GOS :: Volume #14

#1376: The Lord of galaxy

The Shi Yan mind appears very carefree mysterious feeling. 石岩心灵浮现很畅快玄妙的感觉。 Since through quenching of hui main body mystical energy, after making his Soul Altar, God Body and bloodlines had the transformation sublimation, he did not have earnestly with the person to encounter. 自从通过虺主体神秘能量的淬炼,令他灵魂祭台神体、血脉都发生蜕变升华以后,他还没有认真与人交锋过。 Now fights vigorously Yi Fulin, his whole body is comfortable, the mixing degree between supernatural power, blood essence and soul, before having achieved, Realm that wants unable to think! 如今力战伊夫林,他浑身舒泰,神力、精血、灵魂间的糅合程度,达到了以前连想都不敢想的境界 His within the body supernatural power old tree trunk and branches and veins connection, the intention moves, the pure vigorous supernatural power, continuously stimulates immediately, flows instantaneously in his all the limbs and bones, in this period did not have a point to stagnate, does not have a wee bit waste, the god urges to send one wisp, can more than enough release power. 他体内神力古树枝干和筋脉连接,心念一动,精纯浑厚的神力,马上就源源不绝激发出来,瞬间流淌在他四肢百骸,其间没有一点凝滞,没有丁点的浪费,神力催发一缕,就能十成十释放出力量来。 This was impossible before. 这在以前是根本不可能的。 Before, the supernatural power activated by the lower abdomen dantian, the roaming whole body veins, will have the detention, will waste several points of power in the middle, was hard to burst out all energy of supernatural power. 以前,神力透过小腹丹田激活,流荡周身筋脉,会有延迟,会在中间浪费几分力量,难以将神力的能量尽数迸发出来。 He peeps at sacrificial altar with rapt attention. 他凝神窥视祭台 In Sea of Consciousness of sacrificial altar lowest level, such as the broad boundless sea, continuously Divine Sense in his Sea of Consciousness, no longer is illusory such as the smoke cloud mist, no longer faintly recognizable thin, rather, turns into real eternal truth sea water liquid energy! 祭台最底层的识海内,如宽阔无际的海洋,一缕缕神识在他识海内,不再是虚幻如烟云雾气,不再飘渺稀薄,而是,变成真真如海水般的液态能量 The dark colored sea, murmur sea water, is full one to nourish the soul, has is also wanting the astonishing aura power core compared with the supernatural power old tree! 暗黑色的海洋,潺潺的海水,充盈着一股滋养灵魂,拥有着比神力古树还要惊人气息力量核心! Sea of Consciousness, turned into genuine sea, dark colored sea water broad Miao Miao, releases the dark color to be dense, floats to rise densely, is raising his deep meaning level, the Heavenly Flame level and beginning and main soul and vice- soul, likely will be the power forever, likely is the Soul Altar energy source warm! 识海,变成了真正的海洋,暗黑色海水宽阔淼淼,释放出暗色氤氲,氤氲浮升出来,温养着他的奥义层、天火层、始界、主魂、副魂,像是永动力,像是灵魂祭台能量源泉! His eye splits the strange gloss. 他眼睛绽出奇异光泽。 The intention realizes from experience, he discovered that energy in Sea of Consciousness, with energy of supernatural power old tree, clearly is unexpectedly opposite, aura is different, looks like the front and back of thing, lets him is very astonished. 用心体悟,他发现识海内的能量,和神力古树的能量,竟然截然相反,气息迥异,就像是事物的正反面,让他很是惊异。 The supernatural power old tree is dazzling, such as the diamond crystal of congealment, that Sea of Consciousness dark colored sea, like black ink, does not reflect any gloss jet black, assumes liquid to ripple, once strength of the wisp of Divine Sense flies from, immediately turns without the shade invisible, but has the terrifying might similarly. 神力古树璀璨夺目,如凝结的钻石晶体,那识海暗黑色海洋,漆黑如墨,不反射任何光泽,呈液态荡漾着,一旦一缕神识之力飞离,马上变成无影无形,但却同样具有恐怖的威力。 He has a feeling suddenly, feels that Sea of Consciousness, is heating raises his Soul Altar, is changing all in his sacrificial altar quietly! 他忽然生出一种感觉,感觉那识海,正在温养他灵魂祭台,悄悄改变着他祭台内的一切! In so-called Dark Energy to Sea of Consciousness, few that too he understands, at this moment he sets firm resolve secretly, in this territory within the four seas must surely this energy wonderful - breaks, understands clearly its true mystery. 识海内的所谓暗能量,他了解的太少,此刻他暗暗下定决心,在这域海内定要将这种能量神妙-给勒破,洞悉其真正的神奇。 hōng hōng hōng!” 轰轰轰!” His mind changes, the galaxy that two fingers connect has not actually ceased, stars chains are linking the meteorite, by the wild ominous severe imposing manner , to continue to that Yi Fulin wanton bombing. 他心神变幻万千,两手指头连接的星河却没有停息,一条条星辰锁链连着陨石,以狂暴凶厉的气势,继续对那伊夫林狂轰滥炸。 Yi Fulin gold/metal sharp deep meaning congeals, golden sawblades split from his within the body, the impact bang of being powerful on the meteorite, the giant meteorite crushes gradually, an explosion, the sputtering of flame and stone riot, making the peripheral meteorite class transmit deafening exploding sound. 伊夫林金锐奥义凝结,一道道金色锯刀从他体内裂开,气势如虹的冲击轰在陨石上,巨大陨石逐渐粉碎,块块爆炸,火光、石块暴乱的溅射出来,令周边陨石流都传来震耳欲聋的爆鸣 Whenever a meteorite blasts open, Yi Fulin shakes on whole body, the whole body skeleton such as was shelled by the hammer, red that the complexion rises. 每当一块陨石炸裂,伊夫林浑身一震,全身骨骼如被锤子轰击,脸色涨的通红。 When explodes to the last meteorite, the complexion that Yi Fulin becomes flushed swiftly becomes pale, the look becomes gloomy is fearful, his qi and blood disorder, hangs ten to come the handle huge golden color sawblade in his top of the head, the sawblade denticle is dense, such as Devil opens the blood-stained mouth, is scary. 待到最后一块陨石爆裂,伊夫林涨红的脸色倏然变得苍白,眼神变得阴沉可怕,他气血紊乱,在他头顶悬着十来柄巨大金色锯刀,锯刀锯齿森森,如妖魔张开血口,非常骇人。 The vision that he is hostile toward, closely congeals on Shi Yan, said sends out the wild beast low roar. 他仇视的目光,紧紧凝结在石岩身上,口出发出野兽般的低吼。 Third that his forehead shuts tightly, the eye hides to vibrate, spreads the intense energy fluctuation, such as soon must open. 眉心紧闭的第三眼,眼皮子抖动着,传出强烈的能量波动,如即将要睁开。 Shi Yan heart does not live suddenly wonderfully - feeling, solemn secret revolution power, the pure supernatural power like the brook, the extremely fast flies to flee in his veins, in the flash, his qi and blood is exuberant, life magnetic field again increasing brand-new Realm, is so, his transformation becomes the fight shape of being critical situation. 石岩心底突生不妙-感,神情肃穆的暗暗运转力量,精纯的神力如溪流,极速在他筋脉飞窜,在一瞬间,他气血旺盛,生命磁场再一次攀升全新境界,也是如此,他蜕变成如临大敌的战斗形态。 Back broad bone wing makes the crack, the shoulder, the elbow unit and knee Bone Thorn are dense, the muscle surface forms the natural cutin mail-armor and helmet, the nail such as the dense cold blade. 背脊宽阔骨翼挣裂,肩膀、肘部、膝盖骨刺森森,肌肉表面形成天然角质甲胄,指甲如森森寒刀。 An evil cruel imposing manner, jumps from his new fight shape swiftly shoots, imitates, if the hell volcano roared, roasted the fierce release big terrifying. 一种邪恶暴戾的气势,倏然从他新的战斗形态迸射,仿若地狱火山咆哮,炙烈的释放出大恐怖 The Yi Fulin eye appears suddenly the gloss, forehead third is shivering with amazement, must open completely. 伊夫林眼睛骤然浮现骇然光泽,眉心第三眼颤抖着,要完全睁开了。 Senior Brother!” Yang Dangsi startled shout, such as fierce hurricane stands firm side Yi Fulin suddenly instantaneously, said dignifiedly: Is only the small conflict, does not use, therefore like mad? Although this friend Realm has Origin God Third Sky, but the true strength is not weak, Senior Brother, this matter...... Ok?” 师兄!”亚当斯忽然惊喝,如狂烈飓风瞬间在伊夫林身旁站定,凝重道:“只是小冲突,不用因此拼死拼活吧?这位朋友境界虽然只有始神三重天,可真正的实力不弱,师兄,这件事……算了吧?” He persuaded Yi Fulin time, by wild territory language that Shi Yan and Aodai Li can understand, may in the speech, but also extra by one type marvelous - soul fluctuation carried on the secret to recount to Yi Fulin. 他劝说伊夫林的时候,以石岩奥黛丽能听懂的荒域语言,可在讲话的时候,还额外以一种奇妙-灵魂波动对伊夫林进行隐秘述说。 This boy bloodlines are uncommon, can stimulate the strength of transformation life form bloodlines, feared that does not cope easily. Senior Brother, your soul and fleshly body have been damaged, is very difficult to win by your strength, you feign did not investigate that your my joint effort, waits for an opportunity to strike to kill, kills him directly!” “这小子血脉不凡,能激发血脉之力蜕变生命形态,怕是不容易对付。师兄,你灵魂、肉身都受创了,以你一人之力很难取胜,你佯装不追究,你我合力,伺机一击必杀,将他直接杀死!” The soul fluctuation of Yang Dangsi, was disclosing other message, is exchanging with Yi Fulin. 亚当斯的灵魂波动,透露着另外的讯息,在和伊夫林交流。 Yi Fulin is listening to Yang Dangsi private message, third has not opened, as if earnestly is listening attentively to his suggestion. 伊夫林听着亚当斯的私密讯息,第三眼迟迟没有睁开,似乎在认真的倾听他的建议。 Not far away, the Ma Xisha eye is spooky, secret sigh. 不远处,玛希莎眼睛幽幽,暗暗叹息。 She knows that in two Senior Brother, Yang Dangsi also wants the extreme compared with Yi Fulin actually, and a lot of dirty tricks, saw Yang Dangsi not to persuade with the Heavenly Eye Clan spoken language in the past, she guessed immediately that knows Yang Dangsi definitely the heart had an idea, must treat by the new plot. 她知道两位师兄中,亚当斯伊夫林其实还要极端,并且一肚子坏水,一见亚当斯过去并非以天目族言语劝说,她马上就猜测出来,知道亚当斯肯定又心生一计,要以新阴谋对待。 In fact, feigns kindly friendly, then suddenly in the strategy of soul polite talk, is Yang Dangsi leaves to Yi Fulin. 事实上,佯装和蔼友善,然后忽然以灵魂套话的计策,也是亚当斯伊夫林出的。 In three people, Yang Dangsi is most deceitful slyly, in them is a ghost military strategist kind of role. 三人中,亚当斯最为奸诈狡猾,在他们中是鬼军师一类的角色。 „!” “啊!” The Ma Xisha innermost feelings just made the accurate judgment, suddenly covers the mouth to call out in alarm, the whole face does not dare to believe. 玛希莎内心刚做出准确判断,忽然掩口惊叫,满脸不敢置信。 Her, there is Yang Dangsi on to persuade outwardly, in addition Yi Fulin „, but nod, she believes that Shi Yan will certainly cease all activities, after all, Yang Dangsi was also Immortal Realm, achieved Origin God Third Sky her. 在她来看,有了亚当斯明面上劝说,加上伊夫林的“无奈”点头,她相信石岩一定会偃旗息鼓,毕竟,亚当斯也是不朽境界,还有一个达到始神三重天的她在内。 So long as is the wise person, how should understand to judge, not a muscle gets rid to be possible wild in this time, in Yi Fulin but nods, feigns takes back the golden sawblade time, that wilderness youth grins to grin fiendishly, Hehe flushed unexpectedly! 只要是明智的人,都应该懂得如何判断,都不会一根筋的狂暴出手可就在此时,在伊夫林都无奈点头,佯装收回金色锯刀的时候,那荒野青年咧嘴狞笑,竟嘿嘿冲了上来! Ma Xisha changes colors with amazement. 玛希莎骇然失色。 The Aodai Li also unclear reason why, beautiful pupil spills over astonishedly, does not know why the opposite party must give up obviously, Shi Yan must wage a war. 奥黛丽也不明所以然,美眸泛出惊异,不知为何对方明明要罢手了,石岩还要大动干戈。 You think that who you are? To kill to kill, cannot kill to call a halt? It is not simple!” Ten stars flow and converge are, Shi Yan vanish in the drift of stars swiftly, that drift of stars actually such as a radiant bolt of white silk, passes toward Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi. “你以为你们是谁?想杀就杀,杀不了就停手?没那么简单!”十条星流汇为一股,石岩倏然消失在星流中,那星流却如一条璀璨匹练,往伊夫林亚当斯流逝过去。 In the drift of stars, a star light such as the dazzling colored ribbon, in the colored ribbon a rushing life fluctuates, the sea water that such as is in flood, wells up suddenly crazily. 星流内,条条星光如炫目的彩带,彩带内一股澎湃生命波动,如泛滥出来的海水,猛然狂涌而出。 After the intense life fluctuates, ice cold killing intent disclosed that gloomy and cold swept across peripheral, dozens huge Space Cutting Blade that almost at the same time, the nearby drifted away, were receiving the attraction of that drift of stars unexpectedly, such as by the magnet implicating, was towing the long rainbow light, has cut suddenly. 强烈生命波动后,一股冰寒死意透露出来,阴冷的席卷周边,几乎在同时,附近游离的数十条巨大空间利刃,竟然受着那星流的吸引,如被磁石给牵连着,拖着长长的虹光,猛然斩了过来。 In the meteorite class, Space Cutting Blade of these dissociation in meteorite crevice, are most fearful, Ma Xisha looks at these Space Cutting Blade, crush the powder powder meteorites with own eyes. 陨石流内,那些游离在陨石夹缝内的空间利刃,才是最可怕的,玛希莎亲眼看着那些空间利刃,将一个个陨石粉碎成齑粉。 She believes that is Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi, was cut by that huge Space Cutting Blade, passed away inevitably. 她相信就算是伊夫林亚当斯,被那巨大的空间利刃斩中,也必然一命呜呼。 Your boy was insane!” Yang Dangsi complexion big change. “你小子疯了!”亚当斯脸色大变。 Wild getting rid of Shi Yan, has torn his premeditation, making the plan that he plans in secret not display with enough time died, at this moment, with Yi Fulin that he coordinates gold/metal sharp strength restraining, comes on the middle the drift of stars suddenly, sees the Space Cutting Blade attack of terrifying, is creepy feeling. 石岩的狂暴出手,撕裂了他的预谋,令他暗中筹谋的计划没有来得及施展就夭折了,此刻,和他配合的伊夫林才将金锐之力收敛,冷不防就间星流汹涌而来,见恐怖空间利刃来袭,也是头皮发麻。 They underestimated seeking revenge for the slightest grievance of Shi Yan, had underestimated the Shi Yan ominous offense, is doomed to eat to owe greatly. 他们小看了石岩的睚眦必报,也低估了石岩的凶戾,注定要吃个大亏。 Space reamer!” “空间绞刀!” Several hundred meters shining Space Cutting Blade, such as the radiant blade dragon comes, the sharp knife blade air chi chi has blamed, several meteorites along the way explode the smashing immediately, that sharp knife blade close closing up slowly, such as the reamer overhead falls, ominous potential heaven shaking. 数百米长的明晃晃空间利刃,如璀璨刀龙而来,利刃所过出空气“嗤嗤”怪向,沿途的几块陨石立即爆炸粉碎,那利刃慢慢的接近靠拢,如绞刀般当头落来,凶势惊天 Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin mind shakes greatly, is inferior to think much that displays the pinnacle the deep meaning, likely is the winding lightning, avoids in the meteorite class unceasingly. 亚当斯伊夫林心神巨震,不及多想,纷纷将奥义施展到极致,像是曲折闪电,不断地在陨石流内躲避。 They do not dare to stop over the moment on the Shi Yan meteorite. 他们不敢在石岩的陨石上逗留一刻。 Hehe, pays a price to me!” Shi Yan grins fiendishly suddenly. 嘿嘿,都给我付出点代价吧!”石岩忽然狞笑。 Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi meteorite, such as was activated instantaneously, the direction that shoots toward the front illness changes, loudly impact in two people. 伊夫林亚当斯身旁的陨石,如被瞬间激活,本来往前方疾射的方向一变,轰然冲击在两人身上。 Unexpected, they were dashed by several meteorites, immediately whole face full mouth blood, distressedly to the extreme. 猝不及防下,两人被数块陨石冲撞,立即满脸满口鲜血,狼狈到了极点。 These meteorites, such as ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great mountain, dot also has Immortal Island to be ordinary, imperial moves in Shi Yan stars power, instantaneous and his mind achieves the relation, by his supernatural power was stimulated, to turn into his murder sharp weapon. 那些陨石,如万丈巨山,小点的也有不死岛一般大,在石岩星辰力量御动下,瞬间和他心神达成联系,被他神力激发,变成他的杀人利器。 His that Stars Deep Meaning, in vast boundless Star Sea, simply is may be called abnormal existence, this place innumerable meteorites, can regard as in his hand the weapon, here battles with him, invites trouble radically. 他那星辰奥义,在浩淼无际的星海内,简直就是堪称变态的存在,此地无数陨石,都能看作他手中兵器,在这里与他交战,根本就是自找苦吃。 Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin are Realm on high plan, in occupying his hand of in the right place at the right time, same must make heavy losses! 亚当斯伊夫林就算是境界高上一筹,在占据天时地利的他的手中,一样要被重创! Senior Brother!” Ma Xisha screamed. 师兄!”玛希莎尖叫。 Fire Jing Yun Zhou under her body changes the route quickly, trade of hot cloud in hot crystal meteorite from body, that falls Petrification is together the crystal light, fires into Yang Dangsi and Yi Fulin suddenly they. 她身下的火晶云舟倏地改变航线,朵朵火云从身下火晶陨石内贸易,那陨石化为一道晶光,猛然冲向亚当斯伊夫林两人。 Their whole face full mouth blood, this moment mind shakes greatly, did not have the retaliation idea, hurried that hot crystal meteorite, was urged by Yang Dangsi: Walks! Immediately leaves this place! Really bad luck, we bumped into any monster!” 两人满脸满口鲜血,此刻心神巨震,也没了报复想法,赶紧上了那火晶陨石,由亚当斯催促:“走!立即离开此地!真倒霉,我们碰到什么怪物了!” Yi Fulin yin cold face, hatred looks to behind direction Shi Yan, my souls and God Body restore, must take this child life, goes too far! He goes too far simply!” 伊夫林阴寒着脸,怨毒的看向身后方向的石岩,“等我灵魂、神体恢复,必取此子性命,欺人太甚!他简直欺人太甚!” No, let alone boast! He, he pursued! Oh, he unexpectedly, must be ruthless unexpectedly!” Ma Xisha complexion one cold, has scolded one, turns head to look, suddenly also screamed. “别,别说大话了!啊,他,他追上来了!天哪,他竟然,竟然要赶尽杀绝!”玛希莎脸色一冷,呵斥了一句,回头一望,忽然又尖叫起来。 In the billowing meteorite class, the Shi Yan body such as a radiant meteor, at an extremely quick speed, clashes toward them. 在滚滚陨石流内,石岩身如一条璀璨流星,以一种极快的速度,直朝着他们冲来。 These should stop up in his front meteorite, when he grazes comes, unexpectedly on own initiative allows to pass through, opens wide passage for him, as if, he such as the Lord of galaxy, can imperial move the Star Sea stars meteorite, inborn is the overlord in Star Sea. 那些本来应该堵在他前方的陨石,在他飞掠而来的时候,竟主动让路,为他敞开通道,仿佛,他如星河之主,能御动星海星辰陨石,天生就是星海内的霸主。 ps: Strove for guaranteeing a minimum monthly ticket weakly ps:弱弱地求下保底月票
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