GOS :: Volume #14

#1378: Dragon Lizard Clan

Above fire Jing Yun Zhou of meteorite shape, Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi third eye releases green, the blue light corona, the halo binds the Ma Xisha body, is Life Origin Fluid general is raising the Ma Xisha life magnetic field likely warm, heart of Ma Xisha slow beat, gradually becomes firm powerful. 陨石形状的火晶云舟上方,伊夫林亚当斯第三目释放出绿、蓝光晕,光晕将玛希莎身躯裹住,像是生命原液一般温养着玛希莎的生命磁场,玛希莎缓慢跳动的心脏,又渐渐变得坚定有力。 In this period, Shi Yan scarlet cloud cluster mark, imprint in Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi chest, fell into their hearts. 期间,石岩将血色云团印记,烙印伊夫林亚当斯胸口,落入他们心脏内部。 Purity that they feel, but is actually incapable of revolting, can only , after Ma Xisha restores, dares to do to haggle over again. 两人感受的一清二楚,但却无力来反抗,只能待玛希莎恢复后,才敢再做计较。 Not far away, Aodai Li sees Shi Yan not immediately under the killer, the facial expression is slightly loose, hears the invitation of Shi Yan, she frowns, shouts: „Can my this meteorite, not know what to do?” 不远处,奥黛丽石岩没有立即下杀手,神情稍松,听闻石岩的邀请,她皱着眉头,呼道:“我这陨石,要如何是好?” The meteorite under her, the core is the mystical three foot great cauldrons, in the great cauldron has many Absolute Beginning rune, is containing the mystery of difficult word, she and Shi Yan wants to force profound strange who breaks that three foot great cauldrons, naturally is not willing that jade cauldron to be separated from their lines of sight, roams to the region that they are unable to grasp. 她那身下的陨石,核心为神秘的三足巨鼎,巨鼎上有着许多太初符文,蕴含着难言的奥妙,她和石岩都想勒破那三足巨鼎的玄奇,自然不愿那玉鼎脱离他们的视线,流荡到他们无法掌握的区域。 Her such saying, Shi Yan was also the facial expression is startled, at once said: Also simple.” 她这么一说,石岩也是神情一怔,旋即道:“也简单。” Voice Fang Luo, rushes Strength of Stars, such as a chains ties up this hot crystal meteorite, under his supernatural power congealment pulls, this fire Jing Yun Zhou is howling suddenly, flies in the Aodai Li direction. 话音方落,一股澎湃星辰之力,如条条锁链将这火晶陨石拴住,在他神力凝结拉扯下,这一艘火晶云舟忽然呼啸着,朝着奥黛丽的方向飞去。 Yang Dangsi, Yi Fulin and Ma Xisha these three Yun Zhou masters, divert attention without the technique at this moment, can only looks at he change the direction by the supernatural power helplessly. 亚当斯伊夫林玛希莎这三个云舟的主人,此刻都分心无术,只能眼睁睁看着他以神力强改方向。 Bang!” “轰!” The hot crystal meteorite entire falls on that Aodai Li on the meteorite, this uses the hot crystal not to be big as the material quality meteorite, falls on that core is on the meteorites of three foot great cauldrons, has occupied one-fourth positions. 火晶陨石整个落在那奥黛丽所在陨石上,这以火晶为材质的陨石并不大,落在那核心为三足巨鼎的陨石上面,也只是占了1的位置而已。 The hot crystal meteorite stagnates, Aodai Li beautiful pupil one bright, waves lightly. long time does not stand firm side Shi Yan, eye quiet cold looks to front three people. 火晶陨石停滞,奥黛丽美眸一亮,翩然舞动而来。不多时就在石岩身旁站定,眼睛幽冷的看向面前三人。 Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi still in releasing energy, are pouring into their junior sister Ma Xisha[ body], Ma Xisha aura is gradually exuberant, the failure life magnetic field gradually is also full. 伊夫林亚当斯依然在释放着能量,注入他们师妹玛希莎〖体〗内,玛希莎气息渐渐旺盛,衰竭的生命磁场又渐渐充溢起来。 Heavenly Eye Clan is very unusual, their soul energy can exchange unexpectedly, can supplement by the third eye mutually that is really a mystical life race.” 天目族很奇特,他们灵魂能量竟然能互通,能以第三目相互补充,真是一个神秘的生灵种族。” Aodai Li looked at carefully a while with rapt attention. eye dew strange light, is surprised even more curiously, looks to three people. 奥黛丽凝神端详了一会儿。目露奇光,一脸惊讶,愈发好奇的看向三人。 Her soul deep meaning is marvelous, treats the soul fluctuation to have the keen intuition, she discovered that Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi can penetrate the third eye, will subordinate in them Lord the soul energy, seeps in Ma Xisha[ body], strengthens the life fluctuation of Ma Xisha. Made her glow life force. 她灵魂奥义奇妙,对待灵魂波动有着敏锐的直觉,她发现伊夫林亚当斯能透过第三目,将隶属于他们主魂的能量,渗透在玛希莎〖体〗内,增强玛希莎的生命波动。令她重新焕发出生机来。 This likely is one Divine Ability method that Heavenly Eye Clan is in sole possession , can only achieve by the third eye, because that three people do not excel at the life deep meaning obviously, can actually play the wonder of equally good results from different methods by the third eye, is very indeed fierce. 这像是天目族独有的一种神通手段,只能以第三目来达成,因为那三人明明不擅长生命奥义,却能以第三目起到异曲同工之妙,的确很厉害。 This possibly was the unique race talent.” Shi Yan nods. “这可能就是独特的种族天赋了。”石岩点头。 Different life races, there are different characteristics to be mysterious, for example God Clan, Ming Royal Family and Heavenly Demon Clan, respectively has the specialness, excels in fleshly body and soul separately respectively, among vast Star Sea. The race life are innumerable, naturally cannot everybody be the same, power deep meaning and wonderful completely interlinked. 不同的生灵种族,有不同的特点玄妙,譬如神族冥皇族天妖族,也都各有特殊,分别在肉身、灵魂上各有擅长,浩淼星海间。种族生灵无数,自然不会人人都一样,力量奥义和神妙全部相通。 He and Aodai Li was talking indifferently, is gazing at present three people of actions silently, crossed for a long time, Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi were quiet, Ma Xisha woke up actually, she opened eyes, the pupil full was the cold hostility, shouted to clear the way tenderly: What have you made to my two Senior Brother?” 他和奥黛丽淡然交谈着,默默注视着眼前三人的举动,过了许久,伊夫林亚当斯沉寂不动,倒是玛希莎醒来,她睁开眼,眸子满是冷冽敌意,娇喝道:“你对我两个师兄做了什么?” In order to let her restores such as beginning. Received heavy losses Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi to consume the painstaking care once again, has one misfortune after another seriously, causes at this moment their condition might as well her, therefore she wakes up first, the two also need to consolidate the mind, fluctuates sacrificial altar in returning to normal. 为了让她恢复如初。本就受了重创的伊夫林亚当斯又一次耗费心血,当真是雪上加霜,导致此刻两人的状态还不如她,所以她先醒来,那两人还需要稳固心神,将祭台内波动给平复。 Really moving.” Shi Yan has pulled the corners of the mouth, false smile say|way: Your that two Senior Brother, although is cruel and merciless. Did not speak the custom and justice and humanity[ said] virtue, but when treated you, but also was really the sincerity true meaning. Hehe. For you can save the life, they do not give a thought to own safety to cross life force for you, making oneself injure on adds the wound, making my this observer very much change countenance.” “真让人感动。”石岩扯了扯嘴角,皮笑肉不笑道:“你那两个师兄虽然心狠手辣。一点不讲规矩和仁义〖道〗德,但在对待你的时候,还真是真心真意。嘿嘿。为了你能保住性命,两人不顾自身安危为你渡去生机,令自己伤上加伤,让我这旁观者都很动容。” If to not preserve Ma Xisha, Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin can definitely not withstand Shi Yan that imprint in the scarlet cloud cluster of heart, they can leave to leave, actually because of the Ma Xisha safety, chooses makes her life preserve reckless, could not attend to including oneself. 如果不是为了保全玛希莎,亚当斯伊夫林完全可以不承受石岩烙印在心脏的血色云团,他们本可以抽身离开,却因玛希莎的生命安危,选择不顾一切让她性命保住,连自己都顾不上了。 I acknowledged that my two Senior Brother were indeed excessive a point, but they have not injured you truly, gave back to you to introduce the general knowledge between Star Sea in detail, were you what kind of?” Ma Xisha deeply inspires, the look becomes sharp you do not go too far suddenly, otherwise I dare to take the self-destruction as the price, kills you completely!” “我承认,我两个师兄的确过分了一点,但他们并没有真正伤害到你们,还给你们详细简介了星海间的常识,你还想怎么样?”玛希莎深吸一口气,眼神骤然变得锐利“你别欺人太甚,不然我敢以自毁为代价,将你们全部杀死!” Shi Yan......” Aodai Li raises eyebrow, suddenly said: Gives me to deal with.” 石岩……”奥黛丽扬眉,忽然道:“交给我来应付吧。” Shi Yan shrugs, sprinkles however said: Also good, among the women talked is possibly more convenient.” 石岩耸耸肩,洒然道:“也好,女人间交谈可能更方便一点。” Your two Senior Brother can be reckless for you, does not know you, can also care about your two Senior Brother lives?” Aodai Li is cold the face, said proudly: At this moment, your two Senior Brother life and death pinch in our hands, so long as we want, can strike to kill your two Senior Brother instantaneously!” “你两个师兄能为你不顾一切,不知道你,能不能也顾及你两个师兄的性命?”奥黛丽冷着脸,傲然说道:“此刻,你两个师兄生死捏在我们手中,只要我们愿意,能瞬间击杀你两个师兄!” The Ma Xisha complexion changes, is nipping the tooth, maliciously looks to her. 玛希莎脸色一变,咬着牙齿,狠狠的看向她。 The Aodai Li facial expression is invariable, said indifferently: We are not must be ruthless to you, but needs your knowledge, needs your coordination, if you dispel doubt for us devotedly, works according to our requests, I ensure you can go on living well.” 奥黛丽神情不变,漠然说道:“我们也不是真要对你们赶尽杀绝,只是需要你们的知识,需要你们的配合,如果你们悉心为我们解惑,按照我们的要求做事,我保证你们能好好活下去。” She turns the head, said to Shi Yan: Right?” 她别头,冲着石岩道:“对吧?” Spreads out the hand, Shi Yan said natural: You said is very right.” 摊开手,石岩潇洒说道:“你说的很对。” Aodai Li as the Ming Royal Family princess, once has worked together as colleagues in the Desolate and Shi Yan, before he does not have is budding, Aodai Li is the leader of audiences star territory eminent, her wisdom and vision are very outstanding, Shi Yan also very much felt relieved that knows the Aodai Li procedure is for them most correct. 奥黛丽身为冥皇族的公主,曾在荒和石岩共事过,在他没有崭露头角之前,奥黛丽乃众星域翘楚的领袖,她的睿智和眼光很出众,石岩也很放心,知道奥黛丽的做法对他们来说最正确。 He must strike to kill these three people, already began, he wants is Aodai Li now does, must sound out somebody among Star Sea more knowledge, had better be able find to return to the direction of wild territory, can know in this Nihility Domain Sea all sorts of profound wonderful, the future traveling schedule will have a plan to oneself. 他真要击杀了这三人,早就动手了,他想要的就是奥黛丽如今做的,要套问出星海间更多知识,最好能找到返回荒域的方向,能知道这虚无域海内的种种玄奇,给自己未来的行程有个规划。 Obviously, Aodai Li also knows that they most are short of anything at this moment, she is at a moderate pace, expression indifferently, said: Strikes to kill you, to us does not have any profit, we want your coordination!” 显然,奥黛丽也知道两人此刻最欠缺什么,她不紧不慢,神色漠然,道:“击杀你们,对我们来说没什么益处,我们要你们的配合!” Ma Xisha hear of her such saying, on the face were hostile slow down slightly, she has hesitated a while, said: First waits for my two Senior Brother to awake to turn around.” 玛希莎听她这么一说,脸上仇视稍稍减缓,她沉吟了一会儿,说道:“先等我两个师兄醒转过来。” Does not have the issue, in this place, we are the time are many.” Aodai Li is unflustered. “没问题,在此地,我们就是时间多。”奥黛丽从容不迫。 For a long time. 许久后。 Yi Fulin opens eyes, the complexion is gloomy, he is full of the envy and hate the vision to condense on Shi Yan, is nipping the tooth, such as by the restraint trapped|sleepy beast, the mood was been extremely unstable. 伊夫林睁开眼,脸色阴暗,他充满忌恨的目光在石岩身上凝聚着,咬着牙齿,如被束缚的困兽,情绪极其不稳定。 Shi Yan grins, the intention moves, wisp of power stimulates. 石岩咧嘴,心念一动,一缕力量激发。 The Yi Fulin heart such as was tampered to strike by the great hammer, whole body, the complexion is suddenly pale immediately, covered the chest partly to squat. 伊夫林心脏如被巨锤夯击,浑身猛然一顿,脸色立即苍白起来,捂着胸口半蹲了下来。 You!” “你!” Ma Xisha screamed, the female beast that if must go crazy, must throw and Shi Yan goes all out. 玛希莎尖叫,如要发狂的母兽,要扑过来和石岩拼命。 Calm, thinks that your two Senior Brother did live? Is your Senior Brother enrages first in first, I think that you should say with your two Senior Brother, making them clearly recognize the reality, do not think all also in their controls!” “冷静一点,想不想你两个师兄活下来了?是你师兄先激怒在先,我想你应该和你两个师兄说说,让他们认清现实,别以为一切还在他们的掌控中!” Aodai Li look one cold, suddenly shouted to clear the way, loudly shout came to pay tribute soul power, broke in Ma Xisha Sea of Consciousness directly. 奥黛丽眼神一冷,突然喝道,喝声内附加灵魂力量,直接冲入玛希莎识海 Ma Xisha such as poured into by the cold ice, the tender body trembles, immediately restores the reason, persuaded hastily: Senior Brother, they do not want us dead, but, but wants to make us coordinate.” 玛希莎如被寒冰灌注,娇躯一颤,立即恢复理智,连忙劝说:“师兄,他们并非要我们死,只是,只是想让我们配合而已。” At this moment, that Yang Dangsi also wakes up, his face was sorrowful, sighs junior sister you to be too naive, they will not make us live, when they asked that understands the thing that wants to know, same will strike to kill us. With it so, might as well wrestle at risk of life, our Senior Brother dead to hit hard them, you can also withdraw to leave.” 此刻,那亚当斯也醒来,他一脸悲哀,叹息一声“师妹你太天真了,他们不会让我们活下来,等他们问明白想知道的东西,一样会击杀我们。与其如此,不如拼死一搏,我们师兄以死重击他们,你还能脱身离开。” His feelings evil and cruel, works as all people and he is the same, measures others by the worst evil intention, from the start does not believe the commitment and guarantee of Aodai Li. 他本人心肠歹毒,也当所有人与他一样,以最坏恶意度量别人,压根不信奥黛丽的承诺和保证。 Like his idea, manner that Yi Fulin, he has not coordinated similarly. 和他想法一样的,还有伊夫林,他也是同样不配合的态度。 A Aodai Li brow wrinkle, having a headache that a little was also made by their malicious guesses, opposite party , if not believe that wants to destroy indiscriminately, but also was really difficult to manage. 奥黛丽眉头一皱,也被两人的恶意猜测弄的有点头疼,对方若是不信,非要玉石俱焚,还真是难办了。 She looks to Shi Yan. 她不由看向石岩 The Shi Yan facial expression is strange, in fact, he indeed harbors evil intentions, in his eyes Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi this kind of role, should after not having the use value, was struck to kill to swallow by him, then strengthens own power, has not expected their so hoodlum actually, unexpectedly prepares to destroy indiscriminately not to coordinate. 石岩神情怪异,事实上,他的确不怀好意,在他眼中伊夫林亚当斯这类角色,就该在没有利用价值后,被他击杀吞噬,进而增强自身力量,倒是没料到两人如此光棍,居然准备玉石俱焚也不配合。 Touches the chin, his innermost feelings sighed darkly, had the new round understanding to very ruthless of these alien race people, knows this matter, if properly did not process, feared that can only obtain three Dead body, other want to ask that perhaps could not obtain. 摸了摸下巴,他内心暗叹,对这些异族人的狠辣有了新一轮认识,知道此事若是不妥善处理,怕是只能得到三具尸体,其余想问的话恐怕一丝得不到。 Calculates that you suppress!” “算你们狠!” His coldly snorted, during mind changes, at Yi Fulin and imprint of Yang Dangsi heart, was reappeared by him takes back, at once said: Now you[ from] by, us again has fought, must strike to kill you to be also beset with difficulties. Un, now, I think you also should not when our soft persimmon, can then strike to kill along with as one wishes?” 冷哼一声,心神变动间,处在伊夫林亚当斯心脏的烙印,又被他重现收回,旋即才说道:“如今你们都〖自〗由了,我们就算是再战,要击杀你们也困难重重。嗯,现在,我想你们也应该不会当我们软柿子,能随随便便击杀了吧?” This drops independently, in the goal for heart, can so firm decisive, is important matter to essential factor. 该放手就放手,为了心中目标,能如此坚决果断,乃做大事者必须的要素。 Aodai Li bright eyes one bright, does not cover the appreciation, nods shows a faint smile to him, at once said indifferently: Now can we chat well?” 奥黛丽明眸一亮,毫不掩欣赏,点头冲他微微一笑,旋即淡然说道:“现在我们可以好好谈谈了吧?” Feared that is not good.” The Ma Xisha facial expression moves, looks to the underlining halo on arm bangle, said: „The Dragon Lizard Clan clansman, in the front, we quickly has bumped into with the opposite party, it seems like, we should not be far to the Dragon Lizard Clan clan, we, must experience questioning.” “怕是不行。”玛希莎神情一动,看向手臂手镯上的突显光晕,道:“龙蜥族的族人,就在前方,我们快和对方碰上了,看来,我们离龙蜥族的族地应该不远了,我们,要经历一番盘查。” „Do you play us?!” Shi Yan complexion one cold! “你耍我们?!”石岩脸色一寒! Just relieved heart restraint Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin, stance that then yes snort|hum, complexion bad abutting Ma Xisha, must momentarily battle against. 刚刚解除心脏束缚亚当斯伊夫林,则是哼了一声,面色不善的紧靠玛希莎,一副又要随时开战的架势。 I also discover situation, does not treat this matter intentionally, has waited for the questioning point, we discussed again and that's the end.” Ma Xisha is cold the face, then facial expression is gentle, said: Two Senior Brother, this matter, gives me to process, should not be radical, if you previously listened my, will not damage severely.” “我也是才发现情况,不是故意对待此事,等过了盘查点,我们再谈就是了。”玛希莎冷着脸,然后神情柔和,道:“两位师兄,此事,就交给我处理吧,你们就别太激进了,你们早先如果听我的,也不会受那么大伤了。” Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin hesitated, the innermost feelings sighed, simultaneously nodded. 亚当斯伊夫林迟疑了一下,内心一叹,同时点了点头
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