GOS :: Volume #14

#1389: Breadth of spirit

The old man and that woman revealed the portrait, looked like has not distinguished with the person clan, the alien race clansmen like these transaction areas, appearances was not strange 老头和那妇人显露真容了,看起来和人族没有区别,不像那些交易区的异族族人,一个个模样怪异 Aodai Li early guessed correctly that old woman to fluctuate desirably the look, therefore saw the solemn woman image that she became is old yet still graceful, has not revealed astonishedly 奥黛丽早猜出那老妪刻意变幻了相貌,所以见她成风韵犹存的端庄妇人形象,没有流露出惊异 Shi Yan when explains the space lock, the vice- soul has been listening to their speech quietly, guesses that truth, similarly is not strange 石岩在破解空间锁的时候,副魂一直在悄悄听着她们的讲话,也猜出来了真相,同样不奇怪 Really is useless, harms me to be stranded is so long old man eyes to stare, at once knits the brows to size up Shi Yan, suddenly startled surprisingly said: This boy Origin God Boundary, can untie the space lock?” “真是没用,害我被困那么久”老头眼睛一瞪,旋即皱眉打量了起石岩,忽然惊奇道:“这小子不过始神境界,也能解开空间锁?” Was called by him is Ya Yun that woman, on the face reveals the smiling face, they come from wild territory child, although Realm is not profound, the strength is indeed good, he used one to congeal Spirit Pill, untied the space lock 被他称呼为雅云的那妇人,脸上显露出笑容,“他们来自于荒域这孩子,境界虽然不算高深,实力的确不错,他只是用了一枚凝神丹,就将空间锁解开” , She deeply looked to Shi Yan, said with a smile: Feels what kind of? That space locks many strange formation that the interior engraves, contains Space Deep Meaning to be mysterious, you can explain, should have many promotion functions to your Realm?” 顿了一下,她深深看向石岩,笑道:“感觉怎么样?那空间锁内部镌刻的许多奇阵,蕴含空间奥义玄妙,你能破解,对你的境界应该有不少提升作用?” Shi Yan bows a ritual, said earnestly: Only that space locks internal deep meaning to be unreliable, can go against this time to explain the reward, in addition surplus congealing Spirit Pill, I have gained in a big way 石岩躬身一礼,认真道:“单凭那空间锁内部的奥义玄奇,就顶得上此次破解酬劳,再加上剩余的凝神丹,我已经赚大了” That space locks internal space barrier and strange formation several hundreds, is he hears something never heard of before most probably, in the process of explaining, is one understanding to these deep meanings, he felt at this moment really extremely good, knows that his Space Deep Meaning, feared increased enough one big truncation 那空间锁内部的空间结界奇阵数百,大半都是他闻所未闻的,在破解的过程中,就是对那些奥义的一种认识,他此刻感觉真的极好,知道他的空间奥义,怕是又攀升了足足一大截 Also is so, he thought that he is makes a profit big, embarrassed again demanded Imaginary Boundary Stone 也是如此,他觉得他才是获利最大者,以至于都不好意思再索要幻界石 Said will not treat unjustly you, definitely, our Mysterious Heaven Clan person will not fail to keep one's word that Ya Yun snort|hum a finger ball, then sees seven Imaginary Boundary Stone to fall directly to him “说了不会亏待你,就肯定不会,我们玄天族的人不会言而无信”那雅云哼了一声手指一弹,便见七颗幻界石直接落向他 Shi Yan has gawked, shows a faint smile, many thanks 石岩愣了一下,微微一笑,“多谢” He lifts the hand to grasp, that Imaginary Boundary Stone vanishes in his beginning, was put by him in the special position 他抬手一抓,那幻界石消失在他始界内部,被他盛放在特殊的位置 Imaginary Boundary Stone must display marvelously, but also needs to quenching, making that Imaginary Boundary Stone have your soul mark this to be able palm as one desires imperial Ya Yun explanation 幻界石要施展奇妙,还需要淬炼一番,令那幻界石内部有你灵魂印记这样才能随心的掌御”雅云说明情况 She and Shi Yan spoke, the old man has not said a word, continuously with rapt attention looks at Shi Yan 她和石岩讲话的时候,那老头没有做声,一直凝神看着石岩 At this moment, old man silhouette dodges suddenly, suddenly presses firmly between the fingers the Shi Yan arm, a warm current of burning hot floods into Shi Yan within the body 此刻,那老头忽然身影一闪,瞬息间捏住石岩臂膀,一股炙热的暖流涌入石岩体内 The Shi Yan complexion changes, this desire counter-attacks immediately fully, then suddenly discovered that warm current does not have the evil intention as if to nose his God Body situation, does not frown the multi- movements 石岩脸色一变,本欲立即全力反击,然后忽然发现那暖流没有恶意似乎只是查探他神体的情况,就皱着眉头没有多动作 „Did old man, what you observe to come?” Ya Yun said at will “老头子,你察看出什么来了?”雅云随意道 The old man lets go, the look becomes extremely complex, has all sorts of colors in intraocular to flow shocking, puzzled and with amazement, half sound, he smiles bitterly to say suddenly that your this stupid woman, possibly does not know this child's life transformation degree, is not inferior we, must be higher than one compared with us 老头松手,眼神变得极为复杂,有震惊、不解、骇然种种色彩在眼内流动,半响,他忽然苦笑道,“你这笨女人,可能不知道这孩子的生命蜕变程度,一点不逊色我们或许,比我们还要高出一线” Such remarks, Ya Yun has a big shock, how possible?” 此言一出,雅云大惊失色,“怎么可能?” Not anything impossible old man deeply inspires, suddenly introduced itself earnestly, I called Tu Shiqi, that was my spouse Ya Yun, we were the Mysterious Heaven Clan clansmen, our Realm was consistent, was Immortal Third Sky Realm very much happy can know you, if you were interested, I can send out the invitation on behalf of Mysterious Heaven Clan, please became my Mysterious Heaven Clan surrounding non-native official invited to serve at court, enjoyed the complete treatment of my Mysterious Heaven Clan non-native official invited to serve at court “没什么不可能的”老头深吸一口气,突然认真介绍自己,“我叫图释岐,那是我老伴雅云,我们都是玄天族的族人,我们俩境界一致,都是不朽三重天境界高兴能认识你嗯,如果你有兴趣,我可以代表玄天族发出邀请,请你成为我玄天族外围客卿,享受我玄天族客卿的全部待遇” „Does old man, what insanity you send? Aren't the non-native official invited to serve at court of my clan he can hold the post? Without any Origin God, competently becomes the invitation that the non-native official invited to serve at court of my clan you send out, if by above is known, certainly said your brain has had problems, above also absolutely impossible to shout through Ya Yun “老头子,你发什么疯?我族的客卿不是他能担任的?没有任何一个始神,够资格成为我族的客卿你发出的邀请要是被上面知道,一定说你脑子出问题了,上面也绝对不可能通过”雅云叫嚷起来 Is quite honored in the status of Mysterious Heaven Clan non-native official invited to serve at court, only then other families strength high Expert has the qualifications to hold the post 玄天族客卿的身份极为尊贵,只有外族实力高的强者才有资格担任 Each Mysterious Heaven Clan non-native official invited to serve at court, has unique status command token, when Nihility Domain Sea also or other territory activity, enjoys Mysterious Heaven Clan all sorts to give favored treatment, was regarded the distinguished guest by the Mysterious Heaven Clan clansmen, on time provides numerous rare cultivation materials, has the qualifications to perceive through meditation to have numerous secret texts Ao Jue who the Mysterious Heaven Clan clansman can participate in 每一个玄天族的客卿,都有独特的身份令牌,在虚无域海亦或者别的域界活动时,享受玄天族的种种优待,被玄天族族人都当成贵宾,按时发放众多稀罕修炼材料,有资格参悟只有玄天族族人能参与的众多秘典奥诀 Among Star Sea, achieves Immortal two, Third Sky Realm Warrior, perhaps the head of the clan of some second-class and third-class influences, not necessarily have the qualifications to hold the post of the Mysterious Heaven Clan non-native official invited to serve at court 星海间,许多达到不朽二、三重天境界武者,一些二流、三流势力的族长,恐怕都不一定有资格担任玄天族客卿 Tu Shiqi in Mysterious Heaven Clan, although quite a little status, competently invited the non-native official invited to serve at court, may also need above agreeing, if his as one wishes sent out the invitation, will only let on Mysterious Heaven Clan the person, when he extremely entrusted with heavy responsibility 图释岐玄天族虽然颇有点身份,够资格邀请客卿,可也需要上面的首肯,如果他随便发出邀请,只会让玄天族上面人当他不堪重用 Therefore Ya Yun is extremely blurry, does not know that this old man sends any insanity, suddenly official sends out so the invitation toward Origin God 所以雅云极其迷糊,不知道这老头子发什么疯,会忽然正式的朝着一名始神发出如此邀请 I have not gone crazy, I am very sober, is sober, I know why I in Tu Shiqi coldly snorted, said at once sincerely: So long as you nod, I can guarantee that you can extremely quick breakthrough to Immortal Realm, my clan have only remain many Immortal pill, I can promise you that decides to you to make two besides Immortal pill, moreover supplies your 20 to congeal Spirit Pill, various clan beautiful women, star territory territory, even the territory in Nihility Domain Sea, can divide gives you together “我没发疯,我很清醒,非常清醒,我知道自己在干什么”图释岐冷哼,旋即诚恳道:“只要你点点头,我可以保证你能够极快突破不朽境界,我族还有仅剩不多的不朽丹,我可以向你保证,定能给你弄来两枚除不朽丹外,另外供应你20枚凝神丹,各族美女,星域疆土,甚至虚无域海内的领地,都能划分一块给你” You insane you certainly insane Immortal pill of my clan remained several, in the soldier to the clan prepares, how could you applied?” Ya Yun screamed “你疯了你一定疯了我族的不朽丹就剩几颗了,是给族内儿郎准备,你岂能申请的到?”雅云尖叫起来 Aodai Li is also astonished however, these two people are the Mysterious Heaven Clan clansman, one of the Star Sea strongest seven big races, the influence is abundant, they are Immortal Third Sky Realm, the status, so the strength, how the old man suddenly will be so abnormal, will send out so the invitation? 奥黛丽也是讶然,这两人为玄天族族人,星海最强的七大种族之一,势力雄厚,两人是不朽三重天境界者,如此身份,如此实力,那老头岂会突然失常,会发出这般邀请? She cannot think through 她怎么也想不通 Shi Yan similarly was also ignorant, dull such as the wooden chicken said: Old Senior, what did you make a mistake?” 石岩也同样懵了,呆如木鸡道:“老前辈,你是不是搞错什么了?” Makes a mistake?” Old man strangely chuckled, the eye shines, will be doomed to enter into Ancestor Territory Realm future Expert, won't be worth so specially treating?” “搞错?”老头嘿嘿怪笑,眼睛放光,“一个注定能迈入域祖境界的未来强者,难道不值得如此特殊对待?” Is doomed to enter into Ancestor Territory?” Ya Yun screamed that added you insanely not? Among vast Star Sea, does not have in number field, Ancestor Territory Expert is few, your I at Immortal Third Sky, will never be to Ancestor Territory, possibly life-long hopeless breakthrough , he his have what skills and abilities? That Long Xi, in the Immortal peak Realm card how many ten thousand years? Still breakthrough is not hopeless , he is he doomed to enter into Ancestor Territory Realm?” “注定能迈入域祖?”雅云尖叫,“还说你没疯?浩淼星海间,无数域界内,域祖强者屈指可数,你我处在不朽三重天,离域祖还遥遥无期,可能终生无望突破,他,他何德何能?那龙蜥,在不朽巅峰境界卡了多少万年?不依然突破无望,他,他就注定能迈入域祖境界?” If can realize from experience the Dark Energy true meaning, Long Xi already breakthrough, a breakthrough Ancestor Territory most difficult pass/test, is Dark Energy grasps the Tu Shiqi facial expression with deep veneration, sinks to drink: He, had Dark Energy “如果能体悟暗能量真谛,龙蜥早已突破了,突破域祖最难的一关,就是暗能量的掌握”图释岐神情肃然,沉喝:“他,已经持有暗能量 Such remarks, Ya Yun makes a sound suddenly, whole face is startled to regret to look to Shi Yan 此言一出,雅云突然吱声,满脸惊憾看向石岩 Tu Shiqi grins Hehe to laugh, young fellow was tender, did not understand that hides own power, otherwise I could not have excavated your life transformation degree to be astonishing, also comprehends the Dark Energy true meaning, so long as the numerous and diverse deep meaning success adept fusion, a Immortal pill made you go a step further sufficiently 图释岐咧嘴嘿嘿大笑,“小伙子还是嫩了一点,不懂得潜藏自己的力量,不然我还真发掘不出你生命蜕变程度惊人,又领悟暗能量真谛,只要繁杂奥义成功娴熟融合,一枚不朽丹足以令你进一步” Senior is fierce Shi Yan to gasp in admiration to say 前辈厉害”石岩叹服道 What he gasps in admiration is the Tu Shiqi vision and breadth of spirit, discovered that under the place of his unusual, does not hesitate the high interest to invite him to become the Mysterious Heaven Clan non-native official invited to serve at court, but also a commitment gives two Immortal pill, dozens concentrate Spirit Pill, various clan beautiful women, the star territory territory, the territory in Nihility Domain Sea, this old man's boldness is astonishing 他叹服的是图释岐的眼光和气魄,一发现他的奇特之处,不惜下重利邀请他成为玄天族的客卿,还一口承诺给出两枚不朽丹,数十凝神丹,各族美女,星域疆土,虚无域海内的领地,这老头的魄力惊人无比 How possible? Is this possible? He Origin God Boundary, how can comprehend the Dark Energy true meaning, not having the natural justice Ya Yun to mutter whispers, she believes that the judgment of her spouse, understands at this moment finally Tu Shiqi so was why crazy “怎么可能?这怎么可能?他才始神境界啊,怎么就能领悟了暗能量真谛,没有天理啊”雅云喃喃低语,她相信她老伴的判断,此刻终于明白图释岐为什么如此疯狂了 Can be doomed to enter into the Ancestor Territory non-native official invited to serve at court, makes in the clan pay so the price sufficiently, she realized old man's breadth of spirit immediately 一个能注定迈入域祖的客卿,足以让族内付出如此代价,她立即意识到老头的气魄了 How?” Tu Shiqi deeply looks to him “如何?”图释岐深深看向他 I cannot comply with your anything temporarily, this matter, allowing me not to consider that I can promise you, if I must choose seven big race sides, must choose your Mysterious Heaven Clan Shi Yan to hesitate for a long time, earnest response “我暂时不能答应你什么,此事,容我好好考虑考虑不过我可以答应你,如果我要选择七大种族一方,必会选你们玄天族石岩沉吟许久,认真的回应 He feared that a reply is not good, under Tu Shiqi will suppress the killer, directly gives to destroy completely him and Aodai Li, so as to avoid he will grow in the future, moves toward the opposite with Mysterious Heaven Clan, then on real gain does not equal the loss 他怕一个回答不好,图释岐会狠下杀手,直接将他和奥黛丽给灭掉,免得他将来成长起来,和玄天族走向对立面,那就真得不偿失了 You are very discrete, but we are not that person who you think, how regardless to say that you have also saved me, even if you do not comply, I not ungrateful struck a vicious blow Tu Shiqi to laugh to you, has patted his shoulder, said: You is a mysterious kid, I know that is on good terms you to be advantageous our Mysterious Heaven Clan, but the path that will not carry too far, that type of violent route, Soul Clan quite likes, our Mysterious Heaven Clan does not like, this is also our Mysterious Heaven Clan reputation, later you naturally can understand “你很谨慎,但我们不是你所想的那种人,不论怎么说你也救了我,就算是你不答应,我也不会忘恩负义的对你下毒手”图释岐哈哈一笑,拍了拍他的肩膀,说道:“你是个神奇的小家伙,我知道交好你有利我们玄天族,而不会走极端的路子嗯,那种极端的路线,魂族比较喜欢,我们玄天族不喜欢,这也是我们玄天族的口碑,以后你自然会明白” Shi Yan smiled, has not talked too much anything 石岩笑了笑,没有多言什么 Ya Yun, did you also prepare to his what reward for services rendered?” Tu Shiqi turns head to shout 雅云,你本来还准备给他什么酬劳?”图释岐回头嚷道 Mail-armor and helmet that in our clan refines “一副我们族内炼制的甲胄” Does not need he to shake the head, „this kid God Body strong degree, your imagination, that mail-armor and helmet promotes not greatly to him, they should be newly-arrived, is not familiar with Nihility Domain Sea, such......” “不必”他摇摇头,“这小家伙神体的强硬程度,乎你的想象,那甲胄对他提升不大嗯,他们应该初来乍到,对虚无域海并不熟悉,这么样……” His sleeve cuff lightens wisp of silver light beam, sees only a star light bright compass to reappear, he gives Shi Yan, said: This is our Mysterious Heaven Clan refinement Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, is the compass in Nihility Domain Sea, the interior has labelled many region positions, will have this thing you not to lose, knows where should evade, where can pass through, is any race influence 他袖口闪出一缕银色光束,只见一个星光熠熠的罗盘浮现出来,他递给石岩,说道:“这是我们玄天族炼制的天幻星罗盘,是虚无域海内的指南针,内部标注了许多区域方位,有了这东西你就不会迷失,知道什么地方该避过,什么地方可以通行,属于什么种族的势力” Old man, you may suffice really naturally, this Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass our Mysterious Heaven Clan does not refine easily, this clan does not have many people to have Ya Yun to sigh competently that looks to old man's vision, glittering the strange ripples, even more gasps in admiration to the old man “老头子,你可真够大方了,这天幻星罗盘我们玄天族都炼制不易,本族都没有多少人够资格持有”雅云感叹,看向老头的目光,闪烁着奇异涟漪,对老头愈发叹服 Old man's boldness, is the place that makes her admire, this charm and age irrelevant, forever will not fade 老头的魄力,一直都是让她佩服的地方,这种魅力和年龄无关,永不会消褪 Received that Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, Shi Yan Divine Sense moves, suddenly the eye revealed strange light, Divine Sense falls into Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, such as entered in a micro trillion times of projection, there is a bunches of Star Sea region, had detailed labelling, explained that unusual of each Nihility Domain Sea region, simply was as bright as extreme vivid Star Chart 接过那天幻星罗盘,石岩神识一动,忽然目显奇光,神识落入天幻星罗盘内,如进入一个微缩亿万倍的投影中,有簇簇星海区域,有详细的标注,说明每一个虚无域海区域的奇特,简直就是鲜活到极点的生动星图 This thing, most suits his rare object absolutely, absolutely is various clan long-awaited great treasure 这东西,绝对是最最适合他的奇物,也绝对是各族都梦寐以求的至宝 „The Senior heart breadth of spirit, really made me gasp in admiration Shi Yan to take Heavenly Fantasy Star Compass, feeling wholeheartedly, he impression to Mysterious Heaven Clan, because of Tu Shiqi and Mr. and Mrs. Ya Yun reason, became extraordinary good 前辈的心胸气魄,真是令我叹服”石岩拿着天幻星罗盘,真心诚意的感慨,他对玄天族的印象,因为图释岐雅云夫妇的原因,变得出奇的好 ...... To be continued) ……未完待续) RT RT
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