GOS :: Volume #14

#1390: Profiting at someone's expense

Imaginary Boundary Stone, concentrates Spirit Pill and Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass each same quite to be uncommon, to cultivation Space Deep Meaning him, that Imaginary Boundary Stone, once refines successfully, can form a small world instantaneously, match restraint, can detonate the microcosm, strangles to death or causes heavy losses the enemy. 幻界石、凝神丹天幻星罗盘每一样都颇为不凡,对修炼空间奥义的他来说,那幻界石一旦炼制成功,能瞬间形成一个小型世界,将对手束缚其中,也能引爆小世界,将敌人绞杀或重创。 Imaginary Boundary Stone, is extremely useful, utilization was good, even can strike to kill Immortal Realm! 幻界石,极其有用,运用的好了,甚至能击杀不朽境界者! Congealing Spirit Pill can restore power instantaneously, swallows, immediately the supernatural power is abundant, bursting with energy, is the sharp weapon in battle! 神丹能瞬间恢复力量,一枚吞咽下去,马上神力充沛,生龙活虎,也是交战中的利器! Naturally, what is most precious is Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, the star compass that this Mysterious Heaven Clan quenchings, such as included Star Sea, the bunches of star cloud cluster is representing the vast boundless galaxy regions, had this Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, he truly had the direction, was not the headless fly. 当然,最珍贵的还是天幻星罗盘,这玄天族淬炼的星罗盘,如囊括了星海,簇簇星云团代表着一个个辽阔无际的星河区域,有了这天幻星罗盘,他就真正有了方向,再也不是无头苍蝇了。 What is main, that Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass to each special region, has detailed labelling, showing is mysterious. 更主要的是,那天幻星罗盘对每一个特殊区域,都有着详细的标注,说明玄妙。 For example position that he is at now, has description of one line of commonly used languages in that Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass: The Dragon Lizard Clan territory, the second-class race influence, head Long Xi is the Absolute Beginning life lizard second generation, Immortal peak Realm, only the difference comprehends the Dark Energy true meaning to be able breakthrough Ancestor Territory, Long Xi and Soul Clan Xin Ge has the friendship, the actual situation is unknown...... 比如他如今所在的位置,在那天幻星罗盘内部就有一行通用语的描述:龙蜥族领地,二流种族势力,首脑龙蜥太初生灵“蜥”的第二代,不朽巅峰境界,只差领悟暗能量真谛就能突破域祖,龙蜥魂族辛格颇有交情,实际情况不得而知…… Each specific position, Mysterious Heaven Clan has similar description, later Shi Yan and Aodai Li take a walk in Nihility Domain Sea, can achieve to know oneself and other side, knows the situation of special region, can shift to an earlier time to dodge the bad risk, can search the safe route, the record that this Mysterious Heaven Clan is in sole possession, is unable to weigh with the price. 每一个特定位置,玄天族都有类似的描述,以后石岩奥黛丽虚无域海走动,能做到知己知彼,知道特殊区域的情况,可以提早规避凶险,能寻觅到安全的路线,这玄天族独有的记载,是无法用价钱来衡量的。 Tu Shiqi to be on good terms desirably he, puts out Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass to come unexpectedly, so the mind breadth of spirit, making Shi Yan admire. 图释岐为了刻意交好他,竟然拿出天幻星罗盘来,如此胸襟气魄,令石岩钦佩不已。 Also is so. His impression to the Mysterious Heaven Clan, that is extraordinary good. 也是如此。他对玄天族的观感,那是出奇的好。 That...... Two Senior, have a matter to hope that you pay attention.” Indulges Aodai Li in surprised, this moment black eyebrows moves, while the bilateral relations warm feelings, said in a soft voice: That Soul Clan Xin Ge refinement called the Ming Hong ominous soul, was my clan older generation, knew our wild territory territory gate. If you can strike to kill Xin Ge, but also please......” “那个……两位前辈,有件事情希望你们留意一下。”沉溺在惊讶中的奥黛丽,此刻黛眉一动,趁着双方关系热络,轻声说道:“那魂族辛格炼制的叫冥鸿的凶魂,乃是我族先辈,知晓我们荒域域门。如果你们能击杀辛格,还请……” The words come here, she looks suddenly to Shi Yan, because she understands that the Shi Yan words have the component. 话到这儿,她忽然看向石岩,因为她心里明白石岩的话才有分量。 The Shi Yan facial expression moves, immediately responded that said dignifiedly: My wife said that also I want to say that, that Ming Hong is wild territory Warrior. Knows our territory gates, but both of us...... Has become lost, does not know how should return, can return to the wild territory through Ming Hong.” 石岩神情一动,立即反应过来,凝重道:“我妻子说的,也正是我想说的,那冥鸿为荒域武者。知道我们的域门,而我们俩……迷路了,不知道应该怎么返回,通过冥鸿才能重返荒域。” Ya Yun from the beginning when he and Aodai Li are the little husbands and wives, if he and Aodai Li puts aside the relations, this old man and Ya Yun will not take seriously the proposition of Aodai Li, will not be serious Aodai Li. 雅云一开始就当他和奥黛丽是小夫妻,如果他和奥黛丽撇开关系,这老头和雅云根本不会重视奥黛丽的提议,也不会将奥黛丽当一回事。 After all, Aodai Li merely is only Origin God First Sky, was inferior that he such has Dark Energy, to Mysterious Heaven Clan. Aodai Li is extremely sloppy ordinarily, will not bring to their any attention, only then and ties up Aodai Li in together, they may pay attention to Aodai Li. 毕竟,奥黛丽仅仅只是始神一重天,又不如他那样身怀暗能量,对玄天族来讲。奥黛丽太过稀松平常,不会引起他们任何的注目,只有将奥黛丽和自己拴在一块儿,他们才有可能对奥黛丽有所留意。 Aodai Li is extremely bright, knows Shi Yan to her wife name, is in order to makes her earn the proper respect completely, but she never had been treated from infancy to maturity by male such language, suddenly in heart in great confusion, the surface is self-poise, the innermost feelings actually raise the turbulent great waves. 奥黛丽冰雪聪明,知道石岩对她“妻子”的称呼,完全是为了能够令她得到应有的尊重,但她从小到大从未被男子这样语言对待过,一时间心中乱成一团,表面镇定自若,内心却掀起汹涌浪涛。 But she had not argued. Feigns the calm acknowledgment, obviously has clearly recognized the fact. 但她并没有辩解。佯装淡定的承认下来,显然已认清事实。 Really, one hear of she for the Shi Yan wife, had not always been seeing to her Tu Shiqi, smiles suddenly, narrows the eye saying: Your cultivation deep meaning and Soul Clan are similar, need the formidable soul the strength. Un, I have several good souls exactly, worked as the gift on first meeting.” 果然,一听她为石岩妻子,始终没有对她正眼看过的图释岐,恍然一笑,眯着眼睛说道:“你修炼的奥义和魂族类似,需要强大灵魂来增强实力。嗯,我恰恰有几个不错的灵魂,就当见面礼了。” An aquamarine sphere. Departs from the Tu Shiqi sleeve cuff, the sphere internal turning round fluctuation the soul was saying that hears the soul clamoring sound faintly, that sphere get lost, then falls to Aodai Li. 一枚碧绿色圆球。从图释岐袖口飞出,圆球内部滴溜溜的浮动着魂云,隐隐传来灵魂叫嚣声,那圆球一滚,便落向奥黛丽 The Aodai Li heart shakes, looks dull to that aquamarine sphere, the probe said: Five Origin God souls?” 奥黛丽芳心一震,呆呆看向那碧绿色圆球,试探道:“五个始神灵魂?” Tu Shiqi chuckled, the nod was saying: Two Origin God First Sky, two Origin God Second Sky, Origin God Third Sky, um, is the souls of Soul Clan clansman, their souls are well-known Star Sea by powerful, I have not cancelled their consciousness, is all right to take to suffer, if you have the skill, their Soul Consciousness deep meaning peeling, will be of great help to your Realm promotion.” 图释岐嘿嘿笑着,点头说道:“两个始神一重天,两个始神二重天,一个始神三重天,嗯,都是魂族族人的灵魂,他们的灵魂以强悍闻名星海,我没有抹去他们的意识,没事就拿出来折磨折磨,你要是有本事,将他们灵魂意识奥义剥离,对你的境界提升将会大有裨益。” Mysterious Heaven Clan and Soul Clan always the mutual hatred, this point can see from Mr. and Mrs. Tu Shiqi and Xin Ge battle, Tu Shiqi as Immortal Third Sky Realm, strikes the Soul Clan clansman who kills some Origin God Boundary, radically is easy, he opposite party soul captivity, is all right to suffer, is the one way of venting. 玄天族魂族向来交恶,这一点从图释岐夫妇和辛格的交战都可以看出,图释岐身为不朽三重天境界者,击杀一些始神境界的魂族族人,根本就是轻而易举,他将对方灵魂囚禁,没事折磨折磨,也是发泄的一种方式。 Shi Yan induced with rapt attention, the expression with deep veneration, Senior this gives my my wife's gift, the component was too weighty, does not know really how to thank you.” 石岩凝神感应了一下,表情肃然,“前辈这份给我内子的礼物,份量实在太重了,真不知如何感谢你。” That five Soul Clan soul, was formerly more precious than by three souls of wind and thunder stone exchange him, because that five souls are the Soul Clan clansman, the memory and consciousness have not cancelled, if Aodai Li can refine, the peeling deep meaning remembers that to Soul Clan had the understanding on the unique cultivation deep meaning of equivalent to. 那五个魂族的灵魂,比他先前以风雷石交换的三个灵魂还要珍贵,因为那五个灵魂属于魂族族人,记忆和意识都没有抹去,如果奥黛丽能炼化掉,剥离奥义记忆,就相当于魂族的独特修炼奥义有了认识。 Soul Clan, as one of the seven big races, is in the lead on soul cultivation throughout, Ming Royal Family is the Desolate takes Soul Clan to create as the standard, obviously Soul Clan unusual place, Aodai Li, if can refine five Soul Clan soul one by one, breakthrough Immortal Realm has the possibility! 魂族,身为七大种族之一,在灵魂修炼上始终领先,冥皇族都是荒以魂族为标准创造出来的,可见魂族的奇特之处,奥黛丽要是能将五个魂族的灵魂一一炼化,突破不朽境界都有可能! This ritual, to Aodai Li, precious that is unable to estimate simply! 这份礼,对奥黛丽来说,简直无法估量的珍贵! He looks to Aodai Li, discovered that the Aodai Li tender body trembles lightly, the chilly pupil splits eye-catching rays of light, at once then sees received that aquamarine soul ball that the Aodai Li white hands shiver, then pulls his arm, shows the shocking smiling face, said: Apologized the Senior generous gift, I will help Senior well looks at he, let him and your Mysterious Heaven Clan walks in together!” 他看向奥黛丽,发现奥黛丽娇躯轻颤,清冷的眸子绽出夺目的光芒,旋即便见奥黛丽玉手颤抖的接过那碧绿色魂球,然后一把挽住他的手臂,露出惊艳的笑容,道:“谢过前辈的厚礼,我会帮前辈好好看着他,让他和你们玄天族走在一块儿!” Your this doll asks for very much happily, Ha Ha!” The Tu Shiqi cheers laugh. “你这女娃很讨喜啊,哈哈!”图释岐欢声大笑。 For him, the souls of five Soul Clan clansmen are nothing to speak, cannot compare the Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass value by far, but can win the Aodai Li favorable impression, if can affect Shi Yan subtly, is absolutely cost-effective. 对他来说,五个魂族族人的灵魂不值一提,远远比不上天幻星罗盘的价值,但能得到奥黛丽的好感,如果能潜移默化的影响石岩,绝对是划算的。 At least, Aodai Li refine to melt the soul of Soul Clan clansman, inevitably and Soul Clan moved toward the opposite, that Shi Yan also affirmed that with the Soul Clan mutual hatred, became the mortal enemy, can stand erect a enemy of future Ancestor Territory rank to Soul Clan, saw that was his Mysterious Heaven Clan gains. 至不济,奥黛丽炼化了魂族族人的灵魂,也必然和魂族走向对立面,那石岩也肯定和魂族交恶,成为死敌,能够给魂族竖立一个未来域祖级别的敌人,怎么看都是他玄天族赚到了。 That the ominous soul that called Ming Hong, we will pay attention, but the possibility was not big. Our couples collaborate , can only fight with Xin Ge quite, must strike to kill him not to be impossible, we are only Immortal Third Sky, he actually in peak Realm, this matter must need further consideration.” Ya Yun said. “那个叫冥鸿的凶魂,我们会留意,不过可能性不大。我们夫妇联手,也只能和辛格战个相当,要击杀他根本不可能,我们只是不朽三重天,他却在巅峰境界,此事要从长计议。”雅云道。 Aodai Li sighed in a soft voice. 奥黛丽轻声一叹。 Shi Yan can see through actually, thought that had Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass in the hand, the short time is unable to return to the wild territory also to might as well. 石岩倒是看得开,觉得有了天幻星罗盘在手,短时间无法返回荒域也无妨。 This Nihility Domain Sea has given him too many surprised, he thinks that in this place can cultivation to profound Realm, after returning to the wild territory, be able to develop one's ability to the full, the present strength is to return to the wild territory, he is not the match of any Absolute Beginning life. 虚无域海给了他太多惊奇,他认为在此地能修炼到高深境界,重返荒域后才能大有作为,现在的实力就算是返回荒域,他也不是任何太初生灵的对手。 Was right, how can Senior know refining up Absolute Beginning Divine Tool?” Shi Yan hesitates for a long time, asks suddenly. “对了,前辈可知如何炼化太初神器?”石岩沉吟许久,忽然问道。 That three foot great cauldrons, always make him feel that does not suit, that thing hides in the meteorite, grazes from the extremely far place, at this time should enter in the abdomen of Long Xi, Long Xi is Immortal peak Expert, doesn't have to think? Can that three foot great cauldrons for it, what profound meaning have in the Long Xi abdomen obviously desirably? 那三足巨鼎,总让他觉得不太对劲,那东西潜藏在陨石内部,从极远之处一路飞掠过来,此时应该入了龙蜥的腹中,龙蜥不朽巅峰强者,难道一无所觉?那三足巨鼎显然刻意为之,在龙蜥腹部会不会有什么深意? He thinks this matter to be unusual gradually, that in relation with cauldron, gradually becomes weak, as if will lose quickly relates. 他渐渐觉得此事不同寻常,那一丝和鼎上的联系,逐渐变得微弱,似乎很快就会失去联系了。 Refining up Absolute Beginning Divine Tool?” The Tu Shiqi bursting out laughing, you so will ask how.” “炼化太初神器?”图释岐哑然,“你怎么会如此一问。” Shi Yan brow deep lock, innermost feelings difficult is hesitating, half sound, said: Senior mind breadth of spirit made me admire, I then stated clearly a matter that we met on the way, on road, we......” 石岩眉头深锁,内心艰难的犹豫着,半响,才道:“前辈胸襟气魄令我敬佩,我便言明我们途中所遇的一件事情,在过来的路上,我们……” He said comes across the matters of three full jade cauldrons, came to see to refine that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool in him to fear that is impossible, therefore that gadget entered the Long Xi abdomen, he is unable to take out, even if entered has also been hard to refine, so might as well ask that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool origin with it. 他说出遇到三足玉鼎的事情,在他来看想炼化那太初神器怕是不可能了,因此那玩意已经入了龙蜥腹部,他根本无法取出,就算是进入得到也难以炼制,与其如此不如问问那太初神器的来历。 Extraordinary, is listening to his words, Tu Shiqi and Ya Yun does not say for a very long time, on the face reveals the extremely shocking color. 出奇的,听着他的话语,图释岐雅云久久不言,脸上流露出极为震惊之色。 For a long time, Ya Yun deeply inspires, said: It seems like, Soul Clan to the Long Xi restless good intention, has gotten down the killer in secret, if this Long Xi also continues did not take a stand, he must be finished.” 许久,雅云深吸一口气,道:“看来,魂族龙蜥不安好心,已经暗中下了杀手,这趟龙蜥如果还继续的不表态,他就要完蛋了。” A Tu Shiqi eye of dew thinks, sees Shi Yan to puzzle, said: That three foot great cauldrons, if I have not guessed that wrong, it is Soul Clan Ancestor Territory Expert great treasure, it should be borrowed to cope with Long Xi by Xin Ge, concealing, is taking advantage of opportunity to fall into the Long Xi abdomen in the meteorite quietly, once Long Xi is not willing to obey, that three foot great cauldrons will give to attract the Long Xi soul, strengthens itself power of cauldron.” 图释岐目露思索,见石岩迷惑不解,说道:“那三足巨鼎,如果我没有猜错的话,它是魂族一名域祖强者至宝,它应该是被辛格借来对付龙蜥的,悄悄隐匿着,在陨石内顺势落入龙蜥腹中,一旦龙蜥不肯就范,那三足巨鼎就会将龙蜥魂魄都给吸掉,增强鼎的本身力量。” Long Xi should, in addition does not know this matter.” Ya Yun eye one bright, said: Now that old man, we benefit from association with this child, knew this matter, now tells Long Xi, whether its lane, then to make him and we copes with Xin Ge together?” 龙蜥应该尚且不知此事。”雅云眼睛一亮,道:“老头子,我们现在沾这孩子的光,已经知道此事,现在告诉龙蜥,能否将其弄出来,进而令他和我们一起对付辛格?” This matter has bright prospects absolutely!” The Tu Shiqi also spirit shakes. “此事绝对大有可为!”图释岐也精神一震。 If can convince Long Xi, copes with Xin Ge with our couples together, and beforehand is prepared plots against him, has enormously possible to strike to kill Xin Ge! In this case, Ming Hong of your wild territory, can be separated from the control of Xin Ge successfully.” Ya Yun rouses, rubs fist sound of sword snort|hum said: Xin Ge, if died, to Soul Clan is heavy blows, Long Xi...... Meddles this matter, affirmation and our Mysterious Heaven Clan arrive at the same place.” “如果能说服龙蜥,与我们夫妇一起对付辛格,并且事先有准备的暗算他,有极大可能将辛格击杀!这样的话,你们那荒域的冥鸿,也能成功脱离辛格的掌控。”雅云振奋之极,磨拳霍霍的哼道:“辛格如果死了,对魂族是一记重拳,龙蜥……插手这件事,也肯定和我们玄天族走到一起。” Little brother, you may really be our lucky stars, it seems like ran into you are our fate.” Tu Shiqi laughs, then said: Un, sees right in front of one Long Xi incident, is acted by you, we did not adapt to too the showy.” “小兄弟,你可真是我们的福星啊,看来遇到你是我们的运道了。”图释岐哈哈大笑,然后说道:“嗯,面见龙蜥一事,还是由你出面,我们不适应太显目了。” „Do I act?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “我出面?”石岩讶然。 Your looks at, how long could not want, Dragon Lizard Clan will announce that knew Dark Energy mystery, can see right in front of one Long Xi personally, can exchange Immortal pill. That Long Xi, the card does not know many years in this Realm, has a dream wants to understand thoroughly Dark Energy to be marvelous, enters into Ancestor Territory Realm at one fell swoop, his Immortal pill naturally can use on the blade.” Saying that Tu Shiqi knows from A to Z. “你看着吧,要不了多久,龙蜥族就会宣布,知晓暗能量奥妙者,能亲自面见龙蜥,能兑换不朽丹。那龙蜥,卡在这境界不知道多少年,做梦都想洞彻暗能量奇妙,一举迈入域祖境界,他的不朽丹自然会用在刀刃上。”图释岐了如指掌的说道。 Good, I am two Senior run about.” The Shi Yan facial expression moves, accepts. “那好,我就为两位前辈跑跑腿。”石岩神情一动,一口应承下来。
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