GOS :: Volume #14

#1391: Losing

Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun, because the status is special, before Long Xi has not clarified the Soul Clan sinister method, once exposes, possibly immediately brings in besieging of Soul Clan, perhaps will link Dragon Lizard Clan also to get rid. 图释岐雅云因为身份特殊,在龙蜥没有弄清楚魂族阴险手段前,一旦暴露出来,可能立即引来魂族的围击,或许连龙蜥族也会出手。 After all, on outwardly Dragon Lizard Clan and Soul Clan is on good terms, Long Xi and Xin Ge also quite have the friendship. 毕竟,在明面上龙蜥族魂族交好,龙蜥辛格也颇有交情。 They not before Soul Clan has no consideration for face, can with Soul Clan cope with Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun, is for this reason, Ya Yun so is low-key in the Long Xi star, concealing desirably status and[ really] solid power, to mingle in third-class influence accumulation region. 他们没有和魂族撕破脸以前,是会和魂族一起来对付图释岐雅云的,也是因为这个原因,雅云龙蜥星才如此低调,刻意的隐匿了身份和〖真〗实的力量,混杂在三流势力聚集的区域。 If they indicate the status, very possible not to have been seeing Long Xi, first was sold to Soul Clan by the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, therefore this matter can only act by Shi Yan, first and Long Xi contact, told the Long Xi Soul Clan movement, making Long Xi give birth to the hatred heart to Xin Ge, the matter naturally can work smoothly. 他们如果表明身份,很可能没有见着龙蜥,就先被龙蜥族族人卖给魂族了,所以这件事只能由石岩出面,先和龙蜥接触,告诉龙蜥魂族的动作,令龙蜥辛格生出仇恨心,事情自然就能顺利进行下去。 At this time, the alien race person who because comes the Long Xi star, all has not come, the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman has not held the grand meeting, not having the explanation to exchange the Immortal pill's request, Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun prepares to live in seclusion, waits for the Shi Yan news. 此时,因为前来龙蜥星的异族人,还没有全部过来,龙蜥族的族人也没有举行盛会,没有说明兑换不朽丹的要求,图释岐雅云准备深居简出,等石岩的消息。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li leave are too long, does not know how the Heavenly Eye Clan situation, to Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun showed their cave positions, first said goodbye to leave. 石岩奥黛丽离开太久,也不知道天目族的情况如何,对图释岐雅云说明他们的石洞位置,就先告辞离开了。 They return to the Heavenly Eye Clan housing the cavern, discovered extraordinarily that Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha have not returned unexpectedly, they pour have not thought that inside cave in the stone chamber rests, the preparation has a look at this harvest earnestly, slowly and other Heavenly Eye Clan three people of returns. 两人返回天目族居住的洞穴,出奇地,发现那伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎竟然还没有返回,他们倒也没有多想,就在石洞内面石室内休息,准备认真看看这趟的收获,慢慢等天目族三人的归来。 The crude stone chamber, in stone wall does not have any decorative carving flower mark, only then the stone table and Stone Deng, stone bed, on the bed are putting a rush cushion. 简陋的石室,石壁上没有任何雕饰huā纹,只有石桌、石凳,还有一张石床,床上放着一个蒲团。 cultivation martial arts, cannot care to the things, Dragon Lizard Clan is one by the race that the wind is well-known, naturally cannot provide good enjoyment to them, naturally, when treats Soul Clan and Water Clan, Dragon Lizard Clan specially will also treat. Multi- flower fee thoughts at entertainment. 修炼武道者,对身外之物不会太在意,龙蜥族又是一个以蛮风闻名的种族,自然不会给他们提供多好的享受,当然,在对待魂族水族的时候,龙蜥族也会特殊对待。多huā费点心思在招待上。 Aodai Li cultivates the straight beautiful leg plate, sits on stone bed, the bright eyes glisten, the corners of the mouth are holding a joyful happy expression. 奥黛丽修直美腿盘着,坐在石床上,明眸闪亮,嘴角噙着一丝欣喜笑意。 Stone table of Shi Yan in the room by, Imaginary Boundary Stone falls on the table, he releases Divine Sense to fluctuate, submerges in that Imaginary Boundary Stone, little imprint soul mark. Enable that Imaginary Boundary Stone to control as one desires. 石岩在屋内石桌旁,一枚幻界石落在桌上,他释放出神识波动,没入那幻界石内,一点点的烙印灵魂印记。让那幻界石能随心掌控。 Seven Imaginary Boundary Stone. Wants one by one to quenching, distinguishes the imprint soul to record, this can use at will. 七颗幻界石。都要一一淬炼,分别烙印魂记,这样才能随意使用。 He Divine Sense imprint. The revolution supernatural power, emerges Imaginary Boundary Stone one slightly, discovers Imaginary Boundary Stone gloss glittering. If the balloon were gasified, such as must swell, must rapidly form the microcosm. 他将神识烙印其中。稍稍运转神力,才涌入幻界石一丝,就发现幻界石光泽闪烁。如气球被充气,如要胀大开来,要快速形成小世界。 He cracks into a smile, nodded, following has not exerted the supernatural power, dark to praise this Imaginary Boundary Stone is indeed uncommon, is very suitable he. 他咧嘴一笑,点了点头,没有后续施加神力,暗赞这幻界石的确不凡,很适合他。 Suddenly, Aodai Li bright eyes glittering on stone bed leaves a wisp of strange gloss, she purses the lips. Said in a soft voice: Thanks.” 忽然,石床上的奥黛丽明眸闪烁出一缕奇异光泽,她抿着嘴。轻声说道:“谢谢。” Shi Yan gains ground to smile looks at she. 石岩抬头笑看着她。 Returned to Aodai Li of stone chamber just to bathe to comb the hair and wash the face, has changed a sharp silver silk skirt, threw over returns wet in the length of snow white fragrant shoulder, after the stone chamber was elegant she to bathe the delicate fragrance taste, she fair such as the cheeks of jade, was passing the clear rivers and lakes, the pupil like cold moon. 回到石室的奥黛丽刚刚已沐浴梳洗过,换了一身亮丽的银色丝裙,披在雪白香肩的长发还湿漉漉的,石室内都飘逸着她沐浴后的清香味,她白皙如玉的脸颊,透着晶莹水泽,眸如冷月 Not the familiar person will think that her cold and proud is unreasonable. In fact she treats other people also indeed so, but at this moment, her expression is very tranquil, even somewhat shames the meaning of blushing, lowers the head to clench teeth to whisper: Today benefits from association with your. I harvest enormously, has the huge promotion to my later Realm cultivation base. I very grateful......” 不熟悉的人都会觉得她冷傲不近人情。事实上她对待旁人也的确如此,但这一刻,她神色很恬静,甚至有些羞赧之意,垂着头咬牙低语:“今天沾你的光。我收获极大,对我以后的境界修为有巨大提升。我很感激……” cave peacefully, without any sound, her whispering, although is light, still appears resounding clear. 石洞安静之极,没有任何声音,她的低语虽轻,依然显得响亮清晰。 Puts down Imaginary Boundary Stone, the Shi Yan dew tooth sprinkles however smiles, said: Your I can one and get so far as this Nihility Domain Sea, but also really had the fate, here, so long as your I came from same territory, each other was also familiar, mutual take care of should be. Un, you must feel grateful, ha, grateful law?” 放下幻界石,石岩露齿洒然一笑,说道:“你我能一并被弄到这虚无域海,还真是有缘分了,在这里,只要你我来自同一域界,彼此也熟悉,相互照顾是应该的。嗯,你要感激,哈,怎么感激法?” He was used to speak thoughtlessly to sexually harass, said that was also Bei intent who in order to gave up the Aodai Li innermost feelings. 他习惯了随口调戏,这么说,也是为了能打消奥黛丽内心的一丝卑意。 After arriving at Nihility Domain Sea, this Ming Royal Family day the arrogant female clearly recognizes the reality gradually, finally understands that the four big races of wild territory are not anything, also realized that her Origin God Realm, wants to depend upon itself to go on living in Nihility Domain Sea difficultly, here, she takes advantage of the Shi Yan asylum, to her self-respect is devastation. 来到虚无域海后,这冥皇族的天之骄女渐渐认清现实,终于明白荒域的四大种族真算不上什么,也意识到她那始神境界,想依靠自己在虚无域海活下去都艰难,在这里,她事事都依仗石岩庇护,对她的自尊是一种摧残。 She had the feeling inferior heart for the first time, this point she, although very good has concealed, but Shi Yan can feel. 她首次有了自卑心,这一点她虽然很好的掩饰了,但石岩还是能感觉到。 You think how I do thank you?” The beautiful woman of lowering the head, such as the picture brow tip trembles, the innermost feelings are quite as if intense restlessly. “你想我怎么感激你?”垂着头的佳人,如画般的眉梢一颤,内心似乎极为紧张不安。 Kisses me one.” Shi Yan grins to laugh. “吻我一下吧。”石岩咧嘴哈哈大笑。 The silver light passed over gently and swiftly together, greets the nostrils to come fragrantly instantaneously, in addition he has not responded that then thought a body of soft and fragrant warm jade pastes suddenly, the left cheeks are also transmit receive an electric shock ** did the feeling, then hear the beautiful woman to whisper then in the ear bank you to satisfy?” 一道银光掠过,芬香瞬间扑鼻而来,他尚且没有反应过来,便觉得一具温香软玉的身子忽然贴来,左脸颊也是传来触电般的**感,然后就听到佳人在耳畔低语“这下你满意了么?” Shi Yan shakes quite the same as greatly, looked dull to the beautiful woman who personal comes, a beautiful woman silver silk skirt exquisitely carved that graceful physique wraps, the beautiful leg cultivates straight, the shoulders that exposes like White Jade, the beautiful woman lower his one section slightly, when he lowers the head to look, can see that the beautiful woman chest wipes the deep attractive gully. 石岩浑然巨震,呆呆看向贴身而来的佳人,佳人一身银色丝裙将那曼妙身姿包裹的玲珑剔透,美腿修直,裸露出来的双肩如白玉,佳人略略低他一截,他垂头去看时,能看到佳人胸口一抹深深的诱人沟壑。 This moment Aodai Li, did not have ordinary day cold and proud again, did not have consistent keeping aloof. 这一刻的奥黛丽,再没有了平日的冷傲,没有了一贯的高高在上。 Her snow white neck crimson piece, the eye is shutting tightly, does not dare to visit him, the long eyelash is vibrating, was demonstrating innermost feelings intense anxious restless, she is without doubt shy, this kiss suddenly, such as has used up all her courage, made her distressed did not know not to know what to do. 她雪白脖颈绯红一片,眼睛紧闭着,不敢看他,长长睫毛抖动着,显示着内心的强烈紧张不安,她无疑是青涩的,这忽然的一吻,如用掉了她所有勇气,令她狼狈的不知如何是好。 Aodai Li this moment enticement, making Shi Yan several want demented, his eye suddenly became blazing such as the sea ebullition! 奥黛丽这一刻的诱惑,令石岩几欲癫狂,他眼睛骤然变得炽热如海沸腾! Lonely of Nihility Domain Sea, the pressures of seven big races, the unknown future, all sorts of mood mix up, he stops for several seconds, the breath single layer, one supports into the beautiful woman the bosom suddenly, the big mouth collects in her snow white neck place, gnaws willfully, a pair of big hand also climbs up the beautiful woman to cultivate the straight beautiful leg, forgets to return in the abundant buttocks stock ditch place. 虚无域海的孤独,七大种族的压力,未知的将来,种种心境混在一起,他停顿数秒,呼吸一重,猛然将佳人一把拥入怀内,大口凑在她雪白脖颈处,恣意啃噬起来,一双大手也攀上佳人修直美腿,在丰臀股沟处流连忘返。 ......” “唔……” Beautiful woman whole body spills over the astonishing blood flushes, ketone body like receive an electric shock shivers constantly, unconsciousness makes the sleep talking sound, completely weak in he cherishes, loses thoroughly. 佳人浑身泛出惊人潮红,酮体如触电般颤抖不迭,无意识的发出梦呓般的声音,完全瘫软在他怀内,彻底迷失。 In the past, she returned from the wild territory, in the heart lake often presented together grand silhouette...... 当年,她从荒域返回,心湖中就时常出现一道雄伟身影…… Also is so, her fact to somebody careful has traced, she does not know that stems from any thoughts, but wants to know that somebody's past, knew his whereabouts and experience. 也是如此,她对某人的事迹细致的追查过,她自己都不知出乎什么心思,只是想知道某人的过去,知道他的下落和经历。 When she knows that somebody becomes second nature loosely, Zeng Dafa got angry, inexplicable annoyed, the concerned somebody's fact, in her clan was disseminating unceasingly, in that great billows on-board, her with own eyes looks at he and Haig fought, among looks at Star Sea God Clan most dazzling first generation died, looks at he rose comprehensively, the shadow in heart was even more profound. 当她知道某人风流成性,曾大发嗔怒,莫名的恼火,有关某人的事迹,她族内不断的传播着,在那巨澜星上,她亲眼看着他和黑格一战,看着星海神族耀目的一代陨落,看着他全面崛起,心中的影子越发深刻。 Some things, then the invasion inner world, are unable to cancel. 有些东西,在不知不觉间,便侵入心海,无法抹去。 In her eyes, in vast wild territory, only then that person made her move sufficiently, what a pity because of its loose excessive, her innermost feelings have been conflicting, forced itself not to go to think forcefully that was neglected by oneself. 在她眼中,浩大的荒域中,也只有那一人足以令她动心,可惜因其风流无度,她内心一直在抵触着,强行逼迫自己不去多想,让自己忽视。 Until, until arriving at this Nihility Domain Sea, strange environment, side, only then such a familiar person, again does not have the other people in any wild territory, will not have restraint in her mother clan, does not have being an eyesore of his side female. 直到,直到来到这虚无域海,陌生的环境,身边只有这么一个熟悉的人,再没有任何荒域的其他人,不会有她母亲族内的约束,也没有他身旁女子的碍眼。 Here, she can let loose her mind, can invest truly...... 在这里,她能放开自己的心灵,能真正投入其中…… Shi Yan closely supports her, the big mouth slides from her exquisite neck, carries over in the beautiful woman front most wonderful canyon gradually, in the bosom the ketone body suddenly becomes fiery incomparable, made his whole body electric current stimulation, why did not know, was supporting in the bosom the physique time, he had the unprecedented marvelous feeling. 石岩将她紧紧拥住,大嘴从她优美脖颈一路下滑,渐渐移向佳人胸前最美妙深谷中,怀内酮体骤然变得火热无比,令他浑身电流般刺激,不知为何,拥着怀内身姿的时候,他生出前所未有的奇妙感。 As if, the soul can therefore unite, can multiply incomparably marvelously. 仿佛,灵魂能因此合一,能滋生无比奇妙。 The exploration that his two keeping, crosses the silk skirt gradually, creamy plentiful hovers in her, breathes is loud like wild beast, becomes more and more is unable to extricate oneself. 他两手不停的探索在,渐渐越过丝裙,在她滑腻丰腴身上游动,呼吸如野兽般粗重,变得越来越无法自拔。 However, several wants to collapse in him, prepares the beautiful woman moves stone bed the time, cave Stone Gate opens wide suddenly. 然而,就在他几欲崩溃,就准备将佳人挪上石床的时候,石洞石门突然洞开。 Yi Fulin high did loudly shout take advantage of opportunity to resound you to come back?” 伊夫林的高喝声顺势响起“你们可回来了?” Aodai Li such as wakes up from the imaginary mirror, whole body trembles, being thrown into confusion works loose, complexion red such as seeps out the blood, returns to stone bed instantaneously, the ketone body such as the mud general paralysis on the stone wall, the mind opens greatly, the abundant very milk-white bosom half dew, cultivates the women's clothing on straight beautiful leg, was shed the leg root spot, the lower abdomen spot also appears a wet Ze area. 奥黛丽如从幻镜醒来,浑身一颤,手忙脚乱的挣脱开来,脸色红的如渗出鲜血来,瞬间重返石床,酮体如烂泥一般瘫在石墙上,胸襟大开,丰挺酥胸半露,修直美腿上的衣裙,被褪到腿根部位,小腹部位还显现一片湿泽区。 Exits! You, you exit first!” Although she is drinking tenderly, but the sound is soft and weak, two do not know to place where, spills the chest clothing, entrains the skirt, blocks from the beautiful leg, appears extremely poverty-stricken no use, must distressedly distressed, bright and intelligent eye pupil such as hoodwink the mist of not being able to melt, such as dream like picture. “出去!你,你先出去!”她虽在娇喝,可声音却软弱无力,两手不知放在何处,拉拉前胸衣衫,拽拽裙角,将美腿遮住,显得极为窘迫无助,要多狼狈有多狼狈,水汪汪的眼眸如蒙着化不开的雾气,如梦如画。 gulp!” 咕嘟!” Swallowing saliva that Shi Yan blood boiling with excitement, the eye such as sea of fire burning down, he does not control self. 石岩血脉贲张,眼睛如火海焚烧,他不自禁的吞咽口水。 Has attracted several tones again and again, the revolution deep meaning, ice-cold waters in secret directly, stands firm the mood, returns to slightly normal, deeply looked at one to curl up the ketone body, the mud weak stone bed female, he was low and deep: Why does not know, you to my enticement, are over any person unexpectedly! Is hard to imagine simply!” 连连吸了几口气,暗中运转奥义,一股冰冷直接浇灌下来,才稳住心境,稍稍恢复正常,深深看了一眼蜷曲着酮体,烂泥般瘫软石床的女子,他低沉道:“不知道为何,你对我的诱惑,竟超过任何一人!简直难以想象!” The Aodai Li body still lightly trembles, such as the electric current continues, her beautiful pupil wave light is bright, at this moment also restores soberly, stands firm the mood in similar technique with the ice coldly, then clenches teeth, blushes the face saying: I, why I do not know, a point cannot resist unexpectedly your...... Your method, perished to lose instantaneously, I think that this fused Ancient Continent Essence to be related with our soul, this was really indecipherable.” 奥黛丽身子依然轻颤,如电流不止,她美眸波光熠熠,此刻也恢复清醒,以类似手法用冰寒稳住心境,然后才咬着牙,羞红了脸说:“我,我也不知道为什么,竟一点抵挡不住你的……你的手段,瞬间就沉沦迷失了,我想,这和我们灵魂都融合古大陆本源有关,这真是无法解释。” The words, she is nipping lower lip, shouting to clear the way that blushes bashfully: A bit faster exits! They, they have come, this matter, we later discussed not lately, I do not think that they found my this appearance!” 话罢,她咬着下唇,羞赧的喝道:“快点出去!他们,他们已经进来了,这件事,我们以后讨论不迟,我不想他们瞧见我这个样子!” Shi Yan grins Hehe to smile, this gets out of the way from the stone chamber, returns to outside hall. 石岩咧嘴嘿嘿一笑,这才从石室走开,返回外面的大厅。 He leaves, if Aodai Li did not have the skeleton support, whole body weak is one soft, fierce of heartbeat, she is covering the chest, was thinking just scene,[ body], if had the flame rolling to surge. 他一离开,奥黛丽如没了骨骼支撑,浑身无力的又是一软,心跳的厉害,她捂着胸口,想着刚刚的场景,〖体〗内如有火焰在滚滚涌动着。 „The matter between men and women, is this , is really the good unusual feeling, so makes people unable to suppress unexpectedly.” “男女之间的事情,就是这样么,真是,真是好奇特的感觉,竟然如此让人无法抑制。” In her eyes pupil pasts the moving gloss, in the mind the innumerable thoughts is multiplying, sits there dull, indulges is ordinary in the imaginary mirror, for a long time has not restored. 她眼眸内流转着动人的光泽,脑海内无数的念头滋生,呆呆坐在那儿,沉溺在幻镜一般,许久都没有恢复过来。
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