GOS :: Volume #14

#1380: The thing of without owner

Absolute Beginning Divine Tool?” 太初神器?” Shi Yan shouted lightly, the complexion was amazed, looked with rapt attention to the body, said: „Really is this thing, the God Weapon sharp weapon of Absolute Beginning time is inadequate? Haven't you made a mistake?” 石岩轻呼,脸色惊诧,凝神看向身下,道:“这东西,真是太初时代的神兵利器不成?你没有弄错?” The Yi Fulin expression is strange, that Absolute Beginning writing I, although did not know, but has actually seen, this definitely is the Absolute Beginning writing, will not be absolutely wrong! You understand clearly Dark Energy, definitely and Absolute Beginning life has the contact, how can not know Absolute Beginning rune, does not know how to refine?” 伊夫林表情古怪,“那太初文字我虽然不认识,但却见过,这肯定是太初文字,绝对不会错!你洞悉暗能量,肯定和太初生灵有过接触,怎会不认识太初符文,不知道如何炼化?” He appears Shi Yan is actually more puzzled. 他倒是显得比石岩还要不解。 Said that you do not know how to refine him?” Shi Yan is disappointed. “这么说,你不知道如何炼化他了?”石岩一脸失望。 Related Dark Energy also has the mystery of Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, only grasps in few person hands, I...... Has not been that Realm level.” The Yi Fulin incomparable coordination, the look awe, said: By your Realm cultivation base, such early understands clearly Dark Energy, in the future can definitely be existence of Ancestor Territory rank, I requested earnestly your understanding, forgave our offensive.” “有关暗能量还有太初神器的玄妙,只掌握在极少数人手中,我……还没有达到那个境界层次。”伊夫林无比配合,眼神敬畏,道:“以您境界修为,这么早洞悉暗能量,将来必然会是域祖级别的存在,我恳请你的谅解,原谅我们的唐突。” His expression is quite sincere. 他表情极为诚恳。 Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha have gawked staring, suddenly responded, bowed hastily slightly, the expression was quite humble. 亚当斯玛希莎愣了愣,忽然反应过来,也连忙略略躬身,表情极为谦卑。 They do not want to be Heavenly Eye Clan provoke one to bring in Expert of total destruction! 他们不想为天目族招惹一个能引来灭顶之灾的强者 In Heavenly Eye Clan, they are also the outstanding characters, they collaborate unable to strike to kill Shi Yan, but Shi Yan has the infinite growth space, understands clearly Dark Energy, but also has Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, this existence must be the character in Star Sea Pyramid peak in the future. 天目族内,他们三人也都是出类拔萃的人物,他们联手无法击杀石岩,而石岩则是拥有无限的成长空间,洞悉暗能量,还持有太初神器,这种存在将来必是星海金字塔顶端的人物。 Although Yi Fulin is cruel and merciless, but his general situation view has, knows that some people cannot provoke. 伊夫林虽然心狠手辣,可他大局观还是有的,知道有的人招惹不起。 The Heavenly Eye Clan three people of manner transform, lets Shi Yan is very stunned, including can the fatal mark, unable three to obey. Has not expected slightly shows Dark Energy, in three people most tenacious Yi Fulin, surrenders unexpectedly immediately, reveals humblest side. 天目族三人的态度转变,让石岩很是愕然,连能致命的印记,都无法让三人就范。没料到只是稍稍展现一下暗能量,三人中最固执的伊夫林,居然立即投诚,将自己最谦卑的一面显露出来。 The development of situation, has stemmed from him and Aodai Li anticipation completely, they suddenly were actually startled. 局势的发展,完全出乎了他和奥黛丽的意料,两人一时间倒是怔住了。 This Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, should better receive properly, will otherwise bring in greatly troublesome!” Yi Fulin has thought. Sincere suggestion: Our strength is not high, fully realized that your fierce, will not draw out the greedy heart. Is but nearer to the Dragon Lizard Clan territory, will meet many Expert, definitely has us is fiercer, if they know that you have Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, definitely fully will compete!” “这太初神器,最好妥善收好,不然会引来大麻烦!”伊夫林想了一下。诚恳的建议:“我们实力不算高,也深知你们的厉害,不会起贪婪心。可是离龙蜥族领地越近,就会遇到愈多的强者,其中肯定有比我们厉害的,他们如果知道你们身怀太初神器,必然会全力争夺!” Under, Yi Fulin has revealed to envy the expression. As far as I know, in vast boundless Star Sea, true Absolute Beginning Divine Tool is few, each world-shaking, is having indescribable wonderful, only then Expert of these Ancestor Territory ranks, can have Absolute Beginning Divine Tool truly, did not fear that others rob. Also only then they, can Absolute Beginning Divine Tool true displays mysteriously.” 顿了下,伊夫林露出羡慕表情。“据我所知,浩淼无际的星海中,真正的太初神器都屈指可数,每一件都惊天动地,拥有着难以言喻的神妙,只有那些域祖级别的强者,才能真正持有太初神器,不怕别人抢夺。也只有他们,才能将太初神器的真正奥妙发挥出来。” Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, is the God Weapon sharp weapon of Absolute Beginning time. Some people said that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool is the Absolute Beginning life quenchings, there are saying that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool naturally formed when the universe birth, the wondrous use was boundless, the incomparable mystery, can strengthen the Warrior strength large scale......” 太初神器,是太初时代的神兵利器。有人说太初神器太初生灵淬炼而出,也有说太初神器在宇宙诞生时自然形成,妙用无边,无比的神奇,能大幅度增强武者的实力……” Listens to the explanation of Yi Fulin, Shi Yan and Aodai Li to neglect one, expression changes countenance. 听着伊夫林的讲解,石岩奥黛丽忽视一眼,神色动容。 Refining up, possibly short time was not too possible, do you have the means to cover up, or receives?” Aodai Li small sound track. “炼化,可能短时间不太可能了,你有没有办法遮掩,亦或者收起来?”奥黛丽小声道。 Shi Yan forced smile. How you know, this gadget...... The thing of without owner?” 石岩苦笑。“你怎么就知道,这玩意……是不是无主之物?” Their conversations, making the Yi Fulin three people be astonished however puzzled, Ma Xisha has hesitated, weak say|way: That Absolute Beginning isn't Divine Tool, your?” 两人的交谈,让伊夫林三人讶然不解,玛希莎迟疑了一下,弱弱道:“那太初神器,不是你们俩的?” „If our, will also ask about your many matters?” Shi Yan has a headache. “如果是我们的,还会询问你们那么多事情?”石岩头疼不已。 He has to plant to have depressed that treasure mountain is actually not able to mine. Obviously for mysterious great treasure, obviously under foot, but is unable to refine. It is not able to see clearly mysteriously. 他有种坐拥宝山却无法开采的沮丧。明明为神奇之极的至宝,也明明就在脚下,但就是无法炼化。无法洞察其中玄妙。 „It is not your, why you above?” Yi Fulin stayed, at once look suddenly Liang, this thing, at present the thing of without owner? You, have not been seeing its master, is really this?” “不是你们的,为什么你们会在上面?”伊夫林呆了下,旋即眼神暴亮,“这东西,目前还是无主之物?你们,就没有见着它的主人,真是这样?” He is suddenly excited, red that the complexion rises, said: Passed on a message Absolute Beginning Divine Tool to have the intelligence, it is said can choose the master, said that must make Absolute Beginning Divine Tool recognize the Lord, must look that chance and cultivation deep meaning attribute was whether consistent, inside had many elegance, said that being predestined friends had big fate, can......” 他忽然激动起来,脸色涨的通红,道:“传言太初神器具有灵性,据说能自己选择主人,也说要让太初神器认主,要看机缘和修炼的奥义属性是否一致,里面有诸多考究,也说有缘者有大运道者,能够……” Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha also eye suddenly Liang, just like regarded being predestined friends person on oneself, when were in the legend had virtue occupying had virtue, they gathered together are appearing the Absolute Beginning rune position, the release souls fluctuated, urged to send the deep meaning. 亚当斯玛希莎也都眼睛暴亮,俨然就自己当成有缘人了,当自己就是传说中的有德者居之的“有德者”了,他们一同聚集在显现太初符文的位置,一个个释放灵魂波动,将奥义催发出来。 Tries to cause some type resonance, arouses the gaze of that Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, good its income pouch. 试图引起某种“共鸣”,唤起那太初神器的注视,好将其收入囊中。 At this moment, their Shi Yan huge danger has forgotten, Absolute Beginning Divine Tool big of enticement, was hard to resist simply, making them instantaneously absorbed. 此刻,他们连石岩的巨大危险都忘记了,太初神器的诱惑之大,简直难以抵御,令他们瞬间忘我了。 However quick, they absolutely terrified receiving hand, the face whiten, the facial expression is startled. 然而很快,他们就毛骨悚然的收手,脸色苍白,神情惊慌。 The soul fluctuation that they release, falls into that three full jade cauldron center all, cannot take back, spot that three full jade cauldrons appear, but were baseless many some new Absolute Beginning rune, other not new change. 他们释放出来的灵魂波动,尽数落入那三足玉鼎中央,一丝没有能够收回,那三足玉鼎浮现的部位,只是凭空多了一些新的太初符文,其余并没有新的变化。 Formerly, pulled into to embezzle my soul, was it?” Yang Dangsi responded finally. “先前,将我灵魂扯入吞没的,就是它?”亚当斯终于反应过来了。 The Shi Yan forced smile nods. 石岩苦笑点头。 Have not attempted , to continue to attempt to get down, you can the soul dry up!” Yang Dangsi clenched teeth, snort|hum, has prevented Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha next movement. “别尝试了,继续尝试下去,你们会灵魂枯竭!”亚当斯咬了咬牙,哼了一声,阻止了亚当斯玛希莎的下一步动作。 This Absolute Beginning Divine Tool, breakage, either is or incomplete, otherwise cannot like this.” The Aodai Li bright eyes are limpid, calm saying: I paid attention, discovered that its each absorb soul, cauldron surface Absolute Beginning rune will increase, before I have paid attention, rune on these three foot great cauldrons, have not covered entirely. Possibly, only then the strength of absorb enough soul, turns into these rune, moistens full Dingmian each corner, can occur marvelously.” “这太初神器,要么破损,要么就不完整,不然不会这样。”奥黛丽明眸清澈,冷静的说道:“我注意了一下,发现它每吸纳一点灵魂,鼎面太初符文就会增多,之前我留意过,这三足巨鼎上的符文,并没有布满。可能,只有吸纳足够灵魂之力,变成那些符文,沾满鼎面每一个角落,才能发生奇妙。” After her such saying, Shi Yan showed looking pensive the facial expression, in the heart the secret nod. 经她这么一说,石岩露出若有所思神情,心中暗暗点头。 Some of his also this guesses, guessed, if Absolute Beginning Divine Tool has really spirits, efficaciousing this place in the condition that the heavy losses do not awake, otherwise through that schemes and tricks, will not plot life soul, making the life peep by the soul on own initiative, then turns into part of energy that it regains consciousness. 他也有这种猜测,猜测如果太初神器真有器灵,器灵应该处于重创不醒的状态,不然不会通过那阴谋诡计,来暗算生灵魂魄,让生灵主动以灵魂来窥视,进而变成它苏醒的一部分能量 First defends this secret!” “先将这秘密守住!” , On the Ma Xisha arm bangle flicks suddenly, she drinks one hurriedly tenderly, at once explained to Shi Yan: This is command token that Dragon Lizard Clan provides, between command token and command token have the induction, we peripheral, should have other comes the person, same goes to Dragon Lizard Clan with us.” 突地,玛希莎手臂上手镯一闪一闪,她急忙娇喝一声,旋即向石岩解释:“这是龙蜥族发放下来的令牌,令牌令牌间有感应,我们周边,应该有别的来人,和我们一样去龙蜥族的。” Un, this Long Xi regains consciousness, attracts many Outer Territory lives to come, our Heavenly Eye Clan is only a side.” Yi Fulin explained that among vast Star Sea, territory is numerous, various race natures are many, perhaps many races link me not to see, even listens not to listen continually. Does not take a walk in Nihility Domain Sea, you are unable to know that the universe mystical is boundless, is unable to know the innumerable different types of high Level life.” “嗯,这趟龙蜥苏醒,吸引不少域外生灵过来,我们天目族只是一方而已。”伊夫林解释,“浩淼星海间,域界众多,各类种族自然繁多,有许多种族或许连我也没有见过,甚至连听都没有听过。不在虚无域海走动,你们根本无法知道宇宙的神秘无垠,无法知道高等级生灵的无数不同种类。” Does not need us to stop up, it will cover up.” Aodai Li indifferent say|way. “不用我们堵住,它自己会遮掩。”奥黛丽淡然道。 Her these words fall, under the body the meteorite transmitted has attracted, some peripheral crushed stones will adsorb, has filled the gap on own initiative, making under their bodies become all as usual. 她这句话才落下,身下陨石传来吸了,将周边一些碎石吸附过来,主动填补了缺口,令他们身下变得一切如常。 In our front.” Ma Xisha makes noise, the expression is discrete. “在我们前方。”玛希莎出声,表情谨慎。 The Shi Yan mind changes, turns into the normal human shape, is the same with the ordinary mortal, without any extraordinary place. 石岩心神变动间,又变成正常人类形态,和普通凡人一样,没有任何出奇之处。 Half sound, a huge blue crystal ball, suddenly in the front appears. 半响,一个巨大的碧蓝色水晶球,忽然在前方浮现出来。 That crystal ball is enormous, under the meteorites compared with their body is huge, the spheroid outer layer blue crystal, the interior is the torrential sea water, the sea water is also constructing many crystal palaces, some delicate and pretty pretty men, are taking a walk in the crystal ball internal palace. 水晶球极大,比他们身下的陨石还要巨大,球体外层碧蓝色的晶体,内部则是滔滔海水,海水内部还修建着许多水晶宫殿,有很多俊美靓丽的男男女女,在水晶球内部的宫殿走动着。 The blue crystal ball, such as the mysterious super battleship, these delicate and pretty pretty lives, are almost just like consistent with the human look, is only they slightly is thin, is very tall, within the body transmits the moisture to fluctuate, they free breathing in crystal ball internal sea water, as if such is more enjoyable. 碧蓝色的水晶球,俨然如神奇的超级战舰,那些俊美靓丽的生灵,和人类相貌几乎一致,只是他们都略显消瘦,个子都很高,体内都传来水气波动,他们在水晶球内部的海水内自由呼吸,似乎那样更加舒心。 Water Clan clansman.” 水族族人。” Yi Fulin looked at one from afar, relaxed obviously, says with a smile: „The Water Clan clansman is not the specially militant race, only if has provoked them, otherwise they will not attack others on own initiative, Water Clan clansman male delicate and pretty, female pretty, the complete cultivation water deep meaning, most is on good terms with Dragon Lizard Clan.” 伊夫林远远看了一眼,明显松了一口气,笑道:“水族族人不是特别好战的种族,除非招惹了他们,不然他们不会主动来攻击别人,水族族人男的俊美,女的靓丽,全部修炼水奥义,和龙蜥族最为交好。” Is very similar to our Sea Clan clansman.” Aodai Li said in a soft voice. “和我们那里的海族族人很相似。”奥黛丽轻声道。 Is very normal.” Ma Xisha shows a faint smile, said: In general, the Absolute Beginning life is impossible to create the life baseless, they have the blueprint pattern plate, in your wild territory the race of Absolute Beginning life creation, possibly in the outside world universe, really exists in Nihility Domain Sea.” “很正常。”玛希莎微微一笑,解释说:“一般来说,太初生灵不可能凭空创造生灵,他们也都有蓝图模版的,你们荒域内太初生灵创造的种族,可能在外界的宇宙,在虚无域海内是真实存在的。” Person who as far as I know, came from different territory, possibly is the same race.” “据我所知,许多来自不同域界的人,都可能是同一种族。” „, Was right, in Nihility Domain Sea, the person the clan is also the population most multi- races. The person clan almost can with, appointed the what kind clan marries, can form the brand-new race, the person the fusion of clan, the entire universe recognizes first, does not know that is such reason, the appearances of major races, almost roughly are similar to the person clan, but has the difference in the detail slightly, for example we compared with person clan many eye, for example the Water Clan physique domestic waters are extremely numerous, arbitrarily cultivation water deep meaning......” “哦,对了,在虚无域海内,人族也是人数最多的种族。人族几乎能和任何种族联姻,能形成全新种族,人族的融合性,全宇宙公认第一,不知道是不是这样原因,各大种族的模样,几乎都和人族大体相似,只是在细节上稍有不同,譬如我们比人族多一只眼睛,譬如水族体质内水极多,擅自修炼水奥义……” Really so.” Shi Yan is astonished however, in the Grace Mainland, Lie Yan Star Field, Agate Star Field wait / etc. star territories, the person the clan is the population most multi- races, this race compatibility is astonishing, almost can adapt to any condition, and multiplication strength is similarly fearful, there is an excellent fusion, in any region is the large numbers of elderly persons. “果然如此。”石岩讶然,在神恩大陆烈焰星域玛琊星域等等星域,人族都是人数最多的种族,这个种族适应性惊人,几乎能适应任何条件,并且繁衍力同样可怕,又有绝佳的融合性,在任何区域都是人数众多。 The person clan of wild territory, is not only the Desolate creates evidently baseless, but according to the characteristics of outside world person clan, congeals to appear specially. 看样子荒域的人族,并非只是荒凭空创造出来的,而是按照外界人族的特点,专门来凝结出现。 Strict, Shi Yan this body, is the person clan and Immortal Devil Clan hybrid, because he Realm was afterward profound, has completed bringing in new blood, slowly turns into Immortal Devil Clan. 严格算起来,就连石岩这具身体,本来也是人族和不死魔族的混血而成,只是因为他后来境界高深,完成了换血,才慢慢变成不死魔族 But now, after that comprehensive evolution transformation, he now is any race, cannot say including him. 但现在,经过那次全面的进化蜕变,他如今算是什么种族,连他自己都说不上来了。 When he ponders, under his body the meteorite continues to proceed to clash at the extremely quick speed, is only the path, points to that Water Clan crystal ball unexpectedly, if no external force to interfere, feared that will hit directly...... Week son physical examination went, today a chapter, will make up tomorrow, is broad-minded ~~ ( to be continued ) RQ 在他沉思的时候,他身下陨石继续以极快速度往前冲,只是轨迹,竟然直指那水族水晶球,如果没有外力干涉,怕是会直接撞上去……周一带儿子体检去了,今天就一章,明天补,海涵~~(未完待续)RQ
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