GOS :: Volume #14

#1392: God Confusion Eye

In stone chamber spacious main hall. 石室宽敞厅堂内。 Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha complexion is not quite attractive, sees Shi Yan to walk, three people squeeze out the smiling face reluctantly, greeted. 伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎脸色不太好看,见石岩走出来,三人勉强挤出笑脸,打了声招呼。 Shi Yan paid attention, discovered that in front of cave, there is a shadow together to dodge to pass, as if tags along after three people to come. 石岩留意了一下,发现在石洞门前,有一道影子一闪而逝,似乎尾随三人过来的。 What do you have to harvest?” Ma Xisha sits, gave itself but actually one water, a none remaining of drinking, then inquired Shi Yan. “你有没有什么收获?”玛希莎坐下来,给自己倒了一杯水,一口喝的精光,然后才询问石岩 Un, we indeed have harvested.” Shi Yan said. “嗯,我们的确有所收获。”石岩笑着说。 His these words fall, the facial expression moves, suddenly looks to cave entrance. 他这番话才落下,神情一动,忽然看向洞口。 A Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, only then Origin God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, flashes before suddenly, shouted before the gate lowly: Can come in?” 一名龙蜥族的族人,只有始神二重天境界修为,忽然闪现过来,在门前低呼:“能进来吗?” Three Heavenly Eye Clan clansman facial expressions one tight, suddenly the congealment supernatural power, reveals the dignified color. 三名天目族族人神情一紧,都忽然凝结神力,露出凝重之色。 Comes.” The Yi Fulin discrete say|way, has hit a meaningful glance toward Shi Yan secretly, lets Shi Yan carefully. “进来吧。”伊夫林谨慎道,暗暗朝石岩打了个眼色,让石岩小心一点。 That Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, the height completely three meters, whole body such as a rock muscle intertwines, the tail that covers entirely the corner to puncture drags on the stony soil, takes a walk the stony soil to broadcast the grating sound. 那名龙蜥族族人,身高尽三米,浑身如岩石块肌肉纠结,一条布满棱刺的尾巴拖在石地上,走动间石地传来刺耳声音。 After he comes , the complexion is serious, said to the Yi Fulin three people: I suggested that you should better early leave extremely, the clansman of ghost clan, has clarified your positions, perhaps will be bad to you.” 他进来后,脸色沉重,冲伊夫林三人说道:“我建议你们最好极早离开,地鬼族的族人,已经弄清楚你们的位置,恐怕会对你们不善。” This is your Dragon Lizard Clan territory, your does Dragon Lizard Clan link our securities unable to guarantee? We were invited to come by you, left slightly troublesome, your this manner?” The Ma Xisha elegant face covers entirely anger, is out of control to yell. “这是你们龙蜥族的领地,难道你们龙蜥族连我们的安全都无法保证?我们可是受你们邀请而来,才出了点小麻烦,你们就这种态度?”玛希莎俏脸布满怒意,禁不住叫喊起来。 The Shi Yan bursting out laughing, does not understand that what happened, inquires Yi Fulin in a soft voice. 石岩哑然,不明白发生了什么事情,轻声询问伊夫林 Is this, our came also to bring some things of transaction. Before we want to trade in one lively, settled on to be the same by the person of place ghost clan, but he has not suited our materials, wanted forcefully by the thing exchange that we had no need, we and he had an corners of the mouth.” Yi Fulin explained. “是这样的,我们这趟过来也带了一些交易的东西。之前我们在一处热闹地想交易,被地鬼族的一个人看中一样,但他又没有适合我们的材料,想要强行以我们用不着的东西交换,我们和他发生了一点口角。”伊夫林解释。 Ghost clan?” Shi Yan knitting the brows head. “地鬼族?”石岩皱了皱眉头。 After taking that Tu Shiqi Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, he once slightly had prospected nearby area condition, the matter of ghost clan, on that Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass has the record related by chance. 拿了那图释岐天幻星罗盘后,他曾稍稍勘察过附近的疆域状况,有关地鬼族的事情,那天幻星罗盘上恰巧有记载。 He knows to a Dragon Lizard Clan recent region. Is the place of ghost clan occupying, the ghost clan in Star Sea is the second-class race, head of the clan ghost Patriarch Immortal Third Sky Realm, although was inferior that Long Xi is so fierce, may in neighbor also quite prestige. 他知道离龙蜥族最近的一个区域。就是地鬼族盘踞之地,地鬼族在星海间为二流种族,族长地鬼老祖不朽三重天境界,虽然不如龙蜥那么厉害,可在附近也颇为威名。 What is main, the ghost clan is the Soul Clan faithful lackey, before that ghost Patriarch it is said that is a Soul Clan Ancestor Territory Expert servant, the deep meaning law that his cultivation Soul Clan has granted decides. breakthrough to Immortal Third Sky Realm, after returning to the ghost clan, says Patriarch. 最主要的是,地鬼族乃魂族的忠实走狗,那地鬼老祖据说以前就是魂族一名域祖强者的奴仆,他修炼魂族赏赐的奥义法决。才突破不朽三重天境界,重返地鬼族后就自称老祖了。 Also is so, ghost clan closely attaches under the Soul Clan place, reason that it is said that ghost Patriarch returns to the ghost clan, shoulders is monitoring nearby Dragon Lizard Clan, persuaded Long Xi one and with the heavy responsibility that Soul Clan formed an alliance. 也是如此,地鬼族紧紧依附在魂族座下,据说那地鬼老祖之所以重返地鬼族,也肩负着监视附近龙蜥族,劝说龙蜥一并和魂族结盟的重任。 Heavenly Eye Clan is only the third-class small race, was inferior that the ghost clan influence is strong, does not have the strong backer, has the conflict with the clansmen of place ghost clan, is naturally impossible to fall the advantage. 天目族只是三流小种族,不如地鬼族势力强大,更没有强硬的靠山,和地鬼族的族人发生冲突,自然不可能落到好处。 „The clansman of that place ghost clan. After you distinguish, immediately went to other region, should report to the place ghost clan masters. The ghost clan and Soul Clan relate closely, this Soul Clan Xin Ge commands exactly also, we...... It is difficult to do, you either God Confusion Eye exchange give him that either, as early as possible leaves, otherwise our Dragon Lizard Clan is also very difficult to preserve you.” “那个地鬼族的族人。和你们分别后,立即去了别的区域,应该是向地鬼族高手汇报去了。地鬼族和魂族关系紧密,此次魂族辛格统领恰恰也在,我们……很难做,你们要么将那‘神惑之眼’交换给他,要么,就趁早离开吧,不然我们龙蜥族也很难保住你们。” That Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, advised several reluctantly. Hastily leaves, making them put best into it. 龙蜥族的族人,无奈的劝告了几句。就匆匆离开,让他们好自为之。 God Confusion Eye? What thing is this?” Shi Yan frowns, „does the clansman of that ghost clan, why such settle on your God Confusion Eye?” 神惑之眼?这是什么东西?”石岩皱着眉头,“那地鬼族的族人,为何这么看中你们那神惑之眼?” Is this eye.” Ma Xisha palm were suddenly many a eye, that eye such as lozenge pink color Crystal Stone, very magnificent unusual, glittering is confusing the fluctuation of will of the people. This is third eyes of my clan one older generation, after she disappeared fell , the third eye to retain, this eye can attract the will of the people. Let the person cannot help but say the secret of innermost feelings. The clansman of that ghost clan, said that must give to big commanding of Soul Clan this eye, said that big use, forcing us to trade to him.” “就是这只眼睛。”玛希莎掌心忽然多了一只眼睛,那眼睛如棱形粉色晶石,非常瑰丽奇特,闪烁着迷惑人心的波动。“这是我族一名先辈的第三眼,她消陨后第三目保留了下来,这眼睛能魅惑人心。让人不由自主的说出内心的秘密。那地鬼族的族人,说要将这眼睛献给魂族的大统领,说有大用途,逼迫着我们交易给他。” Pa! 啪! Stone Gate that Aodai Li that shuts tightly opens wide suddenly, she restored cold and proud indifferently, has changed a pure white women's clothing, suddenly flashes before, shouted to clear the way tenderly: This God Confusion Eye, the clansman of that ghost clan, must give to Xin Ge, making Xin Ge cope with my clan Ming Hong older generation! Inevitably is this!” 奥黛丽那紧闭的石门忽然洞开,她又恢复了冷傲漠然,换了一身素白衣裙,忽然闪现出来,娇喝道:“这神惑之眼,那地鬼族的族人,是要献给辛格,让辛格对付我族冥鸿先辈的!必然是这样!” In the Shi Yan heart moves, the careful relation, understands immediately that secret passage Aodai Li is really intelligent, has related instantaneously. 石岩心中一动,仔细一联系,立即明白过来,暗道奥黛丽果然聪明,瞬间就联系了起来。 Xin Ge refining up ominous soul Ming Hong, because the Ming Hong cultivation deep meaning is also related with the soul, therefore there is a unique method to protect itself to remember that did not search, once aimed by the technique of seizing the soul, immediately from exploding falls from the sky on the soul, making Xin Ge anything unable to obtain. 辛格冥鸿炼成凶魂,但因为冥鸿修炼的奥义也和灵魂有关,所以有独特的方法保护自己记忆不被搜寻,一旦被拘魂之术针对,立即就灵魂自爆陨灭,让辛格什么都得不到。 Naturally, Ming Hong this procedure is by no means absolutely safe, so long as Xin Ge is willing to get so far as that side Soul Clan Ancestor Territory Expert Ming Hong, by the mystery of Ancestor Territory Realm, naturally some all sorts of methods in the situation, in not injuring the Ming Hong soul, strips his memory. 当然,冥鸿这种做法并非万无一失,只要辛格肯将冥鸿弄到魂族域祖强者那边,凭借域祖境界的玄妙,自然有种种手段在不伤害冥鸿灵魂的情况下,将他的记忆剥离出来。 Because Xin Ge wants to lord over the wild territory to be mysterious, wants to take advantage of Desolate the body of fission, comes breakthrough Ancestor Territory Realm, therefore has concealed this matter, can only try to find the solution. 辛格因为想独霸荒域玄妙,想依仗荒的分裂之身,来突破域祖境界,所以隐瞒了这件事,以至于只能自己想办法。 Heavenly Eye Clan God Confusion Eye, extremely unusual mysterious, this is attracting of soul, perhaps really can play the effect, can become breakthrough mouth that copes with Ming Hong, the clansman of that ghost clan, should hire oneself Xin Ge, therefore discovered that this talent will be wild with joy, reckless must buy and sell by using compulsion. 天目族神惑之眼,极其奇特玄妙,这是一种灵魂的魅惑,说不定真能起到奇效,能成为对付冥鸿突破口,那地鬼族的族人,应该投靠了辛格,所以发现此眼才会欣喜若狂,不顾一切的要强买强卖。 A series of thoughts flash through in the heart, Shi Yan realized that the situation the marvelousness, said: „The clansman of that place ghost clan, in what Realm cultivation base , he if leads the reinforcements to come, what Realm rank can be probably?” 一连串念头在心中闪过,石岩意识到形势的奇妙,道:“那名地鬼族的族人,在什么境界修为,他如果带援兵过来,大概会是什么境界级别?” That place ghost clan clansman, is only Origin God Third Sky, Realm is not profound, because of so, him only competent moves here. However place ghost clan clansman not only his of Long Xi star, he dares to be so dissolute, definitely is knows this place ghost clan comes the person, certainly steadily exceeds us.” “那名地鬼族族人,只是始神三重天,境界并不高深,也是因为如此,他才只够资格在我们这里活动。不过龙蜥星的地鬼族族人不只他一个,他敢那么放肆,一定是知道这趟地鬼族的来人,一定稳稳胜过我们。” In addition they and Soul Clan relations, even if the ghost clan acts unreasonably, Dragon Lizard Clan may also choose to feign unable to see. That person can tell our bad risks , is not easy, yeah, has not expected is really so bad luck, unexpectedly by place ghost clan staring.” “加上他们和魂族的关系,就算是地鬼族乱来,龙蜥族也可能会选择佯装看不见。那个人能告诉我们其中的凶险,也算是不容易了,哎,真没料到这么倒霉,竟然被地鬼族给盯上了。” Yi Fulin with a worried look, hesitating, was considering must withdraw the Long Xi star. 伊夫林愁眉不展,沉吟着,已经在思量着要不要撤出龙蜥星了。 Shi Yan, we can also please......” Aodai Li lightly shout. 石岩,我们也可以请……”奥黛丽轻呼。 Because this matter relates Ming Hong, is relating the wild territory territory gate, she is quite anxious, immediately thinks the Mysterious Heaven Clan clansman, thought has Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun help words, must extinguish the ghost clan comes the person to be easy. 因为此事关系冥鸿,关系着荒域域门,她极为紧张,立即想到玄天族的族人,觉得有图释岐雅云帮忙的话,要灭地鬼族的来人轻而易举。 Shi Yan looks dignified. 石岩神情凝重。 He knows that this matter indeed relates significantly, if Xin Ge through Ming Hong knew that the wild territory territory gate entrance, the later wild territory could withstand the violation of Soul Clan constant disorder and unrest from now on, even if were Xin Ge were defeated, coming that many Soul Clan Expert can also take place of the fallen. 他知道此事的确关系重大,如果辛格通过冥鸿得知荒域域门入口,从今之后荒域可能要承受魂族永无宁日的侵害,就算是辛格失败了,更多魂族强者也会前仆后继的过来。 Because of Desolate at heavy losses divided state, because the Desolate has two Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, once Expert of that Soul Clan Ancestor Territory rank knows this matter, will not give up inevitably. 因为荒处在重创分裂状态,因为荒持有两件太初神器,那魂族域祖级别的强者一旦得知此事,必然不会善罢甘休。 Present wild territory, because hui regains consciousness to withdraw, does not know that what situation, in addition Soul Clan, the wild territory trillion lives how could it not be to have the means of livelihood? 如今的荒域,因为虺的苏醒脱身,已经不知道处在什么情况了,再加上魂族,荒域亿万生灵岂非都没了活路? „Can God Confusion Eye, confuse the Immortal Warrior soul mental unable?” Shi Yan asked suddenly. 神惑之眼,能迷惑不朽武者灵魂心智不能?”石岩突然问道。 Can!” Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi nod hastily, same sound track: At least, both of us cannot endure, in the metropolis the move, could not resist to be too long.” “能!”伊夫林亚当斯连忙点头,同声道:“至少,我们俩都吃不消,都会中招,根本抵挡不了太久。” Displays to try to me.” Shi Yan said to Ma Xisha. “对我施展试试。”石岩玛希莎道。 Ma Xisha hesitant, said: You must stare at eye, I display the strength of soul above, then do not shift the vision on the line.” 玛希莎犹豫了一下,说道:“你必须自己盯着眼睛,我施展灵魂之力在上面,然后你别移转目光就行。” Good.” “好。” Ma Xisha therefore that pink crystal God Confusion Eye, collects to Shi Yan at present, she revolves the strength of soul, that eye pupil sends out the intoxicant pink halo suddenly, such as imaginary such as the picture scroll of dream such as was lifted, brought entry Shi Yan directly. 玛希莎于是将那粉色水晶般的神惑之眼,凑向石岩的眼前,她运转灵魂之力,那眼瞳骤然散发出醉人的粉色光晕,一副如幻如梦的画卷如被掀开,直接将石岩带了进入。 Shi Yan loses instantaneously, such as at just and Aodai Li moving wonderful has not waked up, the breath is loud immediately, in the eye pupil did not have the sober consciousness gradually. 石岩瞬间迷失,如处在刚刚和奥黛丽的动人美妙中没有醒来,呼吸立即粗重起来,眼眸内渐渐没了清醒的意识。 If the perishing fond dream, oneself subjective are not willing to wake up, is not willing to return to the reality. 如沉沦美梦,自己主观不愿醒来,不愿意回到现实。 The Aodai Li facial expression immediately became unnatural, this moment Shi Yan complexion and aura, just like were just shapes, particularly the Shi Yan movement such as and beautiful woman made music, but also revealed the anxious color appearance, hands and feet as if in dishonest was stroking gently anything, let her complexion difference, revealed the extremely strange color. 奥黛丽神情马上变得不自然了,此刻石岩的脸色和气息,俨然就是刚刚的形态,尤其是石岩动作如和佳人作乐,还露出急色模样,手脚似乎在不老实的摩挲着什么,让她脸色异样,露出极为古怪之色。 enough!” She drinks one suddenly tenderly. 够了!”她忽然娇喝一声。 Ma Xisha covers up that God Confusion Eye rays of light at once, then sees Shi Yan such as to wake up from the dreamland, eyes of burning hot, brilliant look to Aodai Li. 玛希莎旋即将那神惑之眼光芒遮掩,然后就见石岩如从梦境中醒来,一双炙热的眼睛,灼灼看向奥黛丽 Aodai Li face one red, stared his one eyes maliciously, said: You were saying.” 奥黛丽脸一红,狠狠瞪了他一眼,道:“你已经着道了。” Shi Yan has gawked, at once restores the sober reason, shouted fierce darkly, said: This thing cannot make the clansmen of ghost clan obtain absolutely, Ming Hong only remains the soul condition, even if his Realm is more profound than me, how long perhaps the pure soul condition could not support, we must be ready in full battle array.” 石岩愣了一下,旋即恢复清醒理智,暗呼一声厉害,道:“这东西绝对不能让地鬼族的族人得到,冥鸿只剩灵魂状态,就算是他境界比我高深,恐怕纯灵魂状态也支撑不了多久,我们必须严阵以待。” „The ghost clan came, certainly had confidence, we may not deal with.” Ma Xisha bitter and astringent say|way. “地鬼族真过来了,一定是有了把握,我们不一定能应付的了。”玛希莎苦涩道。 All right, making them come.” Shi Yan inspired, expression cold Lidao: They, so long as dares to come, I have the method to strike to massacre them completely, only if they achieve Immortal Third Sky, really such, there is a strong help to take advantage. Un, once strikes to kill the ghost clan clansman, I relate Dragon Lizard Clan immediately, said that I understand clearly Dark Energy, I do not believe Long Xi Patriarch to dare not to protect me!” “没事,让他们来。”石岩吸了一口气,神色冷厉道:“他们只要真敢来,我有法子将他们全部击杀掉,除非他们达到不朽三重天,真那样,也有强援能依仗。嗯,一旦击杀地鬼族族人,我立即联系龙蜥族,就说我洞悉暗能量,我就不信龙蜥老祖敢不力保我!” Aodai Li eye one bright, how do you prepare to do?” 奥黛丽眼睛一亮,“你准备怎么做?” Shi Yan looks to this stone chamber, said: Has Imaginary Boundary Stone, can know ahead of time their motives, trap, did not fear that they do not enter obediently!” 石岩看向这石室,道:“有幻界石,能提前知道他们的动机,设个陷阱出来,不怕他们不乖乖进入!” „Can Imaginary Boundary Stone kill Immortal Second Sky?” Aodai Li startled surprisingly said. 幻界石能杀不朽二重天吗?”奥黛丽奇道 Does not know that can attempt, but causes heavy losses definitely is not a problem.” “不知道,可以尝试一下,但重创肯定不成问题。” Good, we wait for the clansman of place ghost clan, is initiative to bluff and bluster, then gives them a lesson of blood!” “那好,我们就等地鬼族的族人,主动过来耀武扬威,然后给他们一个血的教训!” ...... ( to be continued ) RQ ……(未完待续)RQ
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