GOS :: Volume #14

#1382: Seven big race

Soul Clan? Seven big races? It seems like among Star Sea is flooding many our unknown places, you mentioned to me in detail listen.” 魂族?七大种族?看来星海间充斥着许多我们未知之处,你详细给我说来听听。” On meteorite, that Water Clan huge crystal ball, if fluctuating the blister, glittering the blue halo, is going toward the front line quietly, the speed promotes gradually, Shi Yan with rapt attention is focusing attention on, suddenly shouted lightly. 陨石上,那水族的巨大水晶球,如浮动着的水泡,闪烁着蓝色光晕,悄然朝着前方行去,速度逐渐提升,石岩则是凝神注目着,忽然轻呼道。 He is newly-arrived, smatters to Nihility Domain Sea many general knowledge, if no introduction of Heavenly Eye Clan Yi Fulin, the following traveling schedule will possibly make some accidents, therefore before entering the Dragon Lizard Clan territory, he needs to clarify this place the general knowledge, achieves in the heart confident. 他初来乍到,对虚无域海的许多常识都一知半解,如果没有天目族伊夫林的介绍,接下来的行程可能会闹出一些意外,所以在进入龙蜥族领地前,他有必要弄清楚此地的常识,做到心中有底。 Please comply with our matter.” Yi Fulin treats a matter seriously to say. “请你答应我们一件事情。”伊夫林郑重其事道。 What?” Shi Yan knits the brows. “何事?”石岩皱眉。 I can dispel doubt for you with all one's heart, tells you all that I know in detail, but requested earnestly you, if one day can enter into Ancestor Territory Realm, received our Heavenly Eye Clan clansman is the disciple.” Yi Fulin expression rare tight, eye is fixing the eyes on him, the innermost feelings are also extremely restless. “我可以为你尽心解惑,把我知道的一切都详细告诉你,但恳请你如果有一天能迈入域祖境界,收我们天目族一个族人为徒。”伊夫林表情罕见的紧张,眼睛紧盯着他,内心也是极为不安。 Heavenly Eye Clan in vast Star Sea, is only the third-class race, their territory are flooding the bad risk, the clansman living conditions are very difficult, moreover in their territory peripheral, many are not weak in their races, both sides has the battle frequently, Heavenly Eye Clan does not have the superiority in the fight. 天目族在浩淼星海间,只是三流的种族,他们的域界充斥着凶险,族人生活环境很艰难,而且在他们域界周边,还有不少不弱于他们的种族,双方经常发生争斗,天目族在战斗中并没有优势。 In general, a race , if formidable, to obtain the high Level life and race approval, has a method. 一般来说,一个种族若想强大,若想得到高等级生灵和种族认可,只有一种方法。 In the clan is born true Expert! 就是族内诞生一名真正的强者 Heavenly Eye Clan still does not have existence of Ancestor Territory rank, this is they forever can only degenerate into the last stage the basic reason, must achieve Ancestor Territory Realm, must see clearly the Dark Energy true meaning, any understands clearly Dark Energy Expert. Mysteriously will not disclose. 天目族至今没有一个域祖级别的存在,这就是他们永远都只能沦为末流的根本原因,要达到域祖境界,必须要洞察暗能量真谛,任何一个洞悉暗能量强者。都不会将玄妙透露出来。 Only if prostrates oneself in the Expert subordinates, has such several points of possibilities, through accounting orally and guidance of Expert, tried to find out that the Dark Energy true meaning, some day also enters into the Ancestor Territory rank. 除非拜倒在强者麾下,才有那么几分可能,通过强者的口述和引导,摸索到暗能量的真谛,有朝一日也迈入域祖级别。 To Yi Fulin, the promotion of race is more important than anything, by their Heavenly Eye Clan nowadays the third-class strength, is very difficult to enter the true Expert discernment. It is not able to do obeisance into these to see clearly the Dark Energy Expert subordinates is the disciple. 伊夫林来说,种族的提升比任何事情都重要,以他们天目族现今三流的实力,很难入真正强者法眼。无法拜入那些洞察暗能量强者麾下为徒。 But Shi Yan, is a good choice...... 石岩,就是一个不错的选择…… Because of present Shi Yan, Realm is very low, if the preliminary gambling game detained, Shi Yan can in future breakthrough to Ancestor Territory Realm, then Yi Fulin gained in a big way, can seek a turning point to Heavenly Eye Clan, entered into the first-class race the possibility! 因为如今的石岩,境界还很低,如果前期押宝押中了,石岩能在未来突破域祖境界,那么伊夫林就赚大了,能够给天目族寻到一丝契机,一丝迈入一流种族的可能! Naturally. The premise is Shi Yan can breakthrough to that Realm, otherwise his help can commit to flames. 当然。前提是石岩突破到那境界,不然他的帮助都会付之一炬。 Yi Fulin is very intelligent, he knows that failed, at least can also relax the relations with Shi Yan, in the future will want few enemy, once will succeed, that was the entire Heavenly Eye Clan huge good fortune. 伊夫林很聪明,他知道就算是失败了,至少也能和石岩缓和关系,未来要少一个敌人,一旦成功,那就是整个天目族的天大福气了。 His these words said that Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha were the eye glisten, excited whole body trembled, simultaneously bowed politely unexpectedly toward Shi Yan. The anticipation plea of whole face. 他这番话讲完,亚当斯玛希莎都是眼睛闪亮,激动的浑身微颤,竟同时朝着石岩叩拜下来。满脸的期待恳求。 At this moment, Ma Xisha knows that the Yi Fulin vision, understands Yang Dangsi, although excels at the small schemes and tricks, why may listen to Yi Fulin at the important matter. 这一刻,玛希莎才知道伊夫林的眼光,明白亚当斯虽然擅长小阴谋诡计,可为什么在大事上都听伊夫林的。 The action of Yi Fulin today, once bet right, is the Heavenly Eye Clan entire race great good fortune, this let the vision admiration of Ma Xisha to this Senior Brother. 伊夫林今日之举,一旦赌对了,将是天目族整个种族大幸,这让玛希莎对这个师兄的眼界钦佩之极。 In the future will be too remote, I at present merely am only Origin God Boundary, you will bet in the future my breakthrough to Ancestor Territory Realm, can nothingness be too indistinct?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “未来太遥远,我目前仅仅只是始神境界,你赌将来我突破域祖境界,会不会太虚无缥缈了?”石岩讶然。 Yi Fulin forced smile. Said sincerely: By our Heavenly Eye Clan strength, does not have the qualifications to enter the true Ancestor Territory Expert eyeground, this is our sorrow, you, at least have provided a possibility to us, although very illusory, but always has that little hope to exist. This enough.” 伊夫林苦笑。诚恳道:“以我们天目族的实力,没资格进入真正域祖强者眼底,这就是我们的悲哀,你,至少给我们提供了一丝可能,虽然很虚幻,但总有那么一点点的希望存在。这就够了。” Good!” Shi Yan hesitation several seconds, comply decisively, I swore in this. If I one day enter into Ancestor Territory Realm, I promise you, in the future will receive your Heavenly Eye Clan clansman is the disciple, will teach his deep meaning true meaning devotedly.” “好!”石岩沉吟数秒,果断答应下来,“我在此立誓。如果我有一天迈入域祖境界,我答应你们,未来收你们天目族一名族人为徒,悉心教导他奥义真谛。” Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha bow politely by the Heavenly Eye Clan big ritual together, the facial expression is excited, such as saw that in the future the grand scene will be common. 伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎一起以天目族大礼叩拜,神情激动,如看到未来壮阔的场景一般。 Now gave me to say well.” Shi Yan urged. “现在给我好好说说吧。”石岩催促道。 If you hope......” “如你所愿……” The Yi Fulin manner is respectful, when this meteorite toward the Dragon Lizard Clan territory line, explained all that he knew to Shi Yan earnestly, explained Soul Clan and seven big races profound strange, explanation territory all sorts of marvelous, explained Absolute Beginning life the hearsay of some fragmentary phrases. 伊夫林神态恭敬,在这陨石朝着龙蜥族领地行去的时候,认认真真给石岩讲解他所知道的一切,讲解魂族和七大种族的玄奇,讲解域界的种种奇妙,讲解太初生灵的一些零星片语的传闻。 In the introduction of Yi Fulin, he knows that the Absolute Beginning time ends because of the terrifying fight of Absolute Beginning life, the later time, the mystical universe starry sky presents many race lives, these race lives do not have the Absolute Beginning life volume to be like that huge again, but these race life cultivation arrive at the pinnacle, can still achieve Absolute Beginning life that side rank. 伊夫林的介绍中,他知道太初时代因太初生灵的恐怖战斗终结,之后的时代,神秘的宇宙星空又出现许多种族生灵,那些种族生灵再也没有太初生灵那般体积庞大,但那些种族生灵修炼到极致,依然能达到太初生灵那边的级别。 In the later time, innumerable races flash before, many race also many and Absolute Beginning life a little relates, for example Dragon Lizard Clan is related with the lizard, similar also has, in numerous race lives, many life strengths is not quite outstanding, has the mysterious place. 在以后的时代,无数种族闪现,其中许多种族还多少和太初生灵有点联系,譬如龙蜥族就和蜥有关,类似的也有许多,在众多种族生灵中,许多生灵实力不太出众,却有玄妙之处。 For example the person clan, the battle efficiency is ordinary, the cultivation intelligence is ordinary, but can actually mix various clan blood, forms the brand-new life. 譬如人族,战斗力一般,修炼资质普通,但却能混合各族鲜血,形成全新生灵。 In numerous races, can divide Level in turn, strongest race, second-class race, third-class race, many are uncountable like the Heavenly Eye Clan third-class race, second-class race also dozens, but recognizes the strongest race, now has seven, is Soul Clan, Mysterious Heaven Clan, Black Devil Clan, Ancient Demon Clan, Devourer Clan, White Bone Clan and Phantom Clan. 众多种族中,可以依次分等级,最强种族,二流种族,三流种族,其中如天目族般的三流种族多不可数,二流种族也有数十个,但公认最强的种族,如今只有七个,为魂族玄天族黑魔族古妖族噬族白骨族魅影族 These seven big races, distribute in major territory, is distributed in Nihility Domain Sea each region, lords over Star Sea, has the mysterious unusual place respectively. 这七大种族,分布在各大域界,分布在虚无域海各个区域,独霸星海,各有玄妙奇特之处。 Soul Clan, Mysterious Heaven Clan, Black Devil Clan, Ancient Demon Clan, Devourer Clan, White Bone Clan and Phantom Clan are the strongest race in present Star Sea, the strength of recognition are outstanding, in the clan has Expert of Ancestor Territory rank, even more than one, Ancestor Territory following Immortal Realm also has, the strength overlapping arrangement, the equivalent is stern. 魂族玄天族黑魔族古妖族噬族白骨族魅影族是如今星海内的最强种族,公认的实力出众,族内都有域祖级别的强者,甚至于不止一个,域祖下面不朽境界者也有许多,实力层层叠叠的排列,等阶森严。 The clansmen of seven big races, walk in Star Sea, by other small and weak race awes, the second-class and third-class race will be attached to them, takes can climb up the relations with them for the honor, they strongly are also winning over the potential the second-class race, making it the cornerstone in clan. 七大种族的族人,在星海间行走,都会被其他弱小种族敬畏,很多二流、三流的种族都依附他们,以能和他们攀上关系为荣,他们也都在竭力拉拢有潜力的二流种族,令其成为族内的基石。 For example Expert that Soul Clan, that Water Clan clansman said that quite had the friendship with Long Xi, this Long Xi regained consciousness the feed, he will come from afar, saved must convince Long Xi, made the relations of Dragon Lizard Clan and Soul Clan is even more close, had better be able form an alliance officially. 譬如魂族,那名水族族人所言的强者,就和龙蜥颇有交情,这次龙蜥苏醒进食,他会千里迢迢而来,也是存着要说服龙蜥,令龙蜥族魂族的关系愈发紧密,最好能正式结盟。 Naturally, Soul Clan so-called forming an alliance, wants Dragon Lizard Clan to surrender actually they, becomes their Soul Clan dependency, such Dragon Lizard Clan receives their Soul Clan asylum, at crucial moment, Soul Clan comes across the matter, Dragon Lizard Clan also wants output air/Qi. 当然,魂族所谓的结盟,其实就是要龙蜥族投诚他们,成为他们魂族的附庸,这样龙蜥族就受他们魂族庇护,在关键的时候,魂族遇到事情,龙蜥族也要出点力气。 Waits for Yi Fulin Soul Clan stated clearly formidable that Shi Yan is difficult to cover on the face to shock, smiles bitterly to Aodai Li, „, if bumps into that person, must endure, both of us feared that cannot toss about water splash to come out.” 伊夫林魂族的强大言明,石岩难掩脸上震惊,不由对奥黛丽苦笑,“如果真碰到那人,还是,还是要忍忍,我们俩怕是折腾不出一点水花出来。” According to Yi Fulin, surpassed Immortal Realm is the Ancestor Territory rank, in life that the Absolute Beginning time has not withered away, was the Ancestor Territory rank, that means that in Soul Clan had at least 1-2 to achieve the Desolate and terrifying of hui this equivalent to exist, background of this race was hard to imagine simply. 按照伊夫林所言,超出不朽境界域祖级别,在太初时代没有消亡的生灵,也就是域祖级别,那意味着魂族内有至少一两名达到荒、虺这种等阶的恐怖存在,这种族的底蕴简直难以想象。 Perhaps is hui and Desolate goes to and Soul Clan confrontation, not necessarily can ask for the advantage, particularly the Desolate and hui, do not have one to be at the most flourishing condition, the Desolate is also during the fission. 或许就算是虺、荒去和魂族交锋,都不见得能讨到好处,尤其是荒和虺,都没有一个处于全盛状态,荒还处于分裂之中。 They have experienced the great strength of hui with own eyes, that fearful strength, such as the nightmare is simply common, that hui, at this time has not restored completely power, thinks that Soul Clan has to be equal to existence of hui, even more than one, he and Aodai Li a little creepy feeling, has a tiny feeling. 他们亲眼见识过虺的强大,那种可怕的实力,简直如噩梦一般,那虺,就连此时也没有恢复全部力量,想想魂族有等同虺的存在,甚至不止一个,他和奥黛丽都有点头皮发麻,顿生一种渺小感。 Relax, the i will do my best restraint, I am not silly.” Aodai Li is the whole face is also bitter and astringent. “放心吧,我会尽力克制,我又不傻。”奥黛丽也是满脸苦涩。 Then, listening to Yi Fulin to concern the introduction of Star Sea race, in him and Aodai Li conversation, under that the meteorite grazes, has seen on the way also many other alien race clansmen, finally in the meteorite class end point, is seeing a giant incomparable star, that star is very unusual, covers entirely the tattered and torn cavern, general that such as hollows out. 就这样,听着伊夫林关乎星海种族的介绍,在他和奥黛丽的交谈中,那身下陨石一路飞掠,途中也见过不少别的异族族人,最终在陨石流的终点,见着一个巨大无比的星球,那星球很奇特,布满千疮百孔的洞穴,如镂空的一般。 That is the Dragon Lizard Clan territory, the Long Xi star, in Nihility Domain Sea, will not have the complete stars, that Long Xi star is also congeals by the innumerable broken stars, is Long Xi by ** strength absorb meteorite broken star fragments, after many years stacks, turns into now this.” Yi Fulin explained. “那就是龙蜥族的领地,龙蜥星,在虚无域海内,不会有完整的星辰,那龙蜥星也是由无数碎星凝结而成,是龙蜥以**力吸纳陨石碎星残片,经过许多年的堆积,才变成现在这样的。”伊夫林解释。 Shi Yan eye one bright, discovers really so, that Long Xi star is giant, wants large number ten times compared with Grace Star, but stars surface has the innumerable gully slits, that is the crevice that the meteorite congeals, some numerous caverns, deep and quiet do not see the bottom, the number is also innumerable. 石岩眼睛一亮,发现果然如此,那龙蜥星巨大无比,比神恩星要大数十倍,但星辰表面有无数沟壑般的缝隙,那就是陨石凝结的夹缝,也有众多洞穴,深幽不见底,数也数不清。 earth yellow Long Xi star surface, these innumerable caverns transmit the adsorptive attraction, he discovered that is centered on the Long Xi star, peripheral Star Sea proliferates the meteorite class, floats toward the Long Xi star internal cavern, looks like a giant mouth, in embezzling the dissociation material in Star Sea. 黄色龙蜥星表面,那些无数洞穴都传来吸附力,他发现以龙蜥星为中心,周边星海遍布陨石流,都朝着龙蜥星内部洞穴漂浮,就像是一张巨大的口,在吞没星海内的游离物质。 Body of that Long Xi, big? Does his so-called feed, what refer to? Embezzles these meteorites completely?” Is seeing the Long Xi star, is listening to the explanation of Yi Fulin dull, Aodai Li such as the wooden chicken. “那龙蜥的身体,到底有多大?他所谓的进食,指什么?将那些陨石全部吞没么?”见到着龙蜥星,听着伊夫林的解释,奥黛丽呆如木鸡。 „The Long Xi body is enormous, um, under the meteorite our bodies is bigger than time, but is not the eternal truth Long Xi star generally is big. He at Long Xi star most deep place, attracts through the deep meaning pulls the meteorite, his feed does not gobble up the meteorite, but is meteorite special energy, these energy he can induce the absorption, the average man actually cannot, to the meteorite that he swallows, will turn into the stone chip, does not have energy will blast open, will turn into the Long Xi star part, possibly directly throws the nothingness place......” 龙蜥身体极大,嗯,比我们身下陨石大许多倍,但也不是真如龙蜥星一般大。他处在龙蜥星最深处,通过奥义来吸扯陨石,他的进食不是吞吃陨石,而是陨石内部的特殊能量,那些能量他能感应吸收,常人却不能,给他吞掉的陨石,会变成石屑,没能量的就会炸裂,会变成龙蜥星的一部分,也可能直接抛落虚无处……” Yi Fulin shows a faint smile, gives them to introduce marvelously, we will also enter the Long Xi star, in these special cavern mouths, has the clansman reception of Dragon Lizard Clan, they will arrange us to go to the place of grand meeting, we do not use careworn.” 伊夫林微微一笑,给两人介绍奇妙,“我们也会进入龙蜥星,在那些特殊洞穴口,有龙蜥族的族人接待,他们会安排我们去盛会之处,我们不用劳神。” This thing what to do?” Aodai Li has gawked , a face anxious look looks to the body. “这东西怎么办?”奥黛丽愣了下,一脸愁容看向身下。 Under their bodies that meteorite, the interior has three foot great cauldrons, this thing of unknown origin, actually definitely is Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, if also submerges the Long Xi abdomen, can have the trouble? 他们身下那块陨石,内部有三足巨鼎,这东西来历不明,却肯定是太初神器,如果也一路没入龙蜥腹部,会不会有麻烦? At least, they feared that can miss with this Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, what is most important, they are unable its to refine, is unable to take away. 至少,他们怕是会和这太初神器无缘了,最重要的是,他们无法将其炼化,也无法收走。 Temporarily discards, I will leave behind imprint above, the later matter, can only look at the divine intervention fate.” The Shi Yan fruit blocks the way. “暂时舍弃,我会留下烙印在上面,以后的事情,只能看天意运道了。”石岩果断道。
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