GOS :: Volume #14

#1386: Imaginary Boundary Stone

In Nihility Domain Sea the alien race stands in great numbers, Expert many like stars, and competes brutally, strength that if has not protected oneself, he before searching territory gate, will certainly be step by step difficult, even was possibly struck Immortal Realm, can strengthen the important chip that he survives, therefore, he needs Immortal pill in Long Xi hand, must extremely early breakthrough new Realm. 虚无域海内异族林立,强者多如繁星,并且竞争残酷,如果没有自保的实力,他在寻觅到回去的域门前,必将步步艰难,甚至可能被击不朽境界,就是能增强他存活的重要筹码,因此,他需要龙蜥手中的不朽丹,要极早突破新的境界 His words, making Aodai Li also hesitate do not speak, has not continued to talk too much anything. 他的一番话,让奥黛丽也沉吟不语,没有继续多言什么。 Receives cautiously that liquor jar, Aodai Li sets firm resolve in secret, must draw support from in in Jiuweng three souls, own Realm promotion. 将那酒瓮小心翼翼收好,奥黛丽暗中下定决心,要借助于酒瓮内的三个灵魂,将自己的境界提升。 Achieves Origin God Third Sky Realm Shi Yan continually, reveals pressure heavy dejected, her trivial Origin God First Sky, needs the strength, if not so, she could be the burden, needs Shi Yan to shelter her. 连达到始神三重天境界石岩,都流露出压力沉重的颓然,她区区始神一重天,更加需要增强实力,如若不然,她就一直都会是累赘,需要石岩来庇护她。 As the Ming Royal Family princess, the wild territory spoiled child of day, making a man shelter, for her is also a shame. 身为冥皇族的公主,荒域内的天之娇子,让一个男人庇护,对她来说也是一种羞辱。 I must look well, have a look to suit my rare treasure, can increase one point of power, congeals points, this place will be unclear in the future, wants discretely.” “我也要好好找找,看看有没有适合我的异宝,能多增加一分力量,就多凝结一点,此地未来不明,要谨慎一点。” The Shi Yan knitting the brows head, lets loose the mind, fills the air by Divine Sense that he is in sole possession of quietly peripheral, the induction can bring the help to him the cultivation material. 石岩皱了皱眉头,放开心灵,以他独有的神识悄悄弥漫周边,感应能给他带来帮助的修炼材料。 His Divine Sense like ripple, slowly spread, centered on him, unceasingly spread. 神识如波纹,慢慢蔓延,以他为中心,不断地扩散 On his face reveals disappointed color, Divine Sense fills the air, soon searched for this transaction area, he did not have the sensation to the appropriate material. 他脸上露出失望之色,神识弥漫开来,快要将这交易区搜寻完毕了,他也没有感知到合适的材料。 When he prepares to give up, his mind moves suddenly. 就在他准备放弃的时候,忽地,他心神一动。 A very mysterious space fluctuates, transmits from a stone remote point, making his eye one bright, not slightly hesitant, he goes toward that direction line directly. 一股很玄妙的空间波动,从石台一处偏僻点传来,让他眼睛一亮,没有丝毫犹豫,他径直朝着那方向行去。 The Aodai Li eye pupil consistently condenses on him, sees him, if has become aware leaving suddenly, is tagging along after lightly, closely follows in his behind. 奥黛丽眼眸始终凝聚在他身上,见他若有所悟的忽然动身,也翩然尾随着,紧紧跟在他身后 She simple and beautiful refined cheeks, appear several points of strange color, the back of looks at Shi Yan, her innermost feelings sighed in a soft voice, does not know that thought any thoughts. 她清丽脱俗的脸颊,浮现几分奇异之色,看着石岩的后背,她内心轻声叹息一声,不知道想些什么心思。 long time, they in jade stage corner, are not seeing an ugly alien race clansman, that is an old woman, the face such as the toad skin, the lumps, her ear high-pitched and fine, sending out such as the insane long weeds, that hair give to block from her entire body, make her such as in the haystack. 多时,两人在玉台一个角落处,见着一名丑陋的异族族人,那是一名老妪,脸庞如癞蛤蟆皮,疙疙瘩瘩的,她耳朵尖细,一头散发如疯长的野草,那头发将她整个身子都给遮住,令她如处在草堆中。 Has a small glassware before her body, the interior places seven clear jades, the jade gloss is not revealing, because of the seal of household utensils, has not spread any special fluctuation, if the old woman has fallen asleep, there motionless, after Shi Yan and Aodai Li come, she hangs the eye not to respond as before. 在她身前有一个小小的玻璃器皿,内部摆放着七颗晶莹的玉石,玉石光泽不显,因为器皿的封印,也没有传出任何特殊波动,那老妪如睡着了,在那儿一动不动,石岩奥黛丽过来后,她依旧垂目没有反应。 However the Aodai Li facial expression is discrete, she comes to perceive that the soul fluctuates together, such as the poisonous snake wick dives, lies in wait from all sides side her, in her heart clear, the old woman has not opened eyes, quietly was actually paying attention them. 不过奥黛丽却神情谨慎,她一过来就觉察到一道灵魂波动,如毒蛇信子潜过来,就环伺在她身旁,她心中清楚,老妪没睁开眼,却已经在悄悄留意他们了。 Released the soul to induce, her complexion even more careful, looked at Shi Yan secretly. 释放出灵魂感应了一下,她脸色愈发的小心,偷偷看了一眼石岩 The old woman, unexpectedly is also Immortal First Sky Realm, and body fluctuation is very mysterious, she can form many illusion likely, the Aodai Li sensation time, in the soul fantasizes numerous, has trend that plants to perish. 那老妪,竟然也是一名不朽一重天境界者,并且身上波动很是玄妙,她像是能形成诸多幻象,奥黛丽感知的时候,灵魂内幻想重重,有种要沉沦的趋势。 Imaginary Boundary Stone, what wonder stone is this?” Suddenly, Shi Yan opened mouth inquiry. 幻界石,这是什么奇石?”忽地,石岩张口询问。 He just sensation time, from the stone of this household utensils, perceived that the strange space fluctuates, therefore followed the sensation to come, close to the careful sensation, he discovered that seven small stone, making him have one type becomes the mystical feelings of seven world, the innermost feelings were quite curious. 他刚刚感知的时候,从这器皿的石头内,觉察到奇诡的空间波动,所以顺着感知过来了,临近又仔细的感知,他发现那七颗小石头内部,令他生出一种自成七个世界的神秘感,内心颇为好奇。 Hangs the goal old woman, finally opens eyes, said desolately: Imaginary Boundary Stone, is only useful to cultivation Space Deep Meaning, stimulates by the space supernatural power, Imaginary Boundary Stone can produce a small space, looks like the balloon is the same, injects the supernatural power more, such as flushes air are more, Imaginary Boundary Stone can rise is bigger.” 垂目的老妪,终于睁开眼,冷淡道:“幻界石,只对修炼空间奥义者有用,以空间神力激发,一颗幻界石能生成一个小型空间,就像是气球一样,注入神力越多,就如吹气越多,幻界石就能涨的越大。” „Does Imaginary Boundary Stone, become a microcosm? Such mysterious?” Shi Yan with amazement. “一颗幻界石,就自成一个小世界?这么神奇?”石岩骇然。 The old woman snort|hum, has curled the lip saying: Naturally is not true, the microcosm that Imaginary Boundary Stone forms, cannot permanent exist, can only preserve some time, otherwise brings ` to be imaginary, character? This Imaginary Boundary Stone, to cultivation Space Deep Meaning, can regard a weapon to use, to display the restraint enemy, once received which the enemy, can detonate the microcosm that Imaginary Boundary Stone forms, strikes to kill also or causes heavy losses to the enemy!” 老妪哼了一声,撇嘴道:“当然并非如此,幻界石形成的小世界,不能永久存在,只能保存一段时间,不然怎带一个‘幻,字?这幻界石,对修炼空间奥义者来说,可以当成一种武器来用,施展出来束缚敌人,一旦将敌人收入其中,可以引爆幻界石形成的小世界,击杀亦或者重创敌人!” A Shi Yan eye bright, secret nod, said with a smile: Can strike the enemy who what degree kills?” 石岩眼睛一亮,暗暗点头,微笑道:“能击杀什么程度的敌人?” That was different from person to person.” The old woman has thought that explained: You, only then Origin God Third Sky Realm, urges the microcosm that sends by your supernatural power congealment, once detonates, should be able to kill same level Warrior, causes heavy losses to Realm to be slightly high your person, or short time restraint Immortal Warrior a while. Naturally, microcosm that this Imaginary Boundary Stone forms, whether mainly to look effective you can pull into the opposite party suddenly, this is the premise.” “那就因人而异了。”老妪想了一下,解释道:“你只有始神三重天境界,以你神力凝结催发出来的小世界,一旦引爆,应该能杀死同级武者,重创境界略高你的人,或者短时间束缚不朽武者一会儿。当然,这幻界石形成的小世界,能否奏效主要看你能不能将对方突然扯入其中,这才是前提。” Imaginary Boundary Stone has not appeared in the wild territory, Shi Yan does not know its mysteriously, but listened to her to explain, Shi Yan affirmed that this thing was very actually suitable he, after building up, suddenly formed a microcosm, can imprison the enemy, can detonate the heavy losses even to strike to kill the match, did not lose the same wonderful treasure actually. 幻界石在荒域没有出现过,石岩不知道其玄妙,不过听她解释了一番,石岩肯定这东西倒是挺适合他,炼化后,忽然形成一个小世界,能禁锢敌人,能引爆重创甚至击杀对手,倒是不失一样奇宝。 She does not have the explanation to receive in exchange for any thing.” Aodai Li reminded in a soft voice. “她没说明要换取什么东西。”奥黛丽轻声提醒。 Shi Yan also paid attention, discovered that that old woman present household utensils, do not have special labelling, stated clearly receiving in exchange that needs, this surprises him somewhat actually. 石岩也留意了,发现那老妪眼前的器皿,没有特殊标注,言明需要的换取物,这倒是让他有些意外。 When he prepares to inquire, the old woman on own initiative „the thing that opens the mouth I to need, is related with this Imaginary Boundary Stone, I need a help of cultivation Space Deep Meaning, to the Imaginary Boundary Stone interested person, naturally is the cultivation Space Deep Meaning person, therefore, I did not need to label specially.” 就在他准备询问的时候,那老妪主动开口“我需要的东西,和这幻界石有关,我需要一名修炼空间奥义者的帮助,对幻界石有兴趣的人,自然就是修炼空间奥义的人,所以,我不用特殊标注了。” Releases a wisp of fluctuation, Shi Yan gives a calm smile you to look, my cultivation Space Deep Meaning, what do you need to help exactly?” 释放出一缕波动,石岩淡然一笑“你看,我恰恰修炼空间奥义,你需要什么帮助?” Old lady eyes one slanting, stared at him to look at a while carefully, shook the head saying: Your Realm is insufficient, if you have the master, could help me, this Imaginary Boundary Stone can give you. But depending on your personal ability, is unable to achieve the matter that I need you to handle.” 那老太婆眼睛一斜,仔细盯着他看了一会儿,摇头道:“你境界不够,如果你有师傅,或许能帮到我,这幻界石就可以给你。但凭你的个人能力,无法做到我需要你做的事情。” What matter? First mentioned listens?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “什么事情?先说来听听吧?”石岩讶然。 The old woman hesitant, in sleeve cuff the gloss dodged, a silver light bright unusual small lock, suddenly presents, that silver locks, only then the palm of the hand is big, above is engraving many close space mark lines, dense and numerous tedious incomparable, at least has several hundred space small imprint above. 老太太犹豫了一下,袖口内光泽一闪,一个银光熠熠的奇特小锁,忽然间呈现出来,那银锁只有巴掌大,上面镌刻着许多细密的空间纹线,密密麻麻的繁琐无比,至少有数百种空间小阵烙印在上面。 This space lock is sealing up, the interior has a small space, the inside a little important thing, I do not have the key, needs to display Space Deep Meaning, its little untying. Explaining that the space locks, must, by your Realm cultivation base, power obviously be in one vigorous effort insufficient.” “这空间锁封闭着,内部有一个小空间,里面有点重要的东西,我没有钥匙,需要能施展空间奥义者,将其一点点的解开。空间锁的破解,要一鼓作气,以你的境界修为,力量显然不够。” She shook the head, the impolite roll-call Shi Yan insufficiency, said at once: If you have the master, or has to achieve the Immortal Realm friend, can attempt actually. However I explained first, only then has explained the space lock, that Imaginary Boundary Stone can exchange, is defeated will not have given.” 她摇了摇头,不客气的点名石岩的不足,旋即说道:“如果你有师傅,或者有达到不朽境界的朋友,倒是可以尝试一下。不过我先说明,只有破解了空间锁,那幻界石才能兑换,失败了可不会给出。” The space locks locked small space, if did not understand that the method explains forcefully, small space direct scrap nothingness, anything is unable to obtain, does not do well even to compensate own life, only then cultivation Space Deep Meaning, by being in sole possession of space Divine Sense and space supernatural power, little explains to lock space strange formation that can untie truly. 空间锁锁着一个小空间,如果不懂得方法强行破解,会将小空间直接炸碎虚无,什么也无法得到,弄不好甚至将自己的性命赔上,只有修炼空间奥义着,以独有的空间神识和空间神力,一点点的破解锁上的空间奇阵,才能真正解开。 In this period, cannot cease, must in one vigorous effort, otherwise space strange formation will combine to fluctuate, grew newly was complex. 其间,不能一丝停息,必须要一鼓作气,不然空间奇阵会重新组合变幻,衍生出新的复杂来。 The old woman will state clearly in detail abstruseness, looks in the Shi Yan cultivation Space Deep Meaning share, sends the hope in his master the body of gate and friend, expected that he can bring a pleasant surprise. 老太太会详细言明其中的深奥,是看在石岩修炼空间奥义的份上,寄希望在他的师门和朋友的身上,期望他能够带来点惊喜。 Explains the space lock, is mainly the understanding of deep meaning, is the vigorous fining of supernatural power?” Shi Yan is hesitating, suddenly said. “破解空间锁,主要是奥义的理解,还是神力的浑厚精炼?”石岩沉吟着,忽然道。 Both want. However, supernatural power vigorous pure is more essential, because wants supernatural power enough irrigation, time many relatively many, can have better time ponder and explaining, otherwise is understands to the space enough, the supernatural power is not enough to support, will be defeated quickly.” The old woman explains in detail mysteriously. “两者都要。不过,神力的浑厚精纯更加关键,因为只要神力足够的灌注,时间就相对多的多,能有更好的时间思考和破解,不然就算是对空间理解足够,神力不足以支持,也会很快失败。”老妪详解其中玄妙。 Shi Yan nods, hints itself clearly was fierce, he felt the chin to hesitate a while, said: Can change a place to speak in detail?” 石岩点头,示意自己清楚其中的厉害了,他摸着下巴沉吟了一会儿,道:“能换个地方详谈么?” The eye of old woman pollution, suddenly one bright, she[ body] in fluctuates becomes quite strange, a wisp of strange delicate fragrance, ripples from her strange Chou body, making a Shi Yan face be astonished however, that fragrance, very nice-smelling, likely became ** the person intoxicant fragrance and mellowness, was completely incompatible with her strange ugly look. 老太太浑浊的眼睛,骤然一亮,她〖体〗内波动变得颇为怪异,一缕奇异的幽香,从她那奇丑的身躯上荡漾出来,令石岩一脸讶然,那香味,非常的好闻,像是成**人身上醉人的醇香,和她那奇丑相貌完全不符。 „Do the words that does not mind, go to my side to chat?” She invited on own initiative. “不介意的话,去我那边聊聊?”她主动邀请。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li neglect one, at once is nodded by Shi Yan, said with a smile: Good.” 石岩奥黛丽忽视一眼,旋即由石岩点头,笑着说道:“好。” The old woman Zhong hand embraces, that household utensils and Imaginary Boundary Stone vanish all, she sets out to walk toward the transaction area, leaves to be able[ from] by the speeding along place, then fluctuates, toward a thing of peripheral stone wall in the past. 老妪仲手一揽,那器皿和幻界石尽数消失,她起身向交易区外面走去,一离开能〖自〗由飞驰处,便浮动起来,朝着周边石壁的一处东西过去。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li are following in behind, long time, the old woman does not lead into remote cave them, mostly the same except for minor differences that cave and they occupy, is equally spacious, but similarly is also crude. 石岩奥黛丽在后面跟随着,不多时,那老妪将他们带入一处偏僻石洞,那石洞和他们居住的大同小异,一样宽敞,但也同样简陋。 As soon as the old woman they enter cave, immediately arrangement barrier of caution and care, seals up cave, at once said seriously: Young fellow, you have any master gate Senior, also cultivation Space Deep Meaning, if he exactly in, but also please come a to chat, so long as can explain the space lock, I not only grant seven Imaginary Boundary Stone, but also has other to present and ensure he satisfies!” 老太太一等他俩进入石洞,立即谨慎小心的布置结界,将石洞封住,旋即严肃道:“小伙子,你是不是真有什么师门前辈,也修炼空间奥义,如果他恰恰在附近,还请过来一叙,只要能破解空间锁,我不但赠与七颗幻界石,还另有其它馈赠,保证他满意!” How do you look at me?” The Shi Yan soughing said with a smile. “你看我如何?”石岩飒然笑道。 Her brow tight wrinkle, some Life Qi/angry I do not have the thoughts suddenly and you waste the time, if only you, but also asked you to leave immediately, by your Realm cultivation base, was not enough to explain the space lock!” 她眉头紧皱,忽然有些生气“我没心思和你浪费时间,如果就只是你,还请你立即离开,以你的境界修为,根本不足以破解空间锁!” You said that the supernatural power is key......” “你说神力才是关键……” Shi Yan grins, Life Qi/angry, does not stretch out one finger, distant point to her. 石岩咧嘴,也不生气,伸出一指,遥遥点向她。 In that fingertip glittering the bright gloss, a void slit such as colored ribbon tearing, swift and fierce Space Cutting Blade, such as the fine bright pointed knife, one by one is reappearing, when his fingertip proceeds to puncture suddenly, direct thorn to that old woman, the space of implication fluctuates, is extremely scary. 那指尖内闪烁着晶亮的光泽,条条虚空缝隙如彩带撕裂,凌厉之极的空间利刃,如精致明亮的尖刀,一一浮现出来,在他指尖往前突刺的时候,直接刺向那老太太,其中蕴含的空间波动,极其骇人。 The eye of old woman pollution, splits together flash eye of crystal light, she induced, suddenly surprised light shout: „The power fining, aura is long, young fellow Realm is ordinary, but supernatural power indeed extremely congealing reality, is not weak in ordinary Immortal Realm, um, can try actually.” 老妪浑浊的眼睛,绽出一道耀目晶光,她感应了一下,忽然惊奇的轻喝:“力量精炼之极,气息悠长无际,小伙子境界一般,但神力的确极为凝实,一点不弱于普通不朽境界者,嗯,倒是可以一试。”
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