GOS :: Volume #14

#1388: Life Spirit Tree and deep meaning Origin Seal

Wild territory is territory that Absolute Beginning life Desolate congeals, vanished many years, you... Comes from the wild territory really?” She, the complexion is startled dignified changes, deeply looks to Aodai Li, was startled the appearance that arrives, „do you, how come?” “荒域是太初生灵荒凝结的域界,消失了许多年了,你们…真的来自于荒域?”她神情凝重之极,脸色惊变,深深看向奥黛丽,一副被惊到的模样,“你们,是怎么过来?” In cave, Shi Yan holds the breath with rapt attention, concentrating on is congealing the supernatural power, collects the vigor is, seeps in the space lock, forces the mystery that the broken space locks by the biggest will. 石洞内,石岩屏息凝神,全神贯注的凝结着神力,将精气神汇为一股,渗透在空间锁,以最大的意志来勒破空间锁的玄妙。 We have become lost, coming time had the accident, we who how to come do not know that does not know how to go back.” Aodai Li spoke thoughtlessly answers, has not expected that old woman to respond is so big, stopped, her strange looked to the old woman, said: You probably to wild territory very surprised appearance? According to my Heavenly Eye Clan friend, the wild territory was very territory of side door, the language of wild territory also was very rare, according to his view, the wild territory and did not have compared with number field, very sloppy ordinary, why you responded that was so big?” “我们迷路了,过来的时候出现了意外,怎么来的我们也不知道,更加不知道如何回去。”奥黛丽随口一答,没有料到那老太太反应那么大,停了一下,她奇怪的看向老妪,道:“你好像对荒域很惊奇的样子?据我天目族的朋友所言,荒域是很偏门的域界,就连荒域的语言也很罕见,按照他的说法,荒域和无数域界相比,很稀松平常,你为什么反应这么大?” The old woman curls the lip, disdains to say cold: Heavenly Eye Clan? Can this grade of last stage small clan, what experience have? The matter of related wild territory, except for seven big race Expert , how many people understood inside story? You actually do not know how to come? Also does not know how to go back? Really......” 老太太撇嘴,冷然不屑道:“天目族?这等末流小族,能有什么见识?有关荒域的事情,除了七大种族强者,又有多少人了解其中内情?你们竟然不知道如何来的?也不知道如何回去?真是……” She deeply inspires, the complexion is stern, said: For many years, the clansmen of seven big races, had not given up the seeking reconnaissance to wild territory, by Soul Clan and Devourer Clan positive, because only then the clansmen of seven big races, know that what the wild territory does mean?” 她深吸一口气,脸色严峻,道:“多年来,七大种族的族人,都没有放弃过对荒域的寻找勘察,其中又以魂族噬族最为的积极,因为只有七大种族的族人,才知道荒域意味着什么?” Aodai Li is astonished however, what does wild territory mean?” 奥黛丽讶然,“荒域意味着什么?” Her meaningful looks to Aodai Li, has hesitated a while, said: Desolate is in the Absolute Beginning life extremely powerful one, in the present vast galaxy, the Absolute Beginning life of survival is as before few, majority cannot be dormant, nobody dares to provoke. The Desolate, once the prestige in the Absolute Beginning life broadcast, at present seven big races what know was the Desolate experiences personally the heavy losses, fleshly body split, was at the weakest condition.” 她意味深长的看向奥黛丽,沉吟了一会儿,说道:“荒为太初生灵中极为强悍的一位,在如今浩淼星河内,依旧存活的太初生灵屈指可数,大多数都蛰伏不出,也无人胆敢招惹。荒,曾经在太初生灵内威名远播,目前七大种族知道的是荒身受重创,肉身都分裂了,处于最虚弱的状态。” Stops, she reorganized the train of thought that said spookily: You may know that to Ancestor Territory Expert, what experiences personally the heavy losses the Desolate to mean? If can refine the Desolate, the Ancestor Territory Expert strength significantly will be increased, normal Immortal Third Sky Realm, once refining up the Desolate, can have Dark Energy immediately, can breakthrough to Ancestor Territory Realm.” 停顿一下,她整理了一下思绪,幽幽道:“你可知道对域祖强者而言,身受重创的荒意味着什么?若是能将荒炼化,域祖强者的实力将会大幅度提升,正常不朽三重天境界者,一旦将荒炼化,能立即持有暗能量,能突破域祖境界。” It is said that the Desolate was extremely once formidable, in the Absolute Beginning life is few super existences. In its hand at least has two Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, can its refine, appropriates to oneself its Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, to seven big race any Expert proposals, is the enticement that is hard to resist.” “据说,荒曾经极其强大,在太初生灵内乃是屈指可数的超级存在。它手中至少持有两件太初神器,能将其炼化,将它的太初神器据为己有,对七大种族任何强者来言,都是难以抵御的诱惑。” Different Absolute Beginning Divine Tool?” Aodai Li with amazement. “两样太初神器?”奥黛丽骇然。 One is Life Spirit Tree, one is deep meaning Origin Seal, is rare object that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool is born. That Life Spirit Tree mysterious - not measured that can evolve all sorts of brand-new life races, contains the heaven and earth soul life deeply to mysterious - profound strange, that deep meaning Origin Seal, internal imprint many deep meaning true meanings, fusion can understand thoroughly many deep meanings.” “一个为生命魂树,一个为奥义源印,皆是太初神器诞生的奇物。那生命魂树玄妙-莫测,能衍变出种种全新生灵种族,蕴含天地灵魂生命至深玄妙-,那奥义源印,内部烙印着许多奥义真谛,融合者能洞彻诸多奥义的玄奇。” Life Spirit Tree is huge incomparable old tree, deep meaning Origin Seal like the sea, the interior engraves all sorts of deep meanings to be unusual, you, for the life race in wild territory, you should be the Desolate by the Soul Clan life structure through the brand-new race that Life Spirit Tree and its big supernatural power create, because your physique and Soul Clan are very similar, I think that Warrior in your wild territory, should have many people skilled in thunder and lightning, wind, frost ice, flame and other deep meanings, these deep meanings you disseminate from deep meaning Origin Seal.” 生命魂树为庞大无比的古树,奥义源印如海洋,内部镌刻着种种奥义奇特,你,为荒域内的生灵种族,你应该就是荒以魂族的生命结构通过生命魂树和它大法力创造出来的全新种族,因为你的体质和魂族很相似,我想你们荒域内的武者,应该有很多人精通雷电、风、冰霜、火焰等奥义,那些奥义都是从奥义源印你散播出去的。” The old woman is narrowing the eye, stared at Aodai Li to look at a while, leisure explanation. 老妪眯着眼睛,盯着奥黛丽瞄了一会儿,慢悠悠的解释。 The Aodai Li body slightly shakes, the bright eyes spill over the surprised gloss, obviously in ponder. 奥黛丽身躯微震,明眸泛出惊奇之极的光泽,显然沉思中。 She said to the old woman believes in firmly. 她对老妪所言深信不疑。 In Desolate recent opening, she has entered the Desolate by oneself, in the sacred mountain center that Desolate forms, she finds a rhizome thorough star with own eyes, greatly to the extreme old tree, that beginning Origin Fruit, then has bred from the old tree, the old tree such as the veins flood in the Desolate, has the mysterious vital function. 在荒最近一次开启时,她亲身进入过荒内部,在那荒形成的神山中央,她亲眼瞧见一株根茎深入星球内部,巨大到了极点的古树,那始源果,便是从古树上孕育出来,古树如筋脉充斥在荒内部,有着神奇之极的生命机能。 That old tree, had given at that time her shock beyond comparison, she knows until today that old tree is Life Spirit Tree, unexpectedly is Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, can according to this evolving brand-new race life, but Ming Royal Family, is the Desolate takes seven big races Soul Clan as the standard heavy condensation unexpectedly. 当时那古树,就给了她无以伦比的震撼,直到今天她才知道,那古树为生命魂树,竟然是太初神器,能依此衍变全新种族生灵,而冥皇族,竟然就是荒以七大种族的魂族为标准重凝聚而成。 As for deep meaning Origin Seal, she also at heart is why bright as snow, as the fusion of God Bless Continent, deep meaning source that the Heavenly Flame master, she can the soul arbitrarily enter, is another Absolute Beginning Divine Tool that the old woman said that deep meaning Origin Seal, internal imprint many deep meaning true meanings. 至于奥义源印为何,她也心里雪亮,身为神泽大陆的融合着,天火的主人,她能灵魂随意进入的奥义源头,就是老妪所言的另外一件太初神器,奥义源印,内部烙印着诸多奥义真谛。 The deep meaning source, in the Desolate, in her eyes for deep meaning natural law initial, the soul fusion with Desolate is one, in trillion lives to the wild territory brings the deep meaning that many can choose, making in the wild territory the deep meaning many, making numerous Warrior have the different choices. 奥义源头,就在荒内部,在她眼中为奥义规则的初始,和荒的灵魂融合为一,给荒域内亿万生灵带来许多能选择的奥义,让荒域内奥义繁多,让众多武者有不同的选择。 Today, through the words of this old woman, she understanding first to the Desolate time is profound. 今天,通过这老妪的话,她对荒的认识第一次深刻起来。 Soul Clan Xin Ge, walks in the people front row, he even refines the ominous soul a wild territory Expert soul, has been forcing to seek for the gate of wild territory. Xin Ge in Immortal peak, Realm is profound, very much knew about the Desolate, if he can enter the wild territory, refining up the Desolate, obtains different Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, he can breakthrough arrive at Ancestor Territory immediately, becomes the Soul Clan most peak existence old woman curled the lip, coldly snorted said: „ Was a pity that ominous soul is also very unusual, soul seal and memory unite, once loses the reason, searched for soul secret technique to aim, immediately from exploding the soul perishes. Xin Ge does not have the ability in the situation, in not injuring his soul, pressed for an answer the wild territory territory gate position, but in his clan Ancestor Territory Expert can actually achieve, but Xin Ge does not want to share the mystery of wild territory with anybody -, has hidden the truth from this matter not to report, wants to monopolize the harvest of wild territory......” 魂族辛格,走在众人前列,他甚至将一名荒域强者灵魂炼制成凶魂,一直在逼迫寻找荒域之门。辛格不朽巅峰,境界高深精湛,对荒也很了解,他如果能进入荒域,将荒炼化,得到两样太初神器,他立即就能突破域祖,成为魂族巅峰的存在老妪撇了撇嘴,冷哼道:“可惜那凶魂也很奇特,魂印和记忆合一,一旦失去理智,被搜魂秘术针对,立即就自爆灵魂而亡。辛格没能力在不伤害他灵魂的情况下,逼问出荒域域门的位置,可他族内域祖强者却可以达到,只是辛格不想和任何人分享荒域的奥妙-,一直瞒着此事没有上报,想独享荒域的收获……” Then was built up ominous soul by Soul Clan Xin Ge, names?” Aodai Li asked hurriedly. “那被魂族辛格炼成凶魂者,叫什么名字?”奥黛丽急忙问道。 Called any Ming Hong, early did not have fleshly body, only remained the soul shape. We and Xin Ge battle, Xin Ge emits the ominous soul to attack us, although that Ming Hong is involuntary, has not actually lost own consciousness, therefore disclosed a point to us, but also hopes that we save him to come out, what a pity,......” “叫什么冥鸿,早没了肉身,只剩魂魄形态。我们与辛格交战的时候,辛格放出凶魂来攻击我们,那冥鸿虽然身不由己,却没有失去自己的意识,所以对我们透露了一点,还希望我们救他出来,可惜,……” The words come here, the old woman sighed one, dejected looks to that space lock. 话到这儿,老妪叹了一口,神情黯然的看向那空间锁。 As if, in the space locks, there is any extremely important thing to be surrounded for her, lets her has a headache very much worried bothersomely. 似乎,在空间锁内,有什么对她来说极为重要的东西被困住,让她很是头疼烦愁。 That Ming Hong, is my clan older generation.” Aodai Li said suddenly. “那冥鸿,正是我族先辈。”奥黛丽忽然道。 The old woman is startled, at once says with a smile strangely: That may really be skillful, you do not know that road back and forth, Ming Hong is knows that clung to tenaciously was not saying, um, advised politely your one, surely again by the wild territory language exchange, once otherwise were discovered by the Soul Clan clansman, your this must die to the affectionate couple.” 老妪一怔,旋即怪笑道:“那可真是巧了,你们是不知来回的路,冥鸿是知道死守着不说,嗯,奉劝你们一句,千万千万不要再以荒域语言交流,否则一旦被魂族族人发现,你们这对鸳鸯就要没命了。” Aodai Li elegant face one red, what has not argued actually, „can you, with the Xin Ge battle, be able to strike to kill it?” 奥黛丽俏脸一红,倒是没有辩解什么,“您,能和辛格交战,能不能将其击杀?” Strikes to kill it?” The old woman whole face is bitter and astringent, shook the head, we are because is defeated, I have to dive hidden, feared that was recognized by the Soul Clan person. I cannot clarify Long Xi am any manner, only knows that he and Xin Ge is on good terms, therefore in his Long Xi star, I can only be careful.” “将其击杀?”老妪满脸苦涩,摇了摇头,“我们就是因为落败,我才不得不潜隐起来,怕被魂族人认出。我也弄不清龙蜥是什么一个态度,只知道他和辛格交好,所以在他的龙蜥星,我只能小心谨慎。” The words come here, Aodai Li can affirm that the old woman origin is definitely uncommon, said the profound mystery of related Desolate according to her, can only seven big race clansmen know that she has battled with Xin Ge, more than enough her seven big races clansmen, because has been defeated, was based on other reason, can only concealing get up, does not dare to reveal the real status. 话到这儿,奥黛丽可以肯定老妪来历肯定不凡,按照她所言有关荒的玄奥,只能七大种族族人知道,她又和辛格交战过,十成十她就七大种族的族人,只是因为落败了,又出于别的原因,只能隐匿起来,不敢显露真实身份。 They talked, Shi Yan as before quiet motionless, power submerged that space lock all. 两人交谈的时候,石岩依旧沉寂不动,身上的力量尽数没入那空间锁。 At this moment, the space locks the strange light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), gives the splendor that the entire stone chamber shines, the old woman facial expression rouses, an eye of dew anticipated that muttered: Young fellow, power is seriously uncommon, it seems like that the old man withdrew hopefully!” 此刻,空间锁奇光万丈,将整个石室都给照耀的熠熠生辉,老妪神情振奋,目露期待,喃喃道:“好小子,力量当真不凡,看来老头子脱身有望了!” Old man? Was your spouse stranded?” Aodai Li takes advantage of opportunity to ask. “老头子?你老伴被困其中?”奥黛丽顺势问道。 The old woman smiles bitterly, acknowledges: We cope with Xin Ge hand in hand, he to hit hard Xin Ge, oneself also carries the severe wound. The space locks an effect, hides in the space locks, the soul strength that power that the body passes, breaks to pieces, will not dissipate, by internal space binding, him in inside, once stabilizes, can meet again oneself loose power not to restore quickly such as beginning.” 老妪苦笑,承认道:“我们联袂对付辛格,他为了重击辛格,自己也身负重伤。空间锁有个奇效,就是藏匿在空间锁内,身上流逝的力量、碎出的魂力,都不会消散,会被内部的空间给裹住,他在里面一旦稳定下来,能很快重聚自己未散的力量恢复如初。” She sighed, „, but I locked by the space at that time he covers, by Xin Ge is attacked, the key was crushed, he was stranded in inside. At this time, he should early restore such as beginning, what a pity he was unable to explain the space, once otherwise the inner space smashing, he will also die, can only eradicate by outside world slowly, but I did not understand Space Deep Meaning, therefore......” 她叹了一口气,“但当时我以空间锁将他罩住的时候,被辛格攻击,钥匙被击碎了,他就困在里面了。这时候,他应该早恢复如初了,可惜他无法自己破解空间,不然一旦内部空间粉碎,他也会死亡,只能由外界慢慢破除,但我不懂得空间奥义,所以……” Aodai Li understood completely. 奥黛丽完全明白了过来。 If the old woman is not because the spouse was stranded, should not take risk the Long Xi star, because Long Xi and Xin Ge have old, in addition Xin Ge also possibly in the Long Xi star, she can only hide the identity, coming the third-class small influence to occupy, induces cultivation Space Deep Meaning by Imaginary Boundary Stone , helping her to explain the space lock, her spouse making. 老太太如果不是因为老伴被困着,应该不会冒险来龙蜥星,因为龙蜥辛格有旧,加上辛格也可能在龙蜥星,她就只能隐瞒身份,来三流的小势力盘踞点,以幻界石诱导修炼空间奥义者,助她将空间锁破解,将她老伴给弄出来。 This is also she introduces cave Shi Yan, immediately congeals discretely several barrier, and extravagant to concentrate Spirit Pill to explain the reason that the space locks to Shi Yan. 这也是她将石岩引入石洞,立即谨慎凝结出十几层结界,并且阔绰的以凝神丹石岩破解空间锁的原因。 She affirms the status to be uncommon, Realm inevitably is also profound, therefore is filthy rich, from the beginning on allow by high interest. 她肯定身份不凡,境界也必然高深,所以财大气粗,一开始就许以重利。 ka ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔咔!” In this time, that space locks the interior to transmit the strange resounding, the close space mark line in that lock surface, blasts open unexpectedly slowly. 就在此时,那空间锁内部传来奇异脆响,那锁面上的细密空间纹线,竟然慢慢炸裂开来。 At once, bunch of glares explode to shoot, marvelous - space gate slowly congealing reality. 旋即,一束束强光炸射出来,一个奇妙-空间门慢慢凝实。 Together tall silhouette, goes out from the gate suddenly, he one appears in cave, then shouted: Ya Yun, are you up to mischief? Towed for a long time to put me to come out? My his mother had not been killed by Xin Ge, quickly was actually given to feel stifled by you!” 一道颀长身影,也忽然从门内走出,他一在石洞内出现,便叫嚷起来:“雅云,你搞什么鬼?怎么拖了那么久才放我出来?我他妈没被辛格打死,却快被你给憋死了!” The old man body is thin, is in high spirits, to sparkle to shine baldly, a gorgeous brocade clothes, the lower hem corner cultivated completely strange seal shape ancient character, after he came out, yelled several, shout at once shouts to clear the way: How do you do this appearance?” 老头身子消瘦,精神矍铄,光头闪闪发亮,一身华美的锦衣,衣角修满了奇异的篆形古符,他出来后大叫了几句,旋即吆喝道:“你怎么搞成这幅模样?” Ms. strange Chou relaxed, the body shakes, turns into one looks like, only then 40 -year-old solemn women, appears is old yet still graceful, in calling of old man, she is somewhat awkward, „the key that space locks, had been destroyed by that Xin Ge carelessly, I, I asked a cultivation Space Deep Meaning child to untie to you.” 奇丑老太松了一口气,身子一抖,变成一个看起来只有40来岁的端庄妇人,显得风韵犹存,在老头的吆喝中,她有些尴尬,“空间锁的钥匙,不慎被那辛格打碎了,我,我找了一个修炼空间奥义的小孩给你解开的。”
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