GOS :: Volume #14

#1384: Long Xi Patriarch

Long Xi star. 龙蜥星内部。 A giant incomparable rock magma deep pool, roasts the fierce flame juice rolling to seethe with excitement, such as heat giant heart, in rock magma deep pool peripheral, has the red rocks of innumerable roasting, there are to fall Petrification is the juice melts. 一处巨大无比的岩浆潭,炙烈的火焰汁水滚滚沸腾着,如烧红的巨大心脏,在岩浆潭周边,有着无数块烤的通红的岩石,也有许多陨石化为汁水融掉。 The rock magma deep pool interior unit, hears ka ka the mastication sound, as if has terrifying Ferocious Beast, eats food in the deep water deep place. 岩浆潭内部,传来“咔咔”的咀嚼声,仿佛有着一头恐怖凶兽,在潭水深处进食。 Meteorites, following the peripheral giant cavern, flow in the rock magma deep pool interior unit, including a meteorite, in billowing meteorite common. 一块块陨石,顺着周边的巨大洞穴,流入岩浆潭内部,其中有一块陨石,在滚滚陨石内一点不起眼。 However in that meteorite, has Absolute Beginning Divine Tool to be unknown, at this moment, that meteorite, is the same with other meteorites, has slid cavern passage, falls into that such as the big heart rock magma deep pool interior unit, splashes the iron burning hot kerosene. 但是在那陨石内部,却有着一件太初神器不为人知,此刻,那陨石,和其余陨石一样,滑过洞穴通道,落入那如大心脏般的岩浆潭内部,溅起烙铁般炙热火水。 Nobody perceives that that meteorite three foot great cauldrons, are falling into the flash of rock magma deep pool, suddenly reduces trillion times, becomes a small luminous spot. 没有人觉察到,那陨石内部的三足巨鼎,在落入岩浆潭的一霎那,忽然缩小亿万倍,成一个小小的光点。 Also After a long time, no longer has the meteorite to fall, from nearby cave, flashes before five Immortal Second Sky Realm Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, after they come, respectful standing in rock magma deep pool peripheral, lowers the head to shout lightly, is summoning the appearance of Patriarch. 不知道过了多久,不再有陨石滑落过来,从旁边的石洞内,闪现五名不朽二重天境界龙蜥族族人,他们过来后,恭敬的站在岩浆潭周边,垂头轻呼,呼唤着老祖的出现。 long time, in the surface of that rock magma deep pool, the flame deep water ebullition, silhouette does not reappear together suddenly, goes out from rock magma deep pool interior. 多时,在那岩浆潭的表面,火焰潭水沸腾,一道身影骤然浮现出来,从岩浆潭内走出。 He has almost not distinguished with most Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, is only the skin such as the scarlet red stone, is covering entirely the grain, this obviously is not his true body, Clone that but congeals by power and soul, his true body, still sinks in the rock magma deep pool interior unit, sinks in Long Xi star most deep place. 他和大多数龙蜥族族人几乎没有区别,只是皮肤如赤红色石块,布满着石纹,这显然并非他的真身,只是以力量、魂魄凝结的分身,他那真身,依然沉在岩浆潭内部,沉在龙蜥星最深处。 Patriarch.” These Dragon Lizard Clan five Expert, see him to reappear, salutes together respectfully. 老祖。”那些龙蜥族的五名强者,见他浮现出来,一起恭敬行礼。 The Long Xi hair and beard cover, are the unusual red. A rock muscle block is percussive, the power still no small matter of this Clone interior implication, he looks to five clansmen, the sound like the thunderclap: You come together, was what person arrives?” 龙蜥头发、胡须茂密,呈奇特的红色。一身岩石般的肌肉块充满爆炸力,这具分身内部蕴含的力量依然非同小可,他看向五名族人,声如炸雷:“你们一起过来,是不是什么人到来了?” Patriarch, Soul Clan Xin Ge commanded.” A Dragon Lizard Clan clansman respectful sound track. 老祖,魂族辛格统领过来了。”一名龙蜥族族人恭声道。 „Did Xin Ge such already come?” The Long Xi look was dim, has hesitated, said: My main body just ate food. Also needs to digest some time, Xin Ge this coming, should that same old story, hope that we and their Soul Clan forms an alliance.” 辛格这么早就来了?”龙蜥眼神昏暗,沉吟了一下,道:“我本体刚进食完毕。还需要一段时间消化,辛格这趟过来,应该还是那老一套,希望我们和他们魂族结盟。” Patriarch, forms an alliance with Soul Clan, to us as if no fault.” That clansman small sound track. 老祖,和魂族结盟,对我们来说似乎没有坏处啊。”那名族人小声道。 Doesn't have the fault?” Long Xi snort|hum you have thought that Soul Clan so is easy getting along with? Once forms an alliance, my clan tied up with Soul Clan. Was dispatched by Soul Clan, still again does not have[ from] by. Xin Ge wants to form an alliance, regards as important Immortal pill, Immortal pill's quenching method, what a pity......” “没坏处?”龙蜥哼了一声“你以为魂族那么好相处?一旦结盟,我族就和魂族绑上了。受魂族调度,依然再没有〖自〗由可言。辛格想结盟,还有就是看重不朽丹,还有不朽丹的淬炼方法,可惜……” Patriarch, you in the boundary of Immortal peak, have the one pace to Ancestor Territory. But is unable to thoroughly comprehend Dark Energy, cannot become true Ancestor Territory, cannot achieve Ancestor Territory Realm, did not take a stand. Can Soul Clan, be disadvantageous to us?” Another humanity. 老祖,您在不朽巅峰之境,离域祖只有一步之遥。可是无法悟透暗能量,就不能成为真正的域祖,达不到域祖境界,迟迟不表态。魂族,会不会对我们不利?”另一人道。 The Long Xi complexion is serious, said: These years my main body deep sleep time, has not stopped to realizing from experience of Dark Energy, I always think also the poor crucial moment, but leaves that First Level...... Should extremely not be remote, once my breakthrough arrives at Ancestor Territory, did not need to pay attention to the Soul Clan manner.” 龙蜥脸色沉重,道:“这些年我本体沉睡的时候,也没有停止过对暗能量的体悟,我总觉得还差一点火候,但离那一层……应该不会太过遥远了,一旦我突破域祖,就再也不用理会魂族的态度了。” , He said: Immortal pill who ancestor leaves behind, only remains three. We hope that these three Immortal pill can receive in exchange for the mystery of some related Dark Energy, you told that all and comprehended the Dark Energy related books, memory, rare treasure and law to decide all sorts, first received in exchange for Immortal pill!” 顿了顿,他说道:“先祖留下的不朽丹,只剩三枚。希望这三枚不朽丹能够换取一些有关暗能量的玄妙,你们吩咐下去,所有和领悟暗能量有关的书籍、记忆、秘宝、法决种种,都优先换取不朽丹!” Five Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, nod, the manner is respectful. 五名龙蜥族族人,同时点头,神态恭敬。 They understand whether a second-class influence can advance into first-class. With having Ancestor Territory Realm has close connection, only then a tribal group has Ancestor Territory Expert, in luxuriant Star Sea. Truly has the basis of foothold. 他们明白,一个二流势力能否跻身一流。和有没有域祖境界存在密切关联,只有一个族群拥有域祖强者,在莽莽星海间。才真正有立足的根本。 This Xin Ge comes is early, a little does not gather the common sense, besides him, can have other strong race clansman to come?” Long Xi inquired. “这次辛格来的较早,有点不合常理,除了他外,可还有别的超强种族族人过来?”龙蜥询问。 Temporarily did not have.” These people shake the head. “暂时还没有。”那些人摇头。 Un, when I digest, can cover the entire Long Xi star by the soul. When the time comes, on this stars every action and every movement can know from A to Z, now you stare tightly, spreads the news, said that knows Dark Energy mystery, can first receive in exchange for Immortal pill, can be direct to see right in front of one me.” He told. “嗯,等我消化完毕,就能以灵魂覆盖整个龙蜥星。到时候,这星辰上一举一动都能了如指掌,现在你们都盯紧一点,将消息散布出去,就说知道暗能量玄妙者,可以优先换取不朽丹,可以直接过来面见我。”他吩咐道。 That five Immortal Second Sky Warrior, the respectful nod, one by one retreats at once. 那五名不朽二重天武者,恭敬点头,旋即一一退走。 When leaves to all people, he frowns, expression doubts looks to that rock magma deep pool, muttered to whisper: Just obviously induced to a weak soul fluctuation, but seeks carefully, does not have the mark to seek, strange, did I feel wrongly?” 待到所有人离开,他才皱着眉头,表情疑惑的看向那岩浆潭,喃喃低语道:“刚刚明明感应到一丝微弱的灵魂波动,可仔细寻来,又无迹可寻,奇怪,难道我感觉错误了?” Long Xi Realm is profound, the contraction of that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, submerges instant that in his main body distension of the abdomen, he perceives keenly. 龙蜥毕竟境界高深,那太初神器的收缩,没入他本体腹胀内的霎那,他敏锐觉察到。 Because that three foot great cauldron contractions is a point, causes all aura, mixes in that meteorite deep place, causing him not to grasp the key. 但因为那三足巨鼎收缩为一点,又引起所有气息,混入那陨石深处,导致他也没有把握到关键。 ...... …… In a Long Xi star mountain valley. 龙蜥星一处山谷中。 That mountain valley with is different, entire mountain valley restoration gorgeousness of very Shi Yan they are, under has numerous palaces, one crowd wears the loose black robe, Soul Clan clansman who only reveals the pale facial features, float grazing, the complete foot is not well-grounded, they live below palace. 那山谷和石岩他们所在的不一样,整个山谷修缮的很华美,底下有众多宫殿,一群身着宽松黑袍,只露出苍白面容的魂族族人,都悬浮着飞掠,全部脚不着地,他们就住在下面宫殿。 But in non- side cave. 而非旁边石洞内。 Entire mountain valley, only then the Soul Clan clansman, does not have other alien race clansman again, they wrested away a region, Dragon Lizard Clan have not arranged other people to disturb them. 整个山谷,也只有魂族族人,再没有别的异族族人,他们霸占了一个区域,龙蜥族没有安排其余人打搅他们。 Obviously, as one of the Star Sea seven big races, their treatments is far from the Shi Yan people may compare. 显然,作为星海七大种族之一,他们的待遇远非石岩众人可比。 In the valley, in the splendid palace, a whole body black robe binds the sinister and vicious old man of body, float in all round soul, these souls have the appearances of various clan clansmen , the shapes of many unusual animals, feared densely and numerously has several thousands, likely is a soul mountain. 谷内,富丽堂皇的宫殿内,一名浑身黑袍裹住身子的阴鸷老者,悬浮在团团魂魄上,那些魂魄有各族族人的模样,也有许多异兽的形态,密密麻麻怕是有数万之多,像是一座魂山。 He in the summit of soul mountain, indifferent looks at kneels to bend down in the clansman of place, said: How did the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman say?” 他就在魂山的山巅,冷眼看着跪伏在地的一名族人,道:“龙蜥族族人怎么说?” Commands the Sir, the head said that the Long Xi main body has not eaten food, making you wait a bit, said that after a period of time he will come to see right in front of one you personally.” That Soul Clan clansman said. “统领大人,那负责人说龙蜥本体还没有进食完毕,让您稍等,说过段时间他会亲自过来面见你。”那名魂族族人说道。 Snort!” The Xin Ge complexion is gloomy Long Xi also to prepare to continue to delay, delayed to his breakthrough Ancestor Territory that day, was really laughable, Ancestor Territory Realm so was how could it not be easy to enter into, if he can by his power breakthrough, already step. Perhaps three Immortal pill, want to exchange a breakthrough Ancestor Territory Realm chip, what a pity wishful thinking, Immortal pill, although is precious, but compared with the mystery of Dark Energy, was actually far from.” “哼!”辛格脸色阴森“龙蜥还准备继续拖延下去,拖延到他突破域祖的那一天,真是可笑,域祖境界岂非那么容易迈入,他如果能以自己的力量突破,早就迈过去了。三枚不朽丹,恐怕也是想兑换一点突破域祖境界的筹码,可惜只是痴心妄想,不朽丹虽然珍贵,但和暗能量的玄妙相比,却相差甚远了。” Commands, if this time his still agree did not take a stand, that can not know what to do?” That Soul Clan clansman inquired. “统领,如果此次他依然不肯表态,那要如何是好?”那名魂族族人询问。 The Xin Ge manner is cold, saying of gloomy and cold: This time, did not have was so easy, above was impatient, if he has not been willing to obey, naturally had the method to cope with him!” 辛格神态冷冽,阴冷的说道:“此次,没那么容易了,上面已经没耐心了,如果他还不肯就范,自然有方法对付他!” He waves, narrows the eye slightly, said: Was good, gets down, I want peaceful a while.” 他挥挥手,微微眯眼,道:“行了,下去吧,我要安静一会儿。” That Soul Clan clansman draws back respectfully, dodges vanishes, such as the soul was loose. 那名魂族族人恭敬退开,一闪就消失,如魂魄散了。 Xin Ge hesitated, mind changed, in the soul mountain under his body, a wisp of ghost reappeared, that ghost body was tall, the appearance was thin, soul body illusory twist and sway was motionless, candlelight that such as must be defeated and dispersed. 辛格沉吟了一下,心神变动,在他身下的魂山内,一缕幽魂浮现出来,那幽魂身子颀长,模样消瘦,魂体虚幻扭摆不动,如要溃散的烛火般。 The ghost appears swiftly, opened mouth attracts, neighbor souls will swallow, that fuzzy silhouette rapid congealing reality, becomes firm thick like the dark clouds. 幽魂倏一浮现,张口一吸,将附近的一个个魂魄吞掉,那模糊的身影迅速凝实,变得坚厚如黑云。 Spirit snake flame, departs from the Xin Ge corners of the mouth suddenly, chi chi burning down that ghost, just congealed a solid ghost face pain, is struggling in that flame, was calling out pitifully sad and shrill, such as was being burnt down the soul core by the fire of karma, silhouette rapidly became dim. 一条灵蛇般的火苗,忽然从辛格嘴角飞出,嗤嗤的焚烧那幽魂,刚刚凝实的幽魂一脸痛楚,在那火苗内挣扎着,凄厉惨叫着,如被业火焚烧着灵魂核心,身影又迅速变得黯淡起来。 Ming Hong, didn't agree say?” Is Xin Ge sneering „the entrance of wild territory where? So long as you spoke the truth, I can guarantee that made your soul be separated from me, gave you a home to return to properly.” 冥鸿,还是不肯说吗?”辛格冷笑着“荒域的入口到底在何处?只要你老实说出来,我可以保证让你灵魂脱离我,给你一个妥善的归宿。” The ghost becomes fuzzy, cotton cloud that such as must dissipate, the face of his illusory toward Xin Ge, the sound said weakly: Have not thought that I am the soul mark thoroughly disappear, will not inform you wild territory entrance. If not my deep meaning is unusual, you already refine me, by the techniques of your unique seizing the soul, strips my remembering. What a pity you also know, once I lose the consciousness, the soul can be defeated and dispersed, your anything cannot obtain.” 幽魂变得模糊,如要消散的云棉,他那虚幻的面孔朝着辛格,声音虚弱道:“你别想了,我就算是灵魂印记彻底消失,也不会将荒域入口告知你。若非我奥义奇特,你早就将我炼化,以你们独特的拘魂之术,来剥离我的记忆了。可惜你也知道,一旦我失去意识,灵魂会自我溃散,你什么也得不到。” Why Ming Hong? Ancestor Territory of wild territory is the Absolute Beginning life Desolate, moreover is at the condition divided state, if the Desolate destroying completely subdues by our Soul Clan, your life standard can also extricate, your desperately covers is not putting, what advantage has with you?” Xin Ge knits the brows to say. “何必呢冥鸿?荒域的域祖太初生灵荒,而且处于状态分裂状态,荒如果被我们魂族给灭掉收服,你的命格也能解脱,你死命的捂着不放,与你有什么好处?”辛格皱眉道。 Ming Hong smiles „the conduct policy of your Soul Clan grieved, when I don't know? If told you wild territory entrance, our that territory, 10000.00000001 trillion lives will turn into your soul strength, how could did the person survive? Hehe, I despaired in any case, you must extinguish my soul to extinguish, wants to know that the wild territory entrance, do not have a dream!” 冥鸿惨然一笑“你们魂族的行事方针,当我不知么?如果告诉你荒域入口,我们那域界,10000000000010000生灵都会变成你们的魂力,岂能有一人存活下来?嘿嘿,我反正绝望了,你要灭我魂魄就灭吧,想知道荒域入口,你就别做梦了!” „To die is not easy!” Xin Ge grins fiendishly. “想死也没那么容易!”辛格狞笑。 That flame transmits suddenly roasts the fierce meaning, the weak soul body of Ming Hong rapidly is defeated and dispersed, he in painful pitiful yell, brutal is suffering. 那火苗骤然传来炙烈之意,冥鸿的虚弱魂体又迅速溃散,他在痛苦的惨叫着,被惨无人道的折磨着。 Ming Hong, you are waiting to me, I can certainly find the wild territory to enter.! I will let your looks at, looks at our Soul Clan refining up the Desolate, extinguishes the wild territory life completely broken, I must make you witness irresistible of my clan with own eyes!” Xin Ge crazy was clamoring, the whole body arrogance rose dramatically. 冥鸿,你给我等着,我一定能找到荒域入。!我会让你看着,看着我们魂族将荒炼化,将荒域生灵全部碎灭,我要让你亲眼见证我族的不可抗拒!”辛格疯狂的叫嚣着,浑身气焰飙升。 You should better regains consciousness before the Desolate thoroughly the fusion seek, the Desolate that otherwise, fully restores, will let your Soul Clan life extinguish, I also want to take a look, to have a look at your Soul Clan and Desolate, who can win finally.” Ming Hong was calling out pitifully, has not forgotten to speak the counter-attack, he as if knows that Xin Ge will not extinguish his complete soul. “你最好在荒彻底苏醒融合之前寻到,否则,完全恢复过来的荒,会让你魂族生灵涂炭,我也想看看,看看你们魂族和荒,谁能最终获胜。”冥鸿在惨叫中,还不忘出言反击,他似乎知道辛格不会真的将他完全魂灭。 You think the Absolute Beginning life that the heavy losses split, does want thoroughly to restore to be very easy? Hehe, you felt relieved that it does not have absolutely simply is so easy to restore to come, I will show that looked to you, even if no you to direct, our Soul Clan, can still capture the wild territory, will be wild building up!” “你以为重创分裂的太初生灵,想要彻底恢复很容易?嘿嘿,你放心吧,它绝对没那么简单容易恢复过来,我会证明给你看,就算是没有你指引,我们魂族,依然能将荒域夺得,将荒给炼化!” Under, Xin Ge also said: If can refine it, I can not probably comprehend, same grasps Dark Energy, can breakthrough to Ancestor Territory Realm, become my clan new Ancestor Territory exists! Ming Hong, your looks at, I must enter into Ancestor Territory Realm compared with anybody well quickly!” 顿了下,辛格又道:“如果能炼化它,我就能不需领悟,一样掌握暗能量,能突破域祖境界,成为我族一个新的域祖存在!冥鸿,你好好看着吧,我会比任何人都要快的迈入域祖境界!” coldly snorted, he also said: Besotted Long Xi, thinks that breakthrough Ancestor Territory is so easy, my clan has Ancestor Territory Expert to exist, I stagnate for many years, he also thinks breakthrough Ancestor Territory, simply dream of a fool!” 冷哼了一声,他又道:“执迷不悟的龙蜥,以为突破域祖那么容易,我族有域祖强者存在,我都停滞多年,他也想突破域祖,简直痴人说梦!” ...... ……
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