GOS :: Volume #14

#1379: Absolute Beginning Divine Tool?

The place of front meteorite class gathering, by War Chariot that on the woods white animal bones construct, ten alien race clansmen hold a gun to stand in great numbers. 前方陨石流汇聚之处,一艘以森白兽骨构建的战车上,十来名异族族人持枪林立。 These alien race person whole body bodies are dust color, the back break out high, a fresh acute angle, the coccygeal vertebra is linking a long tail, the tail hard like the iron stone, covers entirely the monster different pattern. 那些异族人浑身皮肉呈灰褐色,背脊高高突起,头生尖角,尾椎连着一条长长尾巴,尾巴坚硬如铁石,布满妖异的花纹。 Their height about three meters, appearance ugly fearsome, the palm is broad, the finger like the hook, the body transmits valiant ominous severe aura. 他们身高近三米,模样丑陋可怖,手掌宽阔巨大,指头如钩,身上都传来彪悍凶厉气息 Ten alien race clansmen, ride woods white animal bones War Chariot, such as the bodyguard of patrol, is wandering in the meteorite class. 十来名异族族人,乘坐森白兽骨战车,如巡逻的卫士,在陨石流内徘徊着。 They are the Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen.” “他们就是龙蜥族族人。” Ma Xisha looks from afar to these alien race people, on the arm bangle rays of light glittering, such as strange passing through command token, lets these Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, notes them, immediately has encircled toward here. 玛希莎远远看向那些异族人,手臂上手镯光芒闪烁,如一种奇异的通行令牌,让那些龙蜥族族人,也都注意到他们,立即朝着这边围了过来。 The Aodai Li complexion changes, depends quietly to Shi Yan, did not dare at this time actively over. 奥黛丽脸色一变,悄悄靠向石岩,在这个时候不敢主动出头。 Her Realm is too low, on these Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, she induced the fearful aura fluctuation, therefore very wise avoidance. 她的境界还是太低,在那些龙蜥族族人身上,她感应到了可怕的气息波动,所以很明智的退避。 Immortal First Sky, other are also only beginning Divine level leave, does not need extremely to be worried.” Shi Yan comforts. “一个不朽一重天,其余也只是始神级别,不用太过担心。”石岩宽慰。 They are the Dragon Lizard Clan surrounding bodyguards, this Long Xi regains consciousness the feed, attraction many people came, only then has command token, can enter the Dragon Lizard Clan territory truly. They, are responsible for questioning, with the Dragon Lizard Clan mutual hatred will be intercepted outside, does not permit thoroughly.” Ma Xisha explained. “他们都是龙蜥族的外围卫士,这趟龙蜥苏醒进食,吸引很多人过来,不过只有拥有令牌者,才能真正进入龙蜥族领地。他们,就是负责盘查的,和龙蜥族交恶的都会被拦截在外,不允许深入。”玛希莎解释。 She also first enters Outer Territory, but before coming, had been explained all by Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin in detail, therefore many matters are clear, two does not have a head wet from the fog like Shi Yan. 她也是初次进入域外,但过来之前被亚当斯伊夫林详细解释过一切,因此许多事情都清清楚楚,不像石岩俩满头雾水。 Shi Yan slight bow, facial expression actually dignified to the extreme, prepares for that has momentarily gotten rid. 石岩微微点头,神情却凝重到了极点,做好了随时出手的准备。 He does not know Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin these two deceitful evil and cruel Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen. After losing restraint, will display the what kind path, if the opposite party unites the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman to cope with him, he must guarantee the fight shape, immediately disintegrates their confidence by the savage offensive. 他不知道亚当斯伊夫林这两个奸诈歹毒的天目族族人。在失去束缚后,会施展何种轨迹,如果对方联合龙蜥族族人对付他,他必须要保证战斗形态,马上以凶残攻势来瓦解他们的信心。 I deal with.” Ma Xisha deeply looks to two Senior Brother. “我来应付。”玛希莎深深看向两个师兄 Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin are cold the face not to speak, without speech, means that tacitly approved. 亚当斯伊夫林冷着脸不吭声,没有讲话,也就意味着默认了。 Ma Xisha the speaker communicates by the Dragon Lizard Clan clansman who the strange spoken language and comes at once, takes out the bangle on arm. Gives that is Dragon Lizard Clan Immortal Warrior of head, that person of eye ominous offense, malignant influences, he takes bangle to inspect, the complexion is temperate. 玛希莎旋即扬声以古怪言语和过来的龙蜥族族人沟通,将手臂上的手镯取出。递给那为首的龙蜥族不朽武者,那人眼睛凶戾,一身煞气,他拿过手镯自己检查过,脸色才温和下来。 He aims obviously with Ma Xisha not kin Shi Yan and Aodai Li, is inquired likely their status origins, Ma Xisha early has the excuse, immediately explained. 他指向明显和玛希莎同族石岩奥黛丽,像是询问他们的身份来历,玛希莎早有说辞,马上解释了一番。 That person has hesitated. Waves, hints to allow to pass. 那人沉吟了一下。挥挥手,示意放行。 At once, the meteorite under Shi Yan body, then passed over gently and swiftly these Dragon Lizard Clan first round bodyguards, has converged the meteorite class , to continue to leave for toward the Dragon Lizard Clan territory. 旋即,石岩身下的陨石,便掠过那些龙蜥族第一轮卫士,重新汇入了陨石流,继续往龙蜥族的领地开赴。 What did you and he say?” Aodai Li is astonished however. “你和他说了什么?”奥黛丽讶然。 I said that you are our servants.” Ma Xisha does not conceal, your Realm is slightly low, only then said like this they permit you one and pass, person because of your wild territory. Has not moved in territory within the four seas for a long time for a long time, the Dragon Lizard Clan person is stranger to you.” “我说,你们是我们的奴仆。”玛希莎也不隐瞒,“你们境界略低,只有这样说他们才允许你们一并通过,因为你们荒域的人。已经许久许久没有在域海内活动了,龙蜥族人对你们更加陌生。” Crosses the interrogation of Dragon Lizard Clan, the Ma Xisha complexion relaxes, Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin also obviously think the safe many, tight wrinkle brow stretch. 越过龙蜥族的盘问,玛希莎脸色放松,亚当斯伊夫林也明显觉得安全不少,紧皱的眉头都舒展开来。 „The person in our wild territory , many Immortal Realm whet in this place, does nobody see?” Aodai Li is perplexed. “我们荒域的人,也有不少不朽境界者在此地磨砺,难道就没人见到?”奥黛丽不明所以。 This also similarly is the doubts of Shi Yan. 这也同样是石岩的疑惑。 Knows according to him, Xuan He and God Clan Four Great Heavenly Kings, has loafed in Nihility Domain Sea, including that false Immortal spark. Also moves in the outer layer, that imperial soul leader Ming Hao, the main body throughout in Nihility Domain Sea, why Ma Xisha will even say that the life of wild territory hasn't appeared for a long time? 按照他所知,玄河神族四大天王,都在虚无域海内游荡过,连那伪不朽的星火。也在外层活动,那御魂魁首冥晧,本体甚至始终都在虚无域海,为何玛希莎会说荒域的生灵许久没有出现? None who does not becomes, Xuan He, Four Great Heavenly Kings and Ming Hao haven't they, exchanged with the alien race person in these years? 莫不成,玄河四大天王冥晧他们,在这些年来都没有与异族人交流过? Simply unthinkable. 简直匪夷所思。 Perhaps the person in your wild territory, has also loafed in the territory within the four seas. But if they do not have the place that life gathers on own initiative, does not know special place that the high Level life frequently presents, then they are wander for several thousand years. Possibly also rarely meets one person, because Nihility Domain Sea too greatly was too big.” “或许你们荒域的人,也在域海内游荡过。但是如果他们不主动去有生灵聚集的地方,不知道高等级生灵经常出现的特殊之地,那么他们就算是游荡数千年。可能也难得碰见一人,因为虚无域海实在太大太大了。” Ma Xisha explained. 玛希莎解释。 Is just like you, wanders in the great sea, in the sea, possibly also has with your same person, came from the different seacoasts, can the opportunity that but you can meet, big? Only if, only if you know some islands, knows island that everybody ceases frequently, and arrived at this place, like this you some opportunities saw other people.” “就好比你一个人,在广阔无垠的大海内游荡,在大海内,可能也有许多与你一样的人,来自于不同的海岸,但你们能够相遇的机会,能有多大?除非,除非你知道一些海岛,知道大家都经常停息的海岛,并且到达此地了,这样你才有机会见到其他人。” She analogies is very direct-viewing, is very clear, Shi Yan and Aodai Li understood immediately. 她比喻的很直观,也很清楚,石岩奥黛丽马上就明白了过来。 Vast boundless Nihility Domain Sea, alien race person should have many, but they will appear and disappear in some fixed areas, if you do not know that these fixed regions, that really seems like in the sea fishes the needle, bumps into the probability small pity of alien race person. 浩淼无际的虚无域海,异族人应该有不少,但是他们都会在一些固定区域出没,如果你不知道那些固定的区域,那就真像是大海里捞针,碰到异族人的机率小的可怜。 Because the territory sea too greatly is too big, as big rushes to another region as Immortal Warrior from a region, possibly requires several hundred years of even millennium. 因为域海实在太大太大,大到一个不朽武者从一个区域赶到另外一个区域,可能都需要数百年甚至千年时间。 Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin they, their manner are still bad to Shi Yan, however they have not spoken to prevent the explanation of Ma Xisha, because these are the general knowledge, does not have an influence to them, has not concerned Heavenly Eye Clan any secret. 亚当斯伊夫林两人,对石岩两人依然态度不善,然而两人也没有出言阻止玛希莎的解释,因为那些都是常识,对他们没有一点影响,没有关乎天目族的任何秘密。 The Ma Xisha words, making the Aodai Li look low-spirited, for a long time does not have the life activity of wild territory, means that Ma Xisha also the person who is hard in the relation to know well, the territory gate that naturally is unable to find, in other words they must be stranded some time. 玛希莎的一番话,让奥黛丽眼神黯然,许久没有荒域的生灵活动,也就意味着玛希莎也难以联系上熟识的人,自然也就无法找到回去的域门,也就是说他们还要被困一段时间。 How do you regard Dark Energy?” Shi Yan said suddenly. “你们如何看待暗能量?”石岩忽然道。 He said through Zi Yao and Tian Xie, knew new power in his Sea of Consciousness, was Dark Energy, was energy that past Bloodthirsty grasped. 他通过紫耀天邪所言,知道他识海内的新力量,便是暗能量,也就是当年嗜血掌握的能量 That energy, in the wild territory besides Bloodthirsty, he is second comprehends. 能量,在荒域除了嗜血外,他是第二个领悟出来的。 He fully realized that Dark Energy wondrous use is infinite, and might is also quite astonishing, but he actually does not know that various utilization of this energy, do not know origin and specifically magical thing, him, Ma Xisha the exchange of they and alien race person is frequent, decides however knows the Dark Energy unique element. 他深知那暗能量妙用无穷,并且威力也极为惊人,但他却不知道这能量的各种运用,不知道来历和具体神奇之处,在他来看,玛希莎他们和异族人的交流频繁,定然知晓暗能量的特殊之处。 He wants to be many some understanding to Dark Energy. 他想对暗能量多一些了解。 He such asked that Ma Xisha face stunned, shakes the head to say extraordinarily: Dark Energy? What energy is that? I have not listened in any case.” 他这么一问,出奇地,玛希莎一脸愕然,摇头道:“暗能量?那是什么能量?我反正没有听过。” Silent Yi Fulin, is actually discolored, his face with amazement, deeply looks to Shi Yan, suddenly said: You, you struck to kill the Lord of wild territory, has substituted for the Absolute Beginning life completely?” 一直沉默的伊夫林,却是勃然变色,他一脸骇然,深深看向石岩,突然道:“你,你击杀了荒域之主,完全取代了太初生灵么?” No.” Shi Yan shakes the head. “没有。”石岩摇头。 How will you know Dark Energy?” Yi Fulin startled sound track. “那你怎会知道暗能量?”伊夫林惊声道。 Shi Yan is astonished however, the mind moves at once, by Sea of Consciousness the strength imperial moves, fleshly body is among illusory suddenly, an invisible soul fluctuation ripples, peripheral void like the collapse, the meteorite such as could not be seen the great hand bombardment, falls broken. 石岩讶然,旋即心神一动,以识海的之力御动,肉身骤然处于虚幻间,一股无形灵魂波动荡漾出来,周边虚空如塌陷,陨石如被看不见巨手轰击,块块的碎落。 I can utilize Dark Energy, although in most primary understanding stage, but I indeed grasped.” He explained. “我能运用暗能量,虽然只是在最初级的认识阶段,但我的确掌握了。”他解释。 Yi Fulin shocks, deeply inspires, bitter and astringent say|way: Early said that you understand clearly Dark Energy, I will kill will not provoke you, will really be the monster!” 伊夫林震撼之极,深吸一口气,苦涩道:“早说你洞悉暗能量,我打死也不会招惹你,真是怪物!” Senior Brother?” At this moment linked Yang Dangsi to be also muddled, he does not know that the Dark Energy mysterious place, showed the doubts puzzled expression. 师兄?”此刻连亚当斯也糊涂了,他也不知道暗能量的玄妙之处,露出疑惑不解表情。 Dark Energy also called defeated/carrying energy, is clearly opposite with the supernatural power that we grasped, this energy was not obvious, was actually promoting universe Star Sea energy, it also called to create world energy, only then understood clearly Dark Energy, can create the universe, can breakthrough Immortal, achieve the Ancestor Territory Realm altitude.” 暗能量又叫负能量,和我们所掌握的神力截然相反,这能量乃是不可见,却在推动宇宙星海能量,它又叫创世能量,只有洞悉暗能量者,才能创造宇宙,才能突破不朽,达成域祖境界高度。” In vast Star Sea, understands clearly Dark Energy true meaning quite to be also scarce, each is character at the most! Dark Energy can create the world, forms the new universe, can extinguish the world, can destroy the existing universe, this is the strength of mystical Ancestor Territory Realm is in sole possession, is the Absolute Beginning time strongest life spreads.” “在浩淼星海间,洞悉暗能量真谛者也极为稀少,每一个都是顶天的人物!暗能量能创世,形成新的宇宙,也能灭世,能毁灭现有的宇宙,这是域祖境界者独有的神秘之力,是太初时代最强的生灵流传出来的。” It is said that the end of Absolute Beginning time, because of abusiveness of Dark Energy, causes the universe avalanche, falling from the sky, then forms present Nihility Domain Sea.” “据说,太初时代的终结,就是因为暗能量的滥用,导致宇宙崩塌,大片大片的陨灭,进而形成如今的虚无域海。” The older generation who our Heavenly Eye Clan, has not understood clearly the Dark Energy true meaning, as far as I know, each knows the Dark Energy character, is present universe side Ancestor Territory. Ancestor Territory, is the breakthrough Immortal Realm name, can create the universe that a piece alone is, refining up the life, each formidable Absolute Beginning life, is Ancestor Territory, is a universe ancestor, controls a side universe life and death to fall from the sky, tampers with heaven and earth natural law, oneself are only True God.” “我们天目族,还没有洞悉暗能量真谛的先辈,据我所知,每一个知晓暗能量的人物,都是如今宇宙一方域祖域祖,为突破不朽境界者的称呼,能创造一片独属的宇宙,炼化生灵,每一个强大的太初生灵,都是域祖,是一个宇宙的祖先,掌控一方宇宙生死陨灭,篡改天地规则,自己就是唯一真神。” When he looks at Shi Yan again, expression fills to dread that you Origin God Third Sky Realm, unexpectedly can see clearly Dark Energy, so is no wonder fearful, this means in the future after your breakthrough Immortal, even more terrifying, in the future can become Ancestor Territory, refines own universe, creates Venerable your myriad things life alone.” 他再看石岩之时,神色充满忌惮,“你才始神三重天境界,居然能洞察暗能量,难怪如此可怕,这意味着将来你突破不朽后,会愈发恐怖,未来能成为域祖,炼制自己的宇宙,创造独尊你的万物生灵。” His words, making the people shock, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha also mind with amazement, looked that the Shi Yan expression is different. 他的一番话,让众人都震撼不已,亚当斯玛希莎也心神骇然,看石岩的表情都不一样了。 That Dragon Lizard Clan second generation older generation, called the Long Xi fellow, the feed can inspire the meteorite collection, has seen whether clearly the Dark Energy true meaning?” Shi Yan wonderful sound track. “那龙蜥族二代先辈,叫龙蜥的家伙,进食都能引动陨石汇集,是否就洞察了暗能量的真谛?”石岩奇声道。 No.” Yi Fulin shakes the head, his power Realm extremely close Ancestor Territory, what a pity is because has not understood thoroughly the Dark Energy true meaning, is unable congealment brand-new territory, therefore cannot be counted Ancestor Territory, even if so, he is also terrifying peerless Expert, is illustrious in Nihility Domain Sea.” “没有。”伊夫林摇头,“他力量境界极为接近域祖,可惜就是因为没有洞彻暗能量真谛,无法凝结全新的域界,所以不能算作域祖,可即便如此,他也是恐怖绝伦的强者,在虚无域海都赫赫有名。” Knew after Shi Yan has Dark Energy, the Yi Fulin manner is entirely different, resembles to put behind that beforehand hatred, becomes all questions will be answered, manner good serious. 得知石岩身怀暗能量以后,伊夫林态度截然不同,似忘却之前的仇恨,变得有问必答,态度好的不得了。 The Shi Yan whole face is disappointed. 石岩满脸失望。 He hears Long Xi is the Absolute Beginning life lizard second generation, when Long Xi grasped Dark Energy, is filled with the anticipation wants to seize the chance to inquire the mystery, has not expected the so fearful life, unexpectedly has not forced the broken Dark Energy true meaning. 他听到龙蜥太初生灵“蜥”的第二代,就当龙蜥掌握了暗能量,满心期待的想趁机询问奥妙的,没料到如此可怕生灵,居然也没有勒破暗能量的真谛。 He realized suddenly, past Bloodthirsty, if Immortal, even if in Nihility Domain Sea, can be called existence of overlord rank! 他忽然意识到,当年的嗜血,若是不死,就算是在虚无域海内,也称得上霸主级别的存在! Touches the chin, he has thought that under the meteorite by the Space Cutting Blade cutting body, reveals an corner/horn that three full jade cauldrons suddenly, making these tadpole rune flash before, then inquired: „Is this Absolute Beginning ancient rune? Whether you recognize, may know how to refine this kind of thing?” 摸了摸下巴,他想了一下,忽然以空间利刃切割身下陨石,将那三足玉鼎显露一角,令那些蝌蚪般的符文闪现,然后询问道:“这可是太初符文?你们是否认得,还有,可知道如何炼化这类东西?” Yi Fulin lowers the head, direct dull such as wooden chicken, such as was scared generally. 伊夫林垂头一眼,直接呆如木鸡,如被吓傻了一般。 The good half sound, he weakly to ask: You spoke the truth, have you killed your Ancestor Territory? Has substituted for that Absolute Beginning life completely, otherwise, why you not only grasps Dark Energy, but also has Absolute Beginning Divine Tool?” 好半响,他才弱弱地问道:“您老实说,你是不是杀了你的域祖?将那太初生灵完全取代了,不然,为何你不但掌握暗能量,还拥有太初神器?” ......( To be continued..) ……(未完待续。。) RT RT
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