GOS :: Volume #2

#159: Happy journey

After Carmon and the others asked, under the direction of Linda, is popular the start that * exerts to collect these pirate spoils of war. 卡蒙等人讨来后,在琳达的指挥下,兴*奋的开始收集这些海匪身上的战利品。 Dozens pirates, the body scattered weapon and medicine *, Mortal level Martial Skills and so on assorted things, were gathered by Carmon and the others, these goods have are attractive to Carmon, Jie Te and the others. 数十名海匪,身上零零散散的武器、药*品、凡级武技等等杂七杂八的东西,被卡蒙等人纷纷聚集起来,这些物品有一些对卡蒙杰特等人很有吸引力。 For example acquired two Mystery level Martial Skills from that Kong Laoer and whiskers, on that Lin Xiaochang strange soft armor, unexpectedly is a Spirit level rare treasure. In that soft armor can accumulate looks at power, once meets the attack, power that usually in gathers, automatically will come out to help to defend fleshly body. 譬如从那孔老二和络腮胡身上收集到的两种玄级武技,还有那林笑常身上的奇异软甲,竟然还是一种灵级的秘宝。那软甲之中可以积看力量,一旦遇到攻击,平日里聚集的力量,就会自动出来帮助防御肉身 In addition, above that steamship, but also indeed has the huge number blasting explosive, these blasting explosive in the cabin, pile up the hill, the command of will of the people looking live to dread. 除此之外,在那一艘大船之上,还的确有着数量巨大的炸药,那些炸药就在船舱,堆积成小山,望之令人心生畏惧。 Linda raises head, the facial expression is faint, acquired goods one by one glances at Carmon and the others, leaves behind on Lin Xiaochang that soft armor, took some medicinal pills to put in the belt-bag, at once lets Carmon and the others also the respective choice. 琳达仰着头,神情淡漠,将卡蒙等人收集到的物品一一过目,将林笑常身上的那一件软甲留下,又取了一些丹药放入腰包,旋即让卡蒙等人也各自挑选。 Heard that these goods can choose at will, Carmon and Jie Te several people are overjoyed, immediately starts the goods that robbed already settled on. 一听说这些物品可以随意挑选,卡蒙杰特几人大喜过望,立即开始抢夺早就看中的物品。 Suddenly, Carmon and Jie Te one line, because of the assignments of these goods, being red in the face that struggles, noisy being heavily engaged. 一时间,卡蒙杰特一行人,因为这些物品的分配,争的面红耳赤,吵的不可开交。 Linda black eyebrows micro pressed, thought that the ugly performances of these fellows make her lose face, tenderly drinks one, cannot quarrel! The goods that wants, stress the noisy decision. Quarrelled again, these goods I delivered completely, making your one unable to obtain!” 琳达黛眉微蹙,觉得这些家伙的丑态让她丢面子,不由娇喝一声,“不许吵!都想要的物品,抓闹决定。再吵,这些物品我全部上交,让你们一个得不到!” Linda shouted that these people were honest immediately Ping to come, the discussion sound also slightly. 琳达一喊,那些人立即老实了平来,议论声也都小了下来。 Supported the milk-white bosom, Linda satisfied noddedsuperfluous Shi Yan was saying at willlightly: „Don't you choose something?” 挺着酥胸,琳达满意的点了点头”随意赘了石岩一眼”淡淡道:“你不挑选一些东西?” What matter closes his?” Carmon suddenly disgruntled snort|hum, stared Shi Yan one maliciously, this boy anything has not done is not our people, does not have the qualifications to share these goods. ” “关他什么事?”卡蒙突然不悦的哼了一声,狠狠地瞪了石岩一眼,“这小子什么都没做”又不是我们的人,根本没资格分享这些物品。” These goods on ship, many values not poor, Carmon to the Shi Yan anything favorable impression, naturally had not liked Shi Yan also being able to make a profit. 船上的那些物品,很多价值不菲,卡蒙本来就对石岩没什么好感,自然不喜欢石岩也能从中获利。 Huo Jie one line, one hear of Linda intend to apportion Shi Yan some goods , said. 霍杰一行人,一听琳达有意将物品分给石岩一些,也纷纷叫了起来。 The Linda elegant face sinkssnort|hum said: „ This, is he accompanies me to come together. I said that he is entitled, he is entitled! Does anyone of you have the opinion?” 琳达俏脸一沉”“哼道:“这一趟,是他陪我一起过来的。我说他有资格,他就有资格!你们谁有意见?” At this time relations of Linda and Shi Yan, out of the ordinary, sees Carmon and the others to ridicule Shi Yan, she does not think immediately comfortably, wishes one could to teach several people of one by one. 此时琳达石岩的关系,非比寻常,一见卡蒙等人讥讽石岩,她心里立即觉得不舒服,恨不得将几人一一教训一顿。 Linda acted crazyCarmon and Huo Jie to be also law-abiding, was only bitterly looks at Shi Yan. 琳达一发飙”卡蒙霍杰又安分了下来,只是恨恨地看着石岩 Shi Yan that as if did not say a word, was the chief criminal. 仿佛一言不发的石岩,才是罪魁祸首。 I.” Shi Yan shook the head with a smile, I have not made anything in any case, indeed does not have the qualifications to gain these goods.” “我就算了吧。”石岩笑着摇了摇头,“我反正也没有做什么,的确没资格获取这些物品。” He cannot have a liking for here goods from the start. 一他压根看不上这里的物品。 Linda as if also knows that Shi Yan did not have interestto listen to his such saying to these goods, the nod, sent out one to Shi Yan gently secretly with the look that Carmon and the others lowered oneself to the same level. 琳达似乎也知道石岩对这些物品没兴趣”听他这么一说,轻轻点头,暗地里对石岩送出一个不要和卡蒙等人一般见识的眼神。 Shi Yan shook the head with a smile, hints itself not to have the interest and Carmon these people tosses about anything, making her feel relieved. 石岩笑着摇了摇头,示意自己没有兴趣和卡蒙这些人折腾什么,让她放心。 You are quicker, a while we ride our ship to leave the steamship of pirate, although is good, but the mark of above Blood Pupil are too many, the Blood Pupil reputation is too badtrouble that to avoid not needing, we no matter this ship. ” Linda sees Carmon and the others to continue lowering the head busy ballimpatient calls. “你们快一些,一会儿我们还是乘我们这一艘船离开”海匪的大船虽然不错,但上面血瞳的标记太多,血瞳名声太差”为了避免没必要的麻烦,我们就不管这一艘船了。”琳达卡蒙等人继续低头忙球”不由不耐烦的吆喝起来。 Carmon, Jie Te and the others, the repeatedly nodded name is, the speed nature quick was lax. 卡蒙杰特等人,连连点头称是,速度自然快了不严。 Within a half hour, these people assign the goods, enters the cabin unnecessary goods, in high spirit, chatted to drive loudly the ships. 半小时之后,那些人将物品分配好,把多余的物品家入船舱,一个个兴高采烈,大声谈笑着将船只驶动。 This ship , to continue to go in the direction of sunset island. 这一艘船,继续朝着落霞岛的方向而去。 Shi Yan lies down in the assorted box pile as before, secret meditation, but, Linda will look for various excuses, making under Shi Yan the cabin look for her. Each Shi Yan got down cabin, Linda will tie up quietly the wooden door of stairway, they will be constraining the sound, was quietly intimate. 石岩依旧躺在杂七杂八的箱子堆内,暗暗苦修着,只是,琳达会找寻各种借口,让石岩下船舱找她。每一次石岩下了船舱,琳达都会悄悄将楼梯口的木门拴好,两人则会压抑着声音,悄悄亲热一番。 Initially tastes the male and female taste Linda, this days somewhat get a taste of blood, send the signal to Shi Yan frequently on own initiative, making under Shi Yan the cabin open up her moving fertile paddies. Each Shi Yan exits from the cabin, Carmon, Huo Jie and Jie Te one line are the facial expression doubts, does not know why Linda such pays attention to Shi Yan suddenly, when only they are seeing right in front of one pirate alone, hid any secret. 初尝男女滋味的琳达,这段日子有些食髓知味,经常主动向石岩发出讯号,让石岩下船舱开垦她那动人的肥沃田地。每一次石岩从船舱出去,卡蒙霍杰杰特一行人都是神情疑惑,不知道为什么琳达突然对石岩这么关注,只当两人在单独面见海匪的时候,隐藏了什么秘密。 When facing them, Linda and Shi Yan is the manner is normal, besides Carmon, others has not thought actually they can have any intrigue. 在面对他们的时候,琳达石岩都是举止正常,除了卡蒙之外,别人倒是没有多想两人会不会有什么奸情。 Your today's food and fresh water.” Jie Te arrives at Shi Yan that same place, puts three basket fruit pulp and two altar|jar fresh water, closes right up against a big box slantingly, said: Elder Sister Linda alone told me, does not permit me to embezzle to be your food, but your this fellow appetite also is really astonishing, such eats the law according to you, our food feared that does not meet sufficiently. Carmon very much has the opinion, Elder Sister Linda is pressing, I do not dare to give you these things.” “你今日的食物和淡水。”杰特来到石岩那一块,将三篮子果肉和两坛淡水放下来,斜靠着一个大箱子,笑着说:“琳达姐可是单独吩咐了我,不准我克扣属于你的食物,不过你这家伙食量还真是惊人,按照你这么吃法,我们食物怕是会不够用。卡蒙可是很有意见,要不是琳达姐压着,我都不敢将这些东西送给你。” Shi Yan shows a faint smile, comes up to take the fruit pulp in basket, from attending to is eating, said: Thanked.” 石岩微微一笑,上去将篮子内的果肉取出来,自顾的吃着,道:“谢了。” Un.” Jie Te squats suddenly, is near with the side that Shi Yan depends on, lowers the sound, said stealthily: Shi Yan you spoke into cabin each time, what made with Lin this elder sister? You have any secret. Sees that pirate time, what did your side exactly have?” “嗯。”杰特突然蹲下来,和石岩靠的极近,压低声音,鬼鬼祟祟道:“石岩你每次讲入船舱,都和琳这姐做什么?你们是不是有什么秘密。去见那海匪的时候,你们那边到底发生了什么?” A curiosity of Jie Te face, speech time, but also looks at behind carefully , to continue saying: I, you told me tight-lipped, I will not tell others! Shi Yan, I really curious awfully, you told me!” 杰特一脸的好奇,讲话的时候,还小心望了望身后,继续道:“我口风很紧的,你告诉我,我绝不会告诉别人!石岩,我真的好奇的要命,你就告诉我吧!” Is only and Linda talks love, where has any secret.” Shi Yan cannot help laughing, shook the head, if heart told you me and Linda fights hand-to-hand on the bed daily, does not know how you will think. “只是和琳达谈情说爱而已,哪有什么秘密。”石岩哑然失笑,摇了摇头,心道如果告诉你我和琳达天天在床上肉搏,不知道你会怎么想呢。 Talks love?” Jie Te opened the eye, at once disdains saying: Did not say that did not say, such rotten reason, you also do dare to look? The Elder Sister Linda status is honored, her family in our Yuanluo Sea Area also bothersome will be the fame, Elder Sister Linda in the future must be the god Core Disciple character, can it be that could your boy be joined to? You also can only think secretly.” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, has not said anything. “谈情说爱?”杰特睁大了眼,旋即不屑道:“不说就不说,这么烂的理由,你也敢找?琳达姐身份尊贵,她的家族在我们垣罗海域也烦为名气,琳达姐将来可是要做神教核心弟子的人物,岂是你小子配得上的?你也就只能暗暗想想罢了。”石岩淡然一笑,并未多说什么。 Shi Yan, you get down, I have the words to ask you.” In this time, in cabin, spread the Linda cry, the sound is chilly, but also is bringing an arrogance, seemed summoning own subordinate or the servant. 石岩,你下来一趟,我有话问你。”就在此时,船舱内,又传出了琳达的叫声,声音清冷淡漠,还带着点傲慢,仿佛在召唤自己的属下或佣人。 Jie Te chuckled, you, if can talk love with Elder Sister Linda , the Elder Sister Linda manner, cannot like this. Goes, Elder Sister Linda definitely has the proper matter to look for you, your boy, does not want the shifty eyes to take a look law-abidingly randomly, if really has angered Elder Sister Linda, you could not eat to capture walking! Hehe, initially Carmon that fellow, because looks randomly, once made into the pig head by Elder Sister Linda, I do not want to see you to turn into such, Ha Ha.” 杰特嘿嘿笑了,“你要是真的能和琳达姐谈情说爱,琳达姐的态度,可绝不会这样。去吧,琳达姐肯定有正经事找你,你小子安分一点,可不要贼眼乱瞅,真要是惹怒了琳达姐,你吃不了兜着走!嘿嘿,当初卡蒙那家伙,因为乱瞄,曾经被琳达姐打成猪头,我可不想看到你变成那样,哈哈。” Jie Te does not believe the Shi Yan words from the start. 杰特压根不信石岩的话。 Shrugs, Shi Yan moves toward the cabin with a smile, the facial expression nature, heart inside is whispering, does not know that this Linda must trade any pattern, this woman plays is very insane, any posture dares to attempt unexpectedly. 耸了耸肩,石岩笑着走向船舱,神情自然,心里面嘀咕着,不知道这次琳达要换什么花样,这女人玩起来还挺疯,竟然什么姿势都敢尝试。 To come, in Shi Yan heart, look were then many strange color. 这么想来,石岩心中一荡,眼神便多了点奇异的色彩。 Other crew on ship, does not have extremely to care actually, but Carmon in observation he, has been seeing his look to be ambiguous quietly, in the Carmon heart jumps, complexion suddenly gloomy. Shi Yan has not managed him, smiles the cabin. 船上的别的船员,倒是没有太过在意,但卡蒙一直在悄悄观察着他,一见他眼神暧昧,卡蒙心中一跳,脸色骤然阴沉了下来。石岩没有管他,笑着下了船舱。 Linda was already waiting, sees him to get down, on the face splits a charming smiling face immediately, fastens from inside the wooden door of stairway quietly, fragrant the tender body, then fiercely pushes in the Shi Yan bosom, in the coquettish look the flood feeling of love, low said with a smile tenderly: Today I must arrive above......,...” 琳达早已在等候,一见他下来,脸上马上绽出一个迷人的笑容,悄悄将楼梯口的木门从里面栓住,香啧啧的娇躯,便猛地挤入石岩怀中,媚眼中满溢春情,低低娇笑道:“今天我要到上面……,…” Pa! Shi Yan has patted one in the abundant buttocks that she very curled upwards, lowly chuckled, went! Lies the bedside, curls upwards the buttocks, first makes me come a while from behind.” 啪!石岩在她挺翘的丰臀拍了一记,嘿嘿低笑,“去!趴到床边,把屁股翘起来,先让我从后面来一会儿。” The Linda tender body trembles, bright eyes are bright and intelligent, hee hee smiles, clever lying in the bedside, digs high the beautiful buttocks, but also is swaying gently, is waiting for the master to provide the good food to wag the tail the puppy of close to likely unceasingly. Shi Yan swallowed under the saliva, under the garment downward will shed, eyes is scalding hot, immediately the trail arms start. 琳达娇躯一颤,明眸水汪汪的,嘻嘻笑着,乖巧的趴在床边,高高将美臀撅起来,还轻轻摇晃着,像是在等候主人发放美食而不断摇尾巴的小狗。石岩吞了下口水,将下衫往下褪了点,双眸灼热,立即提枪上马。 Carmon moves toward the stairway quietly ugly, facial expression sinister and vicious, the complexion incomparable ear post to wooden door. 卡蒙悄悄走向楼梯口,神情阴鸷,脸色难看无比的将耳朵贴向木门。 He already observation several days. 他已观察了好几天了。 Along with these days observation, Carmon thought between more and more Shi Yan and Linda do not suit, has an unclear premonition faintly. 随着这几天的观察,卡蒙越来越觉得石岩琳达之间不对劲,隐隐有种不详的预感。 Carmon unrequited loves the Linda many years, when into the ceremony of Three God Church surrounding disciple, his first sees Linda, deeply was infatuated with on her. For these years, Carmon let go a lot of opportunities, has followed in Linda behind, the effect serve somebody faithfully, will expel to Linda interested man one by one. 卡蒙暗恋琳达多年,在成为三神教外围弟子的仪式时,他第一眼看到琳达,就深深地迷恋上了她。这么多年来,卡蒙放弃了很多机会,一直跟在琳达身后,效犬马之劳,将很多对琳达有兴趣的男人一一赶走。 In his heart, Linda is his banning business, is only him, does not allow anybody to bribe. 在他心中,琳达就是他的禁商,只属于他一人,决不允许任何人染指。 The arrival of Shi Yan, making him have the giant sense of crisis, others have not realized Linda to the difference of Shi Yan, but sensitive Carmon, to the Linda knowledge really deep, from the tip details, he had realized was not wonderful. 石岩的到来,让他产生了巨大的危机感,别人还没有察觉出琳达石岩的不同,可敏感的卡蒙,对琳达知之甚深,从点点滴滴细节,他已意识到了不妙。 This time, he cannot control the suspicion of innermost feelings finally, collected the ear to the wooden door, listened secretly in the cabin in sound own cabin, Shi Yan and Linda they were controlling the sound desirably, the movement does not dare to be too big, the sound was also suppressing. 这次,他终于控制不住内心的怀疑,将耳朵凑向了木门,偷听船舱内声亲船舱内,石岩琳达两人刻意控制着声响,动作不敢太大,声音也都压制着。 Carmon listened some little time, the brow closely is wrinkling, has not actually heard any sound. 卡蒙听了好一会儿,眉头紧紧皱着,却没有听到任何声音。 Is this, Carmon was the suspicion, complexion gloomy. 越是这样,卡蒙越是怀疑,脸色更加阴沉了。 Linda hands over the cabin Shi Yan, impossible a few words not saying that so long as there is a speech sound, even if were very low , can always hear. 琳达石岩交到船舱,不可能一句话不讲,只要有讲话声,就算是很低,也总能听到一些。 In the cabin does not have the sound, that showing definitely has the issue. 船舱内没有声音,那说明肯定有问题。 The Jie Te, Huo Jie and other deck on Warrior, see Carmon to be stealthy, is the expression is strange, but Huo Jie, is Jie Te, has not said anything. 杰特霍杰等甲板上的武者,见卡蒙鬼鬼祟祟,都是表情古怪,不过不论是霍杰,还是杰特,都没有多说什么。 Huo Jie several people are on good terms with Carmon, naturally cannot say that but these favor the Linda person, the same intention doubts, want to know Shi Yan and Linda secret, therefore also looks but not see. 霍杰几人和卡蒙交好,自然不会多说,而那些倾向琳达的人,一样心怀疑惑,想知道石岩琳达的秘密,所以也视而不见。 Although Carmon starts not to hear anything, actually holds the breath with rapt attention, gloomy the face is not giving up , to continue to listen secretly. The time does not lose the person with high aspirations. 卡蒙虽然开始没有听到什么,却屏息凝神,阴沉着脸不放弃,继续偷听。功夫不负有心人。 After a half hour, Carmon heard some strange slight low calls finally. 半小时后,卡蒙终于听到了一些奇怪的轻微低呼声。 PS, sorry, today runs the favour, today can only two, below make up.. PS呃,抱歉,今天跑去出人情了,今天只能两更,下面会补。。
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