GOS :: Volume #14

#1387: Explains the space lock

In close cave. 封闭的石洞内。 The old woman facial expression is excited, she arrives at cave entrance, the hesitation several seconds, the god[ body] in emerges an extremely strong deep meaning fluctuation suddenly, all sorts of deep meanings are different unexpectedly, have thunder and lightning, wind and frost, the cold ice and flame different deep meaning formations, tedious mysterious barrier, such as spider web First Level level cover to cave entrance. 那老妪神情激动,她重新来到洞口,沉吟数秒,神〖体〗内骤然涌现一股极为强劲的奥义波动,种种奥义竟不尽相同,有雷电、风霜、寒冰、火焰不同奥义形成,许多繁琐玄妙的结界,如蜘蛛网一层层罩向洞口。 Shi Yan looks with rapt attention, discovered that in that cave entrance, were just like many 13 unusual barrier, these barrier naked eyes are unable to sneak a peek , can only by the Soul Consciousness capture. 石岩凝神一看,发现在那洞口处,俨然多了13种奇特的结界,那些结界肉眼无法窥见,只能以灵魂意识捕捉。 From these barrier, transmits extremely swift and fierce aura, he does not doubt, even if Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha three people one and comes to rush hardly, will be given the counter-attack by barrier the tragic death at the scene. 从那些结界上,传来极其凌厉的气息,他毫不怀疑,就算是伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎三人一并过来硬闯,也会被结界给反击的惨死当场。 „It is not right!” The Shi Yan complexion changes, the eye of dew panic-stricken color, sinks to shout to clear the way: Your absolutely incessantly Immortal First Sky Realm cultivation base!” “不对!”石岩脸色一变,目露惊骇之色,沉喝道:“你绝对不止不朽一重天境界修为!” power that these barrier embodiments contain, astonishing, let alone Immortal First Sky, even if achieves Immortal Second Sky Realm, if enters into, perhaps is also a narrow escape. 那些结界内蕴含的力量,惊人之极,别说不朽一重天了,就算是达到不朽二重天境界者,若要迈入其中,恐怕也是九死一生。 power that the old woman shows instantaneously, surpasses her to regard Realm cultivation base of person on own initiative, she has concealed cultivation base very much obviously. 那老妪瞬间展现的力量,远超她主动视人的境界修为,很明显她隐瞒了修为 Aodai Li is also the elegant face micro cold, the innermost feelings are intense, congeals the supernatural power quietly the whole body, prepares for that was not wonderful momentarily begins. 奥黛丽也是俏脸微寒,内心紧张不安,悄悄将神力凝结全身,做好了不妙就随时动手的准备。 No!” The Shi Yan mind shakes, hurried consolation, the forced smile said: She , to kill you, moved is moved to be OK, you display completely power, is unable to shake her slightest!” “别!”石岩心神一抖,急忙劝慰,苦笑道:“她如果想杀你,动动念头就可以了,你就算是施展全部力量,也无法撼动她分毫!” The old woman he he smiles, applause looked at Shi Yan, said: Young fellow vision like the torch, you felt relieved that I did not have any evil intention, so long as you can untie the space lock, not only seven Imaginary Boundary Stone offer, decides however also has other to present, certainly makes you satisfy.” 老妪呵呵一笑,赞许的看了一眼石岩,说道:“小伙子眼光如炬,你放心好了我没有任何恶意的,只要你能解开空间锁,不但七颗幻界石奉上,定然还有其余馈赠,一定让你满意。” She looked that knits the brows to Aodai Li slightly, suddenly said: Your soul deep meaning, is somewhat similar to Soul Clan, won't you be concerned with Soul Clan?” 她又看向奥黛丽微微皱眉,忽然道:“你的灵魂奥义,和魂族有些相似,你不会是和魂族有关吧?” Speech time, her eye is unpredictable, to person an improper feeling. 讲话的时候,她眼睛变幻莫测,给人一种不妥的感觉。 Soul Clan?” Aodai Li shakes the head „I am the Ming Royal Family clansman cultivation deep meaning is indeed related with the soul, but I and Soul Clan clansman, is a wee bit relations do not have.” 魂族?”奥黛丽摇摇头“我是冥皇族族人的确修炼的奥义和灵魂有关,但是我和魂族族人,是一丁点关系都没有。” That is good.” The old woman nodded the head snort|hum one: I to any Soul Clan clansman, do not have a favorable impression!” “那就好。”老妪颔首哼了一声:“我对任何魂族族人,都没有一丝好感!” The words, her palm one bright, were many pill pills of three cyclics, pill pill is bright, the interior emerges greatly strengthened energy to fluctuate she to give Shi Yan, said: This is congealing Spirit Pill that Mysterious Heaven Clan is in sole possession, concentrates the Spirit Pill internal supernatural power, equivalent to ordinary Origin God Third Sky Realm[ body] in sum total, and can absorb quickly, restores the supernatural power to give you to explain the space lock instantaneously to use. Regardless of you succeed are defeated, these three concentrate Spirit Pill to turn over to you, will exhaust will not have blamed you.” 话罢,她掌心一亮,多了三颗圆滚滚的丹丸,那丹丸晶亮剔透,内部涌现极强的能量波动她递给石岩,道:“这是玄天族独有的凝神丹,一枚凝神丹内部的神力,相当于普通始神三重天境界者〖体〗内总和,并且能很快吸收,瞬间恢复神力给你来破解空间锁用。不论你成功还是失败,这三枚凝神丹都归你,耗尽了不会怪你。” The Shi Yan facial expression shakes, said: This is the good thing!” 石岩神情一震,道:“这是好东西啊!” Can restore the supernatural power instantaneously medicinal pills, is extremely rare, with the person battles, if the supernatural power is bad, swallows such medicinal pills, instantaneous bursting with energy this occupies advantage/cheap extremely. 能瞬间恢复神力的丹药,都是极为稀罕的,与人交战的时候,如果神力不济,吞食这么一枚丹药,瞬间生龙活虎这是极为占便宜的。 But deriving and congealment of power Divine Crystal, is an extremely slow process, restores the power speed to not have the several fold slowly, is unable by far with this kind of medicinal pills comparison. 神晶的汲取和凝结力量,则是一个极为缓慢的过程,恢复力量的速度要迟缓无数倍,远远无法和这类丹药比较。 What status are you?” Aodai Li is very sensitive, she deeply looks to the old woman, said: Can restore the supernatural power medicinal pills to be priceless instantaneously, moreover is of Mysterious Heaven Clan refinements seven big races, you to explain the space lock to him, does not hesitate to put out three to congeal Spirit Pill, is really extravagant astonishing.” “您是什么身份?”奥黛丽很敏感,她深深看向老太太,道:“能瞬间恢复神力的丹药价值连城,而且还是七大种族之一的玄天族炼制的,你只是为了给他破解空间锁,不惜拿出三枚凝神丹,真是阔绰的让人吃惊。” Shi Yan gave her a saying, was startled secretly, guessed that the status of this old woman feared was the no small matter. 石岩给她一说,也是暗暗吃惊,猜测这老妪的身份怕是非同小可。 By your Realm cultivation base, individual powerful strength, should go to better transaction area, there, possibly has stronger Space Deep Meaning, why chooses this place?” His puzzled say|way. “以你的境界修为,个人强悍的实力,应该去更好的交易区,那里,可能有更强的空间奥义者,为何选择此地?”他不解道。 Your junior issues are really many.” Old woman discontented frowning , the manner is also raw and cold little to ask the topic that some should not ask, congealed Spirit Pill to you, you begin to explain the space lock now, this place was being sealed up, some people cannot intrude, you can feel relieved bold acting.” “你们两个小辈问题真多。”老太太不满的皱着眉头,态度又生冷起来“少问些不该问的话题,凝神丹给你了,你现在就着手来破解空间锁,此地被封闭着,不会有人能闯入,你可以放心大胆的施为。” The words, she same place is sitting cross-legged to sit down, closes one's eyes, obviously does not want to continue to discuss other. 话罢,她就在原地盘膝坐下,重新闭上眼,显然不想继续讨论其它。 Shi Yan is also tactful, shrugs, said: Understood.” He looks to Aodai Li, making Aodai Li Protector for him, slightly completely human affairs. 石岩也很识趣,耸耸肩,说道:“明白了。”他看向奥黛丽,让奥黛丽为他护法,稍稍尽尽人事。 His not clear this old woman[ really] solid status, but he affirmed that the opposite party cares about untying that the space locks extremely, therefore, before the space lock unties, the old woman will help him absolutely fully, this point has not begun to obtain three to congeal Spirit Pill from him, can see a clue. 他不清楚这老妪的〖真〗实身份,可他肯定对方极为在意空间锁的解开,因此,在空间锁解开之前,那老妪绝对会全力帮助他,这一点从他没动手就得到三枚凝神丹,就能看出一点端倪。 Deeply inspires, he calms down, looks at that strange space lock, a hand pinches three to congeal at present Spirit Pill. 深吸一口气,他冷静下来,看着眼前那奇异的空间锁,一只手则是捏着三枚凝神丹 Half sound, he cracked into a smile, gobbles up one to congeal unexpectedly directly first Spirit Pill, medicinal pills enters the abdomen, a warm current dispersed the innumerable stocks, the dissipation in the whole body veins, rushed the strong supernatural power to stimulate, his instantaneous whole body, had power suddenly Tigan of having to speak out energetically. 半响,他咧嘴一笑,竟直接先吞吃了一枚凝神丹,丹药入腹,一股暖流分散无数股,散逸在浑身筋脉,澎湃浓烈的神力激发出来,他瞬间全身精力充沛之极,生出一种不吐不快的力量暴体感。 Good abundant energy!” He is out of control to call out, the sound like thunderclap, in cave that shakes bang the bang. “好充沛的能量!”他禁不住暴喝,声如炸雷,震的石洞内轰隆隆巨响。 The old woman also takes advantage of opportunity to open eyes, surprise is staring at him, snort|hum, has curled the lip saying: Young fellow is very discrete, thinks that I will harm you by medicinal pills, when you restore the supernatural power successfully, making that medicinal pills make your God Body collapse, um, it seems like these years cultivation have not wasted, knows that guarded against the will of the people.” 老妪也顺势睁开眼,诧异的盯着他,哼了一声,撇嘴道:“小伙子挺谨慎的,以为我会以丹药害你,在你成功恢复神力的时候,令那丹药使得你神体崩溃,嗯,看来这些年的修炼没有白费,知道提防人心。” If she said that reason that Shi Yan has not begun first to gobble up one to congeal Spirit Pill, really must have discretely, when the supernatural power most flourishing swallowed to congeal Spirit Pill, even if that medicinal pills had the issue, can have the energy to deal. 如她所言,石岩之所以没有动手就先吞吃一枚凝神丹,真是要心存谨慎,在神力全盛的时候吞服凝神丹,那丹药即便有问题,也能有精力应对。 If that medicinal pills has the issue, he is unable to resist, before he has not untied the space locks, the old woman will also get rid to save his life. 如果那丹药真有问题,他又无法抵御,在他没有解开空间锁前,老妪也会出手保住他性命。 The people in strange nothingness Outer Territory, he have to be careful, discrete is not the misdemeanor. 人在陌生的虚无域外,他不得不小心一点,谨慎不是坏事。 When to him discovered that concentrates Spirit Pill not to have the issue, indeed emerges the supernatural power that rushes after to him, he cracks into a smile, Divine Sense congeals suddenly, shortly, he[ body] in transmits the strange space to fluctuate, First Level level space ripple, from him[ body] in ripples, floods in cave. 待到他发现凝神丹没有问题,的确给他涌现澎湃的神力后,他咧嘴一笑,神识骤然凝结,顷刻间,他〖体〗内传来奇诡的空间波动,一层层空间波纹,从他〖体〗内荡漾出来,充斥在石洞内。 After that concentrates Spirit Pill and he[ body] in mix of pure power, at this moment, he[ body] the imposing manner in emerging, increases to an extremely fearful altitude! 在那凝神丹和他〖体〗内精纯力量的混合后,这一刻,他〖体〗内涌现出来的气势,攀升到一个极为可怕的高度! In the Aodai Li eye glittering the astonished gloss, at this moment, she is knowing that Shi Yan power reaches the what kind altitude, the innermost feelings sighed low-spirited, realized with his disparity finally. 奥黛丽眼中闪烁着惊异的光泽,此刻,她才知道石岩力量达到何种高度,内心黯然一叹,终意识到和他的差距。 The old woman is the eye lives the electricity, the line of sight flickers the condensation that does not move to Shi Yan, the secret nod, the anticipation in heart were also many several points. 老妪则是眼睛生电,视线一瞬不移的凝聚在石岩身上,暗暗点头,心中的期待又多了几分。 The imposing manner and power that Shi Yan shows at this moment, surpass ordinary Immortal First Sky Realm unexpectedly, can compare with the talent characters of many this Realm! 石岩此刻展现出来的气势和力量,竟超出普通不朽一重天境界者,和许多这个境界者的天才人物可以比拟! Although drew support has congealed the Spirit Pill effect, but can be this degree, explained that Shi Yan itself power was astonishing. 虽然借助于了凝神丹的功效,可能够达到这个程度,也说明石岩本身力量惊人。 Is very good, is very good, in some kids the clan is unexpectedly more outstanding, surprising people, this kid from where, likely is not seven big races clansmen, has felt strange......” “很不错,真的很不错,竟然比族内一些小家伙都出众,让人意外,这小家伙是来自何处,不像是七大种族的族人,奇怪了……” Is staring at Shi Yan, her innermost feelings are pondering secretly, the look is surprised, had doubts more and more. 盯着石岩,她内心暗暗沉思着,眼神惊奇,越来越疑惑了。 At this moment, Shi Yan Soul Consciousness, covers Dark Energy aura desirably, submerges that space lock by the normal condition. 此刻,石岩灵魂意识,刻意将暗能量气息掩盖,以正常的状态没入那空间锁。 Enters the space lock, he enters boundless boundless sky, of that day on spatial, covers entirely the innumerable tedious mysterious holes, each hole has unusual space formation, needs by the space supernatural power, by to explain to the Space Deep Meaning cognition slowly, only then all space formation give to break, the space lock can untie. 一入空间锁,他就进入一个苍茫无际的天空,在那天空上,布满无数繁琐玄妙的孔洞,每一个孔洞内部都有着奇特的空间阵法,需要以空间神力,以对空间奥义的认知慢慢破解,只有所有空间阵法都给破掉,空间锁才能解开。 Can appear was being sealed up the inner-world! 才能浮现出被封闭着的内部世界! His Soul Consciousness, is congealing supernatural power, such as scattered rivers, fall into that different hole, is roaming in different space formation, he by realizing from experience of his many years to Space Deep Meaning, clearly recognizes the mystery of these formation slowly. 他的灵魂意识,凝结着神力,如一条条分散的河流,落入那一个个不同的孔洞,在一个个不同的空间阵法内流荡着,他以他多年对空间奥义的体悟,去慢慢认清那些阵法的玄妙。 And many space formation, are mutual mixing of space node, one group of messes that also some such as the scattered in disorder line pulls, must pull out to separate out one, little bringing order out of chaos. 其中许多空间阵法,都是空间节点的相互糅合,也有的如散乱的线条扯的一团乱麻,要抽离出一根来,一点点的拨乱反正。 It looks like the fish line winding of fishing in together, must untie the fish line slowly, that several hundred space formation, are several hundred tedious complex riddles, and also has the relation, must explain in one vigorous effort completely, otherwise can the mutual influence, multiply more issues. 就像是钓鱼的鱼线缠绕在一块儿,必须要将鱼线给慢慢解开,那数百个空间阵法,就是数百个繁琐复杂的谜团,并且相互间还有着联系,必须要一鼓作气全部破解,不然能相互影响,滋生更多的问题。 In explaining, his supernatural power is losing rapidly, takes Space Deep Meaning as the consciousness of source, gets sucked in that space formation. 在破解中,他神力迅速损耗着,以空间奥义为源头的意识,也深陷在那一个个空间阵法 Wholeheartedly multipurpose, he such as refraction innumerable Clone, is moving in different space formation. 一心多用,他如折射无数分身,在不同的空间阵法内活动着。 These marvelous space formation, the part he has experienced, explains very easily , the part existed in the past Bei Luo memory, can untie very much easily, but many formation he has never seen, before was, has not appeared, very mystical, in process of explaining, was his one brand-new understanding to Space Deep Meaning. 那些奇妙的空间阵法,有一部分他见识过,破解很容易,也有一部分在当年贝洛的记忆中存在,也能很轻易解开,但更多的阵法他从未见过,是以前没有出现的,很神秘,在破解的过程中,也是他对空间奥义的一种全新认识。 Once has explained new formation barrier, the understanding of his Space Deep Meaning, will then reach a new altitude. 一旦破解了一种新的阵法结界,他就空间奥义的理解,便会达到一个新的高度。 To explaining process that this space locks, is examines his more than many years the understanding of Space Deep Meaning, carries on the process of new round thorough understanding. 对这空间锁的破解过程,是检验他多年多空间奥义的理解,是进行新一轮透彻理解的过程。 He has a premonition, thought explaining that this space locks, can be the deep layer studies to his Space Deep Meaning. 他有种预感,觉得这次空间锁的破解,对他空间奥义会是深层学习。 These unknown mystical formation, such as open the leaves of Space Deep Meaning different front doors to him, getting him to enter broader deep meaning heaven and earth, lets his realizing from experience to Space Deep Meaning, enters new levels. 那些未知的神秘阵法,如给他打开一扇扇空间奥义的不同大门,领着他进入更加宽阔的奥义天地,让他对空间奥义的体悟,进入一个个新的层次。 Not only supernatural power fining, has to jump the ranks the strength of challenge, the sharpness is also uncommon, this boy... Gave my pleasant surprise to be getting bigger and bigger! ” “不但神力精炼,有越级挑战的实力,领悟力也不凡,这小子”…给我的惊喜越来越大了!” The old woman who the appearance cannot withstand uglily, opens eyes suddenly, deeply looks to Shi Yan, the innermost feelings is full of shock to have seven big races outstanding clansmen, can so, he obviously not be the clansmen of seven clans, why so unusual? Strange, is really strange, his body decides however has the place of profound strange.” 外貌丑陋不堪的老妪,忽然睁开眼,深深看向石岩,内心充满震惊“只有七大种族的出众族人,才能如此,他明明不是七族的族人,为何如此的奇特?古怪,真是古怪,他身上定然有着玄奇之处。” In the ponder, in her heart moves, looks to nearby Aodai Li, optional inquiry: Which territory do you come from?” 沉思中,她心中一动,看向旁边的奥黛丽,随意的询问道:“你们来自于哪个域界?” Wild territory.” Aodai Li spoke thoughtlessly the reply. “荒域。”奥黛丽随口回答。 Wild territory!” She loses one's voice to call out in alarm suddenly, for the first time changed the complexion, the senile body also loudly shakes. “荒域!”她忽然失声惊叫起来,首次变了脸色,老态龙钟的身子也是轰然一震。
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