GOS :: Volume #2

#161: Promotion rare treasure

Under the Shi Yan facial expression indifferently, is in the glare of the public eye, stepped on a left hand of Carmon, unflustered left from the cabin. 石岩神情漠然,众目睽睽之下,踩断了卡蒙的一只左手,从容不迫的从船舱离开。 The Carmon forehead cold sweat infiltrates, a face hatred, actually clenches teeth not to speak, the body is curling up slightly, piles with Huo Jie in the same place, in the heart the flood hatred. 卡蒙额头冷汗渗渗,一脸怨毒,却咬着牙没有吭声,身子略略蜷曲着,和霍杰堆在一起,心中满溢仇恨。 In cabin. 船舱内。 Jie Te, Nano and the others the facial expression is panic-stricken, the dull looks at Shi Yan back vanishes, looks to that Carmon and Huo Jie, the expression is strange. 杰特、纳诺等人神情惊骇,呆呆的看着石岩的背影消失,又望向那卡蒙霍杰,表情怪异。 Linda has not spoken to prevent Shi Yan, in heart to sigh gently, said: Carmon, you should better not to think revenging, you absolutely are not his match. If you resentful intent unseemly behavior, I, feared that cannot protect you!” 琳达并未出言阻止石岩,心中轻轻一叹,道:“卡蒙,你最好不要想着报仇,你绝对不是他的对手。你如果怨意妄为,就连我,怕是也护不住你!” Other people do not know Shi Yan very ruthless, but Linda with own eyes has experienced his brutality, the Blood Pupil pirate, dozens people, was ruthless by Shi Yan one person, has not left behind a living witness. 旁人不知石岩狠辣,可琳达可是亲眼见识过他的残酷,血瞳的海匪,数十人,被石岩一人赶尽杀绝,没有留下一个活口。 That war, Linda impression profoundly, including Disaster Level Warrior, not slight strength to hit back in the hand of Shi Yan, Carmon , if not know good from bad, the fate will be what kind, it can be imagined. 那一战,琳达印象深刻之极,连百劫之境武者,在石岩的手上都没有丝毫的还手之力,卡蒙若是不知好歹,下场会怎样,可想而知。 Actually does not need Linda excessively to remind, now Huo Jie and Carmon their miserable fates, have made the people realize Shi Yan very ruthless faintly. 其实不需要琳达过多提醒,如今霍杰卡蒙两人的凄凉下场,已隐隐让众人意识到了石岩狠辣 These two, in the hand of Shi Yan, were almost routed instantaneously, the bilateral disparity, one was clear-sighted. 这两人,在石岩的手中,几乎瞬间就被击溃了,双方间的差距,一眼明了。 Some Jie Te suddenly pitiful Carmon. 杰特突然有些可怜卡蒙了。 Loves many years of object painstakingly, poured in others' bosom, wanted to murder those who have cheated them, instead had been shamed one maliciously...... The pain in Jie Te conceivable Carmon heart. 苦恋多年的对象,倒在了别人的怀中,想要寻仇,反而被狠狠地羞辱了一番……杰特可以想象卡蒙心中的痛苦。 The Carmon facial features, are the same with the left hand that his was stepped on, some distortions. 卡蒙的面容,和他那一只被踩断的左手一样,有些扭曲。 He as if from the start has not heard the persuasion of Linda, in the pupil glittering the yin cold poisonous light, clenches teeth, seems calculating secretly, is seeking all can cope with the Shi Yan method. 他仿佛压根没有听见琳达的劝说,眸中闪烁着阴寒的毒光,咬着牙,似乎在暗暗计算着,在找寻所有可以对付石岩的方法。 The Linda black eyebrows micro wrinkle, the complexion is slightly cold, said: Carmon, my words, hope that you seriously treat. I can rescue your one time, actually cannot save you, if you have angered him, he will not give me any face, „the inexpensive zhuo person! My life, does not want you to manage!” Carmon drinks severely, some hysterias „, where am I inferior to him? For you, how many did I give up? Won't you know? For these years, I regard great treasure you, has been protecting you! You choose such a person of unknown origin unexpectedly! Did you have a face to say me?” 琳达黛眉微皱,脸色略冷,道:“卡蒙,我的话,希望你认真对待。我能够救你一次,却不能一直救你,如果你真的惹怒了他,他也不会给我什么面子”,“贱丵人!我的死活,不要你管!”卡蒙厉喝,有些歇斯底里“,我哪里不如他?为了你,我放弃了多少?你不会不知道吧?这么多年来,我将你当成至宝,一直守护着你!你竟然选择这么一个来历不明的人!你还有脸说我?” Carmon constrained was too ruthless, has to lose usually in calm, became somewhat crazy. 卡蒙被压抑的太狠了,有失平日里的从容,变得有些疯狂了起来。 The Linda elegant face changes, coldly looks at he, „I have rejected you over and over again, is you are hard to solve, strange who? Chooses anyone as for me, with your what Gan? You think that you like me, can control my life, what can I change because of you?” 琳达俏脸一变,冷冷看着他,“我已经三番五次的拒绝了你,是你自己纠缠不清,怪的了谁?至于我选择谁,与你何干?你以为你喜欢我,就可以左右我的人生,我就要因为你而改变什么么?” The Carmon facial expression is cut-throat, the breath shortness, looks at Linda, has not said bitterly a word. 卡蒙神情凶狠,呼吸急促,恨恨地看着琳达,却没有多说一言。 From the Carmon look, after Linda has realized from now on, between before she and Carmon is impossible likely like that in the heart sighed, Linda shook the head, some, but said: „The matter of today, stops, when this duty has been accomplished, we later will again not have opportunity of cooperation, Linda looked to Jie Te and the others, said: You are also same, after this duty, the staying or going is optional.” 卡蒙的眼神,琳达意识到了从今之后,她和卡蒙之间再也不可能像以前那般,心中一叹,琳达摇了摇头,有些无奈道:“今日之事,到此为止,等这一趟任务完成了,我们以后不会再有合作的机会”,顿了一下,琳达又望向杰特等人,道:“你们也一样,这趟任务之后,去留随意。” Jie Te, Nano and the others, slightly knitting the brows head, facial expression somewhat dreary, various bosom thoughts. 杰特、纳诺等人,微微皱了皱眉头,神情有些萧瑟,各怀心思。 Shi Yan returned in that grocery pile, took out together Blue Moonstone, condensed Mental Energy, came from Blood Vein Ring in Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi pours into Blue Moonstone. 石岩重新回到了那杂货堆中,取出一块青月石,凝聚精神力,将血纹戒内来自于玄冰寒焰寒气注入青月石 Since Blue Moonstone when copes with Lin Xiaochang, after arising suddenly, Shi Yan paid attention the Blue Moonstone wondrous use. 自从青月石在对付林笑常的时候,突发奇威以后,石岩就留意上了青月石的妙用。 In this days, Shi Yan through Linda, in the hand obtained 15 Blue Moonstone from Jie Te and the others, as soon as he has the leisure, Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, will pour into Blue Moonstone. 这段日子里,石岩通过琳达,从杰特等人手中得到了15块青月石,他一有闲暇,就会将玄冰寒焰寒气,注入青月石之内。 Now, he had ten Blue Moonstone, was filled up by Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy. 如今,他已有十块青月石,被玄冰寒焰寒力填满。 This Blue Moonstone, when pours into Blood Vein Ring Profound Ice Cold Flame slowly, the Shi Yan attention is centralized, while pours into Blue Moonstone Profound Ice Cold Flame, also emerges quietly Essence Qi in within the body. 这一块青月石,在缓慢注入血纹戒玄冰寒焰的时候,石岩注意力集中,在将玄冰寒焰注入青月石的同时,也悄悄将体内的精元也涌入进去。 The mind indulges in Blue Moonstone. 心神沉溺在青月石之内。 Blue Moonstone center, as if very small spaces, however, after his attention is beyond example centralized, Shi Yan actually discovered that space as if slowly has increased much. 青月石中央,仿佛有一块非常微小的空间,然而,当他注意力空前集中之后,石岩却发现那空间似乎慢慢变大了不少。 Shi Yan closes one's eyes slightly, is feeling Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, seeps little in Blue Moonstone. 石岩微微闭着眼,感受着玄冰寒焰寒力,一点点渗透在青月石之中。 A thought maps the heart suddenly. 一个念头突然映入心头。 If in Blue Moonstone, pours into some negative energy additionally, what accident will have? 如果青月石之内,额外注入一些负面之力,会有什么变故? This thought appears in the mind, Shi Yan tried to do immediately. 这个念头才在脑海之中浮现,石岩立即试着去做了。 His mind fluctuates, continuously to mingle all sorts of Negative Emotions negative energy, quietly are rolling along his arm veins, transgresses several wisps, slowly seepage in Blue Moonstone in hand. 他心神变幻间,一缕缕混杂着种种负面情绪负面之力,悄悄沿着他手臂筋脉滚动,逸出几缕来,慢慢渗透在手中的青月石之内。 negative energy falls into Blue Moonstone, cruel and evil air/Qi, emits suddenly from Blue Moonstone. 负面之力一落入青月石,一股暴戾、邪恶之气,骤然从青月石中散溢出来。 negative energy, as if Cold Qi in Blue Moonstone counter-balances mutually, simultaneously after having Blue Moonstone, negative energy immediately becomes overbearing wild, extrudes to come from Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi unceasingly, as if must form some restraint, must live to restraint Profound Ice Cold Flame. 负面之力,似乎和青月石内的寒气相互抵消,同时存在青月石之后,负面之力立即变得霸道狂暴,不断地挤压来自于玄冰寒焰寒气,似乎要形成某种束缚,要将玄冰寒焰束缚住。 On Blue Moonstone, the close crack appears immediately, quickly, this Blue Moonstone broken becomes together the pack ice sparkling stone stone, in which Cold Qi also fast dissipates. 青月石上,细密的裂纹马上显现出来,很快地,这一块青月石碎成一块块冰莹石头,其中的寒气也快速消散开来。 negative energy, Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, has driven out from Blue Moonstone unexpectedly stiffly. 负面之力,竟将玄冰寒焰寒气,硬生生从青月石驱除了出去。 Blue Moonstone itself, as if cannot hold negative energy, after Cold Qi vanishes, Blue Moonstone broken becomes stones, negative energy in these stones, dissipates quickly. 青月石本身,似乎也并不能够容纳负面之力,当寒气消失之后,青月石碎成一块块石头,那些石头中的负面之力,也很快消散开来。 Profound Ice Cold Flame and negative energy, as if cannot coexist. 玄冰寒焰负面之力的,似乎并不能共存。 The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, looks at chippings of place, eyes closed is racking one's brains. 石岩皱了皱眉头,望着一地的碎石块,闭目苦思。 After a while, Shi Yan takes out together Blue Moonstone once more, first Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi in Blood Vein Ring pours into Blue Moonstone, then has hesitated, gathers Essence Qi in body, changes into continuously fine glow, tries to pour into Blue Moonstone. 过了一会儿,石岩再次取出一块青月石,先将血纹戒玄冰寒焰寒气注入青月石之内,然后沉吟了一下,又将身体内的精元聚集起来,化为一缕缕精芒,试着注入青月石 Essence Qi such as the clear silk thread, one continuously emerges Blue Moonstone...... After Blue Moonstone obtains the supplement of Essence Qi, the texture of that surface becomes very close, the original crack, as if also by thread that Essence Qi formed repairing, the crack became very small, withstood many Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, that Blue Moonstone did not have zhuo to explode immediately broken. 精元如晶莹的丝线,一缕缕涌入青月石……青月石得到精元的补充之后,那表面的纹理变得非常细密,原先的裂纹,似乎也被精元形成的细线给修复了,裂纹变得很小,承受了更多的玄冰寒焰寒气,那青月石也没丵立即爆碎。 In heart one happy, Shi Yan realizes Essence Qi as if to be able suddenly with the Cold Qi coexistence of Profound Ice Cold Flame. 心中一喜,石岩忽然意识到精元似乎可以和玄冰寒焰寒气共存。 He does not know, because his body withstood many Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, in his Essence Qi, is supplementing faint trace Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi continuously, this letting his Essence Qi, can with the Cold Qi coexistence of Profound Ice Cold Flame in Blue Moonstone. 他并不知道,因为他的身体已承受了许多玄冰寒焰寒力,在他的精元之中,也附带着丝丝缕缕的玄冰寒焰寒气,这才让让他的精元,可以和玄冰寒焰寒气共存在青月石 Many Essence Qi pour into Blue Moonstone, Profound Ice Cold Flame that Blue Moonstone holds, were more than five times several other Blue Moonstone! 更多的精元注入青月石,青月石容纳的玄冰寒焰,比其它几块青月石多了五倍! Five times of Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi, emerged Blue Moonstone, in Blue Moonstone, but also supplements Shi Yan Essence Qi that about partly has become, urges round of Profound Ice Cold Flame Cold Qi once more time, the crack of that Blue Moonstone surface gradual increasing, as if there is trend that the brace explodes. 五倍的玄冰寒焰寒气,涌入了青月石,青月石之中,还附带了将近半成的石岩精元,再次催发玄冰寒焰寒气的时候,那青月石表面的裂纹才逐渐的变大,似乎有撑爆掉的趋势。 Stone happy this Blue Moonstone, moves out of the way from Blood Vein Ring calmly. 石喜冷静地将这一块青月石,从血纹戒上挪开。 Frowns, his looks at this unusual Blue Moonstone, eyes closed feeling energy. 皱着眉头,他怔怔地看着这一块不同寻常的青月石,闭目感受其中的能量 In Blue Moonstone, Profound Ice Cold Flame cold energy, with Essence Qi to mingle in the same place, cold energy becomes close silk threads, Essence Qi also has become close silk threads, two types of silk threads both bright bright, on Blue Moonstone that presents together, as if beautiful pattern, seems like attractive. 青月石中,玄冰寒焰寒力,和精元混杂在一起,寒力成为一条条细密的丝线,精元也成了一条条细密的丝线,两种丝线都晶亮晶亮的,一起出现的青月石上,仿佛美丽的花纹,看起来还非常漂亮。 Hesitated a while, Shi Yan has stood suddenly, walked toward the deck behind. 沉吟了一会儿,石岩突然站了起来,朝着甲板后方走去。 Deeply inspired, Shi Yan in this Blue Moonstone hand, throws suddenly maliciously to the water surface of distant place. 深深吸了一口气,石岩突然将手中这一块青月石,狠狠地投掷向远处的水面。 This ejection, he makes an effort enormously, must form the crazy fierce impulse, making energy in Blue Moonstone explode to break to pieces thoroughly. 这一抛射,他用力极大,就是要形成狂猛的冲击力,让青月石中的能量彻底爆碎开来。 Bang!” “轰!” The rear 30 meters, transmit one group suddenly the goal crystal light, wild ice cold energy, explodes fiercely. 后方30米,突然传来一团哦目的晶光,一股狂暴冰寒的能量,猛地爆炸开来。 Is centered on exploding broken Blue Moonstone, the sea water is forming the solid ice instantaneously, was stirred up zhuo to shoot by the wild power smashing, forms several hundred tall and slender ice corner, is carrying the dense ice cold air/Qi, flies in all directions randomly. 以爆碎的青月石为中心,海水在瞬间结成坚冰,又被狂暴的力量粉碎激丵射,形成数百道细长的冰棱,携带着森森的冰寒之气,四处乱飞。 That region, becomes the crystal light glistens, biting cold deep cold Cold Qi, covers, freezes hundred meters region thoroughly. 那一块区域,变得晶光闪亮,彻骨深寒的寒气,覆盖开来,将百米区域彻底冰冻。 xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” xiū xiū xiū!” 咻咻咻!” Tall and slender ice corner, Cold Qi is dense, around flying direction of fire, the boat that dozens, are at toward Shi Yan unexpectedly shoots. 一道道细长的冰棱,寒气森森,飞射向四面,其中数十道,竟朝着石岩所在的小船射来。 What's wrong?” Linda drinks one tenderly. “怎么啦?”琳达娇喝一声。 Jie Te that and the others from the cabin comes out, arrives at armor to pull swiftly, immediately saw everywhere ice corner raids, complexion big changes, hid into the cabin hurriedly. 从船舱内出来的杰特等人,倏一来到甲扳,立即看到漫天冰棱袭来,一个个脸色大变,又急忙躲入了船舱。 Rumbling!” “轰轰!” This boat, was hit by 56 ice corner, the ships by greatly the propelling force, such as sharp arrow generally had been shot. 这一艘小船,被56道冰棱击中,船只受到巨大的推动力,如利箭一般射了出去。 The stern, three with the arm thick or thin ice corner, pierced the deck unexpectedly, inserted on the ship directly. 船尾,有三跟手臂粗细的冰棱,竟然洞穿了甲板,直接插在了船上。 Ices the corner to come quickly, goes also quick, has carved from the air, crashes in the sea level of distant place extremely. 冰棱来得快,去的也快,许多从空气刻过,在极远处的海面坠落。 Shi Yan dull standing after the deck, on the face full is shocking, in the heart cannot stop pleasantly surprised, the expression is strange. 石岩呆呆的站在甲板之后,脸上满是震惊,心中又止不住惊喜,表情古怪无比。 After this Blue Moonstone explodes is broken, impulse that forms, too be fiercely more than other Blue Moonstone! 这一块青月石爆碎后,形成的冲击力,要比别的青月石厉害太多了! Ice corner that then forms by the sea water precise, not only the impulse is enormous, but also is carrying dense Cold Qi, perhaps cannot withstand including Disaster Level Warrior. 那以海水凝炼形成的冰棱,不但冲击力极大,还携带着森森寒气,恐怕连百劫之境武者都承受不住。 Cold Qi that the explosion center, forms instantaneously and explodes the broken impulse, is terrifying! 爆炸的中心,瞬间形成的寒气和爆碎冲击力,更是恐怖 Shi Yan estimated that is the Human Level master, was rumbled suddenly such, feared that must peel the First Level skin! 石岩估测,就是人位之境的高手,冷不防被这么轰一下,怕是也要脱一层皮! „Is Shi Yan, who is attacking us?” Linda calls out in alarm, to Shi Yan side, looked into behind with Shi Yan fast shoulder to shoulder, shouted to clear the way tenderly: „Are you all right? Did the Blood Pupil pirate look for us?” 石岩,是谁在攻击我们?”琳达惊叫起来,快速到了石岩身旁,和石岩一起并肩眺望身后,娇喝道:“你没事吧?是不是血瞳的海匪找上我们了?” „It is not”, Shi Yan shook the head, said with a smile: I refine equally small gadget, just had probed the might, has not thought that the might is really good, he he, Shi Yan is indeed satisfied this Blue Moonstone the might, at this time his mood is joyful, starts to consider when the time comes must come such to Gu Jiange, having a look at him to be done any distressed type, can be killed by the direct instantaneous bang. “不是”,石岩摇了摇头,微笑道:“我炼了一样小玩意,刚刚试探了一下威力,没想到威力还真不错,呵呵”,石岩的确非常满意这一块青月石的威力,此时他心情愉悦,开始思量着到时候要给古剑歌来这么一下,看看他会被搞成什么狼狈样,会不会被直接瞬间轰杀。 Small gadget?” “小玩意?” Jie Te one line , a face is panic-stricken, in the look has deeply dreaded. 杰特一行人,一脸惊骇,眼神中有着深深地忌惮。 cough cough, a while I urged Carmon, the enemy suitable solution not suitable knot, I made him lose heart as early as possible.” With the card row of Carmon same camp, the hollow laugh, is drooping embarrasedly the angry say|way. 咳咳,一会儿我劝劝卡蒙,冤家宜解不宜结,我让他趁早死了心。”和卡蒙同一阵营的卡列,讪讪干笑,耷拉着恼道道。
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