GOS :: Volume #14

#1383: Immortal pill

Shi Yan the space soul centered on Dark Energy will fluctuate together, irons three foot great cauldron surfaces in that meteorite quietly, at once and Aodai Li one and sits Heavenly Eye Clan fire Jing Yun Zhou, looks at that helplessly is hiding the Absolute Beginning Divine Tool meteorite, submerges toward a Long Xi star enormous cavern. 石岩将一道以暗能量为核心的空间灵魂波动,悄悄烙在那陨石内部的三足巨鼎表面,旋即和奥黛丽一并坐上天目族的火晶云舟,眼睁睁的看着那块藏着太初神器的陨石,往龙蜥星一处极大洞穴没入。 His mark uses Dark Energy as the cornerstone, was not given the repel by three foot great cauldrons, he can induce the relation through the soul. 他印记以暗能量为基石,不被三足巨鼎给排斥,他能通过灵魂感应到联系。 We walk from here.” looks at that meteorite that Yi Fulin also extremely accepts as a memento vanishes, then aims at a cavern, that hole ** has the Dragon Lizard Clan white bone battleship, has the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman to wait. “我们从这边走。”伊夫林也极为留念的看着那陨石消失,然后指向一处洞穴,那洞**有龙蜥族的白森森骨质战舰,有龙蜥族族人在守候。 The strange ship, battleship and vehicle, the load bearing numerous unusual race clansmen, are following similar cavern, falls to the Dragon Lizard Clan stars. 许多稀奇古怪的船、战舰、车子,承载着众多奇特种族族人,都顺着许多类似的洞穴,落向龙蜥族的星辰内部。 The Long Xi star outer layer does not have the cloud cluster mist, by stars direct exposure that the broken star and meteorite congeal in Star Sea, these flood in the Long Xi star cavern, majority in absorb meteorite, the small part as the entrance of reception, comes people to introduce the Long Xi star Outer Territory. 龙蜥星外层没有云团雾气,以碎星、陨石凝结的星辰直接暴露在星海,那些充斥在龙蜥星的洞穴,大部分都是在吸纳着陨石,小部分作为接待的入口,将域外来人引入龙蜥星。 „Do we, directly enter the stars?” Aodai Li is astonished however. “我们,直接进入星辰内部?”奥黛丽讶然。 In God Bless Continent, the Ming Royal Family clansmen live on the stars, but in the total darkness stars, her consistent general knowledge, not misleading her into thinking that also will arrive at the Long Xi star surface. 神泽大陆,冥皇族族人都生活在星辰上面,而不是在暗无天日的星辰内部,她一贯的常识,让她误以为也会降临龙蜥星表面。 But she discovered that these strange alien race clansmen, following cave, directly submerge the interior that the Long Xi star hollows out, this lets her is very surprised. 但她发现,那些稀奇古怪的异族族人,都是顺着石洞,直接没入龙蜥星镂空的内部,这让她很是惊奇。 Naturally, the Long Xi star outer layer is the meteorite and Star Shards, had not been restored by Dragon Lizard Clan, Dragon Lizard Clan also lives in the stars.” Yi Fulin explanation naturally. “当然,龙蜥星外层都是陨石和星辰碎片,没有被龙蜥族修缮过,龙蜥族也都生活在星辰里面。”伊夫林自然而然的解释。 Quick, their fire Jing Yun Zhou arrives at the entrance hole to live in caves, takes out that bangle by Ma Xisha, then Yi Fulin had confessed two, Dragon Lizard Clan that guarded on the nod feels relieved. 很快,他们的火晶云舟就来到入口洞穴处,由玛希莎取出那手镯,然后伊夫林交代了两句,龙蜥族的那名守卫就点头放心了。 Fire Jing Yun Zhou across the First Level dusky airless space, falls into a giant abyss at once, that abyss imitates, if grand incomparable mountain valley, peripheral is ring-like stone wall, in stone wall has many cave entrance, in each cave entrance faintly has various clan clansmen to move. 火晶云舟穿过一层灰蒙蒙的真空区,旋即落入一处巨大的深渊,那深渊仿若壮阔无比的山谷,周边都是环形的石壁,石壁上有着许多洞口,每一个洞口内都隐隐有各族族人在活动着。 The mountain valley, there is a smooth anchoring area, their fire Jing Yun Zhou stops in one pile of strange galaxy battleship places, then a Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, has looked at their bangle command token, a summon clansman, making them lead Yi Fulin and the others to fall fully. 山谷内部,有平整的停泊区,他们的火晶云舟就停在一堆稀奇古怪的星河战舰处,然后一名龙蜥族的族人,看过他们的手镯令牌,就召唤一名族人,让他们带伊夫林等人去落足点。 Then Shi Yan discovered that they under these Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen's leadership, arrives at a cavern that sees along the way, after entering the cavern, discovered that is quite broad, the location that several size stone chambers, cultivation sits in meditation, the scrubbing bathing area, refines the goods area to have everything expected to find. 然后石岩就发现,他们在那些龙蜥族族人的带领下,也来到沿途所见的一个洞穴,进入洞穴后,才发现内部极为宽阔,有十几个大小不等的石室,修炼静坐的场地,洗刷沐浴区,炼制物品区应有尽有。 „The Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, lives in the cavern, because this Long Xi star is built by the broken star and meteorite, therefore did not have a stars surface saying, did not have any plant insect, only then forcefully congealment in broken star fragments and meteorite block together . Moreover the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman liked having to do with the stone inborn, Pi Jianrou was thick, they liked living in cave.” After Dragon Lizard Clan clansman of that leading the way leaves, Yi Fulin smile explanation. 龙蜥族的族人,都生活在洞穴内部,这龙蜥星因为是由碎星、陨石堆砌而成,所以没有星辰表面一说,也没有任何植物虫豸,只有强行凝结在一块儿的碎星残片、陨石块,而且龙蜥族族人天生喜欢和石头打交道,一个个皮坚肉厚,他们喜欢在石洞内生活。”在那名引路的龙蜥族族人离开后,伊夫林微笑解释。 Their caverns, at the cliff side of circular ring, the Shi Yan sensation, had discovered that this entire region looks like a giant teacup, the cup bottom is that anchors the battleship and War Chariot platform, on cup inner wall chisels the innumerable caverns, various clan clansmen who is used to receive. 他们所处的洞穴,处在圆环形的石壁一方,石岩感知了一下,发现这整个区域就像是一个巨型的茶杯,杯底就是那停靠战舰、战车的平台,杯子内壁上凿开无数洞穴,都是用来接待过来的各族族人的。 They looked with rapt attention that can discover in them opposite, about each region, has cave, has with their same lives is whispering, in according to strange language exchange. 他们凝神去看,可以发现在他们对面,左右每一个区域,都有石洞,都有和他们一样的生灵在交头接耳,在以许多稀奇古怪的语言交流。 Remembers with the Shi Yan imprint Ma Xisha language that discovered the language of many life exchange he cannot understand, these people are the languages that the use is in sole possession, not in the Shi Yan memory range. 石岩烙印玛希莎语言记忆,发现其中很多生灵交流的语言他还是听不懂,那些人都是使用独有的语言,不在石岩的记忆范围内。 In the surrounding stone wall cavern, lives the Spiritual Qi breath to be formidable, Source God, Void God and Origin God Boundary is in the majority, there are achieves Immortal Realm much, but is almost Immortal First Sky Realm, has not felt Immortal Second Sky Expert aura. 周围石壁洞穴内,许多生灵气息强大,源神虚神始神境界者居多,也有不少达到不朽境界者,但几乎都是不朽一重天境界,没有感觉到一个不朽二重天强者气息 Dragon Lizard Clan clansman of reception, Realm merely is only Void God and Origin God, is responsible for arranging these clan clansmen's recuperation in respective cave. 接待的龙蜥族族人,境界都仅仅只是虚神始神,负责安排那些各族族人在各自的石洞内休整。 Thousand people, achieve Immortal Realm probably, has dozens, but also is Immortal First Sky.” Aodai Li is narrowing the eye slightly, the soul fluctuation releases, quick had the conclusion, at once amazed say|way: Realm is not specially profound.” “大概有千人,达到不朽境界者,只有数十个而已,还都是不朽一重天。”奥黛丽微微眯着眼睛,灵魂波动释放出来,很快就有了结论,旋即惊诧道:“境界也不是特别高深啊。” Yi Fulin expression one startled, deeply looks to her your trivial Origin God First Sky Realm cultivation base, can realize these many?” 伊夫林神色一惊,深深看向她“你区区始神一重天境界修为,能察觉到这么多?” Aodai Li shows neither approval nor disapproval. 奥黛丽不置可否。 Yi Fulin dark startled, restraining the meaning of contempt, explained earnestly: „Our is only a region, has many in Dragon Lizard Clan interior kind of region, the somewhat special region, only aims at these fierce races, said that here, is aims at the third-class race the place.” 伊夫林暗惊,收敛的了轻视之意,认真解释:“我们这只是一个区域,在龙蜥族内部这类区域有很多个,有些特殊的区域,只针对那些厉害的种族,这么说吧,这里,是针对三流种族的地方。” He formerly very much thought otherwise to Aodai Li, because Aodai Li benefits from Shi Yan, that Origin God First Sky Realm, is nothing to speak in his eyes. 他先前对奥黛丽很不以为然,因为奥黛丽只是沾石岩的光,那始神一重天境界,在他眼中真不值一提。 But by his Realm cultivation base, must understand thoroughly the personnel and strength in distribution this region immediately, is extremely difficult to achieve, but a Aodai Li soul revolution, the translucent showing details, made him immediately seriously panic-strickenly. 但以他的境界修为,要立即洞彻这区域的人员和实力分布,都极难做到,可奥黛丽灵魂一转,立即透亮的说明详情,当真令他惊骇之极。 He only knows that perhaps Aodai Li does not allow to look down upon, therefore the manner becomes discrete. 他这才知道,奥黛丽恐怕也不容小视,所以态度变得谨慎起来。 Similar region, many?” The Aodai Li chilly face appears panic-strickenly. “类似的区域,还有很多?”奥黛丽清冷的脸庞浮现惊骇。 Naturally, for example does the Water Clan person, you cross obviously? They and Dragon Lizard Clan are on good terms, in a better region, if the clansmen of other Soul Clan and six big races come, will regard as the most honored guest by Dragon Lizard Clan, in the best region, by the Dragon Lizard Clan great person personally attendant.” Yi Fulin low-spirited say|way. “当然,譬如水族的人,你可见过?他们和龙蜥族交好,会在更好的区域,如果魂族和其余六大种族的族人过来,将会被龙蜥族视为最尊贵的客人,会在最佳的区域,被龙蜥族的大人物亲自陪侍。”伊夫林黯然道。 Their Heavenly Eye Clan, is only the third-class race, might as well Dragon Lizard Clan is fierce, naturally cannot attach great importance, arranges to have the small space to here, was good. 他们天目族,只是三流种族,还不如龙蜥族厉害,自然不会被重视,安排到这里有一席之地,也算是不错了。 Heart inside would regretting, can dispirited...... 只是,心里面总会有所遗憾,会颓丧…… They talked, other race clansman also exchanged in the respective cavern , many people arrived one after another, was being arranged by the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, stopped over in the different caverns separately. 他们交谈的时候,别的种族族人也在各自洞穴交流,也有许多人陆陆续续到来,被龙蜥族族人安排着,分别在不同的洞穴落脚。 In these battleship berths, lotus flower giant jade stage vacant, some Warrior sit well in each corner of lotus throne, lowers the head not saying that before their bodies, is often placing some cultivation materials, or medicinal pills lumber, ancient book God Weapon, rare crystal, insufficient only. 在那些战舰停泊处,有一处莲huā般的巨大玉台被空置着,有一些武者端坐在莲台的各个角落,垂着头不言,在他们的身前,往往都摆放着一些修炼材料,或是丹药木材,或是典籍神兵,或是稀罕的晶体,不足唯一。 „Is that?” Shi Yan is pointing at that lotus flower jade stage inquiry. “那是?”石岩指着那莲huā般的玉台询问。 Various clan clansmen require time, Long Xi eat food also to require the time, holding of grand meeting after the people will arrive in full roughly, before then, coming the person to wait in the respective cavern, naturally, Dragon Lizard Clan will have other arrangements, that lotus throne, to various clan clansmen[ from] by exchanging the cultivation material will be established, if anybody will have the rare wonderful treasure, oneself will have no need, can bring to exchange......” “各族族人过来需要一个时间,龙蜥进食完毕也需要时间,盛会的举行会在众人大体到齐之后,在此之前,来人都需在各自洞穴内等候,当然,龙蜥族也另有安排,那莲台,是给各族族人〖自〗由交换修炼材料建立的,任何人如果有稀罕的奇宝,自己又用不着,都可以拿来交换……” Yi Fulin explained with a smile that he said: Comes the person, is interested to Dragon Lizard Clan Immortal pill, I lead the junior sister to come, is the hope can receive in exchange for a Dragon Lizard Clan Immortal pill, naturally, can successfully be really the difficult material.” 伊夫林笑着解释,顿了一下,他说道:“大多数来人,都是对龙蜥族不朽丹有兴趣,我带着师妹过来,也是希望能换取一枚龙蜥族不朽丹,当然,能不能成功实属难料。” Immortal pill?” Does the Aodai Li facial expression change countenance what intent?” 不朽丹?”奥黛丽神情动容“何意?” Yi Fulin looks to Ma Xisha, said: My junior sister at the boundary of Origin God Third Sky peak, perhaps if Dragon Lizard Clan Immortal pill, can breakthrough to Immortal Realm, this Immortal pill, in vast Star Sea, be rare object, seven big races not necessarily have.” 伊夫林看向玛希莎,说道:“我师妹处在始神三重天巅峰之境,如果有一枚龙蜥族不朽丹,或许就能突破不朽境界了,这不朽丹,在浩瀚星海间,都是奇物,就连七大种族都不一定存有。” Such remarks, the Shi Yan body shakes loudly, shouts to clear the way: Can breakthrough Immortal medicinal pills? How possible? This Realm, how could crossed by medicinal pills, is impossible!” 此言一出,石岩身躯轰然一震,喝道:“能突破不朽丹药?怎么可能?这种境界,岂能以一枚丹药渡过,绝不可能!” You, if knows that Immortal pill's quenching has how harshly, perhaps believed.” The Yi Fulin forced smile refines the Immortal pill's method, until now is the unsolved mysteries, it is said only then the Absolute Beginning life knows, only then Expert of Ancestor Territory rank can refine, Immortal pill at least is based on one to have trillion life survivals the stars of seven levels of life, gets rid by Ancestor Territory rank Expert, refining up the stars and the above trillion lives life together, refining up medicinal pills size, the stars and trillion life souls seven levels of life, heaven and earth energy on stars constitutes Immortal pill together, seizes the good fortune of heaven and earth, letting beginning Shen Wu breakthrough Immortal.” “你如果知道不朽丹的淬炼有多么的苛刻,或许就相信了。”伊夫林苦笑“炼制不朽丹的方法,至今都是未解之谜,据说只有太初生灵才知晓,也只有域祖级别的强者能炼制,不朽丹至少以一颗有亿万生灵生存的七级生命之星为基础,由域祖级别强者出手,将生命之星和上面的亿万生灵一起炼化,炼成一枚丹药大小,七级生命之星和亿万生灵魂魄,还有星辰上的天地能量一起构成不朽丹,夺天地之造化,让始神武者能突破不朽。” Does not attend to Shi Yan and Aodai Li panic-stricken desire certainly, he continues saying: Naturally, Immortal pill has enormously possibly makes Origin God peak Expert enter into Immortal, can succeed by no means absolutely. This must look at individual intelligence and talent, after swallowing Immortal pill, failure dying a violent death , many people.” 不顾石岩奥黛丽的惊恐欲绝,他继续道:“当然,不朽丹只是有极大可能让始神巅峰强者迈入不朽,并非绝对能成功。这还要看个人的资质和天赋,吞服不朽丹后失败暴死者,也有不少人。” Stopped, he looks all around, said with the language of wild territory low voice: Rumor, Absolute Beginning life ` lizard, reason that turns over to the ruins, with refining Immortal pill is related, he leaves Nihility Domain Sea, seeks for trillion lives the stars of seven levels of life to refine Immortal pill outside territory, but does not know that experienced anything, he fell from the sky in light of this. Long Xi also induces through the bloodlines, the flower fee long time found his remains, has been refined good several Immortal pill, about the matter that the lizard perishes, Long Xi does not clarify, until now is the puzzled riddles.” 停了一下,他环顾四周,小声以荒域的语言说:“传言,太初生灵‘蜥,之所以归墟,也和炼制不朽丹有关,他离开虚无域海,在外面域界寻找有亿万生灵的七级生命之星炼制不朽丹,但不知经历了什么,他就此陨灭了。龙蜥也是通过血脉感应,huā费漫长时间才找到他的遗骨,得到炼制好的十几颗不朽丹,关于蜥灭亡的事情,龙蜥也弄不清楚,至今都是不解之谜。” The Yi Fulin words said that Aodai Li face whiten used the trillion lives and seven levels of life stars of as the cornerstone, quenchings medicinal pills, this lizard, was simply crazed! This Immortal pill's refinement, radically is the extinguish life, but to accomplish Immortal Warrior, must sacrifice these many unexpectedly!” 伊夫林一番话讲完,奥黛丽脸色苍白“以亿万生灵和七级生命之星为基石,来淬炼一枚丹药,这蜥,简直丧心病狂!这不朽丹的炼制,根本就是涂炭生灵,只是为了造就一个不朽武者,竟要牺牲这么多!” Therefore Immortal pill is precious, the method of naturally, now refining is almost lost , the really unusual person refines crazed, is so Immortal pill attracts numerous life races to come , because knows its mystery. Reason that Soul Clan wins over Dragon Lizard Clan unceasingly, is the hope through Long Xi, learned that the Immortal pill's quenching method, what a pity, Long Xi said that he does not know, but, the Soul Clan person thinks that he conceals desirably......” “所以不朽丹才珍贵啊,当然,如今炼制的方法几乎失传,也甚少有人丧心病狂的炼制,也是如此不朽丹才吸引众多生灵种族过来,就是因为知道它的神奇。魂族之所以不断拉拢龙蜥族,也是希望通过龙蜥,获知不朽丹的淬炼方法,可惜,龙蜥说他也不知,不过,魂族的人以为他是刻意隐瞒……” Immortal pill in Long Xi hand, altogether also how many?” Silent for a long time Shi Yan, shouted to clear the way suddenly, the eye was splendid, said: I must as soon as possible breakthrough Immortal, otherwise in this Star Sea, seriously step by step difficult, that Immortal pill, I exerts its utmost!” 龙蜥手中的不朽丹,一共还有多少枚?”沉默许久的石岩,突然喝道,眼睛熠熠生辉,道:“我要尽快突破不朽,否则在这星海内,当真步步艰难,那不朽丹,我势在必得一枚!”
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