GOS :: Volume #14

#1374: Three life shapes

Three Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen, the look looked brightly, that meteorite of line of sight under their bodies in the time that stays is longest, is the old man swiftly start to talk of head, is inquired whether the meteorite has his master gate Senior...... 三名天目族族人,眼神熠熠瞄了过来,视线在他们身下那块陨石停留的时间最长,为首的老者倏一开口,也是询问陨石内部是否有他师门前辈…… In the Shi Yan heart laughs in one's heart, has ravelled the opposite party thoughts, knows that they such temperately will speak, is not because itself has the self-control politeness, is not fully correct their power to be profound completely. 石岩心中暗笑,将对方心思弄明白了,知道他们会这么温和讲话,不是因为本身有涵养礼貌,完全是猜不透他们的力量高深。 Lowered the head to shoot a look under a body the meteorite, the Shi Yan facial expression was respectful, Ju body, then gained ground slightly said proudly: Excuse me, my master gate Senior in internal cultivation, is unable to see right in front of one everybody, but also please forgive.” 垂头瞥了一眼身下陨石,石岩神情恭敬,略略鞠身,然后抬头傲然说道:“不好意思,我师门前辈在内部修炼,无法面见各位,还请谅解。” Polite polite.” Was old man look glittering of head, his deep looks at Shi Yan, saw the Shi Yan manner to be arrogant, the manner that had to have not fears, secret heart startled, was even more discrete, smiling face also even more temperate, the manner said humbly: Allows me to introduce seriously that I called Yi Fulin, they separately were my junior brother and junior sister, called Yang Dangsi and Ma Xisha, our must go to a Dragon Lizard Clan territory on the way, does not know that was you goes the same way?” “客气客气。”为首的老者眼神闪烁了一下,他深深看着石岩,见石岩神态倨傲,一副有持无恐的态度,暗暗心惊,愈发谨慎,笑容也愈发的温和,态度谦逊道:“容我郑重介绍,我叫伊夫林,他们分别是我师弟、师妹,叫亚当斯玛希莎,我们这趟要顺路去一趟龙蜥族的领地,不知道是不是和你们同路?” He said that that named Yang Dangsi middle-aged man, showed a faint smile with that Ma Xisha, expressed best wishes to Shi Yan and Aodai Li nod. 他介绍的时候,那名叫亚当斯的中年男子,和那玛希莎都微微一笑,冲石岩奥黛丽点头致意。 They do not reveal expression looks the meteorite to his body, the innermost feelings fill to dread that records the Yi Fulin words sincerely, does not dare to start the war easily, for fear that brings in meteorite interior Shi Yan and Aodai Li master gate elder angry flame. 两人不露神色的看向他身下陨石,内心充满忌惮,谨记伊夫林的话,不敢轻易开启战端,生怕引来陨石内部石岩奥黛丽“师门长辈”的怒焰。 Meteorite class of speeding along is turbulent throughout, two groups of people spoke, Shi Yan and meteorite speed under Aodai Li body sped up gradually, is getting more and more near to fire Jing Yun Zhou who that Yi Fulin rode, according to this trend, two groups of people will stagger quickly, has left in light of this in a hurry. 飞驰的陨石流始终动荡着,两拨人讲话的时候,石岩奥黛丽身下的陨石速度逐渐加快,离那伊夫林乘坐的火晶云舟越来越近,依照这趋势,两拨人很快就会错开来,就此匆匆别过。 When Shi Yan speech negotiation. The Aodai Li facial expression is indifferent, but earnestly listens respectfully, does not have the driving start to talk, she is extremely bright, looked at the worry of opposite three Heavenly Eye Clan, compared with Shi Yan that own arrogant rack suspended also wants the foot, looked straight at does not look at that Heavenly Eye Clan clansman to be the same. 石岩讲话交涉的时候。奥黛丽神情冷漠,只是认真聆听,没有主动开口,她冰雪聪明,一眼瞧出了对面三个天目族的顾虑,将自己的傲慢架子摆的比石岩还要足,连正眼都不瞧那天目族族人一样。 Aodai Li more is cold and proud disdains, Yi Fulin they are the caution and cares. When she and Shi Yan have to hold really really not fear, in the heart is a little also scared, considers to give way to traffic on own initiative. 奥黛丽越是冷傲不屑,伊夫林他们越是谨慎小心。都当她和石岩真真有持无恐,心里面也有点发毛,思量着是不是主动避让开来。 As for the Yi Fulin soul being damaged incident, he raised does not dare to raise, for fear that annoyed the total destruction. 至于伊夫林灵魂受创一事,他是连提都不敢提了,生怕惹来灭顶之灾。 Dragon Lizard Clan?” Backed down in Yi Fulin, prepares is far away from their times as soon as possible, the Shi Yan brow tip moves, suddenly has smiled. To be honest, the master gate elder in inside meditation, the navigation heavy responsibility will give both of us, is only......” 龙蜥族?”就在伊夫林打了退堂鼓,准备尽早远离两人的时候,石岩眉梢一动,忽然笑了起来。“老实说,师门长辈在里面苦修,将航行重任交给我们两人,只是……” The words come here, his expression is awkward, said: Both of us first come this place, the operate miss, has become lost carelessly now, this matter elders have not known that we are worrying. Also does not know where the present , the Dragon Lizard Clan territory that you said that in nearby?” 话到这儿,他表情尴尬,道:“我俩初次来此地,不慎操作失误,现在已经迷路了,这件事长辈们还不知道,我们正愁着呢。也不知道如今到了什么地方,你们说的龙蜥族领地,就在附近?” Aodai Li approves Shi Yan to be quick-witted darkly, revealing anxious look of coordination, on face indifferent fading, sighed one gently, worry that a fear elder blamed. 奥黛丽暗赞石岩机智,也配合的露出愁容,脸上冷漠消褪,轻轻叹了一声,一副害怕长辈责怪的苦恼。 Three Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen neglect one, the facial expression smile, in three people only feminine Ma Xisha, smiled in a soft voice. Said: Right, this region is the Dragon Lizard Clan territory, Dragon Lizard Clan second generation older generation Long Xi, at this moment is eating food, our nearby meteorite classes are his food, he eats food, will absorb nearby meteorite to enter the abdomen. Strengthens own power, after eating food, Long Xi will regain consciousness some time. These third generation Dragon Lizard Clan clansmen, will hold the grand meeting, celebrates the sobriety of Long Xi, brings the sell many wonderful treasures that in the clan collects, our pasts, have a look, to have a look at the cultivation material that had us to need.” 三名天目族族人忽视一眼,神情莞尔,三人中唯一的女性玛希莎,轻声笑了笑。说道:“对呀,这片区域都是龙蜥族的领地,龙蜥族二代先辈龙蜥,此刻正在进食,我们这旁边的陨石流就是他的食物,他进食的时候,会吸收附近的陨石入腹。增强自身力量,进食完毕后,龙蜥会苏醒一段时间。那些三代龙蜥族族人,会举办盛会,庆祝龙蜥的清醒,将族内收集的许多奇宝拿来出售,我们这趟过去,就是去看看,看看有没有我们需要的修炼材料。” Shi Yan and Aodai Li that mind Ma Xisha these words, listen to shakes greatly, that Dragon Lizard Clan second generation older generation Long Xi, forms the meteorite class in the feed unexpectedly, the absorb several thousand meteorites enters the abdomen, this fellow, what thing is, none who does not becomes, is the Absolute Beginning life? 玛希莎的这番话,听的石岩奥黛丽心神巨震,那龙蜥族二代先辈龙蜥,在进食的时候竟然形成陨石流,吸纳数万陨石入腹,这家伙,到底是什么东西,莫不成,也是太初生灵? That is Long Xi, the Absolute Beginning life?” Aodai Li strange sound inquired. “那龙蜥,是太初生灵么?”奥黛丽奇声询问。 Yi Fulin strange looks to them, traces the lower jaw, suddenly said: „Should you come from wild territory?” 伊夫林古怪的看向两人,摸了摸下颚,忽然道:“你们应该来自于荒域吧?” Wild territory?” Aodai Li is astonished however, still, does not ravel the meaning of Yi Fulin. “荒域?”奥黛丽讶然,依然云里雾里,根本弄不明白伊夫林的意思。 Yi Fulin expression is even more surprised, your master gate older generation, had not said that with you situation of this place, hasn't told you basic common knowledge in Nihility Domain Sea?” 伊夫林神色愈发惊奇,“你们的师门先辈,就没有和你们说说此地的情况,没有告诉你虚无域海内的基本常识?” The Aodai Li elegant face is invariable, facial expression one cold, snort|hum, we, as soon as comes, these old fogies hide in inside meditation, after saying waits till the destination, again with us in detail explained that they give our a direction of vanguard, is some irresponsible old fogies!” 奥黛丽俏脸不变,神情一冷,哼了一声,“我们一进来,那些老家伙就躲在里面苦修,说等到目的地后,再和我们详细解释,他们只是给出我们一个前行的方向,都是一些不负责任的老家伙!” She stamped the feet, the following meteorite smashing that steps on explodes, appears extremely angry. 她跺了跺脚,踩的下面陨石粉碎爆炸,显得极为恼怒。 Three Heavenly Eye Clan clansmen, the complexion changed, the facial expression even more dreaded, to Aodai Li so-called they secret startled palpitate, this explained that meteorite interior ambush Expert, definitely more than one, looked that Aodai Li that does not calculate the respectful manner, is extremely in good graces obviously, this makes them make a vow to be startled. 三名天目族族人,脸色都变了,神情愈发忌惮,对奥黛丽所谓的“他们”暗暗惊悸,这说明陨石内部潜伏的强者,肯定不止一个,看奥黛丽那不算恭敬的态度,显然又极为得宠,这让他们愈发心惊。 So that's how it is.” Yi Fulin dark startled, saw with own eyes that both sides will soon approach, his thoughts move, cup one hand in the other across the chest saying: Words that does not mind, I then first explained to you that this can omit one of your master gate older generation to illustrate.” “原来如此。”伊夫林暗惊,眼见双方即将接近,他心思动了动,拱手道:“不介意的话,我便先给你们解释解释,这样就能省去你们师门先辈的一番解说了。” The Aodai Li heart jumps crazily, naturally wishes for earnestly, in surface light nod, said at will: That thanked everybody.” 奥黛丽心脏狂跳,自然是求之不得,表面上淡淡点头,随意道:“那就谢谢各位了。” Is impolite.” Yi Fulin smiled, then in detail explained that In general, in the life of Nihility Domain Sea activity, divided three situations, the first type looked like Dragon Lizard Clan such, the first generation ancestor was the Absolute Beginning life, called lizard, true Absolute Beginning life name one Absolute Beginning ancient language, lizard second generation was two characters, Long Xi is second generation, third generation after Long Xi was called Dragon Lizard Clan, regardless of Long Xi, were Dragon Lizard Clan, they were the Absolute Beginning life lizard the descendant, was the first situation life.” “不客气。”伊夫林笑了笑,便详细解释起来,“一般来说,在虚无域海活动的生灵,分三种情况,第一种就像是龙蜥族那样,第一代祖先为太初生灵,叫‘蜥’,真正的太初生灵名字都只有一个太初古文,‘蜥’的第二代都是两个字,龙蜥就是第二代了,龙蜥后的第三代叫做龙蜥族,不论龙蜥,还是龙蜥族,他们都是太初生灵‘蜥’的后代,就是第一种情况的生灵。” „The second situation like our Heavenly Eye Clan clansman, the older generation is not the Absolute Beginning life, but after is the Absolute Beginning time, again in the high Level life that in the universe is born, naturally, possibly in our bloodlines , the mark of more or less a little Absolute Beginning life, but is not the key, we are the brand-new lives of new times.” “第二种情况就像我们天目族族人一样,先辈并不是太初生灵,而是太初时代后,重新在宇宙内诞生的高等级生灵,当然,可能我们的血脉之中,也或多或少有一点太初生灵的印记,不过都不是关键,我们算是新时代的全新生命。” „The third situation......” “第三种情况……” The words come here, Yi Fulin, strange smiling, said: Is your such. You by the life that the Absolute Beginning life creates, by Absolute Beginning life power of Ancestor Territory rank, understands clearly the life true meaning. Stimulates the life factor and heaven and earth fluctuates, but new life that forms, because you were created by the Absolute Beginning life, the soul is born in territory of Absolute Beginning life, will assign the standard to receive the restriction of Absolute Beginning life, only if you will massacre your creator, or will build up substitutes for it, otherwise in your soul will have a wisp of slave seal. By your creator restraints.” 话到这儿,伊夫林顿了一下,怪异的笑了笑,说道:“就是你们这样的了。你们是被太初生灵创造出来的生命,以太初生灵的域祖级别的力量,洞悉生命真谛。激发生命因子和天地波动,而形成的新的生命,因为你们是被太初生灵创造出来,灵魂诞生在太初生灵的域界,命格就会受到太初生灵的制约,除非你们杀掉你们的造物主,亦或者炼化取代它,否则你们灵魂内都会有一缕奴印。被你们的造物者约束。” Said that in three lives, is our kind most is discriminated, was most inferior?” Aodai Li clenched teeth. “这么说,三种生灵中,属我们这一类最被歧视,最逊色了?”奥黛丽咬了咬牙。 Not!” Yi Fulin shakes the head, explained earnestly: Your this kind of lives, same can cultivation to extremely profound fearful Realm, the life level also be able to evolve infinitely, even in your this lives. The somewhat fearful generation, can instead kill your creators, or substitutes completely. Naturally, before has not succeeded, you indeed will be restrained, but also only then your creators can restrain you, in addition, no one has this ability.” “不不不!”伊夫林摇头,认真解释道:“你们这类生灵,一样能修炼到极为高深可怕的境界,生命层次也能无限进化下去,甚至在你们这种生灵中。有些可怕之辈,能将你们的造物者反杀,或者完全取代。当然,没有成功之前,你们的确会被约束,但也只有你们的造物者才能约束你们,除此之外,谁也没有这个能力。” , He also said: Three life cultivation arrive at pinnacle, after being the profound life level. Actually the essence too has not distinguished much, in your this lives, extraordinary generation also many, does not compare other two life shapes to be inferior, if you can instead kill the creator, can displace, you will be fiercer.” 顿了一下,他又说道:“三种生灵修炼到极致,达到高深的生命层次后。其实本质没有太多区别,在你们这种生灵中,超绝之辈也很多,并不比别的两种生灵形态逊色,如果你们能反杀造物主,能取而代之,你们就会更加厉害。” The explanation of Yi Fulin, making Shi Yan and Aodai Li look at each other in blank dismay, reveals the color of thinking deeply. 伊夫林的解释,让石岩奥黛丽面面相觑,露出深思之色。 Arrives at this Nihility Domain Sea, sees this Heavenly Eye Clan clansman. Listened to such words, their pattern to the vast universe, some clearer understanding, in the star territory of that Desolate, they have looked like the frog that sits the well view day, but lived in a dry well, does not know that the genuine starry sky was broad. 来到这“虚无域海”,见到这天目族族人。听了这么一席话,他们对浩淼宇宙的格局,才有了一个更加清晰的认识,以前在那荒的星域内,他们就像是坐井观天的青蛙,只是活在一个枯井了,并不知道真正的星空有多么广阔。 But now. They understood a point finally, the understood mysterious place. 但现在。他们总算是明白了一点,知道了玄妙之处。 You know that we do come from the wild territory? Here, what has to divide explicitly?” This time trades Shi Yan to closely examine. “你怎么知道我们来自于荒域?在这里,有什么明确划分?”这次换石岩追问。 Yi Fulin was not surprised their ignorance. Said: „The language that you use, exists in my memory imprint, is the language of wild territory, the wild territory, is territory of Absolute Beginning life Desolate, in the beforehand time, there is a life of your wild territory to enter the territory sea, therefore your languages spread.” 伊夫林已经不惊奇两人的无知了。道:“你们使用的语言,在我记忆烙印内存在,就是荒域的语言,荒域,是太初生灵荒的域界,在以前的时代,也有你们荒域的生灵进入域海,所以你们的语言就流传下来了。” , He continued saying: In Nihility Domain Sea outside, some are similar to territory of wild territory exists, has ** genuine territory, is the universe initial formation, Nihility Domain Sea in has many territory gates, can direct connectivity outside territory, I just with three different lives that you spoke, many lived in Nihility Domain Sea outside territory , the person lived in Nihility Domain Sea, for example Dragon Lizard Clan, life in Nihility Domain Sea.” 顿了一下,他继续说道:“在‘虚无域海’的外面,有许多类似于荒域的域界存在,也有**的真正域界,是宇宙初始形成的,‘虚无域海’内有许多域门,能直接连通外面的域界,我刚刚和你讲的三种不同的生灵,许多都生活在虚无域海外面的域界,也有一部人生活在虚无域海内部,譬如龙蜥族,就生活在虚无域海内部。” Said that Nihility Domain Sea was these territory centers? Outside territory, looks like ** different world, revolves Nihility Domain Sea to exist?” Aodai Li is astonished however. “这么说,虚无域海就是那些域界的中心了?外面的域界,就像是一个个**不同的世界,都围绕着虚无域海存在着?”奥黛丽讶然。 Yi Fulin nods, is this. Your wild territories, are Absolute Beginning life Desolate creation territory, has not distinguished with genuine territory, even if were the Desolate vanished, that territory will still exist does not extinguish. Naturally, our Heavenly Eye Clan territory, is not the Absolute Beginning life creation, but is a universe trillion years of nature forms, outside territory, actually overwhelming majorities are the nature formations, territory that is created by the Absolute Beginning life extremely little are extremely truly few , the relative security are many, actually you were extremely lucky, running free with the current can cultivation to so Realm, grow in the greenhouse, in our territory does not know that many clansmen envied you.” 伊夫林点头,“就是这样。你们的荒域,是太初生灵荒创造的域界,和真正域界没有区别,就算是荒消失了,那域界依然会存在不灭。当然,我们天目族的域界,就不是太初生灵创造的,而是宇宙亿万年自然形成的,外面的域界,其实绝大多数都是自然形成,真正由太初生灵创造出来的域界极少极少,也相对安全很多,其实你们算是极其幸运了,顺风顺水的能修炼到如此境界,在温室内成长,我们域界内不知道多少族人羡慕你们呢。” Envies us?” The Aodai Li expression is strange. “羡慕我们?”奥黛丽表情古怪。 Naturally envies.” This time is the Ma Xisha digression, her look is low-spirited, our family life when our territory stars, I was born and I equally big child has several hundred, now less than millennium, died two-thirds, are outside cultivation time, heavenly might that naturally formed extinguishes kills.” “当然羡慕。”这次是玛希莎插话,她眼神黯然,“我们家族生活在我们域界一个星辰上,我出生时和我一样大的孩子有数百个,如今千年时间不到,已经死了2,都是在外修炼的时候,被自然形成的天威灭杀的。” With this territory sea same everywhere bad risk?” Shi Yan with amazement. “和这域海一样处处凶险?”石岩骇然。 Naturally does not have here to be so abnormal, if they live here, already completely died, is impossible also to be able remaining one-third. Although our territory does not have here bad risk, but similarly is unsafe, everywhere storm awfully, extinguishes the soul the severe gale, but we want cultivation also to take risk, the death truly was too usually matter.” Ma Xisha said. “当然没这里那么变态,要是他们生活在这里,早就全部死光了,不可能还能剩下1。我们域界虽然没这里凶险,但也同样不安全,处处要命的风暴,灭魂的厉风,而我们要修炼还必须要冒险,死亡真正是太平常不过的事情了。”玛希莎说道。 This Nihility Domain Sea outside territory, majority are the same with our Heavenly Eye Clan territory, is proliferating the bad risk, only then experienced the innumerable tests outside territory, after breakthrough to certain Realm level, has the qualifications to step into this place, coming this Nihility Domain Sea to take a walk.” From beginning to end silent Yang Dangsi, sighed one at this time. “这虚无域海外面的域界,大多数都和我们天目族的域界一样,也遍布着凶险,只有在外面域界内经历了无数考验,突破到一定境界层次后,才有资格踏入此地,来这虚无域海走动。”从始至终沉默的亚当斯,此时也感叹了一句。 Shi Yan and Aodai Li are listening silently, hence, they finally had the clear understanding to Nihility Domain Sea, knows finally the unusual place of this place, knows in the vast universe, is extremely numerous with his same territory, is at Nihility Domain Sea outer layer. 石岩奥黛丽默默听着,至此,他们对“虚无域海”总算是有了清晰的认识,也终于知道这地方的奇特之处,知道浩淼宇宙中,和他一样的域界极多,都处在“虚无域海”的外层。 This place, to not have the number field center, is the place of mystical attraction numerous high Level life Expert explores. 此地,为无数域界的中心,是吸引众多高等级生灵强者来探索的神秘之地。
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