GOS :: Volume #14

#1393: Ten big Ancestor Territory

Long Xi star. 龙蜥星内部。 Bright place bottom palace Center, there are clansman communications of many ghost clans, ghost clan clansman fiendish features, shape with malicious ghost, because they year to year live in the place bottom deep place, the loathing is quite luminous, is so, their disposition is gloomy, method cruel bloodthirsty. 一处明亮的地底宫殿〖中〗央,有许多地鬼族的族人来往,地鬼族族人一个个青面獠牙,形同恶鬼,因为他们常年居住在地底深处,极为厌恶光亮,也是如此,他们心性阴暗,手段残暴嗜杀。 Each place ghost clan clansman, the body is quite diminutive, only the altitudes of equivalent to humanity ten -year-old children, but their God Body is hard, the fleshly body yin cold, the cultivation deep meaning mostly is also quite evil fearfully. 每一个地鬼族族人,身子都极为矮小,只相当于人类十来岁孩童的高度,但他们神体非常坚硬,肉身阴寒,修炼的奥义也大多颇为邪恶可怕。 At this moment, a place ghost clan clansman of Origin God Boundary, arrived here Dragon Lizard Clan arrangement the underground palace, has seen the chancellor in this clan, excited shouted to shout: Sir Barrago, I have an important news, is certainly useful to you!” 此刻,一名始神境界的地鬼族族人,一路来到此处龙蜥族安排的地下宫殿,见过这次族内的主事,〖兴〗奋的嚷嚷道:“巴拉戈大人,我有个重要的消息,对您一定有用!” In the palace, ghost clan Realm of Barrago Immortal Second Sky, is this comes the Dragon Lizard Clan group leader, one under of ghost Patriarch place masters. 宫殿内,地鬼族的巴拉戈不朽二重天境界,是这趟来龙蜥族的小头目,地鬼老祖座下的高手之一。 His eye is grayish white, to the person a Death Qi heavy feeling, hear Yanheng, has not borne saying: I must see the Soul Clan clansman, you have any news a bit faster to report, do not waste my time.” 他眼睛灰白,给人一种死气沉沉的感觉,闻言哼了一声,不耐道:“我要去见魂族族人,你有什么消息快点汇报,别浪费我的时间。” Sir, according to your instruction, I am paying attention to control the soul throughout the wonderful treasure. In above the place of third-class race accumulation, I discovered that the Heavenly Eye Clan clansman is selling God Confusion Eye, according to their views, that God Confusion Eye can confuse the Immortal Realm mind......” “大人,按照您的吩咐,我始终都在留意能控制灵魂的奇宝。在上面一个三流种族聚集的地方,我发现天目族族人在出售一只神惑之眼,按照他们的说法,那神惑之眼能迷惑不朽境界的心灵……” This person of hurried explanation, eager looks to him, definitely said: I have attempted, is really effective, I incurred immediately. However, I do not have cultivation exchange that they need, cannot beg, therefore can only to Sir Bing clear(ly).” 这人急忙说明情况,眼巴巴的看向他,肯定道:“我尝试过了,真的非常有效,我立即就中招了。不过,我没有他们所需的修炼兑换物,没有能讨要过来,所以只能向大人禀明。” God Confusion Eye?” Barrago has gawked, in heart a happy, secret nod. 神惑之眼?”巴拉戈愣了一下,心中一喜,暗暗点头。 He knows that the Heavenly Eye Clan clansman, from being born the third eye respectively had marvelously -, this by no means anything deep meaning, but was talent Divine Ability, but can also strengthen the third goal ability along with the Realm promotion. 他知道天目族的族人,从出生下来第三目都各有奇妙-,这并非什么奥义,而是一种天赋神通,还能够随着境界提升而增强第三目的能力。 Even if were the Heavenly Eye Clan clansman died, sometimes the third goal unusually can also retain, many Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen, will take the older generation third goal to be mysterious, exchanges some special cultivation materials. 就算是天目族族人死亡了,有时候第三目的奇特也可以保留下来,很多天目族的族人,都会拿先辈第三目的神奇,来兑换一些特殊的修炼材料。 Barrago is ghost Patriarch dispatches, the person who coordinates the Xin Ge conduct, formerly Xin Ge also said that must seek for the thing that can confuse the will of the people, making Barrago pay attention. 巴拉戈是地鬼老祖派遣过来,配合辛格行事的人,先前辛格也说了,要寻找能迷惑人心的东西,让巴拉戈留意一下。 Xin Ge said is very clear, if Barrago can find to confuse the will of the people to him great treasure, certainly must have his advantage. 辛格说的很清楚,如果巴拉戈能给他找到迷惑人心的至宝,一定少不了他的好处。 Xin Ge is big commanding of Soul Clan, is quite respectful to him including ghost Patriarch, if can obtain the favor of Xin Ge, naturally must have the advantage. 辛格魂族的大统领,连地鬼老祖对他都颇为恭敬,如果能得到辛格的青睐,自然少不了好处。 Barrago mind moves, the complexion becomes the yin cold gets up that Heavenly Eye Clan clansman, in what Realm cultivation base? The accurate position, did you clarify?” 巴拉戈心神一动,脸色变得阴寒起来“那天目族的族人,都在什么境界修为?确切的位置,你弄清楚了吗?” Sir felt relieved, the clarity that I make, their three two breakthrough to Immortal First Sky, a female are only Origin God Third Sky Realm. So long as the Sir is willing to act, that God Confusion Eye is certainly easy, absolutely does not have any accident!” That person replied. “大人放心,我弄的清清楚楚,他们三个只有两人突破不朽一重天,还有一名女子只是始神三重天境界。只要大人肯出面,那神惑之眼一定手到擒来,绝对没有任何意外!”那人回答道。 Barrago has thought that thought the rallying point of third-class influence, should not have any fierce character. 巴拉戈想了一下,觉得三流势力的聚集点,应该也不会有什么厉害人物。 You guide to me, we in the past!” His eye turns, shoots a look at to nearby two Immortal First Sky Realm clansmen, said: You and I together.” “你给我带路,我们过去一趟!”他眼睛一翻,瞥向旁边两名不朽一重天境界的族人,道:“你们俩与我一道。” The two were attach to his subordinates, hear word have stood immediately, one line of four people left from here, hurried to Shi Yan their directions. 那两人都是依附他的麾下,闻言马上站了起来,一行四人从这边离开,往石岩他们的方向赶去。 Soon, four place ghost clan clansmen, under Barrago's leadership, appear in Yi Fulin directly their cave mouth. 不多久,四名地鬼族族人,在巴拉戈的带领下,直接出现在伊夫林他们的石洞口。 Near this cave mouth, there are many other race clansmen, sees Immortal Second Sky Realm Barrago to come, discovered that he is the place ghost clan clansman of evil reputation remoteness, is the complexion is alarmed and afraid, yields and withdraws, to them, for fear that annoys to trouble by far. 在这石洞口附近,有不少别的种族族人,一见不朽二重天境界的巴拉戈现身,又发现他是恶名远扬的地鬼族族人,都是脸色惊惧,一个个退避三舍,离他们远远的,生怕惹来麻烦。 Nearby star territory, ghost clan is a person sees person all tribal group absolutely, they live in the place bottom gloomy place, disposition abnormal bloodthirsty, who offended them, they must seek revenge for the slightest grievance. 附近星域,地鬼族绝对是一个人见人俱的族群,他们生活在地底阴暗处,一个个心性变态嗜杀,谁得罪了他们,他们必会睚眦必报。 The ghost clan itself strength is not weak, the back also has Soul Clan this lord, making the second-class race extremely have a headache. 地鬼族本身实力不弱,背后还有魂族这个主子在,让很多二流种族都极为头疼。 Especially nearby Water Clan, to the place ghost clan is the deep wicked sensation of pain, but Water Clan fears the Soul Clan influence, does not dare to battle with the place ghost clan truly, many matters choose to swallow an insult. 尤其是附近的水族,对地鬼族更是深恶痛觉,不过水族惧怕魂族的势力,也不敢和地鬼族真正交战,许多事情都选择忍气吞声。 Here Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, has to defend the order heavy responsibility, however in Barrago presently behind, these Dragon Lizard Clan several clansmen, helpless hiding in cave, but waits and sees in cave entrance. 这里的龙蜥族族人,本来是有着维护秩序重任的,然而在巴拉戈现身后,那些龙蜥族的几名族人,也都无奈的潜藏在石洞内,只是在洞口观望。 And, had formerly warned that Yi Fulin that Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, his complexion was serious, shook the head, said: Is they brings upon oneself, I advised them, if they left at that time immediately, definitely will not be blocked by the place ghost clan, now wants to walk cannot leave.” 其中,就有先前来警告伊夫林的那名龙蜥族族人,他脸色沉重,摇了摇头,道:“是他们自找的,我已经劝告他们了,他们如果当时立即就离开了,肯定不会被地鬼族堵上,现在想走都走不掉。” Yeah, ghost clan , if not the Soul Clan running dog, we already destroyed completely them!” A Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, sighed, a face indignant angrily. “哎,地鬼族如果不是魂族的走狗,我们早就灭掉他们了!”一名龙蜥族的族人,叹了一口气,一脸的愤愤然。 They know that ghost Patriarch has to monitor their duties, that ghost Patriarch also often comes Dragon Lizard Clan, personally and Long Xi will talk, urges Dragon Lizard Clan soon and Soul Clan forms an alliance. 他们知道地鬼老祖有着监视他们的任务,那地鬼老祖也时常来龙蜥族,亲自和龙蜥交谈,劝龙蜥族早日和魂族结盟。 Dragon Lizard Clan, the ghost clans and Water Clan these three races are approaching, among when three races has the small friction, the ghost clan will occupy advantage/cheap each time, will lift Soul Clan to bluff and bluster, Dragon Lizard Clan and Water Clan are far from the Soul Clan matches, most of the time can only , but admitted defeat. 龙蜥族、地鬼族、水族这三个种族都临近着,三个种族间时有小摩擦,每次地鬼族都会占据便宜,会抬出魂族来耀武扬威,龙蜥族水族远非魂族的对手,大多数时候都只能无奈服软。 Gradually, helped to rise the arrogance of ghost clan, recently the year came the ghost clan conduct to be getting more and more rampant, just like will regard the overlord in nearby region. 久而久之,也就助涨了地鬼族的气焰,最近一些年来地鬼族行事越来越嚣张,俨然将自己当成附近区域的霸主了。 This point, from them dares in Dragon Lizard Clan, not to attend to Dragon Lizard Clan natural law, started to be inferred toward the Yi Fulin three people. 这一点,从他们敢在龙蜥族内部,不顾龙蜥族规则,朝着伊夫林三人下手就可见一斑了。 This place for the third-class influence gathering place, these races is not the match of ghost clan, knows that the evil reputation of ghost clan, majority choose the avoidance, does not dare to look. 此地为三流势力聚集之地,那些种族不是地鬼族的对手,又知道地鬼族的恶名,大多数都选择退避,不敢多看。 Including Dragon Lizard Clan, can only turn a blind eye, feigns to disregard. 龙蜥族,都只能睁一只眼闭一只眼,佯装无视。 Naturally, in the middle of this has some exceptions. 当然,这当中也有例外的。 In Shi Yan their cave front corner/horn, a cave mouth, is standing Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun. 石岩他们石洞前方一角,一处石洞口,就站着图释岐雅云 They fluctuated the appearance, Ya Yun is that Ms. strange Chou the appearance, that Tu Shiqi disappears baldly, lives the full weed uncombed hair, the whole body contamination, the image cannot withstand uglily. 两人重新变幻了模样,雅云又是那奇丑老妪模样,那图释岐光头不见了,生满杂草般的乱发,浑身污秽,形象也是丑陋不堪。 At this moment, they stand in the cave mouth, in the eye full is amazed. 此刻,他们站在石洞口,眼中满是惊诧。 That cave, was not that two kids says? Does the Soul Clan running dog, ghost clan walk in? Has felt strange, none who does not becomes between he and us the matter, was discovered the clue by the place ghost clan quickly?” Ya Yun was whispering, was confused, at once coldly snorted: They, if dares to act unreasonably, compels to have no other choice, we also can only expose the status to destroy completely them!” “那石洞,不是那两个小家伙所说的么?魂族的走狗,地鬼族怎么找上门来?奇怪了,莫不成他和我们之间的事情,那么快就被地鬼族发现端倪?”雅云嘀咕着,一头雾水,旋即冷哼一声:“他们若是敢乱来,逼不得已,我们也只能暴露身份灭掉他们了!” They and Xin Ge battle, ghost Patriarch is also the accomplice, after Tu Shiqi causes heavy losses, sneaks the space locks, escaping that Ya Yun goes into hiding leaves, to prevent the informers of ghost clan discovered that comes the Long Xi star on the way, he by heavy that the place ghost clan harassed, the nest a lot of angry does not have alerted the enemy.” Tu Shiqi shakes the head, the critical moment is quite calm Dragon Lizard Clan on outwardly and Soul Clan is on good terms, once our status exposition, Long Xi does not know that plotting of Xin Ge, feared that will collaborate Xin Ge to cope with us. Such one, our plans completely fail, our also very difficult whole body to draw back.” 他们和辛格交战的时候,地鬼老祖也是帮凶,图释岐被重创后潜入空间锁以后,雅云一路销声敛迹的遁离,就是为了防止地鬼族的眼线发现,一路过来龙蜥星的途中,他被地鬼族骚扰的不轻,窝了一肚子的恼“别打草惊蛇。”图释岐摇头,关键时刻极为冷静“龙蜥族明面上和魂族交好,一旦我们身份暴露,龙蜥又不知道辛格的暗算,怕是会联手辛格对付我们。这么一来,我们的计划就全部落空,我们也很难全身而退。” But that two children, from the start were not the matches of ghost clan, I feared that they will be extinguished instantaneously kill.” Ya Yun said. “可那两个孩子,压根不是地鬼族的对手了,我怕他们会被瞬间灭杀了。”雅云道。 In the Tu Shiqi eye glittering unusual gloss, Hehe was laughing at you to despise that child, can such early understand clearly Dark Energy true meaning, so was can it be that easy to be killed? Also, his life transformation degree, must be higher than one compared with both of us, there is far ultra same level Warrior power, the ghost clan wants to kill him, feared that is not easy.” 图释岐眼中闪烁着奇特光泽,嘿嘿一笑“你太小看那孩子了,能这么早洞悉暗能量真谛者,岂是那么容易被杀的?还有,他生命蜕变程度,比我们俩还要高出一线,又有远超同级武者力量,地鬼族想杀他,怕是没那么容易。” Such remarks, the Ya Yun facial expression is startled, said: You little high think so a person, in clan outstanding junior, such had not been favored by you. You thought that only then can he of Origin God Boundary, defeat that Immortal Second Sky place ghost clan clansman? How is this possible?” 此言一出,雅云神情一怔,道:“你很少这么高看一个人,就连族内出众的小辈,也没有被你这么抬举过。你觉得,只有始神境界的他,能将那名不朽二重天的地鬼族族人击败?这怎么可能吗?” Takes hardly not possibly, if takes by strategy...... Has very big opportunity.” Tu Shiqi smiled, comforts her saying: Do not be worried that we watch changes quietly are, if the human hair lives the unpredictable accident, I naturally can get rid, immediately extinguished has killed the ghost clan clansman, then carried that little husband and wife to escape to the Long Xi star at the maximum speed.” “硬取不可能,如果智取……还是有很大机会的。”图释岐笑了笑,宽慰她道:“别担心,我们静观其变就是,如果真发生不可预料的意外,我自然会出手,立即灭杀了地鬼族族人,然后携带那小夫妻以最快速度遁离龙蜥星。” Deeply inspires, Tu Shiqi stern say|way: „ He is more important than the Xin Ge life, even if will be he cannot become the non-native official invited to serve at court of our clan in the future, will stand erect a Ancestor Territory enemy to Soul Clan, will be of great help to us. Hehe, the person in wild territory, like outside world imagination weakness of that some fellows, strong unusual is not odd, what a pity the average person does not know. 深吸一口气,图释岐正色道:“他比辛格的命还要重要,就算是将来他不能成为我们族的客卿,给魂族竖立一个域祖敌人,也对我们大有裨益。嘿嘿,荒域的人,并不像外界想象的那么弱,有的家伙,强的非常离谱,可惜一般人不知道而已。 „Have you seen the person in wild territory?” Ya Yun is astonished however. “你见过荒域的人?”雅云讶然。 Tu Shiqi shook the head I not to see, but in our clan has the record, before the wild territory once had presented one fellow who called Bloodthirsty, has come Nihility Domain Sea, he was short in the Nihility Domain Sea time, therefore few people knew him, but in our clan Senior had said by the important words this person, said this person extremely terrifying, can bring about the subversive change to Nihility Domain Sea, why what a pity did not know, he in Nihility Domain Sea cloudy flower one presently, quick left.” 图释岐摇了摇头“我是没见过,但我们族内有记载,以前荒域曾出现过一个叫嗜血的家伙,也来过虚无域海,他在虚无域海的时间非常短暂,所以很少人知道他,但我们族内一名前辈却以重要笔墨说过此人,说此人极为恐怖,能给虚无域海带来颠覆性变化,可惜不知道为何,他在虚无域海huā一现,很快就离开了。” Can bring about the peak nature change to Nihility Domain Sea, that did Senior make a mistake? That called the Bloodthirsty person, had terrifying such, was impossible?” Ya Yun shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not, thought that Tu Shiqi exaggerated. “能给虚无域海带来巅峰性变化,那前辈搞错了吧?那叫嗜血的人,真有这么恐怖,不可能吧?”雅云摇头失笑,觉得图释岐夸大其词了。 I did not think that he made a mistake. Because he said that he has fought with that person, oneself think that may be not as good!” Tu Shiqi dignified say|way. “我并不觉得他搞错了。因为他说,他和那人交手过,自己认为可能还要稍逊一筹!”图释岐凝重道。 „Is that his strength is possibly bad?” Ya Yun curls the lip. “那可能是他自己实力不济?”雅云撇嘴。 „Is oneself strength bad?” The Tu Shiqi forced smile you know that who he is?” “自己实力不济?”图释岐苦笑“你知道他是谁?” Who?” Ya Yun stunned. “谁?”雅云愕然 Sir Han Tian.” A Tu Shiqi face awe said with deep veneration. 撼天大人。”图释岐一脸敬畏的肃然道。 The Ya Yun body shakes, suddenly has tarried, a few words could not say. 雅云身躯一震,忽然呆住了,一句话也说不出来了。 Han Tian, is one of the present Mysterious Heaven Clan Ancestor Territory rank Expert, is in the clan most Biao Lie one person, by verve is well-known wild Nihility Domain Sea, is one of the territory sea reputation shocking ten big Ancestor Territory. 撼天,正是如今玄天族域祖级别强者之一,也是族内最为彪烈的一人,以刚猛狂暴闻名虚无域海,是域海名声震天的十大域祖之一。 The vast galaxy, does not have number field, Realm breakthrough Ancestor Territory more than ten, but in the strongest ten people, has the Mysterious Heaven Clan Han Tian small space inevitably. 浩淼星河,无数域界,境界突破域祖的不止十名,但最强的十人中,必然有玄天族撼天的一席之地。 Ten big Ancestor Territory, are recognizes deep meaning to reach the boundary, existence of innumerable race Expert most peak. 十大域祖,是公认奥义臻至极境,无数种族强者最最巅峰的存在。
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