GOS :: Volume #14

#1375: The territory sea first war!

Yi Fulin looks like the neighbor gentle elder, informs related Nihility Domain Sea all sorts mysteriously, through his explanation, Shi Yan and Aodai Li had the sober understanding finally. 伊夫林就像是邻家慈祥长辈,将有关虚无域海种种玄妙告知,通过他的讲解,石岩奥黛丽对此地终于有了清醒的认识。 They only know that real Star Sea has how great, is similar to their territory place number not all, understands Nihility Domain Sea the magical thing, knows the Absolute Beginning life by no means merely only then the Desolate, bites, hui three, realized own Origin God Realm, is actually very tiny in Nihility Domain Sea. 两人这才知道,真实的星海有多么的广阔无垠,类似于他们域界的地方数不尽数,也明白“虚无域海”的神奇之处,知道太初生灵并非仅仅只有荒、噬、虺三个,也意识到自己始神境界,在虚无域海其实很渺小。 Wild territory is the world that Absolute Beginning life Desolate creates, is very marvelous, does your master gate elder, have truely has seen right in front of one Desolate, obtains the core inheritance of Desolate?” “荒域乃太初生灵荒创造出来的世界,很奇妙,你们的师门长辈,有没有真正面见过荒,得到过荒的核心传承?” Yi Fulin came such one, these words to ask suddenly the time , the meat seam that his forehead stood erect wriggled, a mysterious soul fluctuation, penetrated from that third eye, has poured into the eye pupil of Aodai Li. 伊夫林忽然来了这么一句,这番话问出的时候,他眉心竖立的肉缝蠕动了一下,一股玄妙的灵魂波动,从那第三只眼睛内穿透出来,注入了奥黛丽的眼眸中。 Aodai Li is suddenly absent-minded, an eye of dew is confused, her Realm only then Origin God First Sky, unexpected under came such one move by Yi Fulin, immediately flickers to lose the consciousness short, is startled however said: Where has any master gate elder, deceives your......” 奥黛丽忽然恍惚,目露迷茫,她境界只有始神一重天,猝不及防下被伊夫林来了这么一招,立即短瞬失去意识,怔然说道:“哪有什么师门长辈啊,骗你们的……” Such remarks, the Shi Yan temples jump suddenly, in the heart called the brewer's grain. 此言一出,石岩太阳穴猛然一跳,心中叫糟。 His complexion suddenly became dignified to the extreme, wants not to think that pulled instantaneously Aodai Li side, a palm wisp bitter cold crossed into Aodai Li within the body. 他脸色骤然变得凝重到了极点,想也不想,瞬间将奥黛丽扯到身旁,掌心一缕酷寒渡入奥黛丽体内。 Hit to tremble, the Aodai Li awaking revolutions, the beautiful cheeks cover entirely the cold frost swiftly at once, beautiful pupil ice-cold biting cold. 打了个寒颤,奥黛丽倏然醒转,旋即绝美脸颊布满寒霜,美眸冰冷彻骨。 Shi Yan criticizes itself insufficiently discretely, he too underestimated opposite party was deceitfully sinister, that Yi Fulin looks the smiling face from beginning to end, specifically described to their issues, manner good makes him guard against the heart to weaken, but also thinks really the opposite party is really worry his rumor. Tries to get close on own initiative. 石岩暗骂自己不够谨慎,他太低估对方的狡诈阴险了,那伊夫林从始至终面露笑容,对他们的问题详细说明,态度好的让他防备心减弱,还真以为对方真是顾忌他的那番谎言。来主动套近乎。 Has not expected this old man to be so hard to deal with, thinks of every means to their explanation, but to make them lulls temporarily, at once is staring at Realm slightly low Aodai Li, suddenly displays soul evil technique, made the Aodai Li instantaneous move, told the truth all of a sudden completely. 没料到这老头如此难缠,费尽心机对他们的一番讲解,只是为了令他们暂时麻痹,旋即盯着境界略低的奥黛丽,忽然施展灵魂邪术,令奥黛丽瞬间中招,一下子将实话给全部说了出来。 Good sinister!” Aodai Li is cold the face, the whole body ghost rotation. Read mind one remnantly to the rejection, ice-cold tender shouting to clear the way. “好阴险的老贼!”奥黛丽寒着脸,浑身幽魂转动。将脑海一丝残念给剔除,冰冷的娇喝道。 Yi Fulin, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha these three Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen, after drawing out the Aodai Li truth, suddenly is also silent. 伊夫林亚当斯玛希莎这三名天目族的族人,套出奥黛丽的实话后,忽然同时沉默。 Ma Xisha knitting the brows head, reveals the strange color, as if also in a soft voice sighed, will pity their soon bitter experiences likely very much. 玛希莎只是皱了皱眉头,流露出古怪之色,似乎还轻声一叹,像是很怜悯他们即将的遭遇。 Yi Fulin and Yang Dangsi these two Senior Brother, the facial expression suddenly becomes the sinister and vicious ice-cold. Cleanness that formerly temperate smiling face vanished, reappeared immediately the true self. 伊夫林亚当斯这两名师兄,神情骤然变得阴鸷冰冷。先前的温和笑容消失的干干净净,立即将本来面目浮现出来。 Hehe!” The Yi Fulin strange sound sneers, unexpectedly also is really two benighted kids, the meteorite internal thing, should be your master gate rare treasure, before me, harms soul heavy losses, makes me be terribly suspicious and fearful, the expenditure for a long time determines, how much time can you knowledge waste my?” 嘿嘿!”伊夫林怪声冷笑,“竟然还真是两个愚昧无知的小家伙,陨石内部的东西,应该是你们师门秘宝吧,害的我之前灵魂重创,也让我疑神疑鬼,花费那么长时间才确定真实,你们可知浪费我多少时间?” During the speech, the Yi Fulin body such as ices cold stream ray together. Fire Jing Yun Zhou from their body graze to come, then falls in a flash to the meteorite that Shi Yan and Aodai Li are. 讲话间,伊夫林身如一道冰寒流光。从他们身下的火晶云舟飞掠而来,转瞬间便落向石岩奥黛丽所在的陨石上。 He turned head, said to Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha: Is only two Origin God juniors, I can attend to with ease, they run away cannot escape, you do not need to waste the supernatural power.” 他回过头来,冲亚当斯玛希莎说道:“只是两个始神小辈,我可以轻松料理,他们逃都逃不掉,你们不用浪费神力。” Yang Dangsi nods, cloudy sound track: That had work Senior Brother.” 亚当斯点头,阴声道:“那就有劳师兄了。” Senior Brother, does not need to do too certainly?” Ma Xisha knits the brows to say. 师兄,不用做的太绝吧?”玛希莎皱眉道。 In Nihility Domain Sea, may say without any natural law, bumps into us to calculate that their destiny is not good. Let alone, in the meteorites under their body, should have the good thing.” Yang Dangsi snort|hum, reproved: You first come to here, does not know here bad risk, if this we run into Immortal Second Sky Realm, possibly cannot fall dead a natural death. Has the pity, will otherwise suffer a loss in the future surely!” “在虚无域海内,没有任何规则可言,碰到我们算他们命运不好。更何况,在他们身下的陨石内部,应该有好东西。”亚当斯哼了一声,训斥道:“你初次来这儿,不知道这里的凶险,如果今次我们遇到不朽二重天境界者,可能也落不到善终。别有怜悯心,不然将来定吃大亏!” Ma Xisha heard that the word sighed spookily, has not continued to persuade. Knows that the persuasion is also useless. 玛希莎闻言幽幽一叹,没有继续劝说。知道劝说也没用。 Old man, you quite deep plans, the fee completely that big strength has explained in detail the mystery of Nihility Domain Sea for us, I only want to ask one, you said before, is really false?” Shi Yan deeps frown, looks at Yi Fulin comes leisurely, secret imperial moves the supernatural power. “老头,你好深的心机,费尽那么大力气为我们详解了虚无域海的玄妙,我只想问一句,你们之前所言,到底是真是假?”石岩眉头紧锁,看着伊夫林慢悠悠过来,也暗暗御动神力。 Before a word character is not false, in order to lets you relax vigilantly, I naturally cannot from revealing the flaw, you are inexperienced, do not blame me being cruel and merciless.” Yi Fulin at this moment, complexion gloomy and cold, already did not have original gentle temperate, he moves toward Shi Yan directly, I will have killed you first, then by your junior sister soul, asks meteorite mystery.” “之前所言没有一字虚假,为了能让你们放松警惕,我自然不会自露破绽,你们还是经验不足,别怪我心狠手辣。”此刻的伊夫林,脸色阴冷,早就没有了原先的慈祥温和,他径直走向石岩,“我会先杀了你,然后以你师妹魂魄,来问出陨石内部的玄妙。” Merely is only because your soul is damaged, must be ruthless to us, doesn't think extremely savage?” Shi Yan forced smile. “仅仅只是因为你灵魂受创,就要对我们赶尽杀绝,不觉得太过凶残?”石岩苦笑。 My soul consumption is huge, affected my Realm breakthrough, you must pay the life price!” Yi Fulin drinks lowly, maroon curl glittering the dusky gloss, his two are holding up high, in the palm golden light is suddenly shining, the sharp supernatural power condenses suddenly. “我灵魂消耗巨大,已经影响了我境界突破,你们必须要付出性命代价!”伊夫林低喝,一头栗色卷发闪烁着灰蒙蒙的光泽,他两手高高举起,掌心内骤然金光灿灿,锋锐之极的神力骤然凝聚。 Quickly, the innumerable close golden broken glow, such as trillion just the needle mighty current, fell toward Shi Yan and Aodai Li. 倏地,无数细密的金色碎芒,如亿万刚针洪流,都朝着石岩奥黛丽落来。 Each golden broken glow, has Yi Fulin soul aura, looks like he soul and supernatural power perfect integration, making the broken glow have the intelligence, has locked Shi Yan and Aodai Li soul aura completely generally. 每一点金色碎芒,都有着一丝伊夫林的灵魂气息,就像是他将灵魂和神力完美融合,令碎芒拥有了灵性,将石岩奥黛丽的灵魂气息完全锁定了一般。 Everywhere golden color rainstorm falls in torrents, in Aodai Li sacrificial altar ghost fiercely shouted, her body spills over the chill in the air, the beautiful pupil flashes before alarmed and afraid restless. 漫天金色暴雨倾泻,奥黛丽祭台内幽魂厉叫,她身躯泛出寒意,美眸闪现惊惧不安。 She after all only then Origin God First Sky, but Yi Fulin is Immortal First Sky, the cultivation gold/metal certainly deep meaning is quite mysterious, the adept integration of supernatural power and soul, surpasses their wild territory mostly golden color deep meaning equivalent, they to the marvelous understanding of power, deep meaning and soul, are obviously exquisiter. 她毕竟只有始神一重天,而伊夫林则是不朽一重天,修炼的金绝奥义颇为玄妙,神力和灵魂的娴熟融合程度,超出他们荒域大多金色奥义者一个等阶,他们对力量、奥义、灵魂的奇妙理解,明显更加精湛。 Blood Shield!” 血盾!” The Shi Yan complexion is indifferent, lifts a hand point, in forehead beginning flies the bleeding color sea, changes into at the same time vastly such as Blood Shield of backdrop, in Blood Shield the scarlet cloud cluster design is wriggling, such as a monster different fresh flower, gives to intercept unexpectedly these golden broken glow. 石岩脸色冷漠,抬手一点,眉心始界内飞出血色海洋,化为一面辽阔如天幕的血盾,血盾内血色云团图案蠕动着,如一朵妖异的鲜花,竟然将那些金色碎芒都给拦截下来。 Ding!” “叮叮叮!” Golden broken glow lasing on Blood Shield, the shield surface underlines many golden lightning glow, that broken glow internal gold/metal sharp strength, is attacking Blood Shield as before. 金色碎芒激射在血盾上,盾面突显许多金色电芒,那碎芒内部的金锐之力,依旧在冲击着血盾 Within the body blood burning down, evil spirit aura gushes out from the Shi Yan crown, such as evil blood column cuns (2.5cm) raise together, connects above that Blood Shield. 体内鲜血焚烧,一股凶煞气息石岩天灵盖涌出,如一道邪恶血柱寸寸拔高,连接在那血盾上方。 „!” “蓬!” The Blood Shield surface appears suddenly scarlet apertures, exterminated death aura of life, such as the sea water was in flood to spread rapidly. 血盾表面骤然浮现一圈圈血色光圈,一股灭绝生灵的死亡气息,如海水泛滥般迅速蔓延开来。 Well!” “咦!” Yi Fulin eye bright, surprised light shouted, was Shi Yan can block reacted his Divine Ability. 伊夫林眼睛一亮,惊讶的轻呼,为石岩能将他神通挡住震动 Behind him, Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha also stare, show the stunned expression, obviously had not expected that Origin God Third Sky Realm Shi Yan, can strike withstanding their Senior Brother. 在他后方,亚当斯玛希莎也是微愣,露出错愕表情,显然没有预料到始神三重天境界石岩,能将他们师兄一击给承受住。 Although, they know that Yi Fulin definitely has not tried, but under the huge disparity of equivalent, Shi Yan can withstand this to strike, showed sufficiently he is not a common character. 虽然,他们知道伊夫林肯定没有尽全力,但在等阶的巨大差距下,石岩能承受这一击,也足以证明他并非寻常人物。 Young fellow supernatural power is pure, no wonder dares in situation that in anything does not know, in the Nihility Domain Sea wanderer, but has been a pity, person who you meet for the first time, is I!” Yi Fulin Hehe said. “小伙子神力精纯浑厚,难怪敢在什么都不知的情况下,在虚无域海闯荡,不过可惜了,你首次遇见的人,是我!”伊夫林嘿嘿道。 Innumerable golden broken glow, appear from the Yi Fulin palm suddenly, likely is the float void golden color firefly. 无数金色碎芒,忽然从伊夫林掌心浮现,像是漂浮虚空的金色萤火虫。 These golden glow are instantaneous, turns into a handle ten meters golden color sawblade, a golden silk thread through that sawblade, with his left hand connection, his left hand shakes, that golden sawblade splits the golden rainbow light, by the point of gold/metal sharp strength, tears all imposing manners, once again chops to chop maliciously on Blood Shield! 那些金芒瞬间凝炼,变成一柄十米长的金色锯刀,一条金色丝线通过那锯刀,和他左手连接,他左手一抖,那金色锯刀绽出金色虹光,以金锐之力的锋芒,撕裂一切的气势,又一次狠狠劈砍在血盾上! Bang!” “轰!” Blood Shield splashes 1 million golden broken glow, the shield surface gets sucked suddenly, that scarlet cloud cluster gloss is also dim. 血盾溅出1000000金色碎芒,盾面骤然深陷,那朵朵血色云团也光泽黯淡下来。 ka ka ka!” 咔咔咔!” Shi Yan body surface, such as jade smashing, hard such as the body of iron, by terrifying instead shakes to split, the intracutaneous veins that the strength shakes appear. 石岩的身体表面,如玉石粉碎,坚硬如铁的皮肉,被恐怖的反震力震的裂开来,皮内筋脉都浮现出来。 But does not have a blood to splutter. 但却没有一点鲜血溅射。 He shook the shoulder, in God Body has transmitted shakes rushes the vitality, body instantaneous cicatrization that these split such as beginning, glittering blood Red Light Ze. 他晃了晃肩膀,神体内传来一震澎湃之极的生命力,那些裂开的皮肉瞬间愈合如初,闪烁着血红光泽。 I know that you have Immortal Realm cultivation base, but since I make a debut, most excels at a dry matter, devastates compared with my Realm high self-confidently and proudly.” Shi Yan cracks into a smile. “我知道你有着不朽境界修为,但我出道至今,最擅长干的一件事,就是摧残比我境界高者的自信和傲然。”石岩咧嘴一笑。 The deep meaning suddenly changes, the fluctuation of vast profound Star Sea, surges from his whole body. 奥义骤然一变,浩淼深邃星海的波动,从他浑身涌动出来。 Meteorite dance!” “陨石舞!” Within his two ten fingers star light like the chains, shoots suddenly on the peripheral ten meteorites, that ten meteorites achieve the relation with him suddenly, such as his hands and feet, has become his rare treasure Ao Jue. 他两手十指间星光如锁链,猛然射在周边十颗陨石上,那十颗陨石忽然和他达成联系,如成了他的手脚,成了他的秘宝奥诀。 Ten gigantic meteorites, in pulling of that star light chains circles in flight, suddenly was separated from the meteorite class, the one by one bang to Yi Fulin, that terrifying imposing manner, did not know fierce compared with the Yi Fulin trillion golden broken glow many. 十个硕大的陨石,在那星光锁链的扯动飞旋中,忽然间脱离陨石流,一一轰向了伊夫林,那恐怖的气势,比伊夫林的亿万金色碎芒不知道凶悍了多少。 The Yi Fulin facial expression suddenly changes. 伊夫林神情骤然一变。 Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha neglect one, dignified gets up, their hard to deal with degree to the Shi Yan, some new round understanding, a little regretted at this moment that regretted Yi Fulin is extremely harebrained, should not make a fuss over a trifling matter, makes the matter is not good to tidy up. 亚当斯玛希莎忽视一眼,也神情凝重起来,他们对石岩的难缠程度,有了新一轮的认识,此刻已经有点后悔,后悔伊夫林太过冒失,不该小题大做,将事情弄的不好收拾。 Aodai Li knows the limitation very much, she shrinks quietly in Shi Yan behind, the whole body ghost is walking randomly, releases deep meaning that she is in sole possession, locks in Yi Fulin every action and every movement by soul aura, prevents Yi Fulin by the strength of soul, suddenly carries on the invasion of consciousness to Shi Yan. 奥黛丽很识相,她悄悄缩在石岩身后,周身幽魂游走着,释放着她独有的奥义,以魂魄气息伊夫林的一举一动锁住,防止伊夫林以灵魂之力,忽然对石岩进行意识的入侵。 In general, high Realm Warrior, the Divine Sense soul wants far ultra low Level one, the low Level Warrior will that sometimes the strength of only Divine Sense, can force collapses, degenerates into treats butchers the lamb. 一般来说,高境界武者,神识灵魂要远超低等级者一线,有时候单凭神识之力,就能逼迫的低等级武者意志崩溃,沦为待宰羔羊。 Just Aodai Li, was suddenly the move, Shi Yan suddenly put out a hand to help her, she was also possibly in confusedly. 刚刚奥黛丽,就是忽然中招的,要不是石岩忽然伸手助她,她可能还处于迷茫中。 Also is so, she feared that Shi Yan will aim by the similar way, the discrete use Ming Royal Family unique deep meaning, takes the innumerable ghosts as the defense line, prevents the soul invasion of that Yi Fulin. 也是如此,她怕石岩会被同样的方式针对,才谨慎的利用冥皇族独特奥义,以无数幽魂为防线,防止那伊夫林的灵魂侵入。 hū hū hū hū!” 呼呼呼呼!” Ten meteorites such as the huge softball, has pounded suddenly, Yi Fulin does not dare to resist hardly, changes into bunch of golden cloud cluster, immediately wanders. 十个陨石如巨大垒球,忽然间砸了过来,伊夫林也不敢硬抗,化为一簇金色云团,立即游荡起来。 That handle golden color sawblade, is still connecting with him, he imperial moves, that golden sawblade maliciously chops to Blood Shield. 那柄金色锯刀,依然和他连接着,他御动间,那金色锯刀又狠狠砍向血盾 „It is not easy.” Shi Yan sneers, the left middle finger moves, a meteorite comes, loudly hit on that golden sawblade. “没那么容易了。”石岩冷笑,左手中指一动,一个陨石呼啸而来,轰然撞击在那金色锯刀上。 The innumerable golden light splashes, that giant meteorite direct explosion smashing, the stone such as the rain falls. 无数金光飞溅,那块巨大陨石直接爆炸粉碎,石块如雨落下。 But Yi Fulin is also whole body shakes, the golden cloud cluster of that body change has been defeated and dispersed, does he sway, red that the complexion rises, the corners of the mouth also had a bloodstain, obviously once again by wound. 伊夫林也是浑身一震,那身子变化的金色云团都溃散了,他摇摇晃晃的,脸色涨的通红,嘴角还有了一丝血迹,显然又一次被创伤了。 This time, is his God Body fleshly body injury. 这次,是他神体肉身的伤势。 ...... ( to be continued ) RQ ……(未完待续)RQ
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