GOS :: Volume #14

#1394: Leads a wolf into the house( second ~)

Ten big Ancestor Territory, are true Expert in Ancestor Territory, is among Star Sea other most high grade existence. 十大域祖,是域祖中的真正强者,也是星海间最高级别的存在。 Ancestor Territory can refine territory, can evolving territory, be able to congeal the brand-new race, is the performance of Warrior deep meaning pinnacle, is the Nihility Domain Sea pinnacle, is all races, is highest Realm that the innumerable lives can achieve. 域祖能炼化域界,能衍变域界,能凝结全新种族,为武者奥义极致的表现,是虚无域海的极致,也是所有种族,是无数生灵能达到的最高境界 Han Tian is one of the ten big Ancestor Territory, is the pride of Mysterious Heaven Clan, among Star Sea, does not have in number field well-known super Expert, is the Mysterious Heaven Clan pillar, most extraordinary existence. 撼天为十大域祖之一,是玄天族的骄傲,星海间、无数域界内众人皆知的超级强者,是玄天族的主心骨,最超绝的存在。 He actually said that unknown Bloodthirsty, has is subverting the Nihility Domain Sea ability, and said own possibly inferior Bloodthirsty...... 他竟然说那名不经传的嗜血,拥有着颠覆虚无域海的能力,并说自己可能都逊色嗜血一线…… Ya Yun does not have doubts to be puzzled again. 雅云再没有一丝疑惑不解。 That Bloodthirsty, came from the wild territory, that wild territory...... How can create so the rare talent?” Saying that the Ya Yun half sound, is in trance dull, the innermost feelings have filled greatly panic-stricken. “那嗜血,真来自于荒域,那荒域……怎能造就如此奇才?”雅云呆愣半响,才神情恍惚的说道,内心充满了巨大惊骇。 Sir Han Tian and that Bloodthirsty, in a hurry have only met, see him being utterly routed that the Devourer Clan clansman kills, extraordinary, the power deep meaning of that Bloodthirsty utilization, is quite similar to Devourer Clan, seems skilled in Devouring Deep Meaning that Devourer Clan is lost, but also is skilled in the Devourer Clan eight big evil strength, is seriously unthinkable.” Tu Shiqi is also shakes the head surprisedly. 撼天大人和那嗜血,只匆匆见过一面,见他将噬族族人杀的溃不成军,出奇的,那嗜血运用的力量奥义,和噬族极为相似,似乎精通噬族失传的吞噬奥义,还精通噬族八大邪力,当真匪夷所思。”图释岐也是摇头惊讶。 Rumor, Devourer Clan is the Absolute Beginning life bites by the race that own flesh and blood congeals, but ` bites, already vanished, no one knows ` to bite, whether still survives, but Devourer Clan develops now, in the clan Expert true power Realm, feared that not necessarily inferior ancestor has bitten, Devourer Clan as seven big race most mystical one, we do not know their depths, domineering Soul Clan, hot tempered arbitrary Black Devil Clan, does not dare to offend Devourer Clan easily, is Devourer Clan that Bloodthirsty, kills utterly routed? He, how also to know Devouring Deep Meaning that Devourer Clan is almost lost?” Ya Yun is getting more and more blurry. “传言,噬族太初生灵噬以自身血肉凝结的种族,只是‘噬,早已消失,谁也不知道‘噬,是否依然存活,但噬族发展到现在,族内强者真正的力量境界,怕是不一定逊色祖先噬了,噬族作为七大种族最神秘的一支,连我们都不知道他们的深浅,就连跋扈的魂族,暴躁蛮横的黑魔族,也不敢轻易得罪噬族,那嗜血,怎杀的噬族溃不成军?他,又怎会知道噬族几乎失传的吞噬奥义?”雅云越来越迷糊。 Tu Shiqi also smiles bitterly your issue, perhaps Sir Han Tian are unable to explain, the Sir sees Bloodthirsty the rivers of blood that Devourer Clan kills, has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, gets rid with a Bloodthirsty war, finally Sir Han Tian...... As if ate slightly to owe, therefore the Sir desirably was on good terms with Bloodthirsty, but also drank, then sent out the invitation to Bloodthirsty, asking him to have free time Mysterious Heaven Clan to be a guest.” 图释岐也苦笑“你的问题,恐怕撼天大人都无法解答,大人见嗜血噬族杀的血流成河,见猎心喜,就出手和嗜血一战,结果撼天大人……似乎吃了点小亏,因此大人就和嗜血刻意交好,还喝了点酒,然后对嗜血发出邀请,请他有空来玄天族做客。” Bloodthirsty also complied, but that since parting, they again did not meet, that Bloodthirsty...... Also vanishes in Nihility Domain Sea since then, is only a traveler. But Sir Han Tian never forgets to him, the appraisal is extremely also high, making us pay attention the news of wild territory, has the great strength of feeling Bloodthirsty, hopes that can form an alliance to be on good terms.” 嗜血也答应了,可那一别后,他们就再没有相见,那嗜血……也从此消失在虚无域海,只是一个过客而已。但撼天大人对他念念不忘,评价也极高,让我们留意荒域的消息,也是有感嗜血的强大,希望能结盟交好。” I said why your this hemorrhages was on good terms desirably that boy, originally knows that in wild territory, had a terrifying fellow!” Ya Yun said after a sigh. “我说你这趟为何下血本来刻意交好那小子,原来知道在荒域内,出了一个如此恐怖的家伙!”雅云感叹道。 Boy, if can become another Bloodthirsty, let alone these chips, gave ten times to be worth again!” Tu Shiqi clenches teeth to say. “那小子如果能成为另外一个嗜血,别说这些筹码了,再给十倍都值得!”图释岐咬牙道。 Ya Yun has gawked, said: „ You, is a crazy gambler, but you continuously is right. 雅云愣了一下,才道:“你这人,就是一个疯狂的赌徒,但你一直都是对的。 Your looks at, this boy can be a I biggest unrestrained gambling, my gambling will win!” Tu Shiqi Ha Ha laughs wildly. “你看着吧,这小子会是我最大的一次豪赌,我会赌赢的!”图释岐哈哈狂笑。 The cave mouth that also in this time, they are in Shi Yan, transmits a world-shaking explosive. 也在此时,在石岩他们所在的石洞口,传来一声惊天动地的爆响。 Bang!” “轰!” The cave gate suddenly in broken pieces, the fragment flutters about, Barrago of ghost clan displays the deep meaning, is direct Stone Gate, does not give the Dragon Lizard Clan face, smiles gloomily strangely, taking subordinates three people of one lead to rush. 石洞门骤然七零八碎,碎块纷飞,地鬼族的巴拉戈施展奥义,将石门直接破碎,根本就不给龙蜥族面子,阴森森怪笑着,带着麾下三人一头闯了进来。 The peripheral cave mouth, the clansmen of many third-class races, hear the explosive sound, shrinks to begin, stops up own cave. 周边的石洞口,许多三流种族的族人,一听到爆炸声,都缩起头来,将自己的石洞堵住。 These also dare the pussyfooter, is far from the Heavenly Eye Clan cavern extremely, alarmed and afraid of whole face, distant looks at this. 那些还敢观望者,也是离天目族的洞穴极远,一个个满脸的惊惧,远远看着这一块。 „The ghost clan was really more and more rampant!” A Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, clenches jaws to say. “地鬼族真是越来越嚣张了!”一名龙蜥族的族人,咬牙切齿道。 In this cave, other Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, is the shall be grateful as a personal favor, the eye scarlet, will wish one could to kill will exit, will give the intestines to have diarrhea these ghost clan clansmen. 石洞内,其余龙蜥族的族人,也是感同身受,眼睛猩红色,恨不得杀将出去,将那些地鬼族族人都给开肠破肚。 But they know that ghost clan is the Soul Clan running dog, kills the ghost clan not to be difficult, but Soul Clan...... Actually is not their Dragon Lizard Clan can deal with. 但他们知道,地鬼族是魂族走狗,杀地鬼族不难,可魂族……却不是他们龙蜥族可以应付的。 Only if, only if their Long Xi Patriarch, can enter into Ancestor Territory Realm, like this they can rely on. 除非,除非他们的龙蜥老祖,也能迈入域祖境界,这样他们才能有所凭仗。 „The Heavenly Eye Clan friend, should not be evasive, comes out a to chat.” Barrago Hehe sinister smile, is walking into stone chamber, the manner is unflustered, the look of that fiendish features, coordinating his strange to smile, appears he even more fierce fearsome. 天目族的朋友,别躲躲闪闪了,出来一叙吧。”巴拉戈嘿嘿阴笑着,走入石室内,神态从容不迫,那青面獠牙的相貌,配合他的怪笑,显得他愈发狰狞可怖。 His voice is quite resounding, as if makes outside person hear intentionally, knows swollen with arrogance of their ghost clan. 他声音极为响亮,似乎故意让外面人听见,知道他们地鬼族的气焰嚣张。 „Are they ghost clan?” Shi Yan goes out from the stone chamber, a face is astonished however, deeply looks to four place ghost clan clansmen, said earnestly: Good that you said that indeed like the evil spirit, looks at makes one sick, one of the Star Sea ugliest races, is really worthy of the reputation!” “他们就是地鬼族吗?”石岩从石室走出,一脸讶然,深深看向四名地鬼族族人,认真道:“你们说的不错,的确如厉鬼,看着就令人作呕,星海最丑种族之一,果然名副其实!” Aodai Li is standing in his side, but looked at a place ghost clan clansman, the elegant face woods are then cold, a loathing of face, her manner expression, really complements each other with the Shi Yan unkind words. 奥黛丽在他身旁站着,只是看了一眼地鬼族族人,便俏脸森寒,一脸的厌恶,她的神态表情,和石岩的刻薄话语真是相得益彰。 Yi Fulin whole face forced smile, does not know that the Shi Yan method is effective, he has a look with rapt attention peripheral, discovered that the ghost clan four people walked, has not discovered exceptionally, in the heart moves, snort|hum, has braced oneself saying: Everybody bursts, what doesn't know behavior?” 伊夫林满脸苦笑,也不知道石岩的方法有没有效,他凝神看看周边,发现地鬼族四人走了进来,并没有发现异常,才心中一动,哼了一声,硬着头皮道:“各位破门而入,不知所为何事?” Barrago has not looked at Yi Fulin, the grayish white eye is staring at Shi Yan, the ice cold say|way: Puppy! You said that who is one of the Star Sea ugliest races?” 巴拉戈没看伊夫林,灰白的眼睛盯着石岩,冰寒道:“小狗!你说谁是星海最丑种族之一?” Isn't you?” Shi Yan stunned, your fully aware of strange appearance that therefore asked everybody knows that you didn't know?” Has killed him! Has killed him to me! ” Barrago screamed fierce. “不就是你们么?”石岩愕然,一副你明知故问的古怪模样“大家都知道的,你们自己难道不知道么?”杀了他!给我杀了他!”巴拉戈厉声尖叫。 His behind Immortal First Sky Realm place ghost clan clansman, flushed immediately, opened mouth puts out yin cold the black ball, in the ball the ice cold biting cold, Yin Qi, suddenly falls strongly to the Shi Yan top of the head. 身后一名不朽一重天境界的地鬼族族人,立即冲了出来,张口吐出一个阴寒的黑球,球内冰寒彻骨,阴气浓烈之极,猛然落向石岩头顶。 The black ball of that yin cold blasts open suddenly, changes into piece of yin cold swamp, must bind Shi Yan God Body. 那阴寒的黑球突然炸裂,化为一片阴寒的沼泽,要将石岩神体裹住。 „The woman, the woman must live! I must wither this woman, making them know that offends the fate of my ghost clan, the Damn it alien race person, dares to insult our noble place ghost clans unexpectedly, the crime not amnesty! I must suffer them to dying!” Barrago clamored crazily, sound such as the stuffy thunder, reverberated in the entire mountain valley. “那女人,那女人要活的!我要干死这女人,让他们知道得罪我地鬼族的下场,该死的异族人,竟然敢侮辱我们高贵的地鬼族,罪不可赦!我要折磨他们到死!”巴拉戈疯狂的叫嚣起来,声音如闷雷,在整个山谷内回荡。 Here is only third-class race gathering place, but the ghost clan is the second-class race, but also is attaching to Soul Clan, in Barrago heart, this place basic nobody dares to interfere his tendency to domineer. 这里只是三流种族聚集之地,而地鬼族则是二流种族,还依附着魂族,在巴拉戈心中,此地根本无人敢干涉他的跋扈。 Dragon Lizard Clan does not dare! 龙蜥族也不敢! Aodai Li look ice-cold, is staring at that Barrago, cold sound track: Including the Soul Clan dog, so rampant domineering, really has not made the consciousness of dog, that can only become the dead dog!” 奥黛丽眼神冰冷,盯着那巴拉戈,寒声道:“连魂族的狗,都如此的嚣张跋扈,真是没有做狗的觉悟,那就只能成为死狗了!” Extinguishes!” “灭!” The Shi Yan complexion indifferently, opened mouth puts out a character, that character turns roasts the fierce flame, shortly will submerge that yin cold swamp, gives to burn to destroy completely that swamp in the extremely short time. 石岩脸色漠然,张口吐出一个字,那字变成炙烈火焰,顷刻间淹没了那阴寒沼泽,在极短时间将那沼泽就给焚灭掉。 Red that Immortal First Sky Realm place ghost clan clansman, the complexion rises, a blood card in the throat, was swallowed by him stiffly. 那名不朽一重天境界的地鬼族族人,脸色涨的通红,一口鲜血卡在喉咙,被他硬生生咽下了。 Un, the clansman of ghost clan, was the experience crossed, such as you said that disgustingly was indeed ugly and wild, that...... Did not need to discuss.” Shi Yan was saying indifferently, suddenly deep meaning surges, shortly, will flood the marvelous space to fluctuate in this stone chamber. “嗯,地鬼族的族人,算是见识过了,如你们所言,的确恶心丑陋又猖狂,那就……根本不用谈了。”石岩淡然说着,忽然奥义涌动,顷刻间,在这石室内充斥了奇妙空间波动。 At once, then sees that Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi, Ma Xisha and Aodai Li four people, such as a continuously illusory image, suddenly changes pale, vanishes directly since then does not see. 旋即,便见那伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎奥黛丽四人,如一缕缕幻影,骤然间变淡,直接从此地消失不见。 Sir, this, here at is not that cave, this is a space trap, we in another space!” “大人,这,这里根本不是那石洞,这是一个空间陷阱,我们在另外一个空间!” With that Immortal First Sky Realm place ghost clan clansman who Shi Yan fights, the complexion changes, realizes suddenly wonderfully, does not scream suddenly. 石岩交手的那名不朽一重天境界的地鬼族族人,脸色一变,突然间意识到不妙,猛然尖叫起来。 He said right, here indeed is not original cave, but is Shi Yan by the brand-new space that Imaginary Boundary Stone congeals! 他说的没错,这里的确不是原来的石洞,而是石岩幻界石凝结的全新空间! This space imitates the layout of original stone chamber, the cliff, stone table and stone chair to congeal by Strength of Space illusory completely, to put it bluntly is illusion. 这个空间完全仿照原来石室的布局,石壁、石桌、石椅子都是以空间之力虚幻凝结而成,说白了都是幻象 At this moment, the Aodai Li four people returned to the genuine stone chamber, in this stone chamber, unpredictable light rolls, that light group is Shi Yan and place ghost clan clansman, the clarity that Aodai Li they can look, looks like looks in the lake bottom by the lake surface the world. 此刻,奥黛丽四人已经回到了真正的石室,在这石室内部,有一处变幻莫测的光团,那光团内部就是石岩和地鬼族族人,奥黛丽他们能看的清清楚楚,就像是透过湖面看湖底内世界。 „The lifelike world, his Space Deep Meaning so is unexpectedly marvelous, with[ really] solid has not distinguished simply. If not return[ really] reality, I when we at the true world!” Ma Xisha gasps in admiration to say. “栩栩如生的世界,他的空间奥义竟如此奇妙,和〖真〗实简直没有分别。如果不是重返〖真〗实,我都当我们处在真正的世界!”玛希莎叹服道。 Aodai Li is the innermost feelings is also surprised, she realized Shi Yan suddenly, when explains the space lock, the understanding to Space Deep Meaning should reach a new Realm altitude, otherwise cannot by Imaginary Boundary Stone, be able to confuse falsehood with the truth, making the clansmen of ghost clan the new world makes unable to distinguish clearly illusory and[ really] reality. 奥黛丽也是内心惊奇,她忽然意识到石岩在破解空间锁的时候,对空间奥义的理解应该达到一个新的境界高度,要不然也不能以一枚幻界石,就将新世界弄的能以假乱真,让地鬼族的族人都分不清虚幻和〖真〗实。 Is similarly surprised with them, but also two, that is Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun. 和他们同样惊讶的,还有两人,那就是图释岐雅云 Warrior of other third-class race, because of the meanness of Realm, was very difficult to distinguish clearly in cave had anything, but they were actually well aware. 别的三流种族的武者,因为境界的低微,很难分清在石洞内发生了什么,可是他们却心知肚明。 Because of that Imaginary Boundary Stone, is bestowed by Ya Yun, in that side cave the weak fluctuation of space, they can induce clearly. 因为那幻界石,正是由雅云赠送的,那边石洞内空间的微弱波动,他们都能清晰感应。 „The ghost clan feared that was but actually big mildew, the boy said right, made the dog, must make the consciousness of dog, must work as is the wolf, that left the time of death not to be far.” Tu Shiqi strangely chuckled boy really one set, refining up cave by Imaginary Boundary Stone, cannot seal a door, directing the ghost clan to score to enter on own initiative, Ha Ha, enters the world that he refines, what storm can that ghost clan also toss about to come out?” “地鬼族怕是倒大霉了,那小子说的没错,做狗,就要有做狗的觉悟,非要当自己为狼,那就离死期不远了。”图释岐嘿嘿怪笑“小子果然有一套,以幻界石炼成石洞,封门不出,引地鬼族破门主动进入,哈哈,进入他炼制的世界,那地鬼族还能折腾出什么风浪出来?” His cognition and utilization to Space Deep Meaning, but also is really uncommon, this child potential is infinite.” Ya Yun also said. “他对空间奥义的认知和运用,还真是不凡,这孩子潜力无穷啊。”雅云也赞道。 They spoke, Shi Yan in that world, cracked into a smile to that Barrago, said: Slowly enjoys the space to rupture wonderful.” 两人讲话的时候,石岩在那世界内,冲那巴拉戈咧嘴一笑,道:“慢慢享受空间爆裂的美妙吧。” The words, he also from escapes, then in genuine stone chamber, putting out a hand point to that such as light group space world. 话罢,他也从其中遁离出来,然后在真正的石室内,伸手点向那如光团般的空间世界。 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” If the egg shell explodes broken, that light group disrupts, the interior gushes out terrifying space collapsed and destroyed to fluctuate suddenly. 如鸡蛋壳爆碎,那光团碎裂开来,内部骤然涌出恐怖的空间崩灭波动。 Aodai Li and Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha four people, can clear seeing, the place ghost clan clansman in that world, instantaneous fleshly body split, looks like the glass person falls to the ground, the whole body flesh and blood along with the space avalanche, completely broken becomes the innumerable blocks, fleshly body dies cannot die again. 奥黛丽伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎四人,能清晰的看到,在那世界内的地鬼族族人,瞬间肉身绽裂,就像是玻璃人落地,浑身血肉随着空间的崩塌,全部都碎成无数块,肉身死的不能再死了。 Their Soul Altar, crushes, the soul changes into one continuously, must flee cave. 就连他们的灵魂祭台,也粉碎掉,灵魂化为一缕缕,要逃离石洞 Boy, I will not let off you! My ghost clan makes certainly you pay the most grievous cost! You just wait!” Barrago's soul fragment, such as the snake wants to run out of cave generally, consciousness crazily was clamoring. “小子,我不会放过你!我地鬼族一定让你付出最惨痛代价!你等着吧!”那巴拉戈的灵魂碎片,如蛇一般欲冲出石洞,意识疯狂的叫嚣着。 The ghost clan cultivation deep meaning, is Soul Clan grants, to the soul also has the unique merit marvelously, after the Soul Altar smashing, the soul reads can also flee, quite a little strange place. 地鬼族修炼的奥义,是魂族赏赐下来的,对灵魂奇妙也有着独特之处,灵魂祭台粉碎后,魂念也能逃离,颇有点奇诡之处。
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