋略显凌乱的秀发,琳达佯装镇定,黛眉微蹙,淡然问道:“你们来干什么?” People embarrasedly hollow laugh, unmanned start to talk. Carmon eyes full is the hate, sweeps to sweep off in the body of Shi Yan and Linda, actually clenches teeth not to say a word. 众人一个个讪讪干笑,无人开口。卡蒙双眸满是怨恨,在石岩琳达的身上扫来扫去,却咬着牙一言不发。 The Shi Yan calm face, looks at that Carmon, has hesitated, turns head to say to Linda: I came up, here gave you 石岩沉着脸,看着卡蒙,沉吟了一下,回头对琳达道:“我上去了,这里交给你了” The words, does not wait for Linda to agree that the Shi Yan facial expression indifferently, walks toward the stairway. Arrives at side Carmon time, Shi Yan gains ground, actually foot accurate stepping on weak on place the arm of Carmon. 话罢,也不等琳达同意,石岩神情漠然,直朝着楼梯口走去。走到卡蒙身旁的时候,石岩抬着头,却一脚准确的踩在瘫软在地的卡蒙的手骨上。 kacha!” 咔嚓!” A resounding, Carmon toward the left hand of retraction, the arm has exploded broken, this hand. Feared that must discard thoroughly. 一声脆响,卡蒙已经往回缩的左手,手骨爆碎,他这一只手。怕是要彻底报废了。 In the cabin, the people complexion sudden change, the heart fresh chill in the air, had the new understanding to mean of Shi Yan. 船舱内,众人脸色骤变,心生寒意,对石岩的阴狠有了新的认识。
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