GOS :: Volume #14

#1385: Trades the thing by the thing

The life race that in the mountain valley the jade platform center, many appearances vary, hangs the eye to sit, the front is placing the special cultivation material, these material mostly quite rare, some are the jades, some are the God Weapon sharp weapons, some are the mail-armor and helmets, builds is quite fine. 山谷内玉石平台中央,许多模样各异的生灵种族,垂目端坐着,面前都摆放着特殊的修炼材料,那些材料大多都颇为稀罕,有的为玉石,有的为神兵利器,有的则是甲胄,都打造的极为精美。 These cultivation materials are dazzling, is used to exchange to suit own cultivation material completely, this is the Dragon Lizard Clan specially opening transaction area, exchanges for these waiting. 那些修炼材料琳琅满目,全部都是用来交换适合自己的修炼材料的,这是龙蜥族专门开辟的交易区,供那些等候者来相互交流。 At this moment, Shi Yan, Aodai Li and Yi Fulin one line of five people, are also taking a walk in that transaction area, vision bright is looking at carefully these commodities. 此刻,石岩奥黛丽伊夫林一行五人,也在那交易区内走动着,目光熠熠的端详着那些商品。 Day wood and stone, does not extinguish lotus throne, the devour soul silk, this may be the priceless thing.” The Aodai Li bright eyes are bright, said in a soft voice: In there, these things is the wonderful treasures of valuable non- city, the Desolate, was extremely difficult to breed in the past, has not thought that here can trade everywhere.” “天木石,不灭莲台,噬魂丝,这可都是价值连城之物。”奥黛丽明眸亮亮的,轻声说道:“在我们那里,这些东西都是有价无市的奇宝,就连当年荒内部,都极难孕育出来,没想到在这里都能随处交易了。” Yi Fulin gives a calm smile, explained: Wild territory is only remote territory, even/including Yumen nobody knows, territory in Star Sea are innumerable, the genuine top character will come Nihility Domain Sea, therefore walks randomly Warrior in Nihility Domain Sea, majority in own territory for top, thing that they have, the nature is uncommon.” 伊夫林淡然一笑,解释道:“荒域只是一处偏僻域界,连域门都无人知晓,在星海间域界无数,真正顶尖的人物都会前来虚无域海,所以游走在虚无域海内的武者,大多数都在自己域界为顶尖,他们持有的东西,自然不凡。” Stopped, his facial expression one positive, said: Let alone, this Nihility Domain Sea this is the Absolute Beginning time does not have number field to be disillusioned the formation, the strange place is also leaving behind rare great treasure of Absolute Beginning time, are more than this place material rarity, if we went to other region, but can also discover more good things.” 停了一下,他神情一正,又道:“更何况,这虚无域海本为太初时代无数域界破灭形成,许多诡异之处还遗留着太初时代的稀罕至宝,比此地材料罕见者多着呢,如果我们去了别的区域,还能发现更多好东西。” Shi Yan slight bow. 石岩微微点头。 He knows that here region only accounts for Long Xi star part. Here holds third-class race active region. If Water Clan these influence races will be arranged in a better region, in the transaction areas of these places, will certainly have ratio here also to want rare rare object. 他知道此处区域只占龙蜥星一部分。这里是容纳三流种族活动区。如水族那些势力种族会被安排在更佳的区域,那些地方的交易区内,一定会有比这里还要罕见的奇物 Here transaction, majority by thing Yi Wu, little sell Divine Crystal. Among boundless Star Sea, many territory have the Divine Crystal mineral lode, Divine Crystal...... It is not rare, what rare suits oneself cultivation material exactly, you pay attention, will discover that they will write plainly thing that demanded.” Yi Fulin shouted lightly. “这里的交易,大多数都是以物易物,很少出售神晶。苍茫星海间,许多域界都有神晶矿脉,神晶……算不上稀罕,稀罕的是恰恰适合自己修炼的材料,你们留意一下,会发现他们会写明索要的东西。”伊夫林轻呼。 Trades in the area. If the intriguing street, side has sells the seller scattered, there is an alien race clansman of communication, is window-shops wanders generally. Saw that suits own cultivation material to remain, talks with the opposite party, if have the thing that the opposite party needs, that transaction then can achieve smoothly. 交易区内。如错综复杂的街道,旁边都有零散贩卖客,也有来往的异族族人,都是逛街一般游荡。看到适合自己的修炼材料才会留下来,和对方交谈,如果恰好自己也有对方需要的东西,那交易便能顺利达成。 Under the reminder of Yi Fulin, Shi Yan and Aodai Li pay attention with rapt attention, discovered that many sell material, inscribes itself to be easy to trade the thing with the common language in side, for example the alien race person of that sell day wood and stone, then wrote plainly that only exchanges to suit the thunder and lightning deep meaning the material. 伊夫林的提醒下,石岩奥黛丽凝神留意,发现很多出售材料者,都在旁边以通用语言写上自己易换之物,譬如那出售天木石的一名异族人,便写明只交换适合雷电奥义的材料。 That artificial Origin God Second Sky cultivation base, the body thunder and lightning fluctuation is quite obvious. Naturally is the meditation thunder and lightning deep meaning. 那人为始神二重天修为,身上雷电波动极为明显。自然是苦修雷电奥义。 Has loafed, Shi Yan and Aodai Li to this transaction area then some understanding, but they had not discovered that suits their treasures, therefore continues to sway. 游荡了一圈,石岩奥黛丽对这交易区便有了认识,只是他俩并没有发现适合他们的珍宝,于是继续晃荡。 You continue to stroll, we go to that side to have a look, a while tired saw in our residence.” Yi Fulin proposed that everybody separates to move. “你们继续逛,我们去那边看看,一会儿累了就在我们住所见。”伊夫林提议大家分开行动。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li naturally do not have the opinion, at once, three Heavenly Eye Clan Warrior, have then changed a region, explores to other position together. 石岩奥黛丽自然没有意见,旋即,三个天目族武者,便换了一个区域,到另外一块位置去探索。 Shi Yan they are loafing shoulder to shoulder. expression is careless, from time to time talked 1-2, such as a pair of lover. 石岩两人并肩游荡着。神色漫不经心,时而交谈一两句,如一对情侣。 This place alien race clansman are many, but majority as if such as the human appearance is the blueprint specimen, some alien race head live the bend angle. Some behind have the fierce tail, some ear strange Chang. Some skins cover entirely the strange pattern...... 此地异族族人很多,不过大多数都仿佛如人类模样为蓝图标本,有的异族人头生弯角。有的背后有狰狞尾巴,也有的耳朵奇长。有的皮肤布满奇异花纹…… These alien race people are too many, language is also different, is good uses the commonly used language because of everybody, will therefore trade not to have the barrier. 那些异族人太多,语言也都不尽相同,好在大家都使用通用语,所以交易起来不会有障碍。 Well!” “咦!” , Aodai Li shouted suddenly lowly, stopped before alien race clan people, eye of dew strange light. 忽地,奥黛丽低呼,在一名异族族人身前停了下来,目露奇光 That alien race clansman, whole body has the wave deep blue pattern, is a middle-aged man, cultivation should be the wind and thunder deep meaning, hears the wind and thunder sound in his within the body faintly. 那名异族族人,浑身有着波浪般的湛蓝花纹,是一名中年男子,修炼的应该是风、雷奥义,在他体内隐隐传来风雷声。 The one who attracts Aodai Li is his present jet black liquor jar, that liquor jar transmits very obvious soul fluctuation, by the Aodai Li unique soul deep meaning, her slightly induction, knows in that jar the soul not to be weak. 吸引奥黛丽的是他眼前的一个漆黑酒瓮,那酒瓮内部传来很明显的灵魂波动,以奥黛丽独特的灵魂奥义,她只是略一感应,就知道那瓮内灵魂不弱。 Shi Yan secret induction, is facial expression moves, said: Three Origin God Third Sky Realm souls, realized are erased, only remained pure soul energy, was very good.” 石岩暗暗感应,也是神情一动,道:“三个始神三重天境界的灵魂,意识被抹除了,只剩纯粹的灵魂能量,很不错。” He knows that the Aodai Li deep meaning, can the absorb formidable soul strengthen Realm power, this is the deep meaning that Ming Royal Family is in sole possession , is also so, in the past Ming Hao most suited Soul Controlling Deep Meaning cultivation, because of the imperial soul, the book is the one most mysterious mystery of soul deep meaning. 他知道奥黛丽的奥义,能吸纳强大灵魂来增强境界力量,这是冥皇族独有的奥义,也是如此,当年冥晧才是最适合御魂奥义修炼者,因为御魂,本就是灵魂奥义的一种最神奇的玄妙。 Only exchanges to suit my deep meaning the thing!” That middle-aged man, is narrowing the eye opens a seam, has sized up Shi Yan and Aodai Li, the disappointed darkness sighed one, light shout that did not bear: If no be not keeping off others' line of sight!” “只兑换适合我奥义的东西!”那名中年男子,眯着的眼睛睁开一条缝,打量了石岩奥黛丽一眼,失望的暗叹一声,不耐的轻喝:“没有的话就别挡着别人的视线!” He is in this transaction area, one of the only several Immortal Warrior, see Shi Yan and Aodai Li is only Origin God Boundary Warrior, guessed that they cannot put out any good thing, naturally does not have the good complexion, feared that Shi Yan and Aodai Li ink marks, block have the line of sight of rare treasure of wind truly, therefore is disgusted. 他是这交易区内,仅有的几名不朽武者之一,一见石岩奥黛丽只是始神境武者,就猜测两人拿不出什么好东西,自然没有好脸色,又怕石岩奥黛丽墨迹,挡住真正有风之异宝者的视线,所以心生反感。 Was a pity that I have not suited his thing.” Aodai Li is quite reluctant to part, whispered low voice, then wants to leave to leave. “可惜我没适合他的东西。”奥黛丽颇为恋恋不舍,小声嘀咕了一句,便欲抽身离开。 In that jar three Origin God souls, have the greatly strengthened attraction to her, if integrated the innermost soul by her, could help her breakthrough to Origin God Second Sky Realm, three Origin God Third Sky Realm souls, power extremely astonishing, medicament that for her greatly makes up. 那瓮内三个始神灵魂,对她有着极强的吸引力,如果被她融入灵魂深处,或许能助她突破始神二重天境界,三个始神三重天境界的灵魂,力量极为的惊人,对她来说就是大补的药剂。 The Aodai Li graceful body moves, prepares to get out of the way, discovered that Shi Yan stays motionless, is surprised, small sound track: Did not need to waste the time.” 奥黛丽曼妙身子一动,才准备走开,发现石岩停留不动,不由惊讶起来,小声道:“不用浪费时间了。” That middle-aged man, body wave pattern is rolling, does not bear is staring Shi Yan, said: „Does boy do? Can be in the way inadequately?” 那中年男子,身上波浪花纹滚动着,也是不耐的瞪着石岩,道:“小子干什么?非要挡路不成?” Shi Yan cracks into a smile, forehead, ten strange Crystal Stone fall into his palm suddenly, that Crystal Stone glittering Lightning ray, above is covering entirely the round hole, in the hole hears the wind and thunder howling sound, emerges the strength of astonishing wind and thunder. 石岩咧嘴一笑,一点眉心,十来块奇异晶石骤然落入他掌心,那晶石闪烁雷光,上面布满圆孔,孔内传来风雷呼啸声,涌现惊人的风雷之力。 The wind and thunder stone, is that Thunder Xiaoxing territory Chen Family livelihood wonder stone, when is the Immemorial Thunder Dragon Reddy skeleton is quiet, communicates the strength of wind and thunder Thunder Xiaoxing the territory crystal wall is in sole possession, several thousand years breed to congeal slowly, the deep meaning of Reddy cultivation thunder, but that region is the astral wind is violent, he and in the astral wind unconscious resistance, has formed the wind and thunder stone marvelously. 风雷石,正是那雷霄星域陈家赖以生存的奇石,也是太古雷龙雷迪骨骸沉寂时,沟通雷霄星域晶壁独有的风雷之力,数千年时间慢慢孕育凝结出来的,雷迪修炼雷之奥义,可那区域却是罡风猛烈,他和罡风不知不觉的对抗中,奇妙形成了风雷石。 The wind and thunder stone, most suits the fusion wind and wonder stone of thunder deep meaning, can significantly promote power , to promote the deep meaning the comprehension ability. 风雷石,是最适合融合风、雷奥义者的奇石,能大幅度提升力量,增进奥义的领悟能力。 That middle-aged man, this desire exchanges the deep meaning of rare treasure wind, or the material of deep meaning of thunder, has not thought can see the wonder stones of the nature fusion winds and thunder two types of consciousness, in instant that that wind and thunder stone presents, his then complexion one dull, immediately changed a smiling face. 那中年男子,本欲兑换风之奥义异宝,亦或者雷之奥义的材料,可没想到过能见到自然界融合风、雷两种苏醒的奇石,在那风雷石出现的霎那,他便脸色一呆,立即变了一张笑脸。 Little brother, this Crystal Stone can exchange, your ten wind and thunder stones give me, this liquor jar you can carry off give to your woman, that three Origin God Third Sky fellow, chased down me in the past, has not expected my breakthrough to arrive at Immortal exactly, then completely was struck to kill by me, cancelled Soul Consciousness, became the pure soul group......” he smilingly explained. “小兄弟,这晶石可以兑换,你这十块风雷石给我,这酒瓮你可以带走送给你的女人,那三个始神三重天的家伙,当年追杀我,没料到我恰恰突破不朽,便被我全部击杀,抹去了灵魂意识,成了纯粹的灵魂团……”他笑眯眯的解释。 Aodai Li sees Shi Yan to put out wind and thunder Stone to come, the chilly face had covered at that time entirely pleasantly surprised, if crazy, when to that man her was mistaken that is the Shi Yan woman, her elegant face one dull, at once covers entirely to blush, reveals rare tender and beautiful, neck is crimson a piece, the beautiful pupil gloss is rippling, somewhat distressed making excuses. 奥黛丽石岩拿出风雷石来,当时清冷的脸庞就布满了惊喜若狂,待到那男子将她误以为是石岩的女人,她俏脸一呆,旋即布满红晕,流露出罕见的娇艳,脖颈都绯红一片,美眸光泽荡漾着,有些狼狈的吱吱唔唔。 Her face hides thinly , is also embarrassed rarely, suddenly simply does not know not to know what to do. 她脸皮子薄的很,也难得受窘,一时间简直不知如何是好。 My woman......” Shi Yan cancould help laughing, admits whispered, then confidently accepted, said: That like this, this liquor jar I took away, the wind and thunder stone turns over to you.” “我的女人……”石岩哑然失笑,自言嘀咕了一句,便坦然接受,道:“那就这样了,这酒瓮我拿去了,风雷石归你。” Grins to laugh, he wind and thunder stone will lay aside, twists that to put three Origin God soul liquor jars, pulls the slender waist of Aodai Li, getting out of the way of vast complacent. 咧嘴大笑着,他将块块风雷石都放置下来,一手拧起那盛放三个始神的灵魂酒瓮,一手挽住奥黛丽的纤细腰肢,洋洋得意的走开。 Bastard! You drop!” The Aodai Li whole face rosy, bright eyes internal wave light is bright, stared his one eyes maliciously, sees peripheral nobody to pay attention, hurries to work loose, inspired, feigns to be calm: That thing, I need, that...... When I owe you, I later will give back to you.” “混蛋!你放手!”奥黛丽满脸娇红,明眸内波光熠熠,狠狠瞪了他一眼,一见周边没人注意,赶紧挣脱开来,吸了一口气,佯装镇定道:“那东西,我是非常需要,那个……就当我欠你的,我以后会还给你。” The words, her feeling pleased takes away from the Shi Yan hand the liquor jar, the eye shines, the surface is calm: Had these three Origin God Third Sky Realm souls, I can breakthrough to next Realm, not think really that the soul of this rank can sell unexpectedly! In there, their equivalent to God Clan 12 Family Head strengths, this Nihility Domain Sea, is really a fearful place.” 话罢,她喜滋滋的将酒瓮从石岩手中夺去,眼睛放光,表面淡定道:“有了这三个始神三重天境界的灵魂,我能突破到下一个境界,真没想到,这种级别的灵魂竟然能出售!在我们那里,他们相当于神族12家家主的实力,这虚无域海,真是个可怕之极的地方。” By Shi Yan that she shoves open forcefully, chuckled, shakes that had just been hugging the right hand of her waist, the eye fiery in her waist spot looked at one, ** bare sexually harasses this Ming Royal Family Princess cold and proud, you also know that owes me? Un, do you plan also? You also said before, my this person not female not happy, is extremely lascivious, your I wander in Outer Territory alone, is alone and friendless, you look, are we this intimately?” 被她强行推开的石岩,嘿嘿笑着,晃了晃那刚刚搂着她腰肢的右手,眼睛火热的在她腰身部位瞄了一眼,**裸的调戏起这冥皇族冷傲公主,“你也知道欠我的?嗯,那你打算怎么还?你之前也说了,我这人无女不欢的,极其好色,你我孤零零在域外游荡,也都举目无亲,你看,我们是不是该更亲密一点?” Aodai Li one dull, „is your so rascal really shameless?” 奥黛丽一呆,“你真这么无赖无耻?” „Didn't you already know?” Shi Yan is astonished however said. “你不是早就知道么?”石岩讶然道。 „Do you do right by your female friend? As far as I know, on that Grace Mainland, you have several to you foolish piece of woman, this leaves soon, you think loosely merry, did you pass your pass/test?” The Aodai Li serious tenderness drinks. “你怎对得起你的红颜知己?据我所知,在那神恩大陆上,你有好几个对你痴心一片的女人,这才离开不多久,你就想风流快活,你过得了你心里那一关么?”奥黛丽一本正经的娇喝。 A Shi Yan brow wrinkle, in the eye appears several gloominess, the silent half sound, said: How no one knows in the future, does not know whether to return to the wild territory, perhaps, they are unable to see me again, I do not know here, can lucky going on living, be able to cross well for day, can a happy day, such cross......” 石岩眉头一皱,眼中浮现几丝灰暗,沉默半响,才道:“谁也不知未来如何,也不知道能否重返荒域,或许,她们再也无法见到我,我也不知道在这里,能不能一直幸运的活下去,能好好过一天,能高兴一天,就这么过下去吧……” The understanding Nihility Domain Sea is deeper, he more realized that own tiny being incapable, seven big races keep aloof, has to endure compared with Desolate and Ancestor Territory of hui that rank exists, moreover direction that more than one, he small Origin God, before finding, whether to go on living safely is really the major problem. 虚无域海的了解越深,他越意识到自身的渺小无力,七大种族高高在上,都有堪比荒、虺那种级别的域祖存在,而且还不止一个,他一个小小的始神,在找到回去的方向之前,能否安然活下去真是大问题。 The complex environment of this place, making in his hearts the soul such as be cast the shadow, making him unable to think the future, has only thought well now. 此地的复杂环境,让他心间灵魂如被蒙上阴影,让他不敢去想将来,只想过好现在。 Sexually harasses to the Aodai Li spoken language, relaxes, one way of self- decompression, because of here, him always knows something, knows some people, can the great stress. 奥黛丽的言语调戏,也是自我放松,自我解压的一种方式,因为在这里,他每多知道一些事,知道一些人,都会压力巨大。 Also is so, he has the intense hope to Immortal pill, in the heart decided in secret that Immortal pill who will strive for in the Long Xi hand only to remain, the necessity will obtain one not at any cost, breakthrough as soon as possible to Immortal Realm! 也是如此,他才对不朽丹生出强烈渴望,心中暗中决定,将不惜一切代价争取龙蜥手中仅剩的不朽丹,必要得到一颗,尽快的突破不朽境界
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