GOS :: Volume #14

#1381: Ming Hong

Aodai Li perceived keenly the situation is not wonderful. 奥黛丽敏锐觉察到情况不妙。 Her complexion suddenly becomes dignified, bright eyes rays of light dodges, shouted lightly: Shi Yan, the situation is not wonderful!” 她脸色骤然变得凝重,明眸光芒一闪,轻呼道:“石岩,情况不妙!” At this moment, these Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen, had not realized that the situation complex, only works as under this meteorite toward the crystal ball of Water Clan to be close, is Shi Yan and Aodai Li intentionally for it, must approach the Water Clan crystal ball intentionally, good to talk with the Water Clan clansman. 此刻,那些天目族的族人,还没有意识到形势的复杂,只当这身下陨石朝着水族水晶球接近,乃是石岩奥黛丽故意为之,是故意要靠近水族水晶球,好和水族族人交谈。 Un?” “嗯?” Awakens from the ponder, Shi Yan is startled, reveals the puzzled color. 从沉思中惊醒,石岩一怔,露出不解之色。 Aodai Li has referred to under the body, has referred to the front Water Clan crystal palace, bitter and astringent say|way: Soon...... Ran upon!” 奥黛丽指了指身下,又指了指前方的水族水晶宫殿,苦涩道:“快要……撞上了!” Such remarks, the Shi Yan look, finally is with amazement intense, the facial expression becomes extremely stern. 此言一出,石岩眼神骇然,终于紧张起来,神情变得极为严峻。 „, Aren't you able to control this meteorite?” Ma Xisha also saw subtly, complexion became make things difficult looked all of a sudden extremely that can hit really?” “呃,你们不会无法驾驭这块陨石吧?”玛希莎也看出微妙了,脸色一下子变得极为难看,“真要撞上去了?” She spoke, under the body the meteorite speed did not reduce, went toward that Water Clan crystal ball loudly. 她讲话的时候,身下陨石速度一点不减,朝着那水族水晶球轰然而去。 These were confident the joke the Water Clan good-looking man beautiful woman, from the beginning has not been serious Shi Yan their meteorites, when this meteorite is close, their also by far looks at this, seeing is the Heavenly Eye Clan clansman, but also shows the smiling face, because they and Heavenly Eye Clan have old, thinks that Yi Fulin comes to talk. 那些原本坦然笑谈的水族俊男美女,一开始并没有将石岩他们的陨石当一回事,在这陨石接近的时候,他们还远远看着这块,见是天目族的族人,还露出笑容,因为他们和天目族有旧,以为伊夫林过来是要交谈。 When to them discovered that meteorite to they extremely close time, has not decelerated as before, plunders at the extremely quick speed, these Water Clan men and women, turn hostile one by one, screamed startled. 待到他们发现那陨石离他们极为接近的时候,依旧没有减速,还是以极快的速度掠来,那些水族的男女,各个变脸,纷纷惊慌尖叫起来。 At this moment, under the Shi Yan body the meteorite is extremely quick, is extremely close to them, the Water Clan clansman wants to avoid at this time, probably a little without enough time. 此刻,石岩身下陨石极快,离他们太过接近,水族族人这时候想躲避,好像都有点来不及了。 Cannot run upon!” “不能撞上!” Yi Fulin yelled, Water Clan, although disposition is temperate. But they are not affable, they and Dragon Lizard Clan have been on good terms, offended them, we feared that enters the Dragon Lizard Clan territory unable!” 伊夫林大叫,“水族虽然性格温和。但他们并不好惹,他们和龙蜥族一直交好,得罪了他们,我们怕是连进入龙蜥族的领地都不能!” Shi Yan eyes suddenly becomes scarlet like the blood, a fluctuation of rushing, ripples from his mind, shortly, the peripheral meteorite will emerge an attraction. The recent several meteorites such as are receiving involving, stops up suddenly between them and Water Clan palaces. 石岩双眸骤然变得猩红如血,一股澎湃的波动,从他脑海内荡漾出来,顷刻间,周边陨石涌现一股吸引力。最近的几块陨石如受着牵扯,猛然间堵在他们和水族的宫殿之间。 Carefully protects itself!” Shi Yan calls out. “都小心防护自己!”石岩暴喝。 Yi Fulin and Aodai Li and the others, heard that said to think, offered a sacrifice to the God Body outer layer light cover, the power precise whole body, prepared to deal with the destruction fluctuation of meteorite hit. 伊夫林奥黛丽等人,闻言不及多想,都将神体外层光罩祭出,将力量凝炼全身,准备应付陨石撞击的毁灭波动。 However, lets matter that they stare dumbfounded, suddenly strange occurrence. 然而,让他们瞠目结舌的事情,突地诡异发生。 That obviously toward body next three foot great cauldrons of meteorite hits. At crucial moments, appears quietly a wisp of weak fluctuation, at once, under their bodies meteorite strange swaying from side to side direction, danger dangerous evaded that these keep off in their present meteorites, wonderfully to the summit has evaded. 那明明朝着一块块陨石撞击的身下三足巨鼎。在关键时刻,悄悄浮现一缕微弱的波动,旋即,他们身下陨石奇诡的扭动方向,险之又险的避过那些挡在他们眼前的陨石,妙至毫巅的避了过去。 The Heavenly Eye Clan clansman, these Water Clan clansmen, is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat, the expression is still shaken. 天目族族人,还有那些水族族人,都惊出一身冷汗,表情都惊魂未定。 In their hearts understands, under Shi Yan body that meteorite centered on three full jade cauldron. Even if has not dashed in the Water Clan crystal palace, even if only the hit on the meteorite between both, the terrifying complementary waves that large explosion forms, possibly cause two clan clansman casualties to be serious. 他们心中明白,石岩身下那块以三足玉鼎为核心的陨石。就算是没有冲撞在水族水晶宫殿,就算只是撞击在两者间的陨石上,那大爆炸形成的恐怖余波,都可能导致两族族人死伤惨重。 Large explosion of meteorite impact, is very difficult to withstand including Immortal Warrior, particularly in such near distance, Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin complexion blanch, knows, once bumps into truly, they may unable to support very much, by fragments of these explosions twisting smashing. 陨石冲击的大爆炸,连不朽武者都很难承受,尤其是在这么近的距离,亚当斯伊夫林都脸色发白,知道一旦真正碰上,他们很有可能也撑不住,被那些爆炸的碎片给绞成粉碎。 Fortunately. Most lets the matter that they are worried about, has not occurred. 还好。最让他们担心的事情,并没有发生。 Startled palpitates the restless people, approaches the Water Clan crystal ball on the meteorite gradually, but at this moment, that crystal ball extremely fast moves, such as by girls that the villain frightens, avoids their meteorites urgently. For fear that stains little side. 惊悸不安的众人,在陨石上渐渐逼近水族水晶球,而此刻,那水晶球极速挪动,如被恶棍吓到的少女,紧急避开他们的陨石。生怕沾上一点点边。 When they Shi Yan and the others were insane. 他们当石岩等人疯了。 Meanwhile, a delicate and pretty outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted man, departs from that crystal ball suddenly. The complexion woods are cold, fluctuate above their meteorite, sends a punitive expedition saying: Your was Heavenly Eye Clan insane? Must with our Water Clan battle, how otherwise dares so manic?” 同时,一名俊美阴柔的男子,从那水晶球内骤然飞出。脸色森寒,浮动在他们陨石上方,兴师问罪道:“你们天目族疯了么?是不是要和我们水族交战,不然怎么敢如此狂躁?” The Yi Fulin whole face is bitter and astringent, bows to salute hastily, said: „Sorry that the meteorites under our body, lost the control suddenly, otherwise so will not be anxious. You look, by our Realm cultivation base, this meteorite runs upon you, we could not live, we did not have insanely......” 伊夫林满脸苦涩,连忙躬身行礼,道:“很抱歉,我们身下的陨石,忽然失去了控制,要不然不会如此紧张。你看,以我们的境界修为,这陨石真撞上你们,我们也活不了,我们没疯……” He with that Water Clan man, with a new language exchange, that language Shi Yan and Aodai Li cannot understand, is confused. 他和那水族的男子,都是用一种新的语言交流,那语言石岩奥黛丽都听不懂,一头雾水。 What were they saying?” Aodai Li with wild territory language question. “他们在说什么?”奥黛丽以荒域语言问话。 You only understood that wild territory language, like this is very difficult to exchange with the person in the territory sea, words that does not mind, I share my language mark, you seize by the soul, how?” The Ma Xisha smile, felt relieved, the share between languages, without any risk, I opens, so long as you bind by the soul then.” “你们只懂得荒域语言,这样在域海很难与人交流,不介意的话,我分享我的语言印记,你们以灵魂攫取,如何?”玛希莎微笑,“放心,语言间的分享,没有任何风险,我开放出来,你们只要以灵魂裹住即可。” Does not have the issue.” Aodai Li to Shi Yan nodded, said: In our Ming Royal Family deep meaning, gives the peeling the soul memory, is not the great method, I also understood that many our remote places languages, is the method that used her to say.” “没问题。”奥黛丽石岩点了点头,说道:“在我们冥皇族的奥义中,将灵魂记忆给剥离,也不是什么了不起的手段,我也懂得很多我们那里偏僻之地的语言,就是利用她说的方法。” Un.” The Shi Yan facial expression nature, he also knows that this is only the small method, is nothing unusual. “嗯。”石岩神情自然,他也知道这只是小手段,不足为奇。 The Ma Xisha third eye wriggles slightly, a soul magnetic field releases, at once then sees one group of spooky obscure rays, appears from her eyes, that obscure ray is memory imprint, inside has different language fluctuations, so long as fuses the mind to remember that can know to the Outer Territory language immediately. 玛希莎第三目微微蠕动,一股灵魂磁场释放出来,旋即便见一团幽幽暗光,从她双眸内浮现出来,那暗光为记忆烙印,里面有许多不同的语言波动,只要融合脑海记忆,都能立即对域外语言有所认识。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li they, the mind fluctuates, releases Divine Sense separately, records the dark group of territory sea language to bind that two groups, draws in own mind, turns into own one to remember. 石岩奥黛丽两人,心神变幻间,分别释放出神识,将那两团记载着域海语言的暗团裹住,收拢进自己的脑海,变成自己的一份记忆。 All sorts of different languages, such as the electric current takes root in their mind generally, turns into their soul part. 一种种不同的语言,如电流一般在他们脑海扎根,变成他们的灵魂一部分。 Then, Shi Yan and Aodai Li they, have then understood the exchange of Yi Fulin and that Water Clan clansman, what they use is a Outer Territory common language, simple plain, is easiest to understand the exchange, the major races move in Outer Territory, mostly utilizes this general language. 然后,石岩奥黛丽两人,便听懂了伊夫林和那水族族人的交流,他们使用的乃是一种域外通用语言,简单古朴,也最容易理解交流,各大种族在域外内活动,大多都是运用这种通用的语言。 Language that you spoke, was the language of wild territory, you...... Comes from the wild territory?” “你们所讲的语言,可是荒域的语言,你们……来自于荒域?” Suddenly, that and Water Clan delicate and pretty man of Yi Fulin negotiation, the facial expression moves, reveals the amazed color, falls the vision suddenly to Shi Yan and Aodai Li they, color of the changing countenance. 忽地,那名和伊夫林交涉的水族俊美男子,神情一动,露出惊诧之色,冷不防将目光落向石岩奥黛丽两人,一副动容之色。 Good, we come from the wild territory, are you so how surprised?” Aodai Li said. “不错,我们来自于荒域,你怎么这么惊讶?”奥黛丽说道。 Before had a fellow in wild territory, went to our Water Clan territory, quite had the friendship with our Water Clan. However afterward, this person left, heard by Soul Clan Expert imprisoning, the fellow in that wild territory, to me...... Also the kindness, what a pity Soul Clan is too a little formidable, I am unable to give him any help.” “以前有一名荒域的家伙,去过我们水族的领地,和我们水族颇有交情。不过后来,此人离开了,听说被魂族的一名强者给囚禁了,那名荒域的家伙,对我个人……也有点恩惠,可惜魂族太强大,我无法给他任何帮助。” This delicate and pretty excessive Water Clan man, sighed however sighs, revealed the color of losing. 这名俊美的过分的水族男子,喟然一叹,流露出失落之色。 He deeply looks to Aodai Li, looked carefully for a long time, has been surprised the different way suddenly: Fellow, with you...... Should come from wild territory same race.” 他深深看向奥黛丽,仔细瞧了许久,忽然诧异道:“那家伙,和你……应该来自于荒域同一种族。” „?” Aodai Li beautiful pupil one bright, „can you know his name?” “哦?”奥黛丽美眸一亮,“你可知他的姓名?” Ming Hong! He called Ming Hong!” That person affirms to say. 冥鸿!他叫冥鸿!”那人肯定道。 The Aodai Li body shakes, the bright eyes are bright, show the unbelievable expression, unexpectedly, unexpectedly is he, he originally continuously here......” 奥黛丽身躯一震,明眸崭亮,露出难以置信的表情,“竟然,竟然是他,他原来一直在这里……” Who is he?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “他是谁?”石岩讶然。 Remembers that I and you have said that the ancient book record of my Ming Royal Family, said that has the ancestor to take a walk in the territory within the four seas, has discovered the alien race clansman, because actually the language is different, doesn't have the matter of exchange?” Aodai Li said. “记得我和你说过,我冥皇族的典籍记载,说有祖先在域海内走动,发现过异族族人,但却因为语言不同,没有交流的事情么?”奥黛丽道。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 That ancient book, is he records, he should be my ancestry, according to my mother view, before ten thousand years ago Bloodthirsty, our star territory should be our Ming Royal Family time, because of appearance of Bloodthirsty, lets our Ming Royal Family decline.” “那典籍,就是他记载的,算起来他应该是我祖辈了,根据我母亲说法,万年前嗜血未出之前,我们星域应该是我们冥皇族的时代,因为嗜血的横空出世,让我们冥皇族没落。” In that time, our Ming Royal Family many Expert falls from the sky, some people disappear do not see, the Ming Hong older generation it is said knew that the enemy of non- Bloodthirsty, escapes Nihility Domain Sea meditation, tries hard to save our Ming Royal Family unfavorable situation the general situation, what a pity...... He has not come back again, when we he had already fallen from the sky, he is our Ming Royal Family about Nihility Domain Sea knew deepest one person, that record, before is him, expresses in writing when the Nihility Domain Sea activity.” “在那个时代,我们冥皇族很多强者陨灭,也有人消失不见,冥鸿先辈据说自知非嗜血之敌,远遁虚无域海苦修,力图来挽救我们冥皇族失利的大局,可惜……他再也没有回来过,我们都当他早已陨灭了,他是我们冥皇族虚无域海了解最深的一人,那记载,就是他以前在虚无域海活动时抒写的。” Ming Hong Senior, my uncle Ming Hao first teacher, Ming Hao this name, according to my mother said actually is also he takes. He and my grandfather, probably father's cousin's sons, in the past in our Ming Royal Family, is an extremely extraordinary character.” 冥鸿前辈,其实还是我舅舅冥晧的第一个老师,就连冥晧这个名字,根据我母亲所说也是他取的。他和我祖父,好像还是堂兄弟,当年在我们冥皇族,也是一个极为了不得的人物。” Aodai Li explained slowly that the words arrived afterward, her complexion was firm and resolute, said: If possible, can find the Ming Hong older generation, road that we know!” 奥黛丽缓缓解释,话到后来,她脸色坚毅,道:“如果有可能,能找到冥鸿先辈,我们说不定就知道回去的路了!” Shi Yan eye one bright. 石岩眼睛一亮。 According to her, Ming Hong was the wild territory enters the Nihility Domain Sea worthy people of former times, several times had entered Nihility Domain Sea, and most whole bodies drew back, how naturally knew to come, how to return to the wild territory successfully, if can find this person, they can indeed clearly recognize the direction. 按照她所言,冥鸿可谓是荒域进入虚无域海的先贤,数次进入过虚无域海,并且大多数全身而退,自然知道如何进来,如何成功返回荒域,要是能找到此人,他们的确就能认清方向了。 Urged you not to think.” That Water Clan clansman, the knitting the brows head, said: He was imprisoned by Soul Clan Expert, turns into that Expert one of the nine big ominous souls, Soul Clan was too strong in Star Sea, that Expert is also fearful, I do not dare to provoke, not to mention your kids.” “劝你们别想了。”那名水族的族人,皱了皱眉头,说道:“他被魂族一名强者囚禁,变成那强者的九大凶魂之一,魂族星海间太强了,那名强者也非常可怕,我都不敢招惹,更别提你们这些小家伙了。” Has stopped, he snort|hum, said: Looked that came from in you and he same territory, your impulsive incident, advised politely your one, should better forget my words that do not go to provoke that Soul Clan fellow, this time, heard that he can also come, he and Long Xi have old, you should better evade distant.” 停顿了一下,他哼了一声,道:“看在你们和他来自于同一域界,你们鲁莽一事就算了,奉劝你们一句,最好将我的话忘掉,别去招惹那魂族的家伙,这次,听说他也会过来,他和龙蜥有旧,你们最好避的远远的。” These words fall, he has not continued to respond Shi Yan and the others, the board cold face, returns to that crystal palace, told that the clansman continues to march forward. 这番话落下,他就没有继续搭理石岩等人,板着冷脸,重返那水晶宫殿,吩咐族人继续行进。 Soul Clan, what race this is, is very fierce?” Shi Yan looks to the Heavenly Eye Clan people. 魂族,这是什么种族,很厉害么?”石岩看向天目族众人。 That three people of facial expression serious nods, the movement is consistent, Yi Fulin replied: Among Star Sea, race over a hundred several thousands, but the strength is not same, Soul Clan, is among Star Sea recognizes one of the strongest seven big races, compared with Soul Clan, our Heavenly Eye Clan is only the third-class small race.” 那三人神情沉重点头,动作都一致,伊夫林回答:“星海间,种族成百数千,但实力都不相同,魂族,是星海间公认最强的七大种族之一,和魂族相比,我们天目族只是三流的小种族。” Compared with Dragon Lizard Clan how?” Shi Yan asked again. “比龙蜥族如何?”石岩再问。 „The Dragon Lizard Clan ancestor lizard early turned over to the ruins, present second generation Long Xi does not have breakthrough Ancestor Territory, therefore Dragon Lizard Clan also can only be second-class. But Soul Clan, after this Absolute Beginning time, with race that our Heavenly Eye Clan presents, has true Ancestor Territory level Expert to assume personal command, has to understand clearly the Dark Energy true meaning Expert, Soul Clan background, is not the average man can measure.” The Yi Fulin awe said. 龙蜥族的先祖蜥早归墟了,如今的二代龙蜥没有突破域祖,所以龙蜥族也只能算是二流。但魂族,这个太初时代后和我们天目族一起出现的种族,却拥有真正的域祖强者坐镇,有洞悉暗能量真谛的强者,魂族底蕴,不是常人能度量的。”伊夫林敬畏道。
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