GOS :: Volume #14

#1377: The heavy hand destroys the flower

Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi turn head to look, is the facial expression great change, has the thick regret. 伊夫林亚当斯回头一看,也是神情巨变,生出浓浓的悔意。 In meteorite class that rolls, Shi Yan expression indifferently, such as the meteor plunders together, the meteorite avoids along the way, reveals a broad and level main road to him. 滚荡的陨石流中,石岩神色漠然,如一道流星掠来,沿途陨石纷纷避开,给他露出一条坦坦大道。 Shining Space Cutting Blade, likely are the vault of heaven great blades, wanders in his body side, making his imposing manner unparalleled. 一条条明晃晃的空间利刃,像是天穹巨刀,游荡在他身侧,令他气势无双。 The body drift of stars, the meteorite opening, Space Cutting Blade lies in wait from all sides peripheral, power overwhelming power that this moment Shi Yan reveals, such as deep fiery imprint, hot Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi soul burning hot ache. 身化星流,陨石开路,空间利刃环伺周边,此刻石岩显露出来的力量威猛,如深深的火热烙印,烫的伊夫林亚当斯灵魂炙热疼痛。 Early knows Shi Yan to be so hard to deal with, kills them not to dare under the pain the killer, stirs up this evil star to be in hot pursuit, can this not know what to do? 早知石岩这般难缠,打死他们也不敢痛下杀手,惹得这煞星紧追不放,这可如何是好? Suddenly, Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi are regret, saw with own eyes that Shi Yan is powerful to plunder, was creepy feeling, the secret passage right now is all miserable. 一时间,伊夫林亚当斯都心生悔意,眼见石岩气势如虹掠来,皆是头皮发麻,暗道这下子惨了。 „Do you want to be unforgiving really?”, Ma Xisha bravely steps forward suddenly, when her two Senior Brother are damaged, arrives at behind that fire Jing Yun Zhou unexpectedly, faces directly Shi Yan. “你真要不依不饶?”忽地,玛希莎挺身而出,在她两个师兄受创之际,竟来到那火晶云舟后方,直面石岩 , Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi they, see her to act extraordinarily, was not only not worried, but also eye slightly one bright. 出奇地,伊夫林亚当斯两人,一见她出面,不但一点不担心,还眼睛微微一亮。 Probably has greatest confidence to be the same to her. 好像对她有着莫大的信心一样。 Un?” “嗯?” The Shi Yan eye narrows the eyes, the whole body pore blasts out, instinct realizing bad risk. 石岩眼睛一眯,浑身毛孔都炸开来,本能的意识到凶险. His coldly stares at this Heavenly Eye Clan female, the line of sight is loafing on its ketone body, „, if not your two Senior Brother wants under the pain the killer, I will not be ruthless, before your Senior Brother started, has not seen you to scold to prevent, now calls and has what using?” 冷冷盯着这名天目族女子,视线在其酮体上游荡一圈,“如果不是你两个师兄要痛下杀手,我也不会赶尽杀绝,之前你师兄下手的时候,也没有见你呵斥阻止,现在吆喝又有何用?” The long and narrow space beam blade edge, blooms together the dazzling rainbow glow, in the rainbow glow disclosed that embezzled the fresh Spiritual Qi breath death Intent Domain, the hell ghost cry cover to that fire Jing Yun Zhou. 一道狭长空间光刃,绽放出刺目虹芒,虹芒内透露出吞没生灵气息的死亡意境,地狱鬼哭般罩向那火晶云舟。 After achieving Origin God Third Sky Realm. His space, the stars, life and Death Deep Meaning in displaying, often can get a sudden inspiration, suddenly becomes aware new Divine Ability that mixes becomes. 达到始神三重天境界后。他空间、星辰、生命、死亡奥义在施展的时候,每每能灵机一动,忽然悟到糅合而成的新神通 Different deep meaning laws decide, in his hands just like had the intelligence, can have one's wish the control, releases the profound mystery. 不同的奥义法决,在他手中俨然有了灵性,能随心所欲掌控,释放出精深的玄妙。 That space beam blade edge, fuses the stars bright radiance, the interior also had death Intent Domain to take advantage. It may be said that was collection space and stars, died three deep meanings as one, not measured mysteriously that the average person was very difficult to resist. 那道空间光刃,融合星辰光明的璀璨,内部还有死亡意境依仗。可谓是集空间、星辰、死亡三种奥义为一体,玄妙莫测,一般人很难抵挡。 He believes that is Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin, must withstand, will be in an extremely difficult situation. 他相信就算是亚当斯伊夫林,要承受下来,也会狼狈不堪。 Because of Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin at this moment, the soul and God Body were injured, does not dare to display the supernatural power to resist absolutely hardly, will only avoid. 因为此刻的亚当斯伊夫林,灵魂、神体都受了伤,绝对不敢施展神力硬抗,只会躲避。 He must force the opposite party to avoid! 他就是要逼迫对方躲避! So long as they escape to that hot crystal meteorite. He imperial will move the sharp knife blade immediately, that meteorite smashing, the opposite party that compels battles with him in the genuine meteorite class. 只要他们遁离那火晶陨石。他会立即御动利刃,将那陨石粉碎,逼的对方在真正的陨石流与他交战。 He early looked, the hot crystal meteorite under opposite party body was also quite marvelous, can avoid the meteorite class bad risk, made these Space Cutting Blade, large explosions and cold astral wind, made a detour. 他早看出来了,对方身下的火晶陨石也颇为奇妙,能躲避陨石流的凶险,令那些空间利刃、大爆炸和冷冽的罡风,统统都绕道而行。 Is the meteorites of three foot great cauldrons has the wonder of equally good results from different methods with their core. 和他们核心为三足巨鼎的陨石有着异曲同工之妙。 Once the opposite party is separated from the meteorite asylum, and he battles in the meteorite class, he has enough confidence to strangle to death Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin, because the meteorite class is his deep meaning domain. Meteorite by the obligation of his Stars Deep Meaning! 一旦对方脱离陨石庇护,在陨石流和他交战,他有足够的信心绞杀亚当斯伊夫林,因为陨石流乃他的奥义领域。陨石受他星辰奥义的驱使! When really we don't have the strength to hit back?” “真当我们没有还手之力么?” Ma Xisha elegant face one cold, her whole body women's clothing is calm, if a maroon curl had the electric current to pass over gently and swiftly, the terrifying roaring sounds, came out from the Ma Xisha within the body rave suddenly. 玛希莎俏脸一寒,她浑身衣裙无风自动,一头栗色卷发如有电流掠过,一声声恐怖的咆哮声,忽然从玛希莎体内狂吼出来。 Her forehead, that third opens swiftly, such as illuminates the world! 她一点眉心,那第三眼倏然睁开,如照亮世界! Dazzling light purple rays of light, heaven and earth covers her at present, in rays of light, Ferocious Beast of dragon's head lion body such as the mountain appears. Is roaring to Shi Yan. 炫目的淡紫色光芒,将她眼前天地覆盖,在光芒中,一头龙首狮身的凶兽如山浮现。对着石岩怒吼一声。 Bang!” “轰!” The change powder powder that the sound wave such as the continuous explosion, the meteorite will explode along the way, that divided to chop past Space Cutting Blade, ka ka exploded to break to pieces. 声波如连绵不绝的爆炸,将沿途陨石炸的化为齑粉,就连那劈砍过去的空间利刃,也咔咔爆碎掉。 Rushes energy, by the Ma Xisha third eye, rushes the Ferocious Beast within the body of that dragon's head lion body crazily! 一股澎湃能量,透过玛希莎第三目,狂涌向那龙首狮身的凶兽体内! That Ferocious Beast becomes even more ominous offense is hot tempered, in light purple rays of light. Ferocious Beast such as the great mountain crush comes, terrifying was roaring, its sharp claws were pulling. The meteorite that is in the way explodes in abundance. 凶兽变得愈发凶戾暴躁,在淡紫色光芒中。凶兽如巨山碾压而来,恐怖的咆哮着,它那利爪拉扯着。挡路的陨石纷纷爆炸。 It roars, the sharp claws such as the incisive mountain peak, the overhead inserts to the Shi Yan head. 它怒吼一声,利爪如尖锐山峰,当头插向石岩脑袋。 On that sharp claws sharp cold brilliance, has the swift and fierce energy fluctuation, this shoots down, can crush the Shi Yan skeleton instantaneously, as if these meteorites will change into the meat sediment. 那利爪上锋锐的寒光耀目,有着凌厉之极的能量波动,这一击落来,能瞬间粉碎石岩骨骸,将其如那些陨石般化为肉渣滓。 Ferocious Beast of dragon's head lion body, is the totem halidom of Ma Xisha family, must by the third eye of summon, stimulate power by the flesh and blood essence. 龙首狮身的凶兽,为玛希莎家族的图腾圣物,必须以第三目召唤,以血肉精气来激发力量 The Heavenly Eye Clan third eye, has Divine Ability to be exquisite respectively, can summon the Ferocious Beast combat, according to the Heavenly Eye Clan rumor, their Heavenly Eye Clan third eye can communicate hundred beasts, can form the special deep meaning, is their law key definitely, once stimulates the third eye, to my backlash heavy losses. 天目族的第三目,各有神通精妙,能召唤凶兽作战,根据天目族的传言,他们天目族的第三目能沟通百兽,也能形成特殊奥义,是他们法决的关键,一旦激发第三目,会对本人反噬重创。 power that but can increase, is quite astonishing, will be fearful. 但能攀升的力量,却极为惊人,会非常可怕。 Ma Xisha by dragon's head lion body Ferocious Beast that the third eye summoned, was the totem halidom of their family, after exerting blood essence , the might was infinite, has to avoid the point including Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin. 玛希莎以第三目呼唤出来的龙首狮身凶兽,是他们家族的图腾圣物,施加精血后威力无穷,连亚当斯伊夫林都不得不避开锋芒。 Also because of Ma Xisha third eye of Divine Ability, Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin these two Senior Brother, when she, only then Origin God Third Sky Realm, one and leads into Nihility Domain Sea her. 也是因为玛希莎的第三目神通,亚当斯伊夫林这两个师兄,才会在她只有始神三重天境界的时候,将她一并带入虚无域海 But Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin also understand, once displays this third eye of Divine Ability, how regardless of the result, Ma Xisha definitely to be seriously battered, the blood essence short time of loss is very difficult to make up, when her third eye of opening, they also darkly decide, must collaborate to strike to kill Shi Yan. 亚当斯伊夫林也明白,一旦施展这第三目神通,不论结果如何,玛希莎都必然会遭受重创,损耗的精血短时间很难弥补,所以在她第三目睁开的时候,两人也暗下决心,要联手将石岩击杀。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” The dragon's head lion body ominous thing, crushes the meteorite, Space Cutting Blade that roared to shake has blasted open, released the dreadful ominous offense, then locked Shi Yan in a flash, the violent anger. 龙首狮身凶物,一路将陨石粉碎,声声咆哮震的空间利刃都炸裂了,释放出滔天凶戾,转瞬间便锁定石岩,暴怒而来。 The Ma Xisha face whiten, abundant physique was rapid, looks like the flesh and blood essence is passed. 玛希莎脸色苍白,丰盈的身姿迅速消瘦,就像是血肉精气都被流逝掉了。 But purple rays of light in her third eye, actually even more flash eye, even more fearful, that Ferocious Beast that shines upon was also qi and blood fearful to the extreme. 但她第三目内的紫色光芒,却愈发耀目,愈发的可怕,映照的那凶兽也是气血可怕到了极点。 Be careful! The qi and blood degree of that Ferocious Beast within the body, has almost been the Immemorial Thunder Dragon Reddy's degree, although does not have Reddy's deep meaning coordination, but also no small matter!” “小心!那凶兽体内的气血程度,几乎达到了太古雷龙雷迪的程度,虽然没雷迪的奥义配合,但也非同小可!” Rides Aodai Li on that quick meteorite, a beautiful pupil revolution, calls out in alarm the reminder hastily, letting Shi Yan must unable to be negligent. 乘坐在那快捷陨石上的奥黛丽,美眸一转,连忙惊呼提醒,让石岩务必不能大意。 Shi Yan arrived at the extreme dignified, saw with own eyes that Ferocious Beast plunders, his whole body qi and blood erupts suddenly, such as the terrifying volcano in purgatory spout the ominous offense. His back bone wing moves, fans the torrential blood wave, in the blood wave strong scarlet Blood Qi, must give the destruction the myriad things life. 石岩神情凝重到了极点,眼见那凶兽掠来,他浑身气血骤然爆发,如炼狱内的恐怖火山喷涌出凶戾。他背后骨翼一动,扇动出滔滔血浪,血浪内浓烈猩红的血气,要将万物生灵都给覆灭。 energy in faint trace continuously Sea of Consciousness, suddenly converges within the body, his fierce God Body becomes flickers suddenly, such as walks randomly in the light and darkness, under the seepage of that Dark Energy. The space that he is at transmits explosive, even/including Yuhai such as must collapse, meteorite class that flies, dozens meteorite silent melting. 丝丝缕缕识海内的能量,忽然汇入体内,他那狰狞神体骤然变得忽明忽暗,如游走在光明和黑暗之中,在那暗能量的渗透下。他所在的空间传来爆响,连域海都如要崩溃,那飞逝的陨石流,数十个陨石无声的融化掉。 Come!” “来吧!” Shi Yan angry roar, the person actually such as stealth, swiftly vanished. 石岩怒啸,人却如隐形了,倏然消失。 Rip!” 哧啦!” The giant beast of that dragon's head lion body, the chest are suddenly many a bloodstain, the giant beast body rippled the tree mark fluctuation. Its roar, toward the nothingness space worry, is shelling with the lackey, the long tail is moving. 那头龙首狮身的巨兽,胸口突然多了一道血迹,巨兽身体荡漾出树纹般的波动。它厉啸着,朝着虚无空间撕咬,用爪牙轰击,长长尾巴甩动着。 Bang bang Peng! “嘭嘭嘭! Invisible condition Shi Yan, by the Ferocious Beast claw shade bang, such as was attacked by the great ship, God Body shakes greatly, in the chest the bloodstain rises dramatically. 隐形状态的石岩,也被凶兽爪影轰中,如被巨舰冲击,神体巨震,胸口内血迹飙升。 Blood, his God Body appears immediately, a pair of bone wing shakes. If the sharp denticle, cuts in the giant beast tail, that giant beast purple mark tail was paddled by his bone wing, covered with blood, turned into two sections unexpectedly. 鲜血一出,他神体立即重新浮现,一双骨翼一抖。如锋锐的锯齿,切割在巨兽尾巴,那巨兽紫纹尾巴被他骨翼划动,竟然血肉模糊,变成了两截。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” The nails of Shi Yan two cutting edges, jab into Ferocious Beast within the body, such as the smashing diamond, made Ferocious Beast skeleton blasting open. 石岩两手锋刃的指甲,刺进凶兽体内,如粉碎钻石,令凶兽骨骸炸裂。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” A Ma Xisha blood spouts, complexion pallid like paper, third goal rays of light is suddenly dim. Her elegant face like dying embers, hesitant several seconds, suddenly point to chest. 玛希莎一口鲜血喷出,脸色煞白如纸,第三目的光芒猛然黯淡。她俏脸如死灰,犹豫数秒,猛然点向胸口。 Her heart beats at ordinary ten times of speeds fiercely! 她心脏以平常十倍速度剧烈跳动! That Ferocious Beast, such as poured into energy instantaneously, once again becomes bursting with energy, becomes even more ominously seems to be severe. 凶兽,如瞬间被重新灌注能量,又一次变得生龙活虎,变得似乎愈发的凶厉起来。 Shi Yan eye of dew stunned. 石岩目露愕然 Yi Fulin one dull, this desire opens third eye of getting rid. Now sees the strength of Ma Xisha stimulation heart, suddenly discolored, screamed: No!” 伊夫林一呆,他本欲睁开第三目出手。如今一见玛希莎激发心脏之力,突然勃然变色,尖叫道:“不!” Yang Dangsi also with amazement changes colors. Shouting to clear the way: Does not want!” 亚当斯也骇然失色。喝道:“不要!” They discard Shi Yan, one and rushes to side Ma Xisha, unexpectedly one and got rid, has covered up her third goal purple light. 两人舍弃石岩,一并冲到玛希莎身旁,竟然一并出手,遮掩了她第三目的紫光 purple light one was covered up, that dragon's head lion body Ferocious Beast becomes suffocates immediately, suddenly silhouette changes fuzzy, gradually changes pale, vanishes little. 紫光一被遮掩,那龙首狮身凶兽立即变得奄奄一息,忽然身影变模糊,逐渐变淡,一点点消失掉。 Heart that the Ma Xisha ghastly pale look, tender body cold trembling, just intensely beat, suddenly slow dozens times. 玛希莎面无人色,娇躯寒冷的瑟瑟发抖,刚刚激烈跳动的心脏,也忽然迟缓了数十倍。 Before she has not stimulated energy is weaker, such as the heart must stop gradually, becomes extremely strange. 比她没有激发能量之前还要微弱,如心脏要逐渐停止,变得极为的诡异。 I must kill him! I must kill him!” Yi Fulin such as must go crazy, the third eye is wriggling, must display to overdraw the life the deep meaning. “我要杀了他!我要杀了他!”伊夫林如要发狂,第三目蠕动着,也要施展透支生命的奥义。 First saves the junior sister to be important!” Yang Dangsi screamed. “先救师妹要紧!”亚当斯尖叫。 The Yi Fulin eye is red, listening to Yang Dangsi to call, immediately responded that he and Yang Dangsi third eye of splitting, their third eye showed the green and blue halo suddenly separately, the halo such as the life magnetic field, the Ma Xisha body binding, these halos such as wonderful life force, submerged the Ma Xisha third eye slowly. 伊夫林眼睛赤红,听亚当斯一叫,立即反应过来,他和亚当斯忽然将第三目裂开,两人第三目分别透出绿色、蓝色光晕,光晕如生命磁场,将玛希莎身躯给裹住,那些光晕如神妙的生机,慢慢没入玛希莎第三目。 Pale such as paper Ma Xisha, under coverage of that halo, aura stabilizes gradually, the weak heartbeat strengthens slowly. 苍白如纸的玛希莎,在那光晕的覆盖下,气息渐渐稳定,微弱的心跳声慢慢增强。 „!” “啪嗒!” Also in this time, Shi Yan is cold the face to fall on their fire Jing Yun Zhou, interestings looks at they, the step walks. 也在此时,石岩冷着脸在他们的火晶云舟上落下,饶有兴趣看着他们,步步行来。 Shi Yan.” 石岩。” Nearby Aodai Li sits on that meteorite, is extremely quick because of that meteorite, at this moment leaves Shi Yan to be extremely near, she looks from afar to Shi Yan, suddenly knits the brows, was almost good, does not need to do too certainly, we were newly-arrived, offended too many people, behind step by step will be difficult.” 旁边奥黛丽坐在那陨石上,因那陨石极快,此刻离石岩极近,她远远看向石岩,忽然皱眉,“差不多就行了,不用做的太绝,我们初来乍到,得罪了太多人,后面会步步艰难。” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, shakes the head saying: I will never oppose the enemy benevolently. If this time my strength is bad, dying is your I, they will not show mercy.” 石岩淡然一笑,摇头说道:“我从不会对敌仁慈。如果此次我实力不济,死的就是你我,他们不会手下留情。” During the speech, before he arrived at Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha body, at this time that Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi are saving the Ma Xisha critical moment, clearly know he cherish illegally, is unable to divert attention, but in the eye pupil disclosed the deep hatred, but they actually do not dare to stop to the treatment of Ma Xisha. 讲话间,他已经来到伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎身前,此时那伊夫林亚当斯正在拯救玛希莎的关键时刻,明知道他心怀不轨,也无法分心,只是眼眸中透露出深深的仇恨,但他们却不敢停下对玛希莎的救治。 Stops, means that Ma Xisha will die, the life magnetic field will dry up thoroughly. 停下,就意味着玛希莎将会身亡,生命磁场会彻底枯竭。 Has not thought that your two Senior Brother, are passionately devoted to the young junior sister unexpectedly, the sentiment character, indeed is very harmful, actually made you be able to give up resisting, must maintain her life magnetic field will not dry up, made me be moved.” Shi Yan frowns, suddenly the revolution deep meaning, in Sea of Consciousness that Dark Energy turns into two strange marks instantaneously. “没想到你们这两个师兄,竟然都对小师妹一往情深,情字,的确害人不浅,竟然令你们能放弃抵挡,也要保持她生命磁场不会枯竭,真令我感动。”石岩皱着眉头,忽然运转奥义,识海内那暗能量瞬间变成两种奇异印记。 The mark assumes the scarlet cloud cluster, the naked eye is difficult to see, departs from his forehead, suddenly falls to Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin chest, vanishes in their heart places does not see. 印记呈血色云团,肉眼却难见,从他眉心飞出,忽然落向亚当斯伊夫林胸口,在他们心脏处消失不见。 That mark, can stimulate to destroy power instantaneously, stirs to break to pieces their hearts to be easy as pie. 那印记,能瞬间激发毁灭力量,搅碎他们心脏易如反掌。 He also looked, this Heavenly Eye Clan besides the soul for the strategic point, the heart was also the dead hole. 他也看出来了,这天目族除了灵魂为要害外,心脏也是死穴。 Not like him, even if the heart smashing, he can also congeal by the blood. 不像他,就算是心脏粉碎,他也能以鲜血重新凝结出来。 That mark irons in Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin chest, his equivalent to acted bashful two lives dead, although took a mean advantage, but he did not have the guilty feeling. 那印记烙在亚当斯伊夫林胸口,他相当于拿捏住了两人生死,虽然是乘人不备,但他一点没有愧疚感。 Comes, here was safe, we can chat with them well.” He beckons toward Aodai Li. “过来,这边安全了,我们可以和他们好好谈谈了。”他朝着奥黛丽招手。 ...... ( to be continued ) RQ ……(未完待续)RQ
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